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Curated by Skillshare

3 Classes (2 hours 33 minutes)

  • Materials

    Finished UX project, Adobe Xd, Behance or your own website

  • Final Product

    2 UX case studies

  • Level


How to land a job in UX

Learn how to determine if UX is the right career for you, craft your resume and portfolio, apply for jobs, navigate the interview process, and prepare for your first day on the job.

Write, Design & Publish a UX Case Study | UI/UX Portfolio

Take work from your recent project and shape it into something that tells a story and highlights your strengths as a UX professional. You’ll be able to use this process for both past projects and projects to come.

Digital Design: Creating Design Systems for Easier, Better & Faster Design

Discover a step-by-step process for making effective design systems so you can remove rote, repetitive tasks from your professional design workflow and spend more time on the creative work you love.

Congratulations! You’re All Done.

You did it! You’ve completed the full Learning Path. We can’t wait to see where these skills take you next.