Cancer survivor doing her thing (finally)

Cancer survivor doing her thing (finally) - student project

Hey! I'm Mary, a 68 year old woman who recently survived cancer, yay! I healed, with the support of family, doctors, angels and a positive mindset. I went to art school in my 20s and decided I wasn't good enough to make a living and I didn't like people telling me what to draw and then telling me to change it, so I got married, had kids, supported my family being a very creative preschool teacher, which, surprise! I loved. I also opened my own art school for kids of all ages, this had the benefit of me doing artwork all the time, again, yay! Lifetimes later, after cancer, I asked myself, "Mary what to you really want to do with this gift of a second chance?" The answer, I want to give my younger self her dream back. Her dream of being an artist who shares her work with others and makes a living at it. So here I am, feeling scared I won't "make it", feeling like I'm too old in a world packed with younger artists, felling vulnerable just writing this. Thank the powers that be for Peggy,  her classes are fun, uplifting, super helpful (every single one, I've taken over 20 so far). This talk, all her encouragement makes me want to get up everyday and build my portfolio so I can start pitching. Yes, I'll get rejections, but someone might say yes to my work. This endeavor is a love letter to my younger self, I believe in you sweetheart, we will keep on this journey of making our dreams come to life! Thanks Peggy for being authentic, you rock being a teacher!