9 PREMIERE PRO HACKS With Adobe Premiere Pro | Alli Bartlett | Skillshare

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9 PREMIERE PRO HACKS With Adobe Premiere Pro

teacher avatar Alli Bartlett, Filmmaker. Youtuber. Business Owner

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to the Class on Optimizing Premiere Pro


    • 2.

      How to Freeze Frame Quickly


    • 3.

      When the Warp Stabilizer Banner Shows Up on Your Exported Video


    • 4.

      The Additional Layer that Reduces Lagging


    • 5.

      Turn Those Effects Off Quickly


    • 6.

      Loop Your Footage with This Tool


    • 7.

      How to Find Missing Audio


    • 8.

      Slow Down Your Audio and Video A LOT


    • 9.

      Stop Using Adjust Volume and Use This Instead


    • 10.

      BONUS How to Reduce Moire in Premiere Pro


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About This Class

In this class Alli Saunders will teach you 9 Premiere Pro Hacks that will make editing way more efficient and fun. Alli Saunders has been a professional video editor for over 5 years and owns a video production company in Toronto, Canada that specializes in commercial and web videos. She edits most of her video projects in Premiere Pro and over the years has come up with several ways to make her editing workflow more efficient and much faster. In this quick course she will teach you her go to tips, tools and workflows that have saved her tons of time editing and will save you tons of time too!

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Alli Bartlett

Filmmaker. Youtuber. Business Owner


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Level: Beginner

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1. Intro to the Class on Optimizing Premiere Pro: Hey, everyone, what's going on? My name's Alley and I am a video editor from Toronto, Canada. I've been editing in Premiere Pro for years and years and years, and over the years, working in Premiere Pro on commercials, corporate shoots, logs and so on, I have learned many ways to make editing life much easier, much less frustrating. In this class, you're gonna learn tools, tricks and tips that you can apply to your editing process in number pro that are going to change your anything life for the better. Each tool or action or stepped I teach is gonna be very easy to apply. Very easy to remember, and it's gonna make editing improvement grow a lot more fun. So whether you're editing a wedding or corporate video commercial or a project for yourself , these tools and tricks are really gonna help you. So let's get right into the lessons 2. How to Freeze Frame Quickly: Let's talk about free spring because there's a much easier, much quicker way to freeze your frame in primer Pro for an extended period of time than what you might currently be doing. Let's get into it. All right. So let's say your anything project and you've got those nice footage and Ray about there. You think Oh, you know what? It would be really cool if I throws this frame here. And I added some of the features on screen with text or something. Well, that's a great idea. That something I do a lot when I'm teaching tutorials is I stop on a frame and will have bullet points come up on screen. OK, so how do you do that? How do you freeze the frame? Well, okay, you could do it this way. So I'm gonna make an edit point in this clip here, use the right arrow. Can make he worked. Go over one frame, zoom into the timeline. Here, make another edit point. So this is literally one frame going to press V on my keyboard to bring my selection tool back up. Make sure this one single frames selected press command, CMA keyboard dragged this other part of the clip over and with the cursor to rate that frame press command V. Maybe he can maybe a ton of times. And look, hopefully that through There we go. We have a freeze frame for a second sword of kind of, but not really. Actually, cause all we really did there was just duplicate a single frame and paste it over and over and over again in the timeline. And hey, that come work for you. But there's a much faster way of doing this. I'm gonna delete all those duplicate frames and with this single frame here that I have made edit points on either side of we will select it. Right click and click on add frame. Hold sweet. Okay, so now that single frame is going to be a freeze frame, I will drag it out, move the rest of this clip over and dragged this freeze from a little bit farther. I'm gonna play that through to show you what we have just done. Cool. So that's how easy it is to add a freeze frame in Premiere Pro. This is something I use when I'm teaching how to tutorials like this one when I'm teaching online courses and even in my corporate company, when we're creating video, it's for clients. So adding that frame hold condemn definitely make your life easier in Premiere Pro. 3. When the Warp Stabilizer Banner Shows Up on Your Exported Video: Let's finally deal with something that's super frustrating and super annoying when you use warp stabilizer right now. All right, here's another clip. This is a moving clip. Let's say it was a little shaky. It's not really, But let's just say it, Woz. And we wanted to use warp stabilizer. Well, no, but warp stabilizer and help stabilize your shaky footage. And sometimes it works super, super well. But you know what's so annoying when you've worked hours and hours and days and days on end it and you put warp stabilizer on a few clips. Let's just do this. Let's just do this. I've dragged that effect on. You can see this banner that says, analyzing in background. And if we go to our effect controls, we can see that this effect is slowly working its magic. Let's go back to the program window here. Okay, so have you ever done this? Because I have. And it's just the worst. Have you ever pull warp stabilizer on? You know, multiple clips in your edit, let's say and then exported your video, and that warp stabilisers banner still shows up with in your video. Export especially sucks if you export your final video, and you don't watch it over after your expert and then you upload it to YouTube and you publish it. Then a few days later, maybe you watch it back, and that banner comes up that analyzed Boehner within your export. Anyway, there's a way to hide that banner so that you're not going to see it. And this comes especially in handy when you go to export of video and one or two or three or 10 or whatever clips have warp stabilizer on it. With that clip selected, let's go back into effect controls. Let's just change the smoothness too. 92% So that move the program window over here. Let's refresh that warp stabilising tools so that we can see this analyst in the background banner up again and scrolling down under the effect. Let's hit this drop down Arrow under advanced here, right here, where it says hide warning check, Mark. And did you see what happened? That border is now gone. You're not gonna see it anymore. You can see that still stabilizing here, but you're not going to see that banner so highly recommend whenever you use warp stabilizer. Hide that warning. Cool 4. The Additional Layer that Reduces Lagging: using this type of layer in Premiere Pro is gonna make your editing life way easier. Let's check it out. All right. Next, let's talk about adjustment layers when you go over the new item here in my project window . Select Adjustment layer. Yeah, that's fine. There's my adjustment layer. I mean, I drank that adjustment layer over top of this clip here, and this is basically and empty layer that you can do lots and lots of stuff with. Okay, so let's go into loom a tree color here. Now, this is a bit of a heavier color correction of fact. Cool. Okay. And let's start, you know, doing some stuff to this clip. Let's say we want to make it really contrast e We're gonna drop those shadows like they're hot. Bring these blacks town, bring the exposure down, pumped the vibrancy sweet. Okay, before and after. All right, so depending on your computer, how old it is, how fast that runs all that good stuff when you start adding heavier effects on what I mean by heavier is effects that take up more processing power on your computer. This can really slow things down. So one thing that I like to do with him. Editing and adding things like color correction onto my clip is actually not at color correction onto my clip, but rather added onto an adjustment layer. The reason I like to do this is because look at this. I can easily just turn the track with the adjustment layer on and off very simple, and that's a very easy way for me to see the original clip before I put effects on it. 5. Turn Those Effects Off Quickly: adding effects to your footage and primer Pro can make your playback really leg, but it won't do that nearly as much. If you start using this, I'll show you right now. We'll say it didn't use the adjustment layer. And I put that LeWinter color fact right onto my clips. I'm gonna press command, see to copy that effect, select the clip itself. Press command V to paste it and delete that adjustment layer. Okay, cool. Now for fun with add another fracked. Put the fast blur effect on to this clip. I won't bring the blurriness to 23. So again, the more facts we have to eclipse and depending on how heavy the processing power is with these effects, my defector playback might slow things down for us in some cases. If you have an older laptop that you're using, Premiere Pro on Premier Pro might just freeze and shut down and we don't want that. So let's say you're doing at it and you put effects on your clip. You like them, they're good, but you still want to continue editing and saving yourself from the potential of premier pro crashing. Well, let's turn these effects off the easy way. Let's go up here where a program window is and click this effect. Saigon, the global effects mu icon. You can tell that this is now on because it's in blue, and when this is on, the effects will remain on your clip. But they're not gonna be active, so you can keep all your hard work and all the effects and stuff that you've done in the clip on that clip, and you can have tons of effects on other clips, in your view at it. And then you can just talk All this global effects mute on enough just like that. I use this all the time. So if you don't see this particular icon in your program window, go over to the plus button here, the button editor and click on it and you will see all of the's awesome, wonderful time saving options that you can add onto your program window toolbar like I've done. And there's the global effects mute button. So if you'd like to add that to your program, wonder you simply just drag it on Easy peasy press OK, 6. Loop Your Footage with This Tool: Sometimes you just really need to watch part of a clip tend 20 a 1,000,000 times, and there's a very easy way to do that. Another Children I really loved that I've added to my program window is looped playback. What selected? And it's not actually gonna work unless you put an in and out on your clip. Let's actually make that smaller, so in and out. Okay, I'm gonna play that. How awesome is that? Let's say you're checking out the clip. You need to watch it like 10 times in a row. For whatever reason. By putting an in and an out point on that footage and clicking on this loop playback button , you can watch that clip on. Repeat as many times as you need to. If you want to turn it off, just click that again. It's that easy 7. How to Find Missing Audio: don't get just hate when you drag a clip onto your timeline and the audio doesn't come with it. Yeah, me too. Well, here's how to find that audio. Wow, that's a flattering face. Okay, so let's say you have dragged down a clip onto your timeline, and it's supposed to be of you talking Well, where the heck the audio go underneath this clip, you can see that this clip this is the same clip has audio in it. You can tell because this little tiny icon on the side of the clip shows an audio waveform . So yeah, okay. They're supposed to be audio with this clip, but it's not here. If you want to find your audio that's attached, are supposed to be attached to your footage with your cursor over that footage. Press F on your keyboard that's gonna bring up the source monitor, and these two icons here hover over this way. Form looking icon. Select it. And there you go. There's your audio that was supposed to be attached to that clip. OK, so prima pro, unfortunately, does have some glitches. It can be a bit finicky with every new version update that prima pro comes out with. There's another glitch, er, to to tackle. So a common glitch that seems happen is, let's just say that audio wouldn't come down. Let's say you couldn't drag that audio down onto the timeline. For whatever reason, I'll delete that See like this. It's just not dragging now. Well, let's go back into our project window. And if all else fails, select and right, click on that particular footage and select new sequence from Clip. And as you can see, it's done Just what said it was gonna do. A new sequence right there has been created from that clip, and it has brought with it the camera audio that should have. So if primer prose ever acting glitchy for you and you press F on your keyboard to find your audio is still not working for you, create new sequence from the clip back should work. It's always worked for me 8. Slow Down Your Audio and Video A LOT: Sometimes you just really need to hear every single little syllable and part of your audio and primer pro. And here's how you can do that. All right, they've got one other really cool thing to show you, and you probably have no about it but don't fully know about it. If you watch my how to view about how to make anything faster with improvement Pro, then you will know that you compress the L key on your keyboard to speed up playback when you're watching footage improver pro play through in your timeline. We all know that, right? Yeah. Cool. Okay, I will press the space bar key on my keyboard to stop that. Only that's all fine and dandy. But let's say you need to watch playback really, really slowly. Or maybe you need to listen to the audio and you need to hear it really slowly, kind of drag out so you can catch a specific frame or specific part in your audio that you need. Teoh adjuster, editor. Whatever. Well, it's the same sort of idea you're gonna press al on your keyboard, but you're not just only gonna press al your also little hold down shift on your keyboard. So I'm holding down shift on my keyboard and I'm gonna press l once Oh, year and I sound like Chewbacca, but I also have slowed down my voice and the playback of this particular clip. Ah, whole bunch. If you wanted to play back backwards, your footage really, really slowly. Press shift and J. That sounds super weird, but it gets the job done when you need to do that kind of job. 9. Stop Using Adjust Volume and Use This Instead: stop. Just stop using the adjust value option on your audio truck. There's a better way and I will show you right now. Let's say they want to raise the volume on your audio. What you can do is you can drag this adjust volume line in your audio all the way up, and it's only gonna let you adjust your volume to 6.2 decibels. Don't do this. Just never do it because doing this to your audio limits you in a lot of ways. I'm gonna press Command Z, and instead, what you can do is right. Click on the audio and go toe audio gain with a just gained by. Let's adjust that by 10 decibels. Press OK, now you can see that this audio has been raised a lot. It's actually peaking in a bunch of spots, so we've raised it too high. Even. Tell us speaking because the top of the way forms just chopped off, and as I scrub over them the timeline you can see Watch over here in the volume meters that is peaking audio. If it's hitting the red for that long, I don't like to see my audio hit the red. It all because that means it's peaking and distorting so that audio is too hot again. Let's press commands the other keyboard to undo that and with this particular footage would probably bring the audio gain upto five, maybe six decimals higher than it is right now so that it was louder, but not so that it was peaking. So use on you gain that gives you more options with raising the volume and level of your audio. Been using the adjust volume level here. Cool. And there you go those air nine tips and tools that are going to make your editing life much easier. Congratulations on completing this class. I'm pumped for you to start using these tips and tools, and my entire life is editing in film making. I'm putting courses out all the time on skill share that teach you just how to do that and how to do it better and more efficiently. So feel free to follow me here in skill share. So you're updated and notified when I am putting out new course and check out some of my other courses that are already up here. Thanks again for checking this class out, and I look forward to seeing you and other skills share classes 10. BONUS How to Reduce Moire in Premiere Pro: In this tutorial, I'm gonna show you how to reduce or remove depending on your footage. The moray effects, those wavy lines that you just don't want to see on your clients are on your own. Closed. Okay. So we're in Premier Pro with a clip that suffering from some major Maury issues that we're going to reduce in just a second. First, it's useful to know that when you're editing, depending on the size you've set the frame in your program monitor or the size of your computer monitor, the moray in footage may show up more or less. So it's important to review your final exported file at different screen sizes if you suspect more marine might show up. This is because different frame sizes will cause the very thin patterns on the shirt to move closer together or farther apart as the pixels in the footage will have more or less compression. Maury typically happens when the camera has sharp focus on tiny thin patterns, where there's repeating pattern of a thin opaque line followed by a transparent gap. Okay, so let's go to our effect window and type in Gaussian blur. There it is in the video effects blur and sharpen folder. We'll drag that onto our clip and go to Effect Controls where we can adjust this effect. Let's try bringing it to eight. Depending on your clip, you may need to increase or decrease the amount of Gaussian blur, okay, and that creates a subtle blur over the entire clip and we can no longer see moray. I'll turn the effect off for a second. And yep, that's definitely made a difference. Turned it back on next. Under the effect, we can click on this pen tool so that we can create a mask around just the clothing. So just the shirt will be affected by this blur effect rather than the entire clip. Now let's bring our cursor to the very beginning of the clip so that we're creating our mask over the first frame. I'm going to track this mosque to follow the movement of the shirt as eclipse place through. And I wanted to extend the math a little bit beyond the frame just to ensure that it does still covered the shirt as it tracks with the movement. Let's zoom out of this clip on the program monitor by clicking this drop-down menu and choosing twenty-five percent so that we can extend our mask beyond the frame itself in case we need to make any adjustments to the mask later. So I'll draw a mask around the shirt. If you needed to adjust the mascot all you could grab any of these points and move them accordingly. Now, under the effect where the mask is, let's click on the toggle to place our first key frame to hold the position of this mask and press this Play button to track the position of the mask as the shirt moves throughout the clip. This will take a few moments. And when it's complete with every frame of this clip, a key frame has been created to hold the position of the mass as it moves over each frame, awesome, will go back to fit view. And as I scrub over this clip, you can see that using Premier is tracking has done a pretty great job of following the shirt. And there you go. That's how to reduce the moray effect in Premier Pro.