Example Projects
Zack here from Skillshare's content team. I collaborated with Stephanie on this class, and wanted to share the three example projects that she talks about in hopes that it will help you craft your own project story.
(You can also find these links and other helpful resources in the Class Project tab.)
Example Projects:
- By the Olive Trees - stories of Syrian refugees
- Sigmund Freud Typeface - a letter to your shrink
- Middlewest - a new food magazine from Chicago
Have a look through each of these pages, and you'll notice how they cater their stories to specific audiences (some of them, multiple audiences).
Once you've landed on your audience, start jotting down ideas of what types of messaging, channels and assets you might use to appeal to these people (remember, the goal is to get them as excited as you are!).
In addition to PR and social, think about what kind of rewards might reflect your project's story in a creative way. As an example, the Sigmund Freud Typeface dug deep into Freud's story as well as a variety of Vienna lore in order to give their story more legs (i.e. "a letter from Vienna" and "let's eat cake for typography").
When you have some ideas on paper, start uploading to your Project Workspace and keep updating as you go along. Get feedback from fellow students, and even share screenshots of your Kickstarter draft.
Best of luck!