Youtube Success - 21 Steps to a Successful Youtube Channel | Mikael Baggström | Skillshare

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Youtube Success - 21 Steps to a Successful Youtube Channel

teacher avatar Mikael Baggström, Music Composer | Sound Designer | Video Producer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Course


    • 2.

      What, Why and How?


    • 3.

      Day 1 - Focus, Creed and Target Audience


    • 4.

      Day 2 - Value, Quality and Channel Branding


    • 5.

      Day 3 - Video Branding, SEO and Consistency


    • 6.

      Day 4 - Engagement, Community and Listening


    • 7.

      Day 5 - Website, Blog and Email List


    • 8.

      Day 6 - CTA, Social Media and Live Streaming


    • 9.

      Day 7 - Production System, Collaboration and Passion


    • 10.

      Final Video + Bonus


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About This Class

Do You Want a Successful YouTube Channel?

Imagine what impact you could have if you had a channel of 10s or even 100s of thousands of subscribers. Think about the possibilities you would have to make money, get opportunities, and become an important influencer that people look up to, and companies wants to sponsor.

All this while doing the things you love, and being able to work from home with complete creative freedom. Sounds pretty great, doesn't it?

What Benefits will You get from this Course?

  1. You will get my Complete 21-Step Guide to a Successful YouTube Channel
  2. Learn why each step is important
  3. Get specific tips on very step of the guide

Why Should You Take This Course?

If you interested in creating and growing a Successful YouTube Channel, then this course is perfect for you. You will get my 21 step success formula for YouTube.

These 21 steps is the result of several years of observing, researching and learning from top YouTube experts such as Derral Eves and Tim Schmoyer, Successful YouTubers such as Peter Hollens and Casey Neistat, as well as my own personal experience from testing what actually works.

Who am I?

Now let me introduce myself: My name is Mike, and I am a Music Composer, Audio Producer and Video Creator from Sweden. I have run my own media production business since 2004, and I started my first YouTube channel in 2010.

I have a true passion to teach, share and inspire as many people as I can, so that you can improve your skills, and be inspired and motivated to take action. I am also a true old school nerd, who loves science, technology and coffee. Alright! Now you know a bit of my story and background, so let's get ready to dive into the course!

I am super excited to get started teaching you this course. So, are you ready to learn? Awesome!

- Just click the enroll button, and I am waiting for you in the next video, my friends!

Your Friendly Instructor,
Mike from Sweden

Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Mikael Baggström

Music Composer | Sound Designer | Video Producer


Hey Friends and Creative People!

My name is Mike, and I am a Music Composer, Sound Designer and Artist. I Share my Story, Journey, Experience and Knowledge, to Inspire and Empower Creative People like you. =)


I believe that learning should be fun. I love to bring my personality into my teaching style. I also try to make my courses dynamic, to be more interesting to you. =)

Friendly regards,
Mike from Sweden
Compose | Artist | Educator

See full profile

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1. Welcome to the Course: Hey, friends. First, I want to welcome you to these claws where you learn my 21 step formula to a successful YouTube channel. Imagine what impact you could have if you had a channel off tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I think off the possibilities. You would have to make money, get opportunities and become an important influencer that people look up to. And companies wants to sponsor all this while doing the things you love on. Being able to work from your home with complete creative freedom Sounds pretty great, doesn't it? So why should you take these course? That's easy to answer. If you are interested in creating and growing a successful YouTube channel, then these courses perfect for you. You will get my 21 step success formula for YouTube. And these 21 steps that I will share with you is the result off several years old, observing, researching and learning from top YouTube experts such as Darrell Eaves and teams familiar successful YouTubers such as Peter Hollins and Casey Neistat, as well as my own personal experience from testing what actually works. No, we'll hit me. Introduce myself. My name is Mike and I am a music composer. Order your producer and video creator from Sweden. I have run my own media production business since 2004 and I started my first YouTube shuttle in 2010. I have a true passion to teach, share and inspire as many people as I can so that you can improve your skills and be inspired and motivated to take action. I am also a true old school nerd who loves science, technology and coffee. Hi. I am super excited to get started teaching you this course. So are you ready to learn? Awesome. Just click the enroll button and I am waiting for you in the next video, my friends. 2. What, Why and How?: Hey, friends. In this video, we will cover the following What? ISS YouTube success. Why should you aim for lots of subscribers, views on an audience of a specific field of interest? And finally, how are you going to get there? Let's start by defining what YouTube success means to you. If you were looking to eventually make YouTube your full time income and part of your business model, you don't actually need millions of subscribers. I have heard many examples of people making good money from their YouTube channel off only tens of thousands of subscribers. The secret is to not rely on advertising revenue because that will take in a lot of use to get you an indecent money. They're actually pointy of ways to make money from your YouTube gentle if that is your goal . The subject of this clause, however, is how you create a successful YouTube channel when it comes to building your audience and increasing your number of subscribers and views. How you choose to use your successful YouTube channel in the end is totally up to you. Now I want you to take a moment to really think about what your long term goal is for your YouTube general. For example, will you use your YouTube channel to establish yourself as an expert in your field? Will you use your channel to promote your business, whether you offer services or products or really use it to spread your creative arts, such as music, film or animation? Whatever your ago is? No. That if you create a focused channel in a specific field and start gaining thousands of subscribers and views, you will start to get lots of opportunities. It can be anything from new clients that want to hire you for your expertise. Two brands that want to storm through your videos to get exposure for their products. You can also find your own opportunities by contacting companies personally to get sponsor deals, affiliate marketing deals, free products, full reviews and much more. When you have thought out your long term goal for your channel, write it down. Now you have your personal definition off what you team success means to you in your own words. So how will you get there? Well, that is what I'm going to teach you in this course. I am going to give you my 21 step formula off things they should do for long term success on YouTube. And if you use these strategies consistently, you will get results. One final note. There is no magic fix or quick and easy solution. It is still up to you to work hard, stay consistent and always improve your content, marketing and business aspects of your beauty of journey. However, knowledge is power. After you have taken this course, I would really appreciate your feedback. And you can do this very easily by leading a review. It really means a lot to me. All right, now it's time for you to gain the power off Norwich, so I'll see you in the next video of my friends. 3. Day 1 - Focus, Creed and Target Audience: a friends. In this video, we will discuss your channel. Focus your channel creed and your target audience. Step one. Define your channel. Focus. The first step is to define what the focus off your channel will be. Channel focus is often called your niche, but I prefer to call it channel Focus. If you try to reach everyone, you will end up reaching no. One. You have to decide from the start what your channel focus is and make sure it is a field you are truly passionate about. For example, if your channel focus is traveling and adventure, it makes no sense to suddenly start uploading family pet videos. So define your channel. Focus from your passion and create your channel around it. To make it clear to new viewers what your channel is about. You should then try to come up with a slogan for your channel. For example, a slogan for a traveling and adventure shell could be helping you find adventures to spice up your life. Finally, you should check how much competition there is in your specific field. It is much easier to create a successful YouTube channel in a field with list competition Step two, Establish your channel Creed. A creed is basically a core belief. You have something you feel strongly about. Your creed is essentially the answer to why you are so passionate about your niche and why you believe it is so important following the previous example off the travel and adventure channel. The creed might, for example, be because life should be an adventure. If it is clear to people that you are passionate about what you do as well as why you do it , your videos will have a deeper and stronger impact. Step three. Define your target audience. Now. You should define who your target audiences. This is important because if you know what group of people is watching your channel, it will become easier to create videos that they love to watch. Basically, when you look at the camera, you should be able to imagine talking to a real person from your audience. Who is this person, male or female? H Interests and hobbies and so on. It is much easier to create videos and get a good response when you feel that you know who your audience is. Basically, who are the people you are making your videos for Who are you trying to reach? That is your target audience. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video, my friends. 4. Day 2 - Value, Quality and Channel Branding: friends. In this video, we will discuss value, cruelty and branding your channel. Step four. Create content with value. Now it is time to make your videos, and the most important thing is to create content with value. People who watched your videos should feel that they got some value after watching through one of your videos. Value can come in different forms, but here are a couple of examples of value propositions. A YouTube video can offer one entertainment such as comedy, drama, action, etcetera to education such as tutorials, teaching, etcetera. Three information such as news or gossip, etcetera. Four. Social connection such as video, blog's discussions, etcetera, entertainment and education is what generally gets the most views on YouTube, especially how to videos are a great way to get started on YouTube. To build up a follower base from zero step five produce high quality videos. YouTube has come a long way since it started. I remember when videos was in low resolution with bad lighting and crappy audio, but still managed to get lots of years. That is no longer the case. If you really want to create a successful YouTube channel, you should create high cools the videos. This means every aspect off the video, such as good video quality, audio quality, lighting, background, your presentation, editing, music, soundtrack, etcetera. Step six. Brand your channel. Now it is time to brand your shadow. You need to create a great profile picture or avatar, a clear and interesting channel banner, perhaps a local type, a cooler profile, etcetera. Think of your channel as a business. People should recognize your brand wherever they see it. Therefore, it is extremely important that you have a consistent branding profile on all your channels , like your website, email list, social media accounts, etcetera. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video, my friends. 5. Day 3 - Video Branding, SEO and Consistency: Hey, friends. In this video, we are going to discuss branding your videos S E O and consistency. Step seven. Brand your videos. Next, it's time to brand your videos so that people immediately recognize one of your videos when they see them. Having a short intro, which includes your website address, can be great. Just remember to keep intros really short because people have a extremely short attention span on YouTube. Then you can brand your videos with, for example, one lower third graphics to graphic overlays and text. Three. Your brand color profile, four specific style of music and five a watermark which, for example, could be your local type. Step eight. Learn and use S E O. Now you have to learn how to use S E O, which is short for search engine optimization. Learn how to make videos that people search for and then optimize the title description and tags for your main keyword phrase off your video. Here are a couple of tools you can use for a CEO. One. Google Trends to see what topics or hoped to YouTube auto suggest to see the specific top searches for a keyword or phrase and three Google keyword planner to find good keyword phrases to base your videos. ASIO on step nine, I upload videos consistently. You should upload videos consistently at least once a week. People need to see your content orphan so they don't start to forget you or ignore you in their subscription feed. Another reason is that the YouTube algorithm loves channels that upload new videos often and consistently. I would even recommend most channels to upload three times a week or more. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video, my friends. 6. Day 4 - Engagement, Community and Listening: Hey, friends in this video, we're going to discuss engagement community and listening to your fans Step tune, engage with your audience. This is a super important step that many channels don't do enough off. YouTube is not only a video platform, it is also a social media platform where people discussed things, ask questions and share their thoughts in the comments, so make sure you engage with your audience as much as you can. You can live. For example, ask them questions or their opinion right in your videos. But make sure you also spend time going through comments and replying and engaging with people on a personal level. Stick. 11. Build a community When you build your subscriber base. Try to think of your channel as a community. Try to make your subscribers feel special and take extra notice off your super fence. That comment on almost every video. You are not building your channel just for yourself. You're actually building it for the community as well. So take special care of your subscribers and let them know how much you appreciate them. If you create a community of like minded people, it will mean a lot for the growth of your channel. Step 12. Listen to your fans. Everyone wants to be heard and noticed. People who share their ideas and suggestions also want to know it is appreciated. Always thank people if they come with ideas and let him know you listen to them. You don't want your friends to decide what you do because the videos you produce should be the content that you enjoy to make. But you can, for example, make pose to let your viewers vote on a couple of ideas you all really want to make. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video, my friends. 7. Day 5 - Website, Blog and Email List: Hey, friends. In this video, we are going to discuss creating a website starting a blawg and starting an email list. Step 13. Create your own website or height. I know you want to focus on your you tip general, but the Internet is bigger than YouTube, and you want a place you own yourself. A personal website is great for a lot of things, like sharing your latest news, posting your near videos, promoting products and basically market your brand. Even if you don't have a business, you are your own brand. A website is also essential to have. If you want to implement a couple of other steps in this guide stick. 14. Start a blawg. So to continue from the previous step off, making your own website on this website, you can create a bog. You don't really want to spend much time to write long posts, but you can, for example, make a post for every video you published to YouTube. Then simply in bed, the video add a title and a paragraph of text that describes it. You can even copied the text from the video description you already made on YouTube. Now people can find your block post on Google and see your YouTube video step 15 Start on e mailing list. This step is really important and basically the number one reason you should have your own website. You should start your own e mailing list that people can subscribe to. Then you should send emails regularly to those people who are basically true fence. You should share valuable content in those emails, but can also add your latest YouTube videos and special updates. Think of the people into email list as your V eyepiece. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video, my friends. 8. Day 6 - CTA, Social Media and Live Streaming: favorites in this video, we're going to discuss cool toe actions, social media and live streaming Step 16 use called to actions you should add cool to actions to your videos. A cool to action is something you would like your viewers to do, for example, to subscribe to your channel. Do not include too many call directions, because then most people will take no action at all. Focus on one or two. Call to actions that you think are most important. So a call to action is simply to ask your viewers to take a specific action like, for example, remember to subscribe. You don't always need to say your call to actions, either adding them as a graphic or text. Overly works as well. Step 17. Take advantage off social media. Social media can be a blessing and occurs. It all depends on how you use it and also your discipline so you don't get dragged into the black hole and spend hours wasting your time without getting much. In return, I would recommend you to focus on Onley one or two social media platforms on top of your view tip channel, for example. I mainly focus on Facebook, where I have a Facebook page and a couple of Facebook groups. Choose the social media platforms you feel gets you the best results and where you can interact with your community. It should also try to connect with new people that share your interests. Step 18 Start Lives Dreaming There is nothing more interesting to people than watching things happen in real time. That is why you should start live streaming some of your content. It is the fastest way to build connections and relationships with new people. Since you can interact with them in real time, you can, for example, do Q and A. Zhou's interview shows tutorial live streams or simply stream your creative process when you make something for your channel. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video. My friends 9. Day 7 - Production System, Collaboration and Passion: friends. In this video, we are going to discuss video production system collaborations and passion. Stipp 19. Create a video production system. If you are going to publish a lot of videos consistently, it really helps if you create a system for how you produce them. The system should include all aspects off the creation process, from idea to recording to editing and even publishing. If you bet similar tasks, it can save you a lot of time. For example, when filming videos, you often have some steps you need to do every single time it can be to set up your tripled , adjust the lighting, clean up the background and so on, so try to film several videos in one session. Then you should also make check lists for every step in the production system. It will speed up the process and also make sure you don't forget anything important. Stipp, 20. Collaborate with other you tubers. You should try to find other channels in a similar or related niche that you can collaborate with when contacting people you want to collaborate with. Make sure to focus on the benefit and value you bring to their channel. It helps if you already have some specific ideas off what you would like the collaboration to be. Also, you should watch their videos and be familiar with their content and channel before you reach out. The importance off doing collaborations on YouTube is huge. I would consider it one of the best ways to grow your channel, and subscribers stick 21. Follow your passion. Success on YouTube or anything in life is always dependent on hard work and long term determination. If you start to do things that you don't enjoy just to please your viewers, you will get tired really false and probably even create your YouTube journey too soon. Therefore, you should always follow your passion. Continue to make videos that you truly like to make, and you will have a much higher chance to succeed on YouTube. All right, think about these three steps for a while. Write down your notes and then continue in the next video. My friends 10. Final Video + Bonus: Hey, friends. Amazing job. You have gained a lot of powerful knowledge on how to grow a successful YouTube channel. I want to congratulate you for completing the full course. This means that you are a person who finish what you start. You keep moving forward and you don't quit. In my view, these are attributes of successful people and winners. That is awesome, and you have my respect for it. Now. I would really appreciate your support and you can do this very easily by leaving a review on this course, let me know what you think, my friends, it really means a lot to me. Also, I want to invite you to join my V I. P E mail list, which is 100% free and will give you access to V I. P. Content free courses and bonuses straight into your email inbox. If you sign up now, you will get a free pdf with the complete 21 step YouTube success guide. Simply go to my website and sign up with your email address. I'm looking forward to having you as a V I. P. Action is what creates winners, and I believe you are a winner, my friend. So create your clothes project and share it. I'm looking forward to see I wish you a great day, Remember, you rock my friends.