Making a start with BUJO
I just made a start, not the neatest start but I have to begin somewhere as I’m new to BUJO. Right now I’m trying to move towards things that really matter to me. My priorities are the well being of 2 kids, elevating my creativity and balancing health with productivity.
I started by creating a brain dump on a separate piece of paper and then collating that information into a spider chart for this month. Ironically October has for more happening than I realised, and even the second day into this month that overwhelm was creeping in.
Then I remembered I hadn’t crated the Index, numbered the pages or a Future log!
Just seeing a broad overview of the next 12 months laid out like this has been a revelation. I’ve laid out the structure of the monthly log, with tasks, projects & wins. I’m giving myself grace that these boxes are not neat and even.
I will upload more spreads as I complete them. I know I’d like to track mini workouts & walks every morning, days I spend painting, and undertaking (watching) courses by other artists to further my own creativity.