Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower

Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - student project

Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - image 1 - student project

Pattern swatch with wallpaper texture


Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - image 2 - student project

Wallpaper mock-up using the Procreate template download


Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - image 3 - student project


Spoonflower upload and wallpaper preview


Different colorways:

Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - image 4 - student project


Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - image 5 - student project


Custom Wallpaper Design: Create Your Own Using Procreate & Spoonflower - image 6 - student project