Carvalho Iluminações

Carvalho Iluminações - student project

Hey there!
Found this class very useful not only for the design tips but also for the method to approach the client and how to keep the process cleaned and organised. 
This project I am sharing with you is part of a rebranding project I am making for a Illumination company in Portugal. By the time I joined the classe I was in the process of designing the logo.

1) sketches
The company names is "Carvalho Iluminações" = "Oak Illuminations"
The Client wanted to have the Oak theme represented in the logo since the tree (oak) is also his family name (Carvalho in Portuguese). Carvalho Iluminações - image 1 - student projectCarvalho Iluminações - image 2 - student project

2) Illustrator workspace
We decided to go for a emblem style logo with the acorn mixed with a led
Carvalho Iluminações - image 3 - student project


3) Final Logo

Carvalho Iluminações - image 4 - student project

Please feel free to comment and give me you feedback :)