Floral letter M from Mariya

Hello Catalina and everyone, now being the first one I will share my Floral doodles project with you :-)
Catalina´s Floral Doodle course was very interesting for me and it was the first Skillshare Course and I enjoyed it a lot. I took it and practised and made the final project during my lunch time at work (not all at once of course but I needed some 10 days perhaps). And my lunch pauses flew! As we know, time goes very fast when one does what one enjoyes.
So I will share some photos with you now.
First of all, some of the drawings showing my progress following Catalina´s videos put together in a collage app, in order not to take too much space.
The second picture is an initial stage of the project drawing - I worked on different areas simultaneously, just as my heart told me to, and some places were left empty and I came to them later as I felt I got an idea what to draw. Sometimes i searched for additional ideas of floral motives online.
And you can see the result on the last Picture! all in all the project took me about 3-4 Hours and I enjoyed the time and the process immensely. Drawing my ideas from my head, going back to the previous sketchbook pages to see what I had drawn with Catalina´s videos, thinking and planning... There are some places which I wish I could correct, for example the five hanging flowers on the right end of the letter, because I find them too clumsy, not delicate enough... But ink doesn´t forgive mistakes ;-)
Hope you will like it though. And a big thank you! for Catalina for urging my creativity :)))