1. Introduction: Hello, everyone. My name is Dan. I'm photographer and the youtuber. And in this course I'm gonna teach you how to use a program called Camp Tasia Towheaded your videos From start to finish, you learn out of import and export here footage how to sync audio and video inside the program, how to add images, text and smooth transitions and also some pro tips. Temptation is a very simple program to use, but that doesn't mean it's lacking or it's a bad program. Personally, I've been using Camped Asia for the last four years on my YouTube channel and in some other projects. And I've even made some money with it via advertisements via affiliate links or even selling my services as an editor. So hopefully I'll see you on the other side. And thanks for joining
2. Importing Footage: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the first lesson off the course. So in this video, we're going to learn how to import our footage. Two campaigns, This timeline. I'm assuming you already bought the program and have it installed on your computer. So once you start the new project, this is the main window off the program. We just have to click here on import media. We search for the footage that we want to import in my case, this video. So I double click, and I also want to import an audio file. So I press here the plus sign Import media. I search again and the book click on the file. Now I just have to drag and drop to temptations time in. So I clicked, left, click and I drag to the time and I do the same with the audio file left, click, drag and drop onto the time. And now we already have the footage that we want in Kennedy's timeline so we can already edit our video
3. Project Settings and Audio Levels: One of the tips that I want to give you is to make sure you're using the correct settings for your project. So we click here on file and project settings. This is to make sure you're using the correct canvas dimensions, and also the audio levels are the proper ones. For example, when you're using Camped Asia to record the screen something that I'll show you later on during the course. Usually it recorded on 7 20 p. But if you want to record or you wanna out put the video on 10 80 you just have to click here and make sure 10 80 p is selected. And also you have to be careful with order. Normalized loudness cause usually checked in by the fault. Me personally, I don't like when ccamd Asia auto normalizes loudness because sometimes it's tool out. So I just leave it without a check mark. And before I apply, I want you to look at the sound ways here because it's gonna be really different. They nearly disappeared, so if I see that the audio wave is to small like nearly non existent, I just put the gain up a bit, so I write down 115 and that's enough for me. Obviously you can play back to make sure if it's loud enough or not. So for me, the volume levels are okay. Obviously, I recommend to use headphones when you're anything to make sure that the sound comes out. OK, now we can move on to the next video.
4. Sync Audio and Video: in this video, I'm going to show you how to think audio and video if you record them separately. If you record straight to your camera or use the phone to record, you can skip straight to the next video. First of all, click on file projects headings and make sure auto normalized loudness is checked. As I said in the earlier video, I don't recommend leaving this checked, but if you have to sync audio and video, I do recommend to leave it on just for that purpose. Later on, we will leave this unchecked to start editing our video and then apply. And we have to drug our video first and we right kick and Jews separate audio and video left, click And as you can see no, we have the video here and the audio that was recorded to the camera and I drag and drop the audio that I recorded separately, and now I can see both of the files. Both of the audio is so if you look at these three spikes here and here, these three spikes is me snapping my fingers three times. So when I hit the record button on my camera And on my audio recorder I snap my fingers three times. So I have a visual representation off that sound wave. And then I could think audio and video really easily if you don't understand what I mean. I'm just gonna show you visually in the video that I recorded. See, there are there you have the three spikes of me clapping here. This was the only recorded into the camera and this was the only record into my son device . So now obviously I have to sing them. So first of all, what I have to do is move the audio that I recorded to my son recorder, more or less to the same spot as the audio recorded into my camera. And now I click here on the plus sign, which allows me to zoom in on the timeline to the max. I moved this lighter, and as you can see now, this audio is too far away. So I just click hold down the button and move it until more or less. It's the same Audie away from now. Just to make sure I zoom out, I move this toe where the audio and video actually start so I can select this audio there was recorded straight into the camera. Andi, erase it. I can right click, delete. And now I can play back the audio and video to make sure it was sync properly. There dio for the court going to. So that's how you think audio and video. Now I'm going to show you how to split, how to cut and how to edit the video itself.
5. The Editing Process: Basic Controls, Splitting, And Cutting: in this lesson. I'm gonna teach you how to youth camp Tasia in itself, The basic controls. How to split our footage. How to cut our footage if we want to erase something that's not necessary and the whole editing process. So first, this is the main view of the main timeline view where we need to know is this arrow here We can move it to the right or to the left. This will allow us to move through the timeline. Here we have the split tour. Here we have the cut tour and these arrows here we can redo the last action or under the last action. So let's bring in our footage. So first I'm gonna bring in my video. I'm going to separate the audio video because for me it's easier to have a visual presentation. And also, it's easier if I have to sink. I'm also gonna bring in the audio that I recorded into my audio device. I'm gonna put these together, try to align them, and I'm gonna show you how to split on how to cut. Now that my audio is properly aligned, I can erase this track. Track number two I don't want it because it was the sound that I recorded straight into the camera. But as I said, I record audio video separately. So I just need track number three, which is the audio I recorded into my sound device. Track number two. I want to erase. I want to delete it so I can do it. Toys I can right click and just delete. Or I can use the cut button, the cut option. So I just pressed here, and that trick goes away. So now I know that my audio is sync properly. But obviously, as you can see, the sound wave starts here. So this means that the video actually starts here, So I'm gonna move through the time line here, right In the beginning, I can zoom in to make sure that I'm starting at the proper place. Let's say more. This here as amount of it. And as you can see, the arrow has a straight line, which is very easy to use. And it's quite comfortable because then I can split both tracks evenly. So now I select this track and I'm going to split. And as you can see here, it split into two. So now this part, which is blank, which is no noise, which is me doing nothing. I just have to erase it. So I cut it there. And here I do the same thing. I select this track. I split. No, I can see like this part to the left. I can cut it as well as you can see, we are at the 26 2nd mark. We have it here and also here. The video shouldn't start at the 26. Secondmarket should start at 00 So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click my video and I'm gonna drag through the left under the beginning and I'm gonna click my audio. I'm gonna bring it down One track and I'm gonna click and drag to the beginning. No, my audio video are not only think, but also starting at the beginning. The timeline where it should be. So now we can double check. You went to the beginning. Let's hear it either. This is a test video for the course. Now I'm going to be quiet for three seconds so we can add a transition. Okay, so let's go there as you can see, this is a test footage that I recorded for this course. So let's go back. He's a minute, but And here that's a good thing about separating audio and video is that you have a visual representation off the video individual representation off the audio. So if I move here, I know that I was saying something up until here. So I should split here split. I split the audio, I split the video in the same place. And from here to, let's say here, I know that I didn't say anything. So this part I can split and cut because I won't need it. So I'm gonna click undistracted. I'm going to split once more and then click on this track. I'm gonna split into the same spot. Now I know that these two, I don't need them so I can cut them. I could hear I could hear. And now I know that I split where I wanted. Obviously, this is a blank space that I don't need. So I'm gonna do the same thing I did before. I'm going to click on this track and I'm going to drag and I'm gonna click on this track and I'm going to drag as well. So now if we go back, let's say here and we play back. Everything should be fine. Now I'm going to be quiet for three seconds so we can add a transition. Now we're going to be adding some text somewhere around screen. So as you can see, we split. We cut, we put everything together and it works. Fine now with some tips. As I said before, you can use these two arrows to redo inaction or toe undo in action. As you can see, it says Control plus Z. Or is that however you want to call it? So every time I want to go back, hit on my keyboard controversy or command policy if I'm using a Mac? So just remember, we used this arrow to move through the timeline, and it's the same as pressing plane. When you press play, you'll see that the arrow keeps moving X somewhere screen. One more tip I want to give you is how to use these four arrows here, these two and these two. As you can see if you leave your amounts on top of it, it will say next frame previous frame. Previous media next meeting. So let's dry. We ever arrow here if we click this button and goes back to where we cut. If we hit it once more, it goes back to the beginning. If we hit, the next media goes back here. So it moves to the last place where you split or you cut these two. They go back or forth one frame at a time. So if I click here, you see, I think once every time I click, it goes back or it goes forward. Just one frame, and it's quite useful if you zoom in when you want to cut. Exactly at some point you can use these because they just go back and forth. One frame these, on the other hand, they go to the next media. I think we go back right to the beginning or we go forth to the next place we could, because it's much easier using them. Been using the arrow to move through with a diamond, especially if it's a very, very long video. So I'll see you in the next lesson where we're learning how to add images
6. Adding and Resizing Images: in this lesson, I'm going to show you how to add images to our footage. So first of all, we need to footage that we want to use for a video. So import media, we import. I can also get the plus sign import media. And let's say I'm when I have this picture of a car that I took in Japan. So I double click and we put it load here in the medium. So I bring down my video to track one. I'm going to silence the audio just for the sake of this video, and I'm gonna bring down my image to track number two. So if I double click on the image and I can resize it, however I want to with these small circles here and arrows. So I click on drug and I can resize. However, I want to continue as this awesome function which shows up these grid lines to tell you when something is in the middle. So it's quite nice. So I can go back to the original size if I right click and I had scaled to fit and I could leave my image like that, but as you can see there some space from our video footage right to the sites. So if we want the image to take up the whole space of the frame, we can use these circles here and put them to the side. So this is one way to do it if we want to go back. As I said in the previous video, we can hit on our keyboard control Posey or comment Lizzie on a Mac. So we headed once. We did one more time. And as you can see, the image is the original size. But we still see these on the site so we can do another thing here on the timeline, we can split and cut like we did on the previous video. So we select the video, we split here, and we have to split again here at the end. So we zoom in. I'm gonna use these arrows the previous frame function, to move exactly where I want to. So I hated once and now you can see that the arrow in line our weight should meet. I hit my video again and I split once more so no, it's perfectly spit. I zoom out. So I can cut this area here and now I can bring down the image to track number one. And now, as you can see, there's nothing in the background. So let's try that one more time quicker with another image that same wanna. This is a picture that I took. We wait for it, loading the medium in. We click and drag toward truck. It's a we wanted at the beginning, huh? I want to resize it, and I want to place it here. So let's hit the play button and that's it. You can also add them at the end of the video, so we just click and drag. We move our timeline here, and we checked. So this is a video, and this is image. If we want to show the whole image again, we can right click present scale to fit, and it will fill the entire frame. And lastly, you can also choose the duration of the image. By just moving this, you select and you move it to the right or to the left. And as you can see, it tells you how long the image will show up. In the next lesson, we'll learn how would add some text
7. Adding Text: Now I'm gonna show you out at some text to your footage. First, we're going to learn how to add it in the middle of the video and later, at the end of the video. So we have our footage here and we just need to come here to annotations. We click there and these are our text options, so you can select all of them and you can decide which type of text you want to add. So let's say, for example, I want at this one here, so I just drag and drop. I want to place it here and inside the screen. I can actually move the text wherever I want, and I can also do it bigger or smaller. So if I wanna edit the text here at the right, we have the property stub. We can hide it where we can show it up. So we have different options. Here. You can choose the color of the cloud. Let's say I want a pink. We can choose the type of feel like ingredient or solid. We can change the shape if we want to change the text inside and we just double click on the text. So now that it's highlighted, I can write down whatever I wanted. That's a test. So if I want to change the front, I could do that as well. I double click on the text and I wrote down and I come here to the right and I can choose to comic sense, for example, and we see real time at the front is changing so we can choose anyone that we want. Once we're finished changing the options that we want, we just clicked outside of the text box. If we want to place the text at the end of the video, which is have to do the same as we did on the previous lesson with the image which is drag and drop to the end of the video. And of course, we can change the position of the text. We click once and we move it to the middle of the screen. I can do it bigger again. I can change the style of the bubble one more time, and I can change the text another time on the book, click on the text. Let's say I use the text option and nearly every one of my videos. In the next lesson, we're gonna learn how to use behaviors
8. Adding Behaviors to Text and Images: in this video, I'm gonna show you how to use behaviors. These are useful. You want to change the behavior of your text, for example, but you can also apply them to images. So first it's Goto annotations. We're going to add some text like we did on the previous video, so I drag and drop here. I double click on the text and where I want to. I double click on top of the text to write whatever I want to. Let's say I want to write down test one more time. All right, don't test. So if we play back, we're gonna see it's just a random text popping up on the screen. So let's say we want to change that behavior. We go to behaviors and we just have to drag and drop, like always. So let's say we want, for example, the texted drift. We drag and drop on top of the text and we'll go the mouse. And now it says, Behavior added, we can change the speed of the behavior. So let's see the result instead of the textures showing up now, which would drift. So let's try it out. We had play and As you can see, the behavior is different. But now let's say you don't like that effect here. There's a small arrow you click on show effects, and then you can click on top of the effect right click The late and the good thing about behaviors is that if you're over the mounts over each one of them, it will show you the different affected does. So let's say this one jump and fail. I drag and drop. I can change different parameters of the behavior. Usually I leave them like they are, so let's see how it works. It's it to play button once more. So as you can see, there's different types of behaviors. It's quite fun to play with them. And as I said at the beginning of his a video, you can also use them with an image not only with text. So let's give that a try. Let's go back to our media. Let's go toe import import media and we're going to use this image, for example, the one that I used in the introduction of the course. I had a look like, and I bring it here to the timeline, so I had to playback button. Obviously, the images on top of my face and I want to change that. It's double click on the image. Let's resize it. Let's move it to where we want toe and let's add a behavior to the image. So we go back to be a vers, Let's say shifting. For example, I like this one. So I drag and drop and I drop it on top of the image and I, like, go the mouse, I said, The playback button, and as you can see it added that type of behavior. So it's very easy to use, and it gives your video a bit of a different touch. So in the next video, I'm going to show you the transitions that we have incantation.
9. Transitions in Camtasia: in this video, I'm going to show you how to use transitions in Camp Tasia. Personally, I don't like them very much. I think they're quite basic and they're very similar to power point presentations. But depending on the footage you have, you might want to use them. So here I have two pictures that I took. I'm gonna bring them both into the timeline, and we're going to add a transition between the two of them. So we ever hear two transitions, so you can choose whatever you want. Let's say just for the sake of the example, we're going to use circle straight. So as usual, we click and we drug. And now in the middle, between the two images, you can see that there's like a green strip. This is a transition. So let's see how it works. We hit the play button, and that's one of the transitions. As I said, I don't usually use them because I don't like them very much. But the list is so long that maybe you find one that suits your needs. I start with a different one now. So we come here, we right click and we hit. Delete and once again, inside the Lister transitions, we can choose a new one. And as I showed you in the previous video, if you hover the mouse over, you can see how the transition works. So let's say, for example, we like this one. We drag and drop, and now let's hit the play button again to see how it works. So that's how we use transitions in Camp Tasia.
10. Blur and Pixelate: in this video, I'm going to show you how to blur or pixel ate information of your video that you don't wanna show. So as usual, we have our footage here on the timeline. We have to move over to annotations. The basic window of annotations are the call out, which is the text. But if you move to the right, you can see we have different options. If we go here to blur and highlight. We also have different options here. Pixel eight on here Blur. So let's say we have a video and this is me speaking. I silenced the audio. But if I want a blur my face, I can do that. So I pause the video. I select blur and I drag and drop to the time. Right? So, as you can see once we drop it into the timeline, this blurs out the background so I can move it so I can blow out my eyes, for example, or I can blur my whole face if I want to. And I can also select in the timeline the duration of the blur so I could do it longer. More short. That's it. The playback button So that's how you blurry and pixelated is exactly the same thing. Let's bring it to the timeline here. We double click and we can move it again. We can make it bigger or smaller. Let's say, for example, that there's an underage person in your video and you want to blur their faces just in case for legal issues. You can do that with Camped Asia as well, and in the next video, we're gonna learn how to use sketch motion.
11. Sketching Motion: just a quick listen with this one. In case you want to add sketch motion, which is basically adding shapes with motion to your video, we used to go to the annotations banner and here the assumption, which is sketch motion. These are the options, as we have in Camp Tasia. As always, we just drag and drop in the right side of the screen. We have our properties panel. We can change the color, for example. That's a blue, this blue, and we can change the thickness or the time that it takes to draw so you can see what I'm saying. I'm gonna hit the play button and there's a sketch motion. As I said, we can double click and change the color a sickness, for example. We want to make it bigger, more smaller. The time it takes to draw we can flip horizontally. Flip vertically depends on the shape they do have, obviously, but it's just a quick lesson. If you are an added to your video in the next video, I'm gonna show you how to record the screen, which is actually one of the best features in Camped Asia, and I'm using it now to record this course
12. Recording Your Screen With Camtasia: this whole course has been recorded using camped Asia. There's a very big wooden here that says record. So, as the name says, if you click here, you're gonna be able to record your screen. So this is what shows up this button red button here. So it tells me how long I'll be recording. I can check the audio levels. I can pause the recording. I can delete it or I can stop it. Once I click Stop, This recording will come here into my media been camped Asia and I'm gonna be ableto edit the recording. So this here is a screenshot that I took before starting the recording. So once you click the record button in Camp Tasia before starting to record, you can choose if you want to record the full screen or you want to make it custom. If you see here these green lines here and here and here, you can choose how much of the screen you want to actually record. You can also choose if your cameras on off. Maybe you want to record a video call or something like that. Audio on this one is quite important. If you have an external recorder like me. I'm using an external microphone now, so I would click here and I would choose which microphone I'm going to use the order levels and obviously the record button. Once you get the record, three seconds later, it's going to start recording the screen. So I use the screen recorder incantation, olden time, not only for my courses, but also for my YouTube channels. As I said, I'm youtuber and a photographer, So I have a couple of different channels in one of them is year towards photography people , and I teach them how to edit their pictures. So it's quite useful for me to be able to record my screen. And for the last video of this course, I'm gonna show you how to export your project.
13. Saving and Exporting Your Video: congratulations. You made it to the end of the course. Now it's a time to export to your project settings. So let's say you want to upload to YouTube or you want to save to your computer. Once your footage is properly edited. How you want it. We come here to share custom production. New custom production. Here we can choose a file format for a final video. In my case, I always use and before Smart Player. But you can choose Windows media or whatever you want. We hit next. Usually this is checked in by the foot. I'd like to check it out size. We make sure that the with is the one that we want, and the height is the one that we want in video settings. The same. You can change the frame rate. You can change the key frame. This I usually leave it how it is. The only thing that I make sure is that the quality is at 15,000 bid rate. You can choose quality orbit rate. I use bit rate and I choose 15,000. I make sure that the Color Motors NTSC In my case, maybe you want to choose HD TV. I use an NTSC and the frame rate. You can also change it. I live it in 30 because I record in 30 frames per second. The audio settings I record audio externally. So I like to end. Quote the audio at 192. I get next and here in the options I checked the options. I write down the title of my video. Let's say it has video in the author information. I feel in my name, video information. So I click. Except I think next again I name it again this video or whatever I want to put as the name . And lastly, I would click here to export my video. So we're gonna try that for a second just to the test. And now I wait for Kim Tasia to render my project. Wait me. And as you can see, once we finish saving our project comes age automatically opens a window with the video that we just saved so we can end the project here and we can also save it as a can't Asia project in case you want to have a backup copy, which I strongly recommend. So that's the end of this course. I hope you found it useful if you did, Please. Even high rating or a good comment that would encourage me to make more videos like this one. And I'll see you in the next one.