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Curated by Skillshare

3 Classes (2 hours 9 minutes)

  • Materials

    Pen, paper, cork board, scissors, glue

  • Final Product

    Vision board, customized action plan

  • Level

    All Levels

Reach Your Goals: 7 Personal Development Exercises to Build a Life You Love

"Work through exercises created by a licensed therapist to help you set intentional goals that align with your values, change personal narratives and habits that are holding you back, and declutter your life to remove commitments that no longer serve you. "

Inspiration To Reality: Make A Vision Board For Your Goals

Make a custom collage to visualize the goals you have in each domain of your life and give you concrete motivation. This is a powerful tool to keep your eyes on the prize!

21 Days of Purposeful Productivity: Forming Habits for Long Term Goals

Now that you've defined and visualized your long-term goals, learn how to break them down into small, tangible steps that you'll act on every day.

Congratulations! You’re All Done.

You did it! You’ve completed the full Learning Path. We can’t wait to see where these skills take you next.