1. Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome to this one or share, feel more attentive course. My name is Dan and I'm photographer and a YouTuber, and I use Fillmore attend to edit many of my videos. This is going to be a beginners tutorial. So I'm going to show you how to edit your video from start to finish. We're going to talk about the interface of the program. How to import your footage from your computer, how to edit the whole video, and also how to add some transitions, a bit of text, motion tracking, and color grading. And finally, we're going to learn how to export our video with the best quality. So hopefully I'll see you on the other side and thanks for joining.
2. Downloading Filmora X: So first of all, obviously we need to download the program or going to come here to fill more a dot wonder, which is the official website. And as you can see, there's a big green button that says, try it free. You can buy the program if you want, but I do recommend to download the free trial first to try it. So either you click here, try it free, or download. You download your version, and then open the program. And let's move to the next lesson.
3. Understanding the Interface: Now let's talk a bit about the interface of the program, and there's quite a few things to cover up. This is a beginners tutorial and I want to show you how to edit your video from start to finish in a very easy way. So I'm going to cover the things that I mainly use and I'm sure they're going to be useful for you too. So here we have our import area where we can drop our videos, images, audio files, and so on. Here to the right, we have our playback area where we're going to see real time our footage. And down here, we have our editing area where we're going to do our trimming, cutting, adding images, and so on. So here we have a lot of icons. This one here, interests of full-screen mode. This icon here toggles the volume of your whole project. This one here allows you to change the aspect ratio. For example, if you don't want to use white screen, you can change your setting or even use a custom one. You can also change full HD, HD for K or a custom setting as well. You can also change the frame rate, so it's quite useful. This one here changes the playback quantity. This setting is for people that don't have a very powerful computer. It allows you to change the quality of your playback and it doesn't affect the export. So even if you use half or 1 fourth of the playback quality, you're still going to get for quantity when you export your project. Moving on to these icons, we can see the audio meter. This way. We can make sure that our audio isn't clipping or it isn't very low, either. These are the zoom icons when we import our footage here, we can use these icons to make it smaller or bigger to see more or less over timeline. This icon here fits our whole project to the width of our screen. It's a setting that I use a lot. This icon here is the audio mixer. So if we click, we can change to the left or the right channel or put the volume up or down to the video or the audio. And we can also change the stereotypes around, for example, or the master volume up or down. This button here allows us to record the voice over if we need to end this one here, allows us to add markers to different parts of our project. Now if we come to the upper left, we have the media audio. These are built-in. They come with the program. We have some built-in titles as well. A lot of them. We have some transitions. We also have some different effects and some elements and split screen. So we're going to check them out a bit further into the tutorial. There's some buttons here as well, but we're going to cover these when we import our footage and we start editing or video, as well as these icons here. So let's move on to the next lesson.
4. Importing Footage: Now let's learn how to import our footage. As you can see here, it says, drop your videos or click here to import media. So it's basically the same thing. So let's do that. We click here, we look for the footage that we want to import. Let's say I want to import this clip here. So I double-click and I wait for the footage to load to the program. And once that's done, we just have to click and drag timeline. Here, we have a message saying that My Media is 30 frames per second and my project is 25 frames per second go, I can choose to have this message pop up every time the frame rate doesn't match. So in my case, I filmed this in 30 frames per second. So I'm going to match to media. And I'm going to wait for the program to load. So as I showed you in the previous video, this icon here fits your whole project to the width of your screen. And I use it all the time, so I'm going to do that. And now the whole project fits my screen so I can see it. But I can also zoom out and make it smaller or zoom in and make it bigger. As you can see here, we have two different tracks. This is the video track, and this is the audio track. This icon here mute or unmute. The audio track in this icon here hides or shows you the video track. So for now I just imported a video. So let's say we want to import an image as well. We're going to right-click here in our import area. And click Import once again. And search for the image that we want to import. Let's say I want to add this image to my timeline. So I double-click. And if you hover the mouse on top of the image, you can see a plus sign. So you can click that as well. And this will make the image appear before our video. If I don't wanna do that, I'll go back. And what I'm gonna do is click and drag. And I'm going to place the image wherever I want to. And if we want to import audio, we're going to do the same thing. We're just going to right-click here, Import and search for our audio file now that we know how to import our footage, Let's move on to the next lesson where we're going to start editing our whole project.
5. Editing Video: Splitting and Deleting: Now that we know how to import our footage, Let's begin editing our old project. These are the playback icons. We can scroll through our project with them. This is the Play button obviously and the stop button. And with these two, we can move back or forward frame-by-frame. So let's take a look at that. Let's hit play first. And as you can see, the footage starts playing obviously. And we can pause it as well. And as you can see, while the video is playing, this line here, moving through our timeline. So let's hit Pause. And this line pauses as well. If we stop, we go back to the beginning of our footage here. And here. As you can see, these two move at the same time. So let's say I want to start playing my video, but I want to pause right here. And I want to trim this part here. I can do that two different ways. I can click here on this desert. And this will split our video and half. Or I can go back and use this icon near the split icon. It's exactly the same thing. And then I can go back. Let's go back to the beginning. So I'll hit play again. Let's say I want to pause here. I want to split the footage. Let's play back a bit more. And then if I don't like what I'm seeing now, I'll hit the pause button and once again, I'll split once more. And now I have three different blocks of footage. This one is the footage that we just split. Let's say I don't want it in the video. So I just have to come here to the trashcan and delete the selected media on the timeline. And as you can see, the program automatically snaps back to the previous part of the footage. Let's do that one more time. We hit play again. We pause, and we split once more. We select this medium here, and we raise it.
6. Moving Frame by Frame: As I showed you in the previous video, we have two icons here that will allow us to scroll through our timeline frame by frame, backward or forward. Let's take a look at how these work. We have play once more. And let's say we want to pause it here. We can move back one frame, another frame, and another frame, and so on and so forth. And we can do the same Moving forward, one frame to another frame and another frame. These two are very useful if we want to be more precise, splitting and deleting our footage. And if you want to be even more precise, we can use these icons here, the zoom icons that we talked about these in previous videos. We can zoom in as much as we want. This way we can see exactly where we're splitting and the leading. So let's do that again. Let's move forward frame-by-frame, three times 1, 2, N3. This way, we can make sure that we're splitting where we want to. So for example, here, we can do that. Let's move three more frames forward, 1, 2, and 3, and split once more. And of course, if we want to zoom out, we can do that as well. Or we can click this icon here to fit our whole timeline. Now let's move on to our next video where we're going to learn how to edit our audio.
7. Editing Audio and Soundtrack: Now we're going to talk a bit about audio. If you remember, in a previous video I told you, this is our video track and this is our audio track. But as you can see here, we have our video and audio on the same track. Why is that? Because I filmed this with the internal microphones of my camera. So the audio and the video come together as one. If we want to separate our audio from our video file, we can do that by right-clicking on our first track and coming here to detach audio. So let's do that. And as you can see now, we have on our first track, our video footage, and on a second track, our audio footage. So you might be asking, why would someone want to do that? For example, many professionals choose to record audio and video separately because usually the internal microphone's of your camera aren't very good. So using external microphones and recorders allows us to increase the quality of our production. We can come here to this area and right-click ones more and select, adjust track height too big. This way we have a better visual representation of our video and our audio. So let's say we have recorded audio separately. And let's imagine for a second that this strike here, is our audio recorded separately. So we click and drag down here. This way we would have two different audio tracks and a visual representation of each one of them with their sound waves. So it will be easier for a person recording audio separately to sync the audio in boast also, let's say you don't want the original audio that you record it. We can click on this track, we can delete it. And now we can use this track and place it where the other one was. We click and drag. This is a song. So now instead of having the original audio where I was talking, we would have a song in the background. So let's hear that for a second. Now let's erase this background music. Let's erase this one as well. And let's bring it back once more, the original track. Now let's say you film your audio and video together with the internal microphones, but the audio is too low. You can see here there is a horizontal line. If you ever on top of it, the mouse changes into a hand icon. So you can click and grab that line and manga down or bring it up. So if your audio level was too loud, you can bring it down. And if it was too low, you can bring it up. Now let's say you want to keep the original audio, but you want to add a song in the middle of your video. You can do that as well. You can grab your audio here, bring it down as long as you keep clicking and you don't let go of the mouse, you can just drag left or right and drop your soundtrack wherever you want it. So let's say I want it here. But let's say I just want a piece of this soundtrack of this audio file. So obviously I need to split and delete the parts that I don't want and keep the parts that I do. So let's click this icon here to fit our whole timeline toward screen. So we can see where this audio track ends. And we're going to move this line here. And with this track selected, you can see if you have a track selected because there is a border of the same color. If we select this track here, There's a border here. If we select this track here, There's a border here. So I just want to trim the soundtrack. So I'm going to click the scissors. Now, as you can see, there are divided in this part here. I don't want it. So I come to the trashcan and I delete it. And now I have this block of footage here, which is my soundtrack, and I can also move it wherever I want to. Let's bring the volume down a bit. So if I press Play now, you're going to hear me talking in this part here, and then the soundtrack. Big actually. Well, you can also do is right-click on top of your track and select, adjust audio. In. This will open a secondary panel and you can fade in or fade out your audio track. You can also display an equalizer and choose from different presets or even customize them. You can use this tool here to remove the background noise. I don't recommend using this, but if you want to try it, feel free to do so. And here you can also decide if your audio plays more on the left channel or on the right channel. And once you've finished customizing this, you just click Okay. As usual, if you're not satisfied with the result, you can just come here and click Undo. And now let's move on to adding a bit of text door video.
8. Adding and Editing Text: Fortunately, for 10, comes with quite a few titles, transitions and effects built-in for free. So we're going to use some of them now. I'm going to show you the titles first. And as you can see it, once we click on titles, here, on the left, we have a lot of them. And in this panel here we can see each and every one of them. And we just have to scroll down and they'll keep on loading. So some of them are very colorful, others are quite simple. Some of them take up the whole space of your screen. Others are just one or two lines. So if you want to preview any type of text before you apply it to your timeline, you just have to double-click first. Let's scroll down a bit and look for another one. For example, this one, we double-click. And that's the premium. But let's say you don't want it in the middle of the screen. You want it in lower third. You can come here to the left and search for lower thirds. So let's click there. And as you can see here, the text is in lower thirds. So let's choose this one. For example, let's double-click to see it first. So that's the effect that it will have. And if I like it, I just have to click on the plus icon or drag and drop it wherever I want. So let's click the plus icon first. And as you can see, the title text will appear here. But if I don't want it at the beginning, I just click and drag river, I want to say here for example. So I'm going to move my timeline. So now let's see what that would look like and let's press play. But obviously myText shouldn't be Lorem Ipsum. So we want to change that. In order to do that, we have to double-click on the new layer that we just created. There's a secondary panel that comes up and many options. So we can change the style of the text. For example, instead of being just white, we can choose this one. So we click the plus icon, and as you see, the color has changed. We click here, for example, if we wanted to see the blue one, and it changes as well, and it has this mirror type effect. Let's go back to the original one. But I want to change the text inside of the box. So I come here and I just change it. And that's a test one. And now let's say I want to drag this to another part of my screen. I hover my mouse over and I just click. And without letting go, I move the text wherever I want it. I can also change the scale and make them bigger or smaller and rotate the text. And if I want to go back, I was always I can mirror and I undo the last action. We can also change the font. And there's many info Martin. So let's choose this one for example. And as you can see, the font has changed. And we can also make it bold or italic. And we can also change the alignment, center, upper left, upper right, and so on and so forth. And once we're finished and we're happy with the result, we just click Okay, but let's say I'm not happy with the result. I can click here or I can click directly on top of the text to change it. So let's do that. Let's click on top of that text. Now I can move it again. And if I double-click, I can change the text once more. Let's say instead of just one, That's a test. And I click Okay, once I'm finished. And if I'm done with this layer, I can go back and click on my original footage or on an empty layer. Let's press Play. And that's the effect applied to our text. And if we want to change the duration of the texts, we can also do that. We can click on top of it and make it smaller or bigger. Like this, or like this. So let's say here, we come back, press Play once more. And now that text will be displayed much longer than before because we changed the duration of the clip permit. And now that we know how to add text, Let's move on to transitions.
9. Adding Transitions and Effects: Now that we've seen how to add an edit our text, we're gonna do the same thing with transitions. The process is very similar. So we're gonna come up here to transition. And as you can see, again, there's 233 options that come built-in and Fillmore at them. So we can scroll down and see all of them one-by-one. And as before, if we double-click, we can see the effect before applying it to our timeline. So let's double-click here. And you can do the same with each and every one of the effect. For example, this one here and we double-click. And that's the effect. This time in my timeline, I have two different clips. This one here, which is me talking to the camera, and this one here, which is the one that we have been using for the other videos. Which is mean just walking inside of an apartment. And as you can see here, where they overlap, I want to add a transition to make it smoother. For example, we're going to use the fade, one that we just tried. If we want to add it, we click and drag and drop. Here. We can add it here, or here, or in the middle. In my case, I want it in the middle. So I'm going to let go of my mouse. And now that transition has appeared on our timeline. So let's move this here and press the play button to see how that looks. That's the fade transition. But of course we can shorten or lengthen the transition, clicking here and making it smaller or bigger. Let's make it a bit smaller. Let's come back here and press Play once more. So as you can see, that was a bit quicker. But let's say we don't like the result and we don't want to use that transition. We can right-click on top of it and delete the transition. Now, let's look for another one. For example, this one, Let's double-click to see how it looks before applying to our timeline. Not a big fan of that one. So let's look for another one. That's a swirl. For example, let's click and drag to the middle. And let's make it a bit shorter. We move this here. And let's see how that looks. So for me that's even worse than before. But maybe you like the effect. So there's a lot of them to try. So I'm not a big fan of transitions, but in case you have to use them, I recommend using this one here, then dissolve. That's the effect. And let's see how that would look like on our timeline. We place it here in the middle. We make it a bit shorter, like this. And let's press Play. And now before moving on to color grading, Let's quickly check the effects panel. And as usual, if you come to the left, there's many different filters, overlays, 287 that are included as of today. And as usual, if you scroll down, you can see the different effects that you can apply. I personally never use them, but if you'd like to try them, they're free. So this one, for example, we're going to double-click. And this is the effect that's dry, Cyberpunk or chromatic aberration. Different effects that you can try if you fancy them. And let's apply one of those to our timeline. So for example, let's split the video here and here. And we're going to apply the effect only to this area here, for example, where we drag and drop. And now, as you can see, the effect has been applied. And now let's see how that looks. Let's press play. And that was a mirror effect. And now we can move on to color grading.
10. Colour Correction: For more often is an editing program that can do a bit of color grading and color correction, but I think it's good enough, at least good enough for me. So here we have our video. Let's right-click and come here to Color Correction. And at first, we have some presets that we can click on, but they're quite horrible. So I wouldn't recommend them. But you can try if you want. Let's reset all and come here to adjust. And here is where the magic happens. Of course, you can click on Auto. But I want to do it manually. So I'm going to reset all once more. And instead of the color enhancement, I'm going to click the white balance first. And here we can change our temperature or, or tint. So we can do this or this cooler or warmer. And also a bit of a tint, green or magenta. Every time you need to read it something, you can go back. So I think the temperature is a bit warm, so I'm going to cool it down a bit like this. And once I'm done with the white balance, I can come here to the color and then change the exposure, brightness, contrast, etc. So I'm going to bring up the exposure a bit. Pull down the brightness because there's some highlights here that I don't like. Bring the contrast up a bit. The vibrance as well. We can also uses 3D lot and load some of these films, for example. And that's a Harry Potter. But I don't like the effect. So I'm just going to use this trashcan. Let's check the light. So you can play with the highlights. The shadows, the whites and the blacks, darker or brighter. So we also have the UN saturation and luminance. And we can change them for each individual color. So we can change the u here. Look like an alien now. Saturation and luminance. And if we don't like it, we go back and add a bit of vignette. I don't like that, but if you'd like it, feel free to do so as well. And before hitting okay, you can come here and press this button to compare the before and after. So you can choose a side-by-side. So this was done before, and this is the after. Let's make it a bit bigger so you can see it properly before and after. So I think it's quite noticeable. Obviously you can play with the sliders as much as you want, but if you like the result, you just hit OK. And we have our color correction done. And now let's move on to motion tracking.
11. Motion Tracking: Motion tracking is a bit trickier than the other steps of the video. But once you get used to it, it's easy. So I already have the footage here, which is me again talking to the camera. We're going to double-click and come to this icon here, which is motion tracking. We're going to click there. This box pops up and we're going to change the size of the box. To follow my head. We're going to make it bigger and bigger, like so. And now we're going to click Okay. And as an example with motion tracking, we're going to add a text here next to my head That's actually going to follow the movement of my head while I speak. So to do that, we're going to come here to titles once more. We're going to add this title year. We click the plus icon. And we're going to stretch it up until the end. And now we're going to double-click to edit the text. And because it's just a test, let's change the text here. And let's write. I'll click Okay. And we're going to move the text here. For example. We're going to click here. Here. There is a small per ball icon, which is the icon of the motion tracking. We're going to double-click there and press start backing. And we're going to let the program track our face. And once that's done, there's a drop-down menu. We're going to click there. And basic six. Basic 6 is just the name of the preset of this text that we used. So we're going to click that and hit Okay. You're going to see the difference. See, now the text is moving. At the same time. Let's play that once more. From here. And here, you can see that there's no effect applied. And from here to here, we have the effect applied. So let's play that once more so you can see how it works. Now the text stays still. And now it's tracking my face. Let's erase the effect once more and do it again. Delete effect. Delete the text. I'm going to show it to you one more time now during the whole clip. So we click on our video. We click here motion dragging. We change the size of our square, like so. Let's hit start tracking. We wait for the program to finish. We hit Okay. We come back to our text. Let's use another one. Let's use this one. For example. We move it to the end. We double-click on the effect. And from the drop-down menu. And we're going to choose title 33, which is the name of this title. And we click Okay, Let's go back to the title and move it a bit. Let's say here for example, just for the sake of this tutorial, let's stop to go to the beginning and let's play the full video. And as you can see, the text follows the movement of my head. And that's how to use motion tracking in for more often. And last but not least, now that we know how to do everything else, we're going to learn how to export our video.
12. Best Export Settings: Once we've finished splitting and deleting the parts of our video that we don't want and adding text, transitions, effects, and motion tracking. If we wanted to, we just need to export our video. But that's quite easy because there's a big green button here. We're going to click on it. And we have different options. Up here. There is local device, YouTube, et cetera. I don't recommend uploading directly to YouTube. I prefer to store it on my computer. And then later on uploading it and changing the thumbnail, changing the description, so on and so forth. But if you still want to use it, you can. However, I'm just going to show you the method that I use. You can also save it for a device such as an iPhone, iPad, iPod, Samsung Galaxy, et cetera. But I use local, so I can save it to my computer and upload it anywhere I want to later on. So obviously you need to name your project and choose the file format. For me, MP4 or MOV, or the best, usually and before. So let's say Gomorrah 10 tutorial. We're going to choose the folder that we want to save our project too. And this is the important part, the settings. So we click there and by default, Fillmore at then saves your project with this quantity setting. The better quality setting you can choose between good, better, and best. The only difference is the rate. So in good We have 6 thousand. In better, we have 8 thousand nm best. We have 10 thousand. I recommend you to save your project with the best quality settings possible as long as your computer can handle it. However, you can always change all of these settings. You can change the encoder. You can change the resolution, the frame rate, the bit rate, the audio channel, mono, stereo surround, the sample rate for the audio or the buret, I always leave everything default except for the quality I choose best, as I said, and the bit rate, I usually use 15000 instead of 10000. You can go higher if you want. But I think 15 thousand is more than enough, at least for my case, which is mainly uploading to YouTube. As some of you may know, YouTube compresses every file a lot. So 15 thousand I think, is the sweet spot. And once you're done, you just have to click OK and wait for the export to finish. So you've made it to the end. That was my wonder show for more at 10 beginners tutorial. I hope you found it useful. If you did, please feel free to leave a positive review. As always, if you have any type of question, you can send me a message and I'll try to reply as soon as possible. And if you're interested in more courses and tutorials like this one, please feel free to subscribe to my Skillshare profile. I'm going to be uploading more in the near future. Thanks again, and hopefully I'll see you in the next one.