Fast and Fun?

Fast and Fun? - student project

First things first: I love the awsome, fun and colourful work from Ksenia. I did not know which butterfly to take, they are all so unique! I hope it is fine to just copy this image from Pinterest ...Fast and Fun? - image 1 - student projectWell after this picture and your gorgeous Master Class I just feel so awfully embarrassed about my butterflies :(( But ok I think nobody is expecting me to paint like you, or like Ksenia, or like any of the great artists you shared with us ... I just want to offer the children a good service :)

From your Master Class was the edge work the part I learnt a lot from ... I am always in a big hurry when I paint, and I am sooo afraid about messing it up, that I keep painting the same very simple one-stroke butterfly again and again ... it just works ...

Fast and Fun? - image 2 - student project

But I can still be fast and do different things by just changing the edge! Thank you so much for the golden rule, look where you beginn and where you end! I have been trying different edges and still have to practice my linework, I will certainly do, and I hope I will find the time to upload some more pictures :) I found fast and fun to use the filbert brush to create the edge, I had seen it in an old tutorial from Jinny and I never tried it! .... I loooove the filbert brush from illusion. For a bit of extra fun I decided to paint the dots really messy and asymmetric ... my husband found that really bad, butterflies should be symmetric ... :(( ooooh ... what do you think?

Fast and Fun? - image 3 - student project


I will try a symmetric version and as I said different edges. Thank you so much Laura!