Dance Museum
Hi! You can check below the VERSION 1.0 of this project, where I talk more about the concepts behind the first version of this logo!
Project developed to the Dance Museum, a new venue in the city center of São Paulo - Brazil. With focus on free ehxibitions and seasonal dance classes, all efforts of Dance Museum are converging to give to the audience high quality services and unique user exeperiences.
I'm very proud about work with this organization because of my previous experiences with dance. These experiences can give to me a different overview about the concept of dance, and more tools to explore this subject.
Under the motto: "We make people feel.", Dance Museum want to show in business all equilibrium, stability and expansion that dance provides to the artist.
For this project, I thought about something that every dance style can share: the body and the music.
Understanding dance, you can see that in all different dance styles the basic beat counting is given by the famous "5, 6, 7, 8". This is the essence of my work, the beat counting.
Thinking about stability and equilibrium, my option was pick a triangular shape as the essence of my logo. The best way to use this kind of shape, in numerals, is using Roman numerals. This option fits perfectly my idea of using the beat counting, once the structure of 5, 6, 7 and 8 is the same - the letter 'V'. The use of Roman numerals also brings up the classical idea of a museum.
Black and White signature
I'm trying to bring more movement to this logo using rounded corners and a more "circular" typography.
You can check in the image below the growth of this logo, since the first version until the current one!
Logo development
And here you can see the use of this logo to printed advertising material for exhibitions:
The color scheme for each piece of advertising is based on the images embedded within it (for this task I used Adobe Kuler, it's a great tool for color picking!)
Photo by a great friend: Daniela Anjos ( )
I would love if you can give your feedback, for real!
Here is my Behance, just in case you want to make contact and know more about me!
That's all folks! Thank you for your time!
Project developed to the Dance Museum, a new venue in the city center of São Paulo - Brazil. With focus on free ehxibitions and seasonal dance classes, all efforts of Dance Museum are converging to give to the audience high quality services and unique user exeperiences.
I'm very proud about work with this organization because of my previous experiences with dance. These experiences can give to me a different overview about the concept of dance, and more tools to explore this subject.
Under the motto: "We make people feel.", Dance Museum want to show in business all equilibrium, stability and expansion that dance provides to the artist.
When you think in dance as art, you can trace relationship with other kinds of art. So, for this project, I started to think about something that every dance style can share. I found two answers for this question: the body and the music.
Thinking about the body, we are dragged into a vortex of clichés, were the majority of dance academies incorporate silhouettes within their logos. So, my best choose was the music.
Understanding dance, you can see that in all different dance styles the basic beat counting is given by the famous "5, 6, 7, 8". This is the essence of my work, the beat counting.
I started to sketch something more circular and fluid, as you can see in the following pictures:
This idea was discarded, because a circular shape wasn't give to me the feeling of stability and equilibrium, as the company request.
Thinking about stability, my option was pick a triangular shape as the essence of my logo.
The best way to use this kind of shape is using Roman numerals. this option fits perfectly my idea of using the beat counting, once the structure of 5, 6, 7 and 8 is the same - the letter 'V'. The use of Roman numerals also brings up the idea of a museum.
Here is the images of the vectors and the versatility of this logo.
It is given in two options, one with outlines and another with solid filling. For the 'test' period I worked with the monochromatic version of this logo. As Paula Scher said, "If it works with black, it will work with any color.".
And the colored version:
Here, some ideas of the home page for the company's website:
Here, an usage on printed advertising for ehxibitions: