Climate Change Digital Illustrations

Climate Change Digital Illustrations - student project

Hi Dan and Nathan, 

Thanks for sharing your studio workflow process with us! It was encouraging to hear that I'm already using many of the same systems as DKNG, such as file organization, Dropbox, and strategies for creating contracts and pricing work. (Is the file version history only available on Dropbox business?)

One of the fun tips I learned was the apple handoff feature and universal clipboard, cool!

I've begun creating process videos using Imac's screen recording function (shift+command+5) to record my workflow and tools used on new projects.....essentially so I remember how I created what I did for my future self :-) Something I'd recommend to those on a learning curve!

Screenninja sounds like a great tool to create the workflow timelapses, and glad to hear that's turned into another marketing hook for you.  Would love to hear more about your social media marketing strategy (importance of hashtags?)  I'll make sure to check out your links on the different platforms. Thanks for the pro-tips and inspiration!


oh ps. shared a recently completed image from a series of Colorado Climate Change illustrations, my first digital illustration project:-)