VIDEOSCRIBE Whiteboard Animations: A MASTER CLASS on How to Create Whiteboard Animation Videos | Alli Bartlett | Skillshare

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VIDEOSCRIBE Whiteboard Animations: A MASTER CLASS on How to Create Whiteboard Animation Videos

teacher avatar Alli Bartlett, Filmmaker. Youtuber. Business Owner

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Videoscribe Whiteboard Animations: Learn Videoscribe and How to Create Whiteboard Animations PROMO


    • 2.

      01 Introduction Videoscribe


    • 3.

      02 7 Day Free Trial and Opening Videoscribe


    • 4.

      03 Logging in, Project Screen, Customizing Default Settings


    • 5.

      04 Learn What Each of the Icons Are Used For


    • 6.

      05 Choosing a Hand and Drawing Tool


    • 7.

      06 Adding a Chart into Your Scribe


    • 8.

      07 Changing the Texture and Color of the Canvas


    • 9.

      08 Adding Your First Element


    • 10.

      09 Adding Multiple Elements to the Canvas and Setting Camera Positions


    • 11.

      10 Replacing Images


    • 12.

      11 Adding Text and Making it Look Good


    • 13.

      12 Moving Elements Around the Canvas


    • 14.

      13 Image Properties and Royalty Free Images


    • 15.

      14 Recording Audio, Replacing it and Working with Timing


    • 16.

      15 Creating Scenes, Flipping, Sizing and Timing


    • 17.

      16 Moving Canvas, Adding and Changing Text


    • 18.

      17 Adding Gaps to Text, An Alternate Way to Move Elements


    • 19.

      18 Importing Jpgs and Replacing Elements


    • 20.

      19 Using Scribble Out and More!


    • 21.

      20 Videoscribe Timeline


    • 22.

      21 Adding Royalty Free Jpgs


    • 23.

      22 Using Illustrator to draw image


    • 24.

      23 Importing PNGs, Moving Multiple Elements and a Faster Way to Change Properties


    • 25.

      24 Selecting Color in Photoshop for Hex Code


    • 26.

      25 Changing Canvas Color, Adding Music, Exporting


    • 27.

      26 Bonus! Premiere Pro and Final Thoughts


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About This Class

If you are creative and interested in becoming a better story teller through creating your own whiteboard animations than this is the course for you!

Whether you are an artist or have no drawing skills, this course will teach you how to create captivating whiteboard animations! 

Videoscribe is the most used program for creating whiteboard animations because of it's intuitiveness, image library and low cost. 

In this course you will learn how to create whiteboard animations, how to develop your creative story telling ability and how to create whiteboard animations!

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Alli Bartlett

Filmmaker. Youtuber. Business Owner


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Level: Beginner

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1. Videoscribe Whiteboard Animations: Learn Videoscribe and How to Create Whiteboard Animations PROMO: Hi, everyone. My name is Allie Saunders, and I want to teach you how to create great whiteboard animations using video scribe, I'll take you everything you need to know. So you'll start out as a beginner and be a pro video scribe user. By the end of this course, I have created many high quality whiteboard videos for my video production business and have been working with video scribe for several years. In this course, I'll teach you how to use all of the tools available in video scribe and how to create engaging whiteboard animation videos. After this course, you will know how to create your own whiteboard animations. Using video scribe, you will be able to sell your services. You'll be able to visually explain and express ideas through whiteboard animation. You'll learn how to change the drawing speed, change your drawing tools, move camera positions, how to use the video scribe library and how to important your own images. Video scribe allows create professional videos and a fraction of the time it would take you to shoot a video with live actors. Whiteboard Animation videos are one of the most popular video styles to tell a story and grab and audiences attention. So what better time than now to start learning video scribe and start making professional whiteboard videos? I hope to see you in the course. 2. 01 Introduction Videoscribe: Hi, I'm Allie from life progression project and welcome to this course on video scribe for beginners, I own a video production company in Toronto, Canada. And over the years there has been a huge demand for whiteboard animation videos. As the demand grew and grew, I finally decided it was time for me to learn how to create whiteboard animations myself. After a lot of research, I found that video scribe was the best program to create whiteboard animations because of it easiness, it's intuitive goodness, and the library of images that it allows you to use for free whiteboard animation videos are one of the most popular types of videos. And since our company started offering them a few years back, we have seen that many clients prefer whiteboard animation videos to live action, live recorded videos. And the reason so many clients love whiteboard animation videos is because wipe reanimation videos have endless possibilities in terms of what can be shown within the video. Think about it. If you're recording real live actors in real situations, let's say for instance, in the script it says, and then a unicorn showed up. Obviously, it's a lot harder to recreate a unicorn. And when you're creating real videos compared to in a whiteboard animation video where you could simply have one drawn in. I've also found that clients are really happy with the fact that whiteboard animation videos keep the viewer's attention on whatever is being drawn at the time. And whiteboard animation videos are entertaining. You can make them fun, you can make them goofy depending on what characters you're bringing into your scribe. So overall, I am so happy that I learned how to create whiteboard animations using video scribe. And I'm very excited for you to learn how to as well. If you don't have video scribe, I encourage you to download the free 7-day trial so that you can follow along throughout this course. In this course, I'm gonna take you from beginner level to pro level when it comes to creating whiteboard animations in video, scribe will go over the most efficient workflow I use to organize. My scribes will go over how to choose different hands to draw your images, how to draw them out in different ways using different tools that transitions the pauses, how to have the elements on your canvas work together. How to record audio right into your scribe, how to choose the music that comes in the library and way more. And I've never seen this done anywhere, but I think it's gonna be really valuable. I've actually shown you from beginning to end how I created the promo video for this course. First, I'm gonna take you through all the tools, how to use them, all the options you have within video scribe, some of the troubleshooting the I've had to do to figure out how to best work with in-video scribe. And then we're actually going to create the promo video together and you can follow along. I also show you where I like to go to get royalty-free images as well as royalty free music as another option. Now if you're going to be drawing your own images, then you can either use something for free called Inkscape, or if you have Adobe Illustrator, you can use that. That's what I like to use if I'm creating any of my own images. And I highly recommend if you're going to be creating your own scribes regularly, you look into Adobe Illustrator. So in a few of the lessons I'm going to show you how I draw my very own images within illustrator. I also own this way com, tablet here it comes with a webcam pen. It's called way come draw. It cost under $200. I think it was a $150 US when I purchased it. And this is a really great way to have more control when you're drawing within Inkscape or illustrator. So I use the pen here and I just love it. I'm really glad I purchased it. If you're going to be creating your own images for your white Brian animations. I recommend you pick up one of these. I'm really, really glad that I did. There's no better time than now to get started. If you haven't downloaded the seven day free trial for video scribe. In the next lesson, we look at how to do that. I encourage you to follow along and I'm so excited to teach you how to be a pro and create amazing whiteboard animation videos in video scribe. 3. 02 7 Day Free Trial and Opening Videoscribe: Hi everyone. In this lesson we're gonna cover a quick overview of downloading video scribe in case you don't have it yet. So I'm going to assume that you're beginner and you're brand new to video scribe. And they just want to mention the video scribe has been my go-to software to use for creating professional whiteboard animation videos. And they have great customer service if you ever need to reach out to them, as well as some fantastic options for different payment plans based on how long you plan to use this software. If you're not completely sure if video Skype software that you want to own or pay for US News is, you can test it out for free for seven days. Would there seven day free trial? Just a heads up. The free trial doesn't include access to all of video scribes images within their image library. But there's still enough images to test out the program and get comfortable with it for sure. The free trial also doesn't allow you to export your video scribe project in high-quality resolution. So if your series spoke creating whiteboard videos, I do recommend that you buy video scribes so you can use it to its fullest potential. Let's check out the payment plans. So at the time of recording this course, the pricing is either thirty-five dollars a month US note, this payment will be reoccurring unless you cancel it. So if you only want to use video scribe for one month, make sure you cancel it before you hit the one month mark. And you can also go with the best value yearly plan of $14 a month, which is $168 a gear. But that plan, if you decide after a year, you don't want to keep using it, you can cancel it at the one year mark or you can pay the flat fee of $800 and have video scribe forever. A few years back, I tried the seven day free trial of video scribe loved it because video scribes layout is awesome. It's a pretty intuitive platform. And I really liked the whiteboard animation videos I was able to create with it. So I decided to purchase it for the full $800 and have it forever. Okay. So to do the free trial, go to Google and type in the search bar video scribe, and you'll see a free trial here. So to download the program, click on start your free trial now, fill out your email address, name, password, all that good stuff. Confirm you're not a robot. Oh, and you can also sign up through Facebook or Google. And remember to save your login information somewhere because the login info that you put in here, the same login info you'll be required to sign in with when you start up video scribe on your computer or laptop. So once you're signed up, you'll download the.dmg file, which is the video scribe software file. I put mine in my applications folder and you should save this.dmg file somewhere safe on your computer where you won't accidentally move it or delete it. Once you have video Skype downloaded, let's click on the video scribe icon to open it out. In the next lesson, we're gonna look at the project screen and how to get nice and organized to set ourselves up for success before we start creating our video scribe project, I'll see you in there. 4. 03 Logging in, Project Screen, Customizing Default Settings: Hi everyone, welcome back. In this lesson we're gonna take a look at what the project screen in video scribes all about. First we have to log in, so enter your username or email password. We have this dropdown menu here where we can change the language if we want to. I'm going to stick with English US. And if you'd like, you can check mark, remember me Just to make logging into video scribe quicker. Sweet, let's press log n. Ok, and this is video scribes project screen. So by default, Notice that we are in local scribes. You can tell because it's highlighted in blue here. Local scribes is gonna show us any of the video Skype projects that we've saved on the computer that we're working on. So since this is the first time logging in, we're only going to see this example scribe here. We'll just click on it for a second. Take a look. And this shows you an example scribe. Let's just go back by clicking this back to projects icon, close without saving. And here we are again back in the project screen. So whenever you create and save a new project in view scribe, it's gonna show up looking like this, will have a little thumbnail. It will have the name of the project, the date that it's created. It will give you the option to, let's just click on this Pen icon here. It will give you the option to save the scribe to your computer, delete the scribe, or save a copy of this scribe project online. I recommend that you always save a copy of your scribe project online. I'm not gonna bug your brain down with that right now though. We'll take an in-depth look at that later on in this course. Just wanted to explain what this icon here meant. Okay, so let's X out of this screen and check out the other projects screen options that we have available. We could check out our recent scribes by clicking on recent scribes. We could access any of our online scribes if we wanted to. And we can also take a look at, let's just click on this template scribes. This brings up lots of really cool options with templates that you can use in your video scribe projects. I'm going to click on the education class objectives template, and you can do so as well. Just press the checkmark on the welcome to videos CREB templates page. And so you could use and customize this template, create your own awesome scribe. Let's click the Back to projects arrow again and again. We will close without saving. Over here on the left side of the screen we have a drop-down menu. It says Newest folders first, let's click it. This drop-down menu gives us some different options for organizing our folders. We don't have any folders get, but as you start to create more projects and video scribe, you'll have the option to save projects in folders. So for example, let's say I have a client called Mercutio, and I'm gonna be working on several different video scribe projects for them. What I would do is I would create a folder called Martino. And any of the projects I create for them, I would save within that folder. Again, this is something that we will actually apply later on in this course. I just wanted to explain it now. So you know that we do have the option of both just saving projects which would show up here on the screen, and saving projects within folders that we can create. The folders would also show up here on the project screen. Okay, up here, this little icon, when you hover over it, you can see it says filter projects. Let's click on it. And this comes in handy if you have tons of scribes on your project screen and you're looking for specific ones. So you would use this keyword search bar to type in a word that you know is within the title of your scribe. So let's say you're looking for example, scribe, let's type in example and press checkmark. That's going to isolate the example scribe for you. Over on the right-hand side of the project screen, we have another dropdown menu that by default says Newest scraps first, let's click on it. And again, this is another way to organize our scribes. We could organize them by older scribes first, scribes, eta z, newest modified scribes first or oldest modified scribes. First. Click away from that down at the bottom of the left side of the screen here we have the import scribed file. So I'm going to click on it for a second to show you what this allows us to do. This allows us to import any scribe projects that we have saved on our computer or a hard drive. This comes in especially handy if, let's say someone else was working on a video scribe project and they saved it on to their hard drive. And then they pass that hard drive over to you so that you could continue to work on that project. So if I wanted to, I could import this mermaid project here. I'm not going to, so I'll just accepted that we also have this wrench icon here, which allows us to customize our user preferences. Let's click on it and we're gonna change some stuff here now. So by default we have our emergency backup set to ten minutes. Personally, I prefer my work to be saved a lot more than every ten minutes. So I'm gonna change this to two minutes and I recommend you do as well. We can use this minus c0 to do so. So we'll bring it down to two minutes. Awesome. We can also change our transition time by default, it's set to 1 second. The transition time is the amount of time it takes between one image that's been drawn and the next image to show up. So I'm going to just bring it down 2.5 seconds. Same goes with pause time. We can adjust this if we wanted to as well. Using the plus or the minus icons Max Draw time by default is set to eight seconds. That's super long. Let's bring it down to two seconds for now. And by the way, I know this might be a little confusing right now because we're not actually in-video scribe working. But as we continue through the course, this will all make a lot more sense and be really easy to understand and customize when you need to. Okay, so down here we have image quality. We could bring our image quality way down, which I wouldn't recommend because that's not going to look very good on your computer screen when you're watching your projects back, we could bring image quality all the way up to 4 thousand pixels if we wanted to. The awesome. But depending on how old or new, faster, slow your computer is, you might have trouble working in video scribe if you set your image quality this high because it will slow things down. It's recommended that you set your image quality between 800 pixels to 1200 pixels. That way your computer should be able to keep up still and not lag or freeze too much, hopefully not at all. And the images will be set to a high enough quality that they'll look professional. Ok, so it will keep view extended tooltips checkmarked and remember timeline bark quick menu state checkmark as well. And let's check mark our user preferences. Fantastic. Okay, and now let's click on Create a New scribe. And here we are in video scribe, Awesome. So in the next lesson we're gonna take a look at what all of these icons mean and how you can use them to get the most out of video scribe and make your scribes Great. We'll see you in the next lesson. 5. 04 Learn What Each of the Icons Are Used For: Hey everyone, welcome to this lesson. We last left off with video scribe open, and shortly we are going to start creating a scribe. First, let's take a look at the different tools we have available because we'll be using all of these tools as we continue along in the course. First thing we'll do is named the scribe, which we can do by clicking on the save icon here and the safe scribe window pops up where it says scribed name. Let's call this scribe project Lesson one, just to keep things easy. Now, we don't have to put the scribe project that we're saving and going to be working on into a folder. But I like to, and just to get you comfortable with working with folders, follow along and create a new folder with me here. So pressed create new folder and we can call this folder video scribe course, Press checkmark. And so the next time you log into V0 scribe, You will see this folder. You can click on it and then open your project. This icon here allows you to export your scribe project. Since we haven't yet created our scribe project, we're not going to export the file just yet, but we will be looking at this coming up. And if we wanted to save this scribe online, which we talked about in the previous lesson, we could do so by clicking on this icon here and doing this would save this scribe project onto our online account. Cool, so let's us the checkmark here. Now, let's take a look at the icons on the bottom right of the page here. This icon here allows you to add images also known as elements. I'll use those two words interchangeably. I tend to call them images, but they're known as elements as well in the video scribe world. So when you click this, it allows you to access video scribes image library, as well as images you've created yourself. If you decide that you want to use them in your scribe, We can add texture or video scribe project using this t icon here. We could also add a chart to our Canvas using this chart icon up at the top right, we could add music to our scribe or change the music that we may already have chosen in our scribe. This microphone icon allows you to record voiceover directly into your video scribe project. Personally, I don't like recording voiceover directly into video scribe because it limits your editing options when you're trying to create an awesome scribe and know that you can also import an MP3 audio files. So if you have a voiceover recording that you decide you want to bring into your via scribe project. You can do so using this microphone icon to import it. And again, we're going to look at how to do that coming up. This paintbrush looking icon allows you to change the background of your canvas or the texture of it, which is kinda cool. And this hands icon here is what you would click on to access all sorts of different hands as well as hands drawing using different tools. This icon here allows you to play from the start of your scribe. So as you start working on your scribe and adding lots of images, using play from start makes it really easy to check out the progress of your scribe right from the beginning of it. And this icon over here allows you to publish your scribe. So when you get to the stage where you've completed your video scribe project and you're ready to export it, you could click this icon to do so. And I'm gonna show you how to do that a bit later on. Down at the bottom of your screen is the timeline. Each of your images will sit and where you can alter the draw time transition time, pause time, and so on of your image. We also have the set camera position and the unset to camera position. And then we have the eyeball icon, which you can use to turn on or off any of the images on your timeline. So that's a brief overview of the different icons that you're seeing on your video scribe screen. In the next lesson, we're gonna take a look at how to change the hands that draws in your scribe, as well as the tools that can be used to reveal each of your images. I'll see you in there. 6. 05 Choosing a Hand and Drawing Tool: Hi everyone, welcome back. We just took a look at the different icons available with invidious scribe and touched on what each of them can do. And now we're gonna take a look at them more in depth. So the very first thing I like to do before you start adding images to my canvas is choose a hand. And the tool that I'd like the hand to draw my images in width. So following along, let's click on this hands icon here on the top right of our screen. Now if you don't really care what the hand looks like or the drawing tool looks like, and you don't choose a hand by defaults, I hand will be chosen for you. And as you start adding images to your canvas, that default hand we'll just show as each of them is drawn out. So let's check out some of these options. Now, I'm a lefty, So I just kinda like to go with the left hand to have my images drawn in. I'll choose the left-hand by clicking on it, which brings up this preview. I've never used this clay cutting tool in any of the projects that I've worked on. But let's take a look at it just so you know the options that you do have here and video scribe. Okay, let's go to the next page. We have the option to use a paint brush to paint in our images. I've used the paintbrush a few times. Enzyme my client projects. It's a little more unique. You can use a pen to draw or a crayon. There are options for different types of hands you can use. You can see on the left side of the scribe hand screen here that we have different names and when you click on them, you'll see tons of different hands. I'm gonna stick with the left hand and the black Sharpie for now, but it doesn't matter too much as we continue to go through this course, which hand you decide you'd like to use. So take a minute or so and pick whichever hand looks good to you and whichever tool you prefer to use as you learn, because there are tons of different options that you can explore to draw out your images. 7. 06 Adding a Chart into Your Scribe: Some of these icons like the adding or changing a music track and the recording voiceover or adding voice over to your scribe. We will look at a little bit later on when we're actually putting a scribe together. Let's look at the chart option. This is something I don't use because I prefer creating charts in other softwares like Photoshop or Illustrator and then bringing them into my scribe. I liked the flow and the intuitive oddness of creating my charts that way. But if you don't have those programs available to you, and if you prefer to create charts right within via scribe, We will do that now. So let's click on this chart icon here, and let's keep it at a bar graph. That's what we'll use. But we also have the option of creating a pie chart and a line charts. So we'll stick with a bar chart. So let's say for example, we are looking at how many people joined the video scribe, this scribe course in January, February, and March. I'm just going to use random numbers here. But let's type in the months here. So let's have been Jing knew where every Fed Larry march. Then what we have to do next down here is we have to put in the information the numbers that would match up with January, February, March. So I would put in the student count numbers. I hadn't January like so let's say it's 200. That would coincide with January, February, let's say I had 11000 students and in March, let's say had 1500. These are just random numbers, but let's test this out. So we could also have this information here, the texture show inside our bar chart or outside or none. I want to do it on the outside. So we'll click Show Values. Let's add color to the chart, just makes it more visually appealing. And we will stick with the basic default font for now. Later on, I'm gonna show you how you can change fonts, but we'll stick with this and push the check mark here. So here you can see it's created a chart with colors and it has the text at the bottom that says January we had 200 students, February we had 100, March we had 1500. Let's go into this property icon here and click on this chart icon here because we want to change the chart. So I actually think a pie graph would look better. So I've just clicked to go to a pie graph. We'll check it here. And this is what the graph now looks like. Ok, so there is an overview of what the chart icon does and how to work with it. Now let's take a look at changing our background texture and color. 8. 07 Changing the Texture and Color of the Canvas: So I've left the chart up from the previous lesson just to give some context and see how this element works with a textured and colored background. Now, let's look at the texture and color paper option here. And we can see that we've got some different paper options available. Let's click on that one. Okay, so you can see now the background of your entire canvas, do background for the entire scribe is going to be that background that I just chose. Let's check out some other background options just to see what we have available. You can add a vignette, a soft vignettes, a hard vignette. Now vignettes. So let's go with a hard vignette just to see what that looks like. That's the difference when the hard vignettes added. That's a little too dramatic for me. I actually don't really like the vignette at all with whiteboard animations. But again, it's great to know that there is an option. Let's go take us back to know vignette and let's choose a color for the background. Why don't we go with a light purple here, so I've clicked on that. So now those textured backgrounds are going to show up in a light purple. And that is what the background would look like in to the paper options one more time. And we will click on this option because this is the option with no texture, so it will just be the purple background. Let's see what that looks like. And that's what it looks like. So depending on the type of scribe you're creating, if it's a more fun or a childlike and upbeat, playful, happier scribe, then it's great to know that you have the option to change the colors and the textures of your background. Personally, my clientele, when it comes to creating whiteboard animations are mainly corporate clients. So usually I stick with the white background just because I think that looks the most clean and professional. But you do have tons of options here when it comes to colors. Let's just go back in there and we are currently on the no textured background, which has already been selected. So I'm gonna go back into the background color and I'm gonna go click the white and bear. We go back to the white background. 9. 08 Adding Your First Element: Okay, now let's check out the icon that I press the most, which is the add images to the Canvas icon. This will allow us to use images from several different sources. If you've created your own images and they were the most recently used images, you will see them show up. So as you can see, I've got some images that I, most of them I created an illustrated myself. You will also have access to the free to use images from video scribes library. There are tons of different options in the paid for version of video scribe, their arrows, callout, household money, emojis, there's tons of stuff. So let's choose this man and woman shaking hands right now. Automatically, they have been placed into the center of the screen here. Now this is the first image showing up on the timeline here, as you can see. So the image is selected. If you click on the canvas off of the image, it will deselect it. Selected again. When it is selected, it will be highlighted on the timeline here in blue. Let's go into this property icon here. So we've got over default settings. We have this element animating in 1 second, which means it will take 1 second to draw in. And it also shows what time in the Scribe It's going to start out and end at. So it's going to start at 0 seconds in and end at two seconds. I could use the minus key or plus key to increase or decrease the amount of time it will take to animate this image. Let's click on the play icon over the preview of the image to see what it looks like with the current settings. Okay, that looks good, but let's check out some other options. So currently it is drawing the image, even if you unclick only draw strokes, it does something kind of funky. I don't like it, but let's show you to so you can see what it looks like there. See that doesn't look as professional. Look sloppy. I don't like it. I always leave only draw strokes clipped. We can click on the drop-down menu that shows full color and change it to silhouette. Let's check that out. Okay, cool. And we could also do Grayscale, which looks like this. Okay. I like full-color bass. I just find it pops the most. So let's go back to full color. Great. By clicking the minus icon where it says 100% solid, you can start to reduce the opacity of your image if you'd bike, which looks like this. Cool, we'll bring that back to the full 100%. We can also rotate or image to the left or to the right by degrees like so. And if you wanted to set it back to 0, quickly, click on the number and it will bring up a value box where you can type in the exact rotation value you'd like, and I'd like it to be at 0. You can click on this flip image icon to flip your image, which you can see in the preview thumbnail. Now if you want to rotate your image right on the canvas, you have the option to do that as well, which I actually prefer doing. And we're going to check out how to do that in an upcoming lesson. You can change your pause time, which is the amount of time your image will stay on screen after the hands drawn it in, without any new animations taking place. And you can change the transition time here, which is the amount of time between one image being completely drawn and the next image starting to be drawn. And if the sense confusing, don't worry because we'll look at this and apply this stuff. So we're going to take action and you're actually going to do this coming up. It will make a lot more sense and you'll get a lot more comfortable with it. In the next lesson, we'll take a look at adding multiple images to the canvas and setting camera positions. We'll see in there. 10. 09 Adding Multiple Elements to the Canvas and Setting Camera Positions: Welcome back. In the last lesson, we looked at bringing down our first element from the library onto the canvas. And now we are going to add more elements. Let's click on the Add New Image icon and in the search bar type in file cabinet. The library will take a few seconds to find images relating to a file cabinet. And here we have tons of great options. Let's click on the second file cabinet in from the left that shows the top drawer open. Ok. Now by default, it will bring this image directly on top of your first image. So that doesn't look nice. We're going to drag this over here. And before you do anything else, let's just see what happens, right? I've dragged it over here. This was something that confused me when I started on video scribe a few years ago. So I'm gonna go through the wrong way to do it first and then the right way. So lets say this is how we want these two images to show up on the canvas. What I did as you just saw was I dragged this file cabinet over here and I let go. Right. That's all I did. I didn't do anything else. So let's click back on the first image and preview it. And just so you know, this icon that looks like a play button with a line to the left of it, allows you to play your scribe from the start of it. This other Play icon here we'll play your scribe from the image that's currently selected on your canvas. So I'll click on the play from start icon. See what it did here. It moved this first image over, then stopped off at the file cabinet. I don't want it to do that. I wanted it to look like this. Let's double-click on that file cabinet and it will show you where that image sits and the zoomed in amount and the size and everything like that. Let's double-click on the first image of the two people on her timeline to bring us to the position and size. But it starts out at, if I want this image to stay this size to stay where it is, I'm going to click right here. I'm going to set the camera to current Canvas position C, F click that. You can see that it is in effect because it's highlighted in blue. So now let's push play. It still did the same thing. Why did it do that? Well, the first image and first animation was locked because that's checked. But the second one was not locked. So simply by selecting your image and clicking on the set camera to current position icon to activate it, this file cabinets position will now be locked in place, o. And I want to show you this as well. So I'm gonna pause my screen cap of this scribe for a second from playing out, because I really want to point this out. Q. So you wanna make sure that you uncheck, zoom it, end. Personally, I never, ever want my image to zoom at the very end. I don't like the way it looks. I've never seen any whiteboard animations zoom into their image at the end. And I recommend that you to make sure that zoom at the end is an unchecked. Awesome. And as you continue to follow along, we're going to practice these different techniques. And we'll be using these different tools so much that you'll get very comfortable with them and working in video scribe. In the next lesson, we're gonna look at replacing images. We'll see you in there. 11. 10 Replacing Images: Now we're going to add another element to our Canvas and we're going to check out how they work together with transitions, pauses, changing the size, keep changing the camera position setting. And we're also going to replace an image. Let's add another image to our scribe. Taping laptop. Select the second laptop in from the left, and it will show up on your timeline. Let's select the laptop on our Canvas and drag it over past the other images to the right. Okay, we'll place it there so we are only seeing the laptop in the file cabinet. We can use these arrows here on the bottom right of your screen to move the canvas. Let's click on the left arrow and you'll see that things move to the left. We can also use these magnifying glasses to zoom in or out. Let's click on the magnifying glass that has a plus symbol in the center of it, to zoom in around 220%. And now we can click on the canvas itself and move around the position of the canvas like so. Move the canvas over so that we're only seeing the laptop. Let's select the laptop on the timeline and click on the Set camera to current position icon so that it's in blue and you know that it's now set. And let's play from start. Okay, so that's what our scribe currently looks like. Let's click on the zoom out magnifying glass. It's the icon with the minus symbol in the middle of the magnifying glass and zoom out to 75%. So we can see all of our images on our Canvas. And if we want to have our images show up differently, like let's say we want them to remain the size that they are right now with the camera position they're in right now, what we can do is select the first image. Click on the clear elements camera position icon, which is the little camera icon with the x in between it. And that removes the saved camera position. And now we can click on the Set camera position icon to set this image to its new position. And we can do the same thing with the other two images. So select the file cabinet, Click on the clear elements camera position icon, and then click on the Set camera position icon to set this image in its current position, will do the same thing, the laptop image. Okay, so we'll check this out. And this is currently how're scribe is drying out. And you may have noticed that somewhere along the way, I started drawing with a pen rather than a marker. So let's say at some point you decide you want to change the hand you're drawing with your scribe midway through working on it. Well, it's very easy to do this. Let's click on the Hand icon and I'll choose a left hand drawn with a marker. Great. And now this is the hand that will draw out my entire scribe rather than the previous hand that was using a pen. So just keep in mind that if you decide to work with one hand at the beginning of working on your scribe, and then later you decide you want to work with the different Deborah hand. You can easily do so as I'm looking at this laptop image, I'm not really liking it, but I want to keep the position I've already set in the animation time that's currently used with this image. I just want to replace the image itself. Well, we can easily do this by clicking on the element properties icon on the laptop thumbnail that's on their timeline. And selecting the tab that says select image. Let's type in the search bar computer. Scroll to the second page of the options and choose this computer monitor on the second row, left side. Cool. As you can see, this computer has replaced our laptop in the position that the last laptop was in, which is exactly what we wanted to do. Next, let's adjust the timing of her image by first clicking on the man and woman image property Element icon. And let's bring our pause time down to 0. Using the minus icon will bring our transition time down to 0. Okay? Click on the file cabinet, thumbnail on your timeline. Go to the element's property icon and click on it and bring the pause time and transition time dances 0, checkmark. Great. Let's click on the computer property Elements icon. Bring the pause time and transition time down to 0 again and press the checkmark. We'll play this from the start. And there we go. Our scribe has been drawn much faster because we removed the pause sign and transition times. And I find it often will bring my pause times and transition times down to 0. You can adjust them as you need to base on the video Skype projects that you work on. And you want to do this by following the voiceover. And the key parts of this script, better mentioned as your elements are drawn out, and we're going to look more at this in a later lesson. Ok, so click on the Add New Image icon and search for books. Let's grab this colorful set of books here, and it's been placed on our canvas, selected and move it over to the right on our selected image, we can grab any of these anchor points and drag them out to extend the size of the image. And we'll use the left arrow over to the right of our screen here to move the canvas to the left, set camera to current position. Okay, great. Click on the computer element properties and bring the animate time to 0.5 as well. And we'll bring the transition time way up to 2.5 seconds so we can really see what transition time does. And with the computer some nil selected on our timeline. Let's play from current. And do you see how long the transition took before the books were drawn? Usually I find having the transition be set to a shorter duration works well. But there you go, you now have a better idea of what adjusting transition time does look like. Let's just go back into our computer property elements and bring our transition time down to 0 again, awesome. And on second thought, I'm not liking these books. So if you want to remove an image from your scribe, You can click on it on the timeline and select the trash bin icon. And yes, we want to remove this selected element. So we'll press the checkmark and now it's been removed. 12. 11 Adding Text and Making it Look Good: Alright, now that we have a few images up on our canvas, let's add some text. There are many reasons to add text to your scribe. Sometimes if you're doing a client whiteboard animation project, your client will have a slogan that they'd like you to add at the end. Sometimes adding texts will really hammer home a key point. And in some cases, I've actually chosen to use text if I couldn't find an image to properly get across the idea that I was trying to get across. So there are many reasons to use text, and I really like some of the options that video scribe gives you with text. So let's go to the text icon and click on that. The text style is currently set to basic, which is the default text on video scribe. Let's type in our message here. Let's type in first day on the job. And we will check mark that. It shows up on our Canvas directly in the center of the canvas. As you'll see whenever you add elements to video scribe, they will show up at the end of your timeline, like so, and highlighted in blue here, which means that this is the current element in use. So I'm going to make that text element bigger. And obviously I don't want it over the images. So let's just put it, let's put it right here. And then we're going to move the canvas up and lock that and we'll preview it. So that's what the basic texts that comes with video scrap looks like. Let's say I would like to change that text may be the client I'm doing a project for has a specific texts that they would prefer me to use. I will click on this, go into the Properties icon and click this T here. Let's click on that. And we can click on the drop-down menu that currently says basic to check out the other text options that are available and if currently been imported into video scribe. But let's say I want to import a new text that's within my computer's font library. I would click on Manage fonts. And this will allow me to import any of the text or font options I have within my own font library. And feeling like something a little fancier looking font wise. So I'll choose a euro, which is a font that I have within my own font library. You likely won't have it, but I'm gonna show you in a second where you can get free fonts. So let's click on this plus icon that will bring up options to not only import the basic characters which is already selected, but you could also import characters in Greek, Hebrew, and so on if you wanted to, in this case, I'm not going to solo press check mark. And it will take a few seconds to import all of the characters of this font. Once it's all imported, the font will show up under the imported fonts area and let's press checkmark. Next, let's change the color of her text by clicking on this box that's currently Black in the top right corner of the Text Properties screen. And this will bring up a bunch of different color options for us. I'm going to choose this dark blue here by selecting it and pressing the checkmark. Okay, so that's what this font looks like in blue. Let's click on the property Elements icon within this font and click on edit text. Now, if we wanna change the font type itself, let's click on the drop-down menu that currently says Basic. And there's our most recently important font. I'll choose a Laura. So this is what it looks like. Let's go back into our property Elements icon, choose edit text again, and choose basic again. Personally, I really like the look of the basic text that comes with video scribe. I think it sort of suits a lot of corporate and educational videos pretty well, and it's easy on the eyes to read. So in most cases, even though There's the option to import tons of different fonts, I really do like using the basic video scribe one here. Next, let's check out some settings that we can apply to our font by clicking on the property Elements icon lets click on the drop-down menu that currently shows draw and try out move in, will preview it by pressing play here. And that's what move in looks like. So it has a hand bringing in your text rather than a pen or a marker drying it out. Let's choose Fade In, which looks like this. Ok? Let's choose draw again, we can use the plus key to increase the gap between each letter and space of our text. See what 20 looks like. There we go. We could have our text drawn in from right to left. Can rotate or text using the minus or the plus icon, which looks like this. And just like the other images, we have the option to adjust the animate, pause or transition time. Let's double-click on the gap number so that we can send it right back to 0, crest, checkmark and check mark again, awesome. If you want to copy your text, just select the image thumbnail on your timeline and press command C or control C on your keyboard, which is the keyboard shortcut for copy. Then press Command V or control V on your keyboard to paste it. And as you can see on your timeline, a duplicate of your text has been created now on our Canvas, and we can select the text and drag it down, and we now have a second copy of it. I'll delete that second copy by clicking on this little trash can icon within the thumbnail here in the timeline checkmark because yes, we want to remove it. Now let's click on the T icon again to create another text element. Ok, and let's type how exciting checkmark. Let's click on the text on our canvas to select it. And let's say we want this new texts to be the same size as our other text element? Well, we could drag the top of the text element and struggled to adjust the size using the first text element as a reference. But that's time consuming and doesn't usually work out as well as you might like it too. So we'll just click on the trash icon again to remove it because we have a better option. And that is to select our first text element on her timeline. Press Command Z or Control C on a keyboard to copy it. And Command V or Control-V on our keyboard to paste it, we now have a duplicate of that text. So we can select that text and drag the duplicate copy downward. Now let go. Now let's go into the text properties of this duplicate. Go to Edit Text and we'll change the wording to how exciting. Press the checkmark. And there we go. We now have the text on-screen all the same size with different verbage. Awesome. 13. 12 Moving Elements Around the Canvas: Alright, so we have five elements on the canvas. Currently we have three images here and we have to text elements. So let's look at some ways to navigate a round the canvas. If I want to move canvas around, I can manually do it by clicking on the canvas and dragging. And that will move all of the elements on the canvas like so let's say I let go here and I don't want it to look that way. I wanted to go back to the initial camera setting. I had all of these elements at, I can click down here. This is the fit to screen icon. So I'm just gonna click that and it will take it back to the original camera positions. Why don't we preview our current scribe. We'll do that by going up here and clicking this preview play your scribe button. And here we go. Okay, so that is what it looks like currently, let's say I wanted to scratch that and I wanted all of the elements currently on screen to be drawn out and remain in the positions that they're currently. And I don't want them zooming and moving around or anything like that. I can click on this element here on the timeline, I'm going to hold down command on a Mac, which is control on a PC. And I'm going to highlight all five of these elements. So you can see here that there are boxes around all of the elements on the canvas. I'm going to clear camera position. And now all of the camera positions are cleared for all of the elements. Ok, so now that I've cleared them all, let's see what that does. We will go to the preview play button again. So by clearing the camera positions, each element is zoomed in and focused on within the scribe. Let's hit Fit to screen again so we can see all of them. Okay, let's highlight all of the elements on the canvas. You can also do that by clicking on the element right on the canvas, pushing down Command on the Mac control on a PC and highlighting them directly on the canvas. So by holding the command or control key, it allows you to grab multiple elements out once. Ok, so I've let go of the commands control key right now, and I'm going to go over here on the bottom right of the timeline where it says set camera to Current Position and I'm going to click that. So now once again, let's preview this scribe and see how that has changed. So because we highlighted all five of the elements and set the camera setting for all five of them at once. That's held that camera position. Setting your camera position is really key when it comes to how you want your whiteboard animation to flow and come together. Now I like to zoom in if I want to emphasize a particular elements. So let's say I'm going to click on this computer screen here. It's the third element within the scribe, which means it's going to be drawn out as the third element within the sequence here. So now that I've got a highlighted, I'm going to zoom in here. I'm gonna clue we're the camera position that it was last and then we're going to set this camera position as the current camera position. So now we'll preview the scribe. It zoomed right into the computer screen. And then after did it zoomed back out to show the rest of the scene here that had the original camera setting. If you're creating multiple scenes within your whiteboard animation. So let's say this is sort of one scene here. And then in the script or in your whiteboard animation, you are going to be going to a second scene. I prefer to move my canvas over. You can use this arrow here to move it over. And you can move it any which way you want. You can move it down, you can move it up. And then I would bring in my next element. So we've gone into the image library here. Let's type in Desk. We're going to use this image of this woman at a desk here. I'm going to make this image a little bit bigger. And I'm gonna lock that camera position. I would like to draw faster, so we'll bring the animation time to 0.5 seconds. I'll bring the pause time down to 0 and press checkmark. And let's start from here. So we can start from how exciting in the timeline and see how it continues with this new element. Now, let's see what hitting fit screen now does with our canvas. So I'm gonna hit Fit screen. It's going to show every single element that's currently on my canvas. Another way that I can grab all of the elements on the canvas. Let's say I want to move them is I can highlight one and then I can hit command or control a, and all of them will be selected. I can drag them around like this. If for some reason I would like to move them somewhere else within the Canvas. If I would like to select just one, for example, let's say I want to deselect the lady. I would push down command again on my Mac and then I would tap that element and then that image is unselected. Now, I can drag them a little bit closer to the lady if I'd like. And then I'm going to hit Fit to screen again just to see what it looks like. Okay, great. If for any reason I want to delete anything a half to actually highlight it and then hit the trash can and then video scribal. Ask me if I'm sure I want to remove this element from the scribe and I will say yes. So that's an example of how you can move elements around on your campus, either collectively or just a few elements either time. And now we are going to check out some other transitions that you can use for your elements. 14. 13 Image Properties and Royalty Free Images: Hey everyone, welcome to this lesson. After this lesson, we're going to start putting together an actual video scribe promo video. I'm gonna show you the process I use to create my whiteboard videos from start to end. And we'll put everything we've learned so far into action. There are a few more aspects of video scribe I want you to get a bit more comfortable with first though, like the element properties options and where you can find royalty-free images, which we'll do now. So let's click on the element properties of the file cabinet and check out some of these drawing options by clicking this drop-down menu by default or set to draw. But let's see what move in looks like. Let's click on it and click on the play button to preview it. As you can see, instead of this file cabinet drawing in a hand shows up and moves this element into place. And you can actually pick the direction that the hand moves in from by going over here to move an angle. And as you hover your cursor over this move in angle box, different red arrows will show up. You can click on any of them to have the element moved in from that angle. Let's try this out by clicking on the bottom right red arrow, and it has now become blue, which lets you know that this is the direction you've chose for the hand and your element to move in from press the play button to preview it. Okay, awesome. So I use this option and video sometimes when I'm placing a client logo on screen, it just shakes things up a little bit and makes your video scribe animation more dynamic. Let's click on the drop-down menu again and choose morph. Let's preview that. So as you can see more full take the image before and use that to morph into the image you're applying it to, like we've just done here with the file cabinet. Let's click on the drop-down menu again and choose fade in, press play. And as you can see, this file cabinet now subtly fades in rather than being drawn in. That's cool. Let's stick with the fade in and press the checkmark. Great. Another thing that's super cool. This is actually one of my favorite things that be ascribed can do and something I wish I knew how to do when I started working in video scribe is other show you. So let's click the add image to Canvas icon and type in the search bar, scribble out. Ok, so now you'll see several different scribbled lines and also to white blank looking options. Let's click on the first white elements selected, okay, and you can see that it's shown up over top of my first day on the job text element. So to quickly bring us to good viewing option of the scribble out element here, Let's double-click on the first and the job element on our timeline. And doing that takes us to the set camera position of the first day on the job text element. So I'm going to click on the edge of this white scribble out element here and drag it over so that we can see it better. And we can use any of these anchor points to drive the size, smaller lakes. So, and we're going to place this scribble out element over top of the first day on the job text. If you need to, you can click on the canvas to move it over. So this element actually allows you to scribble something out which is super convenient, will place it over the text element, making sure that the text element is completely covered by this white scribble out element, okay, and once it is. Let's lock that camera position. Let's click on the text element on our timeline and press play from current to see exactly what scribble out does. See you I'd erase the first element because I placed it over that element. That's awesome. So the scribble out element definitely comes in handy and you'll want to remember it because at some point you will definitely use it in a scribe project. Next, let's talk about what kind of images you can import into your video scribe project. You can bring in either jpegs, PNG files, or SVG files. Awesome. So before we take a look at a website I like to use to find free, royalty-free cartoon images. I want to mention that video Scribe does have an awesome image library and you don't necessarily have to go out of it to find images. But in some cases that you scribe might not have that perfect image you're looking for. And in those cases, that's when I'd recommend finding other options, especially if you're not the best artist. So I usually draw my own images about one website I'll recommend to find free, royalty-free images is pixabay. So following along, go to Pixabay and type in the search engine, making sure it says images on the drop-down menu here and type in cartoon. And we have all sorts of options. Let's choose this whale cartoon. Click on free download. And if he chose 1920 by 1050, you might have to sign up for pixabay. So you can go ahead and do that if you want. 1920 by 1050 is a higher resolution and what I'd recommend you using video scrap. But if you don't want to sign up with this website and you're just following along to test this out. Then let's choose the smaller version here, okay? Select the folder you'd like to save this cartoon in. And now we can hop back into video scribe and choose the image library icon and click on the Import icon here to open it up. When your images import it, you have the option to change how it draws in. We can also click on the drop-down menu that says reveal. And we can choose to have its sketch in. Let's preview what reveal looks like. I personally prefer reveal because it matches the drawing style that video scribe defaults to using when drawing in images from its own image library. But let's also check out what sketch looks like. Okay? So again, I prefer reveal. So let's choose reveal and press checkmark. Awesome. So you now have a better idea of how to use element properties, as well as some of your options when it comes to downloading free, royalty-free cartoon images. You can also pay for images to use if you're not going to be drawing them yourself. Either way though, remember that video scribe accepts jpegs, PNG files and SVG files. And whether you're going to be drawing your own images, purchasing images, or finding free, royalty-free images to use in your scribe, you would import any of those images using the same steps that you just saw. Cool. So in the next lesson, we're gonna take a look at working with audio, and we will see you in there. 15. 14 Recording Audio, Replacing it and Working with Timing: Okay, so now that we've gone over an overview of how to use video scribe, the different tools and different ways to bring your videos in and draw them and so on, I would like to show you how I created the promo video for this course. So we actually work through ascribe together. You'll be able to see how I organized the workflow off my project, how I make decisions on which images to bring in and how to transition them and how to really pull a story and video together. Let's begin by clicking the create describe right up here in the top left. We will click on that, and now we're in a brand new scribe. What I like to do is record my audio separately in a separate software. I use Premiere Pro to record my audio because I use Premiere Pro quite often to edit videos . So I have recorded my script in Premiere Pro. But if you don't have Premiere Pro and you don't have another way of recording audio, then you can also record your audio right into video scribe using this microphone icon right here. So let's do that just to show you what that is like I'm going to click on it and come down here and push record. We're going to be using my built in Mic says Tap microphone icon. When you're ready to record, it is recording now. Hi, everyone. My name is Ali Saunders, and I want to teach you how to create great whiteboard animations. Using video scribe, I'll teach you everything you need to know. So you'll start out as a beginner and be a pro in video scribe and be a pro user and be a pro video scribe user by the end of this course, so you'll see that's just processing now there. No. One thing I don't like about recording my audio directly in video scribe is the fact that if I make a mistake, well, I'm recording, which you heard I did a few times. I don't have a way of editing that out. So as I start to add elements to my canvas, I can't cut out those mistakes. Note that I wrote a script ahead of time in a Google doc. It's good to have a script written at a time, and it's good to practice the script. A few times before you actually go to record so that you're less likely to make mistakes from when recording. Also, it's good because sometimes when you write things and you say them out loud, your delivery will come across differently. So get comfortable with your script before you go to record. And that was not my entire script. But I wanted to just show you the first few sentences as a sample for using the microphone and the record button within video scraps. So let's add a few elements to our scribe so we can see how the images work with the voiceover. I would add an image to the canvas. I come up here, let's click on this woman here and we will bring the size of her up. Move her to the right of the canvas, bring the draw time down to three and walk the camera position. Let's preview this. Hi. Now see what happened there? The audio that was recorded with envy ascribe started to record the second that I pushed record within the program. So the problem with that is it took me a few seconds to go into the Google docks before I was ready to actually start speaking. But video scribe doesn't know that. So it will start your recorded audio as soon as you push record like so. So let's just continue along, adding a few images here to see how it plays out, going to click the add images and let's type in white board. Now you'll see here these images with the reddish orange marking on the top right hand corner. These are images that you have to buy their not free within the video scribe library. Let's click on this white board here and we will move it over. I'm just going to click on this First elements to get the campus back into the first camera position. I'm going to drag out this white board animation right here and place it over here. Let's set that camera to lock and let's preview these two images together now. Hi, everyone. I think the other thing that I don't love about recording audio directly into video scribe is that because I am using video scribe on my laptop, I'm using the internal microphone on the laptop, which isn't as professional as using an external microphone or a Laval ear microphone or a professional piece of audio equipment, so the audio sounds a little bit tinny as well. I recommend that you record your script separately, your audio separately, and you edit it if you have to. If you make any mistakes while you're saying your script at it, those mistakes out and video scribe walks with MP threes so you can import that MP three within video scribe. Let's do that. So I'm going to now import the pre recorded MP three that I recorded in Premiere Pro into describe, and when I do so, it will replace the current recording. So I'm gonna click on the microphone again that says, add or change the voiceover for describe. I will go into the folder icon down here. I have created a video scribe promo folder on my desktop. So click in that and you can see right here I have my promo voiceover MP threes. All highlight that and open it. And now that has imported my audio file that's been pre recorded. So let's preview this to see what that sounds like and looks like Hi, everyone. My name is Allie Saunders, and I want to teach you how to create great white board animations using video scribe. OK, so I think I need to add in another element while that beginning part of the script is taking place. So let's click on the first element to bring us back to the original camera setting. What I'm gonna do is bring the draw time for this white word elements down to two. I'm also gonna go into the first element property panel, Bring the paws down to zero in the transition down to zero, hit the check mark, and I'm going to add another element onto the canvas. 16. 15 Creating Scenes, Flipping, Sizing and Timing: Let's bring in this man looking as laptop here. You see how when I brought that element in because I previously was clicked on the element to the left, the woman, this new element that I brought in has actually bumped the white board to the right. So I'm going to drag that on the timeline over to the end. I will make this guy smaller here, move him over, go into the property's I want to flip him so he's facing the other way. Okay. Like that, I'm gonna bring the transition time down to zero. Pause time down to zero and the animation time Down to one click. Check Mark. Okay, so I flipped him now, and his camera position is going to be right there. I will check the camera position right there. Let's go back up into the library and type in laptop. Let's click on this happy woman. So right now I want to show to people working on laptops. Presumably they are working on a video scribe project. I want to show both men and women, so I'm going to now go into properties for this lady and flip her. Bring the pause time in transition. Tone down to zero. Bring her animation time down to one. Hit the check. Mark set the camera position. The reason I chose to flip them both is because I wanted to show me as a woman over on the right side of the frame with a man in the middle, Another woman on the left. And I wanted the woman and the man to be facing inwards rather than outwards within this white board here. So let's see how this plays out. Hi, everyone. My name is Allie Saunders, and I want to teach you how to create great white board animations using video scribe. Okay, so I'm just gonna click on the white board here because I noticed that we have a pause and the hand goes away off screen for a second before it continues to draw. I'm also gonna bring the animation speed down to one second the check Mark, Let's just preachers and I want to teach you how to create. Great. I want this lady to be shown until the end of my sentence. So I'm going to click in the properties and I'm going to have the pause time goto one second in the transition time. Go 2.5. Let's just play that again. Create great whiteboard animations using video scribe Let's bring the draw time for both of these two elements up. And I want to teach you how to create great white board animations Using video scribe, I also click the zoom at end off because I don't like when it does that. I also want to have some texts come up That says video scribe, while you hear the audio of me seeing video scribe. So let's just were in the text I Congress type video scribe in Let's click on the f here to see what other fronts we have. And I'm gonna use Helvetica. So I've clicked on how Medica I'm gonna press the check Mark and import Helvetica and I'm gonna click the check mark here. So let's move the text up and make it a little bit bigger. I'm gonna move this lady down and over clear and re lock her position, and then we click on video scribe and lock that camera position. Now I'm gonna go into the property's change, the pause time in transition time and on bringing the draw time down 0.5 of a 2nd 4 The text there because sometimes when Texas written out, if it's a shorter word and you have the animation time, go too long, it doesn't look so good as it's written out. So I made the animation time 0.5 of a second for that. Let's bring the pause time upto one. Hit the check mark and next we're gonna work on the second scene that's going to play out in this video scribe promo. 17. 16 Moving Canvas, Adding and Changing Text: So I'm gonna type in student and choose this student holding. Ah, laptop here. Push the check, mark. Now let's move the canvas to the left. I actually want to add in another element before this one of this guy holding the laptop shows. So I'm just gonna lock his camera position. I'm going to go back into the library, type in student again. And I've chosen the same character but a different drawing of this character because I'd like to show him as a beginner without a computer and then ah, pro. So he's holding the laptop, and I'm going to next put an element within the laptop, have him here. We're gonna make him a little bit bigger and put him right there. Lock that camera position. And even though this character is on the right, I still need to move him on the timeline. Because if I don't move him to the timeline, he will be drawn before this character. But I want this character be to be drawn first. So was just swap places. Okay, so now this guy is going to be drawn first. I'm going. Teoh, bring the draw time down there. So I've gone back up to the image library and typed in thought bubble because I actually I want to show a view. Thought bubbles While the voiceover says, I'll teach you everything you want to know now gonna move this guy over into the middle more and make him a little bit smaller. Move him down, clear and re lock that position. Going to grab that thought bubble, Make it figure. And I'm gonna use this arrow here, which is another way to rotate the thought bubble. So there we go. Bring that there. I'm going to move this to the right of our beginner beginning stage student here, lock that bring the draw time. Way down. Next, I'm gonna go to text type in tips, and I wanted to actually not being held. I think I want to go with the basic font used video scribe. So I'm gonna click the check mark. Here, grab this tips. Bring that a little bit bigger. And you know what? I think I want that to actually be in red, so let's find a nice red. There's a bright red. Okay, But bring the pause time down. The transition time down in the Animation Times at down 2.5. Click the check mark were to move tips over here beside the crowd said that camera position . Let's just go in the properties of this cloud bubble. Bring the animation time down. 2.5. Pause time down to zero. Transition time down. Zero. Okay, let's preview again from our character. I'll teach you everything you need to know. So you'll start out as a beginner and be a pro that you describe user by the end of this. Okay, so I need this. Animation should happen faster because I actually want to add a few more thought bubbles. So when you click on him, bring the animation time all the way down 2.5 seconds. And let's just preview this. I'll take you everything. I also noticed that after he's drawn, there's a pause they don't want, so I'm gonna go into the properties panel, make the pause and transition time zero. Hit the check mark, play again. Because I've spent up these three elements here, I can now add a few more thought bubbles. Be careful to not hit the center of any of your elements, because if you accidentally Look, if I grabbed this from the center here, I can't move it. It instead just rotates that element around. So I'm gonna now move that guy back, clear and reset the camera position. Let's add another thought bubble. So we'll go back into the library. Type in a thought bubble full. Let's pick this stoppable here. Bring the size down. Bring it over to this side of the canvas when you go into properties here and flip it. There we go. Bring the animation time down. 2.5 zero Pause zero transition. Hit the check mark. Move that beside to the right of the tips element. Because if I didn't, if I had left it on the right, I'll just show you quickly. It would draw like this. Everything you need to know. So you'll start out as a beginner and be a pro that you ascribe user by the end of see what happened there because I didn't set the camera position for that thought bubbles. And because it was a blast in the timeline, it drew after my character with laptop. So I need to move this over so that comes after tips. I need to zoom way out now. Actually, no. I'm going to click on tips, double click on tips, and it will take me back to that camera position. So when I click on the stock bubble Oh, I'm gonna move this over, make it a little bit smaller and put it right there, so we'll lock that. Okay, Now, I'm gonna add more text into this stoppable. So I'm gonna click on this text year on the timeline that says tips, and I'm going to copy it and paste it. So it showed up right beside the original element. I'm just going to go over to the right. These arrows on either end of the timeline allow you to scroll through the timeline. So that's been copied so I can drag this down. I'm gonna put it in there. I'm going to clear the camera position and reset it. And now I have to go in and change the verb ege two tools. So I'm gonna do that by going in to change the text or Funt, and I'll just change that to tools. Check. Mark, check, Mark. Okay, so that's a little big. So I'm going to bring the bubble size up a little bit. Don't clear and reset the camera position for that. Okay, Now I want to duplicate this thought bubble. So click copy and paste, and I'm gonna drag this one over here. Drag it over here and the canvas, go into the property's flip it around there, would go hit the check mark and want to change the rotation of that prop up a little bit. Bring it up a bit. Okay, Let's clear that and re Luckett, and I'm going to copy the tools texts and bring this copy to the right of the third cloud bubble. And I'm gonna go into the property's going to the text here and change this to tricks. Check. Mark, check. Mark. We'll drag that over clear and lock the camera position. Let's make the stoppable a little bit bigger, and we can actually drag it out. Structure that way by hitting these here. There we go. Clear and reset the camera position, and I'm gonna click off of that. OK, so the idea is I want these three thought bubbles to pop up pretty quickly to indicate that the beginner student is looking to learn tips, tools and tricks in video scribe and scratching his head because he does not yet know these tips, tools and tricks. Next, I'm going to click on this pro describe user. Now I'm gonna bring him into the center of the canvas more to make him a little bit Baker, cause now he's a pro. So we wanted to just slightly stand out a little bit more. So I'm going nuclear and lock back camera position. Bring the draw time down to one in half and next. What I'd like to do is add elements to show an image on his laptop screen. 18. 17 Adding Gaps to Text, An Alternate Way to Move Elements: So let's type in animal just so we can show something on the screen. Let's pick this green guy here cause he's kinda cute and goofy looking, so we will bring the size of him down. I'm gonna keep him at size, so we'll walk that and bring the size of are pro video. Describe student up just a little bit so clear and reset the camera position. It's going to the properties and bring the pause and transition time down to zero. You know what? I'm gonna change this up a little bit. So what I want to do is add text that says, beginner, It's click on that like that up. So I'm gonna zoom out of the canvas. Many first bring beginner over here on the time line to the left and wanna grab the pro video scribe character and this little green guy and moved them way over on the campus. Now let's click back on tricks on the timelines with double click. There. I'm gonna grab the beginner text and bring the sizing of it up there. Lock that. Okay, so I'm going to go into the properties here in the text. Beginners. I'm gonna go up here and I'm going to make the gap in between each letter bigger. So I'll just click on zero gap, which will bring me to the value option. And when type 15 check mark, check, Mark. And now the word beginner is space at a little bit more, with gaps in between each letters. I'm also gonna move the canvas over, so let's move it to there. Bring this word beginner over a little bit. And now I need to re lock this position because actually, like this guy with the thought bubbles over to left more so I'm gonna click on him, push, shift and quick on all seven of those elements so that they're all highlighted. I'm going to clear camera position and re lock it. So now all of the positions will be set to this new position. Okay, Now, let's go click on this guy next and see what's happened. Because I didn't lock the position for our pro user when I clicked on him. It actually just took me back to the camera setting that I had set up for the beginner. So I need to move the campus over. I mean, zoom out. Okay. Zoom in to 100. Let's move. This guy over a bet will make him a bit bigger. Put him right there. Clear and reset. Back camera position, bring. I'll bring this little green guy up a bit and center him within the screen here in a clear and reset that camera position. And I'm going to copy this beginner text copy and paste. Going to drag this over to the end of the timeline, go into the property's go into the texture and change this word to pro check. Mark check. Mark, Where did Pro go? He is back over there beside beginner, but you'll notice the spacing and sizing again is the exact same is beginner, which is what I wanted. I'm just gonna drag the canvas like this highlight pro drag over here, and I'm in a double click on our pro guy. Okay, so that's the camera position I want. I'm gonna put the word pro right there for now. Clear and reset the camera position. And what we add a check mark element. Check. Mark. I'll click on this. Bring the sizing down a little bit, moving over when they walk. That now I want to move this text over, bringing a little bigger, clear and reset the camera position for that. And I'm gonna click on my pro guy and my little green guy. I've highlighted them both so I can move both over which command and grab both of those. And then move them more into centres while so clear and lock that camera position again. So we're gonna make the draw. Time for beginner five. Bring the paws down to zero. Keep the transition 00.5. Because I said pro immediately after I said beginning. I'm actually going to bring the text of pro over to here in the timeline so it draws before are pro character. I'm gonna go into the property's pause. Time zero Transition time. Zero animation 00.5. Check mark going to the properties of our green guy. Here, bring the animation time down. 2.5. Positive zero transition zero. Check mark and keep the check mark at one. Let's play that back as a beginner and be a pro video scribe user. By the end of this course I have create. So I'm going to go up here and save this. I'm going to create a new folder by pressing that big check mark called video. Describe promo quick. The check mark, A new folder has been created. Okay. When they call this video scribe version one and press the check mark. So that saved. So if I want to go check that folder out, I can go click the arrow back here to go back to your projects, and you can see this folder has been created right here. 19. 18 Importing Jpgs and Replacing Elements: I'm going to refer back to my script now, which is in my Google docks, because I want to see what it is that I say next in the script. So I'm going to show a picture off myself. So I'm gonna show you how to import a J peg and what that will look like. Let's go back into video. Scribe will go into the ad and image to the canvas icon. Go down to the folder on the left here that says Import a bit mapped image. I will click on this J peg here of myself and open it. It is going to take a few seconds import. Now, let's watch the preview here to see how this will show up within video scribe. Okay, I'm happy with that. So I'll click the check. Mark and I will just drag the canvas over here. Hold on to the photo. Let's move it over there and we will click the set camera. Okay, so I'm gonna bring the draw time down to one second, going to properties again. I'm gonna bring the pause time down to zero the transition time down to zero. Click the check mark. So I don't actually love this photo of me. I don't like the way it's turned out. I think instead for my promo, I'm going to stick with images from Video Scribes Library for now. But I did want to show you how to imported J Peg. You can also important PNG files so you could see what that would look like. Let's go to the add an image icon. Click on that and I will type in Woman White Board. Okay, let's click on this image here. Perfect. I will bring the size of this image up. Walk that next. I'd like to add some text to the white board, so go to the text icon. Let's use a dash here and type in. Hundreds of white board animations will click the check mark. Bring this up and we will drag out. We will drag the size a little bit bigger. Let's put that in the middle here. We will lock that camera setting now. Let's because this text is already highlighted in blue. On the timeline, we're going to copy that text and then paste it that pasted carpi will shop right beside the original text. Now let's go into the properties of this. Go to the tea here. Let's change whiteboard. Animations Now, too happy clients. Click the check mark, Click the check mark again and we will bring this text down here. Clear and set the camera setting. And now we will again copy this highlighted text copy and paste going to properties of this copy of the text. Change the texture front and then change this to several years. Experience. Click the check mark, click the check mark again and we wo drag that text down, clear and set the camera. Let's bring the animation time down to 1.5 seconds going to the properties of this image and bring the pause time in transition time down. Zero at the check mark. Let's bring the draw time down to one second for this text. Hit the properties. Bring pause in transition that zero check mark go into the properties of next set. Attacks go down to one second zero pause zero Transition. We're going to the third text. That woman here going to the properties bring the animation time down to one. We'll keep the post Emmett 0.5 and the transition time at 0.0 because next, we're going to be going on to another scene, and I'd like it to pause for a second. Let's make the final text have a little bit more information. So I'm gonna go into the properties here, go into the tea, what's typing using and then hit enter to go to in the next line. I'm gonna put some spaces so that the text underneath the first limb doesn't show up under the dash, but rather lines up with several so several years experience using video scribe at a few more spaces. They're before videos gripe with the Czech market. The check mark. There we go. So now video scribe lines up with the word several so minute clear and reset the camera position because this last sentence has more Texan it. I'm going to bring the animation time to to 20. 19 Using Scribble Out and More!: next, let's go into the image library up at the top here. So we'll hit the ad image icon and let's type in to the keyword searches. Gribble outs push enter so we will choose this. Scribble out, put it on the board and when a drag it out because what I wanted to do is cover this text year. So there we go. I'm going to walk that camera setting. Bring the animation time down to one second goal into the property's. Bring the pause time down to zero. Transition time down to zero hit check mark. And now what I'm going to do is list off the things that you, as a student, will learn in video scribe. So I'm going to click on the previous text, hit the copy icon and the Paste icon, and that has copy and pasted that text and dragged it and brought it immediately to the right of the text. I had copied something to drag that to the right, so that shows up after the scribble, and I'm going to bring this text to the top here. I'm going to go into the property's into the T icon here and going to replace this text with you. Learn all of the tools in video scribe, enter space, space, space space and how to create engaging videos. Let's hit the check mark and the check mark again. Let's click on this text copy paste. We will drag it over to the right, Going to the properties. Go into the tea here. I'm going to replace this text with. You'll learn all the tools. Hit the check mark hit the check. Mark will drag this text on the canvas up to the top here. Clear end. Reset the camera position. Now let's copy and paste. That's elements going to the properties of the new element Here. Go into T. We'll replace that text with how to create engaging videos. Check mark check mark. Let's drag that text element down underneath the first text element there. Let's clear and reset the camera setting. We will copy and paste that element. Go into properties going to tea type. Create your own videos, check mark, check mark. Let's drag that down right there, clear and reset that camera setting. Let's copy and paste that element, going to properties going to the T. Let's replace that with sell your services. Check Mark. Check. Mark. What I'm doing here, as I am typing this text out, is I'm typing out the main point of what I'm saying. So when I playback, you'll hear in the script that I say a little bit more than what will actually be written out. Because when you are creating any sort of slides that show text, you only want to show the text that gets the point across and have your voice as I'm going to do. Say it a little bit more detail because if you write a ton of texts on your anything, your slide, your power Putin, president imitation and so on, then your audience is going to be focusing on Lee on what is written and not listen to your voices. Well, so by only writing the key words to get the point across as my voice is being heard, that will be more impactful. I'll just continue along here quicker now, and I'll speed up the rest of this because you get the gist off what I'm doing here. And you don't need to see me individually right out every sentence, so we'll speed this up until we get to reviewing this scene, you can try and set the perfect default for the time and pausing transition for video scribe for your elements to be drawn in. But ultimately I like toe Wait until the end of creating my seen before I start setting the timing of everything because I like to have the timing go along with the script. 21. 20 Videoscribe Timeline: Now we're going to create another scene and let's get a little playful here. So far I have been creating each new seen by moving the canvas to the right, which I like to do in most cases, because visually your audiences, I is used to reading from left to right. So as I've told this visual story so far, I've moved my scenes from left to right. Let's just let's just zoom out of the canvas a bit to see all of our scenes so far. So as you can see, I've got my first scene here. My second scene here, my third scene here and my fourth seen here on the campus. We've been going from left to right for my fifth seen. I'm going to move the canvas down. This is just going to keep the scribe visually interesting and more engaging when you're telling a story visually, and you add in subtle but new ways of transitioning from one thing to the next eight keeps the viewer engaged. So I'm going to go down here to this arrow to the end of the timeline and with a double click on the last element which will just readjust the size to the last camera position that was set. And now I'm going to drag the canvas up so that I'm now working on this blank canvas that's underneath all of the current scenes. Let's check back with script for a second here. So I am at the part of the script that says Video Scribe allows you to create professional videos in a fraction of the time. So I'm going to go back into video scribe over here and let's add in some more images so we'll go up to that image icon. I'm going to type in happy person. Okay, We've got some happy looking people here, So why don't we grab this sky that's jumping up in the air? He looks happy. We'll move him over here on the campus. I'm goingto walk that camera position. Let's add another happy person at the person. Let's add this happy businesswoman here. She looks pumped will make her a little bit larger. I'm going to actually move her beside this guy. We'll lock that And now, because in the script the word video scribe was mentioned, I am going to go back on the timeline using this left arrow here. Find video scribe. I've already written it out earlier in Helvetica texts. I'm gonna copy that and paste it. It will show up directly beside the first video script element. And then when it hold on to it and drag this all the way to the end of the timeline. Here we go. And you see here, Even though I dragged the element on the time line all the way over to the end of the timeline, it still has not shown up with the newest elements in the newest camera position. So to get this second, a copy of video scribe, the text element over to this new scene, I'm going to zoom out on the canvas and do you see here? The second text element is highlighted right there. You can be sure it's the same element as the one in the timeline because the timelines highlighted in blue. So I'm just going to make that bigger because it makes it easier for me to grab and drag it right on top of the fifth. Seen now to quickly get back to the fifth seen. I'm going to click on this woman element in the timeline toe DoubleClick her and it will take me right back to the fifth. Seen. OK, did you describe Texas too big? So we'll bring that down to smaller size. And when a position this text above these two happy people clear and set the camera position. 22. 21 Adding Royalty Free Jpgs: I am in picks Obey. And I'm looking for an image that shows someone filming another person in the studio. OK, we've got some nice options here. I like this image in my scribe. I would like to show the difference in time between creating a whiteboard animation for ah client, for example, and then going out and filming a real live video where you have actors where you have a set . We have lighting and a bunch of equipment to indicate that it is much faster to create a whiteboard animation than it is to create a riel life set up with these actors and lighting and crew and so on. So I'm gonna click on this image, go to the free download option here, and I will download bat in 1920 by 10. 79. It's a J pegs. Oh, works with video scribe. As we know, if I went to the next size up, it would slow down video scribe for me because it would be a pretty big file. You can do that. If you were gonna zoom in on the image, you would want to go with a higher resolution. But I'm not gonna be zooming in on this image, so I'm going to stick with the 1920 by 10. 70 there. So I've downloaded that. Okay, let's go back and video scribe will go up to the ad image icon. Click on it. We'll click and will go down to the folder here so we can import that J Peg And within my video scribe promo folder that having my desktop, I have the J pay there, so I'll open that. Let's hit the check, Mark and we will move this image here and lock that camera setting. Next. I'm going to click on the video scribe text element in the timeline Cop be and paste not dry, gets over to the right of the timeline. And then I'm also going to drag it over here above the rial live actor film shoot, going to properties, go into the tea here and learned to type in shooting video, hit the check mark, hit the check mark, and the last element I would like to have shown on this particular scene is a clock. So I want to indicate that the video scribe way of creating a video takes a fraction of the time to create compared to shooting a video with real people. So let's go back up to add image icon. Click on that type in clock inter. So there are no clocks here that really indicate it's a fraction of the time, right? Like they have numbers on them. Let's look at the paid options. Okay, I'm looking for something like this Here, let me just click on it for a second, so it will show bigger. So I'm looking for a clock that shows I'd like it to indicate a fraction of the time. So I do like that. The clock here has this little sliver emphasized in red. But I'm looking specifically for ah, clock. That shows a fraction of the time, so it would need to be bigger than this. And as you'll see, you can buy this image for 3 70 I'm not going to do that. I'm going to create my own image. So I'm going to click the X here, click the X here, and in the next lesson, we're gonna look at how I illustrate my own images and bring those into describe 23. 22 Using Illustrator to draw image: I'm going to use Illustrator to create my clock. It does cost money to have Adobe Illustrator. It's based on a paint subscription. So if you don't have Adobe Illustrator and you don't want to pay the money for Adobe Illustrator Ah, free option is called ink Escape. In this course, I've chosen to show you how to use the elements that come with the video scribe library and some other options like picks obey to get some free Additional elements for your video scribe. I know not everyone uses Adobe and doesn't pay the subscription for Adobe. But if you are interested in learning how to create images for video scribe using Adobe Illustrator and you'd like more details, please let me know because if I get enough students interested in this, I'm more than happy to green entire course around creating illustrator images. Four video scribe. For now, I'm just going to give you a taste to let you know that this is another option you have available. If you're using video scribe and you need to create your own image, I'm starting off with a canvas that's 1920 by 10 80 pixels because this works well with video scribe. So the first thing I'm going to do is go to my shapes. Icahn here. I'm gonna click on it, double click on it and pick the ill iptc tool. I'm gonna hold shift down because that creates a perfect circle. And there we go. Let go. I'm going to click on the selection tool here. Let's just move that over. And I want the stroke, which is this thin outline of the circle here. I wanted to be a little bit thicker, so I'm gonna go up here where it says stroke and let's make it five make it the size of five. So right now this frame is in black, which you can see here. If I wanted to change it to read, I could I could change toe any of these colors here. I'll stick with black for now, and you can see to the left of this framing color option to the left is the fill option. So the fill for this circle, So I'm gonna open that up. If I wanted the fill of that circle, be read changes to read. I don't want to fill. So I'm gonna click here for none. And now click off of that. So as you can see by adding this circle, I now have my first layer with the ill IPTC image within it. Next to make it more obvious that it's oclock, I'm going to add numbers. So instead of using the text tool to type out my numbers, I'm going to actually draw them out using my wakame tablets pen. All zoom in so I'll hit the Z and then click, click and scroll that up. Okay, I'm gonna hit B, which will take me back to the selection tool and move this over, and I'm going to click on the pencil tool here, so I'll type So all right at one six and now let's right nine. So you'll see there's more space here than there is up here. So I'm gonna grab the three and we hold on shift and grab the nine, and I'm going to use my down arrow to move those both down. Illustrator gives you so many options when it comes to creating images, it's really quite amazing. It does take some time to learn, and there is a learning curve. Even if you're coming from a photo shop background and using illustrator. There are a lot of similar tool options but different ways to use thumb, which is quite interesting. Also, if you were to choose this t here too, create your numbers as text that would introduce some problems when bringing this image over into describe as an SPG file. We're not gonna look at that today. But again, if you are interested in me creating an illustrator course that would work with video scribe, then let me know. Because in that course I would be more than happy to go over how toe work with text specifically coming from illustrator. And bring that into video scribe. Okay, so let's click off of those numbers. And I just realized that 12 is at the top, not a one. So I've moved the two up there and Amina quick shift and hold the one and we'll just move that over a little bit. Okay, there we go. So now I can drop down the layer panel here and you'll see each element. It's been created so far, so I want to copy this one. So I'm going to I've got it highlighted here. You can see the hold down option on the Mac in the Dragon Up One now has got a copy of that . So you can see here. That is highlighted in blue. I'm going to because it's already highlighted. Moving over and down. There we go. Lovely. Okay, I'm gonna do the same thing with the juice. I'm gonna hit the to some willing to click on the two here, so that's highlighted. Hold down. Option Alz the option All turkey and drag that down so that I've got a copy of the two. You can see it's highlighted there. And blue. I'm going to use the arrow keys. And if you hold down shift while you use the euro Keys lets you move these elements around much faster than if you were just using the arrow keys. So that's what I've done. OK, let's go back to the pencil tool and draw out a for I'm going to speed up the rest of this because you've got the idea of how to draw these out. You'll need to see me draw out every single number. Okay, So to indicate 1/4 of time here, I'm gonna show you the quickest and easiest way to do that. Let's go up here and lock this layer This clock layer, Let's create a new layer by clicking on the new layer icon there. A new layer has been created on top that we're going to be working with. You can see whatever we create. Now we'll show up on the second layer because this is highlighted here. So I'm gonna go to the lips tool. I've got my film now set to read with no stroke. Hold down shift and I'm gonna pull this out to create a new circle, go to the selection tool, move that on top of the clock in the hold shift and just dragged the sizing down there. I want this red circle to be around the same size as the clock. Doesn't have to be perfect. So that's good. Okay, Now I'm going to turn the eyeball off of the clock layer, so it's not distracting. Next one will do is go up here, click on the direct selection tool. I've clicked on the red circle as well, so that it is selected and I'm going to click down in the canvas and drag a little rectangle just over top of this anchor point here. This anchor point here, you'll see this has been selected because it is if you look closely filled in where is thes ? Other anchor points do not have a fill. So this is the selected anchor point and a click delete. And now I've created myself 1/2 circle, but I want 1/4 circle. So I've got my direct selection tool clicked, and I am going to hover over and create a rectangle over this point here and move it into the center of the circle. Let go, and it's created this shape. Next, I'm going to go up to the pencil, right click on it and go down to the anchor point tool and select that. Now I'm gonna go down to this point here and delete bats, and there we go. We have 1/4 circle, Click the selection tool. Turn the clock back on. Now I think this would look better if it were up in this area. When it hold onto it and drag, it's and hover over this point here so that I can drag it around that way and then we will move it over, going to bring the size of this down just a little bit by holding shift and dragging. Here we go. Okay, so there we go. I have a clock that indicates 1/4 of the time and let's go up to file Save as let's call this quarter clock and we'll go into my video scribe folder here. I'm gonna save it as an illustrator. File first so that I can go back to it any time I need to. So we'll click, save and we'll hit. Okay, I'm going to click open and photo shop and I'm going to click on the quarter clock. I'm going to hit, Okay? And now I'm going to save this in photo shop as a PNG file. There we go and save push. Okay, And that's saved. I prefer to draw images in illustrator because I really like the intuitiveness of it and the tool options and so on. But in Illustrator, you can't save images as PNG files, and there's a whole a lot of information and learning that goes into creating illustrator images and bringing them into video scribe and drawing them from scratch. In the meantime, I will show you what it will look like when I bring in this image that I've created this clock into describe 24. 23 Importing PNGs, Moving Multiple Elements and a Faster Way to Change Properties: Let's. So we're back in video, Scribe, Let's go up to add an image. I will go down to the folder here. I will click on the quarter clock PNG push open and click the check mark here. So there that is. Now, I'm not completely happy with the layout of all of these elements on the canvas right now within the scene. So I'm gonna move some stuff around. I'm happy with that. So I'm now going to highlights all of the elements in this scene by holding down shift and would you clear and reset those camera positions? Okay, so I am going to go into the properties here. I've got the enemy mation Time at one pause. Time zero Transition time. 01 Other cool thing I can do is click this arrow to save these changes and go into the next element and the properties rather than clicking out of it and then going back in. So let's click this arrow. And now I can change this guy's animation time. 2.5. Pause Time zero Transition time zero Let's go to the next animation or rather, element pause time transition time down to zero. It's Ming Make the animation time. One. Click the check mark and let's just play that out quickly. Okay, so I actually would like this lady to draw out before the man Some the note. Grab that element, Move it over on the timeline. And now I'm going to go into the properties of the clock and bring the animation time down . 2.5, Pastime zero Transition time. Zero. I'm going to go to the next element Animation time down 2.21 point five Pause Time zero transition time zero Going to the next element and we'll keep that adds, is so check and let's play this back. Video scribe allows you to create professional videos in a fraction of the time it was to shoot a video with live. Okay, I want shoot this text to be before the drawing. I'm going to slow down some of these animations so this guy will be one will go to the next one. I will make that animation time one. Bring this enemy nation time to one. This scene would feel more complete if I brought in a second clock that showed the entire circle of the clock in red to indicate that using video scribe takes on Lee 1/4 amount of the time that it does too. Shoot Riel, live actors. So let's go back into illustrator and I'm going to Now go grab the lips, Tool, hold, shift down and let go. I'll grab my select tool here and again. I'll grab shift to bring the size of this circle down here. We'll move this circle over little bids. I will save this as full clock. Going to photo shop file open. Click on full clock Open. That's open that and file save as we will change the format to a PNG file save which. Okay, okay, I'm back in Video. Scribe will go up to add images. Go down to the folder here and open up the full clock. Hit the check mark here. I'll bring the size of this clock down. Let's just check the size here, so we want to bring it down a little more, so it's close to the same size. Okay. And I'm just going to move these elements around a little bit until I'm happy with, um Okay, so I'm going to highlight these three elements and set the camera position. I actually want this half of the canvas to be more consistent with this half, so let's move. Video scribe Right there. I'll grab this order clock, bring it up above. Grab this text. Put it there. This clock put it right there will move this stuff around. And now I'm going to highlight all of these elements. And now we're going to get to the final scenes on moving the canvas over to the left. I'm gonna go into add images, Type in white board hit, enter and I'm going to show several different whiteboard images. Let's first click on this guy. Okay, We'll move him right here. Lock that camera position. Let's bring the draw time down to one. Going to the properties. Make the pause time in transition time. Both zero. And let's show an image being drawn inside his white board. Typing tree. Let's pick this beach image here. I'll bring the size down there and put that in the middle of his image. I'll click the camera setting to set the camera. Draw time down, zero pause time, zero transition time. And I'm just going to speed this up because you get the idea. You know how to bring in more images and train change the transition time typed in now and what I want this to do I'm gonna put now right in the middle of the computer screen there when a click, the camera sending to save that. And now I'm going to zoom in to that text and click check mark for the camera position. Okay, so I like the way that this looks. Except for the robot's head sticking up. Someone go to the timeline and double click on the robot. Which brings me back to that camera setting in position. And I'm going to make him a little bit smaller. And I'm going to pull, downshift or command on a Mac and click on both him and the bird element in the timeline, and I'm gonna move them over and down a little bit. I'm going to clear and reset those camera positions, okay? And now I'm gonna go on the timeline and double click. Now I'm going to bring the canvas down just a bit, okay? I want to highlight both now in the timeline and the computer. I've done that by holding command down and clicking on both. I'm gonna clear and reset those camera positions. So now when this draws out, it will not show the robot's head. Okay, so I'm going to add in another J peg that I downloaded from picks. Obey. First, I will move the canvas down. Now go into the ad image icon and click on that. I'll go to this folder here, click on that, and I'm going to click on this image pushed open and pushed. Check Mark. Okay, so I'm going to bring the size of that image up and move it down a little bit. And when the lock that camera setting, move that image over there, clear and reset. 25. 24 Selecting Color in Photoshop for Hex Code: And now let's go over to photo shop so I can show you how to select a specific color. I mentioned this earlier, so we'll just go into photo shop. I already haven't opened up and you'll see that there's a shape here that I've chosen to use as an example so that we can use the I drop tool and photo shopped to pick the exact color that we would like to also use in video scribe. So I'll go up here to the Eyedropper tool, and I will bring this down and click on this part of the image here. When I've done that, it's basically captured that exact blue in that exact spot. You can see that right here. So I'm going to double click here. And down here you will see the hex number for that exact color. I'm Linux. Copy that. By pushing command, see on a Mac, I'm gonna go back into video, scribe. I'm gonna go up to the T here and add text the right. Start learning now. I'm gonna go into the change text color here, and I'm going. Teoh, push Command V, which has pasted that hex color that I just I dropped in photo shop when I click the check mark and you'll see here that this text will now come out as the color I chose again, as I mentioned before. Sometimes clients have locals with specific colors in them, and although you can ask your clients if they can give you the exact colors used in their logos, in some cases they won't be easily able to access that information. So if you use photo shop, it's really easy to find out the exact colors used by bringing in the logo, picking the eyedropper tool and then copying the hex number like we've just done toe check . Mark gonna bring this font up here and drag it a little bit. Start learning now. I'm going to hit this left here on the timeline and I'm looking for or it's his video scribe. There we go to have highlighted that going to copy and paste, and it shows up directly beside the original video scrub text drag that all the way to the end of the timeline and put it at the very end. And remember, even though I dragged in the timeline to the very end because I'd like to be drawn after start learning is written. I still need to go to that original camera setting on the canvas and grab that copy. So I'm gonna hit fit to screen here. And that will show me every single element that is on my describe and you can see here the copy of the text element I'm looking for is right here. I'm going to drag that over to the final scene. And now I'm going to go back on the timeline, and I'm gonna double click on this element in the final scene Here. There we go. Okay. I now Kenbrell this down in size. Now, when I go back up to text and when it type in on me and I'm going to go into import fonts I'd like each line of fonts to be a different style of fonts and a different color of fonts . So I'll choose a simple life push check Mark. Let bat import into video, ascribe. And when you change the color too. Read here. Push check marked. Move that over. Well, make it bigger. We'll go back up to the text icon. What's type in professional? Go to the font. Click on this was Check mark and import this font in Going to the color. Let's make that a nice purple click check mark. Is that over? Drag the size up and we'll go back in and type videos. Click on the green and we will import another font. We'll use a little pot. Hit the check, mark. There we go. So now I'm going to highlight all of this text by hitting the shift key and going over to the first element that I want to lock the camera setting off. And there we go. All of those air locked Now move the canvas down. Calvary set that camera position when actually move this guy photo over. I forgot to add the word white boards. Local back in white board. Let's choose chalkboard bulls. Let's make that text pink. Okay, move that over in the timeline and you'll see here. It's not there. Where is it? Presumably Because I've put it on the timeline to show before these last two elements here it's hidden under one of these elements. I'm gonna double click on it. Okay, so it's indicating to me that it's right there, but this image is in front of it. So what I'm gonna do is go down here to this eyeball and hide that image now and then is click twice on this element that says professional to zoom back out. I'm not gonna click on white Board and move it over, okay? Gonna drag the sizing of that up. Bring it down, will lock that gonna grab videos, will clear and re lock that. And now click back on the photo element and I will hit the eyeball there again to bring that back up. 26. 25 Changing Canvas Color, Adding Music, Exporting: Okay, so that's pretty much it. There are a few final things that I'm gonna do here. Like, let's spruce up this white board promo video promo bit. By changing the canvas color so well appear to change the paper texture color will click on that. Let's click on the color here. Why don't we use a very light purple and we'll click on this here? Let's just go through. See the Onley problem with making the background a different color is if you use scribble out, it will still show up as white. So knowing that I've got the scribble out option, I don't actually want to have the background colored. So keep that in mind if you're using the scribble out option than that will So Oppa's white . So I'm gonna go back in here and I'm going to go down to the colors and go back to white. Push the check mark There. Another thing that I can do to make this video promo more fun and engaging is I can add some music using the video scribes Music library First, however, I'm gonna go click this right arrow on the time lang go all the way to the end. Click on this last element and see what time the ending of this promo video will occur. So this promo video is one minute and 24 seconds long. Keep that in mind when we're looking at music selection, so I'm gonna click now on this music icon. You'll see this song is only one minute long. The songs. One minute, 12 seconds long. We'll see this. One minute, 30 seconds. Okay, let's try this one so we will click the check mark. Okay, so I've chosen that track now because I do a lot of video editing in Premiere Pro. I actually prefer to use Premiere Pro and find my own royalty free songs that you can get from places like Audio Jungle dot net, Pond five and Art List. For example, those air my top three places that I will go to purchase royalty free music. There's also a website called Ben Sound, where you can get royalty, free music and options to get it for free. The reason I don't love using video scribe for music is, although it does have some great music options, you are not in control of the volume. Your music plays that and when it starts. So I'm going to play this. Describe back to you now and you'll notice that the music doesn't start as soon as I start speaking if it actually starts a few seconds later. So I'm gonna go up here preview, play your scribe. I'll click on that. Okay. So if that you describe is your only option for adding music, then it's still a good option. But if you do have the option to export your video scribe video and then bring it into another editing platform, I would recommend doing that. So I'm gonna go back up to the music icon here, and I'm going to click on the trash button for that song Choice and click Check Mark, Click the check mark. So I've removed that song next. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to export describe, so I will show you how to do that. And then in the bonus lesson, I will show you how to add music to your video scribe video in Premiere Pro. If you don't use Premiere Pro, you can still follow along. If you use any other editing Softwares like Sony Vegas or final cut pro or any other video Softwares for editing. Then you can follow along and you can add songs into your scribe separate from video scribe . So in the next lesson, we will check that out. In the meantime, I will quickly show you how to render an export. Your scribe, You go up to this icon here, it's the publish icon. I'm gonna click on that. It will show you your entire scribe. I'm going to click down here, create a video file. It's going to ask me the formatted like to be in. Let's click through these. I would like it to stay as a quick time and movie. That's what I recommend. I would like it to be in 10 80 full HD. It's got a few other options, but 10 80 is the best option to go with, and then for the frame rate, you have some options. I recommend sticking at 25. It's asking me here where I'd like to save it. Someone just click on this here and it will save into my video scribe promo folder, where all of my other elements that you saw in creating this from have been saved. So I will push. Okay. And the name for its that it will be saved, as that is video scribe promo version one. That's fine. I will click the check mark and now you're going to see it. Export. You'll see here below It says that it's going to take about 16.5 minutes, so I will speed up this part of the video just so you can see the final ending of it. 27. 26 Bonus! Premiere Pro and Final Thoughts: in this bonus lesson, I'm going to show you the view extra editing steps that I take to perfect my describe in Premiere Pro. If you don't have Premiere Pro, but you do have any sort of editing software, then you can just follow along and check out what I do as an option for you to use your own music or customize your scribe a little bit. So I'm going to right click in the Project area of Premier Pro and I'm going to click Import. I'm within my video scribe promo folder. Where have all of the assets I used to grate the promo here is the promo itself has been exported. It's 180 megabytes. It's about a minute and 1/2 long. There we go of selected bad and then click import okay, and I want to drag this down onto the timeline. Here we will push keep existing settings, which were 10 80 by 1920 now I'm going to bring in a song that I got from Art List, which is a royalty free music website. It is ah website where you join for a year with a yearly subscription fee and you can use any of their songs. It's really, really cool. I recommend you check that out. So I'm going to again. Right? Click Push. Import. There is my MP three, Saul Import that in going to move the time line up and they want to drag this song underneath this audio, which is the audio I recorded from my script. So now I'm going to hold down shift and I want you select the song and I'm going to go to audio gain. A freight clicked there. Oh, the audio gain. And when it go minus 14. Okay, so let's play this. Hi, everyone. My name is Ali Saunders, and I want to teach you how to create great whiteboard animations using video scribe E. So you see how here you can see it in the way form. The song starts to pick up right here. You can tell by comparing the left side of the way form to over here the right side it starts to pick up. I'd actually like it to pick up right when I start talking again here, which you can see someone a highlight the song and I'm going Teoh, move this over. There we go. Ok, now drag that out. I'm also gonna add Audio fades are pushing command. Shifty. I've got a select A four command shifty. There we go. This will just fade in the speaking and the music a little bit better. Let's bring these fades over there a little bit. Okay. Hi, everyone. My name is so let's just skip ahead to the part. We left off that and I'm going to pushed p for the pen tool. The point there and a point here. And I'm not gonna push V. And I'm gonna bring that down a little bit because it starts to get louder there. And I don't want it the music to drown out my voice. Let's just copy, Move right. Click pushed, copy. And now will paste that into this audio track. Yep. We show. Okay. Okay. So let's continue from here. I'll take you everything you need. So you'll start out as a beginner and be a pro video scribe users by the end. Okay, so I like how that sounds. I'll go to the end here, and I'm going to hit C and cut The ends of that music are often go to the end of the audio here. Push command. Shifty. I'm using a Mac. And let's just listen to how that fades out. Okay? I'd like to also put a fade on individuals here, so I've pushed command D to do that. Let's watch again. Okay. And that looks and sounds good. So I've gone through this a bit quickly. I'm assuming if you have Premiere Pro that you understand how to use the different tools and effects with in it. If you have any questions, you can let me know. We actually have an entire course on Premiere Pro. It's a best seller. It's very, very good and very, very popular. My partner created that. And if you have any questions about Premiere Pro or you'd like to take this course the 1st 50 people who shoot me a message for that I will give you a special discount on that Premiere Pro course. Okay, so I'm gonna push Oh, to mark the outs, and I'm going to go to front of the edit and push I there. So now I will export this and once have exported this, I will have my final video scribe video ready to use as the promo which you've obviously already seen. The full promo if you have entered this course. So there you go. Thank you so much for checking out this course. I really am glad that I've been a part of helping you learn how to use video Scribe. If you have any questions, let me know. You've learned everything from opening up your first scribe to using the effects, using different hands, how to draw in different images as well as how to bring in your own images and use different music and so on and all of the tools and techniques that I've taught you in this course I use on a regular basis. And I get paid clients from thes techniques. So I'm very, very happy that I took the time to learn video scribe and become a prone it because it's a great way to make some money. So I hope you've enjoyed this course and thank you again. So much for joining the in its Remember, if you're interested in seeing an entire course devoted to creating images for video scribe some drawing techniques as well as using illustrator and photo shop, then let me know. I think that a lot of people who are interested in whiteboard, animations and who have that skill also in most cases have access to adobes subscription because creativity on all those Softwares work and enhance together Thanks again So much for joining me and all the very best in your scribe ing future.