Landscape drills

Landscape drills - student project

At the age of 63, the Corona isolation made me pick up pencil and brushes again after 20-30 years. I have always felt like someone who makes art, but never made anything out of it, and perhaps I never will - more than this daily practice that the Corona and Skillshare helped to start.

In March, I found Skillshare, and have this far completed first a 14 days practice, and then I finished a 30 days one yesterday. Why stop?

One of the really interesting things I discovered in my first 14 days challenge, is that I'm afraid of the ordinary pencil, but just love the Micron pen for making sketches. The Micron gives me energy and fearlessness :D

I've done a lot of flowers and stuff (my last Skillshare project here:, and now I'm drawn to landscapes and buildings.  

Looking forward to this class!


Landscape drills - image 1 - student project



A desolate fjord/mountain farm in western Norway, built by very poor people that made a livelyhood in this remote place in the very steep mountaing side. The houses are built so the winterspring avalanches pass over the roofs, and the houses stay safe. No one's lived there since 1958.

Landscape drills - image 2 - student project

The exersices

I've painted these on very crappy paper, water colour wise. Used regular drawingpaper that can't hold water. Anyway, this was interesting exersices, and I've clearly learned a lot to bring on.


Landscape no.1

Landscape drills - image 3 - student project


Landscape no.2

Landscape drills - image 4 - student project


Moody sky landscape

Landscape drills - image 5 - student project


Reflections on lake

Landscape drills - image 6 - student project


Coolum beach

Landscape drills - image 7 - student project


Barwon heads

Landscape drills - image 8 - student project


Point Lonsdale lighthouse

Landscape drills - image 9 - student project