Painting Beautiful French Desserts in Ink and Watercolor | Irina Trzaskos | Skillshare

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Painting Beautiful French Desserts in Ink and Watercolor

teacher avatar Irina Trzaskos, Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Mixing Colors


    • 4.

      Savarin Dessert


    • 5.

      Charlotte Painting


    • 6.

      Painting Madeleines


    • 7.

      La Religieuse


    • 8.

      Last Thoughts


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About This Class

Welcome to the Class!

In this class, I will show you step by step how to paint four French Dessert. We will be using modern watercolor techniques combining ink and watercolor.

We will be painting following desserts:

- Savarin

- Charlotte

- Madeleines

- La Religieuse

At the end of the class, you will have a collection of French Dessert illustrations.

Happy Painting!

The class is suitable for beginners. 

If you are new to the watercolor medium and would like to understand it better, I have 2 classes on watercolor basics:

Essential Watercolor Techniques for Beginners

The Basics of Color Mixing in Watercolor

The classes are concise and fun.

This class is geared toward designers, illustrators, bakers, sketchers who use watercolor or are attracted to watercolor media.

Meet Your Teacher

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Irina Trzaskos

Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi everyone. My name is Irina Trzaskos, I am an artist and illustrator. I invite you to my studio to explore the magic of watercolor. In today's class, I'll show, step by step, how to paint French desserts combining watercolor and ink. I hope my classes will help you build a successful and beautiful portfolio. In the next data, I'll show you the supplies we'll be using in this class. Let's get started. 2. Supplies: For our ink and water color French desserts we'll be using following supplies. Watercolor ink, watercolor paper, and paper towel paint pallet, water of course. I also will show you two different techniques. One we'll be using fine liner, like we did in other classes. Just make sure your fine liner is waterproof. In another one we'll be using black ink. If you don't like using ink, you can use fine liner for all illustrations. Also you need need a white ink or white Japan, white gunge or white acrylic paint whichever you feel the most comfortable with. Also you need an eraser, a pencil, a medium watercolor brush. This is kalonsky symbol number 4. For detailed work, you'll need a smaller lighter colored brush, this is kalonsky symbol number 2. For ink I'll use Key symbol number 0. This is an old brush. I'm not worried too much about. So if it gets ruined with ink, it's okay. You can find the list of all supplies in the Project section of the class. In next phase, we'll be mixing colors for our French dessert. 3. Mixing Colors: Now, let's make some colors for our French desserts. This class, I'll be painting for desserts, and honestly I choose them just because I like them visually. I'm not a baker so I don't know how to bake them. Within all that so my classes are watched above by bakers and by French artists, so I apologize if I don't pronounce the names right because I really chose them because I like them visually. If you watched my previous classes, you may notice that I don't have much browns in my palette, and for pastry you need some browns. I have ocher, which is brownish, I have a red ocher, and I have sea-blue. It's all the browns I have, but I like mixing colors, so that's why I don't have much browns. I'd rather have more bright colorful colors in my pallet. Let's start with pastry colors and I mix it if we don't have brown, and we are open to use browns. If you have them in your palette, I'll just show you what do I do when I don't have browns. The lightest part of pastry, we can even use yellow ocher as it is or if I feel it's too yellow, I can add a little bit of golden orange to it. To make it darker I'll add a little bit of purple. If we add more purple, we can get to a dilly dilly dark brown if we need to. For example, if it's some pastry of cocoa in it. These are three tones I'll be using in all pastry we'll be painting today. Add thinned golden-orange and some purple. Add the same for savarin. Too much orange here, add more yellow ocher and religieuse, so we have the same set of colors for a pastry part. Yellow ocher golden-orange and a little bit of purple. If you want a darker, just add more purple. Next, how do we mix colors if we have white frosting. We need this a neutral color for a white, so we'll be mixing three primary colors, which is yellow , scarlet red, and ultramarine blue. Mixing these three colors together in a paint palette and diluting it with a lot of water will get a neutral color for out of white, like white frosting, so mixing them here. Depending on the light in your room, you can add more blue or more yellow, making it warmer or colder. Proportion has to be equal of all three colors together, so perfect neutral. It's looking great but that's what we need for our shadows or our puff pastry and we can add a little more yellow if we feel like, making a little warmer, so this is our white. Combining it with white paper and some white ink will really have beautiful white shadows. That's the colors we'll be using for our white frosting. Now on charlotte we have some berries, so for our berries we'll be using carmine red. To make it darker, we'll mix it with some emerald green. But in the main case we'll use carmine yellow, green, and we'll mix in ultramarine blue for darker part. For purple berries we'll be using burgundy and purple. At least we have almost all the colors, but I would like us to have some Lavigne sprinkles on white chocolate. We'll be using also some dilly light purple and maybe some purple mix to burgundy. For religieuse, I would like to have mint color or Turquoise color frosting. However, I don't want it this bright, so I will neutralize it a little bit with some cadmium orange. Our main frosting, and also with our painting on the top, I'd like to use mutant. For our savarin we have a cholesterol pastry, the color for a white frosting, and we have a dark variant top, so we'll be using some burgundy and purple. For madeleine we'll be using again yellow, green, and we'll mix in ultramarine blue for darker parts. These are all the colors we'll be using for our French desserts. 4. Savarin Dessert: The first French dessert we'll be painting in ink and watercolor will be savarin. As I understand, it's a small round cake with some cream on top and embellished with a berry. I will start drawing. It's a pretty simple shape and for ink we'll be using a fineliner. As usual, we're starting with pretty simple illustration before we get to more complicated ones. Here we have a leaf, a berry and here it has this edges. Here is the top of the pastry which was caught and also we have this small plate. After we did our drawing with a pencil, we can just outline everything with fineliner. You don't have to outline like in coloring book, we can skip some areas. Again, make sure that your fineliner is waterproof so it wont get diluted when will paint with watercolor over it. Cream I'll be edging more lines with just watercolor. I don't want it too dark, so I'm not adding more black lines. This is pretty simple but still beautiful dessert to draw and paint, suitable for beginners. After we've outline everything with fineliner, we can start painting our pastry. For lightest areas, I'm taking some yellow ocher and as you see am still leaving some white spaces. The modern watercolor techniques always, not always but allow you to leave white areas on paper, more classic techniques with color or full paper with color. After I painted my lightest color on my pastry, this is pastry too, I'll make some golden orange to my yellow ocher and I drop off purple, all in the same mix. Now I can start edging some shadows. The light is coming from this direction as usual in my classes, so let's add some shadow here and there. I still like my watercolor to be light and transparent, so I'm trying not to overwork. Still with the brush, I can leave some interest in texture, which is very suitable for a pastry. After we did this, we can add some more purple to our color mix and go with even darker strokes entire pastry. I'd like to darken it here next to the cream. This is enough for now. Next, I'll mix our yellow, red and blue for a neutral color for our white frosting. I mix in [inaudible] yellow with scarlet red and ultramarine blue. Next am diluting it with a lot of water and where I see the lines that are shadows and I didn't cream in. I'm trying to leave some areas totally white. While it's drying, we can paint our berry. I'll use burgundy for the lighter area and they even can leave a highlight. For darker area I'll use purple. For our mint leaf I'll use a yellow mixed with green for the lightest areas and then I'll add some green and in shadow part, I'll mix in some ultramarine blue. Now when our icing is drying, we can add with the same mix even deeper shadows. It's a glazing technique, so we'll darken them just in the next layer. Outside I feel like I'd like our berry to be a little darker, so mix some purple with a drop of [inaudible] or of this part. Also I'd like to add a shadow from the berry on the leaf and a few more details here. Of the small brush, we can make our shades even deeper. Am mixing more purple into my pastry color mix and I'll add few small details in the pastry. Also I can mix some ultramarine blue with purple and add a small shadow here. The very last detail, I'll be adding some little dots with light ink or white gel pen. Maybe few more highlights. Also if you feel like your frosting is not white enough, you can add few white lines here and there on that. This is our savarin illustration in ink and watercolor. 5. Charlotte Painting: After we painted the [inaudible] we can start painting a more complicated dessert, Charlotte. In this illustration, I'll be using both a fine liner and ink. But ink I will be using my brush, because I don't know how to use ink pen. Let's start with the drawing. Charlotte will be standing on the small cake stand. Well, let's draw the base tree. I am starting from the middle. I need to add a ribbon. On the top would have some white frosting leaves and berries. At this stage my sketch is enough, the rest we can add with our ink. Here we have a half of strawberry, some more frosting another leaf and some red berries and white frosting again, and another leaf. Now I would like to outline some of the berries with fine liner, the berries and the leaves, because I have more control with fine liner and few lines on the frosting. For the rest I would like to paint with ink, I have black ink right here and I'm taking my brush number zero and then dip it in ink and just outline it with a not perfect lines. Ink could be deleted just like watercoloring with water, if you don't want it so dark. I am avoiding the demon snow. The cake stand. Just be careful, the ink is not drying as fast as fine liners. Just try not to smudge it. Let me go as slow as you want, it will just bring more character into your drawing. I'm leaving the ribbon for now and if your ink is dry, you can start coloring. Again, we'll start with some yellow ocher. Next, we have some golden orange. This part is still wet, so I am starting from second pastry. Just like a [inaudible] need a little bit of [inaudible]. I'm leaving some white spaces. Next, let's make some yellow, red, and blue for our white frosting and then just tint in some shadows here and there. After we color the frost we'll understand if we need more shadow or not. After we add some shadows on the frosting, we can start coloring the leaves and the fruits. For leaves I'm mixing some yellow with green and then for darker part I am putting just more green and for darkest a little bit of ultra rainbow. Next let's color the variance. I think I'll use this small little brush over them. Which can do? Purple and again so [inaudible] to and purple. I can add highlights with white ink at the end. Color our strawberry inside with the light red, leaving some areas totally white, and related dry. In a while we can color this berries. Next if we could add few more shadows on the leaves, and maybe some texture. After our throats are colored, we can see that we need a little more shadows on our wide coasting. On the edge of a strawberry we're adding a few lines of darker red, also few inside. I feel like we need one more glaive right here behind these paintings. Feel free to improvise as you go. You can add more berries or leaves or branches, but generally if you feel like. Now let's add humor shadows to our a-pi string so it will have more depth. It makes some golden orange with purple, make sure you have your paper down next to you. Now I'm trying to avoid the deepen, so I am going around it, and the little one purple and we can add the darkest exons, our red berries needs a darker shades so they would have molar volume. To mixing some red and green, little bright range into color too. Now becoming red, I'll color all the ribbon, this illustration doesn't look as realistic as previous one but I think it got one character, and it's interesting to look at. Also if purple and ultramarine blue, I would like to add some shadows on our glass of the cake stand. There is always a less details to add with white. if you're using white ink, then I just put down few dots, some white instead of a strawberry, and I feel like I would even needs few highlights too. So this is our Charlotte. 6. Painting Madeleines: Next on the station, we'll be painting our madeleine cookies. First of all, make a quick drawing with a pencil and then we'll outline it with ideal ink. For this type of illustration, if you're doing it in this way, just make sure that the ink is totally dry before you start coloring the illustration. Madeleine cookies are shaped like a seashells, a pretty easier shape to draw and paint. I'm starting with the basic shape and you add these detailed shape. Here it will be like wave. We'll have an hour illustrations to add the cookies, and one will be dipped in a white chocolate, with some lavender sprinkles. Here we'll have a dipped in white chocolate. Next, I will use my brush number 0 and outline everything with black ink. Grenache allows us to make the line look more alive because it changes with, somewhere it's whiter and somewhere it's a very fine line. Just really beautiful. The second madeleine cookie. Here I want to make a line for a white chocolate and add the lines only on the bottom in this. After you outline everything with ink, we have to let it dry, so make sure your ink is not shiny and then you'll start painting again using the best two colors. Yellow ocher, some golden orange for the lighter parts. Then we'll add some purple for darker part. I take a little bit of purple, this is too much, just one drop is enough. So here, don't be darker. This modeling was still wet, and you can see that I tone the darker shade when went to this part 2, and it's okay. Let's make the colors for our white chocolate. A little bit more blue, go around the shape, adding some shadows. Just a little bit, so it'll be a little bit darker on the paper. In the middle here, I would even go one spot wide. Next we can take a darker shade for our pastry, and add some shades, just to bring more depth. Make it look more delicious too. I'm trying not to over work it. I still want it to look transparent and light. Next we can add our lavender sprinkles. I'll make some purple with a little bit of burgundy, and will dilute it with a lot of water. I mix some burgundy to purple, so the shade will be more and more, and then with a tip of our brush, we can make some sprinkles. I'm adding more burgundy, so, I have few sprinkles of different shade. This is plane 2, from leaving too much. Next, what we have to do is just some shadow, next to our madelaine. I mix some purple with ultramarine blue, and they mix in more purple into pastry shade more shadows, just a little bit. Add a little more water. The last step, as always, is beautiful white, and just fill more details. Like convection sugar, it may be a little bit of white or white chocolate. In my illustration, I didn't erase them, and so on, but it did look nicer. So these are our madelaine cookies 7. La Religieuse: The next desert we will be drawing and painting is La Religieuse, another way of painting and illustration and in can watercolor is to have some elements on the ink, while the other will be only in watercolor, and it looks really stylish and beautiful. Then this illustration I'll show you how, we will start with the basic drawing, and it's just really easy to draw it a little bit looks like a snowman. You can find this is either a different frosting but I picked a cheerful nice colors say I like, try to make your drawing as light as it's possible certainly you can see it and making it darker, so you can save in the camera and board. The real live don't make it way lighter, and they'll have that bright candy on top. We'll show where the frosting and his parts on the frosting gone wide from the soul mentor clause. This is a face tree, and a bright candy so the desert itself will be a painting in watercolor, and for the bottom part will be easy on the ink for our cake stand. Let's start with a white frosting, because it's the cheapest to mix. As we remember we're mixing three primary colors, yellow, blue, and white in the same proportion. We get this neutral, yellowish gray, and then we dilute with a lot of water this is too dark. We'll add some shadows on our frosting. Sometimes this frosting diamonds, it goes straight. We then wanted to make them to go more interesting this is enough. Next will mix the color for our pastry, we will mix some yellow ocher, or it would do orange again and purple. Separate them, mixing only yellow ocher and golden orange for the lighter parts, and here we can see some pastry too. One of the pastry is drying which cannot paint our frosting. The frosting go and mix it might take us a little bit of cognitive orange, so it won't look too bright and to look more natural. Because cadmium orange is complimentary color for blue onto glass and a little bit of Prussian blue to the darker part on the frosting on this side. Some pros tank on the bottom part of the dessert. I'm keeping my watercolor pretty watery because I want this watercolor effect. Even some imperfections can be nice. You can see how the paint lead on this side because of the pastry color was still wet. I think we can fix that. Next, we can paint our candy and now be using the agent first and let's send it to red that means add a drop of yellow, which is complimentary color, and now I want to highlight here, I think by wide side needs few more lines of shadows. Next to this small brush, I will darken my pastry especially here next to a wide cross turn. I would like to darken here and here it adds more texture to the pastry too much bump. I'll start adding another layer on the frosting to being more in depth to illustration. Next, we can paint our cake stand, I like the style where some elements are on the ink and others are only in watercolor. I think it's so stylish, combining two stars a graphic and at painterly together, and again, if you prefer a liner better, you are free to use it. The water color has started to dry. I remove all the pencil lines. Let's add a few more shadows next to the white. We may need a little more on our candy and the last step, will be adding some dots and highlights with the white ink. Be careful not to launch your black ink and some highlights on our wide frosty, this is our La Religieuse 8. Last Thoughts: Thank you for watching my classes. I hope you had a chance to paint with me. If you like this class, please leave a review and upload the project to your project section on the class. I can't wait to see your beautiful desserts. See you in my next class.