Watercolor Seashell: Easy and Fun Watercolor Project | Irina Trzaskos | Skillshare

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Watercolor Seashell: Easy and Fun Watercolor Project

teacher avatar Irina Trzaskos, Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Supplies & Colors


    • 3.

      Drawing a Seashell


    • 4.

      Painting the First Layer


    • 5.

      Painting the Second Layer and Finishing details


    • 6.

      Thank you!


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About This Class

Happy Summer! In this short summer class we will be painting a seashell. Watercolor Seashell is the 6th class in the series of fun and short summer classes. These classes are meant to keep you inspired while allowing you to spend more time outdoors enjoying the beautiful sunny days. Below are listed the classes we already published in this series, I will be adding a new short class every week during the summer. Also, I have a myriad of other watercolor classes, in case you want to dive deeper into the watercolor painting. Thank you for all the beautiful projects, comments and reviews, you keep me motivated and inspired.

Can't wait to see your summer artwork.

Happy painting, x Irina.

My other fun and short summer classes:

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Irina Trzaskos

Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. My name is Irina [inaudible]. I'm a watercolor artist and illustrator. Also, I teach many classes here at Skillshare. This is another fun and short summer class. Today, we'll be painting a seashell. I regularly publish new classes, so press the follow button on top if you didn't do so and let's get started. 2. Supplies & Colors: In today's class, we'll be using the usual supplies. We're using them most of my classes, I teach watercolor paper called perhaps 140 pounds, cancel. A set of watercolor paint, water, paint palette, paper towel, paper I cut it to, the size I want. Eraser, round watercolor brush. This is Number 6, synthetic brush. And for details will need a small watercolor brush leases accounting brush Number 2. Also we'll need a pencil. We may need a fine diner, just make sure it's waterproof. And white pin gel, wash or white acrylic paint. I host more paper to show you the colors here. For our seashell, we'll be using just three colors. It's so red, ocher, purple. We can use purple but isn't good to red occurred to darken for the brown. And the first color will be using blue. So in next video I will be drawing a seashell. 3. Drawing a Seashell: If it is a beak, what I'd set up sea shells in the world, however, for his class, I picked the one which is not too difficult and the same time it may seem that it's tricky, so I'll show you how to draw it. First, this are construction lines, we'll have to erase them before we start paintings. First what we will draw a general shape, and next from these corner, this [inaudible] we'll continue this line right here and then we'll bend it a little bit here, and then we'll go this way. We have bottom part of a shell, here we have this open part and its not regular. Here we have to just draw lines which are getting closer and closer to one another and then just make them more flowing like this. Again, your lines have to be like way lighter than mine, I only raise mine a little bit too, just was important for you to see. So here's our seashell, beautiful and easy. Next what I will do behind the scene, I'll just to erase extra line and a [inaudible] bit before we start painting. 4. Painting the First Layer: Now one way to find the lines, and you can see I made them even more flowing by adding the lines like this, and this and this almost like a template. Next week I'll start painting our first layer and it's going to be a really light one so we don't want to overwork with some this painting because it's still a fun and easy project. Let's just go take some red ocher. Of course, you could use any colors you want, and add a little bit of blue to it. It's too much blue. [inaudible] watery mix. Cover the darker parts because it's a laying on something, the darker parts will be down here and the light hitting so the lightest part will be somewhere right here. This one we'll work on it separately after. I'm not covering the entire part of the shell with water, just playing almost like sketching with watercolor. Try to keep it as light as possible. By light I mean without heavy paint. Just very watery. If you mind, we're leaving some highlights, if we don't like them later we'll just color them with another wash. This is enough for now and now we can paint this part. It's going to be really dark here so let's make some red ocher with some purple. I tried just following the shape, and then we're washing the brush and drying it in a paper towel and we'll just make this gradient wash. I think it needs a little more red ocher, it's still purple so let's add it while its still wet. Yes, this is better. There's too much paint, so I'm drying the brush, and bringing it back to this area. Here we're still probably darkened it one more time. While these parts are still wet, we can add some. A little bit darker and let the water do the work for us and now we'll let the layer dry and the next stage will be getting some shadows and some texture. 5. Painting the Second Layer and Finishing details: Now on our first layer is still getting dry. I will take some blue, we've got a little bit of purple, this is too much purple. We'll make a shadow on the seashell. I want it to be a creative shell, so we'll try to bring it clear something like this. Where it touches this seashell, I'll take more purple and I draw it under. I'm taking off some of this purple which bleaches it too much and draw it below, this is better. Also a little bit of light-blue, I'd like to draw it top because after writing some of it is a little bit cool, than other manifold or in spring, so just a little bit of blue here. Next what you do will mix into this red ocher some more purple, and will make like a figure mix of the paint with less water. I'm still learning to keep it as light as possible I mean as watery. We'll make some lines for shadows, but not too much. Let's draw it up into the surface, I'm drawing them large. I feel it needs more red ocher. Of course, we'll add some more shadow right here. This one needs to be a little bit, this is good. This is enough shadows and now we'll take some red ocher [inaudible] with a lot of water and a tiny brush, we'll be adding some texture. Just red ocher with a lot of water and we will be making these lines. You may think you can barely see them, but they're definitely aging with texture. I'll be repeating the shape of a shell. It's okay if they're not parallel because they are not in nature, and you can add as many as you want. Also, move on, take some darker and you add some lines this way. I'll start repeating the shape and if they're not perfect, it's okay. Just some dots or lines, this is enough and unless touch as always will add with a white gel pan some dark fine-liner if you feel like it or if you don't, then just leave it just in watercolor. Like when you to some more precise lines right here somewhere, add some white gel pen of-course. This is how easy seashell, and then a bit of splashes add some blue dotted splashes just to give it the feeling like at somewhere at seashore and not of botanical illustration. That's it. 6. Thank you!: Thank you so much, for watching my classes. I love seeing good project, reading your comments and reviews. If you like this class, please leave a review and upload project in project section of the class. I will leave you my feedback. See you in my next class. Bye.