Big margin for improvement
Well, what an interesting and challenging class.
I followed step by step Mel instructions and I really enjoying seeing this sketch becoming « something « .
i really enjoying the warm up part, not only because it indeed helps a lot’ but also because you can end up with some interesting pieces of art that reminded me the path of the Mindful Drawing class.
Its been particularly interesting to test the different grips and réalise that switching from one to the other can make it easier to draw certain shapes.
this was a precious bit of information.
Also I’m now trying to look at pictures and figure out the main shapes. Very good exercise too.
For the final sketch I decided to follow Mel, and not go with a different reference.
although I see a huge margin of improvement I’m quite happy with this first attempt.
There are a few thing I’ll change for next time. I think I chose the wrong marker as I found it hart do make it slide on the paper, hence some of my lines are thicker than they should be as I tried to correct them.
I also need to improve my curved lines. Again, the choice of the wrong marker didn’t help as in my pencil sketch they were much more rounded.
Anyway, I had great fun, and I’ll keep practicing to improve my skills.
PS as Mel said sometimes we’ll do awful sketches - done it!!
PPS any feedback is welcome