1. Intro: Hi, I'm Remington and
I'm an animator to social media giant
in Silicon Valley. I also run Southern tried to 3D, where I teach you
how to use Blender. And today we're gonna
be going through your first day in Blender. Blender is a powerful
3D application and it's being used a lot
more in the industry, specifically in
game industry and also an animations for film. Blender is a great tool
if you're interested in pursuing a 3D career. However, like most
3D applications, it can be intimidating the
first time you open it. The goal of this
course is to get you comfortable in Blender, specifically with the interface so that you can move on to more advanced courses and
get into learning 3D. In this course, we'll
do a broad overview of the features in Blender, but we'll mostly be focusing
on how to navigate in the 3D view port to get you comfortable moving
around in a project. I've also included
some sample projects to help you follow
along in this course. At the end of this course,
we'll go ahead and add a little top hat
to this character in one of the sample project files just to utilize some
of what we've learned. My goal is that by the
end of this short course, you will feel confident and beginning your blender journey. So with that being said,
let's get started.
2. Navigating the Viewport: This course wasn't intended
to be followed step-by-step. So try not to worry about
keeping up with everything. I do rather sit back, relax and absorbing
the information as we walk through
Boehner's interface. Towards the end
of this course, I will create a top hat for the frog sample file we showed at the beginning
of the course. Feel free to follow along there. However, this course
is intended to get you comfortable in
Blender so you can dive into other courses. I have several courses
that go through creating your own
projects step-by-step. I recommend you check out
those courses after this one. If you're interested
in following along, if you're having
difficulty falling along checkout the bottom-right
shortcuts here, this will display any
key point that I put in. Next up, I recommend that you have a three button mouse
to follow along with. If you're serious about 3D, you're going to need a
three button mouse as the middle mouse
button is used to navigate your viewport heavily. First up, we're going
to take a look at the interface and
primarily the navigation. So here we have our 3D view port and our default seen by default, that scene includes a
camera, a cube, and a light. You can go ahead and delete that to start fresh if you like, but we'll just leave
those there for now. Our 3D view port is kind
of like our 3D workspace. This is where we can move
around and edit our objects. So let's take a look at how
we move around in that space. First, we're going to look
at how to use the mouse. So if you middle click
on the Balance button, it will rotate
around whatever you have framed in that scene. If you hold Shift middle, that will allow you to pan
left and right in the scene. You can use the mouse
wheel to zoom in and out. Or you can hold Control
middle mouse button and move up and down to zoom
in and out much quicker. Now if you don't like that
or it's hard for you to use. You can also click this gizmo
up here and click and drag, which will allow you to
move around the viewport. You'll also notice that these highlight as you click them, and those will snap
you into views. So if I click this, it will snap me into
the front view. I can tell what view
I'm in by looking at the information up here
where it says front. If I click here, that'll
take me until the top view. And if I click and drag, I can rotate back to
where I was before. You can use the numpad to move through these
different views as well. Alternatively, if you
come up here under the View menu, you
can click View, come down here to viewpoint
and change from top, bottom, front, back,
right or left. You can also see the corresponding
numpad shortcuts there. I recommend getting
familiar with these because that's something
you'll do quite often. Beer If we come to camera
and active camera, that will actually take us
into the active camera and the scene so we can view from
our camera's point of view. Now if we click and move around, it won't move the camera. We need to actually move our camera to adjust
the camera positioning. Now before we move along, I'm going to ask you to
change a couple of things in your preferences
that I believe make navigating much more
beginner friendly. We're going to come up
here to Edit Preferences, and then we're going
to click K-map. Now when we click
the K-map will have all these options here we're
going to change just a few. We're going to change
Select all toggles. And we're going to
change Spacebar action to search instead of play. And then we're going to
turn on tab for Pie Menu. All these will make
sense in a second. Now if you X out auto
save those by default.
3. Moving Objects: Next up, let's say
that we want to move something in our scene. Let's grab this Cuban move it. If I grabbed this cube
by left selecting it, and then come up here, I'll have various gizmos on
the tool panel. If you can't sue
this tool panel, press T, and that'll
make it up here. So let's come up here
and we have a Move tool or rotate tool, a scale tool, and then
a transform tool. So let's go ahead and
click the move tool. We'll see here then an arrow corresponds with each direction. In Blender. Red is x, green is
y, and blue is z. If you can't remember,
you'll see those over here. Click any one of those. It'll lock into that. If we click, the circle, will move from whatever
angle it the viewport wherein you can see it
can move around there. These squares in-between.
We'll combine the two. So we can see here that it
combines the x and the y. If I click rotate, we
have the same thing. We can rotate on just
the y are just the x, or we can grab this and
rotate from the viewport. Likewise, we have the option for the scale as well
where we can scale along one axis or we can
scale up the whole object. We're going to start
over with a new cube. So we're going to
delete this cube. You can grab this cube
and press the Delete key, and that will disappear. If you want to add
objects into your scene, you can come up
here and go to Add, and then you'll see all
the various options here. Some of these are
advanced for beginner, I recommend you stick in mesh. And when you go on mesh, we'll see various
options you here we can add a cube, a UV sphere, a cylinder, cone tourists, or this default monkey, which comes with Blender. We're going to go
ahead and we're going to add a UV sphere. Great. Now we have
a sphere instead. Let's look at how we can
select multiple objects. By default, it's
a click and drag. So if we go here
and click and drag, you can see that we can
select multiple objects. You'll notice one is highlighted a brighter
orange than the others. That means that's
the active object and certain effects
will only work with the abstract objects selected or you can parent
objects to one another. Let's look at what
that looks like. Let's go ahead and add a cube. Now let's take this
cube and move it up. And we're going to parent
this cube to the sphere. So you can see right now
this is light orange. If I shift click and select the sphere and then
hit Control P, I can set that parent
to this object. Most times you're going to
use object keep transform. So let's go ahead
and click that. And now when I grab the
sphere and move it around, you can see the boxes following. So I'm going to go ahead
and delete that cube. If you don't see that box
when you click and drag, you can actually change that up here with the selection tool. You can see that you have
lasso circle and box. I usually leave box on. Now if you remember, we
turned on a Select All. So if you want to select
everything in the scene, just press a and you'll see
that it selects everything. Now if I press a again, it will deselect everything. You can also click away. If you click off to the side,
it'll de-select everything. Selection is going to be
a big thing when you're moving around objects
and later in edit mode. So just get familiar with the
different selection tools, as There'll be very important.
4. Render Modes: Next up, let's take a look at
the different render modes. So up here, if we
click wireframe, we can see the wires that
are sphere is made up of, we'll dive into more about high meshes built a little bit later. Over here we're in solid view, which will show us
just one solid color for all of our objects. Here we're immaterial view, which will do a preview of materials, which
we'll see later. Then here we have
our render view. Now the render view
can take longer to render and be more
taxing on your computer. So I recommend unless you're
on a high-end computer, that you only stick
to render mode just to preview
for quick pieces. Let's take a look at how
this works and render mode. And render mode, we
can actually see the lighting information and all the other effects and
we have in our scene. So this is a great
way to preview what your final render might look like when you go to
finish your project. Let's switch back to
Solid View for now. Another way you can switch
between these render modes up here as if you
press the Z button. So by pressing Z, it'll
bring up this menu and then you can turn around and click which one you want. So if I click wireframe here, you'll see it snaps me
back into wireframe mode.
5. Edit Mode: If you recall to London
clicked wireframe mode, you were able to see all
the wires of the object. And if you notice right now, we can grab our object
and move it around, but we can edit our object. That's because we're
in object mode. Now this is very
difficult for people first starting 3D to understand. But there's an object mode
and there's an edit mode. Object mode allows you
to move objects around, apply effects to objects, and set many other settings. However, if you want
to sculpt or move or change the shape of an object aside from scaling and rotating, you're going to need
to go into edit mode. The way I like to
describe this to people who are
starting out in 3D for the first time is if
you're familiar with Adobe After Effects,
Photoshop or flash. And object is kind
of like a pre-comp, a smart object, a group
or a motion clip. An object can include
multiple meshes, which you can then
alter once you click inside of it to
go into edit mode. That's the best
way I can think to explain it to a beginner. But if you still
don't understand, let's tap into edit mode
and look at a mesh. So let's go into edit mode here. And we have two
ways of doing this. The easiest way for beginners
is to come up here and you can see all the various
modes we have in Blender, where the object mode, which I just explained in edit mode. We also have the sculpt mode, which allows us to
use Sculpt tools. And then we have vertex
paint and wait pain, which is for rigging your
characters and other options. And then texture paint
here where you can paint textures onto your object. For now we're going
to be focusing on object and edit mode
to keep it simple. Let's go ahead and
enter edit mode here. Immediately notice our
selection has changed and that's because now we can
adjust and select our mesh. So let's go ahead and zoom
in here on our object. If you're struggling to
zoom in on your object, you can actually frame
that object pretty simply. Makes sure you have the object selected come up here to View, and then come down
to frame selected. Now when we rotate, we will rotate around whatever is in the
middle of our frame. Let's take a look at
how I meshes built. I'm going to de-select
everything and select things one at a time. So we have different
selection modes up here. These are called vertices and
a singular one is a vertex. If I switch over to
this mode up here, these are called edges. Edges connect vertex is. And then if I come
over here to Face Select, these are faces. Faces are what are drawn between connected
vertices and edges. So I'm gonna go ahead and
delete one face here. So if I press X, I get
this option to delete, and I can choose to delete
vertices, edges, or faces. So I'm going to go ahead
and delete a face here. Now we have a hole on our
object because there's no face connecting these
vertices and edges. If you're trying to fill a
hole like this in an object, does he need to do is select
the surrounding edges. And then once they're
all selected, you just press F and it'll
fill that hole with a face. Now that we're in mesh mode, we can grab either edges, faces, or vertices to
adjust our objects. So let's look at what
that looks like. If I come up here and
I grab the Move tool, which we can use the move, rotate and scale tool. And I grab a face. I'm going to make sure I'm
in face select mode up here. You can see that it can grab
that face and move it around and everything attached
to it will move as well. If I go ahead and select a
bunch of faces and move, you can see that it moves
everything at once. Now, it may depend on what selection mode
you want to be in, depending on what type of edit you're trying to
make to your mesh. Grabbing the face and
moving it will move the entire face and all the
connected edges and vertices. Likewise, grabbing just one edge will only move the
connected vertices. And then you can also grab singular vertex and
just move that as well. One alternative to using
this mode up here, it's still use tab, which is what I had to change in the settings earlier
in the video. So if you go ahead and have an object selected
and you hold tab, you can then select one of these different
modes by letting go. I'm gonna go over here
to edit mode and let go. And you'll see that now
we enter edit mode.
6. Tool Bar: Those are the basics
of editing your mesh. But let's take a look at it. One other option we have
in our edit mode here, you'll notice that the tool
panel changed over here. Now your tool panel can be
displayed in any window of any different view up
here with the T button. If I press T, it will pull those tools in and
you can see that they're context-sensitive depending
on what mode you're in here in the sculpt
tool that or show the Sculpt tools,
you're in edit mode. It will show that editing tools. Now there are all different
types of tools here. So what I'm going to do is show you how to use
those on a basic cube. Now if you remember,
I said you could add multiple meshes
in one object. So let's show how that works. I'm going to come
up here to Edit. And then we're going
to add a cube. And you may think that
our sphere is gone, but you just can't
see it because we can't see through our sphere. Now when you're in edit mode, you're likely going to stay
in solid and wireframe mode. And let me show you why. So here's solid view. Now if I go to wireframe mode, we can see that our sphere is
actually inside of her box. Likewise, in wireframe mode, when we go to Select, we can actually select
things on both sides. So if I rotate around, you can see that it's
becomes see-through and I can select on both sides. That is one noticeable
difference between selecting and wireframe and solid mode that can be difficult
for beginners. So I'm going to go ahead, go back into solid mode here. And I'm going to
select this cube. You can select an entire mesh holding L while hovering
over your objects. I'm going to hold L
and hover over that. And then I'm going to move
this off to the side here. And you can see
that I have moved just the queue
portion of my mesh. Now if I go back to object
mode and grab these, you can see that I
can still rotate these objects together because they are in the same object. So two meshes can sit in one
object and work together. You'll notice that they rotate along this little orange point. That orange point is
the origin and that origin is what your objects
will rotate and move around. And so if I tap back into edit mode and I select all my
objects and move them over, and then switch back
to object mode here, We'll see you that I can then rotate around that origin point. So that's something
important to keep in mind. Again, if you're
familiar with Adobe, this is the same thing
as an anchor point. Let's go ahead and
tab into edit mode again and look at some
of these editing tools. Now I'm going to
focus in on this cube as it's a bit easier to explain. I'm going to grab
the Face Select tool and we're going to look at the three most common tools
you will use an editing, which are the Bevel tool, the loop tool, and
the Extrude tool. We'll also take a look
at the inset tool. So first of all, let's grab this top face here and
look at the Bevel tool. If I click the Bevel tool here, you'll see that this
little yellow bar appears. And if I drag this, it will create a bevel. Now if I rotate up and
down on my mouse wheel, you'll see that it'll
add extra edges in there to give us
a smoother bevel. So let's go ahead and let go. And we'll see that now we've created our bevel permanently. Now what we're going to
do is add a loop cut. So first, I'm going to
de-select everything by clicking off to the side
here and pressing a. Now what I can do is come
into the center here. And wherever I hover
with this loop cut tool, it's going to cut in a
loop around the object, assuming that it can make it
full loop around the object, and then write directly
in the middle. So if I go ahead and click here, you can see that it's created a loop cut there in the middle. And if I click and drag, I can set wherever I want that. So I'm going to click and
drag and set one there. Now we've created
a new geometry. You can see that
we have new faces, new vertices, and new
edges to work with. So let's take a look
at the inset tool. The inset faces
tool is right here. So let's go ahead
and click that. I'm going to switch to
face selection mode, and I'm going to grab
one of these faces that are now smaller. Now if I grab this
bar and move in, you can see that I'm actually
able to change the size of this face that moves in with there have
created a smaller face. Now, lastly, let's look
at the extrude tool. I'm going to grab the extrude
tool and what this will do is extrude along that face. So if I click this
and move upwards, you can see that
it is now adding new geometry and extruding
that face upwards. I can also extrude
inwards as well. So let's go ahead and set this face here and
then extrude inwards. And you can see that
we've created a cavity. Now if we go back to the
Bevel tool and zoom in, we can click and drag this and
add a small bubble inside. And if I de-select that and switch back out to object mode, you can see how all that
geometry has stayed in the mesh.
7. Smooth Mode: Now you may notice that we're able to see all these faces, which would be known as a common low poly effect
in game development. But you may not want
to see those faces. One way you can do that is
by adding more geometry. But the more geometry you add, the more expensive it's
going to get to render, and the slower it will
be in your viewport. So let's go ahead and
do a simpler solution. Let's go ahead and click this. And we're going to
right-click Shade Smooth. So you see we have shade flat, which is what's on by
default and shade smooth. And you can see here that it's
creating a smooth sphere. Now over here, our
geometry is a bit more complicated and it's having trouble telling what
sides to smooth. So we're going to give it
a bit of extra assistance. We're gonna come down here to this little green
tab here called the object data properties. Now normals or
whatever direction your faces are facing in 3D. That may be confusing, but don't worry
about that for now. You can always learn that later. But what you need to
know here is that in the normals tab, if
we twist it down, There's an auto smooth option where we can change the degree. So I'm going to check
that on and adjust this. You can see how it's changing the smoothness of my object. I'm going to leave mine
at the default 30. Is that works fine for
the look of this object.
8. Timeline and Keyframes: Now what I'm going
to do is show you how to use a bit of motion. Animation is very
complicated in Blender, in 3D in general. And I've created a course on how to deep dive into animation. But let's look at the basics. Down here we can insert
keyframes by otto King. We have two ways of eating. Inserting keyframes. We can press I and choose to insert a keyframe
on all of these values. This may be hard if
you're just starting. So let's go ahead and just
take a look at the auto King. Let's go ahead and click
the Auto came here. Now, anytime we move an object, that object will automatically
insert a keyframe. So I'm gonna go
ahead and just grab the Move tool and
just move this a tiny bit, insert a keyframe. You'll see here that we
have a keyframe down here. Now let's come over here to 100 by clicking and
dragging on our timeline. And I'm gonna go ahead
and move this over here. Now I'm going to
press this button here to jump to the end point. This will take me to the
end point at this end, and this will take me to the beginning
endpoint over here. Now if I click the Play button, it will play forward
and we'll see that our object is now
moving in-between. I don't want to accidentally
insert keyframes, so I'm gonna go ahead and
turn off auto king here. I'm going to start
back at the beginning. Notice that when I hit play, that this play keeps
going past the animation. You may notice this
light gray area. That's how much of our
scene will render when we go to render and how much of
our scene will play back. We can change that over here. So since I only have 100
frames of animation, I'm gonna go ahead and
change this to 100 by clicking and typing in 100. Now when I hit play, it will restart my animation every time it gets
to the 100th frame. You may notice that these keyframes are
highlighted orange. That's because they're selected. If I click in here,
I can de-select them and it can actually
move these keyframes here. So I'm gonna go ahead, click and select a drag this frame. And then I'm just
going to click and drag to move that frame to 30. And that will make my
animation play much quicker. So if I hit play, we'll see that now it snaps there in 30 frames. So that's the basic of how
to use the timeline down here and how to do some basic
animation in your scene. Next up, let's take a
look at the layouts.
9. Layouts: Next up, let's take a
look at the layouts. I'm going to reset back to
my default keyframe here. And I'm actually going to
select these keyframes here. And I'm just going to hit Delete and get rid of those so I don't have any
animation in my scene. Next up, we'll go through all these different preset
options we have here. So first up we have modeling. This creates a view mode that
automatically toggles us into edit mode and gives
us more modeling options. Over here we have sculpting. Now you can see here
that we have all of our sculpting tools and it's
switched us to sculpt mode. Now you may need more
information than this. Now just like you press T
to introduce the toolbar, if you press N, it will introduce the
information panel over here. And here, if we click tool, we can see that we get a
deep dive into our settings. So if you're familiar
with Photoshop, you may be familiar with these
type of brush settings of radius and strength are the two that you're going
to focus on the most. If I tab in the UV
editing mode here, we can see the UVs
of our object. This is for when you're
doing advanced texturing, but essentially a UV
allows you to unwrap your object into a 2D view so that you can paint
textures onto it, which brings us to the next tab. Texture paint. This allows
us to paint onto our object in here you can
see that we're in texture paint mode
selected up here. And that we can grab all of our different
tools on the left. Again, if we press N and go to the tool tab here we
can see that we have various options such as radius strength and the
color of the texture paint. Here we have shading. Now this gets a
bit more advanced, but this is where we can start creating materials for object. You can see here that we have the base color image added into our base
color of the node here. We'll look at this node
a bit more in a minute. Up here we have access to our files here we
can view our images. Here we're in
material preview mode so that we can view
the material previews. And down here is where we
can edit all of our shaders. Here we have the animation tab, which shows us our
animation from our camera viewport and then a 3D view port to animate in. Down here we have
the dope sheet, which is kind of like
an in-depth timeline. You can see here that under the keyframes we can
twiddle down and adjust our scale rotation and locations independently
of one another. Next up is the rendering tab. When you render
your image, you can display the result here. We also have a compositing tab, and the compositing
tag is a full suite of compositing tools
within blender.
10. Outliner: Next up we're going to deep dive into the panels over here. But let's start with a
more interesting scene. So I've included
this frog seen here, which is actually a
scene that you create and one of my other Skillshare courses
if you're interested. So first thing you may
notice when opening this project is that it's
actually a different layout. And blender makes it
really easy to create different layouts and you can change each panel individually. So here we have the
dope sheet panel, and let's change that to
another view of the frog. So we can click on the
top left here and choose what type of content we
want, our panel display. So I'm going to
select 3D Viewport. You can see by here it gives us a default top-down
view of the panel. These panels are
individual of one another when it comes
to view port Modes. So if I click up here
in the material, we can see that this one will switch to
material preview mode, but this one will stay in
the default solid view. Then what we can do is
we can click this frog. And if we see that
we move it around, it moves around in both scenes. This can be really helpful
for when you're trying to edit a scene from
multiple perspectives. We can also create
a new panel by clicking and any corner
and dragging up. And then I can change this panel again to display
something else, e.g. if I wanted to display
the shader editor here, then if I want to close panels, I can click and drag. And you'll see this
arrow up here to tell me that it's going to
combine those panels. I'm going to drop this down to just the view of the frogs so that we can focus
on this one scene. First up, let's look
at the outliner which is organized up here. Now using the same
Adobe analogies before, these are kinda like layers and folders which
organize your seeing. Each one of these is
called the collection. You can right-click and create new collection to
create a new folder, to put all of your objects in. And you can name them by double-clicking and
typing in a name. Notice here that
if you twirl down, you can see all of
their contents. Here. You can see in the frog,
I have my frog object, and when I click this, it will select that object in the scene. Twirl down the
camera object here, we can see that we have
different types of objects. I have all my lighting and my
camera objects in here and you can tell what
type of object it is by this little symbol. If you'd like to see how
these lights effect a scene, feel free to move them
around in the render view and you can see how they adjust the lighting in the scene. Likewise, if you'd like
to add more lights, you can go to add and
add those under lights and experiment with what the different types
of lights do. We can also delete and
rename objects up here. But one thing I want to focus
on That's very helpful in the outliner object is
the options right here. Now you can turn
those options on and off by clicking
this button here. I recommend turning
on these first five as those are
the most useful. And those will allow us to disabled things in the viewport. If we click this check
mark here and turn off, this frog will see
that he disappears. **** no longer render and he also doesn't appear
in the viewport. If we click this check mark on, we can turn on this alternative Frog Design that I
have in this folder. I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the default frog and
leave him there. Over here we have a
selection toggle. If I click this, I won't be
able to select an object. This is very helpful when
you have a lot of objects in your scene and you don't
want to accidentally select the wrong things. Here we have a height
and a viewport option. This will turn the object
off into view port, but it will still appear when you go to
your final render. Likewise, here at the end, we have the render toggle. This means that they will
stay on in the viewport, but they will disappear
when you click render. These can be very
helpful when you're doing more advanced scenes. In the middle here we have a
disabling viewport option. Now what this will do is
turn it off in the viewport, but it will also turn off any effects associated
with that object. So e.g. if this frog had
quite a few effects on it, that we're slowing
down my scene. I could turn this off
and it would turn off all those effects as well and
help my scene move faster.
11. Properties and Render: We're gonna go ahead and
turn back on that frog and continue down here to
the properties panel. Now the properties panel
has all these tabs which all control quite a
bit of information. It can be very overwhelming, but we're going to look
at just a few that matter to you as a beginner. First up is this one right here called the
render properties. This allows us to choose
our render engine, but most importantly, it
allows us to set our samples. Now the higher your
sample count is, the less noisy your
image will be, but the longer it's
going to take to render. If you're on a
lower-end machine, it may be difficult to render as quickly as you
need, but fear not. We also have a
de-noising option, which we can turn on
here on our render by toggling down this
de-noising here, checking render and then choosing optics are
open image denoise. Both of these are
good options for de-noising your image in
helping speed up your renders. Next up, let's look
at the output panel. The output panel determines
where your renderer will go and the size of your
render in file format. Here you can see that we
adjust the resolution, which will actually change the look of the camera
in your viewpoint to give you the same resolution
that you will output as. I'm gonna go ahead
and undo that. Down here we have the
output which is where we can choose for our file to go. And then down here we
have the file format. You can see here by
default it's set to PNG and you can
change the color, the color depth, and the
compression settings here as well. If you're rendering
an animation, it'll put all of those
files into this location. You can render your scene under the render window up here. So if I click render here, I can choose to render an
image or render an animation. If I render an animation that'll automatically output
to the folder chosen. If I render an image
when it's complete, I'll still have to save that
image. Let me show you how. Now if I come up here
to render image, it will render my scene. And you'll see that it begins working in what
are called tiles, where it will render
each of these individually to create
my final scene. Now that my scene
is done rendering, I can come to image
and Save As again, if you're doing an animation, it would automatically
put those in the folder as it moved on.
12. Additional Properties: Next up, let's look at
the world properties. If I click world
properties here, you can see that we can change the color of our background. If I switch to render mode here, we'll be able to
see the color of our background and
the render view. We can see here that
we have a white scene. If I go ahead and click this
and change this to red, you can see that it actually affects the lighting
of the scene. If you don't want
it to affect the lighting of your scene at all, you can turn it down to black. Alternatively, if you
click this button here and choose
environment texture, you can download HDRI
is from the internet, which will light your scenes
automatically for you, which is a great price
for beginners to begin. But for now, let's move
on to the modifier panel. The modifier panel is
this little wrench, and it will show the
modifiers you have attached to any of your objects
that you have selected. So I'm gonna go ahead
and select my frog here. And we see that we have a
subdivision panel here. You see that we can
also disable these in the viewport and then
the render as well. This little toggle
right here will disable it in edit mode as well, making it so that you
can edit your mesh. Let's go ahead and
take a look at one of the most common modifiers,
the subdivision modifier. Now I'm going to go
ahead and apply it to this lily pad here. If we go to Add
Modifier with that lily pads selected and
click subdivision, you'll see that it
subdivides this object, which means that
it's going to add more mesh to it and
make it smoother. And if I turn that up, you
can see that it's going to continually move that object. This is a very common effect
to use because you can take something such as a sphere and add a bunch of extra
geometry to it, making it appear smoother
and higher resolution. For now I'm going to
delete this modifier. We can do that by
clicking X here. Next up, let's look at
the materials panel. This is where we can control all the materials
on our objects. If I click here, we
can see that we have the materials for our
objects displayed up here. And you can have multiple
materials on one object. Down here, you can adjust all the settings
of your materials. And then here you can choose
to add or remove materials. Once you've selected a slot, you can then choose what
material want to appear there. So if I select this body slot, I have and I put background, will see that it changes
our frog's body to be the same as the material
that the background has. I'm going to go back and
change this back to body so that we get our frog
back to his normal station. So using everything
that we've learned, Let's go ahead and add a little top hat
onto our frog here.
13. Using What We've Learned: So first one I'm going to do
is drag out this view here. And I'm going to change this
viewport to a top view. So I'm gonna go to Viewport top. I'm going to move down here
and I'm going to go to Add, and I'm going to add
a cylinder here. Now I'm going to move
this cylinder until it appears on the top
of our frog's head. I'm going to move
to the viewpoint and I'm going to move
to the front here. And I'm going to zoom in. And then I'm going to move
this little cylinder up here. Now I'm going to
scale this down. Let's grab the scale tool here. We'll click and
drag in the center, and we're going to
shrink that down until it's really small. And you can do that with
the left and right tool. I'm going to shrink it
down to about that size. I'm going to grab
that Move tool again. I'm going to bring it down
here on top of the head. Now I'm going to go back
into my top view by clicking the Z up here and moving this
until I get it somewhere. I'm happy. So I'm going to move it back
here on the frog's head. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to tab into edit mode. First I'll switch to solid view. Then I'll tab into edit mode. So I'll come up here
to object edit mode. And now we're going to add
a little base two r hat. So first, what we'll do is we'll zoom in onto our cylinder here. And we're going to grab
the loop cut tool, will grab the loop cut
tool here in the center, click and drag to the bottom. Now what we're gonna do is
come into our front view here. So I'm gonna go ahead and
grab one of these views here, either the front
or the side view. And I'm going to turn
on the wireframe mode. Then what I'm gonna do is
grab the box select tool here and grab these bottom two
sections of vertices here. Then I'm gonna go
ahead and click at the inset faces tool. And we can actually
use this not only to inset our faces inwards, but also to extrude
them straight out. So with that clicked, I'm going to hold
Control and drag down. And you'll see that
it drags out here to give our TopHat a little base. Now what I'm going
to do is click off to the side to de-select everything box-like the
bottom here, the Move tool. Move that up to give
r hat a thinner base. Now I'm going to add
one more loop cut. Going to add a loop cut here to the top and drag this down. Lastly, I'm going
to grab this top here and I'm going to bevel
it with the Bevel tool. So I'm going to
bring that down and then go up on my mouse wheel to add a
little bit of geometry there. Now I'm going to click
off to the side and I'm gonna go back
to my solid view, zoom in over here, and switch back to object mode. And we can see here that if
I go to View Frame selected, we can zoom in on
our hat there and see that it has that low
poly look we don't want. So let's go ahead and
right-click Shade Smooth. And then we're gonna come
down here to our object data, turn on normals and
turn on auto smooth. And you'll see that that all fixed a lot of our smoothing. I'm gonna go ahead
and turn this up to 45 degrees to fix that glitch
we're seeing right there. Now let's go ahead and add some materials to
this object here. I'm gonna go ahead and click the material
viewport right here. So if I come down here
to the new material, click New, we'll see that
it creates a material. I'm going to call
this hat black. And then I'm going to
choose the base color here, and I'm gonna make
that a black color. Now let's go ahead
and add a red stripe. So we need to create
a new material slot. Let's create a new
slot by clicking this. Let's create a new material. Let's call this hat red. Then I'm going to
select red here. And you'll notice that
nothing happens because we need to assign it to
part of our material. So with our objects selected, Let's go to Edit Mode, and we're going to
select these faces here. So I'm going to snap into
that front view there, go back to wireframe mode, switch over to Face Select. And then I need to
grab these little dots right here to
select those faces. I'm going to click and
drag across there. Now at this material selected, I'm going to hit a sign. I can also assign other materials to it as
well if I need to remove. Now if we come back to the
material preview mode, you'll see that
we have red here, and we're ready to go ahead and render and save our image. So come up here to render image. And once that's done rendering, you're ready to Image, Save As, and save
out your render. I just wanted to point
out that today we covered the navigation
of Blender, but blenders, a
full-featured suite tool. And aside from just 3D, it's actually a full
2D animation tool, a full visual effects tool, and a full video
editing tool as well. There's quite a bit
to learn in Blender, and I hope that this helps
kickstart your journey.
14. Outro: Congratulations on reaching
the end of this course. Hopefully you feel a bit more confident and navigating
around blender. And now you should
be ready to hop into other courses and learn how
to create content yourself. I'm really excited to
see what you create, so please make sure to tag
me at Southern shoddy on Instagram or to upload your
projects here on Skillshare.