Name: Sage
- brown eyes
- wavy, very dark brown hair (ending just above chest)
- hair constantly put in a ponytail
- 5'8
- average/slightly slim
- light freckles on upper cheek (next to nose)
- wears casual clothing
- considerate of what people think of her (doesn't want people to feel upset with her)
- "people-pleaser"
- heavily opinionated yet most likely won't voice her opinion around people she doesn't know well or doesn't feel comfortable around
- stubborn around people she feels comfortable around to voice her opinion
- restless and spontaneous in pursuing something she wants to do
- awkward at times
- indecisive
- when nervous or in awkward situations, she will be prone to saying random sentences or telling a joke to break the tension. often times, trying to quickly avoid the topic
- rocks back on forth on heels when saying something important
- shakes feet when sitting down (out of boredom)
- lived in LA her whole life
- close to younger brother
- parents overprotective over younger brother
- easily stressed when people begin fighting (verbally or physically)
- fears being alone and losing people
- dad wants her to be successful like him
- overthinks situations (mostly based upon family/friend problems as opposed to activities)
- clingy to friends (in fear of them leaving her)
- easily guilt-tripped
- has a need to have (many times) unrealistic expectations reached
- unfocused often times lost in thought
Internal Conflicts:
- the constant pressure of her parents comparing her to others
- having to get over the feeling of having to make upset with her and learn to voice her opinion regardless if somebody else may not agree/realise that not every expectation she sets will be accomplished
External Conflicts:
- feeling out of place and lost throughout the whole vacation in relationships (romantic and friendship) -- feeling of third wheeling everybody
- her trying to have the perfect, ideal vacation