Fantasy mood board

Fantasy mood board - student project

Alright, so I have started researching images that inspire me, most of them are illustrations by Akihiko Yoshida and Kazuya Takahashi. My theme was quite clear from the beginning, actually I first thought about the theme and then I started collecting images because otherwise I would have ended with lots of stuff without cohesiveness (I like so many different things! hahaha!). Here's a screenshot of my Pinterest board for this class:


Fantasy mood board - image 1 - student project


Next comes what I believe will be my favorite part... picking watercolors!

*stay tunned*

After a so much needed night of rest, I woke up thinking "hmmm... what exactly is my theme?" and did some brainstorming... yeah, I was still waking up and my scribbles can prove it, hahaha!. Then I sketched some ideas:

Fantasy mood board - image 2 - student project


I think that what I love from all these images is actually the colors and the mood they give. When I look at them I think about vintage, middle ages, nostalgia, homesteading, traditions and then comes magic and fantasy. So, my mood board is truly a "mood" more than an specific subject. I love color and I will focus on playing with it.


Alright, I said picking colors would be my favorite part... and it totally was! I love this page of my sketchbook, these colors are so yummy I don't even need to draw something that makes sense, I could just fill pages mixing them and doing marks with my nut brown ink (Winsor & Newton). That sepia tone is crucial for my mood board, the thing that unites everything.

Fantasy mood board - image 3 - student project


I checked different compositions from Canva and each one inspired me to draw different things: - a main landscape and element from it on a right column, a middle circle as a wishing well with treasures on the outside, 3 different cities "ice, earth and wind" and a random selection of objects with a left bar showing the colors used.

Fantasy mood board - image 4 - student project


but then boom!, I didn't use any of those but a combination:

Fantasy mood board - image 5 - student project


Wait, no process pics?! yep, sorry, I got "in the zone" and once I start, I ignore everything else until I finish. The color palette is on the upper right and it became the only element that is pasted on the board. Color was an important element for this board so it felt natural to make the color palette  stand out. All of the elements were inspired by my Pinterest board but none of them have a  specific reference, they came from my visual library. If I could improve something, it would be a way to combine all the elements more, make them blend like in the class project.

Thank you Jessica!