Lost & Found
Hey everyone!
Today I have decided to start this class in order to get myself familiar with the typography and text effects in Illustaror.
First of all, I have decided to setup Pinterest with typography that I have found (http://www.pinterest.com/veralyamina/typography). It is difficult to choose those that I liked most because almost every pin uploaded to the website is great and I am not pretty sure which style IS my favourite.
Secondly, I have never studied Art (except for primary school) so it is a little bit difficult for me to start sketching. All my sketches are really inaccurate and look cheap, but I hope that more practice will make it work.
However, this is what I came up after some brainstorming and research (mostly Pinterest):
Yesterday I have tried to traslate my sketch into something more accurate, and this is what I got. I have changed some styling and position of the text so it will look more like a 'label'.
Then I have added some effects, finishing touches and colours. This is the final result: