1. Course Intro: What's going on, guys? Adam Bargaining here from Gap Year of Travel. And I put this course together because I truly believe that traveling is one of the absolute best things you can do while you're young. Okay, You just gain so much more life experiences, so many memories. One year of traveling, you're probably gonna have Mawr great memories and doom or cool stuff and Seymour things and meet more people. Then you would in 10 years of living a normal life. And that's why I put this course together really to just help spread the word about how awesome this lifestyle of travel is and how easy it is to do once you know how to do it. Okay, I've made a ton of mistakes along the way, traveling right. There's been certain things I've, you know, open different bank accounts that have cost me a lot of money. And there's been instances where I forgot to do certain things ahead of time before I left us. That really set me up to just have a lot more expensive trip, okay? And these are things that I don't want anyone else to have to go through on their trip and , you know, just there's there's a Siris of best practices that you can have well, planning your trip and things you should know going into a trip that, you know, having having never done a backpacking trip like this around the world trip. Um, you're just not going to know I didn't. So in this course I put all the tips, tricks and hacks that I have picked up through three plus years of traveling at this point into this course. Some of the things you can expect to learn in this course are how leaving the U. S. Or another first World country if you have student loan debt can actually be a financially responsible thing to dok toe. Get out of a place where you have really high living expenses. I also have a whole section of the course dedicated to travel and money. Okay, because the concept that travel is really expensive and just the fact that someone doesn't have enough money to do it or the fact that they have student loan debt is the single biggest thing holding a lot of young adults back from travel, okay. And so I'm just gonna break all that down for you in this course will cover travel, budgeting all. Show you what it looks like, how you'd have to manage your finances to actually be able to live in Bali and maybe, sir, full time for a month on $500 a month. Exactly how much you should save before going on a traveling trip. Also cover the costs of living in both Australia and Southeast Asia is a backpacker. I'll also cover different ways that you can work while you're in Australia and Southeast Asia will cover how to avoid TM V's and currency transaction fees while abroad. What credit card you should get on how the whole flying for free using credit cards sign on bonuses worked. I talk about all the ins and outs of the Australia working holiday visa. I'll give you the exact strategy of how I landed a job in Australia. In one day you'll learn my personal strategy for haggling at night markets to get the best price. What cities in Southeast Asia have the best socializing scene for Backpackers, especially your traveling alone? You'll find this useful and so much more guys. Okay, this is a round of four hour course. So there's a lot of content in their around 35 different modules, including motorbike safety and a whole bunch of other things. Okay, what you waiting for? Guys, come join the Gap Year travel. Course, I'll see you on the inside and we'll start planning your Gap year travel today. I'll see you in there.
2. Solo Travel: All right. So what are some of the pros of solo travel? Okay, there's There's a lot of, in my opinion, one of the top benefits of traveling solo is there is just so much less compromise. When you're traveling solo because you get to set the game plan, you get to fit in exactly what you want to do. You're the only person that's in charge of deciding where you go after the next city that after the current city you're in and how you're going to get that, you don't have to stick to any set plan that your travel partner wants to hold to really tightly. And there's just a lot more room to be spontaneous when you are traveling solo because you're the only person that needs to make that decision. You need multiple people to make that decision as to what you do next. I want to stay in the city. You're currently in couple extra days. Do it. Wanna join some people you just met at the bar last night on a a 30 day road trip? Why not, you know? Yeah, more power to you do it. You just you have more flexibility to do these things when you're traveling solo, it's also a lot easier to stick to your desired budget and to spend your money Exactly how you want to spend your money while you're traveling solo. Let's say you have a traveling partner and, ah, you have the goal of maybe spending around $600 a month while traveling around Asia or something, for instance, which is very reasonable. Let's say that's the That's the goal. That's the plan. But, ah, one of you likes to have a really nice place to stay, and the other you is more of a foodie. You know, you like to try higher in cuisines from all over the world and stuff like that, right? Well, it's gonna be a little harder toe fit that in if you all both are always staying in nice places but also spending more money on food and on accommodation. Also, just you have an idea. Probably around 80% of Backpackers that air in Southeast Asia and Australia saying in backpacker hostels are solo travelers. So it's not like you're going to be the only person traveling solo by far. It's actually the other way around, like the majority of people do travel solo
3. Traveling With Friends: And of course, there are also pros of traveling with a friend or with a partner. Definitely a lot better toe. Have a a handful, very strong and more long term friendships than, ah whole bunch of really short term friendships where you only knew people for like a couple days at a time, right? It does get a little exhausting in hostels if you are constantly meeting new people and not retaining any of your old friends right constantly having the oh, what's your name? Where you're from. Where have you been, Where you're going next, How long you've been traveling for, like, intro questions with people, right? That does get a little tiring at times, and sometimes it is really nice toe. Have one or two people that you're traveling with that already do know you a lot better, and you can always have deeper conversations with. Also, the more people that you have in a group, the more ideas of cool things and day trips and stuff like that you can do right. Let's say you're sitting at a breakfast table at a hostel in Bali, for instance. Right, you come up with five things to do well, there's so many things to do in volume, right that someone else is going to come up with some other ideas that maybe you didn't think of right. So there is definitely the ability to learn a lot from other people and learn about doing additional, really cool activities and day trips when you're traveling with someone, having a travel buddy also makes days that you're feeling lazy or maybe anti social or, God forbid, hungover. And it happens. It'll make days like that that much better days where you're not trying toe meat. It's on a new people. And, you know, say hi to all the new faces that are coming into the hostel that day, right toe. Have someone that you already know pretty well that your travel partner, um, it, uh, it makes those days a lot more pleasant.
4. Solo or Friends-Recommendation: So what do I recommend when it comes to making the decision to either travel with someone or to travel solo? As I said before, right. If you don't have someone to travel with, still go traveling like traveling solo is awesome. Honestly, it might even be better than traveling with someone. So, um, don't let the fact that you don't have someone to travel with hold you back from traveling . Also, if you do have someone that wants to travel with you or you want to travel with someone else, honestly, think really long and hard about that. Are you guys going to be compatible traveling with each other? How well do you know this person? Right. You guys have similar habits. Just want to be like toe party and stay up late and the other sleep. And you like to travel a different paces like is one of you trying to, you know, spend 83 4 days in a city before moving on when the other of you is maybe tryingto spend a month in a city before moving on, right. If there's too much of a difference in the way that you guys like to travel that could really be a big problem down the road. Are you guys gonna want to be doing the same day trips as each other? Right is maybe on a on a day with nothing to dio. One of you likes the idea of renting a bike and biking up a mountain when the other likes the idea of sitting at the corner bar and, like drinking and meeting locals, right, Like that's fine. But like, I mean, are you guys cool splitting up when you're doing day trips and stuff like this, or is one of your gonna be constantly be compromising? Play out what you think that situation the scenarios would look like in your head before you decide that you're for sure going to travel with someone? Do you guys have roughly the same budget or is they're really big discrepancy there. That would be hard for you guys to be travel partners. So let's say the person that you're thinking about traveling with, uh, they meet the above criteria right. It looks like you guys could potentially travel together. I still recommend that you guys sit down and have a conversation before you go traveling before you leave, um, about the idea that it would be OK if you guys end up splitting up and traveling solo. I think that's a conversation that should definitely be had, because you just you never know what's gonna happen on the road. Maybe you guys get into a big site, or maybe one of you ends up getting a significant other from another country. And in Australia, you guys decide toe you want to buy a van with your significant other into a road trip, right? And, uh, having 1/3 wheel in the van would be a little awkward, right? Something like that. You never know what's gonna happen. Um, and there's any number of reasons that, um you maybe want to split up with the person that you left home with. So just that you guys are on the same page that it is a possibility that you guys could split up. Not that it'll definitely happen, but just make sure that each person is still okay with the traveling, traveling plan, traveling with each other, knowing that they could end up traveling with a partner to be coming A solo traveler. I think that's extremely important because I've seen it happen before. And it does happen quite a bit at all means to paint a negative picture of traveling with a friend, right? It is great to travel with a friend. It's just that this could potentially be a once in a lifetime trip for you, right? Maybe you love it so much, you end up traveling for the rest your life, right? But for most people, most people do end up travelling for a period of time. It's ah ah, high point in their life, something they can always remember it, an eye opening experience for them for the rest of their life. But most people do still end up eventually going back home, getting a job again on living a normal life, right? So But what I want to get across is that this is potentially a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. And I don't want someone else's experience and what they're trying to get out of their trip abroad, too. Dampen, hinder, limit your trip abroad and make it so that you have to compromise too much while on your trip. And this is one of the reasons I believe that traveling solo truly is a better option for a lot of people. All right, let's say you plan on traveling solo. Well, even if you plan on traveling solo, I still recommend that you travel with other people for extended periods of time throughout your trip. And if you are gonna be traveling solo, what I recommend is that you actually do travel with other people still on your trip. Okay? You're gonna constantly meeting people at hostels and things like that. You're gonna be meeting people on your trip and to travel with other people for extended periods of time. Right? Some of your best memories will be doing a longer trip with someone or developing a relationship with someone that you got to know for better duration of time. Looking back, my own travels. A lot of my best travel memories are because of the people that are in those memories. There's been other times where I have literally met a group of people at a bar, and none of us knew each other beforehand. But we all became friends at a bar, and the next day we're all going to an island together and hanging out with each other for like a week, two weeks on this island. And from that same experience, one of those guys, we were going to Cambodia together. We were each going to Cambodia after that anyway, so we decided, Teoh, go to Cambodia together and we traveled together for think like a good month or even a bit more than that after that. And things like that happen all the time while you're traveling. And so you definitely want to make sure that even if you're traveling solo, you are traveling with other people four periods of time as well, because those will be some of the best memories. It's not really a question of to travel solo or to travel alone. It's really more of a question of how are you going to balance that? It's finding the red combination of traveling alone and traveling with other people
5. Using The Hostel World App: our guys. Welcome to the next video, which is all about using hostile world. Okay. And this is mainly you're gonna use this a lot toe book your accommodation. This is what I recommend using using booking dot com is another option Two books, um, guesthouses as well. But personally, I use hostile world more than anything else most Backpackers do. It's really easy to use. And hostels are a great place to stay while doing this type of traveling. Okay, so you can access it from any computer on the Apostle World website or it is also a mobile app. Okay, so I have the APP already download on my device here, so I'm just gonna open it here. This is what the home screen looks like. And now this is going to be a little case study of exactly what I did when I got to Hanoi. Vietnam, which is where I am right now. And, um yeah, let's take into it. So lutely. When I got to the airport, first thing I did is I put a SIM card in my phone, and then I, uh, open up this app to figure out where I was going to stay from from the airport in Vietnam. Okay, we're gonna pretend that I'm doing that exact same thing today booking for Just do one night. Right now. Guest one Guess that's just me. Sometimes it'll defaulted to think it knows now that it's for me, it's just it's always just one. But just to make sure you ah, check that because, um, you don't want to accidentally be booking for two people. If it's just you traveling, and then you can search search for Vietnam here. All right. And then where to stay? There are Look at all these options, right? Tons and tons of hostels that you can stay in in Hanoi, Vietnam show, uh, the way I like to approach this where I like to start out doing is you see this little filter shortened filter icon in the bottom right of the screen. And click that guy that shows that there are 87 results 87 hostels in Hanoi that have a bed available tonight. Now we're gonna do is we're going to try to narrow it down, right? So I'm gonna check that I want a place with free WiFi because why not? Sure, Yeah. Check a place with free breakfast. Definitely one air conditioning. And Hanoi, It's hot, you know, narrowing down the search. Free Internet? Yep. Swimming pools. Sometimes I'll do that. I don't feel the need for that at the moment. Er didn't when I got the Vietnam and, uh, you know, this 24 hour reception is also really good If you have a, um, a flight that is coming in the middle of the night or something like that. 24 hour reception is really important. But that's Ah, that's what I need for the time being. You know what? I'm also gonna just filter out all the hotels and just get the hostels. All right, so now we have 44 results from second show there. Okay, 44 results. Still still a lot to sort through, right way more than I'd like to sort through. So what? What I have done in the past is I've used this short by but in here, and what I did when I was on my first backpacking trip is I would basically always short by Price and ah, that's you know, it's a pretty good way to do it, especially trying to travel on a really tight budget. If you're trying to make your savings last a very, very long time, a great way to do that is on accommodation. Right. Um, what I I don't tend to not sort by price anymore. And I'll show you what I do instead. So up here, you can see the price range is from $3 a night to $240 a night for accommodation. Kind of crazy. Um, So what? I like to dio I drag. That's not the right thing. That's me. Recording this video of that up here, when I like to do is I'll drag this all the way down Teoh something that's you know what? I'm actually looking to pay, like 3 to 7 and then ah, and few that will be whatever you want. But then I'll swear by rating. Okay, so 3 to $7 a night and then in warder from highest rated toe lowest rating place. Okay. And, uh, so you can see there are still a handful of places that are, uh, rated really well. All that the top ones, they're kind of between Let's see seven and $5 for the most part. $4? Maybe for this one down here, there's still a lot that right. And so let's take a look here. I'll just click on this 1st 1 You know, that pretty good ratings. So this is one next a hostile, um, place, Which Really nice, actually. They have a pool table while. Okay, Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Yeah, it is all looking good. All looking good. Nice dorm rooms, man. That looks just about perfect. But now what we should check here is, um, this one looks like it kind of fits the bill. Right. And this is currently shorted by price and rating, so we need to see what we actually get for that price. I'm gonna click choose room here. All right, So this shows here that for that price, what you're actually getting as you're getting one bed in a 14 bed make storm, that's, you know, I've slept with that many people in a room before, but $7 is kind of a lot to be paying for that, in my opinion, even at a unnatural looking hostile like that. Um, so this is one off. I'll skip over like I'm not gonna pick this one. But another thing you can do if you're may be interested in it. And you're in a place that's low season. Click this plus button, right that you just saw me click. And now you can see. Okay, there are eight beds available in 14 bed dorms at this place. Um, and from the pictures, you might be able to get an idea of if there's just one room that has a 14 bed mixed dorm, maybe there's too. But you can see that there are eight beds now available in a 14 bed mixed dorm. So something that you could ah, using your decision making for picking. Hostile if you want. Teoh. Um, I'm gonna skip over that one. For now. Let's check this out to Daisy Hostel. Okay? Also looks good. Maybe a little on the flowery side, But what can you expect? Another way that I liked a narrow um, the decision making process it down as to where I'm gonna stay. Is this top right corner here? You can see this little map icon, right? I'm gonna click this little map icon and this shows you where the hostiles air located in town and so Okay, good to know, Annoys pretty big. All the hostels are in kind of the one same part of town that it's definitely the part of town to be in then, right? Maybe not picking this one appear the very top. That's, you know, unless there's something very specific in that part of town that I want to be in. But right off the bat, this one down here is really, um, looking appealing to me just really pops out $5 a night. Uh, and it is. It's 8.7. It's been a has a rating of 8.7 out of 10. Okay, so bed gasam hostile. Let's check this one out. Okay. Looks nice. Very boutique e. Looks like they serve beer, but probably not a party hostel. Um, yeah. Looks looks good. Nice. And show private room. So this is what? OK, not overly fancy, but that's that's all you need. You know, that's going to be a private shower. Don't get deceived by the pictures there. That's not for the people staying in dorms. All right? Yeah, that looks pretty good. You know what? And and so this is it. That's exactly what my decision making process was for picking a hostile. And this is the one that I ended up going with when I got to Hanoi. And so I did this and I then had a tough decision to make spend a night in a 12 bad mixed dorm for $4.83 or do the deluxe four bed mixed dorm. And you know what? I actually chose that option this time, but, uh, if I was on my previous trip, there's no question I would have I would have been picking this $4.83 uh, room and shared with 11 people. And you know what? It would have been just fine. But I knew that I was trying to get a really good night's sleep toe, wake up and, uh, and film some stuff for this course. So I ended up picking this deluxe four bed mixed. So you guys have it, that is Ah, that's how you use hostile world dot com, uh, in the mobile app. And that's kind of my strategy for helping to narrow down what hostile you end up picking to stay at
6. Hostel Jobs: so hostels are not only a great place to stay as a backpacker, but you can also work at hostels if you want to. Kind of what I mean by that is that ah, hostile will typically offer maybe just 12 or three. Depending how large a hostile is paying positions to Backpackers that air staying there. Okay. And so these could be really great jobs if you enjoy living in hostels and you could also see, you know, serving the same people that you're reporting with after work, right? If you absolutely fall in love with the hostile experience, one of these jobs could be perfect for you. Okay, um, the one thing with these jobs, though, is they are a bit hard to find. There's a lot of competition for these, and they'll typically go to the person that's stay there with longest that wants it. You kind of. If you're staying in a hostel for, you know, you might have to stay in a hostel for, um 34 weeks, maybe even like a month there to to be the first in line to receive one of these jobs when someone quits. Okay, um, that's at least in my experience with friends that have done this. Okay, um, show that is a great option. And then those air Usually that's a That's a competitive wage at the that location and the type of work you'd be doing. Working one of these paid jobs is typically working behind reception and possibly the bartender job might be paid as well. So some places bartenders are not paid. Sometimes bartenders, you do that just for a free accommodation. It really depends on how large the places, how big the bar is, how many bartenders they need. Um, so I kind of just alluded to the second kind of work that you can. Dio is not working for a wage but actually working for free accommodation. And so what this would look like is, ah, if a hostile, let's say you got a medium size hostile and they may be higher Three Backpackers, um, for paid positions, there's probably going to be five or six people that are, um there's gonna be a lot more turnover for these jobs. And this is working for just free accommodation. Right? So you're not receiving a wage. You're working maybe 3 to 4 hours a day and you're receiving a night's stay for free. Okay, no exchange of money required for you to spend the night in the hostel. And some places do this per day. Some places will be like If you work 15 hours in a week, your week is for free. It's just going to depend on the establishment, and everyone's going to be a little bit different with that. But that's typically going to be cleaning work and maybe making the beds and doing the laundry and sweeping the floors. And, um, maybe working at the bar if the bar is only open for, like, three or four hours a day, something like that. All right, I'll see you guys in the next video.
7. Hostels for Long Term Accomodation: All right. So hostels for long term accommodation does that work out or is a hostile only good if you going to stay in a city or a hostile for a short period of time, Where you're probably gonna run into this is if you are on a working holiday, these in Australia or New Zealand and you want to work in a city, right? Well, do you stay living in a hostel or you may be find an apartment or a share house to live in instead? Well, that's going to depend on a couple things, right? The first is if you're going to be staying in a hostel long term, you want to find one where there's going to be other people that are staying long term. Okay, Um, many hostels. And by this I mean, the majority of hostels have really high turnover rates, like, um, for instance, probably on average. I'm just going to throw this out there from personal experience. I would guess that, um, in Australia from one week to the next, there's probably 60% new faces that air there. Right? People. Most people are there for a short period of time and then leave at most hostels in Asia. Turnaround time's gonna be even shorter because there's so many places to see and and people are trying to hit up a bunch of different countries and cities and stuff like that, I'd say an average stay is only like maybe three days or so at a hostel in Asia. But if you're in Australia and you're working and you're going to be living in the city for 23 months and every single day, you go down to breakfast and there's new people there and you're having the same conversation day in, day out. Um, the Hi, how are you? Where you from? Uh, What's your name? Like all these basic questions every single day, that'll get really tiring really fast. And also also simply, just like making friends and then, like, they leave 23 days later, Okay, that gets extremely tiring when you are one of the only people that staying in a hostel long term. That being said, staying in a hostel long term when there are a lot of other people that are also staying there long term is one of the best experiences ever. Okay, it is absolutely amazing. If you can find a hostel where a lot of people are working and you're also working and then you get to meet these other Backpackers from all of the world and stay there and have this hostile environment where you all get to know each other really well, that is absolutely amazing. That's happened to me a couple times before. And it is It is the best is actually been this one time in Perth at a hostel called Guam Bats. It was like the absolute best travel experience of my life. There were about 45 of us that we're all staying in this backpacker hostel, this 90 bed backpacker hostel for at least two months. Basically. So we became a massive family of like, 45 people. And you know, any time someone wants to go to the beach, you can easily find 20 other people that want to go. Are you know, we always have a group of people that are hanging out in the park across from the hostel with a slack line, set up drinking wine in the park, or like you can always find a workout buddy like it's just one big, massive family, basically at that point. So to recap, most Osos know most offers. You're probably not gonna want to stay long term, but when you can find one where there's lots of other people, they're staying long term, probably going to be an amazing experience, and with that, I'll see in the next video.
8. Working Holiday Visas: all right. Working holiday visas. So really good way for millennials to be able to travel and to make money wall traveling Probably the best way to do it. The easiest way and the way you can make most money working abroad is through working holiday visas. And so, basically, what is working Holiday Visa? You might ask. Right? Working holiday Visa is a visa that allows a young person a residency permit, allowing them to travel and to undertake employment and sometimes study in countries that air issuing that visa to that person. Basically, it's a way that allows young people to live and work and travel around the country. Uh, wolf, finding out jobs and then country haven't deal without having to deal with the hassle off getting work sponsorship beforehand. So the countries that offer a working holiday visa to U. S. Citizens are South Korea, Ireland, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. And now, before you get too excited about any and all of these countries, I want to let you know right now that the top three on this list are probably unfortunately not gonna work for you. They don't work. For most people, there's ah a lot more specific criteria that you have to meet to study in those countries. So the main thing that let limit people from going to South Korea, Ireland's and Singapore is that for all of those countries you must be a either a current university student or have graduated from university within the last year. And then So that's the big one. Um, and then also for South Korea, you have to show proof that you have $10,000 in your bank account because South Korea is an expensive country and they don't want you to run out of money before you find a job. And then you also have to have a return to get back home. Already purchased before that lets you into South Korea. All right, Ireland, Um, here again, there the same university requirement. But here in Ireland, there is no age restrictions. So you could be you could be 40 years of old. You could be 40 years old, graduate, university and actually do this working holiday visa in Ireland. And that is just fine. That is a little neat with that one. Um, so Singapore, you still have that same university requirement but your university must also be among the top 200 overall universities. I believe that's in the US if you're interested in that look a little bit more into that. But so basically, in my opinion, those three working holiday visas, they all suck their useless to most of us. Right, But luckily there two amazing options. Okay. The first amazing option, one that I personally used is the working holiday visa in Australia. The working holiday visit in Australia is the number one option, in my opinion. Four someone that wants to make money wall abroad, right, as a millennial making money, making the most money possible while traveling around the world. Okay. And that part's less to do with Australia has a really good minimum wage. Their their minimum wages 18 something in our Australian dollars, which basically is about $15. But you'll probably make quite a bit more than that. Personally. I mean, my my first job in Australia was bartending, having zero bartending experience, and they started me a $20 an hour, worked for a couple months, and then my next the next bar that hired me. I started at $28 an hour. Okay, so that's $28 an hour. Is round 21 U. S. Dollars an hour? Um and that was, uh and that's that's extremely comfortable. I'll get more into the specifics of you. You know what What you're saving and spending power is wall in Australia, but just so you get an idea, I mean, my hostel, my accommodation costs me at that $0.110 a week. And so basically, and in one fairly short shift, I had my entire weeks of accommodation covered all my food covered. And basically, one day we covered all my living expenses working and, uh, the rest of the week, um, allowed me to save money for, for traveling further around Australia, where I wasn't working and to drive around Southeast Asia for four months immediately after that and still returned home with money. So, um yeah, the Australia working holiday visa is amazing And is the working holiday visa that I will mostly focus on in this course because it's what I personally done. And I know the best, but also where you can make the most money. So it's perfect for people that have you know that still have student loan payments and stuff like that. Because you can actually, in a lot of cases, probably pay them off faster by doing a working holiday. These in Australia, Then you could working a normal job in the states And, uh, and and going that route. So and, uh, yeah, moving on New Zealand. Um, New Zealand also sounds like an amazing option for a working holiday visa. Um, I have personally not done this yet. I'd like to do it at some point in the future, but similar to Australia in a lot of ways, New Zealand sounds like an absolutely amazing country. Very beautiful. The nicest people. One thing to note about New Zealand is the earning power. The minimum wage is quite a bit lower, making it Ah, a little bit harder, Teoh, to do this working holiday visa while still paying off student loan debt. You know, if you have student loans, Andi covering your living expenses, travel expenses and student loan debt back home, New Zealand might be a little bit harder to manage that. That's why Australia is kind of my number one pick. Just because of the earning power. But New Zealand is still an awesome choice as well. For more information on the New Zealand working holiday visa, you can check out that link below the the slide right there.
9. Digital Nomads: are a digital nomads. What is a digital nomad? So basically a digital nomad is someone that can work anywhere in the world on Lee needing their computer and an Internet connection. Okay, so if you can travel around and really, you know, open up your laptop and work work from anywhere that is a digital nomad and digital. No magic people that take that to the extreme right there, constantly traveling around the world, oftentimes working out of co working spaces, which is essentially an office space that is designed for digital nomads, to meet other digital nomads and for people to come together basically, anyone that doesn't have a traditional office space to come and work out of a coworking space to kind of add some structure to the mix of GATT. Digital nomads will also oftentimes work from cafes in their apartment buildings or hotel rooms or restaurants where you can find WiFi really wherever, all right, so how to become a digital nomad? Well, if you're currently doing a kind of work and work for a company where you could do all your work remotely, the easiest ways to negotiate the remote work agreement with your employer. If that's not an option, you can always find freelance work on up work. A lot of a lot of digital nomads are freelancers, and then also a lot of digital nomads are building their own online businesses as they travel. So as a digital nomad, you can work anywhere in the world, right? But it's still really nice toe have that sense of community and which really cool is there's actually kind of digital nomad hubs like Chiang Mai is the current city that is really kind of the capital, if you will, of digital nomads. Okay, there are tons of digital nomads, uh, living in Chiang Mai at any given time other than burning season. Then there's a mass exodus of the expats that digital nomads and xiang my toe. Other places. But city, like Chiang Mai, has tons of co working spaces and meet ups where you can meet other digital nomads in your industry and in your line of work. Bali Indonesia is another hotbed of digital nomads as well. The city is like poetry men and Bangkok, many Asian. Colombia is another. If you are looking for more, resource is related to becoming a digital. No matter what it's like to be a digital nomad, I would recommend checking out Chris the Freelancers YouTube channel. Okay, he's a digital nomad. He reviews Coworking spaces in cities, and you get a really good sense of off what the lifestyle is like through his YouTube channel. A coworker dot com is how you confined Coworking Spaces. The Bible for digital nomads is really bad. Tim Ferris's book The Four Hour Work Week Okay, I definitely recommend you read that book. If you are interested in living this lifestyle, there's a lot of good podcast in the space. Okay, I highly recommend listening in a tropical MBA podcast. If you are interested in starting a bootstrapped business, working from your laptop somewhere in Asia, some tropical place right thes guys have a ton of information about building businesses online and for very, very small if any startup capital start up costs. Building Web based businesses essentially another great podcasts travel like a boss podcast , but Johnny F. D. Very similar tropical N B A. But kind of interviews more people that are at the beginning end of the spectrum of being online entrepreneurs. Smart, passive income podcast is another as well as the blogger at smart passive income dot com. Great resource, I recommend. Checking out is actually how to build in each site, and I see a G site. If you type that into Google, an article on Smart Passive Income should pop up by Pat Flynn, where he describes step by step exactly how he built an affiliate website years ago. That's still consistently making him over $1000 a month. And this is This is one of many small streams of income that he has, and I think he's currently making, like, over $150,000 every single month. OK, but a lot of that is through affiliate businesses, which is a great type of business that you can do online with very little start up costs, if any, is basically just building a website. All right, that wraps up the section on digital nomads and I will see you in the next video
10. Top Backpacking Jobs In Australia: all right, This really is going to be all about the top jobs in Australia as a backpacker. Okay. And are you ready for it? They are bars, restaurants, miscellaneous small shops, cafes, construction and hotels. All right to the 1st 1 bars. Okay, there are tons of bars in Australia, and they love hiring English speaking bartenders, right? They hire Backpackers for that speak all different languages, right? But they definitely prefer the higher, um, Backpackers that speak English as their first language. It just makes everything a lot easier for him and, you know, think about it from their perspective. It's kind of nice to go to a bar and have someone that has a different accent, right? It's It's kind of fun. It's kind of cool. So they hire a lot of Backpackers for bar jobs, but not only bar tenders. There's bar backs. There's tons of different, um, positions there. I've even heard of Backpackers getting hired as a bar manager when they you know, we're able to really convince their employer that they were going to stay in a city for six months. Uh, the maximum time that you can work one job on the working holiday visa. It's a to be a bartender in Australia. You need to get in our essay a responsible servers of alcohol certificate. OK, this is really easy to dio. I'll have links to courses below this video. Um, it's just a quick online course that you take it. I can't remember exactly how long it takes. I think it's like maybe 6 to 10 hours, maybe four hours of light going through videos and tutorials. And then you take a test and you have to pass this test. Um, but it's fairly easy to do, and then you get a certificate. You print that off you just you afford the email on to, um, you know, your bar manager when you get the position and then they have to have proof of your r s A. To show that you are a responsible servers of server of alcohol. Um, in case there, business was ever to be audited by, you know, government agency that monitors that sort of and keep in mind, this our essay should only cost you around $20. Yes, it does kind of suck that you have to pay for it, but I'm telling you this because there are a lot of websites and marketers out there that when you start googling things related to an RS, say they'll try to sell you a bartender course. Okay? And you do not need to take a bartender course in person. We're online. All you need is your r s, a course which is sponsored by the Australian government. Okay, It's not 1/3 party company or anything that's doing this, OK, But there are when you start Googling that a lot of ads will come up in Google trying to send you, sell you a full blown bartender course, it's gonna be, like $800 you don't need to do that, okay? All you need is your r s a certificate. Just so you're aware of that. One other thing with this RS say is it is specific to the state that you're in. Okay, so if you're working in Queensland, you're gonna need to make sure that your R s a is the Queensland R. S A. I think there's like a couple that maybe work in a couple different territories, but there's no one rs a class that you can take that's gonna work in all of them. To my, uh, to my knowledge. Okay, um but I'll put some or links to to those Resource is below this video. Personally, this is what I did most the time in Australia. I had two different bartending jobs and but spent by far most meantime, bartending. It was a tone, a phone. You're working with Backpackers and Australians your age and older, and it's just it's a thana fun. I I absolutely recommend it. And personally, I had zero bartending experience before I got to Australia. Okay, so it's definitely doable to get a bartending job without any experience back home. Just you'll have toe get to sell them on yourself a little bit. Okay? What worked for me personally was like, How do you have any bartending experience? I might Well, I don't have any experience working on that side of the bar, but I got plenty of experience on this side of the bar, so I think I'll be able to figure out that side just fine. And that works for me. Got a laugh out of it. They let me do a trial shift and, uh, yeah, I'd recommend doing a similar thing if you don't have any bartending experience. Next is restaurant jobs thons or restaurants in Australia's just like everywhere in the world, right? And they will have hiring Backpackers for all of the positions. Right? Backpackers work in the kitchen. They're serving tables there, washing dishes like you could do any of those jobs as, ah, as a backpacker up. All right. Next there's your miscellaneous small shops. This is maybe, like a bike repair company or a bike rental company or hot dog stand that sits out of a bar or things like that. Okay, like smaller entities. I almost got into Ah ah, ah! Petty cab like a You know, like one of those bicycle taxi things for a while, right? I I almost did that. It seemed like a cool gig. I decided to leave the city. It would have been fun, though, and little like small companies like that. Okay, with large companies in Australia, the the all these the Woolworth's that Cole's the you know. Those are the two biggest grocery stores, three biggest in Australia. They typically have. The big companies have policies in place against hiring Backpackers where the smaller companies, you know, they need to hire someone. They need to hire someone now and fast. And they are typically, uh, more likely to hire a backpack for the their positions. All right, cafes. There are cafes everywhere in Australia. There's tons of Australians love their coffee, and they have amazing coffee. Um, that being said, you are probably not gonna be able to get a job at a cafe if you have not been a barista before, Okay? They're very particular about the coffee, and they don't want to spend the time training a backpacker. OK, so if you have been a breeze to back home, you can probably get a job in Australia pretty easily, uh, as a barista there. But just so you know, if you have no experience making coffees, they're probably not going to hire you. You can try, but it's gonna be You have to apply to a lot of places that are hiring before you find one that will. We'll take the gamble on you and bring you on That being said, if you've more attended before and you made coffees as a bartender, as a waiter, waitress, even if you've not worked at a cafe specifically. If you have some experience making coffees, you know, with a big machine and all that as a barista type priest, a style, um, you should build to find one of those jobs pretty quick are at the next is construction work. There are tons of construction jobs available in Australia, and these jobs were really high paying. Um, I never did this, I personally, if I If I could have had a second year working holiday visa, if I would have stayed for a second year, I would have probably tried to find some jobs in the construction industry Talking to people. It sounds like most people are making between, like, 30 and $45 an hour, which is really good money. That's double. What I was making is a bartender, which is still than significantly higher than the minimum wage. So these construction jobs are very lucrative. That being said, you do have to watch out with this a little bit. Okay? There are a lot of, um, employers that will try to hire you illegally. Okay. And if you're caught working illegally for cash in hand at the end of the day at the end of the week. Um, if you're caught, if your employer's caught like you will get kicked out of the country. And the sad thing is, a lot of employers do want to hire that way. I recommend don't doing that. Find an employer that's gonna hire you legit, where everything's done properly. And, uh, yeah, that's That's obviously what I recommend to Dio. You are also going to need to get a white card. I believe it's called in Australia to be in construction. Okay, this is like a safety requirement type of thing, and it's a test that you take online, similar to your R S. A. If you were going to be a bartender, but just it's specific to the construction industry. And then there are hotels, a lot of hotels in Australia, and they all need door dinners, greeters, bartenders, people working at the bar, people working in the restaurants, room cleaners, bellhops, hotels higher for a wide range of positions. And there's lots of hotels, so there are lots of jobs for bartender or four sorry Backpackers to be had in hotels. Another good go to is like event and hospitality companies. Okay, Um, for event, there's like biggest example of that is there are so many companies all across Australia hiring people for bar crawls and hiring Backpackers to run bar crawls. I know this one guy that was a big part here. And it was his absolute dream job. He was, you know, he'd live in the hostel, and he would all Well, whenever you woke up for the day, I don't know, like, one o'clock in the afternoon, two in the afternoon would hit the streets and start talking to people and would be promoting that nights pub crawl. And then he would get to go on this pub, crawl, drink for free and get paid and have a good time and was doing that. And he was making really good money, plus partying for free. And that was his absolute ideal job. Used my roommate for a period of time in the hospital, and he woke up late all the time. But you get a good time also, then hospitality is massive in Australia. Right? Um, I have a lot of friends who were scuba certified and would work on scoop of oats as like instructors as Backpackers. Okay, that's a great thing to do. Um, and the other thing is a lot of these tour companies, even if you're not going to be the tour guide, a lot of foreigners come to Australia expecting, uh, you know, an Australian tour guide with an Australian accent to be giving a guide. Right? These companies still need lots of other employer employees for different tasks. So, um, one of those roles by, you know, just cold calling a bunch of, um, hospitality companies would be a great way to find a job. All right, that is it for the top jobs in Australia. I will see you guys in the next video.
11. Money In Australia: All right, guys, welcome to the money section of this course, one of the more important sections of this course. Because money or the concept that traveling is just extremely expensive and out of reach of most people's current budgets is a myth. But is also the number one limiting belief in number one limiting thing that prevents people from travels. I'm here to break this down for you in this module and ah, and walk you through exactly how traveling can make a lot of sense and what the money situation actually looks like. And how in ah! Ah, lot of situations you can probably travel and come out financially ahead as to where you probably at if you have a university degree and are working a job with your university degree while paying living expenses back home and all of that. Okay, so that's what that's what I'm gonna break down in this video, this one specific to Australia. Okay, And then we'll get into Ah, Asia in just a second here. All right, First thing we're gonna break down is your accommodation. So while you are traveling, you're probably going to be at least gonna travel that I'm talking about in the in this course threat, you're gonna be staying in hostels. Probably most of the time, if you are the traditional backpacker style traveler. Okay. And so how much is that gonna cost? Well, let's see here. So, um, broke this down City by city. So in cans, the cheapest hostile is $11 a night, The averages 17. And that cheapest one here is this, uh, this Gilligan's I've stayed there before. It's a big hostel. It's a party hostel. It's a ton of fun. It's got this big, beautiful pool here. This is $11.12. Has a 120.7 rating. You can't ask for anything more than that. There's a big kitchen. There's Well, there's a big lounge area on every floor and then a massive bar, and it's ah, it's a party every night. It's a ton of fun. Um, so, yeah, that's that's what you get for the cheapest hostile that is in cans. Okay? Yes. There we go, Melvin. Okay, the cheapest we're gonna we're gonna skip over the absolute cheapest here because it has a 5.4 rating. OK, but the second cheapest is $13.34 a rating of 7.4. The the average hostel in Melbourne is $18 a night. All right, we'll move a little faster through here. You get the idea of what I'm trying to show you, right? So in Perth, cheapest hostile is $8.16 a night. The average is 15 Sydney. A little bit more than that. Um but so if you if you break this down, if you're gonna be traveling around Australia for one month, let's do one month expenses. Okay? You're always chasing in the cheapest hostile. I took the average of all of those cities and the average worked out to us dollars is $314 a month. Okay, if you're staying in the average hostel 525. But if you're halfway between the cheapest and and the average, you're only paying 400 U. S. A month for accommodation. And again, that's paying day at day by day. Okay, lots of hostels will give you a discount if you are spending like an entire week. If you book an entire week in a hostel, um, you will frequently get a discount for that I've done that many times and that discounts not even even worked into this pricing here. All right, so the next big expense in Australia is your food. Okay? The cheapest way of eating you could get by living on $200 a month of your doing your own grocery shopping for every single meal. Okay, that's probably not gonna happen, though, right? You that that's not most Backpackers. Um, I I thought I was going to be eating like that most the time, to be honest, when I was backpacking and there were there were times of my travels where especially not really where I was doing that. And I was eating out for the majority of my meals. But every once in a while, you know you'll you'll be in a city year with a group of friends. Like to eat out a lot. And you do end up, uh, spending a bit more, uh, money at restaurants and eating out at restaurants and bars and stuff like that a little bit more often. So let's say realistically, your average food bill is going to be $300 a month. That's very realistic. Probably what it will end up being on. And obviously you could end up spending a lot more than that. If you're eating out a lot more right, or if you're always buying organic produce at the grocery store instead of eating, or instead of purchasing your your produce from like the farmer's market, right or whatever right with any of these, like there's a lot of room to go higher. And at the very end I'll talk about some of the ways you can end up going lower than this is. Well, partying in Australia is it could easily be one of the more expensive things you dok. And the reason for that is a beer at many bars. An average bearded bar is gonna be $9. Okay, A beer at a hostel bar at a backpacker bar is typically probably gonna be around $5 but you can also weigh a lot of Backpackers. Drink and party is your pregame heavily on goon and so four liter box wine of goon is $10.7 dollars and 40 cents US a present conversion rate, so you're effectively paying 30 while in Australian dollars, 25 cents a drink. So if you pregame on goon and don't drink at the bar by one beer at a bar, all of a sudden you're you're partying. Expenses is negligible at that point. OK, so that is Ah, a great way to party. Obviously, you could end up spending a ton of money at a boy you could blow through 150 us. Uh, you know, in one night at a bar if you're buying all of your, um, your drinks at the bar and not pre Grammy on goon. Right? So partying is completely up to you. There's a lot of room to, ah to exceed this one. But you could realistically, um, you know, budget $150 or less. If you don't part of year more, it's really up to you. And then the next type of expense you'll have is like the touristy type expenses, right? Doing fun activities and doing some of the touristy stuff. Right? So a great example of that in Australia is gonna be scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef. Right? And maybe you're certified If you're not certified, most people I'm guessing are probably not gonna be certified when they get to Australia. What I did, I did this one here doing to intro dives in the Great Barrier Reef. You don't have to get certified to be able to do this, they to teach you the basics and then you can do two dives for that's $340. It's 250 us another day trip I recommend you do in Australia's Uncle Brian's Rain Forest tour. While you're in cans, that's 1 19 Australian, and again at the time of recording this, that's 87 us. This is one of the more fun day trips have ever done. Another great one to do while you're in Australia is to learn how to surf. OK, so you could do a one day lesson for 69 Australian or you can do Ah, while you're at it, you can do Ah, multiple day ones as well are 345 days surf lessons, uh, surfing twice a day. I did, uh, this three day one 1 75 Australian is currently 1 28 us and yeah, gotta got a lot better surfing doing that. And that's Ah, that's a really good one to do as well. All right. Next is your transportation expense. So a really common thing, a lot people who will do this is traveling up the East coaster down that use coast. Most Australian cities around the East Coast, right? Just kind of Perth is the big exception on the West Coast. But what a lot of people will do is they'll buy this Greyhound bus pass. It's like a hop on hop off bash where in 90 days you can make as many years, few stops as you want and work your way south or work your way north from cans to Melvin. Okay? And that is currently coming out at 405 us. Given the idea that you also fly around, okay, a lot of people will buy cars and camp where Camper van, which I'll get into in a little bit, is another really good way to travel East Coast. But flights you can also dio you can travel around by flights, right? So Kansas, Sidney is 110 US and Sydney to Perth. This 70. So the flights, the domestic flights in Australia are really not that expensive. So this is what the typical Backpackers. Expenses will look like Okay. And obviously, there's a lot of room to spend more than this lot of room to spend less than this, which will get Teoh a little bit later here. But yeah, this is how much an average backpacker spends about. Okay, $400 month on accommodation, 300 on food. Bet on partying, touristy things, transportation and then other. You know, your phone plan, some other things. Um, and, yes, you're looking at about 1000 $200 a month to live an average backpacker life in Australia, which is an awesome life. Okay. And that's probably probably less than you're spending in the U. S. I would guess toe live this backpacker lifestyle. Okay, And now for the for the next lie here, we're going to be Everything is going to be in Australian dollars as we talk about working in Australia. Okay, so that that translates into currently at the time of making this video $1638 that's going to be your monthly living expenses. Okay, so how much do you have to work to cover that? So working in Australia minimum wages around $18. 18. 60 I think in most territories right now. Okay. But most jobs will pay you $20 an hour or more. So let's just use the $20 an hour example. Okay, let's say you're only working 20 hours a week. Um, you're almost breaking even after paying taxes. And, uh, yeah, you're almost breaking even working 20 hours a week. Um, 30 hours a week. You're starting to make money 40 hours a week. You're You know, you have 1000 8 $1080 left over. Probably if you're living that that average backpacker existence off of the 1006 $138 a month and expenses. Okay, Big big thing. I want to point out here. Okay. Is this is after 15% is taken out of your paycheck, Um, for taxes. But what I want you to do, and I'm not gonna dive mawr into this in any of my videos because I am not a financial advisor tax accountant. But you should look into if you're gonna be working in Australia or in Southeast Asia. Look into the foreign earned income exclusion. Start Googling around on that and, uh, do yourself a service yourself. Look into that. I'm not gonna explain in any detail because I don't want to get in trouble for giving incorrect advice. Right? And tax policies and things like that can always change, right? So I'm not gonna dive into it. But look into that. If you're gonna be working outside of the country, you'll be very glad you did. Now, I know you're probably thinking you're probably Adam, but I can't do this. I have student loan debt. Right. Okay. Well, let's look at the numbers. Even after paying $500 a month to your student loans. Okay. These air, This is what those numbers are. So this is this column all the way on the right. Your net. That's after your taxes. That's after $500 us in student loan payments. Okay, um, you You're in the green, you know, working 40 hours a week, making $20 an hour. Remember, there's still a lot of room, a lot of jobs you can make. You can get making more than that. Okay, so you're in the green, working 30 hours a week at $25 an hour and you. If you have any hostess experience or waitress experience or bartender experience in a larger city, you'll be able to start probably at, like, $25. Now, where or ah, you know, for me personally. Like I was making $20 an hour and my first bartending job, But I had never bar attended before. This is an Australian cans. And then I got the Perth I was making 28. Now are, um my 2nd 1 after just ah, you know, bit of experience in my first place. Okay, so that's realistic, Utkan. You can definitely make that. It might take a little heart a little bit longer to find a place that will pay you $25 an hour. But hey, you. I'm guessing you can't, you know, with your college degree with your post grad job, work 30 hours a week, have your living expenses and, uh, and pay off your student loans every month and still be in the green. Okay. Working only 30 hours a week backpacking around Australia. You can Okay, you're probably not gonna be able to move around. Quite is rapidly right. You find a good job. You hold with it. You stick. You know, you kind of stay in one area, but it's still a great, uh, great option for you to be able to get out of the U S. And to travel into and to live in a cool place like Australia. Um, read out of college, right When you still have student loan debt, it's still possible. You can totally do this. OK? And you know, if you find a job where you're making $25 an hour working 40 hours a week, you're probably uhm I'm guessing that that $1000 a month is mawr. Then you would be able to save in the US for most people with most jobs that that have out of college as a millennial. So just something I want to make you guys aware of and something cool to keep it in the back your head. Another thing is you do not have to stay living in hostels. Okay? You convey drastically cut your living expenses by not paying rent or paying very getting out of the hostels, doing doing things a little bit different. One option is buying a camper van, and this might sound crazy, but a lot of people do this in Australia, right? Traveling up and down the East Coast is a big thing. A lot of people will do it in camper vans. So in cans and Mel been there are lots and lots of camper vans for sale. And you can buy one for just a couple $1000. And then that is your home while you're in Australia. And you're not, um, you know, paying for hostels every night and you can save a taunt of money that way. Okay. Very realistic. Very easy to do. Thons. And tons of people do it. You'll find tons of these things for sale. Uh, and another option is getting out of the hostels. I lived in a share house for a period of time. Okay, We'll go on Craigslist together. Side gum tree, which is the Australian version of Craigslist to find this. And I was living in a share house Those 37 U. S. Dollars a week. Okay, sure. Maybe I didn't have four walls, right? I was kind of outside, but it was It was a really cool place to live. I will live there for a couple weeks, but I saved a ton of money those couple weeks, and it was It was a really cool experience, actually, uh, living outside like that and yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed that. So there's there's tons of ways you can spend a lot less than that if you want to, and if you have your mind set on it.
12. Food in Australia: all right. So food while in Australia just like everything else in Australia, food could be on the expensive side, especially if you are eating at restaurants and things like that. Okay. Where? Any food that is not being bought from a grocery store by yourself and prepared by yourself . Okay, So what I recommend you do for food most the time, at least while living in Australia is going to the grocery store, Um, buying food yourself that way. You also get the benefit of being able to cook and eat whatever way that you want to eat and then preparing it in your hostel kitchen or your share, house, apartment, kitchen, whatever you do for accommodation. So if you're gonna be living in hostels, But I recommend you do before you book a hostile and Australia is generally pretty good with this. Okay, most hostels have kitchens and refrigerators, but what I still recommend you dio is before you book your hostel. Go on. Hostile World looked through the pictures and there should be pictures of the kitchen in hostile world. If there's not, that's a that's a red flag, because that's usually something a hostile should want to brag about their They're adequate kitchen space and utensils and cooking equipment. Okay, Another really important thing to look for when you're picking a hostile when it comes to food is refrigerator space. When you're looking at these pictures of the hostels and their kitchens, make sure you pay especially close attention to the amount of refrigerator space that is available. Okay, if they're in the picture, is not a big row of commercial refrigerators that have a bunch of bags in them, one for each person. This is a big red flag, Okay, because this is how you stay. Eating healthy while traveling and living in hostels is by buying fruits and vegetables. Dairy products. What have you and placing them in these refrigerators in the hostels? Okay, some hostels, very few in Australia. But some will just have the equivalent of, let's say, 23 residential refrigerators for all of the guests, right? Not even enough for every guys to be able to put one carton of milk in there. What you want to look for, and what all good hostels will have is a row of commercial refrigerators where everyone that staying there, you can generally purchase from your hostel's front desk or from the grocery store to go refrigerator bag. Okay, a refrigerator bag where you can put all your stuff in there, keep you. Put a little name tag on there. And that's how you keep your food separate from everyone else is, and you guarantee that you have that amount of space to fill your bag of, um, of food that needs to be refrigerated while you're staying at your hostel. If you find yourself at ah shittier hostile the pardon my French, but that doesn't have ah, very good kitchen or doesn't have refrigerator space. Unfortunately, you're probably going to be stuck with eating things like pasta and just sandwiches and just some stuff that doesn't have to be refrigerated while you're at that hostel. And I would definitely recommend that you do not stay in a hostel without adequate kitchen space and especially refrigerators for a long duration of time, because you definitely don't want to be able to eat healthier foods and have stuff that you want to keep refrigerated. Okay, if you're doing a day trip, let's say maybe your urine prayer thing you're doing ah, a day trip toe wine country and staying in a hostel somewhere near a bunch of wine fields or something like that, right? Ah, bunch of great fields. I, uh, hostile. Like that toe have adequate kitchen might not be as important. Right. But if this is the hostile that you were going to be living in while you are working in this city or while you're staying somewhere for a long period of time, definitely make sure that the kitchen is going to be adequate for your you and your needs. All right? You want to be doing a lot of day trips while you're in Australia? May be going to the beach. You're going Teoh Zoo. What have you doing? Any number of cool things, Okay. And it is always going to be easier to eat at a restaurant while you're doing that. Okay, but that adds up really quickly. If you're always eating at a restaurant, um, that is gonna be very expensive for you. Okay? And the good thing about this is most travel. Is that air in Australia? Our budget travelers, like I met a lot of people that were even more frugal than myself. And I consider myself of my friends consider me a very frugal person. I hardly ever eat at a restaurant in the US, maybe 34 times a year at most, right. And I've sometimes felt like a big spender in Australia. So don't worry if your are a big spender, maybe even in the U. S. You will be surrounded by a lot of people that are frugal and and and live a pretty frugal lifestyle. And I can help you live more frugally as well, right? So if you're doing a day trip, let's say to the beach, for instance, with a bunch of friends, maybe just before you do that, go to the grocery store, buy a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter jar jelly. And hey, that's gonna say that you know you'll be set for making probably 24 sandwiches or something like that. Um, if you get to love so bread Okay, um, doing something like that, especially, you know, when you have 456 20 people going in on this is extremely inexpensive. It's extremely cheap. Other great thing you can do for day trips in Australia specifically is take advantage of the barbecues, barbecue pits that are in parts. Okay, a lot of parts will have electric barbecue pits so you can go there. Just click a button. It heats up, and you can really cheap at a grocery store by these packs of I can't remember it. It's 22 or 24 sausage lengths for $7. I hope with it when you're there, they still have this deal going on. Okay, but extremely cheap. So you could buy that, Um, a little bit of catch up. A loaf of bread and 20 to 24 people are set for lunch for under $10. Amazing way to travel and amazing way that you can stay eating food cheap while doing day trips.
13. Top Backpacker Destinations: Alright, guys. So top destinations in Southeast Asia. Four Backpackers. Okay, I want Teoh. I want to start off just pure real quick by saying that I almost did not include this section in the course. Okay? And the reason I did not include it almost is because I truly believe that travel is best when there's a lot of spontaneous spontaneity involved. Okay. And I, um I think the travelers that plan everything out to a t saying all I have three days in Bangkok, and then I'm going to change by whatever. Like if you have everything planned out in a really rigid fashion too much in advance. Um, you're not gonna have is good of a travel experience, in my opinion. Okay. So that's why I almost did not put this, uh, this section in the course because one thing that's worked out great for me is when I I hardly ever know where I'm gonna be after the current place that I'm at Joe. I will, like, if I'm when I'm backpacking and I'm in Bangkok and I'm talking to people at my hostel and like, I'm curing about Cem some, you know, just talking to them about what they have been doing and where they've been and where they like to. G. O. Um, that's how I discover you know, the cool parts of city to go to. That's how I discover cool things or check out in a city. That's how I learned about new cities and where I'll end up going next potentially, um, all through word of mouth and talking to people that way. And that has worked out really good for me. I have learned I've been Teoh many places that I I would not have otherwise been to that are kind of off the main backpacker destinations. Okay, but at the same time, And the reason I did decide to include this section is that you know, every once in a while you really want to be in a place where there are a lot of other Backpackers, right and often times. Sometimes there's, you know, a good reason that there are a lot of Backpackers there. And, uh, yeah, so I decided that I would include this section, but at the same time, I want toe let you guys know I don't want you to follow this to a T right. This is not a travel guide. I do this for three days, then this for five days and then go to here. And you know, not at all. I completely encourage you and you'll have way better time if you get off the beaten path as much as possible and check out tiny little cities in the middle of nowhere. Like those will be some of the best memories. But the same time, Um, it is important to know where the main backpacker hubs are, and that's what we're going to talk about in this video. So without any further ado, let's dive right into it. All right. Number one backpacker country in Southeast Asia is going to be Thailand. Okay? And Thailand, when you're traveling Thailand, when you're thinking about it, you can kind of separated into. There's Bangkok, their southern Thailand, and there's northern Thailand. Okay, so Bangkok is one of the main international hubs at the airport, Um, kind of Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore. But then people typically don't spend a lot of time in Singapore cause it's really expensive. And, uh, Saigon, I guess, and that's that's pretty much it say. Bali. Those in the main international hubs. Okay. And, uh, yeah. So Bangkok. Big, crazy city tons to do their lots of Backpackers there, um then Southern Thailand's southern Thailand is the picture asking beautiful Thailand where there are tons of islands in southern Thailand and some of the the main ones that have the biggest Backpackers scenes are Costa movie Copan Yang Copan Yang is famous for the full moon party Cho Chang cho pp Probably the co PP I think is probably the most the biggest backpacker destination in southern Thailand. And then Koh Tao and Koh Tao is ah, known for being one of the cheapest places to get certified to be well, teacher diving certificate, your patty dive certificate, whatever that's called one of the cheapest places, if not the cheapest in the world to do that. Um, yeah. Alright then Northern Thailand. Okay. Northern Thailand. You get chang my way up in the north. You can get there from a bus or a train from Bangkok. It takes a while to get there. It's ah, think the train is about 16 days or show? Um, the train. You can get a first class sleeper train. Uh, which pretty comfortable has air conditioning and you'll have your own bed, uh, power outlet on your bed. And I think it I think it's like 16 hours. But the first time I did that, it was It was delayed, like, six hours. So it, uh, Thailand trains are not known for being punctual. I'll just say that, um, all right. And then there are tons of Backpackers in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai is really kind of a haven for Backpackers, even lesser show. But like lots of digital nomads, Chiang Mai's kind of the mecca for digital nomads at the moment. People building online businesses and working remotely because Chaim eyes very livable city very, very easy to live there, everything super convenient. It's a nice city. There's no beaches, right or anything like that. But there are some mountains in the area, specifically one you can get two right from the city. If you're recycling, it's like just down the main road of Chiang Mai, and you can be on an incline, uh, you know, on a pedal bike within probably 10 minutes of old town. So that's kind of cool. Um, yeah. Lots of tons of expats, digital nomads, Backpackers in Chiang Mai to real hot spot for that. All right, and then you got pie, which is a bit further north of Chiang Mai. Pie is league. I think I read this somewhere once, and I really like this description. It's like a a cheer little beach town. But there's no beach and it's in the mountains instead. And that pretty accurately describes pie. In my opinion, it's a couple our scooter ride from Chiang Mai. Um, and it's just kind of Ah, chill kind of crafty ish place, like bamboo structures and things like that Everywhere. Um, I really like pie a lot. Um, I usually stay in pie, actually only stayed at the famous by circus school hostel one. My favorite hostels I've ever been to. They there you can stay in a bamboo bungalow. Thats like on a mountain edge, looking over this like Crazy Valley and over the city. It's also a circus school hostel, right? So they have, like juggling slack lining hooping. It's a really gonna hippie vibe hostile. There's a pool that goes right to the edge of the mountain and you like and look down that then similar to the bamboo bungalows and yeah, it's really cool city. Definitely recommend pie If you have never driven a bike before. Never driven a motor bike before. Uh, Chiang Mai downtown area would still be pretty hectic for you, but would a really common thing that a lot of people will do is they will take a motorbike from Chang. Might a pie. Okay. And this is not the ideal first place toe. Learn how to drive a motorbike, learn how to drive a moped head. Um, because it is a mountain pass is really twisting. Attorney, there are, You know, when you get to the hostels and pie, you do see a lot of people that, um, have bandages on and stuff from small motorbike accidents. They dropped it, You know, you standing still sometimes or whatever. And just like you see that in pie. That's why I want to let you know that I kind of hazard to recommend that ride as, like, the first place to learn how, but, uh, you are There are there is not much traffic on those roads. Okay, so if you're not an idiot, if you take it easy, um don't feel peer pressure from like a group of people that you're riding with. Teoh go fast or anything like that. It can be a good place to learn how to ride a scooter for the first time on your way from Chiang Mai to pie and then for and then, you know, back from pie to Chiang Mai. All right. Next country were moving on to Indonesia, specifically the island of Bali. Okay, Indonesia's a massive country. They have the fourth largest population in the world, made up of tons of little islands, of which Bali is one. Okay, and Bali is. I'm sure you've heard a volley like the most touristy island of Indonesia. And, uh, yeah, show in Bali. There are a handful of different different places to be okay. The 1st 1 where there's lots of Backpackers is Kuta. And this is kind of mainly there because it's right by the airport. There's lots of cheap hostels in that area. A good place to spend, maybe like then, you know, a night there when you first arrived to Bali and when you're leaving because it's so close to the airport. But also the biggest nightlife scene is in Kuta specifically at this one bar. So Scott Garden is this infamous club in Bali, and it's ah, toe enter. You pay 100,000 rupiah, which is like seven U S. Dollars, and you have an unlimited buffet of, like, really, really good food from five PM till nine. PM So you have this unlimited buffet of good burgers and salads and stuff really like Western food. Good stuff. Um, and you also get as much as you can drink. You can keep going up to the bar and being like two beers, please. Two beers, please. To be like, What? Yeah, it's crazy. So it's as much as you can eat as much as you can drink from five until nine. And then after nine o'clock, the prices go up and it turns into this massive nightclub. That's a party every single day of the week. It's a pretty crazy place. If you're in the partying. Definitely gotta check out Sky Garden. At least once win in Bali. Okay. And then I like to stay at the TZ party hostel, which is literally walking distance from the sky garden. And, uh, yeah, they have two big pools and it's ah it's right there. It's really close. It's Ah, it's a cool place in itself. And, yeah, that's Kuta, not a place you want to spend all of your time in Bali, though there's tons of other things to see next section of Bollywood be who booed on and I would say you boot is probably my favorite place in Bali. Okay, it's just picture. Ask a beautiful everywhere. Um, there's rice Patties, and it's a pretty small, like main downtown area. But then it's a really good place to actually learn how to ride a motorbike, because there's thons a little like back alleys. And, you know, within just a couple of minutes of driving outside of like the main strip of downtown, you booed. You are in the middle of nowhere, basically, just like exploring these rice Patties and crazy backcountry roads that are just absolutely beautiful. Everything is so beautiful in that surrounding area. Next section of all, you have Chang Gu, which is best known for its surfing. Uh, you can surf in some other places, but Chang Gu and then the next one kilowatt, too, are two of the most popular surfing locations, and Bali will want to. You also gotta check out, um, good place to scooter to as well. Rose will be a little crazier to get there, but as I said before it, Right, you booed is a really good place toe toe. Learn how to ride a motorbike for the first time. For if you're gonna write one for the first time, you boots a good place to do that, Um, and then we'll want to also picture Ask beautiful beaches. And there's like hidden beaches that you can only access by going through the short, tiny cave and like, it's just it's a really, really cool area. Got to check out the want to on then another part of Bali, which I don't know if it's technically considered part of Bali or not. It's its own separate island. There's these ring of three Gili islands, they're called and Gilly T. Gilly Tra Walla gone. I believe it's called is Ah, the big party island, and it's this tiny little island that's like things like one mile in diameter. It's pretty small, but a ton of fun in snorkel and stuff there. That's really good. Bali is a great place to get around on Scooter, OK? It's a really good place for that. If you're comfortable driving a scooter if you're not, that's not something you want to get into. You can take shuttle vans to get places that are a bit further away. Or, um, there's also grabbed their unfortunately grab just sold our sorry uber just sold their Southeast Asian, uh, rights to grabs. And now it's on Lee grab in the area used to have grab and over even just a little while ago. Um, but you can still use grab works just like uber. All right, The next country we're gonna talk about is Vietnam, Okay? And Vietnam is an awesome country. Very beautiful. Super nice people. Vietnam. Is there a pretty long country, okay, and kind of north and south wise And a lot of cities all the way, you know, down the coast that are really nice to stop. And so what a lot of people will do, Really common way to travel Vietnam ist start in the north and travel south or to start in the south and travel north and your you're starting and ending cities are generally going to be annoy and ho chairman. Both of airports. Uh, hold human. You could get to from, you know, like a bus. I believe in a train from Phnom Penh, which you can get to from Thailand. You know, like, if you're if you're taking buses and stuff the whole way, or, you know, you can also fly into either annoy or hokey men, So ah, lot of options there, but okay. So that for the purpose of this All right, let's pretend you're going to start in the north and travel south. Then your first stop is going to be Hanoi. Okay? Annoys the capital of Vietnam. It's a pretty big city, not nearly his biggest Saigon, which is also so true men. Okay, but it's a it's a really large city. It really surprised me, actually, is how big it waas, which crazy is that there are actually a lot of Westerners. They're living in Illinois, and a lot of them, most of them actually are English teachers. Yeah, being an English teacher in Hanoi, in Vietnam in particular. But like a noise where most of them are, um, you can make more money by teaching English and person in annoyed than basically anywhere else in Southeast Asia. Um, it's pretty similar to Chiang Mai, kind of in my experience with there being lots of expats and English teachers and Backpackers and the vibe and the feel is, uh it's definitely way bigger than Chiang Mai. But if you like, change my you're probably gonna like all right. So after annoyed, I recommend going to how Long bay Or to Kappa. And these are just east of Hanoi all the way on the ocean and have beautiful rock formations coming out of the oceans. You can the main thing to do they're one of the only things to do there is to hire a boat for the day. It's you book a tour and you get on a big boat with a bunch of other people. And, uh, yeah, I'll take union will explore caves and you'll be, you know, on this boat kind of weaving, twisting and turning through all these massive rock formations that air sticking out of the water. And it's absolutely beautiful. Uh, next stop, Big backpacker destination is nim Been, which is described as the Ha Long Bay of land. Got the same rock formations just on land and, uh, yeah. So if you have you done that first bit kind of quickly, I would recommend maybe spend a little bit of time in Annoy How long, bages. One or two nights go to name Ben and Nimmons. A good place to recharge your batteries for a little while. Really beautiful place. Um, you can rent bikes their bike all around and it's Yeah, I really like that place. I also recommend staying at tring and ICO home. Stay hostile. One of the best hostels I've ever stayed at. I don't recommend a lot of places like people that you know, I think it's good toe check places out on your own. But I had that recommended to me, and I was really glad it was recommended to me. So I'll pass that along next city if you're working way south in Vietnam, would be falling. Now there's beautiful caves there that you can explore and there's really cool drive that you can dio around like the national parks and caves and stuff like that. Next thing you would be quay and then oy an Hoi An is an absolutely beautiful city. It's again, really, It's it kind of reminds me of like pie and Chiang Mai. It's really artsy and craftsy and like the what I mean by that is like the architecture of the buildings. Okay, as you're driving around it or walking around or whatever, it's just it's very pleasant to the eyes, like everything you see and take in is like just picture asking beautiful And, uh, yeah, that's how I describe Oy. And if you are gonna, you know, if you're spending like more than a month in Vietnam, I would also recommend checking out the name. It's a bigger city, a little bit north of way and just like thirtyish kilometers north of way. And I believe, But there's a lot to see and do in Danang. It's it's a pretty cool city of its own, right, I will tell you, though it I almost didn't put on this list cause there are quite a bit less Backpackers there. But it is such a large city that it is, uh and I do still recommend checking it out. And then, as you continue working where self would be betraying Vietnam, the lot Vietnam And then, of course, ending in hokey minutes there's two common ways of traveling Vietnam. One is to hop on buses and trains and, you know, taking one to the next city and then stay as long as you want. Move on to the next city sort of thing and constantly taking trains and buses down the coast. There's that option. And then there's another option, which is taking a motorcycle, buying a motorcycle in Hokey Man or Hanoi and doing the drive on a motorcycle. I that's what I'm currently doing, and I'm absolutely loving it. It's it's phenomenal to take everything in on a motorcycle and to take the scenic roads as opposed to you like the whole human highway is absolutely beautiful. But buses aren't really gonna take Coach human Highway for a lot of the trip. They're going to take the, uh, the more direct route faster route. Um, I remember with the name of that big road is, but it doesn't matter. It's yeah, anyway, like you could have a really, really get a good time doing a motorcycle. You can buy a motorcycle in either city for less than $300. Um, at the same time, though, motorcycles are a bit more dangerous, right? And I would definitely say absolutely. Do not buy a motorcycle and do this trip. Um, if you have not driven motorbikes much, Okay, But if you've driven a lot of motorbikes already in Southeast Asia, if you're really comfortable on motorbikes, just, you know, be aware that it is an option to travel Vietnam, and it is a pretty popular option. Two. Travel Vietnam on a motorcycle around a motorbike, even if you're traveling Vietnam's solo like doing this on motorcycle can be really awesome , cause you'll meet a ton of other people in backpacker hostels and on the road, like personally from annoyed a whole long bay I was solo, right? Met up with someone in Ninh Binh at my hostel that was also on a motorcycle were traveling together, you know, And then, like the last couple days of our journey, we had, like six people in our posse, like driving around and traveling together. And so that's Ah, that's a really cool way to travel Vietnam, and I recommend it if you're comfortable on motorcycles and that doesn't sound too crazy. Teoh Next country on the list is Cambodia and the number one destination to visit in Cambodia, by far is the city of Siem Reap. Okay, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It's the home of Angkor Wat Temple and a bunch of other ancient temples. Angkor Wat is 900 years old, and I think some of the other ones air, actually quite a bit older Banker wants of this massive, massive temple Tomb Raider was actually filmed if, uh in many of these temples, okay, that crazy ruins and everything of Tomb Raider like that's in real life. That was at Angkor Wat and in Siem Reap. But some of these other temples, um and yeah, it's it's absolutely beautiful. Definitely got to check that out. All right. The next city in Cambodia is Sean Knoxville, also known as Snooki Ville. And this is famous because there's lots of backpacker hostels there, at least because it's the kickoff place. It's the place to get the island of call wrong, which is the main actually attraction, the place you're going to. OK, so probably spend a night in Shaw Knoxville on, then had to call wrong and a lot of people, a lot of Backpackers will spend quite a bit of time and color wrong up to a weaker maybe even more than that. I guess it's like a big party island. Personally, I haven't been there, but I guess there are also, like quieter parts to the island. Not a lot of electricity on the island. Just so you know, I believe everything shoulder power And, uh, yeah, another city that I hear is awesome in Cambodia, Big backpacker, hot spot is Kampot. And that's a small chill little sleepy town that I've heard I've had recommended to me quite a bit. And then, of course, there's Poonam Penh, Cambodia's capital and largest city, onto the next country in Southeast Asia, which is allow and V NTN is the capital Allow man touristy place and, uh, yeah, I guess it's a pretty big city, but it actually feels like a small city is what I've heard from others. Not sure haven't been there. Next one is long probe wrong, and this is the only city that I have been to allow absolutely loved it. It's this quiet, sleepy little town, uh, really beautiful. There's this river and, uh, yeah, it's It's a really cool city, but it's it's kind of a weird city at the same time. It's really built up around the tourism industry. Um and so it almost seems like half of the businesses in the city cater to tourists, and it like not as many locals live there. It's like tourists end up always being like 50 year, 30% of the population. Something like That's really it's kind of weird, but at the same time, I did really like it. Another popular place in allow is von viene, which is kind of right in between Long Curb Wrong and Vienna 10 and there you can go to being down the Nam Song River really popular thing to do. There is to go tubing down the river and you're kind of to bring down. There's really beautiful river surrounded by like jungle scenery and everything, and it's a really cool thing. Next city in Lao is I honestly no idea how to pronounce this one, but it's spelled h u a y space X a I, and it's on the border of Thailand and Lau, And one thing that's pretty cool here is you can actually take a cruise from there too long for Bronx, so basically taking a cruise from Thailand. Too long, wrong. I hear from tons of other Backpackers. This cruise is really amazing. It's Ah Tana fun. And I think there's kind of if I remember right, Like a party cruise and like a chill cruise and you can decide or the boat as like an upper deck in a lower deck. I can't remember, but you can definitely do it partying. I know that, uh, I've heard from a lot of people that it's ah, it's a really good boat ride, a ton of fun and then some additional places that air in Southeast Asia that air more or less off the beaten path for the majority of Backpackers. But all sound like amazing places to visit a couple and really like them. Want to check. All about, though, are the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Syria. Lanka. Okay, also my cough, awesome places, but, uh, just, you know, those countries are more or less off the beaten path for the majority of Backpackers. Not a bad thing, necessarily. Just for the purpose of this video, right? Just you have an idea. You will probably run into less Backpackers in those locations. Then the the ones I mentioned previously
14. Money In Asia: All right. Now let's talk about the money in Asia are right. So again, first thing is your accommodation, okay? And this varies dramatically. There's tons of different options for this, but similar to Australia. There's the cheap option, which is significantly cheaper in Asia. Okay, I'm most places. Most cities you can find a place for around $3 a night starting, that's that's your hostels in many cities, not every city, but like in Bali, basically everywhere you can find a place for $3 a night average in Southeast Asia for a hostel is going to be about six us a night. OK, bring. So if that's average, that's, you know, 180 U. S. Dollars a month in accommodation. So that's, uh, that's that's way cheaper than I'm guessing your accommodation is back home. Okay, It's pretty crazy. Um, all right. Next food in Asia. Um, in most parts of Southeast Asia, you confined the goods good, cheap local food for around $1.1 us dollar a meal. So if you eat that way all the time, which I usually eat that way now it's the food I enjoy the most. That is, that comes out to 90 U. S. Dollars a month for food, Probably way, Way cheaper than what you're spending back home. Okay, but again, there are always other options. You might want a budget, quite. But more than this. So when it comes a local food, there's the cheaper local food like that. Then there's kind of more expensive local food. Like it may be a nicer restaurant with like, wooden chairs in the tablecloth, but it's the same food is at the other place. Okay, that's also very common. Um, there'll be a lot of restaurants like that, um, around hostels. And then if you want the cheaper stuff, you might have to walk a little bit to get to that. So you you're not always probably gonna be spending $1 meal, but then the crazy thing to every once in a while you're gonna want Western food. And, uh, that is typically around $4 a meal like you can get an entire pizza for $4. Pasta is going to be around $4. Things like that, um, is is quite a bit more expensive than like the cheap local food, but it's still way cheaper than back home. So your your food budget, your food bill will be way less in Southeast Asia than it is back home are at partying. Okay, this is Ah, domestic beer breakdown by country. Okay, so in Bali, you'll be drinking the Bintang for around $2 a beer at a bar. Thailand, the Leo and the sing higher. The chang will be a little cheaper than $3. But the, uh, Leo and sing how will be around $3? And that's what I recommend you drink Malaysia. It's been more expensive. $4 I put on there. It might even be more expensive than that in some places. Vietnam Super cheap. 88 cents a beer. Cambodia Super Super cheap at 50 cents for a beer in a bar at most places. Okay, you're partying Will be weighed cheaper in southeast Asia. Um, next is your transport. Okay, so if you're booking two weeks in advance, I did for these flights. Okay, um, get to Southeast Asia, Right? Perth, Bali. If you're doing Australia first or vice versa. Just so you're aware two weeks in advance was 179 us four weeks in advance. It was actually. Ah little bit more expensive for the Southeast Asian flights I found which surprised me a little bit. Maybe I have to start booking. Ah, little shooter from now on. But Bali to Bangkok, $120. Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur. $42 of a train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai is $25 for a first class sleeper with air conditioning. So you have your own bed. You have an outlet to plug. Your device is in air conditioning. Uh, try to remember. I think this is like a 16 hour train ride. $25. Not bad. Ah, Bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap, $22. So this gives you an idea of was some of the transportation costs will be, um there. You know, flights are a bit more, but once you're in Southeast Asia, so these Asia, the Southeast Asia is really not that much. Except for Bali. Getting to and getting out of Bali is a little bit more expensive because there aren't really any other options. But other than that, once you're in mainland Southeast Asia, that transportation pretty cheap. All right, so all of that broken down here by category okay. And if you're living the way most Backpackers are, you're probably spending around $800 a month in Southeast Asia. Okay, if you want to be a super saver, you can definitely do last, right? You can stay living in those super cheap apostles. You can eat the local food. You know, you find your couple restaurants by your, um your your hostel that you like. And you can do that if you're not partying. If you are. You know, this this super saver style might be like you lived in Bali for one month and you traveled around your normal backpacker, right? But then maybe your second month in Bali. Um, you bought a used surfboard that you'll try to sell for the exactly what you bought it for when you leave Bali, right? And you're just you're focused on, like maybe surfing, running on the beach, reading and just hanging out, enjoying Bali, taking in the scenery like you could definitely live on $500 a month doing that, if you wanted to. Okay. But again, you're going to be living in the cheaper hostels eating the cheaper food, not partying a whole lot touristy things still, you know, $100 towards that transportation. That's kind of your getting to Bali and leaving Bali. And, uh yeah, so that's that's the lowest you could probably expect to spend. Um, where 800 is gonna be? Pretty average for this is for Bali. But this is really, um, about what you can expect to spend for all of Southeast Asia. It's gonna be pretty close to this. But you can also. So you're not dipping into your savings and taking it out $800 a month, right? You can also be working while you're in Asia. This is a really cool thing, and a lot of people are not going to do this. Most people most Backpackers are not doing this like most Backpackers air traveling, uh, Southeast Asia solely is a backpacker and probably doing it right before or right after Australia, where you're on a working holiday visa and you're saving up money there for your Asia trip . Okay, But you also can work while you're in Southeast Asia, if you want to and have a whole nother video on different ways of doing this. But one of the the best and easiest ways to do it is to be an English teacher online. And doing that, you can make 18 to $25 an hour starting out. Okay. And so did this. Put in $20 an hour here. And, uh, yeah, basically, in Southeast Asia, you can break even. You can basically hit your, um, your monthly expenses by working 10 hours a week. That is frickin crazy. I guarantee you, you can't do that back home of your millennial, right? Like that's like that Top 1% of millennials that could do that back home. Okay, that's just yeah. Yeah, it's just crazy. But think about this, right? You're so you're still making 20 U S. Dollars a week. And if you're working 20 hours, you putting $800 a month into your bank account 30 40 if you work in 40 hours a week doing this and I don't know how realistic it would be toe to be an online English teacher working 40 hours a week, you could probably do it. But not many people probably want to, but you could. And, uh, if you're living off of your $800 a month you'd be banking $2400 every month. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. I'm guessing a lot of you watching this would actually be able to be further ahead financially by quitting your job, teaching English in Asia full time and saving this kind of money. Right? I'm guessing most of you watching this millennials in the U. S. Or not able to save and have that money left over to save and invest every single month working a job in the states with your you know, your living expenses of living in the States. It's pretty remarkable again. Also, this does not factor in taxes. Your taxes. You could be your own situation, but, uh, here again, on the bottom here, this reminder. Definitely. Check out the foreign earned income exclusion Google that if you were going to be working abroad. Okay, you'll be really happy you did Can potentially make it. So you're not paying any money in taxes. I'll just leave it at that. I'm not a tax accountant. Don't play one on the Internet, but yeah, look into that. If you're going to be working while abroad, all right, and then if you have short loan debts. These same numbers here. Okay, Like you have $500 in student loans, debt loan debt, like you could still be banking and saving 1001 $100 every month by teaching English 30 hours a week online from Bali. Okay, that's one possible way that you know that one possible way you could be living your life right now or you could be in the next couple of months. Okay, Um, something to keep in mind.
15. Haggling over price: in the United States, and item generally has a fixed price to it. Right? There's a price tag on most items that you'd purchase in the U. S. But this is not how it works everywhere in the world. In many parts of the world, a buyer and a seller negotiate over the price is also a big night market scene and street vendor seen in Asia. And a really common thing to do will be to go to maybe the night market or to the Chinatown of a city, Um, with some hostile meds and kind of check out, see what's being sold in that city, maybe by some T shirts. Definitely not all but many of the locals that are selling you goods at night markets or at thes street stalls. Um, we'll see dollar signs when they see a tourist trying to buy their goods, right, they'll think, Oh, geez, I can maybe get 23 maybe even four times what this item is actually worth from this tourist because they don't know any better. And that definitely works out for them a lot of the time. Okay, I've certainly been ripped off many times, even though I've purchased a lot of things from night markets and things like that. And I see it happen all the time that tours were getting ripped off for paying ridiculously high prices for some of these night market items. So with that being said, this is my checklist four negotiating a good price on an item in Southeast Asia. First, you want it always come off as a casual browser. Okay, You don't want to actually show that much interest in the item that you want to purchase. So one thing you can do for this is when you walked past the stall that has a bunch of items and one of them is something you might be interested in purchasing. Pick, Pick something else up first, pick it up. Kind of Look at it. Maybe it's a sure check the seams and quick set it down and, like, you know, like, not really interested in that one. Maybe do this with one or two items before picking up the item that you're actually interested in No reason to be rude. I see a lot of people immediately. You know, when they get into buying mode, they'll become really rude and counter. Almost disrespectful towards the person that they'll eventually end up haggling with. Don't do that, you know, smile at the person. Be friendly. Say hi. Now, this is where you maybe pick up the item that you're actually interested in. Okay? And pick it up. Look at it. Inspect it. If it's a shirt, check the seams, stretch it out a little bit. Make sure that it's actually of the quality. Um, that is something that you could see yourself purchasing. Okay, Because a lot of these ah, especially clothing, can be of really low quality in Southeast Asia or just at night markets in general. OK, like these sunglasses I bought the other day, right? Ah, they broke right away. They're still kind of work, but I have to get a new pair of pretty soon, Okay. But I'm definitely going to be checking the quality the next time that I purchased a pair of these. Hopefully pretty soon. Here while you're inspecting it for quality, determine how much you actually would pay for that particular item. Next, ask the person that selling the good how much they would sell it for if the price seems unreasonable, for Southeast Asia prices. Or if it seems like a price that you'd maybe pay back home for a similar item, but probably have a little bit better quality. Set it down, walk away. This will probably happen 95% of the time that you set and item down and pretend to kind of start walking away. Okay? They'll put your their hand on your shoulder. Be like, OK, come on. Come on. How much? How much? And now the ball is in your court to give your price for that. Now, this is the part of the negotiation. You don't want to talk loud where everyone around you can hear you. Okay, You want to bring your voice down. So it's just between you and the person you're communicating with, Okay? Negotiating with the price four. Because you want to get the absolute best price for that item. There's probably a lot of other people at this night market, and most of them we'll end up spending more money than you will for this item because you're going to try to get the best possible price for this item. Okay? And if everyone here's a lower price, she's gonna have to say no. Because then he's gonna have to give that lower price to everyone else that heard that as well. Ok, do you want to bring your voice down real low? They put your hand on their shoulder, bring him in a little bit. All right. The ball's in your court now, Right? Time for you to give your price. Ah, so again, you want this to be nice and quiet, and the price you're going to give them is about 50% of what you would actually pay for it . Okay. And you don't want to insult them too much to the point where they're just not gonna want to talk. Teoh. That rarely happens. Okay, basically. So if you wanted to pay if kind of that what you were thinking in your head that the max you would pay for an item is $5. Uh, started $2.50 then. Okay, Um, start there. They'll probably say something like, Oh, that's ridiculous. I can't sell it for that. Are you kidding me? And this is where you come back. You know, you're just your maintained being. The casual observer, right? That doesn't really need this item. That's really not that interested in it. Ah, yeah, you're right. I just thought maybe I'd be able to get it for that. But I really don't even have room in my bag for it. So it's It's all good. Thanks. So, man, have a good one. Start walking away when you start to walk away. This is where that person will typically come back at you and offer a price that's much more reasonable now. Whatever price they came back at you with, you'll still be ableto negotiate a little bit further down than that price. OK, but that is Ah, basically, that's generally the ballpark of where you'll be able to actually end up purchasing this item for
16. Accomodation in Asia: All right. So your accommodation while you are in Asia, um, most of you will probably be the saver style of traveller while you're in Asia, right? Most of you're probably not gonna be working while you're in Asia. So, um, hostels, they're going to be your best bet most of the time. Hostels in Asia are amazing and really, really cheap compared everywhere else in the world. Um, you can get a really nice hostel for between five and $10 a night. And I've seen hostels for his lowest $2 a night. Okay, I just think about that. Compare that to your accommodation prices back home, especially when you it means you're traveling day by day, right? Like paying day by day. You can switch jostles anytime you want to one with a pool or with a pool table or whatever you want in the mountains on the beach. Um, and constantly moving all around the country keeps your accommodation costs really low. And the hostels in Asia are just beautiful. They're really well done way, way better than anything in Australia, especially for your money. All right. Your next accommodation option in Asia is going to be your home stays and your guest houses . And ah, at one point, he's kind of had a different meaning, right? A home state, this kind of supposed to be. You're living with an actual family and you know, they have an extra room available. And you get to really get this cultural experience of what that is all like, Ah, where a guesthouse is kind of more like Asian version of a motel. Almost right, like check in, you have a room, it's yours. Probably attached bathroom and you're paying night. But not like that. Not as much of interaction with family that actually lives there. You know, reception, desk and all of that. Um, Now it is, though in Asia, like the words air kind of synonymous, like it's just a marketing play. Basically, someone builds a place that think home state sounds better. They'll call it a home state. Think guesthouse sounds better to call it a guest day. It might even be one on hostile World, another on booking dot com, right? It's basically mean the same thing, Um, nowadays, But you can still find traditional home stays, typically by booking through a agent or like a travel desk that might be at your hostel toe , maybe Do, ah, boat trip down the river, for instance. And spend a night in a home. Stay where you're actually living with a local family, like you can still find things like that. But for the most part, the home stays and guesthouses that I'm talking about are gonna be the Mawr motel style, right with the reception desk, wait for the pain plane passed. So these home stays and guesthouses are really great. If you are wanting to get your own room, you can typically get your own room for way cheaper than you could get a private room at a hostel. Um, and it's also these were also a great option for, you know, maybe you meet a special someone will travel it, not trying to go to either of your hostels, right back to your 10 bed dorms to get it on. I recommend you don't do that. By the way, it's been awkward experience for everyone in the room. Trust me, but you can go back to a home, stay guesthouse, get one of those for the day evening. Whatever, and, uh, and get it on their, uh, much recommend that trying to get it on in a hostile. If you are gonna on that note, though, if you are going to try to get it on a hostile go to the showers. Don't do it in the room. Yeah, it's just best for everyone. Trust me, If you're going to be more of a nomadic worker or a digital nomad or you just fall in love with city and you want to stay in a certain city for a month or more, renting an apartment can be a great option. Okay, When it comes to finding an apartment in Asia, websites are not gonna do a whole lot for you. Have you Google apartments in delaying apartments in Chiang Mai like you'll get, You'll get a couple results, but you're not gonna get a ton of results. Okay, um, what I actually recommend you do is if you're in a a very touristy city, a city that a lot of expats live in, or something like that is going to YouTube and bringing your search to YouTube type in Chiang Mai apartments or even Chiang Mai apartments, Digital nomad, and you'll get vlogs of digital nomad digital nomads, air blogging, recording everything right, um, off people walking into a building, getting it tour, figuring out what the prices are. And that's a great way to get a good sense of how much luxury you get for what price point in a given city and possibly even being able to pick out your apartment straight from the YouTube video. Another way to find an apartment is just too. Once you arrive in a city, maybe hire a motorbike for the day or a bicycle, or just start walking around the city. And when you see a building that looks like it's an apartment building, walk up to it. Asked to speak to someone, you'll probably need to use Google. Translate on your phone, maybe communicate and see if there's apartment available. Um, but see if there is one available. Asked what the price point is, get a tour and the beautiful thing about Asia is that there are apartments in many cities, at least on top of lots of stores. And there's big, tall apartment buildings, massive complexes and things like that all over the place. So it's generally pretty easy to find um, apartments that way, just on the ground. So another accommodation option in Asia is share houses. Okay. And that's exactly what it sounds like. Owner owns a building with a bunch of bedrooms. They run each of the rooms out separate and the living areas in kitchens and everything is shared. It's all communal, right? So I did this in Hanoi for a month, and it was a very pleasant experience. Um, you can generally find these. The best way to find them is to go to Facebook and type in like your city and expats apartment. Or like so you could do, like, annoy expats and housing, annoy expats apartment. And they'll be Facebook groups where the landlords air constantly posting things. And then everyone coming in can confined them and try it with expats, right, without expat. And you'll get your venture kind of Facebook page where, um, it is a bunch of people in that city that are posting their share houses. And then people can reply, and you can go through the pictures and the prices and find places that way. Another option for your accommodation in Asia is to be in a hotel, right? I personally never. I'd personally never choose to book a hotel. Think booking a hotel in the States is like something that I would really do, right? It's to really expensive to do that. In Asia. You can actually find hotels for very cheap. Like I'm staying in a ah, pretty nice hotel right now. I get room service every day. Big, bad a desk. It's not bad. Um, and it would normally be $18 a night. Um, but since I am booking it for one month at a hard time finding apartments here in Danang, Vietnam, where I am at the moment, um, I was able to get it Teoh rate for staying for 30 days and altogether electricity water included. It's 202 $162 that believe it comes out to six million dog. Six million Vietnamese dog. All right, that is it for accommodation in Asia. I'll see you in the next video.
17. Alcohol in Asia: Lisandro drinking, alcohol, partying in Asia. Okay, For the most part, drinking in Asia is way cheaper than drinking in the United States and Australia. A bureau to bar in Vietnam or Cambodia is around 50 cents. Okay, it's crazy. That's at a bar, like at an establishment 50 cents for a beer in a lot of places. Sometimes even you could even get beard cheaper than that. Malaysia is probably the most expensive place in Asia to drink. It's tax. Hi there a beer at a bar in Thailand or Indonesia. Bali is like probably around $2 dollar 50 cents, $2 on average. The partying scene in Southeast Asia is absolutely incredible. It z a whole nother thing. Okay, for to kind of paint the picture for you, paint the scene. I mean, like, all these bars are like super crafty and well organized. Well done, right. But then the coolest thing is, you're like I said in a previous video, you're partying with Backpackers from all over the world as well as with a bunch of locals from wherever you are. Okay, it's just It's so cool, like I'm guessing you will enjoy partying in Southeast Asia. Ah, way more than anywhere else that you've ever parted. It's a really, really cool scene. I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun there. That being said, there are a couple things you should know about drinking alcohol and the partying scene in Southeast Asia. But first things first. If you're in Bali, do not drink spirits, right? Do not drink any hard liquor wall. You're in Bali. The most common drink for locals in Bali is the string called Iraq, which is I think I'm pronouncing that right. Iraq A r a K um, which is Balinese moonshine. And if it is produced by someone, has been producing it for a long time, right. They basically always, um, can get a batch to turn out perfect. You know, into a 100% l alcohol and all is good, okay? And it's a really, really cheap way of making alcohol. But the problem with this is that with the massive influx of tourists to Bali, um, a lot of people that are, um, not experts and making this stuff are making it. And then what they're doing it is that there's, ah definitely not selling it to all bars, but they are selling it to some bars and bars are using this stuff toe water down their spirits as it gets to the towards the end of the night. Right? And the drunk tourists aren't ah noticing. And then, ah, they're able to save a ton of money this way because they're still providing alcohol, but at a fraction of the price, selling it at normal prices. And, ah, it just it's been a problem. It's not prevalent everywhere, like I said, right. But, ah, it is something to watch out for. And then if it's made improperly, it doesn't alternative alcohol. Some of it turns into methanol, which is really bad. It has killed people before it's turned some other people blind. Or you could get a bottle of alcohol if you are purchasing it yourself from a store, and opening at yourself or bottle service at a at a club is fine where it's unopened. Um, but just so you know, like there is that little bit of a problem with spirits and it's usually like the sketch here bars anyway, the tender water their stuff down. So if you're a bigger nightclubs and stuff like that, you'll probably be fine. It's just I wanted to ah, let you guys know about this. One other thing to be aware of in the partying scene in Southeast Asia is in Thailand, and this one's this one's not nearly as severe. Okay, in Thailand, the three most popular beers are Chang, Leo, Leo, Leo and Sing, Huh? And Leo, and seeing how are actually owned by the same company and then changed its own company. And Chang is, at least at one point, it waas the It was rated to be the least consistent beer in the world. OK, one beer, I think, could have anywhere from like 3 to 10% alcohol content. And, ah, it was just very inconsistent with what was putting what was being put in the chain. I want to let you know about this, because Chang is by far the most popular beer. Ah, the Backpackers are drinking and tourists or drinking in Asia. It's green. It has a yellow elephant logo on it. It's the cheapest. But again, it's also the most inconsistent beer, right? Personally, I just don't touch chamber anymore. There's actually been to situations to different times, where I have had one sip of a chang beer and I broke out into hives, right. My face got puffy, my neck, my armpits. My grew in my like my whole body was basically like getting red and puffy and was actually kind of scary from one tiny sip of a chang. And that happened on two separate occasions. Uh, it only happened a second time because the first time it happened, I was in San Koran, which is like the world's largest work on fight across all of Thailand. For three days I was drinking beer. I was eating tons of crazy food and constantly being splashed with water at no idea that it was actually Chang that caused it, Um, but then a couple weeks later had a set of a chang again and broke out into the exact same up sort of hives. And the only thing that could have been was the chang. I've also heard this happening to other people before as well. It's up to you, obviously. But ah, try a couple Chang if you want, But I mean, if I were you, it's worth it to spend the extra 20 cents or whatever it is the majority of the time to drink a Leo or a single
18. Motorbikes: All right, let's talk about motorbikes for second. Motorbikes are a great way to get around Southeast Asia, not necessarily everywhere, not from one country to the next. Always necessarily, although some people do that. But more so when you're doing day trips like your urine chain mind you want to get to pie like it's a great thing to do. Ah, you know, motorbike trip. Rent a motorbike to get there. It's a great way to get around Bali. It's a great way to travel north or south in Vietnam on. There's lots of opportunities for day trips to rent motorbikes and things like that. Okay, it's a great way to get around in Southeast Asia. It's how most locals were getting around. And, uh, what most people will probably do is you can rent a bike daily weekly. You can rent monthly, and if you're going to be staying somewhere longer, you can also purchase motor bikes and motorcycles. If you decide you want to purchase one of these, what I recommend you do is either find a reputable, reputable dealer. Do you research online prior or go to Facebook groups and try to find like an expat community in the city that you're in and buy a bike from an expat that's about to leave. You can usually get a really good rate on a bike from someone that's about to leave the country and really has to get rid of it right away anyway. But if you're renting bikes, you always want to take a bunch of pictures of all the damage that's already there. I've personally never ran into any trouble from, you know, someone that I rented a bike saying, All you scratch this or whatever, but when you are renting by, you definitely want to also take pictures of any damage that's on the bike. Just so you know, if the person when you return it says, Oh, you know, you scratch it here, you could be like, you know, show him the pictures were like, No, that was there already when I when I when I got the bike from you, just to be safe. Rental companies will usually want a copy of your passport, and at first I was a little sketched out. The first time they asked me for that. Um, I didn't really see the purpose of it, but this is just collateral for them. OK, it's actually common practice. Don't have anything to worry about giving them, letting them take a copy of your passport. One thing you should also do before any trip before any long term trip is getting your international drivers lessons. Even if you don't plan on renting a motorbike, you know, it might just turn out that you end up being a situation where it makes sense to rent a motorbike or even rent a car. You never know. I recommend before any backpacking trip, you get your international driver's license. Okay, It was pretty cheap and easy to get. You can go to your nearest Triple a dealer, and they will get you your international drivers permit. Another thing you should know is that getting pulled over and so these Asia is very common . Locals actually get pulled over quite a bit. There's lots of police checkpoints and things like that where they make sure people are wearing their helmet, have their driver's license, the vehicle registration on them show if you get pulled over and you're wearing your helmet , you didn't make any traffic violations. If you have your driver's license If you have your international driver's license and your motorbike registration, you should be good to go. Okay, But the big thing is should okay, because there is a lot of police corruption in Southeast Asia. Okay, It's pretty unfortunate. It's way different than back home, right? Unfortunately, and police officers in most Southeast Asian countries, just and many parts of the world don't make a lot of money, and they make their money through bribes. If this happens to you, what this will probably look like is you get pulled over. The police officer is gonna ask you if you can provide the paperwork, and even if you can, that's just kind of like a, you know, see if they can get you on anything illegal first. Okay, But then if they can't and you did nothing wrong and they still ask you for a fee just for being a foreigner, Basically, um, you you have a couple options. Okay, First of all, um, really come thing like, especially in Bali. What they'll do is they'll say one million Rubio, and that's absolutely absurd. No one actually pays one million rupiah, except for tourists that just hit the ground and don't know any better. And they will hope that you're in that situation and actually hand over one million rupiah . Okay, But the actual price that you should be able to pay to just walk away and have a clear slate, it's 50,000 rupiah, which is like $3.50. Okay, this is definitely your easiest option for if you get pulled over and, um are asked to pay a bribe. That's what this is. Basically, it's a bribe. OK, so $3.50 to get out of it. So that's option one. Option two is two and a recommend you do this anyway is toe have the tourist police phone number saved in your phone for no matter what country you're in thistles. One of those things that you know most people never dio I hardly ever do this, but it would be a good practice. Okay, Toe, have the tourist police phone number saved in your phone, and then you're in this situation, you can call the tourist police right there. And chances are that before the even pick up the phone on the other end, police officers going to tell you it's OK and you can go. If not, you can talk to the tourist police, assess the situation, see if it's legitimate and get a better you know, understanding of what's actually going on, especially if the police officer you're talking to doesn't speak English. That's option two, Option three and I almost don't want to include this in here cause you could potentially get in trouble for doing this. But the same time I will include it, because it's what I'm going to do next time this happens to me. I got a lot of friends have done this with success is take your phone out and start taking a video of the situation of their face. Ask to see their badge number on video and all my friends that have actually done this. The police officer quick hid their face and was like, just drive away, drive away. They're trying to get out of the situation because what they are doing if they're asking for a bribe, is illegal. And, uh, yeah, they don't want to get caught doing that because they could get in a lot of trouble. The last option is you can also refuse to pay the bribe and just ask for a ticket. Asked for a ticket in a court date and in Bali, at least this is really easy. I'm not exactly sure about every other country, but in Bali, Um, this is actually a really simple process. And if they actually do give you this ticket, it's it's pretty easy and straightforward. At least I here at least I read on informs and stuff like that that you can definitely do this. Although, uh, with all this being said, guys like your easiest option. What you probably should do most the time is just pay the $3.50. But if you find yourself getting pulled over a couple times a day and wanna take a stand against this, you do have some options. All right, guys. And then there's motorbike safety. Okay, These these motorbikes can be very dangerous. You got to do everything you can to be really safe while you're driving. Okay, First is to wear a helmet. Always where your helmet second. I do not recommend you learn how to drive a motorbike or motorcycle in a city. Definitely learned somewhere where you're in the middle of the country first. Okay, that is highly recommended that the traffic laws and cities and the way people actually drive is absolutely crazy. You want to get comfortable on a motorbike first before you try driving in a city at all. Okay, The next one is you want to stay off of the yellow and the white lines, they can get slippery from do and from moisture. Um, I had a friend that actually wiped out and sprained his wrist when he was, uh, you know, going on a turn and and was on the white line a little bit by lost traction, sprained his wrist. Little that hurt for, like, a week. And it's unfortunate, but it happens all the time that tourists are constantly getting in bike accidents from little things like this, right? Like we just don't know any better. Dont know that those lines your slipper, you don't know. So when you're in a car, right, But when you're on a motorbike and you have two wheels like, yeah, the white lines, the yellow lines like they get, they get slippery from just like the morning dew and things like that. So definitely watch out for that one. Next is always keep your head on a swivel. You want a constantly looking in your mirrors. You want to still also turn your head when you are looking to change lanes. Constant looking way ahead of you to make sure that there's not anyone coming at you in the oncoming traffic lane or anything like that. Okay, you just There's so many things that could be going on and the roads were pretty crazy. Different style of driving different rules to the road in Southeast Asia. Less rules to the road. If, if you will, you just need to keep your head on a swivel. Always be paying attention. The next one is to use your horn generously. Okay. Honking in Southeast Asia is simply letting others know where you are. It's not like in the in the States where it's like you honking someone. It's like a big f you to them right now. It's not really it's not like that. It's like I'm on your left like I'm coming up quick like I'm gonna honk just in case you decide you want to move over. It's just letting people know where you are, sort of thing. The next is to take corners very slow. Always take corners very slow when you're on a motorbike because you only have two wheels, right, and that's a lot different. And at high speeds and these things have some weight. You can. You can lose traction and wipe out if you hit a little bit of gravel and you might not always see this gravel or loose rocks or pebbles or anything like that. So always stay corner slow. There are tones of drivers, the drive absolutely crazy. Local local drivers on the roads in Southeast Asia, right? Any country, go to you'll be just amazing. These people are constantly swerving into traffic and stuff like that, and it's crazy. OK, what I want to tell you is one of the best safety tips you could do one of the ways what I would truly recommend that you do is pay attention to the families like a family that maybe has four people on a tiny little motorbike, right? Pay attention to how they drive and mimic the way that they drive. Okay, um, that is the number one driving tip I can give you guys. Just be ultra conservative on the road. Stay in a straight line so other drivers know where you're gonna be. And don't be constantly moving around and driving fast and doing all this crazy stuff, right? Just mimic the really conservative, slower drivers. And that is the number one safety tip I have for you guys to be safe on the road. All right. And then the last driving tip is that when you're on the road where I recommend you spend most of your time on the road is in the slowly but not all the way over. Okay, so it's, let's say you're in Vietnam. They drive on the red side of the road in Vietnam, stay in the right hand land, but towards the left of the right hand lane. OK? And the reason for this is because all the way over acts as like, kind of a second oncoming traffic lane. Okay, so there's constantly going to be well, first of all, parked cars all the way over on the right, so you're gonna have to get over anyway. But then also, there's gonna be oncoming traffic going the opposite direction, even though if you're all the way in the right hand lane. You know, from Western standards, you'd never have someone coming straight at you there. And so the seizure, you are constantly gonna have people coming right at you all the way older in the slow lane . Okay, So you want to be in the slow lane, but not all the way over. That's going to be one of the safest places to be on the road. Are enough on motorbikes else? You guys in the next video?
19. Drinking Water in Asia: All right. First things first. Do not drink the tap water in Asia. So what to do for drinking water than some hostels will provide drinking water for the people staying there? Most won't. Some will in Asia if you're staying in an apartment or a share. How? Something like that. Um, what you can do in that situation is always boil your water. You want to make sure pot of water is boiling for at least 10 seconds and then cool down before you drink it. Obviously. So what I do, I boil water in my apartment, and then I opened the lid. I have a fan blowing at it, and that's what I did for all my drinking water right now, ever staying in a really nice apartment, they'll probably provide you with drinking water if you're in Thailand specifically, Um, I haven't seen this in too many other places in Southeast Asia, but everywhere in Thailand, they're these Ah, NASA reverse osmosis water machines, where you put one baht in there, which is really cheap, and it'll give you, like a leader and 1/2 of water. But other than that, unfortunately, you're probably gonna have to be buying bottled water, Uh, for your drinking water. Most of the time, it's not a problem to find this. There are seven Elevens basically everywhere, but it is kind of annoying, and you do end up using a lot of plastic while you're doing this. But unfortunately, it's basically unavoidable in Southeast Asia. So the next best thing, it's just always make sure that you're disposing of your plastic water bottles in a recycling bin that looks legit. Okay, there's kind of Ah, gray area, great line between like a garbage bin and a recycling bin and a lot of parts of Asia. Um, but try your best to just always get the plastic bottles in a recycling bin that looks like it's actually gonna end up be recycled. And, ah, you're basically doing the best you could be doing. At that point, you can always bring water with you. Unfortunately, that's just what you have to do for water in Southeast Asia.
20. Money Spending Less To Save More: All right, guys. Welcome to the next video here. Which is all about how to spend less money so you can save more money for your next trip. Okay, let's dive right into it. The number one biggest way to save money is to decrease your accommodation. Right. Which is probably for at least for most people is their biggest expects. Okay, alright. For most your millennials out there listening to this, you're probably already locked into a 12 month agreement at the current place that you are living at, right? Maybe that's almost up. That's awesome. Maybe it's not maybe still quite a bit of a ways to go before your 12 months is up. If that's the case, what I recommend you do if you release allows it is to try to find a room. It put a posting up on craigslist. You're on Facebook. See if a friend wants to move in and let everyone know that you're looking for a roommate and you can get a friend of a friend to maybe move in with you. And maybe that means you sleep in the living room. Maybe it means they sleep in the living room, but if you could be splitting, you know, cutting your rent and 1/2 um, you will be able to save so much extra money for travelling. Okay. It's a great way to get. And it's a great way to get to your statements. Goal A lot quicker. You might be thinking. Oh, I could never live with a roommate. I don't like the idea of that. Well, hey, let me tell you what, When you're traveling, you're probably going to spend a lot of time living in dormitories and having nine roommates. Okay? So you can you can learn how toe deal with the roommate right now with just one and, uh, hit. You're saving to go a lot quicker. Uh, would be a good way toe kind of help get into the mindset of what it is going to be like to live with a bunch of romance while your travel. All right, maybe your lease is just about to expire. Okay, Well, if that's the case, that is awesome. Because you can either try to find a cheaper apartment that you can rent month by month. So once you have hit your savings goal, you can quit your job and start traveling right away. Or you can, if it works out, try to move back in with your parents or into a friend's house. Okay, and most Backpackers that I meet have a really good relationship with their parents and are able to one of the best ways to help save money in the way that most current Backpackers are funding. Their trip is by win their back home living with their parents. Okay, I personally, I do this sometimes, and it's, uh, it's, you know, it's kind of weird being 27 now and living back in my parents I was. But at the same time, I can go home for two months, work really hard and save up enough to travel for 10 months and also, you know, making really large contributions to my retirement count and things like that. Okay, it's just it's It's a no brainer for me, right when you compare that to the alternative right to save up the same amount of money. If I had my own apartment and all of those expenses associated with that, it would take closer to 10 months, probably to save up for 10 months or travel, so you can just really, really, uh, cut down your time to hit in your financial savings goal for your trip by moving in with your parents. Another great option. Maybe there's no it's not gonna work out moving back in your parents house. Or maybe they live out of state or something like that out of your city. Another great option is to live on a cot at your friend's house, maybe in a basement, maybe in the living room during the day or whatever it is, right, and throw them a little bit of money for rent, maybe 50 bucks a month, 100 bucks a month, whatever you guys can agree upon, right? But you not having your your own private bedroom and being a massive contributor of Ah, you know, the utilities of the house. You could be the fifth person in a four ah, person house that has four rooms, right and, uh, could actually a lot of fun and significantly decrease your accommodation expects our at the next thing to decrease your monthly expenses is to cancel all monthly subscriptions. Okay, Do you really don't need your Spotify, your Netflix, your YouTube red? If you're paying for that. Your cable, right? Also, if you have an expensive phone plan like Verizon Sprint AT and T, you should probably get off of that. OK, first of all, you don't want to be tied into a two year contract. That's something you definitely want to be out of before you go traveling or have almost about to expire because you don't want to pay $100 a month for a rise in phone plan when you're living and Vietnam and paying literally $2 a month for your phone, that's literally what I'm paying right. I'm paying $2 a month for my phone plan. You know, I could never go back over and pay $100 a month tohave horizon plan. Ah, well, basically, you get the same thing for T Mobile Virgin Mobile for I don't know exactly. It is right now like 20 bucks a month, 2030 bucks a month. But it's not much more than that. Okay, also, then, make sure you if you do switch to something, you do not get tied into a contract. Another great way to save more money for travelling is to basically eliminate or significantly degrees, all of your eating out. You're buying coffees and going to the bars, OK? These things all add up, and it's basically just short, short term enjoyment that is hurting you financially in the long run, right? You can save so much money by not eating out, not buying coffees, not going to the bar. Okay, Another thing you can eliminate is buying stuff. Okay, you might think Oh, I need this. And I need that. That thing is when you're traveling and after you've been traveling for a little while and you get really used to living with only the possessions that fit in your backpack, okay? And when I am living back in the States and I'm, you know, hanging out with friends and stuff, they have all this stuff. It's ridiculous to me, right? It's like, OK, I haven't seen one of these things in a year, right? Because I I haven't needed it. And it hasn't changed my life to not have ah, insert any random contraption here. Okay? And so if you're not going to bring it with you on your trip, chances are you don't really need to be buying it okay. And you can just say Vatana money by not buying all this miscellaneous stuff. All right, let's say you actually really do need something, Okay? The beautiful thing is you can buy basically everything either second hand or certified refurbished, which I know. It's kind of the same thing, right? But like, maybe your phone breaks and you know, you phone something you kind of need in today's society, right? Can buy a phone, last year's flagship model certified, refurbished for oftentimes around 1/3 of the price of what this year's model is. That's a great way to do it. All right. It's basically to wrap up this section on spending less money to rapidly save for traveling . It all comes down to being frugal is fuck okay, Pardon my French, but not spending money where you don't need it. Also taking slight sacrifices, like maybe getting a roommate right now or moving in with your parents for just a few months so you can have this amazing lifestyle of travel and have this amazing experience of being able to take a gap year in your life, right? The small sacrifices that you make right now, you're not going to remember those 10 years from now. OK, you're going to remember the trip that you're going on. Okay? You're not going to remember the the buying a thermos and making your instant coffee every morning. That's not going to be the thing that sticks out in your mind. 10 years from now, it's going to be the crazy trip that you did and the awesome things that happened to you while you were traveling. Okay, so it's definitely worth it in the long run. Even if it feels like you're making slight sacrifices today, if you need some additional inspiration or ideas on how to live more frugally, how toe save more money to my favorite place to go for that content is the website Mr Money moustache dot com. A lot of great content on there and then the seconds actually on Reddit. It's a sub reddit called Fire F I R E, which stands for financial independence. Retire early. All right, that wraps up the section on spending less money and being frugal is fuck and I will see you in the next video
21. Money Making More: All right. So how are you gonna get that savings? Okay, maybe you already have it. And if that's the case, you don't really have to see. You know, you can skip over this video, but I'm just gonna go over a handful of ways that you can make some more money to help hit your savings goal for your trip. Okay, A really good way is to get a second job. Great second job you can do to save up for traveling. This is what I did. Is being a rideshare driver. Okay, You can actually make really good money as a rideshare driver. There were weeks I was making, like, 1000 $700 a week. Okay, way more than I was making a professional job using my college degree. Right. And it's you can make such good money doing this. That I would say it's probably even worth it depending on your city. Definitely test the waters first, but it could even make a lot of sense to if you know, if you already have your plane ticket purchase for your trip and you're gonna be going in two months or something like that, Maybe it makes sense for you financially to quit your corporate job or whatever you're doing professionally and to solely rideshare drive for the two months beforehand. If you're going to make more money and doing that, that could that could be That could make a lot of sense. Okay, whether it's it's, it's right, you're driving or the next one. Maybe bartending on nights and weekends. You could make a lot of money as a bartender. Okay, on there's a good chance that you could make more money bartending. Then you do at your professional job, whatever that is. So that's the 2nd 1 working in hospitality, maybe bartending, maybe being a server. Okay, you could make a lot of money in these industries, and they're great second jobs because they oftentimes need extra people on nights and weekends. Also, hospitality jobs are some of the easiest jobs to get in Australia. So if you already have experience being a bartender were doing something in hospitality, it's going to make it a lot easier for you to find your first job in Australia. If you already have a little bit of bartending experience or a little bit of serving experience. Okay, And if you currently don't working a second job as a bartender or server, something like that before your trip is gonna be a great way to get that experience. But just to get a job when your boots on. When you have boots on the ground in Australia a lot faster, some other gigs you could do you could get into a landscaping or maybe baby sitting on the weekends. Dog walking. You can search Craigslist even for just some random job postings. Anything like that. Anything like that to find a quick source of second income. Another option is maybe you're able to leverage the skills from your professional work to make some extra income on the side as well, Right? Maybe you're in sales. Your and marketing you could. Maybe you do that for a Fortune 500 company. You could maybe do some sales or help a small business out with marketing on the weekend. Right? Make a couple cold calls, maybe promised someone, you know make 10 cold calls a day and you're 100% commission or something. If you're in sales or hope someone with a website or their Facebook ad campaign. If you already know how to do that from your corporate job, and you can help. Ah, small business out with that. Okay. So you could leverage your corporate skills to help make some extra income. You can try to find some freelance work using websites such as up work and fiver, or you gonna straight up if you're in sales or start cold calling small businesses asking to do so if you could do sales for him, right? Something like that. Maybe you are absolutely positive. You want to go down the path of being a digital nomad on your travels, right? You can start your small business before you leave, right? Start urine in our business and start developing those skills and get a bunch of the business in place before you have actually hit the road Some other ways to makes more money . Is donating plasma, maybe doing fieldwork studies. At least that's what they're called in Minnesota. I think they might be around the whole us. You can actually make some pretty good money doing that. Sometimes they'll pay as much as, like, $200 for two hours of being in a focus group. So definitely something toe look into and in the last one is to simply sell some of your stuff before you go. OK? There's not a really good reason to just have all of your stuff sitting in storage or to just not be used while you're traveling. Okay? Especially we're going to be traveling for a next ended period of time. And the beautiful thing is, things like your cars, your clothes, maybe a desktop computer, a bicycle and your furniture. If you sell those things before you leave on your trip, you're probably gonna be ableto by back, basically equivalent goods for cheaper when you get back, because that exact same item will have aged already. There's also a good chance that you're gonna want to extend your trip once you start traveling, right, Maybe you have this idea of Okay, I'm only gonna travel six months and then I'm gonna come home. Well, things can change once you once you enter the world of traveling, right, you might want to stay longer than six months, and, uh, if you have a storage unit contract that expires in six months and that's the only thing that makes is making you have to go home. That would that be a bomber? So no reason toe to be in a situation like that.
22. How Much Money to Save: all right. The question you are wondering, how much money should you save before going travelling? Okay. And that's what we're going to break down in this video in a nice, short and concise way. Okay, so it really depends on how long you plan on traveling for. And if you plan on working, um, while you are abroad, okay? And if you plan on doing that right away or not, So but my general rule of thumb is, if you're going to Australia and you plan on working, you should have $5000 in your bank account. What I mean by that is the equivalent in U. S. Dollars. Okay, which in July of 2018 is around 3700 U. S. Dollars on the reason I recommend this is the Australian government actually requires that you have that amount in your bank account and can show proof of it to be able to enter the country. And that's gonna be a sufficient amount of money to get you by for a little while. Red is your you know you're not gonna go homeless with that. You're gonna have plenty of time to settle into a ah, hostile and begin vacation mode for, like, a month or two before you start looking for work and and stuff like that. And then, you know, it really depends on how long you want to kind of be able to be in vacation mode before starting to look for work in Australia. May you know, if you want toe, if you want to not work for the 1st 6 months, you're going to need more money than that. But if you plan on, uh, you know, working fairly rapidly after arriving, that's about what you should have going to Australia. All right, then let's say you're going to Southeast Asia and you plan on not working in Southeast Asia . Okay, what I recommend is that you actually save $1000 for every month that you plan on spending in Asia. Okay, so if you want to spend a year in Asia, you should probably go. There were there were brown $12,000 you're probably not going to spend that amount, OK? It's you convey very, very easily spend less than that and live on less than that. You even possible toe. Make that last two years, okay? But that's really depending on how often you go out for Western food. How nice you need your accommodation to be, how many day trips you plan on doing and things like that. And you're not always gonna have the answers to those questions until you actually get there and you're in the moment and determinate. Uh, you know, if you like to live a little bit more extravagantly or if you're OK living in the backpacker hostel sharing a you know, a room with nine other people in a 10 bed dorm, right? You're just If you've never done that before, you're not gonna necessarily be sure that you're gonna be OK with that beforehand. OK, but the only way to keep the budget down is to be looking like that potentially. Okay. And that's there's gonna be so many little things like that where your budget can always very show just to be on the safe side. I recommend saving $1000 for every month you plan on spending in Asia. All right, in an In addition to that, I recommend you actually have an extra $1000 saved up as well. Okay. And This is for basically, if anything were to happen for any reason. You know, maybe your friends were getting married last minute. Or, God forbid you actually have a funeral. You have to go back home to $1000. Is just about going to be able to cover Ah, one or a flight? An immediate flight just one or two days out back to the U. S. Okay, so just to make sure that you have the cash to cover that as well. And yet that is ah, how much you should save for a trip to either Australia or to sell these Asia.
23. Smart Banking for Travelers: all right, banking and traveling. What are your options? I'll tell you what most people do. Most people do nothing to prepare for a traveling trip, and that is a big mistake for several reasons. First of all, most of the time your home bank like Wells Fargo and US Bank, for instance, to really popular banks in the states, Right, The future really bad for this. If you use your debit card in a foreign country, for the most part, they'll charge you a fee. If you withdraw money from an A t m US bank Wells Fargo, they will charge you a fee for using an A T. M. That's not a U. S. Banker Wells Fargo A. T. M. And then also oftentimes, the A T M owner will charge you a fee for using a card that doesn't match their A t. M. So if I'm withdrawing money from US bank card in Australia at a Commonwealth a t. M. Right, they don't have Wells Fargo teams in Australia. I mean, he slapped with a fee from Wells Fargo, a fee from the A team that goes to Commonwealth, and then I'm also going to get a really shitty conversion rate. Probably they're gonna take off like an additional 2 to 3%. Um, so that's it's horrible. You can lose Aton of money by not changing your banking back home before you leave for a trip. Okay, so that's what most people do They do nothing. I did that the first trip abroad. It was a horrible mistake. Um, so what I ended up doing and what is an option? Especially if you're in Australia? I recommend you do this anyway. Just open a foreign bank account open on open Australian bank account. When you're in Australia, the two biggest ones are Commonwealth Bank and a NZ uh, bank. And these two, um, both are fine. I use Commonwealth. It seemed like they had more teams broadened. Definitely recommend Commonwealth. I'm sure it is. He's fine as well. But anyway, if you especially if you're working, open up a bank account and you can have your pay just direct deposited into your bank account and then basically Onley using your debit card from your Australian bank while you're in Australia. So that is that is definitely an option. And I do recommend you still do that if you're gonna be in Australia, but also whether you are going to Australia or any other country in the world, I recommend you do this. This next up is well, and that is to get your hands on a toe open up a Charles Schwab debit card. This is really gonna help you out. This is the number one debit card for travelling at the moment. And, uh, the what the process for doing this is gonna look like, is it? It's basically opening up. Ah, high investor yield checking account. That might sound intimidating. Don't worry. You don't have to do any investing are anything like that to do this. But there is a good chance you will have to open up a Charles Schwab brokerage account. And then once you have the brokerage account, which kind of acts is your savings account? Then you transfer money from there and to a high investor yield checking comes. Then you get the Charles Schwab debit card with that, which gives you awesome travel perks. So basically the best ones are that there are no bank fees. Um, you get the best conversion rate, you basically get a conversion rate of exactly whatever the market foreign transaction, Uh, rate is no extra fee on top of that or anything. And then they also reimburse you all a team owner fees. So basically, when I use my Charles Schwab debit card in a foreign country, Charles Schwab does not charge me for using an a t M. That is not a Charles Schwab tm. Next, they give you a great conversion rate. Basically, there's no additional fee on top of whatever the currency conversion is, it's just a flat, whatever the currency convergent is. And then what's amazing, Absolutely amazing with this. And then the last thing is, they actually reimbursed all of your A t M owner fee. So this is like, uh, if you have a let's see of a U. S bank debit card, but you need money right now in the only a tm is a Wells Fargo a T M. Well, they're probably charging you like 22345 bucks to pull money out. Okay, well, same thing in every country, right? It's It's if you're not gonna find a U. S. Bank A. T M in Australia or Indonesia or anything like that right? So you're getting an A T M owner feet on every every single time you withdraw money. So what a lot of tourists will do. What a lot of Backpackers will dio is, uh, they'll just withdraw large sums of money at once. So you are getting the most money possible for de a T M owner fee, but you no longer have to deal with that. Plus, you're getting the awesome conversion rate and not paying any bank fees by using this debit card, so it definitely saves you a lot of money in the long run.
24. How to Fly for Free: all right. Flying for free using credit card sign on bonuses. No, it's not too good to be true. Yes, it actually works, but I do want to caveat that with saying and putting a quick disclosure here in the beginning that if you have any history with being in credit card debt or spending a lot of money spending more than you confined, easy to pay back, um, were living paycheck to paycheck like this method might not be for you. Okay, basically, credit card companies make a lot of their money by people spending more than they can pay back and and then earning a bunch of money on the interest of the principal over the long run. And that can seriously add up really fast. Okay, so you have any history with being in credit card debt or being an excessive spender? It's probably best to just cut up the credit cards, never used them. OK, but if you are pretty good at managing your money, But if that doesn't apply to you, this this might be something that could work for you. So this works is a lot of credit card companies will offer you points by showing loyalty to using their credit card when you first sign up to using it. So, for instance, a popular one at this moment is if, let's say you signed up for a new credit card, let's say Chase Sapphire preferred card right now. This is one that's that's really good at the moment of me recording this and the 1st 1 that I actually, uh, first credit card I used to do this with actually is there the way their program works is if you spend $4000 on their card within the 1st 3 months of opening account, um, you receive 50,000 bonus points and so basically 50,000 bonus points translates into $500 off of your bill or $625 in travel by paying for your ticket booking your ticket through the chase website. Okay. And so that's kind of how, uh, how the sign on bonuses work, right? A credit card company is trying to get you to show loyalty to using their card and to get you to kind of use your card forever, right, even though you don't have to use it forever. But you get this this extra incentive for heavily using their card in the 1st 3 months okay , to a $4000 spending and three months Sounds like a lot to you. Don't worry. That was That's a lot to me as well, right? That's way more than I would normally ever put on a credit card or even spend in three months. $4000 funding in three months. That's I'm a pretty frugal guy. I like to save money more than spend it right, So that is way more than I ever, ever spent on my credit card. But a little work around for this is talk to your family. Talk to your friends. You have a friend that's maybe buying a new laptop. Or maybe your parents would be okay with you to getting the groceries. And you can drop the groceries off your parent's house whatever a couple times a week, or do some of their spending where they reimburse you with cash or something. Also, check whatever a little work around like that could be a good ah, good, easy way to guarantee that you hit this sign on bonus. Even if that sign on bonuses way more money than you would naturally spend another good way to do this. What I actually did is my apartment building that I was staying at allowed me to pay for my rent on a credit card. Okay, Um and so basically, I had four roommates in my apartment, and I was able to put all of our rent onto my credit card and then my room. It would pay me back in cash and so that that was a really good way. Teoh. I was able to earn a sign on bonus for two different credit cards. Really rapidly leg like within four months. Like right before my trip, I was able to earn almost 1000 $400 in credit card points just by doing this a couple times , paying for the rent on my credit card, having my roommates pay me cash and that is flying for free with credit card sign on bonuses. It really works. I did it this year. I flew from Minneapolis to Bangkok, Bangkok to allow allowed to Malaysia, Malaysia to Bali. Bali is a annoy. And then I'm working my way down on a motorbike and buses and stuff to Bangkok and I'll fly home from Bangkok and I I still have money left over and that's all been free, I think one or two of those, I think I did not use credit card points for because I was able to get a cheaper without the credit card points. But I mean to trick the ticket from the US to Bangkok from Bangkok back home, those air 5 $600 tickets and those were free on bond. Plus, you book those and your book. Uh, if you book all your flights like to three months in advance, you can save so much money and get some super cheap flights and then once you're already in a place like Asia or South Central America, deflates air are really cheap to get around on the local budget airlines. So yeah, there you guys have it flying for free, using credit cards, sign on bonuses. It really works. And I, uh, encourage you to use it now the next. The next module is one that will always kind of be changing. And it's whatever is my card recommendation at the current time at the present time. But you can also check out the points guy, www dot the points guy dot com, And he is a great website there, which really highlights the point system, gives you a lot more information if you feel a little bit sketched out about maybe using credit cards this way like I know my parents were, for instance, the first time I told them about this right. Um and I was when I before I knew much about it. OK, but now I'm very comfortable doing this myself. And, of course, do your own research. Get yourself comfortable with the idea of doing this, uh, before you go about doing it, obviously, but all right, without being said on to the next module, which will be the card recommendation that I give at present time.
25. Current Credit Card Recommendations: So the travel credit card that I currently recommend is the Chase Sapphire preferred card. Ah, The main reason for that is because with this card, when you spend $4000 on purchases in your 1st 3 months of having the card from the date of opening the account, not from the day of receiving the card, OK, that's a big thing to keep in mind. It's not from the day you receive the card, but it's from the day that you opened the account. When you spend those $4000 in the 1st 3 months, you will get 50,000 bonus points. Those 50,000 bonus points convert into $625 of airfare. Yeah, so that is really, really awesome. So basically, just for spending money that you already would write, Or, as I said in the previous video, right? Like if you rent an apartment and you can put that on your credit card like, have your roommates pay you back, do whatever you need to dio friends buying a laptop, you know, maybe you purchase it for them and they pay you cash something like that. You know, you should be able to find a way to be able to spend $4000 in three months, even if that's well above what you would normally spend. Then you can get this 50,000 voters points, which is $625 of airfare. And, uh, yeah, The other cool thing is, this card offers no annual fee for the first year, okay? And lots of these. This is a premium ish credit card, right? Many premium credit cards offer an annual fee. Are they make you pay an annual fee to be able to use the card because they have such good perks. Okay, this one, you do not pay anything in your first year. Um, however, you do have an annual fee of $95 in your second year. But if you use all of your travel points, you can cancel your card before the whole first year is up before you're going to be charged That $95 for the second year. Okay, another cool thing with this card is you do get to times points for travel and dining, which additional airfare and eating out, um, and hotels are basically the only things that you're probably going to be able to use a credit card for anyway, Whether in Australia, Southeast Asia really doesn't matter. I mean, you're really not using your card that much, but those air, the things you would be using it for anyway. And then you get to times points. Uh, for those purchases, um, also gets travel redemption. Oh, that's yeah, that's basically this would only be, uh So the $625 is by you redeeming it for you're redeeming your 50,000 points. Um, four travel. Otherwise, it's $500 in cash. So even for someone that is not going to be traveling, um, this is still a good option because it's $500 towards cash or 625 $5 towards airfare. Um, you also have no foreign transaction fees with this card, which is really important. So what I recommend you do is, of course, read over, read over everything, read over the offer, details, pricing in terms, and also, of course, double check everything on here to make sure all this this information when you click the link below this video, if you are interested in this is Ah, is still the same as as what I said, because technically, you know, Chase could change this information and you given time immediately making this, uh, this video out of date show. Do your due diligence. But yet, if you want to travel card, this is the current one that I recommend.
26. Health and fitness: all right. So, health and fitness while traveling, it is always important to stay on top of your health and your fitness. But it can be especially difficult while you're traveling. Okay, and there's a couple of reasons for this. The biggest one is just that there's a lot more inconsistencies in your life while you're traveling. Okay, while you're traveling, you're probably waking up in ah, hostile with a bunch of other roommates. You may or may not have a good kitchen. You may have just gotten there the night before and not have done any grocery shopping yet . Or maybe the grocery store isn't even walking distance from your hostel, right? There's just there's a lot of inconsistencies, not to mention doing day trips where you could be out on the town may be exploring a crocodile zoo or hiking up a mountain or whatever it is you're doing that day while you're traveling right? So many inconsistencies, so much action always happening. Um, it makes it a little difficult to eat consistent, healthy meals or to eat healthy meals. Consistently theme. Best thing you could do while you're traveling in terms of eating healthy food is just to buy all of your own food yourself and to cook it yourself. This way, you can guarantee that you're getting the fruits and vegetables that you want to be eating tools like the healthy meats and dairy products and stuff like that. If you're always relying on eating food out in a boat at restaurants and street vendors and stuff like that, you are definitely not going to be eating as healthy food as if you were to cook food yourself at home. Let's say you're in Australia and you're doing a day trip. Well, there's probably gonna be a restaurant somewhere nearby that you can stop at, but highly likely that they're mainly could be serving french fries and burgers and stuff like that. Or maybe you're doing a day trip in Southeast Asia, and you're gonna be getting a lot of deep fried carbs for your food. So it's just a lot easier if you can, um, make your own food yourself and then as well. On top of that, implement this little diet hack that I've stumbled across
27. Intermittent Fasting: one way that you can change the way that you eat that works really well with traveling is something called intermittent Fasting. Now, this isn't a fitness course or diet course or anything like that, right? This is a travel course. I'm gonna keep this section fairly brief. Fasting basically just means to go an extended period of time without eating anything. The word breakfast literally means breaks your fast. They're thons, or isn't that people choose to fast? One is. It helps you lose weight. It will also give you better cognitive function. It'll help you decrease your sensitivity. Insulin, which is a good thing. It also helps make your hunger pains and cravings you away, Which is the main reason that I recommend it for travel. Also, once you've been fasting for around two weeks or so, your energy levels are just going to go up. You're just gonna have more energy throughout the day, and you're gonna feel really, really good all day. Another thing that happens is once you've been intermittent fasting for a little while, couple days up to a week or two. Is that your body? If you're not intermittent fasting, right, you're it's used to burning food from your last meal. And once the food from your last meal runs out once it's all been used up from your body. Your body is telling you you need to eat food. You having these food cravings, Okay, but you're also getting really tired. You're losing energy. What happens when your intermittent fasting once you've been doing it and you're used to it ? What happens is your body effortlessly transitions from burning food from your last meal to burning fat off of your body. You're burning fat off of your body. All of a sudden, you have a very large tank of food, right? You have a lot of energy at disposal for your body, and your energy skyrockets once you The really, really cool thing that happens is once you transition to burning fat on your body, you feel so good and your body is running a lot cleaner. Your brain's operating a lot better, and you actually have a lot more energy than if you are constantly relying on 34 meals a day, plus some snacks. Right. When you're intermittent fasting, your energy goes up, you feel better. You don't get these food cravings. You don't get slowed down as much to do cool activities and stuff like that, right? You just have a lot more energy and you can go, go, go, go with a wall traveling without having to take breaks toe constantly stopping.
28. Partying While Traveling: Let's take a second to talk about partying, wall traveling. If you do a lot of partying while traveling, it's gonna be one of the most expensive things that you do and also one of the things that's the least healthy for you. Okay? And I am not here to hate on the partying while traveling at all. Okay, Partying world traveling is some of the best partying that you will probably do in your life. It's so much fun, it's Ah, honestly, there's nothing comparable to it from like back home or anything like that. I think about this. You. It's probably start your day off pre gaming at a hostel, maybe in the park, whatever with like 20 other Backpackers from your hostel. Okay, you rolled to the club 20 people deep. You already know 20 people there. You're meeting a ton of other Backpackers. They're all in the same situation as you, plus mingling with the locals, whether in Southeast Asia or Australia, it doesn't really matter. Mingling with locals, other Backpackers. The clubs without you will go to wal traveling are so different, so unique and back home. It's it's absolutely incredible if you're in Cambodia, a beer at a bar is going to be 50 cents. Potentially. Compare that to your 5 $10 drink back home. Let's say you're in Bali. Okay. The biggest place to go to Bali is this place called Sky Garden. And what they do is from five till nine you pay. It's like $7.50 to get in the door. Right. And you have unlimited amount of food. You can eat at an amazing Hefei with, like, salads and burgers and shit. And then you also get as much as you can drink from five till nine. Okay, for $78 to be doing a full moon party in Thailand. Goodbye. We'd pizza legally in Cambodia, could buy mushroom shakes at a bar in northern Thailand, if that's your thing. But what I will tell you is that when you tone, you're partying down you all of a sudden, free up so much time, energy and money to be doing other cool things, and you're if you're traveling the world, you have so many cool things that you could do. But if you're spending a lot of your free time partying and being hungover and just lounging around or not having energy because you partied the night before, you're gonna have less time, energy and money to be doing cool activities in whatever location you are to make your travels last that much longer. One great way to make your travels last twice as long is to just not party. The reason I'm saying this is a lot of Backpackers that I meet do spend a large amount of their time partying. A lot of people are going out 3456 nights a week and nothing wrong with that. That's that's their choice. But what I'm seeing is that they're having less time and less energy to do cool shit on day trips and exploring the locations that they are in. Um, so something you might want to think about. Maybe skip that Friday night, Saturday night of partying. Every once in a while, rent a motorbike, drive into the mountains, do some high gang do some camping in a you know, in a campground in Thailand, for instance, the camping in Thailand's incredible do something like that, right, instead of just a normal Friday, Saturday night on the town, right, of course, There's some parting if Kourtney's your thing, but just limit it a little bit if you can, if you decide you want to, because there's so much mawr cooler and better things that you can do while traveling and things that will be much more memorable experiences when you're looking back at your travel experience 20 years from now, set.
29. Doctors Visits and Vaccinations: Another thing that you should do before you go traveling is you should dio get a doctor's visit and specifically probably end up getting some vaccinations. Okay, um But before you go to your doctor, I'd say even before you make an appointment to go see your doctor, what I recommend you do is you make a list of all the recommended vaccinations that you probably need to get. Okay. And the way you get that information is you should go to the CDC website that I have list on that slide there, and then you should make a list of all of the countries you're going to be going to all the required shots for those countries. Make a list of everything, all the vaccinations, any medication that you should have to go to those countries and then call your health insurance provider first. Before you schedule your doctor's appointment, call your health insurance provider and see if they are going to cover those or not. Okay, you probably have to give them some information about your trip. When I did this, they were not going to cover hardly anything. If I was only staying in a country for a couple days, but when they discovered it was a longer trip, all of a sudden, basically every vaccination was covered. So that was that was really handy. I don't know what it's gonna look like for you with your health insurance, the health insurance stuff. Is that pretty? It's It's a clusterfuck right now, imparting my friends. Yeah, you'll discover that through this process, some versions of vaccines are gonna be covered. Other versions are not okay. So when you're talking to your health insurance provider, figure out what the code names, what the code number of the different vaccines that are covered under your insurance are. That way, you can make sure that you're not getting the aural version of the typhoid vaccination. If only the shot version is covered by your health insurance.
30. Travelers Diarrhea: Oh, right fun topic in this video. All about traveler's diarrhea today and what to do do if it happens to you. Alright, right off the bat. It is unfortunate, but you are a lot more likely to get traveler's diarrhea upset stomach, you know, have days where you don't. I want to spend too much time away from a bathroom wall. You're in developing countries. Fortunately, most the time is gonna happen to you. It's just gonna be a mild case of traveler's diarrhea, meaning consistency is going to be a bit off going to need to run to the toilet, maybe 3 to 5 times in a day. But it's never really an emergency. Probably just don't want to be more than 15 minutes striking distance from a toilet throughout most the day, right? So when it is a case of mild traveler's diarrhea, you're not flushing your whole day down the toilet. So, like I said, mild case of traveler's diarrhea is by far the most common, and this probably where it doesn't affect your day all that much. My experience and talking other people probably happens about once or twice a month. On average, you're not that bad? You're sitting down ready to see some pictures? Just kidding. Just kidding. Go run away. I'm not gonna do that to you guys. I like you too much for that. Active the content again. So there's the mild case of traveler's diarrhea, right? And then there's also a more severe case right when you have it quite a bit worse. A severe cases when your stomach will be absolutely killing you for 2 to 7 days. You probably don't want to be more than two minutes away from a toilet for that period of time. And this might sound really bad, and it is pretty bad. OK, but the good thing is that this is a very rare occurrence. Okay, It probably only happens about once every 5 to 6 months on average. Okay, so, um, and most of time, also most of time, it's not a full seven days. That's, like absolute worst case, an area. Most of the time, this is gonna be a 2 to 3 day thing, and you're gonna be feeling really miserable for 2 to 3 days. This will shut down travel pan plans. You're not getting any day trips in with this. This is where you might want to take some antibiotics or possibly even see a doctor. A link to an article below that gives more information, but basically you probably want to see a doctor if you have severe dehydration. If you have persistent vomiting, if you have blood in your stools or if you have high fever, that's Ah, those were the really the big four of like, if any of those happened, like you probably want to see a doctor, um, and get some medical attention if you're pretty freaked out by the idea of visiting a doctor's office or a hospital in a foreign country, especially 1/3 World country. Um, what you can do is you can contact the embassy or the consulate, and they'll point in the direction of the best. Ah, the highest and facility in your area. So you know your at least getting ah, the best care, um, that you can be getting in your situation. The good thing, though, is hospitals are very, very cheap in Asia. It's absolutely ridiculous. How much cheaper or really, I should say how expensive hospitals are in the US Have a friend that hurt his arm recently and had an X ray done and, ah, turned out, wasn't broken or anything. But the X ray costume, I think, was like five or $10 right way cheaper than it would have been back home. Whether you have a mild case or a severe case, it's a good idea to keep your food simple, right? Easiest option is just plain what rice. If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, you can put a little bit of butter on there or some steamed vegetables is another good thing. You should always keep in your big backpack in case you get traveler's diarrhea, both of which you can buy in Asia at any 7 11 most convenient stores or any pharmacy. Ah, the first ones in modem Um, odium will just plug you up. That's what that does. Ah, and the 2nd 1 is an electrolyte solution. Eso this is add to your water to get some electrolytes in your system so you don't get dehydrated in the event of being sick for a couple days in a row. The most common electrolyte solution in Southeast Asia is, ah, this packet of stuff called Royal de and it's It's pretty cheap. It's, Ah, inconsequential how much it costs and Ah, and you're getting electrolytes and can't find any royal. De um asked about any electrolyte solution, really? But another good thing is data. It will be good coconut water you can typically by at, ah, most convenient stores as well. Where if you're somewhere, place a little more tropical, get an actual coconut and ah, what's cool about an actual coconut? You can drink the water, and then even if you have stomach problems scraping the ah, the coconut. Eating the meat of the coconut is really good to, um, if you have traveler's diarrhea, that's one of the few foods that you can eat.
31. Passport and Visa Basics: all right. Passport and visa basics. So if you do not have a passport, the number one thing that's on your list of things to do is to get a passport, get a passport, start the process early because it can take a while. Sometimes that's what I recommend you do. Is Google how to get a passport or go to, Ah, this link below on the slide and click the big button in the middle. There, get a passport so most countries require that you have at least six months left valid on your passport. A passport will generally expire after 10 years. But if you want Teoh be allowed into a country, basically every country that at least I've ever been to require that you have at least six months, um, eligibility left on your passport to be allowed in. A lot of countries also require that you have at least 2 to 4 pages left in your passport open pages, even if their stamp is only going to take up half of the page. A lot of countries do require that you have 2 to 4 pages left. Also, another thing to keep in mind with visas is many countries do require that you have your return ticket or your at least your ticket, Um, out of the country pre purchased before you're allowed on a flight to that country. So Bali is a perfect example of this. I found this out the hard way the first time I went to Bali waiting in line to board the plane to go to Bali for the first time. Right? And I actually ended up having to show the ticket counter proof of my ticket leaving Bali before they would let me on the plane to Bali. This where having a kayak app or the sky scanner app on your phone with your and your account set up with your credit card information already in there is really important. So that right then and there at the check out counter, I could quick book a flight leaving Bali so I could actually get on my plane to Bali in a hurry. I just want to always have passport photos with you while you're traveling. Oftentimes you'll need, like, two of these to apply for a visa. Also having photocopies of your passport ready, you don't need to always carry this on you. But sometimes you will need it to rent a motorbike or something like that. And a lot of places. Places will want your passport, but a photocopy of your passport, uh, works Justus. Well, And also, do not lose your passport. You absolutely cannot lose your passport. Okay, that is ah, the number one item that you need to protect at all costs. Um, but if it does happen to you, just contact the nearest US embassy or a consulate and do whatever they tell you to do.
32. Incorporating Stopovers into your travel: Okay, So this video is going to be about incorporating stopovers when you are planning your flights. Okay. So let's say just this could be any example, But we're just going to say you're in Vnt. And you've just been backpacking around Laufer last couple of weeks or a month, and you're ready to leave Lau. Okay, um, you want to you know for sure you want to see Bali. At some point, you could go directly to Bali or you could do something else, right? Bali's a little far away from vanity. And if you look at it on a map, so what we're gonna do, we're just going to see what is what is it going to cost if we were going directly to Bali ? Uh, all right, let's check it out. And we're also going for this example. Well, let's do Let's do we're going to do two days out. You're going to be leaving two days after the or your booking at two days in advance, I'll say, Okay, so just keep in mind that's gonna make it a little more expensive. You you always can book like, three months in advance to get the three months in advance and on a Wednesday to get the cheapest deal. Typically, if it's not high season in the area going but realistically, as a backpacker, you never know. You don't plan three months in advance, right? You have no idea where you'll be in three months. So two days a week in advance. That's pretty typical. All right, here. Show Vanity Ente, Bali booking. Two days in advance. We're looking at $238. That's eight hour as a backpacker were choosing this. $221. The cheapest option. Teoh. It'll it'll add a little more than an hour. But that's fine. All right, so we got our baseline here in CNN, straight to Bali. $221. Let's compare that, uh, to making some stops on the way. All right, so let's say our first stop is gonna be Bangkok, all right? And will eventually work away to Bali. But just with a couple stops. So Bangkok searching for that? Well, look at that guy. All right. The results have loaded. And while look at this one, so would Anthony is actually pretty close to have unity and That's why this first one's coming up. Uh, food on. Let's see that, Uh, you th is good. Um, Donnie, but that's in Thailand. So we're gonna ignore this one. So for the purpose of this, um, this tutorial, this example we're going to go with this option it your vnt in to Bangkok direct $78 for the first leg of our trip. All right, I'm just gonna make a note of that here on my other shoots $78. All right? And then we're gonna dio after Bangkok. Wish we go. Let's go to Kuala Lumpur. I'm thinking after, Yeah, that makes sense. Kuala Lumpur and, um, in Singapore are also to really Bangkok, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I should say are are three really big hubs in South East Asia. Singapore though you don't want to spend a week there saying a port is just too expensive for that for a backpacker. So we're gonna dio uh, Bangkok to K l Oh, yeah, Kuala for any. All right, And then this is going to be the second leg of our journey, So we're gonna put it out a week out, so we're gonna get onto Wednesday. Here's we're gonna do the fourth are the fourth there, uh, research for that flight. All right. And the results have loaded. So let's see here. So Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur we're looking at, uh this cheapest option is $45. All right, Perfect. So now we're going to do now. Let's go to Bali from here. Okay. Kuala Amanpour on the airport. Teoh. Bali. Perfect. And that is gonna be then one week out. So you're effectively spending a week in Bangkok a week in Kuala Lumpur and then arriving in Bali. And yet? Okay. Got that right. One way. Boom. Beautiful. Results of Loaded and Kuala Lumpur toe. Bali $68. Awesome. Good deal. Gonna add that another sheet here. All right, let's take a look at this other document I put together. So you can basically go directly from unity and to Bali paid $221 your straightened Bali, or I'll pull us up in a map in just a second year. You can make a couple stops on the way and even pay a little bit less. So basically, when this works, the way this works really well is when you are basically not going out of your way to get somewhere, right? So you're get going from being tan. Which boat? Here. Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur to Bali Down here. Okay. You're not really going out of your way at all to make those stops. And that's when, uh, this works really well. And then you're ultimately getting to Bali, saving a little bit of money. The savings is kind of insignificant, though, but you get to spend an extra week in to new countries. Okay, that is stopovers. And I will us you guys in the next video.
33. Apps for Travel: some APS that you definite want to make sure you have for travel are Google translate Hostile World booking dot com Either kayak or sky scanner App for booking flights. Trip Advisor. Google Maps, Maps Stop me a currency converter app. Want cloud backup for any app? You your pick of Dropbox. Whatever apples thing is whatever for backing up your photos and stuff like that. Pack it up. Sorry, pocket and instead, paper are for backing up articles. So if you're on your computer, your phone, whatever, you see an article that you want to save offline onto your device so that you can read it later when you're on a bus or something traveling around, uh, that's what I use those for and then podcast. You spend a lot of time on buses, trains walking around when you're traveling, being able to consume content in your years. Podcasts are awesome for that. Audible is good for listening to audiobooks while you're on the go. WhatsApp is how you will probably communicate with most people while traveling, especially in Southeast Asia. Australia is still predominantly Facebook messenger on, then over and grab for getting around. Uh, uber's no longer in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, Grab is the main service there now, since they were purchased by uber. But having uber and grab on your phone as well is is critical. Google translate APP is going to be critical for being able to understand what may be written on a menu or even communicate with someone with Google Maps. You can actually download maps in most parts of the world offline, so you can save that information on to your phone for when you, uh, maybe your SIM card isn't working, or you chose not to get a SIM card in the country because you're not there for very long. You can save where you are in offline mode with Google Maps, but maps that me is also a good out to have on your phone where basically, that's a that's a backup to Google maps. Google Maps doesn't let you save every part of every country in Southeast Asia. It doesn't let you save a lot of places off line, which is super annoying. But map stop me allows you to save basically everywhere offline, and the reason I recommend still using both is is it's a lot harder to search for specific restaurants or anything like that on map. Stop me So used Google maps and you can map stop me is still a good backup tohave.
34. Outro: All right, guys. And that wraps up the gap year of travel. Course. OK, I hope you learned everything you were looking for. Learn a lot of valuable content that you can apply to your own trip. All right. And that's it. Happy travels, CS.