Early morning commute from photo

Early morning commute from photo - student project

I found the class very inspiring and even though I painted from a photo I'll try some plein air painting once pollen season is over ;)

Early morning commute from photo - image 1 - student project

For now I used a photo I took from the train on an early morning commute. It was beautiful and in the mist the landscape glowed softly with the warm sunrise. The photo through a dirty window didn't really look good so I thought I try to do small a water color sketch. 

 Early morning commute from photo - image 2 - student project

It's my second try at water colour painting so I'm really happy with the sweet sketch and I learned a lot.

things I like:

- the background wash peeping through the buildings to give the illusion of light. 

- the colour choices W&N: Windsor Yellow (PY154), Yellow Ochre (PY43), Burnt Sienna (PR101), Permanent Rose (PV19), French Ultramarine (PB29)


things I want to improve:

- next time take a bit longer to plan the drawing with a more detailed sketch

- make more use of the atmospheric principles to create depth

Early morning commute from photo - image 3 - student project

Early morning commute from photo - image 4 - student project