INT. Amy and Natasha's apt - DAY
Amy on her bed typing on her laptop as Natasha enters her room
Natasha: Hey girl have you seen my pick? It's the one with the fist. It's Black...
Amy still typing
Amy: Nooooope
Natasha: Are you sure because I left it in the main bathroom but I cant remember what I did with it after that.
Amy stops typing and looks up. Notices the pick is in Natasha's afro and begins to try to tell her...
Natasha: Never mind (laughs nervously) Im sure it'll turn up somewhere
Natasha exits the room
Amy: That girl is always forgetting shit. (laughs to herself)
Amy gets up to grab a bite a in the kitchen while she's focused in her phone
Natasha: FOUND IT! (O.S.)
Amy enters the kitchen still looking at her phone (beat) looks up and puts down her phone. Baffled as to why she came into the Kitchen.
Amy: Why the hell did I come in here?