John Caponi

John Caponi - student project

Thank you Anna for your demonstration of Adobe Fresco! I enjoy learning the process and techniques from the best! Everyone is different and unique and we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. I try to be better than I was yesterday and always learning.

I decided to draw a portrait of John Caponi, Adobe Senior Creative Director. He liked my submission for the "Into the Spider-verse" contest and I was fortunate to be invited to the premiere in LA. It was a pleasure chatting with him and a highlight of my life.

I've had the opportunity to beta test Adobe Fresco and enjoy the special features compared to Adobe Draw and Sketch. Been experimenting with the brushes and layers, but overall having fun and learning. Far from being the best.John Caponi - image 1 - student projectJohn Caponi - image 2 - student project

Post MaloneJohn Caponi - image 3 - student projectThe Terminator

John Caponi - image 4 - student project