Mourenne is a high end Boutique Couture (high end, bespoke fashion) brand based in the US. The brand identity we developed is elegant and luxurious, hinting at the exclusive with subtle but indulgant elements such as a silk texture flowing over a version of the antique gold logo.
The story behind the brand is incredible; an extremely talented mother creating the most amazing dresses for her little girl, then friends, and now due to popular demand a fast growing and exclusive list of paterons internationally. There is a dreamlike element to the brand, with the dresses often compared to something a princess might wear in a fairytale… However far from cosplay, these eleborate dresses are fitting for balls, weddings and other formal occasions.
The tiara resting on the M was handdrawn in Adobe Fresco, then digitally refined – and hints at the brand story. Make your little girl look and feel like a princess, with these incredible and unique dresses.
Overall, the style and influence of the dresses is Classic French, and so we worked in some appropriate elements in terms of both the photography selected and tones present in the branding.
The packaging was designed to work fluidly with a range of box dimensions, it features a stunning spot varnished version of the M brandmark on the front face; invisible until it catches the light, resulting in a beautifully subtle hidden detail.