LOVE IS A SKILL. - student project

What is that one process that never stops in our life?

The process of learning something new everyday.

   Human life is all about problems, solutions and lessons. We learn , unlearn and evolve to make ourselves more skilled, educated, successful and bankable. We all have the pressure as human beings to start successful careers and get socially accepted overtime.

Once the career is set the next goal to accomplish is finding the right partner and starting a family. And here comes the question.

How many years have you prepared for getting married? None isn't it.

For getting industry ready you must have spent a minimum 17 years of your celebrated youth , memorizing, analyzing various concepts of languages and STEM (Science ,Technology ,Engineering ,Math's )subjects. Your early stages of youth were mostly spent on preparations of getting into the ever competitive market. So many sleepless nights of sheer hard work to finally achieve the coveted college degree from that prestigious college.

Finally here you are on the matrimonial site displaying your achievements, hobbies and passions seeking for the "perfect partner".

Wait a minute. Do  you have any dreams? Of course  we all have so many. Have you visualized your honeymoon? Definitely ,why not.


Here are the questions.

1.What is Love?

2.How to Love?

When we are in Marital Bliss , a feel good hormone Dopamine is released in blood. It is similar to taking Cocaine drug. When we make love or cuddle the hormone Oxytocin ireleased. These hormones create the feel good effect visualized  in movies and narrated in novels. When the hormone effect ceases ,couples are back from heaven and  the reality hammer hits hard on the head. The real world compatibility issues starts. Our idea of marriage should not be supported by romantic visualizations. Sounds boring isn't it. When  we look at marriage in a long term perspective more than the romance ,the partnership relationship  need to be considered. Marriage is unromantic. It is more of team work. Love is a skill that  need to be practiced everyday. Just like  how we give our time and energy to hone other skills ,love too is a skill.

Two individuals in marriage  should practice self love and self respect first. And  at the same time have mutual respect and understanding. Its all about understanding your own self and your emotions in the best possible manner and communicating it with your partner. Your partner  doesn't have mind reading skills .You need to be patient enough to communicate.

In fact  in  romantic love  this false notion of partner reading your mind without you communicating to them is represented. Sometimes we ourselves are confused and anxious ,it will  be over expectant from our partner to read our mind. Good Communication is the key to forming strong long term bonds in marriage.

Remember the best possible gift you can give your partner is expressing and communicating your love for him or her in the best possible way.

Good luck in your search for soulmate.