Type + Masking in Procreate for Beginners: Create Stunning Digital Typography | Kelley Bren Burke | Skillshare

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Type + Masking in Procreate for Beginners: Create Stunning Digital Typography

teacher avatar Kelley Bren Burke, Artist & Educator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to Class!


    • 2.

      Class Project & Resources


    • 3.

      Choosing Ideal Images


    • 4.

      Sourcing Free Images


    • 5.

      Finding Free Fonts


    • 6.

      Masking in Procreate


    • 7.

      First Masked Illustration


    • 8.

      illustration One Continued


    • 9.

      Adding Easy Shadows


    • 10.

      Second Masked Illustration


    • 11.



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About This Class

In this class, we’ll use text and masking in the Procreate app to create beautiful digital typography. For the class project, we’ll combine two images. They’ll be connected by a word or two of your choice. 

Masking is a nondestructive way of editing. It’s a super useful technique that has so many applications beyond this class. 

All you need for this class is

  • An iPad
  • The Procreate app 
  • A compatible stylus

Since we’re using free fonts and images, no drawing or hand lettering skills are required. But you could certainly use your own hand lettering, photos and art if you’d prefer. 

You can use your design in all sorts of ways: social media posts, marketing, invitations, or greeting cards.

During class, we will: 

  • Browse one of my favorite sources for freely usable images. 
  • Explore fonts in Procreate, including finding free fonts and downloading them to Procreate. 
  • Review how masking works in Procreate.
  • Create two different illustrations that combine two images connected by a word or two. 
  • Create easy shadows for our text, which will boost the legibility of our illustrations.

To support you, I’ve compiled:

  • A selection of freely usable images that will work well for our class project
  • A list of free fonts to download to Procreate. I hand picked these fonts specifically for this project
  • Free texture brushes by Abbie Nurse at Uproot

I love adding a bit of texture to my digital art. My favorite way to add texture is with Uproot Overlay Brushes, by Abbie Nurse. Abbie has generously shared two brushes with us. You’ll find all of these resources under the Class Project & Resources Tab. 

Also: Enjoy 10% of everything in Abbie’s Uproot Procreate shop with coupon code KELLEYBURKE 

Are you ready to explore text and masking in Procreate? I’ll see you in class!

Music courtesy of Bensound

More digital art resources for you!
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Kelley Bren Burke

Artist & Educator

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1. Welcome to Class!: Hi, I'm Kelley Bren Burke. I'm a digital artist. I love collage and combining elements to create something beautiful and new. I worked in a bookstore for 20 years, so I also love words and typography. So it's no surprise that I love to pair words and images. In this class, we'll be combining two images. There'll be connected by a word or two of your choice. You can use your design in all sorts of ways: social media posts, marketing, greeting cards or invitations. By the end of this class, you'll understand text and masking in Procreate. Masking is a non-destructive way of editing. It's a super useful technique that has many applications beyond what we're exploring in this class. All you need for this class is an iPad, the Procreate app, and a stylus. Since we're using free fonts and images, no drawing or hand lettering skills are needed. But you certainly could use your own photos, art, or hand lettering if you'd prefer. We'll be using some of my favorite sources for free images and free fonts online to support you. I've compiled a selection of freely usable images that will work well for this class. I also created a free list of fonts to download to Procreate. I hand-picked these fonts specifically for this class. I love adding a bit of texture to my digital art. My favorite way to add texture is with Uproot Overlay brushes by Abby Nurse. And Abby has generously gifted two of these brushes to us for this class. You'll find all of these resources under the class Project and Resources tab. Are you ready to explore text and masking in Procreate? Let's get started! 2. Class Project & Resources: For the class project will combine two images. There'll be connected by a word or two of your choice. Here's the class roadmap. First, we'll browse one of my favorite sources for freely usable images online. Next, we'll explore using fonts and procreate, including sourcing free fonts and downloading them to procreate. Then we'll review how masking works in Procreate, it's easier than you might think, and I'll walk you through every step of it. After that, we'll create two different illustrations to practice our skills. We'll also create easy shadows for our text, which will boost the legibility of our illustration. Are you ready to take the next step? Access the class resources by clicking on the project and resources tab, you'll find texture brushes from Abby nurse at uproot, a list of free fonts to choose from. A selection of curated images to spark your creativity. As always, I love to see what you create. So please upload your class project by clicking the class project and resources tab. I know you'll inspire me and others with your illustration. See you in the next lesson. 3. Choosing Ideal Images: In this lesson, we're gonna look at some of the illustrations that I've already created. I think some of the illustrations I've created a more effective than others. And I will talk you through my thought process about that. And also tips for what makes a good photo or what makes a good font or word for you to choose for your class project. Here, I'm using multiple words, which is more difficult than using just one word. And that's because it's best to make sure that your words are connected while having them still be legible. So right here I drew a line between the E and the end, and then I drew a line between the end and the M. And I believe I also drew little lines here between the M and the a and the T and the Y. And that's just so we have the font and making a solid line across the canvas, we'll look at other images that I have created. If you go to the gallery and you open an image like this, you can scroll through your canvases. It's a nice way to browse. This is what we just looked at. This is another version of that and it has the same font. And the difference is this one has the cloudy sky in the background. This one, I like. I think it's pretty I also think it's the least legible of all of them if we scroll back. And that's because I think there's not enough contrast. The sky is light and the white is light. The trick here at this class is balancing the legibility of your font with the beauty of the illustration. So that's what we'll be trying to balance during this class. I don't love this. The word and is spelled out and I didn't attach the letters. And I don't like how that looks. I did this in a different kind of illustration. The same sky and the wild flowers. Here. I did it with the same sky and flowers. I like it a lot better here the words are bigger and I'm pretty sure I also connected the letters here between the y and the V, maybe between the V and the I. I made that little mark, but I'll show you how to do that in class. Here's a bloom illustration. I like this. I like the contrast between sky and the flowers. And in this one, in the empty bits, there's probably a word for it, but I don't know what it is. Of the B and the L and the 0. I have the sky. And I think that is more effective than the way I did it here. It's the wild flowers that are filling up the open spaces. I think it's a lot more effective this way, which is another thing for you to keep in mind when you're doing your illustration, which one is going to look better? But it's fairly easy to try both. And I will show you that in the class as well. This one did not work. I don't know how to sugarcoat that any other way. The bloom is not very legible against the women. I still really like the concept of the vintage gardeners and the colored roses. It just doesn't work. You can't read the bloom. And that's one thing I've found difficult, is using a black and white photo with a white word. And I've tried different colors for the words and nothing has looked good to me other than white, but you're free to experiment with that as well. Of course, this one, I really like, I like the font. I like the palm trees, I like the whole thing. I think it's very pretty. And then in the mood I think is all very consistent, which is another thing for you to think about when you're pairing your font with your images. This is another version of breath. I also like this a lot. It's a different font. The Bible is again very similar. I think I googled Zen images to find these when I was in Unsplash. Unsplash is the website where it will be getting our photos from for this class. We'll go over that in another lesson. In the next lesson, we are going to browse photos to use for our illustration. See you then. 4. Sourcing Free Images: Welcome back. In the last lesson, we looked at some illustrations to help us get inspiration for our own illustration we'll be creating in class today. In this lesson, we're gonna be looking at free photos that you can use for your illustration. And we are going to be looking at Unsplash. These photos are freely usable, except for the ones that say Unsplash plus that would be a membership. Those photos are in the minority and there's lots of other options to use. So you can search for different things. Let's say you wanted to do autumn. Let's search autumn and see what we come up with. This one's pretty I already have that saved to a different collection, but I'm definitely saving it to our background texture one, I think that would work well. These pumpkins would work well. Maybe I will do a fall one for our class project. I'm linking these. I like this one right here, but I don't think there's enough contrast between our white font and these leaves. It's a fine image. I just don't think it's perfect for what we're doing here. I'm also going to search autumn background to see if we get anything else. This is nice. I like this one. This is a fun fall image. And we'll add this one to the collection too. Speaking of collections, that is the other place where you can look for images. I will link my profile in the class project and resources. I have an album here specifically for background textures. And a lot of them I chose for this class specifically. But other ones I didn't. So they might not all be perfect for our purposes today. But I would say the easiest thing to do would be to choose images that are simple, like this. Water is simple. These rocks. I like the sand, that's pretty the water. These would be good. I've used them before. So browse through and see what you would like to use. You could use a personal image. And I also have some curated images saved for you and Google Drive. And again, you'll be able to access that through the class project and resources. Now that we've explored some ideas for images, Let's explore fonts in the next lesson. Again, we'll be using free fonts that you can download from on the line. I will see you in the next lesson. 5. Finding Free Fonts : Welcome back. In the last lesson, we explored free images to use for our illustration. In this lesson, we are going to explore free fonts. And my favorite place for free fonts online is Google fonts. You can find it just by typing in Google fonts into your search engine. Here it is. And this is the main page of Google Fonts. There are lots and lots of different options. But what we're looking for here are letters that are connected. So the category that Google puts that into his handwriting. So we're going to narrow our categories by clicking off these other ones. So we just have handwriting and some of these will still work better for others, e.g. this font, Pacific co, all the letters are connected, which is what we want for this project. Where this font shadows and delight is lovely, but the letters are not mostly connected. So it wouldn't work great for our project. If you know the word you want to use for your illustration, you can type it in here. Like let's say we wanted to type in celebration, like if we were doing invitation. So then we can see exactly what the different fonts look like with that specific word. And I have a list of recommended Google fonts for you. You'll find that in the class assets. And some of these right here, I believe in their dancing script, I believe is in the list as well as Pacific CO. We're looking for a font that is legible and the letters are connected. Satisfy may be in there. I think that would work well. Yellow Tail is another font. There would be some connecting to do there between the B and the R and the a. So maybe not the best choice. This is a nice font, but again, the letters are not connected to the n is one that would work well. So you can choose one from my list or you can use a font that you already have. You can get your fonts wherever you want. But I'll show you real quick how to download the font. I'm just going to find a font that I like that I don't think I have. Which is easier said than done because I have a lot of these. So let's just download this font emphasis, maybe how it's pronounced. I'm not sure. But to download it, we would tap Download family and then we get the message. Do you want to download it? Yes. So we tap download. It goes right into our files and here it is, it will show up as a zipped file. So you tap on zip and then two items show up within this folder. You tap on the folder and then it goes right into Procreate. Let's just make sure that font is inherent. I'll show you how to do that. So I'm going to open up Canvas so we can explore. It can be any Canvas you want. You can tap on screen size. And we'll just look briefly at fonts and procreate. To do that, I am just going to tap wrench and add texts. The default texts that procreate always pops up with is called Ina 01. And that is a Procreate font. If we want to see if emphasis the font we downloaded is there. Indeed it is. It is right there. And we can make it bigger. By doing this. We can also change the size by clicking on this arrow here and stretching the bounding box, making it smaller or larger. We could center it by tapping, snapping, and making sure magnetics and snapping are on. And then you could center it when you get this gold cross, you know that it's centered. You can change the font to something else. By hitting edit text. You want to make sure that you tap on it and select all. And then you go to this AAA again. And you can look at different fonts. I'm just going to change the word so we're not looking at text. Let's go with summer. And I'm glad this happened. The box isn't big enough for this big font. So what you would do is just stretch out your bounding box and then edit the text. If you have a typo, let me hit Edit Text again, select all. I'm just going to make it a little bit smaller this way. Different fonts or different sizes, even if it's the same size, e.g. if there is a font, this font is size to 97.4, which is really big. But if another font was that size, it might look smaller or larger depending on the font. You can also change the font by writing in this box like let's say we wanted it specifically to be 275 points for the size. You can change the font that way to change to a different font. I'm going to start at the top here and look for a font that I think I've recommended for this class. Alex Brush may have been a font that I recommended. That looks nice. Again to edit it, tap on it, tap this AAA. You could also change the fonts by selecting it. And once it's selected, it'll have the blue around it. And you can browse the different fonts up here by tapping on the font. And what's another font that might work well for this class? Birth stone and birth stone bounce are two free Google fonts that are on the list. Another font that was on the list is dancing script. Some fonts will have more than one option within there. E.g. if we look at sins L, which is a font we wouldn't want to use for this class because the letters aren't connected. But just if you look at it, if you tap on it, it comes up with different options, bold extra, bold black, regular. So that's another thing to look out with fonts. So that is a brief introduction to using fonts in procreate. In the next lesson, we will quickly explore some masking basics and Procreate. And it is easier than you might think. I will see you in the next lesson. 6. Masking in Procreate : Welcome back. In the last lesson, we discussed finding free fonts for you to use for your project. In this lesson, we are going to review masking. So let's get started. I am going to tap gallery here, so I can go back to my gallery for this class. And I am going to create a new canvas. I'm going to hit plus tap up here, procreate defaults to pixels. So you'll want inches, and then you'll want the width to be 12 " and the height to be 16 ". And 300 DPI is an excellent print quality. This leaves me with my iPad with 34 layers, which is way more than I need. I'm probably using just a few layers for this class. So let's tap Create. The first thing I'm going to do is download an image. And I'm going to show you just masking before we get into the project. So I'm going to tap wrench and insert a file. And if it was from my camera roll, I would tap, Insert a photo. But I'm going to hit Insert a File. And I'm gonna go to recents here. I am going to use a celebration theme. So I'm going to be using this image as well as this image. The balloons are going to be on top. Turn that off. And here is my confetti. And I'm bringing that to the bottom. And I think I'm going to want that stretched up a little bit, so I'm just going to stretch it up. I'm going to grab the edge of it and just stretch it out like this. And I just want this to be about two-thirds of the page. Let's start with our balloons. Masking in Procreate is kind of like erasing, but it's non-destructive. If I had these balloons and let's say I wanted to, for some reason a race the sky that's around this edge. I don't know why it'd be doing that, but let's say I do. So I'm gonna go to a race. I'm going to erase with the monoline. I'm just erasing around the balloons. That is fine to erase. But what if we wanted that back? We could do a two finger tap to undo it. But not if we closed out of Procreate and went back later, we couldn't get that back. So we tap on the layer, we want to hit Mask, tap mask, and then this white layer comes up. The colors you'll want to use for masking are a pure white and pure black because those are the only ones that are going to conceal or reveal your image completely. Let's say I grab this gray and I'm masking. It is only kind of masking. You can't see the white below because masking is non-destructive. I'm just going to hit clear here and undo it. So instead you want to use black and white for masking. And a true black has a value of six zeros as a hex code, and a true white has a value of six f's. In order to get those, you can double-tap on the bottom of this disk right here. So there we got our hex code that we're looking for. It takes a little practice. Sometimes think this might be a pure white right here. Let's go to the value. Yep, It's all F's. If you wanted to enter it yourself hit value and let's say I wanted to do black instead. So it hits 000 and there I get a black color and I could add it to my palette by tapping there. If I masked, it would give the same effect by drawing in black on the Layer Mask. And let me show you what I mean with the same brush. So it looks like it's a race, but really it's just masked. We can undo it by clicking this box on and off. If we wanted to bring more of the color back around this balloon, then I would go back to a pure white and I would draw on the mask, and I would reveal the green by drawing with white. So when you draw with black, it conceals whatever is on the page. And when you're drawing with white, it reveals what's on the page. And if you forget which one is which, just start drawing and you can see what it does. This is non-destructive. You turn it off, turn it on, it's gone, it's back. It's very handy. You can also get rid of it by clearing and it all comes back and then your Layer Mask is all white once again, that is a quick intro to masking. You can also mask with two elements on top of each other in a way where they're interacting with each other. I go over that in another Procreate mask in class, which of course I recommend. It's a very helpful class on that technique. For now, we're only masking like this with one element. 7. First Masked Illustration : So I'm going to delete my mask because I don't need it. It brings my balloons back. I'm going to bring my confetti back. I think we are off to a good start here. Here we have the two images that I am going to be using for our illustration. And the word I'm going to be using is celebrate, because I want the balloons to be a little bit more straight up rather than angled, I think. So what I'm gonna do, I'm tapping on the arrow and I get this little green nodule so I can spin it around like that and I'm just going to stretch this out. I'm unfree forms, you see that? So I don't want it to be on free form right now. I'm going to undo all that. I'm gonna go back here on the balloons, hit the arrow, go to uniform. And I'm going to grab this little green nodule and I'm gonna kinda twist it. And then I'm going to stretch this out so the Greens still covers the canvas. I kinda want that orange balloon in there. So let me see if I can do something here. Okay, hopefully you won't have to do this with your image, but I want to cover this over here. So I'm just going to show you how to do that real quick. I would go to the selection, which is this little ribbon. I would go on free hand and I would grab a chunk of sky. I'm gonna do a three-finger drag down for copy paste. I am going to hit Copy. And then I'm gonna do a three-finger drag down again and hit paste. It looks the same, but I have on a new layer here, a portion of that green sky. And I'm just going to stretch it out. I'm going to drag it behind here. So there won't be any ragged edges. And there we go. You would never know because I want those two layers together. I'm just going to pinch them together. The next thing I'm gonna do is choose my font. I want to be writing in white. Then I'm going to hit wrench and then add text. And it will default to Ina. As I said before, that's when a procreates fonts. And I am going to type, celebrates. Its kinda hard to see the font on top of here. So I'm going to group these two photos together by going to the left and hitting group. And I'm going to just call these images. And then I am also going to add a new layer under celebrate. And I'm going to choose a different color so it doesn't blend in. I'm just going to do this light blue color and I'm going to fill the layer with this light blue. And since it's on top of the images, you can't see the images anymore. And this is just so we can get a good look at our fonts. I'm back on the font layer and I'm going to hit Edit Text. I'm going to tap on it twice, and then I'm going to hit Select All. And then I'm gonna go to AAA and we get these different options. It doesn't really matter, but for somebody to have it justified to the left, just so it's easier to work with. And I'm gonna make my text box bigger by tapping this selection arrow and then dragging it out. And that's good enough for now. I'm going to hit edit texts again, tap on it, hit Select All. And then we'll start looking at different fonts that we want to use. So I'm going to try and stick to the ones that I suggested in the class, but I don't 100% remember all of them because there was a bunch. Arizona was one. That is a font. I could use that, but I don't know if it works with the vibe. If we have it, then that blue outline goes away. I don't love it for this instance. I'm going to select it again and we're going to keep going. Birth stone balance was one. I like that. It's pretty connected. It's kinda illegible. It's pretty legible. Let's see. Burstein bounces one and then another one is birth stone. I like that. What I'm gonna do is rename this to birth stone. That's the font's name. And then I'm going to duplicate the font by swiping left. I'm going to turn off the birth stone layer and I'm going to go to my new vista layer, hit Edit Text, and then select it all and keep going. So then we could compare them in the end if we wanted to. Corinthian was one that looks too fancy for what we're doing here. Dancing script was another one. I like that, that's a possibility. So I'm going to label this one dancing script. Okay, so I'm gonna duplicate dancing script. I'm going to turn off the original. I'm going to go to the new layer, hit edit text. Yes, that indeed was dancing script bold. I really liked that one. We might have a wonder it, but I'm just going to keep looking. Grand Hotel is nice. I like it, but I liked the other one's better. Gwendolyn may have been one of our options. I do like it, but I think it's too fancy scrolling scripty lobster and lobster two, those are definitely in there. That's nice and thick. I'm going to quit looking. I mean, I could do this all day and I do. But let's just look at what we like best for our images. Let me just turn on the, bring up the confetti here. We have celebrates in Labster, we have celebrate in dancing script, and we have celebrate in birth stone if we just stretch them out here, which is what we wanna do. So Bridgestone, I'm going to tap on this arrow and stretch it out so I can see what it would look like really big. Here's dancing script. I'm going to tap on that arrow and stretch it out. I think this might be the winner, but let's just look at lobster. I like lobster. I'm gonna go with dancing script, but just in case that doesn't work, I'm going to bring these other ones down to the bottom. That's just the way I work. I like to tuck things that I'm not using in the bottom if I think I might want to use them again. Okay, so here is our word celebrate and dancing script. If I tap it on the arrow, I can stretch it out so it fits the page. I also want it at a bit of an angle. So I'm going to tap on this green little nodule up here, and I'm going to tap seven here, so it will tilt seven degrees. And this is really handy if I wanted it to tilt the other way, I would hit negative seven for an angle. But instead I want positive seven. And there we go. So you can have it tilted or not tilted however you want to do it. I just like a little tilt. And I'm bringing the letter just to the edge, so we'll have a clear outline. And here's an instance where you might want to turn snapping and magnetics off because it wants to snap to a specific place, but we wanna kinda glided into a just right place. So if we zoom in here, that's cut off a little bit. It's okay. This does not touch the edge. So what I'm gonna do is take this box and just tap over here to move it subtly over here. And that might fix both of our issues. Almost to the side there. It's still a little over their selection arrow tap, tap, tap to move it this way. Zoom in. Here we go. We have a winner. Of course right here we have this little gap. But I'm going to teach you another way to fix that. But in order to do that, we would have to rasterize our text and that would make it no longer editable text. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to duplicate this. This text is not rasterize so we can edit it. And when I hit rasterize, it just turns it into pixels in the page like this. So we can't make the E and I anymore. It's just pixels on the page. So I'm going to tuck this under here with this rasterize script. We could have done it before we rasterized it, but it would have rasterized it in the process. So I just kinda wanted to talk to you about it. So I'm going to tap Liquify. I'm on push. My size is 56, my pressure is 47. None for distortion and momentum. It doesn't super matter what your options are here because we're just doing a tiny little push right here to make that white meat the side. It's perfect. Now that we have celebrate just like we want it. We're gonna look at our images. Here we have the confetti, and here we have the balloons, which I need to bring up. So what we're looking for here is we want the images to overlap with the words. And I think it's easier just to show you what I mean. Right here. It wouldn't work because these green, this green layer doesn't come all the way down to the word. So I could move celebrate up, which is probably what I'm gonna do, but I often like it to be like thirds. So maybe this would work. I'm going to turn off these balloons. And I'm gonna go to this confetti, and I'm going to grab this arrow, and I'm on uniform, and I'm going to move the confetti up just so it's covering all of this right here. Because when we mask, we may or may not want the confetti to be within the insides of the letters. And then this will go all the way down to the bottom. This is what it looks like right now. It's set up. Well, so now that our Canvas is set up and no worries if yours isn't set up perfectly or you can't grasp it quite yet. We'll be going over it in more detail in the next lesson where we begin masking our illustration. I will see you in the next lesson. 8. illustration One Continued : Welcome back and congratulations because you are more than halfway through this class. Excellent job sticking with it. And let's keep going. So now we have our canvas setup and now we're going to start masking. We could either mask the balloons or confetti. But I'm more sure of the confetti than I am of the balloons right now. So I am going to turn off the balloons and we are going to mask the confetti and the balloons. Then we'll be able to switch. We can switch out to different balloons. I'll show you what I mean in a second. The balloon layer is underneath the confetti and turned off. And we have our script that's there perfectly. I am just going to lock it. I don't lock things a lot, but I just don't want it to move around. So I'm going to swipe it to the left and hit Lock. Well, it's locked. We can't move it around or do anything with it until we unlock it. We are on the confetti layer and we're going to mask it. So we tap on that layer and we hit Mask. We have this mask, it's all white. So we know if we want to change it, we want to use the color black. And you can mask with any brush. The monoline is a great all-purpose brush, and it works well for this, but you can get different effects from masking with different brushes. We have our monoline brush, we have black, and we want to draw on the layer. If I drew on the confetti instead, you will see that I'm just really drawing on the confetti and I don't want that, so I want to go to the mask and it will default back to pure black. I have my mono line sizes up pretty big. And for now I am going to keep the confetti in the open letters and just start erasing everything else. So by erasing, I'm revealing the background, which is a different color. And I'd like the background actually a more different color to make it easier to see a more different color. I'm on the blue layer. I'm going to tap magic wand. I'm going to go to hue saturation and brightness and just change the colors on that purple is pretty good. Okay, Back on the mask layer, we want to be on the mask layer. We want our model line, we want black. We're just going to keep going. So masking is essentially just erasing. When I'm doing this, what I first do is I erase big chunks of it in the areas where I don't need to be precise. And then I make my monoline brush smaller when I need to get in closer. But I'm just doing some rough erasing here. I'll just go back over here, make my brush a little bit smaller. This how I make my brush smaller and larger. And your opacity should be all the way up at 102 because otherwise it would make your black kind of a gray. So that's the cursor size. I go back to my mask and I just keep masking. So you can be like quick with this until you get to the edges where you want to be careful not to go over. So using a thicker font makes it a little bit easier because if this is a really thin font, we would need to be more careful when we got to these edges. But let's just say real quick that we went too far and we went into that area and we wanted it to come back. We would tap on here and it'll bring up the last color, which is a white. And we still have our monoline. We go back to the mask and now we're making this area white again to bring back the confetti. That's how you would fix it. We might do that a couple more times while we're going back-and-forth. But now we want the black again. We want to make sure we're on the layer mask. Just going to keep tracing. What I might do now is do all my tracing and then come back and tidy up. So what I'm doing right now is leaving the confetti in these little closed loops. But we can easily change that. I just want to do it this way first so we can see what's the most legible. It might be the other way, but we're just gonna keep going like this. It'll be easy to switch back and forth since masking is non-destructive editing. There we go. Now, we can bring back our balloons. And there they are. I like this. It's a lot of confetti and not a lot of balloons. But I kinda like it. You could also do the words in the middle, but I like it better when your screen is divided into thirds. So this would be one-third, one-third, and one-third. I like it like that. So right now we have the confetti in this area and I think I don't want the confetti in the open parts of the letters. I'm going to turn off these balloons again. And I'm gonna go to the layer mask. I get black and I still have my mono line. And what I'm gonna do is just mask out these confetti areas. So we'll be seeing right now it's the purple. And it's going to be the balloons in the background there. Let's bring back our balloons. So this looks good. I mentioned earlier that we have texture brushes from Abby nurse. I use them in 99% of my projects. So there's one called mumble and there's one called softy paper. And what you do is you put it on any layer. A lot of times I'm doing the top layer. This is mumble. This is my black texture layer. It's on and all of these layers are on n or normal, that's what it will default to. But these brushes are meant to be overlay brushes. So you scroll down to overlay and then it says zero there. And you can see it changes the color a little bit, but it gives a nice texture that is mumble. And then I'm going to add a new layer. Grab softy paper. I love how big these brushes are. And you might be able to see the texture here so you can kind of get an idea of what the texture will look like. And then you tap n and scroll down to overlay again. So you'll get two different sets of colors. And so you might want to take that into account. This is softy paper. You don't have to name your layers, but I find it to be really helpful, like if I revisited this later and I wanted to know what the font or the brush was. This makes it really easy for future mean. This is softy paper and this is mumble. I kind of prefer softy paper, but I wanted to change the colors since that darkens it a little bit. So this is another thing I do for almost all of my illustrations. I tweak the hue, saturation and brightness. So I'm on the confetti layer and I'm gonna go to Magic Wand hue, saturation and brightness. And let's see if I brighten this up. I like that. What if I desaturate it? I don't really want to mess with the hue of this, but you could slide that around, but I don't wanna do that for this, I'm going to keep the hue at 50 per cent. So I brought the saturation down 10%, I brought the brightness up 57%. So if you wanted to see if it looks good before you change it, I'll show you how to do that next with this one. So we're on the balloon layer. Magic Wand, Hue, Saturation and Brightness. I want to desaturate x. They kinda look like retro balloons to me. I brought the saturation down 41% and I'm going to bring the brightness up. But I still want it to be legible, right? So like if I do it, I mean, obviously I don't want it that bright, but you can see that it's harder to read the white, the lighter this is. So I'm just going to cruise around here. Do it without looking 53%. And I'm gonna do it again, just see where it looks right? 52%. And if you want to see if it looks better or worse your eyes, you can put your finger down on the screen. Hit Preview. This is the change we're making. This is the change. This is now changed. Yes, I like that better. So I'm going hit Apply. Another thing you can do if the overlay is too much for you is you can bring down the percentage here. So it always starts on max opacity and then you can slide it down. I like it the way it is after we changed the colors, but that's just something to keep in mind. So now if we take that off, you can see that it's a lot paler because we changed it to accommodate this texture. So this would be perfect for an invite, for a celebration or a birthday card or anything. I like the way it looks or something kinda retro about it. I like it. So we've done our first illustration. In the next lesson, we're going to review a quick way to add shadows to make your texts more legible. So I will see you next lesson. 9. Adding Easy Shadows: Welcome back. In the last lesson, we created this celebrate illustration. In this lesson, we're going to review a quick way to add shadows. And adding shadows will make your text more legible. So let's get started. So our text is right here on this layer and it's in white. And the first thing we wanna do is duplicate this layer by swiping to the left and hitting duplicate. And now we have a second version of this text and you can't see it since it's underneath the first one. But what we're gonna do is alpha lock this layer and turn this layer black. So I already have a black selected up here in my palette. So I'm going to alpha lock and then fill layer. And so now we have a black layer below. And again, you can't see that because it's right below our white layer. The next thing I'm gonna do is on the alpha lock this layer, because if I tried to apply a Gaussian blur when it's alpha locked, it won't work. So the next thing we're gonna do is apply a Gaussian blur. So I'm going to Alpha lock it. And then we lose the little checkerboard pattern here once it's not alpha locked. And then I'm gonna go up to Magic Wand, tap Guassian blur. And then we have this new menu up here. And when you move your Apple pencil or your finger across the page, you can make it more or less blurry. I have found that a Guassian blur of about six or seven per cent often works well for me. That is a seven per cent Gaussian blur. And the next thing we're gonna do is tap the shadow away from the highlights. So if you look at this illustration, you can see the highlights on the balloons are right here, which means that the light source would be coming from this way. So we want the shadows to fall opposite the light source. So what we wanna do is make sure we're on our Gaussian Blur layer and we're going to tap on this arrow. And then by tapping like this, we will move it like one pixel away from the light source. So I'm moving it this way and this way. So to the left and down, I usually do like maybe six taps or so. And then that will create the shadow effect. Now that we have our shadow effect, I'm going to change the blend mode of that layer. And blend modes always start at N for normal. And then there's a lot of different things we can do with blend modes. But for our purposes right now, we want a multiply blend mode. I always put my shadows on a multiply blend mode. And that way, the shadows will interact with the existing colors. It's subtle, but it does make a difference. And then I will turn off my shadows and see what the effect is because shadows can look good at a glance, but then you turn it off and it might look a little bit too harsh or a little bit too intense. So I have also found that I liked my shadows at about 55% opacity. So what you do here is you tap on your layer and the opacity starts at max 100%. And then you can scroll this way and try different effects. So this is a 55% opacity. I like that. It's pretty subtle. We can also try, I like my, I like double digits, so I'm always doing like 55%, 44%. That is just purely me being me. But this is a 44% opacity. And I think that looks nice too. We could also be wild and go right in the middle 50%. That looks pretty good. So that is how you can apply a subtle shadow to text to make the text a little bit more legible. And the next lesson we'll be creating a second illustration. I will see you in the next one. 10. Second Masked Illustration: Welcome back. In the next lesson, we're gonna do one more project to just go over masking again. So let's go back to the gallery. I'm going to hit plus. And I am going to create a new canvas that's 12 by 16. And I'm going to redo this spring vibes one. So here is our field of daisies. I'm going to copy it by doing a three-finger drag down, hit copy in this picture as either from Unsplash or Pexels, which is another website I like. Here's our new blank canvas. I do a three-finger drag down and hit paste. And here it is. And it doesn't quite fill the canvas, but that's okay. We can stretch it out. I'm on uniform, I'm just grabbing the edge of this to stretch it out to fill the canvas. So there are our flowers. Here. I have a blue sky. There's lots of BlueSky options on both Unsplash and pixels. And this is actually on two layers. Right now I have a sky and the background. So I can get both the clouds and the sky. If I do a three-finger drag down and hit Copy all it will copy everything that's currently visible on the screen. And I'm going to bring that back to my canvas and I'm going to hit Paste. And it was on a 12 by 16 Canvas before, so it fits perfectly. So the next step is finding a font. And I'm going to turn this one off because it'll be easier to see against this blue background. I'm going to go and choose a color, white. Again. I'm gonna go to wrench, add texts. I'm going to select all, and it turns blue. And then I'm going to tap on AAA in this menu comes up. I'm going to have it justified left, just to make it a little bit easier. And then I'm going to bring the bounding box in. Smaller. We can always make it bigger or smaller as we want. And so I said on the other ones, spring vibes, this will be two words so you can see the difference. Or what we do with two words on this one. So this, we need the bounding box bigger so it's all there. That's good. Start. Tap on it again. Select all AAA. Go down to the bottom. Yesteryear is a free font. It's a little retro. I like it. Maybe not necessarily for this. I think this was 12 up doc I like it. Sacramento. Ruse script was one and that's scrolling, which I do like, I just don't love it for this one. Here's a good example. You can't see here what the font is called. But if you tap on it, you'll see that the font is radical Hollis, radical Alice, and that is not a free font, so I will not use it, but I like it. I like it a lot. Oh, here's lobster again and Lobster Two. This is dancing scripted. I use that last time. I think I did, but what the heck? I'm just going to use it again. I'm liking it. So I'm going to bring the size down so it fits on one line. And then I'll also show you how I would connect the words but for someone to get it sized right. So I'm stretching it out and I'm going to turn snapping off again. So there it looks pretty good. I'm going to tap this little green thing and we'll get the angle up. Let's do seven degrees again. I like that. I think I might want this up a little bit. And then maybe I can stretch my sky out. I'm on the sky layer, I tap that arrow. I'm just going to bring the clouds a little bit up for legibility. I am going to duplicate this again because I know I'm going to want to rasterize this, so I'm going to tuck the font under there and then I'm gonna hit rasterize. And then we're going to start connecting the words and the letters. So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to bring vibes closer to spring. So it's selection, freehand, and I'm going to just draw around vibes. That area is selected and I'm going to bring it closer to spring. I want it far enough to make it look like it's its own word, but close enough that we could connect it. And I also don't want to be changing the size of the word while I'm doing that, I think that looks pretty good. Then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a layer above spring vibes. I'm going to grab my monoline, I'm going to bring it down. This shows you how big the cursor is. I want it to be pretty small, and I'm on the layer above. That way it can easily delete things. And I don't have this stretched out perfectly to the sides. I'm just gonna do this step first. I'm just going to pretend I was I'm writing and I'm just kind of I don't know how easily I can do this. Bring this over. I don't like the way that's looking. Actually, I'm going to choose a different font. Goodbye to this. Let's bring this backup. So let's find it easier font to connect. So select all that was dancing, script. Cry Cynthia, birth stone and birth don't bounce. Those are very nice. Bridgestone, Bridgestone bounce. The bounce is a little bit less legible, but it's more fun. I think that'll be easier to connect. So we are going to switch to birth stone balance, which is a free Google font. So I'm stretching it out here. I like the location of it. I like that it's white. I'm going to add a new layer above it. And first I'm going to duplicate this as I do, tuck it in the background. And then I'm going to rasterize this. So it just turns into pixels on the page. I'm going to grab the Selection ribbon free hand and bring the vibes a little bit closer to spring. I'm gonna do a new layer above there. I have the monoline and white. Again, I'm going to bring the cursor size down. I'm just doing it on another layer to make it easier. That looks good. I'm not a hand letter and you don't need to be either for this. I just think about what the natural flow would be for this. That's good. I think I'll clean it up once the layers are merged together. This, I'll just connect like this. In this zoom out. This isn't connecting over there, but that's fine. I think this looks good enough to connect the two layers. I'm going to pinch them together and then I'm going to do some cleaning up. This is just ever so slightly not connected. I think that looks good. And I'm going to stretch out my layer again by tapping that arrow. And I want it to be just to the edge. To the edge there. It looks good. What I'm gonna do here is I am going to mask the sky instead of the daisies. And then I'll show you how we can pop different flowers in there really easily if we do it like that. So I want to get the clouds the way I want them, maybe bump them up a little bit. I'm on the cloud layer. I think that looks good. In this case, the daisies are going to be below this, but they're turned off now that's fine. Let's get a different background color in here. Because when we erase away the blue, we're just going to have white behind there. So I'm going to fill in this peachy color that we'll be able to see once we start masking. Okay, So now we're masking this layer. So we're hitting mask. This white layer comes up right at two on top, it's attached to that layer. I have a pure black, I have the mono line. There's an easy way to get rid of all of this blue. It's the opposite of Color Fill, Color Fill. So what I'm doing here is I'm just going to bring up this monoline cursor. I'm going to draw a big box, and it's all connected here. So I'm going to fill this. Didn't work. It has a leak here. So the color leaked out. So I'm filling it with black. And that is just a way to do a quick masking of a large area. So we could, if that doesn't make sense to, you can just do it by the other way. But I'm gonna do it like that. I'm just going to draw around here and I'm going to keep filling in with black. I could just cut it out or erase it. But again, this is a non-destructive way of editing. So I'm just doing it in big chunks. So I'm grabbing the monoline again and making a little bigger. And then I'm going up here. Here's something, there's this little space here. So I think I'm just going to connect these two together. And I'm taking this S, grabbed my mono line and I could just connect it like that. I'm going to keep on going. I'm gonna make it a little bit thicker yet, and I'm just tracing around the outside here. Just keep tracing. What it did here was quick shape came into play there. I held down too long so it made it a specific shape that I didn't want. Just keep that in mind. I went over here. So I'm going to grab white, I'm on the mask and that's how I undo the black on the mask with black two finger tap to undo and procreate. I went a little bit over there, but I'll clean up afterwards. So let's zoom in here and see how I did. That looks good. Little spot there. Little spot here. Okay. So it looks pretty clean on the inside here. Now we're going to switch to white, still on the mask to take care of these peach areas that went up into the blue. Alright, I think that looks good. Let's turn on our daisy layer. I like that, I like that a lot. Let's finish this off with a texture by Abby. Let's try a softy paper overlay. These are meant to be used with black on a top layer. Just swoop it on there. And then you change the blend mode to overlay and it makes it a little bit darker. So then we go back to our colors and we adjust them. Here's our sky. We go to Magic Wand, hue, saturation and brightness. I'm going to brighten up the sky, maybe desaturate it a little bit. This as d saturated, this is highly saturated. It's a little desaturated and a little brighter. And if I want to see if that looks better to my eyes, I would put my finger down preview, let's definitely better. So I'm going to apply it. And now I'm on my daisy layer, Magic Wand, Hue, Saturation, Brightness. Want to brighten that up. What I'm gonna do, the saturation, it looks kinda more vintage if it's less saturated. And a lot of times, Let's see if that looks better. Definitely. I like that. There is a really easy way to switch out those bottom flowers since we masked the top. I'm going to show you what I mean. Let's grab these flowers. Three-finger drag down. I'm on the right layer. I'm going to hit Copy. I'm going to go right here. I'm going to tap Plus on the layer above the daisies, I'm going to hit Paste. And this is dark again because of the texture layer. And the texture layer, you might not be able to tell what it does so much from watching this, but believe me, it adds a really nice texture. It's really dark again. So hue saturation and brightness on our new flowers. Turning up the brightness down the saturation a little bit. Preview. Definitely better. So there you go, because the sky is the mask layer. You can switch this into whatever you would like. So there you go, you could keep switching out over and over again. So usually I will mask the layer that I liked the most, that I'm the most certain nerve or the one like a blue sky. You could use that with anything and you can switch out what's below there really easily once it smashed so you can just go back and forth. All right, you guys, we are almost, almost done with this class. Congratulations. And I will see you in the next lesson for a quick wrap up. I'll see you there. 11. Congratulations!: Congratulations, you've completed this class. Thank you so much for joining me. I hope this class has expanded your knowledge about the Procreate app and sparks your creativity. If you'd like more resources for digital art, check out my website, Kelly Brian burke.com also check out my other Skillshare classes. They're all about creative play in the Procreate app. As always, I love to see what you create. So please upload your class project by clicking the class project and resources tab. I know you'll inspire me and others with your illustration. Want to be the first to know about new classes, giveaways and bonus lessons. Follow me on Skillshare by clicking here. Thanks again, and I hope to see you.