GabyFlo* avatar

GabyFlo* avatar - student project

This has been a fun project!

First I began with measuring my face...

GabyFlo* avatar - image 1 - student project

Then translating my features into a drawing

GabyFlo* avatar - image 2 - student project


And began playing with hair... this was fun, thinking I can still improve but so far so good.

GabyFlo* avatar - image 3 - student project


Here I decided to simplify the features of my drawing to make it a bit more cartoony... I found an example I like on Pinterest and went with it

GabyFlo* avatar - image 4 - student project

GabyFlo* avatar - image 5 - student project

This is option 01:

GabyFlo* avatar - image 6 - student project


And this is option 02 which I ended up liking best.

GabyFlo* avatar - image 7 - student project