Get Local
Get Local is an organization that brings the consumer together with the farmer. We strive to create a loyal and personal relationship between the consumer and the producer of their food.
Our goal is to increase the number of people in Oklahoma that buy produce from local farmers. We plan to start the process by encouraging the consumer to visit farmers markets and then eventually going directly to the farmer themselves.
The locations tab gives you locations of farmers markets and farmers that are affiliated with us. This will be the names listed out and also on a map.
The farmers tab is where you can search through farmers affiliated with Get Local and see what their primary produce is.
3/18/13 update. Finished the Upcoming markets icon and the twitter and facebook logos. Added text for the Featured Farmer section.
Let me know what you guys think!
With the changing picture tumbler...
Update 3/20/13 Cursor added with rollover background image.
Let me know what you think!
Update 3/21/13: Farmer's page. With some good feedback I got about what makes this site so unique, I decided to go ahead and put together the farmer's page. Here, you can view the farmers in OK who are affiliated with Get Local. Click on their picture, read what produce/livestock they specialize in, and get into contact with them through their email hyperlink.
This page also includes a call to action for local farmers who would like to join Get Local.
I'm having trouble seperating the farmers area with the call to action at the bottom. Do you have another way to seperate these two things, or do you think they even need seperating?
Update 3/22/13
Thanks to some good feedback, I've done a version 2 of the farmers page. I think I like where it's going. But i think i need to decrease the size of some of the elements. It seems kinda busy right now.
Let me know what you guys think.