Abstract Falling Petals Redux

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - student project

Hello, Sara! Thank you so much for offering this class.

Here's my before and after!

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 1 - student project

A lot of my patterns struggle with flow and depth but I didn't know how to fix that! I want to add texture to my patterns but every time I try it looks silly (also Illustrator crashes because vector textures have so many anchor points!). Color is one of my favorite things about design. (I love the grayscale trick—it's one I've taught my students for years...except it used to be the Xerox trick back in the day. :) 

I decided to rework this falling petal pattern I created in spring of 2019 that just won't work. It was part of a quickie mini pattern set called "Funky Geo" that want to revisit and make into a larger new wave / post-punk / Memphis style-inspired set.

I reworked this pattern a few times and it just wasn't doing what I wanted. Flow is the main reason it wasn't working. The petals didn't look like they were falling.

The initial design also had a lot of weird spacing issues...

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 2 - student project

The revised design was too crowded to let the petals look like they were falling (also direction wasn't working).

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 3 - student project

I decided the best course of action was to delete all the petals except one and rebuild with the direction of flow (aka gravity!) in mind. 

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 4 - student project

I ended up with this after adjusting the flow.

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 5 - student project

I thought it could use something else. I considered making some of the petals a different color (like your monkey print with the pop of color). Instead, I added texture to the background first since it's easier than adding to individual petals. I didn't like the background textures I tried.

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 6 - student project

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 7 - student project

So, I added some texture to each individual petal. 

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 8 - student project

Then I adjusted the colors. I also enlarged and slightly offset the textures on the petals to create a bit of depth. 

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 9 - student project

I played with the recolor art tool a bit more until I found a few options I like. The pink background with white petals is my favorite!Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 10 - student project

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 11 - student project

Abstract Falling Petals Redux - image 12 - student project

Thanks again!