Hibiscus and Houndstooth

Hibiscus and Houndstooth - student project

This was a challenging class but fun, I'm already thinking of how I can use this in some artwork. Thank you to Helen for class!

Here's the photo I started with, an hibiscus I took a picture of in Hawaii. I'm a little in love with hibiscus.

Hibiscus and Houndstooth - image 1 - student project

I used photos shop to clean out the shadow on the leaves.

Here's my result.  I think I selected 14 colors when I traced the image because it was a little flat in the yellow and I need a few more colors to work with

Hibiscus and Houndstooth - image 2 - student project

and here is my final with the houndstooth pattern and color changes

Hibiscus and Houndstooth - image 3 - student project