1. Introduction to the Course: Hi. My name is Jason T. Dick, and I want to share with you 20 different speaking techniques that will double your impact and increase your visibility as a thought leader, especially through videos and podcasts. These are the same 20 techniques we've used to help hundreds of thought leaders spread their ideas via videos and podcasts. This process has been tested with riel, video audiences and real podcast audiences, and it just does work. Let me ask you something. Are you recording videos or podcasts to spread your ideas, increase your following and go for bigger and bigger audiences? If you are, you're not alone. In fact, according to a report by Cisco, by 2019 video will account for 80% of global Internet traffic. What's more, nearly one million minutes of video will be shared every second. It would take an individual five million years toe watch all the video that will be shared each month. So just the act of recording a video isn't gonna help you stand out. Here's another fact. 32% of people have fallen asleep during a live Power point presentation. That's about 1/3 of the people, is another fact, the results of recent neuroimaging studies have revealed that activation of the Action Observation Network is a larger during live observation than video observation. In other words, you and I get even more boring when we record ourselves on video and podcasts, and this is especially true if you're an expert on your topic. That's because all of us thought leaders special on video and podcasts suffer from what Ship and Dan Heath described as the curse of knowledge in their book Made to Stick. Here's a quote from Chip and Dan. Once we know something, we find it hard to imagine not knowing it. Our knowledge is cursed us. We have difficulties sharing it with others because we can't readily recreate their state of mind in the business world. Managers and employees, marketers and customers, corporate headquarters in the front line all rely on ongoing communication but suffer from enormous information imbalances. Yet most thought leaders who may know a ton of great information, by the way, have the curse of knowledge on their videos and podcasts. So how do you break this curse of knowledge? Especially? Were you on video or podcast? Like I said, these air 20 different speaking techniques. Actually, they're more like 20 different rock star speaker recipes in techniques one through four will cover how to give a killer opener that gets people to immediately listen to what you have to say in techniques. 5 to 13 will optimize your body language. Your tone of voice, which, by the way, represents over 90% of the effect communication to your audience i e. How they feel when they listen to you talk on a video or podcast. Specifically, we'll cover how to stay calm and in control in front of the camera. Works for live audiences, too, by the way, the exact steps to eliminate your nervous habits even if you don't know your doing them, which most people don't. How to confidently use your body language and facial expressions on video and three keys to convince with your voice without signing like you're reading from a script and techniques 14 through 20 are all about keeping them captivated in closing them. To action in these final techniques will cover How do you stories, humor and quotes to keep people engaged three ways to build excitement that they just have to keep listening to you how to endure presentation so they respond with enthusiasm because that's what we're all looking for, by the way, on videos and podcasts response and a five step blueprint checklist to test your own video or podcast script immediately again, These are the same 20 techniques we've used to help hundreds of thought leaders double their impact and increase their visibility through video and podcast. So it's not like we're a one hit wonder. We've helped physician C X O's keynote speakers, entrepreneurs, Ted X speakers, Ted speakers pretty much any thought leader you can think of. So I know this works personally. I wouldn't attempt to create a video or podcast without having a proven step by step recipe to follow. You'll get to see me model exactly how to do it, using my own video so you can follow along with every technique and strategy I use. It's very meta I mean it. Do not create or deliver another online video or podcast until you've watched this video. Have you ever heard the scene? You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime. Well, that's the problem for most thought leaders. You give a lot of presentations on videos, and you record a lot of podcasts. You don't just need a fish. You need a fishing pole and rule the room. Public speaking, we haven't advantage over everyone else as thought leaders ourselves. We actually do this stuff. You'll get to see me model through my own video. Everything we suggest you do. I don't get me wrong. We've made our fair share of mistakes, and we've lost a few fish along the way, too. That's why we're so careful to document what works into a simple, easy to follow a recipe so you can duplicate the results on your own videos and podcasts.
2. Start with a Killer Video/Podcast Opener: e. My name is Jason T. Dick. I helped professionals get their message across to people who don't think they need to hear it. Today. I'm gonna show you how to speak effectively the first time you record a video or podcast so that your audience actually watches it all the way to the end or listens to it all the way to the end. You're about to learn 20 different speaking techniques that will get you more positive feedback and sharing of your next video or podcast. I'm going to start by showing you how to get people to immediately listen to what you have to say. You start this with four main steps and then staying non nervous, at least showing no nerves throughout. Here's step one. You state your full name with your inflections down in the last syllable of your last name . It sounds like this. My name is Jason T. Dick Notice. I didn't say my name is Jason T. Dick, and I'm incorporating the 1982 Song Valley girl into my everyday speech. And I'm Sonny not very credible, but I really hope you listen to me. No, you can do that later. to try to get enthusiasm, but right now, bring your inflections down in the last syllable. Hi, my name is Jason T Dick. Step two, give your credentials. I could say to you, I'm a speaker. I could even say I've been doing this for 20 years, but nobody really cares. What they care about is what all adults care about. They all tuned a one radio station and that's W I. I found what's in it for me. When you tell people what you do, your credentials, you need to tell them how what you do helps them listen to mine again. I helped professionals get their message across to people who don't think they need to hear it. How did I figure this out? I figured it out the same way I'm going to suggest you figure it out. I'm gonna model everything I suggest you do in this 30 minute podcast and video that you can watch to learn how to do your own. It used to drive me crazy when I would watch people get up here on these videos and try to teach me how to do stuff. And they would tell me all this stuff, but they wouldn't model any of it. They'd tell me not to be nervous, and they looked nervous. They tell me to show credibility. They wouldn't look credible. Here's the thing. Step two. To give your credentials. You want to ask yourself, What's the problem? That your audience is experiencing the number one problem? For me, the number one problem the audiences that give podcasts and deliver videos or experiencing is that they can't get their message across. And people don't even want to keep listening to them. Well, my solution is I help professionals get their message across to people who don't think they need to hear it. You need to figure out your credentialed statement at the end of this podcast. I'm going to give you the exact steps to do this for everything I teach you today, your homework assignment that you can use. But first step three recall. I said to you, I'm going to show you how to get your message across on video, even to people who don't think they need to hear it. This is called the hook, and this is telling them why they wanted. Let me tell you a story that I love to tell here. I was in line about four years ago to buy an iPad, and a man next to me was standing in line and I looked and I said, I see you're gonna line to buy an AIPAC says, Yep. Said What does this do you ever seen one of these before? And he goes, No, I've never seen one before, but it's going to change my life And I looked and I said, How do you know that? Never even seen it before he goes, because it's gonna make me more efficient. I'm gonna get more stuff done. I'll be able to spend more time with my family. I said all this about about a device that you've never seen. How do you know this? He goes, Oh, that's easy. I watched a presentation from Steve Jobs Room so Steve Jobs understood something. He understood what Simon Sinek teaches in his Ted. Talk about the Golden Circle that there's three things that motivated dollars toe. Listen, you can tell them what you're gonna give him. Why would give it to him or how you're going to give it to them. But the most compelling a recent Harvard study confirmed. This is if you tell them why you're going to give it to that's called the hook. That's step three. The problem is, most people don't have to figure out their hooks. How did I figure out my hook? The way you figure this out is you interview 123 people. One is fine that are similar to the kind of audience you plan on showing this podcast or video to, and you ask them five questions and you'll see them on the screen right now. The 1st 3 questions. What worries you? What's your biggest challenge with that? What are some of the problems it's causing? You are what we call pain points, and the Harvard study confirmed that pain points are twice is motivating. As pleasure points for your audience, they can solve their pain. Their twice is motivated. To listen to you is if you give them something cool. The last two are the pleasure points. What's your ideal outcome? And what would getting that outcome do for you when you interview somebody, even one person, you're going to get absolute gold on question? Number three in question. Number five It's not till they find out what worries you, and then what's your biggest challenge? But when they get to the part where what are some of the problems it's causing, you're going to get gold. When I did this when I asked them that third question, I got stuff like I do my podcasts and videos and people literally turn him off halfway through. They don't even watch it till the end. And they sitting. I didn't even need to know that. That's their pain point. And they said, Well, what would getting that outcome do for you? And they said, I want to be able to watch, deliver a message where I can get my point across and people actually watch until the end. I would have never gotten that gold. Listen to this quote from one of the people I interviewed about this very program, she said. My audience doesn't feel they need my advice. When I talk about what I think works, it doesn't seem to get their attention. You feel that that's her pain. By the way, I just quoted her, which I'm going to teach you how to do quote your audience during your podcaster videos. That's step three. Step four. Summarize the takeaways. Takeaways are what they get for listening to you Remember all the doubts to adults tuned to one radio station, WNEW FM. What's it What's in it for me? This is the what? Remember the three components of the Golden Circle? The why the how and the what. Now we're to the what it comes next. And for this presentation, My take away summary was this. You're about to learn 20 different speaking techniques that will instantly help you get more positive feedback and sharing of your next video or podcast notice. I told you specifically how many you're going to get. You're getting 20. How do you get these? How do you figure these out? It's not an interview. It's an email. You just create one email. People like short e mails. Mark Twain once said, I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one. You need to take the time to create a short email, and here's what you say. Please tell me the top three things you want to know about. Insert the title of your podcast or a video here. For me, it was. Please tell me the top three things you want to know about delivering a podcast or a video to your audience. When you do this Senate to 100 people and you'll get about 30 responses back, you get between one and three things per person. And this will form the agenda in my case, the 20 different things you're gonna get in this podcaster video you're gonna find as you listen to the rest of this podcast that you're gonna get stuff that you wish people have told you that you've never learned before. And it is this someone's reading your mind. It's is if they know exactly what you want to know when you give a podcaster video. And that's because I asked, All right, just covered. How did this four steps to start to give a killer opener
3. Overcome Your Nerves on Video or Podcasts: The last thing is key. This is the next piece. It's called Overcoming Your Nerves. You could have the best opener in the world. But if you look nervous, notice. I said, if you look nervous, it's over. I will turn you off. I'm going to show you how to stay calm in front of the camera. First step is to rehearse this thing effectively. And to do that you want to follow the 90 10 rule. What that means is that during this video or podcast, right now, 90% of my brain is focused on what, the content or you the audience. The answer is you the audience. I'm thinking about you as I'm delivering this. I'm not concerned as much about the content. I know the contents so well. Only 10% of the neurons in my brain have to focus on it. Here's how you get to 90 10. You practice your video or podcast three times in real time, and then you practice it once right before you go on. If you do this, you'll be at 90 10 and it will look like clockwork up here. If you are one of those, it's very scared and you freak out in front of the camera. You have a ton of fear. And even Seinfeld said nobody is more afraid of public speaking. Other than the people that are afraid of snakes. It's the number to fear in the whole world. That's for you. You need to practice it six times in real time and then two times just before you go on and from coaching literally thousands of people, I can tell you that this will all but eliminate the nerves that you show. Remember, It's okay to be nervous inside. You just can't show. It could be like the doc patterning like the dickens underneath the water but gliding smoothly across the surface. And lastly, when you rehearse, I want you to promise me and that you're going to rehearse the way you're gonna present it . I literally have a green screen right behind me. I've got a camera right in front of me, and I've got a script that I can look at in case I forget what I'm going to say. And I'm rehearsing this thing right. I rehearse it in the exact same spot that I'm delivering it right now with same screen, same camera, same green screen, everything standing there so that when I get up in the real thing, I'm ready to go next. You want to eliminate your nervous habits? Do you know when the first televised national president election waas in the United States ? It was between Kennedy and Nixon. And if you do a survey of the people that live during that time, or even now and ask them who won the debates during this time, you'll get mixed reviews. The people that watched it on TV, which was the first televised election all said that Kennedy won the debates, but the people that actually listened to it on Lee on the radio. Some of you are delivering podcasts where no one can see you. They thought Nixon won. Why? Well, Nixon actually had somebody put some makeup on him that ended up causing him to look like he was sweating. He looked like he was nervous, even though he wasn't and it cost him. How do you avoid this? I'm going to suggest that you make a recording of yourself practicing one of those rehearsals and then watch it. So many people say to me Jason. I don't want to watch the recording. It makes me uncomfortable watching myself. Well, I've got news for you. If you're uncomfortable watching yourself, so were they. Get over it. Do it anyway. And when you watch yourself, I want you to watch. Look at the power point right now. Look at the screen shot that I'm about to show you. The top nervous habits of people and we're going to do is pull that screen shot down now so you can watch me model. These 1st 1 is they get on camera and they shift their weight like this. Don't worry. We'll talk about tone if you're doing a podcast later. But as they talk, they shift their weight, and this makes them look nervous. Even if they're not. The other thing they'll do is they'll look away from the camera every once a while, maybe to think about something to retrieve their from their left brain. They'll go over here in the right brain Over there. Doesn't work. It looks nervous. It looks terrible. Get rid of that. They cover touch their face frequently. They blink excessively and they don't even know they're doing this. They're really nervous in the blink. Not a good idea. They overused their hands. Now you should know. I had a lot of people email me about this. It's okay to use your hands when you're speaking. Fine, but you don't want to use them up here all the time. If you're constantly using these and never putting them back in their holsters, then what happens is people start to think while their hands are meaningless. But if you only use your hands when you want to make a point, take a pause. When you want to appoint, see that it's powerful. Then you put him back in their holster and lastly, a laugher smirk inappropriately. There's three things you can't fake. You can't fake a smile, and you can fake sincerity, and you can't fake laughter if you're laughing when you're not really thinking something's funny. If you're smiling when you don't really feel like smiling, your audience will know it's fake. We'll talk more about this later. Step three. Re record yourself and chuck for changes. Get all this handled after you've watched the painful part re do it. Make sure you get rid of all those last week, one last thing that will help you with your nerves. Focus on the needs of your audience. I got a news flash for you all. It's not about you. When you give a podcast or a video, it's about them. Talk to your audience instead of the camera. I know you've got a camera in front of you, but I want you to picture the person you interviewed. That person has real pain, real pleasure points that they want solved. Talk to them. Imagine one of those people from your interview or your emails. Talk to them as you do this podcaster video.
4. Command With Your Body on Video: Now I'm gonna show you how to confident. We use your body language and your facial expressions on video. Let me tell you a story. I was doing an interview for one of the most powerful and successful corporations in all of America, and I was working for this company and I actually did an interview for a project manager who came in and I asked her, You're gonna have to do a lot of presentations. I said, How do you do when you present? She said, You know, I thought I was really kind. I said, Are you confident when you get presentation? I totally I totally Waas And I thought I looked that way to until I actually watched myself on video. She said, When I did that, I realized that my hands were flying all over the place. I was constantly fidgeting in. My eye was blinking. All the things we talked about, I said, Well, how did you get rid of it? She goes, I learned toe watch these things and stop doing it. Why am I telling you this story kind of sounds like what I already taught, you know. Don't miss this. She was naturally confident because she was confident and not nervous. She thought she didn't look nervous. She was wrong, even though she was confident she didn't look confident. Even though she wasn't nervous, she looked nervous. Let me give me the top three ways to fix this. When you're doing a video stand still, keep your hands to your sides or gently clasp at your abdomen with your feet pointed towards the camera. You can use your hands when you need to to make a point them. Put them down in your sides when you're finished when you're seated. If you're going to sit and have the camera watch, you sit still in a little forward at the table. Keep her hands folded at the table because you can't put into your sides anymore. There's a table there and make sure your shoulders air pointed towards the camera. Let me give you a confident tip when your eyes were looking at the camera the whole time. It's very, very confident looking. The more you turn away, the last confidence you look. Keep them pointed at the camera the whole time. Keep your mouth closed. When you're not talking, do you see that as opposed to this. Yeah, that's not as confident looking. Move your hands on Lee to make important points and lastly, smile only when you mean it. It turns out there's a zygomatic muscle connecting the corners of your eyes to the corners of your mouth. It's only engaged when you smile. Sincerely, don't believe me. Read the book Whole New Mind, by Daniel Pink, and you'll find that they actually did research to find that the facial expressions, particularly the eyes, are the only universal form of communication on the planet. Try this sometime. Go to your local supermarket, find a magazine with some of your favorite celebrities. Take a look at the ones where you can tell or you're wondering. Actually, if the paparazzi was following them around and cover up their mouth and their nose look at their eyes. If they're faking that smile, their eyes will actually look evil. If they're not, their eyes will be smiling. Also, this is big for you guys that are doing videos, podcasts
5. Convince With Your Voice on Video/Podcasts: next, I'm going to show you how to convince with your voice without sounding like you're reading from a script. Many of you do podcasts where nobody sees you. They just hear you. When you do this, your words are 18% of your communication in your tone of voice is 82 womb. First, let's focus on your words. First stop eliminator fillers. You should know. Over the last 10 years, I have literally and I use that term on purpose. I have literally observed over 4000 people you have presentations in person and given them literally tens of thousands of pages of feedback to help them be more successful with their audience. And I've noticed that there's 10 fillers that people use. Oh, way too much. So the CDs on the screen now and all right. Okay. Like now? Well, you know, right in Amana, every single person on the planet has one of these fillers that's called their pet filler, the one they use more than all the others. Mine used to be. I got rid of it by taking it and replacing it with 1/2 2nd pause. It turns out you can't remove negative habits, you can only replace them with a different habit. You're going to replace your fillers with 1/2 2nd pause. I will give you one filler per minute in your podcast. That means you get a total of 30 and 30 minutes. But do you know what the research shows? Research shows that the average person in 30 minutes uses 300 or more fillers. Here's how you get rid of them. Here's an example of me using a filler and how I'll get rid of it. All right, so the next topic is how to convince with your voice. Let's get rid of that word. All right, here we go. The next topic is how to convince with your voice. Did you hear how we replace that? With a pause? How much more confident, credible Did that sound? Imagine doing that 50 times. How much more confident that's gonna build up in Europe with your audience number? I said 82% of your communication over the podcast is tone, not your words. Let's talk about your tone. The most confident, credible tone on the planet for a man or a woman is a deep, resonant tone. Newscasts of commentary by the late Walter Cronkite or Diane Sawyer are great examples of this. As I breathe in my diaphragm fills up with air. And as I exhale, I want my words to float along that diaphragm. I want him to float, and the way to make that happen is that if I talk like this and I talk as I'm breathing in , I can't get much air out. But if I allow my voice to float across as I'm exhaling, it sounds much more confident, much more credible. The pace of your voice is the other piece. The best pace for a podcast or a video like this is between 162 100 words per minute. I'm around 180 right now. Here's a quote from one of the people I interviewed. He said, Jason, I want to find the sweet spot where I'm talking fast enough to keep the audience engaged but not talking too fast to confuse people. That sweet spot is around 180 words per minute. Try it. Next time you record yourself, transcribed one of the minutes and then ask a word document to count the words you'll be able to find out if you're in the sweet spot. Lastly, to convince with your voice before we get to inflections, Use the power of the pause. You see that it's OK to speak quickly, but when you want to make an important point, pause and let them think about it. That's powerful. Let's talk about your inflections. We talked about your pace, talked about the volume that residents. Now let's get into inflections. Remember I said, Hi, I'm Jason T. Dick and I'm incorporating the 1980 to Sun Valley Girl. My everyday speech. That's my inflections going up. Or remember when I said Hi, I'm Jason T. Dick. That's my inflections going down. You want to bring your inflections up to create enthusiasm down to show confidence? Listen to this phrase that might be boring if I don't bring my inflections up and how I use my inflections up to make it more enthusiastic. This is where you're gonna find all the tools that you need to take care of your patients. There are numerous reports and activities that provide you with an at a glance information to help you be even more efficient. Did you hear that. I brought the inflections up. Rewind it and listen to it again. If you're listening to this so you can hear me do that again and again and you can practice this, but I'm not going to say good afternoon. I'm Jason T Dick, and I'm here to do data. No, I'm gonna say good afternoon. I'm Jason T Dick, and I help people shine in front of their audience here. The difference. Reflections up for enthusiasm, down for confidence.
6. Keep Your Audience Captivated on Video/Podcasts: next, I'm gonna show you how to keep people so excited that they just have to keep watching and listening to you. Here's the thing. I've been going now for about 15 minutes and you're still listening. Why? Because I'm doing things that keep you listening. I'm going to tell you. I'm gonna unveil them all to you right now. Here's the theory. You want to keep it under 30 minutes without relying on a script. Here's a quote from one of the people that I interviewed. I don't want to be boring, Jason. I want to make sure that people are interested. I wanna watch from start to finish. You want to do this? Here is how you've got a reference. Your hook. That Why that you told him at the beginning you got a reference it with a groundbreaking thesis. Do you remember? One of my groundbreaking thesis is that it's not about what you tell him, but first about why you tell it to him. I have repeated that over and over and over again. You want to repeat your thesis three times and then come back to it in this very first section of keep them captivated here was my hook. I'm gonna show you how to keep people so excited that they just have to keep watching you. What's the pain point? Thesis of this whole video and podcast is that people don't want actually watch until the end. Jason, how do I help him with that? How can rule them to help me with that three times? I've done this at least three times. I've come back to that hook again and again and again. I actually want to tell stories that reference the interviews to show that you have empathy for what their pain. Waas. Here's the deal. There's four levels of communication cliches, fax feelings and empathy. Most podcast hang around in the cliches and fax. They don't get to feelings and empathy. The best podcasts and videos. They're good at empathy. They help you feel that you can understand that you feel that they understand you by sharing things about themselves. A reference hooks with the moral of the story. Remember the stories I've told you? I told you a story about the iPad. I told you a number of other stories as we walked this. You're gonna get more every one of these stories make you feel like and they're all true that they actually are that I get you. I've been here, I've done this and I know what you're pain feels like we're gonna fix it together. Teamwork is how you get that done. It's through stories I actually want to use humor. I hear me. I want you to write something down for me. It turns out people don't laugh because something's funny. They laugh when they feel good, and I don't feel good till they feel safe. So there's the three stuff to a podcast. Make your audience feel safest. Stop one. Make him feel good. It's stopped, too, and then you make them laugh. And yet what most people do when they get on these podcasts or videos, try to make people laugh right away. Bad idea. They're not feeling good or safe with you yet. How do you get him to feel safe at Step one? You have a credible introduction. Used those four steps and don't look nervous and they feel safe. How do you get a feel good? You reference you're hooking thesis and tell him stories. How do you get him to laugh during this story, You flip the world of the audience. I did this with the eyes. Remember when I told you to cover up the mouth and nose and the eyes will look evil? Some people laughed at that. If you didn't laugh at, you, weren't quite feeling safer. Good yet. But eventually, through this podcast, you'll start to feel that as we go through this is, I use more and more humor. Hugh Marie only works if people are feeling good and safe. Gotta flip the world when they do. Lastly, you want to use quotes. Have you noticed all the quotes I've used was the first kind of quote you can use. You can reference thes reference thesis points. I used Mark Twain, and I said, Remark once said, I apologize for writing you a long letter. Do you have time to write you a short one? That was the reference to the thesis point of the hooks being short and sweet. You also want a reference your interviews and email surveys. Remember that quotes that I've been referencing those air powerful, real people that have said this? Here's another person that I referenced my audience doesn't feel they need my advice. Jason, When I talk about what I think works, that doesn't seem to get their attention. When I referenced that quote, you start to realize I'm on your team. I empathize with you, and I get it because I've talked to people just like you that have this pain.
7. 6 Close them to Action: Lastly, I'm gonna show you how to endure podcast so that your audience responds and takes action. Notice that was a hook and reference. My main hooks. Do you want to keep listening? I'm unveiling the mystery section by section by section. Here's the first way to do it. You gotta show him your podcast was worthwhile. To do this, you have to first summarize what they got. Remember all adults to into the radio station. W I I a film. What's in it for me? And then you remind them why they wanted it. Which one's the most compelling? The water? The why over the Harvard study, the answers the Why So we we end with that. So first you summarize what they got, the number of techniques they got you. Here's me doing it now. You have just learned 20 speaking techniques that will instantly get you more positive feedback and sharing of your next video or podcast, and then you remind them why they wanted it. This will help you speak more effectively the first time you record your video or podcasts so that your audience watches it all the way to the end. If you're wondering what I get these. I set him in the beginning. Go back and listen. You'll see that. And then I just repeated. I'm only reverse the order because the why is the most important when you start at the beginning. But when you and it should be at the last thing that here next you want to help him put it into action. Here's the theory on this. Learning doesn't happen, I believe, until a behavior change occurs, Here's what I'd like you to do next to get your behavior change. Look at the screen. Here's my five step method for you to take everything I've taught you in the last 30 minutes and apply this to your life. Step one creator Introduction in Blueprint. Go through the four steps and make sure you're not nervous by practicing it. This I'll get to that in a second in real time, but First Creator introduction and what you're going to say. Model it after mine and you'll have a golden blueprint. Step two. Add three stories or humor quotes to your next script. I had about 12 of them. I want you to just add three. At the very least, step three practices three times in real time, six times in real time. If you often times get fearful and then one time before you go on and or two times if you get fearful by the way, a lot of people say Jason, don't have time to practice my thing three times a real time. They just practice the 1st 5 minutes in real time because the research shows that your nerve showing those 1st 5 minutes get those handled. The rest of it looks good. Step four. Record yourself toe. Identify your strengths and all of the nervous habits and suggestions you need to fix. And lastly, step five. Tweak your stance. Tweak your voice. Tweak your fillers until you're happy. Last thing you want to do with your audience in your podcast or your video. Tell them where they can get more information. Here's where you can get more information on creating and delivering amazing presentations and trainings right here. I wish you the best with the delivery of your next podcast. Thanks for watching