Watercolor Hummingbird: Easy & Fun Watercolor Project | Irina Trzaskos | Skillshare

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Watercolor Hummingbird: Easy & Fun Watercolor Project

teacher avatar Irina Trzaskos, Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Colors and Supplies


    • 3.

      Drawing a Hummingbird


    • 4.

      Painting a Hummingbird


    • 5.

      Finishing details


    • 6.

      Last thoughts & thank you!


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About This Class

Watercolor Hummingbird is the 4th class in the series of fun and short summer classes. These classes are meant to keep you inspired while allowing you to spend more time outdoors enjoying the beautiful sunny days. Below are listed the classes we already published in this series, I will be adding a new short class every week during the summer. Also, I have a myriad of other watercolor classes, in case you want to dive deeper into the watercolor painting. Thank you for all the beautiful projects, comments and reviews, you keep me motivated and inspired.

Can't wait to see your summer artwork.

Happy painting, x Irina.

My other fun and short summer classes:

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Irina Trzaskos

Watercolor Artist & Illustrator

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. My name is Irina Trescas. I'm a watercolor artist and illustrator. Also, I teach in mediator's classes here at Skillshare. This is another fun and short summer class and today we'll be painting a hummingbird. Hummingbirds are fun and easy to paint. So let's get started. 2. Colors and Supplies: Today we'll be using the following supplies: water color paint, water color paper, I'm using a Canson called Press, paint palette, pencil, eraser. We'll be using fine liner to add some details. Also need a medium round water carbon brush, which is number four, and the small water color brush, this is number two. For other details, we'll need a white gel pen, whitewash or white ink. Also we need water and the paper towel. Today we'll be using the following colors: lemon-yellow to aqua, blue and one shade of blue, magenta and sepia. Of course, you can use any colors you like. 3. Drawing a Hummingbird: Now let's draw a Hummingbird. The project section of a class, you can find a template. You can just draw a transfer of a bird drawing on to your paper, If you don't feel confident drawing it. Again if you're drawing it, just make really fine lines, not as fake as mine. Here I will have eye, and we are really drawing as a little details as possible, because the details will be added with paint. If you don't feel confident drawing, you can easily use with template, and just transfer it onto paper. This is all our drawing will need, and editing also we'll do with paint. 4. Painting a Hummingbird: Now we can start painting our hummingbird. Make sure you have your paper towel next to you. Then first thing, what we'll do we'll cover either hummingbird with a beautiful watercolor wash using the colors we decided on. Just make sure you don't mix yellow with magenta, because those two don't mix well together. Then next is to mix magenta with blue. The blue of supine will give us a beautiful gray we'll need as a wing. The inside part of the wing, as we see it, is bluish-gray and all other part of a bird is pretty colorful. Let's start painting. Let's start with the bill. I'm mixing supine with blue. Next I'll add some water then will start adding colors of which is only the eye. Any water you like, just try not to mix magenta with yellow. I might add some turquoise. Now I'm adding a little bit of blue. Next I add some yellow, yellow give us a beautiful green and again we'll go to magenta with some blue. You can add spots here and there and still to do allowed because it's a bird, so it'll give us a texture of their feathers. In limiting some magenta, we'll get this purple similar to turquoise and again blue and yellow. Then the tail is blue and yellow which gives us a beautiful green, we are going to add more blue in here. This is just the first layer, so it will be still item for the second pair. But for now let's paint also this part of the wing, which has darker. We start with some blue and add some supine to it right here and then we'll just take some water. Long strokes will show the long feathers. I'll dry my brush and peel more lines before It's totally dry. The legs with the light supine we are leaving that alone for now and letting everything dry. 5. Finishing details: When the first layer is totally dry we can start adding shadows and details and finish our illustration. First what I'm doing, I'm adding a shadow on the [inaudible] also bringing this shadow closer to the eye. Mixing some thicker sepia with a little bit of blue, you can use ultramarine blue too and coloring the eye but leaving few highlights in it. Next we have a blue, I'll add some more shadows on the head. Again, I'm doing it with some brush strokes, so it will look like they're feathers. Just press the brush on paper and with some magenta I want to paint right here. Just make sure your first layer is totally dry. Some more thicker blue. Try not to overdo this part because we have a beautiful wash we made in first layer, so just add few feathers here and there, just like this. Some lines. Maybe even some with turquoise and some will be longer and some will be shorter. Just behind the colors. When we get to the tail it's going to be long feathers, so adding just few lines. Knowing into dark onto this part of the wing just like this and a little bit here. Show these feathers. You can do this with fine liner too. I think this is enough and the last details we'll be adding with fine liner so if you feel the eyes are not dark enough. Just darken it with fine liner and add few more details around the eye. Just few more lines, a little darker here and also, I'd like to add few dots with white. You can see how white is diluting in the water color, which is still wet. Our hummingbird is ready. 6. Last thoughts & thank you!: Thank you for watching my classes. I hope you had a chance to paint with me. If you like this class, please leave a review and upload the project to the project section to the class. I love seeing your projects, reading your comments and reviews. I hope to see you in the next class. Bye.