Dictionary Pages

I found an old dictionary with charming old yellow pages and I felt I could abuse them. There are so many, 1500 thousand of them in the form of an orange paper brick. So here are 3 monsters from those pages (no process, sorry). Also, thank you mr Stefan G.Bucher! I loved the class and your no-nonsense attitude!
Neck has no neck but he makes up for it with his enthusiasm. His checkered sweater was taken from a dumpster, it belonged to a child that grew too fast.
Nahuatlan was the son of two aztec gods. He abandoned his destiny of presiding over temples and sacrifices for a career in standup comedy.
Nefarious neighborhood. You know the drill, if you don't pay we'll break your bones. And if you pay we'll break them too just to teach you a lesson.
Shameless plug:you might like other doodles I post on instagram http://instagram.com/nothingwolf