
Instagram: @MagnumOpusCorps
Brand Bio:
What is MagnumOpusCorps?
- MagnumOpusCorps can be best described as a conversation between sensory feedback and perceptual experiences within graphic design and fashion.
Magnum Opus = The greatest, most popular, pinnacle, or most renowned achievement of an artist, or composer.
Corps = Corp and corpse share an etymology with corps; all three words come from the Latin corpus, meaning “body.”
What is a logo?
- A symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.
Is a logo recognizable when it is an icon? When it is displayed as a symbol? Or is it more iconic when it is engraved in the minds of consumers as a design or a pattern? The MagnumOpusCorpslogo is inspired by the simple systematic design language found on printer calibration charts.
This simple approach to design allows all viewers to share the same easy viewing experience as someone reading a road sign.
Mission Statement
- MagnumOpusCorps looks to create a psychological experience within the realm of fashion.
- MagnumOpusCorps looks to unconsciously educate consumers on the processes necessary to bring great works of art from concept to finished product.
All of life is art. Human Perception is the greatest body of work. In the world of graphic design, all great body's of work begin as an idea on a screen, which then ends up as a printed work of art. Every Magnum Opus in history began as a thought, and ended up as a body of work.
Color Theory
Which processes are responsible for our visual perception in the field of art and design? How do these processes allow us to view a “Magnum Opus”?
- The Trichromatic theory of color: Thomas Young and Hermann Von Helmholtz claimed that there are three primary receptors in the retina that are responsible for the perception of color vision. These three receptors detect the colors Red, Green and Blue.
(RGB Color Space / Res Cogitans / Left Brain)
- The opponent color process theory: This process is carried out through a complex series of ocular responses. The two responses can be categorized as excitatory and inhibitory responses. Both of these mechanisms work simultaneously while opposing each other. This theory claims that color perception is carried out by receptors that detect the colors Blue-Yellow and Red-Green.
(CMYK Color Space / Res Extensa / Right Brain)
RGB and CMYK color space
Coincidentally enough, both the Opponent color Process theory and the Trichromatic theory of color explain how our eyes detect both RGB color space and CMYK color space. In printing and digital applications, our perception of color depends upon these two spectrums.
- RGB is used to detect the primary colors of light. These primary colors are Red, Green and Blue. RGB is used in digital monitors, cameras, scanners, and TV screens.
- The Left Brain is analytical and responsible for number skills.
RGB color space is responsible for allowing the process of design to begin in applications such as photoshop.
- CMYK is used to detect the primary colors found in pigment. These primary colors are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black. While RGB is used for on screen visuals. CMYK is used for physical printing.
- The Right Brain is more concrete and responsible for motor skills.
CMYK color space is a crucial factor in the process of printing on garments.
MagnumOpusCorps looks to create a psychological experience within the realm of fashion
Human perception is limited by our five senses. When observing physical art, our vision tends to be the one sense we rely on the most. Viewing art can be experienced through our interpretation of shapes and color. The Human color spectrum is made up of the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. The color Orange is the second longest wavelength in the ROYGBIV color spectrum. The color Red, is the first longest.
What is color?
- The RGB color space is the Res Cogitans (Cognitive on screen experience)
- CMYK color space is the Res Extensa (Physical printed experience)
Color, happens when light bounces off of the surface of an object. Each wavelength is perceived by our eyes as a different color.
- What is color in the absence of light?
- How does a desaturated color appear on a screen?
- How is a desaturated color expressed on a garment?
(MagnumOpusCorps COLOR t-shirt: Tech Pack, Proto Sample, Mock Up & Packaging)
(MagnumOpusCorps COLOR t-shirt Test Shots)
- The irony in this design is found in the idea of printing colors after they are desaturated through the RGB color space.
The COLOR t-shirt features a full back print that is both desaturated and contrasted against the white background of the t-shirt. The bottom of the design features the definition of complementary colors. Complementary colors are pairs of colors which, when combined, cancel each other out. This means that when combined, they produce a grayscale color such as white or black. When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast for those particular two colors. Through RGB color space, desaturated colors appear as either gray or black. The graph on the design is meant to illustrate the relationship between RGB color space and CMYK color space. Without both color spaces, the final product would not be possible. The bottom of the design reads "all is mind" due to the fact that the entire design is printed in black. The interpretation of color is mental. Each axis on the graph features color codes for both RGB color space and CMYK color space. Each axis on the graph also features a blacked out color space wheel which ties into the irony of color being featured while it is printed in black.
(MagnumOpusCorps PRINT STAMP hat)
- The irony in this design is found in the idea of printing colors after they are desaturated through the RGB color space.
The MagnumOpusCorps COLOR SPACE hat features a front design as well as a design on the left. The top of the design reads "Color: MagnumOpusSunfire" , which is the brands signature color. Ironically, this design can be printed or embroidered in any color. All is mind, and the perception of color is mental. This design illustrates the relationship between RGB color space and CMYK color space by placing both RGB and CMYK on opposite sides of each other. The side of the hat has an open eye with a blank color spectrum radiating outwards. In the absence of light, color cannot be seen. Through RGB color space, color can still be seen after an image is desaturated. The bottom of the design features desaturated print marks which ties into the idea of color being a metal process. Although the RGB Color wheel is meant to depict the color space, it is still recognizable after being desaturated.