1. Scripted Pattern Fills in Photoshop - Introduction: Hello, I'm Helen Bradley. Welcome to this Graphic Design for Lunch class on using the scripted pattern fill tool in Adobe Photoshop. Graphic Design for Lunch is a series of classes that teach a range of tips and techniques for creating designs and for working in applications such as Illustrator, Photoshop, and Procreate. Today we're looking at the scripted pattern fills feature in Photoshop, and this is a fairly new tool, so it was brought in first in Photoshop CS6. If you're using CS5 or earlier, unfortunately this class is not for you. You just don't have access to that tool. In Photoshop CS6, and earlier versions of the Creative Cloud, the tool was a little bit different to what it is today. If you're using CS6, look at the videos very carefully and pick out the CS6 videos. I'm going to name them appropriately for you because you're going to take a slightly different tack with this particular tool in Photoshop CC, the Creative Cloud subscription model. Then the tool has been recently updated and we're going to look at the tool as it is pretty much at the moment and what you can do with it. It's pretty exciting for people who want to use patterns in Photoshop. Now as you're watching these videos, you're going to see a prompt which will ask you if you would recommend this class to others. Please, if you're enjoying the class and learning from it, would you do two things for me? Firstly, answer yes that you would recommend the class to others, and secondly, write in just a few words why you're enjoying the class. These recommendations help other students to say that this is a class that they too might enjoy and learn from. If you'd like to leave me a comment or a question, please do so. I read and respond to all of your comments and questions, and I look at and respond to all of your class projects. If you're using Photoshop CS6 or any of the CC versions, let's now get started looking at the scripted pattern fills in Photoshop.
2. Before we begin: Before we start this class on scripted pattern fills, a small word of warning. There's a lot of evidence online that other users are having difficulty running the scripts. They have difficulty with the trace script, with the flame script, and with the scripted pattern fills. In my experience, I have one computer, an older Windows 7 computer, that's quite happy to run Photoshop CC 2017, but will not run these scripted pattern fills correctly. A newer, more recently purchased computers still running Windows 7, again will run Photoshop CC 2017, and is quite happy to run the scripted pattern fills. I've never had any difficulties with my Macs, so just be aware that you may be one of those unlucky people that although you have access to these tools, they may not run on your particular configuration. There's very little in terms of solutions available, so I just wanted to warn you upfront that that may well be the case, and unfortunate as it is, you may not be able to use these tools, or if you can use the tools, they may not work as expected.
3. Pt 1 Create the Pattern Element: Regardless of the version of Photoshop that you are using for this particular class, you will still going to need a patent element to use and for this, I decided to use some flowers. So I have a flower image here that I have downloaded from I will give you the download link in the class project area. Our first task is to turn this into something that we can use as a patent element. I'm opening up the last panel here. You see that there's a locked background layer and I will click on the lock icon just to relate that if it doesn't release in your version of Photoshop let me just undo that and what you could do is take the lock icon and drop it onto the trash can. Whatever you do, you just need to turn this into a regular layer. Now this flower looks like it's got a pretty solid black background. So I'm thinking that the magic wand tool is probably going to be the quickest and easiest tool to use. I'll select the magic wand tool and I want to make sure that contiguously selected because, if there is some black in here, I don't want to select it and want the pixels that I'm selecting to be side-by-side. In other words, around the edge of the flower. The tolerance value allows me to select the colors either side of the color that I'm clicking on and a larger tolerance value is going to select more colors are smaller one is going to select less, since this is a fairly solid black background and since the edges of this flower are pretty obvious, I could probably crank this up to about 25 and that'll make sure that I get everything. I'm going to click just on the background here and as I thought I'm getting a really good selection around this flower. I'm going to delete this right now, so I'm just going to press the delete key and, so I'm just left with the flower or press Control or Command day-to-day select the selection. I'm going to select over the flower. So I'm going make a selection that has just around the flower here and now I'll choose edit, define pattern. What we want to say in here is that this flower is our pattern paste. We don't want to take the excess of the image, so just want to make sure that this looks like a pattern pace. Let's type flower and I will click OK. Now that flower is now a usable pattern element inside Photoshop, so we can use it for us scripted pattern fills. In the next video we're going to get started with Photoshop CC, So if you're using CS6 look ahead to the videos that are going to relate to your version.
4. Pt 2 Scripted patterns in Photoshop CC: To use our new pattern with the scripted pattern fills, we're first going to need a document, so I'm going to choose file and then new. I like to work with pixels in my document so I'm just going to make one that is 3,000 pixels by 2,200 pixels in size. I'll just click okay. Now for our scripted pattern fills, we're going to choose Edit and then Fill from the filled drop down list here we'll choose pattern, and then we'll choose the pattern that we created. That's going to be the last one in the list if that's the most recent pattern that you created. Now at this point, it's really important that you click somewhere in this dialogue, but you don't click okay or cancel. What you need to do is to close up this particular window. We're just going to click here, and now we get access to the scripted pattern fill option. So we're going to click on script and we're going to have a look here at the options that we have and there are six of them. We're going to select a brick fill to start off with, and I'll click Okay. Now this is the point at which you know whether you're working with an older version of the tool or the newer version of the tool, if you're working with an older version of the tool you're not going to save this dialogue, a newer version of the tool, you will. The dialog here allows you to set the parameters for your brick fill. The default is going to be a pattern scale of one. So that's going to be your flowers at the original size. If you want them to make them half size, just type in 0.5 and they'll be smaller. The view in this dialogue here does not match what they're going to look like in the document. So you probably are going to have to work at this dialogue a few times to get exactly what you want. Here, we can adjust the spacing between the elements in the pattern. Now this doesn't need a very big drag to get quite a bit of difference. So here we can just adjust what the spacing looks like. The offset between rows is going to adjust how far each row is offset from the one before. 50 percent gives us a standard brick pattern where the gap between these two elements here is directly underneath the previous flower. If we make it 25, for example, it's going to be easy to say that the offset is only 25. So we're going to get these sort of lines through our pattern. But 50 percent is the sort of typical setting you would have for a brick pattern. Color randomness is going to let you adjust the color as the pattern's being made. So over at the very far right, you're going to get sort of bleeding, eyeball stage things go really high wire. If you want just a little bit of color variation, then settle for a value of something under about 0.1 and you'll get a bit of variation, but not a lot. The same goes for brightness randomness taken all the way to the right and things get really ridiculous. But down at the bottom end of the scale, then you get a little bit of variation in the brightness. Of course, if you don't want anything at all, if you just want your original pattern flower then, set both of these to zero. The pattern rotate angle disc rotates the patent paste from its original position. So you could, for example, flip it upside down, but there's no real point here into flower. We're not really concerned whether it's up or down, it looks pretty much the same in any direction. I'm just going to click okay and let's see what we get. You can see that even with the pattern size that I used, this is way, way too big to be useful. So I'm going to undo it with control, alt z, command options z on the Mac, I'm going to choose edit and fill. I've got my pattern paste still in place. I've got the script options still selected. I'll click okay, and now I can get to say the settings I'm going to be using. Obviously I need my pattern fills to be much, much smaller. So I'm going to make it at 0.1. Again, this has no relationship to what we're going to say in a minute. Let's just click okay. Now we get a better rendering of our brick pattern. Then the idea is to sort of scale we might want to use for other options in this dialogue. Just one thing to note before we go ahead to other pattern fills. Let's have a look at the last pallet. The fill has gone directly in on top of the background layer. So if you want the fill to be on a separate layer, you're going to need to add a new layer for it before you actually apply the fill.
5. Pt 3 More scripted patterns in Photoshop CC: Let's look now at some of the other options that we have for our scripted pattern fills. First of all, I'm going to add a new layer to this document so I can turn off the background blur. I'm going to fill this with white. It's my current background color. I'll press control backspace, that would be command and delete on the Mark. I'm going to add yet another layer, and it's going to be on this layer that I'm going to add my next pattern fill. Separating the pattern from the background will give me more options. I'll choose Edit and then fill, I have my pattern still selected script is still enabled. We're going this time to cross wave, which is just a very simple pattern I'll click okay. You can see here that the only options are for spacing and for patterns scale and the color and brightness randomness. So this is just a fairly regular pattern in Photos-hop. I'm going to just bring down the pattern size 2.25 and the spacing is set to 41 pixels. I'll click okay. Here is the cross wave pattern, but with a larger pattern paste this time. You'll see that the pattern paste which had transparent surrounds when we first created it, is producing a transparent patterns. Where the flowers aren't, there is transparency and so that's being caught here with this white filled lab, but we could use any color layer. It's going to close that down. Let's add a new layer for yet another pattern fill, edit, fill. We'll choose spiral at this stage, I'm going to leave the other two for just a minute and click okay. This is what a spiral is going to look like. I'm going to make sure the patterns scale is quite small. I can actually see some spirals here. I think I'll use 0.15. The spacing is looking pretty good, but you can increase the spacing between the rings if you want it to be a bit more obvious. Then the patterns spacing is going to be the spacing between the individual elements in the pattern which can be further apart. Or, you could even bring them down so that they're overlapping. If you want the flower or the pattern paste to always be upright then select key pattern up right. Now that might be important for some pattern, probably less so for this flare, but just be aware that that's an option for keeping your pattern pace rotating still, but always in the upright position, not rotating as it goes around the spiral. Again, color randomness and brightness randomness so let's just click okay. There, is our spiral. Of course, if you don't like that, If you think it's too big, just press Control Alt Z command, option c on the mark go back to Edit, Fill and just click okay and you'll get all your old settings here. You've got your settings and you can just adjust them because you know what it looked like when you saw it. In this case, I'm going to decrease my ring spacing quite a bit. I've decreased my pattern scales. I'm going to get more flowers are more of a spiral. That's what I'm saying here.
6. Pt 4 Still more scripted patterns in Photoshop CC: Before we make the next pattern, we need to do a little bit of work on seeing how big a pattern pace is and dealing with the fact that this one is way too big for the next technique. I'll choose edit and then fill. Here I've got script turned off, I've got patterns selected. I'm just here to have a look at a value. I'm going to hover over my pattern pace and the tool tip that appears is going to tell me how big my flat is. It's 2610 pixels by 2634 pixels. In other words, it's just huge. I'll click "Cancel." I'm going to choose file and then new. I'm going to make a document 3000 by 3000 pixels, because that's going to be big enough for my pattern pace and a little bit left over. I'll click "Okay." Now add a new layer. I'm just going to put that pattern pace in it with edit fill. I'm turning off scripted pattern. I'll just click "Okay." Here's my pattern pace on a layer by itself so I can say the transparency around it. What I'm going to do is re-size this and shrink it right down. I'll choose image and then image size. I want to make sure that this lock icon is selected because I want it to be reduced in size, in proportion. I'm going to set this to pixels. So I'm sizing it by choosing the pixels that I want it to be. I'm going to set this to 200. My entire document is coming down to 200 pixels by 200 pixels, which means it's flat. It's going to be a little bit less than that. For my re-sample method, I'm going to choose by cubic sharper, which is one full reduction, and I'll click "Okay." Now I have a tiny document in comparison to what I had earlier. I'm going to zoom in. I want to just select this flower. I'm going to get my rectangular marquee tool and let's just select over this flower, just eliminating the flowers around it. I just want to make a new pattern pace, but much smaller than I had before. I'll click "Edit" and then "Define patent." I'm going to call this mini flower. I can go ahead and close this document. Now that I've created my mini flower pattern, I'm going to have a little bit more success with the next pattern that we're going to look at. I'm going to turn this off and I'm going to add a new blank layer. I'll choose edit and then fill. I've got my pattern pace selected, but that's probably going to be the one that we're using that's really big. Let's go and select the new smaller version. Again, clicking inside this dialogue somewhere to hide this panel, but still keep us in a dialogue. I'm going to enable script and I'm going to select the last option which is symmetry fill, and I'll click "Okay." Now symmetry fill is a really interesting option because it has a lot of different types. I'm just going to open this panel up here and you'll see that there are 33 different types of symmetry fill. We're not going to look at anywhere near all of them. What I want to draw your attention to though, is this last lot, which is p1 symmetry, p2 symmetry, there's p4g symmetry, p3 symmetry. As you look down there, you might think, maybe there's something about the symmetries that I'm not quite understanding because maybe these letters have some significance. Well, they do, and let's have a look at their significance. Now this is a page from my own website and I created it for a tool called MadPattern, which is a template for rotations and symmetry that you can use in Illustrator. But you'll see here that these letters are the same letters or as we saw in Photoshop. These symmetry names p4m and p4, and p3, relate to a known way that elements can be rotated and flipped and used to create repeating patterns and so if you come here to my website, and I'm going to give you the link so that you can view this particular set of illustrations, you'll be able to see roughly what each of these symmetries is going to give you. You can see that p6m is really interesting and so too is p6. It's got a multifaceted look to it. Symmetries like p1 are very simple; p2, it has a flip in it. But again, it's pretty simple. So when we return to Photoshop, we can say that the symmetries down here are going to have really interesting results. Let's have a look at something like p6. Let's quickly go back to the website and see what p6 is going to give us. Well, it's going to be an interesting multidimensional rotation. We've got a pattern scale here set to one, and we've got pattern translations to about 70 percent of the width and height of our pattern pace. If you want to change the way this looks here, and you can see that there is some element of flowers rotated around the central point here. You might get some value by adjusting these sliders. By adjusting these sliders, you might get more or less of something of interest while the pattern translation along the height is losing me those nice little spaces. I like those spaces, so it adjusts these back a little bit and see if I can get something of a bit more interest. Again, you might try dragging the slider to the opposite end and see if that gives you something. With a slide is really your best chance of saying something is just adjusting them in bite-sized pieces and saying what you get and determining whether that's something you like or whether you want to continue playing with the sliders and safety can get something a bit better. I'm going to settle for this particular look. You can see here that the remainder of options and a dialogue, our color randomness and brightness randomness. Now we've dealt with those before. I'm leaving them set to zero. I'm just going to click "Okay." Here is my pattern created based on that p6 rotation. There's plenty to investigate in terms of the symmetry fills. There's literally hundreds of thousands of different results that you could get with that particular tool. But we still have a couple of other tools to investigate before we leave this class. Our next video, we're going to do just that.
7. Pt 5 Yet more scripted patterns in Photoshop CC: It's time to look now at putting the patent along a path and this is probably one of the really most valuable of these scripted patent fill options. First I'm going to turn off this layer and add a new empty layer. I need a parser. I'm going to select the ellipse tool here and I have it set to path. There are three options, path, shape and pixels and you want to select the path. I'll hold the Shift key down as I draw my circle so I create a perfect circle and just using a space bar to move it around a little bit until it's centered pretty much in the middle of the image. I'll let go the left mouse button and then let go this shift key. I have my path and my path is selected, it's got the selection handles on it. I'll choose edit and then fill, I'm going to select a place along path and I'm going to select the flower to use. I'm going back to the much larger flower that we were using earlier. Click away from this and then click Okay. My patents scale is set to 0.1, so it's 1 tenth of the original size or 1 tenth of what the scale would be if it was set to one. I've got the spacing set to 50, so there is quite a small spacing in-between the elements here. I'm going to select, adjust spacing to fit what we're going to have a look at that in a minute as to what that's actually doing. Distance from path escaping the flowers along the path. You can alternate the patterns if you want to, but we're not going to and we're going to skip symbol rotation and we're going to set the color and brightness randomness to zero. We should end up with a set of flowers along our path. I'll just click okay. That's exactly what we're getting at 0.1 this is the size of the flower and we're getting nice evenly spaced flowers around our shape. Let's just undo that and go back to that dialogue and have a look at the adjustment option. Here we can select to adjust spacing to fit, and we had that selected, so let's see what happens when we deselect that and click Okay. This is what happens. When you select adjust spacing to fit photoshop overrides that 50 pixel spacing and says, 50 pixels is not going to give you a very good result so why don't you let me adjusted sort of Nieto 50, but so that you get nice even spacing. When you disable it, this is what you get. I am going to undo that. Let's go back and re-enable it with adjusts spacing to fit and we could even close up the spacing a little bit if we want to. I am going to make it a little bit close, let's make it say ten pixels of spacing and I'll click Okay. We get flowers again much closer together, but they are evenly spaced around the shape. That's an important option to consider.
8. Pt 6 Final scripted pattern options in Photoshop CC: Now, there's one other option in the dialog that we haven't yet had a look at. I'm going to turn off this layer, add a brand new layer. I'm going to use my circle bar, the circular path. It's not obvious that this particular option actually uses a path, but it does. I'm going to choose Edit and then Fill. This time we're going to use random fill. Because I already know that the big flower is going to give us really appalling results, I have selected the very small flower so that we can get some good random fill here and a click away from this click OK. Now, what we see in the dialog here really again, is just a approximation of what we're actually going to see when we fill this shape, the dialogue is a little bit hit or miss. The density, however, is going to make it more or less dense. You can say that a density of 0.1 is practically no flowers at all. A density of 10 purports to be some interesting overlap of flowers. Quite a few of them will just say how that works. I've got minimum and maximum scale both set to one. In other words, my flowers are all going to come in at exactly the same size. There's not going to be larger or smaller ones, but you could make the minimum scale smaller, maximum scale a bit bigger, and then you'll have different size flowers. Maximum distance from the path is 25 pixels. I'm going to increase them a little bit maybe to around 50. I can select to rotate the pattern or not. Obviously, we've got still color and brightness randomness. I'm just going to click OK and let's see what we get. Well, here we get a bit more of a reef like look, we've got overlapping flowers. They're all the same size, but they are randomly spaced around this shape. If we think we've got too many flowers, let's just undo that, go back to the dialogue. This time we're going to decrease the density because a little less dense, we're going to get fewer flowers along this path. Let's set the density to say, five pixels. I'll click OK. Here we get a looser arrangement. Even though that random one doesn't tell you that it will use a path, it can use a path. That's another option for creating objects around the path. But in this case with a randomness built in.
9. Pt 7 Create a wreath using Scripted Pattern Fills: Before we leave this scripted pattern fills in the most recent version of Photoshop, I just want to show you one interesting application of it. I'm just going to choose file new. I'm going to make a really small document here, probably 150 by 150 pixels. I want to create a new pattern piece. Now I'm going to add a new layer so that our pattern pieces going on a separate lab, I'm going to zoom in so we can see things a bit more clearly. I'm going to the custom shape collection because in the custom shape collection is a leaf shape and I'm going to be using this particular leaf shape. It's here. If you don't see it in your shapes collection, go to the [inaudible] menu and click All. Then you can just append all to your current collection and it'll be in that group. I've already done that, so I'm going to select my leaf shape so that we can go ahead now and to create it as a shape, I'm going to make it black because I'm quite happy with that coloring to use. I've got it set that this stage two pixels because I want it to be filled pixels. I'm just going to drag out my leaf shape until I get something that I quite like. Now I'm going to make a selection around it. I'm going to the rectangular marquee tool. I'll just select around this leaf shape so that I can make my pattern from it. I'm going to turn off the background layer because I just want my pattern to be the black leaf. I'll choose edit and then I'll choose to find pattern. I'm just going to call this leaf and click okay. Now let's go and make a new documents. I'll choose file and then new. I'm going to make a document whose width is about 2000 pixels and whose height is about 1500 pixels and I'll click okay, I'm going to make a half wraith shape. I already know that if I want this to work correctly, I need to draw from the bottom up. I'm going to start drawing at the bottom of my wraith shape and then I'm going to draw upwards to create it. I just want a path that I can use. I'll press escape. I'm going to the past selection tool. I'm going to select over this path. Now at this point, if you want to make edits to it, you could do so using the direct selection tool that will allow you to select points on the path and to make adjustments to them. But I'm pretty happy with the shape I've got. I'm going to the past selection tool, make sure my path is selected and I'll choose edit and then fill. From the custom pattern option. I'm going to select the pattern pace that I created. I'm going to choose script and I'm going to choose the place along path option and click okay. This is what I'm saying, and what you see might be very different to what I'm seeing. I have a pattern scale of 1.25. Again, we have no idea how that relates to the actual size of the pattern will be seeing, but let's just see how it's going to look. We have alternate pattern selected. Let's disable that, while disabling it runs the leaf along the line, all pointing in one direction, alternating Is going to alternate the direction. I'm happy with that. That's what I want. I want to create a wraith line here. I want to adjust the angle from the path right now these is running along the path, but if I set the angle to 45 degrees, then they're going to appoint at different angles. That's going to be a nice look. I'm not too happy right now with the distance from the path. I think I'm going to increase that. Let's just start taking that up a little bit. That the leaves are looking a bit more like the stems are along the path and the leaves are just over the edge. I'm going to close up the spacing a bit as well. The spacing here is already set to a negative number, it's minus 42. I'm just going to take it down a little bit. This brings up a really important point in terms of the pattern that we made. The pattern has a transparent background. That's allowing these leaves to butt up against each other. If we bought a white background in with our pattern, then these leaves wouldn't be looking anywhere near as good along this path. I'm just going to adjust these values until I get something that I would like if this were on this path, I would be happy. But let's see what happens. I'll click okay. Well, that's pretty much, I'm happy. Obviously the leaf size that I created as a pattern is filling this wraith line pretty well. If it were too small, I won't be able to make it any larger because I already have the largest possible pattern pace, what I'd probably do is just make my document a bit smaller so that the pattern pace showed up a bit bigger in the document. Now, I've managed to place this on a layer or by itself. I'm just going to undo that because it's not a mistake that is going to be hard to fix. I'm just going to add a brand new layer and just run that scripted fill again. Click okay and we get the exact same result, but this time on a separate layer. The reason why I wanted on a separate layer is I want to make two of these. Now at this point, I don't need my work path. I'm actually going to delete the work path. I am going back to this layer that just has the content on it. I'll choose edit and then transform, and I'll choose flip horizontal. Now we have the second part of our wraith and I can just move it into position. This is a practical example of using one of these scripted pattern fills for a practical purpose, for alternating, for example, leaf shapes along a path to create a wraith like effect.
10. Pt 8 Photoshop CS6 Scripted patterns: It's time now to have a look at the scripted pattern fills in Photoshop CS6. Now this would also be appropriate if you're using an earlier version of Photoshop CC, the Creative Cloud version. For example, if you haven't updated it, although most people will have done so. I'm going to start with my pattern. I've already got rid of the background to this pattern. I'm going to drag my marquee over this pattern piece, so I can just select it. Now I'm going to crop it. I'm going to use the marquee to crop it by choosing image and then crop. Now I'm doing that because I want to see how big my image is and I already think it's going to be too big, so I am going to choose image, image size. This allows me to do two things. Firstly, I can read off the current dimensions of the image and I can change it. Its width and height are way too big they're in the region of nearly 3000. I'm going to size this down to 400 pixels wide, and I've got the height and width locked. Photoshop's already saying to me, well that needs to be 383 pixels tall to remain in the same proportions. That's fine by me. I'm going to select my cubic sharper because I'm reducing the size of my image, I'll click "Okay". This looks really small, but if we zoom in, it's not as small as it looks. Now I am going to make my pattern paste from this so I'll choose Edit and then define pattern. This is going to be flat. I'll click "Okay" so now my patent pace is complete. I can close that image. I'm going to create a new image by choosing File New. Mine's going to be 3 thousand pixels by 2200 pixels in size. This is just big enough to put my scripted patterns in. I'm going to start as we did before with a new layer, I'm going to click it to add a new layer. That means that the transparent pattern will then go onto a new layer and it will retain its transparency. I'll choose Edit and then fill, now in the fill dialogue here you'll probably have something like foreground color selected. Well, you'll click down and choose pattern. Then you'll go ahead and select the pattern paste to use, which is probably going to be the last one in the list. At this point, you want to click outside this area here, but still inside the dialog because you need access to these tools here. You're going to turn scripted patterns on. We're going to start with brick fill. I'm going to click "Okay". Now this is the point at which you know that you're using Photoshop CS6 or a Photoshop version that does not have the most recent scripted pattern fill options in it. Because you don't get any choice, you just get what photoshop's going to give you. In this case, it's a brick pattern. But you can see that there's some change of color and change of brightness in these flowers. We're being forced into, if you like, a change of brightness and color in this scripted pattern option, let's turn that off or add a new layer and let's try the others. Edit fill. I'm going to choose crossways and click "Okay". This gives us a regular pattern of flowers there in columns and rows. Let's add another layer and see the other options. We'll go to random fill and click "Okay". This gives us a random fill. The flowers are just randomly placed on the background. This is spiral. Here we have a spiral, again no choices to how the flowers are arranged in a spiral. Finally, we have symmetry fill. This is a symmetry pattern that Photoshop is set up to give us, so there's no choice to be made at this point. This begs the question of can we do better than this for scripted pattern fills in Photoshop CS6? The answer is yes. In the next video, I'm going to come back and show you how you can do that.
11. Pt 9 Scripting User Interface for Photoshop CS6: The solution for that being no user interface for scripted pattern fills in Photoshop CS6 is to go and get one. Now, this website, I'm going to give you the link in the class project area, provides a scripted fill user interface that you can use. What you're going do is come to this website and you're going to click to download this script, it takes only a few seconds to download it. It should open in windows for you and you're just going to click to extract all the files. On a Mac they'll probably be extracted automatically for you. Then you'll need to go and find your scripts folder. Now where your scripts folder is located, is going to depend a bit on what version of Photoshop you are using because CS6 came in a 32-bit and 64-bit version. You'll need to ascertain whether you're using the 64-bit version or the 32-bit. For the 64-bit, it's going to be in your program files, Adobe folder, and you'll go and look for Photoshop, CS6, 64-bit, and then go to presets and scripts. If you're using the 32-bit version, then it's not going to be in this program files folder, there'll be one that's Program Files, X86, and that'll be the folder that you'll need to go and find the Adobe folder inside, and then there'll be an Adobe Photoshop CS6 option for you to select and then presets and scripts. In Photoshop, you can determine exactly which version you are using by going to the help menu here and just choose about Photoshop, and you can see here that I'm using the 64-bit version that's got X64 on the end. For the 32-bit, it's going to read X32. Once you've unzipped your file and once you've located your scripts folder, you're just going to take this scripted fill UI file and just drag and drop it in this folder. I've already done that. The reason why I did it earlier was that, once you've done that, you have to close and reopen Photoshop because the script won't appear in the scripts folder until you do that. I've already gone ahead and done that steps so I'm going to create a brand-new document. It's 3,000 pixels wide and 2,200 pixels tall. I'm going to give it a white background, click "Okay". Now the person who created that script file also provides a readme file in with the script file. I'll leave you to read the contents of this file but one of the important things here is that, he suggest that you don't add your pattern to the background layer and instead you add it to a brand new layer, so I'm going to add a new layer here now. I've already created my pattern. I'm going to choose File and then Scripts. You can notice this time we're not going to the Edit menu and choosing fill, we're choosing File and then Scripts. You're going to see your installed scripted fill user interface file here, and you're going click it to run it. Now you get to choose what script you want to run. We're going to select the brick 1, and now we can adjust the brick settings. The offset at the moment is set to 0.05 so we're going to have a regular brick pattern. If we want to adjust the size, if we want the size of the flowers to vary them, we could click on Size Jitter. We can also select color and brightness and so if we want no jitter at all, then we would just set it to zero and that will overcome the problems or the limitations with the edit fill option, where we were forced into some color and brightness jitter. There's also size and spacing so that you can specify the spacing and the scale here. I'm just going to click "Okay". What happens is that, the Photoshop fill dialog opens automatically for you. We're going to open up the custom patterned dialogue and we're going to select the pattern piece that we want to use. I'm going to click just away from that so I can see the rest of the dialogue. You don't want to change this bit that's already been preset for you and the temp fill script is the option that you need to choose to be able to use the user interface setting, so don't change this, just go ahead and click "Okay". This is our new brick fill and you can see this time we have no variation in brightness or color for our pattern. We'll turn this off, add a new layer, again file scripts and we'll go back to our scripted fill user interface. Let's have a look at cross wave. Here are the settings for the cross wave. We can have a wave angle, we can have random rotation. Again, we've got color and brightness jitter, we've got sizing and spacing. We've got the number of parsers that we want to do and again, we can just click "Okay" to go back to our fill dialogue where we are again going to select the pattern paste we want to use and click "Okay". You'll see in the scripts dialogue here, there are options for spiral, random, random border and symmetry. One of these we've not seen before, so we haven't actually even seen the random border. Let's go ahead and look at that right now. In the random border, we can select a square or an oval border. We've got an option for density and also scale values. We're going to have a border that's going to be made up of our flower, in various sizes varying from 0.3 of its current scale to 1.5. Again, there's the option for color and brightness. We can adjust the size and spacing, but let's just go ahead and see what this looks like. I'll click "Okay", let's go and select our flower and click "Okay". This is the random border effect that we get. Again, it's a see-through effect, so we've got transparency in the middle. This would allow us to create a border of a pattern piece that we could use for example, for a photo. The last option that we're going to look at is the symmetry option and we're only going to look at it briefly because I think there's a problem in the script. I'm going to choose File and then Scripts and go to scripted fill. We can choose the symmetry option here and from the drop-down list here, there are 30 odd symmetry options that we can choose from. The problem is that most of them will result in an error. I'm going to choose this wallpaper symmetry and I'm just going to click "Okay" and show you what's going to happen or what's likely to happen. I'm getting an error message here. There's an error in the script itself. I have never been able to get these particular scripts to work, so the symmetry does not work for me. Your mileage may differ and if you are able to get those symmetry options to work, then I suggest that you go back to the earlier videos that I made for Photoshop CC users because I go into quite detail in those videos about the symmetry options and there's quite a bit of explanation there that would be useful to you if you can get these scripts to work. But as I said, I'm not able to, so I'm just going to click "Okay".
12. Project and Wrapup: Your project for this class will be to use the scripted fill interface either in Photoshop CS6 or in Photoshop CC, to create a filled document, a pattern fill that is more interesting than the basic patterns that we typically make in Photoshop. Post an image of your completed pattern fill in the class project area. If you're using Photoshop CS6, and I strongly recommend that you download and use that scripted interface, that user interface, so that you get more options with your scripts. I hope that you've enjoyed this video and you've learned things about Photoshop that you didn't know before. Now as you are watching these videos, you will have seen a prompt which asked you if you would recommend this class to others. Please, if you enjoyed and learned from the class, do two things for me. Firstly, answer yes that you would recommend the class, and secondly, write just a few words about why you enjoyed the class. These recommendations help other students to say that this is a class that they too might enjoy and learn from. Now if you'd like to leave me a comment or a question, please do so. I read and respond to all of your comments and questions, and I look at and respond to all of your class projects. My name's Helen Bradley, thank you so much for joining me for this episode of graphic design for lunch, and I look forward to seeing you in an upcoming episode soon.