TikTok marketing for creatives: Make a living out of your creative passion | Janosch Herrmann | Skillshare

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TikTok marketing for creatives: Make a living out of your creative passion

teacher avatar Janosch Herrmann, Tools for digital business

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Platform overview


    • 3.

      Creating an appealing TikTok profile


    • 4.

      Uncovering the TikTok algorithm


    • 5.

      How to film & edit your videos


    • 6.

      Kickstarting your TikTok growth


    • 7.

      Expanding to new platforms


    • 8.

      Monetizing your passion (+strategies we used)


    • 9.



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About This Class

Learn how to promote your creative work on TikTok

Hey, Janosch here!

In this course, we'll talk about every aspect of growing your creative career through TikTok like:

  • How the TikTok platform and its algorithm works

  • How you can create an appealing TikTok profile

  • How to film & edit your videos

  • Strategies for accelerated growth on TikTok

  • How to expand to other platforms
  • How to monetize your reach

&much more!

TikTok: A great chance to gain exposure as a creative

Since other platforms like Instagram, Pinterest & YouTube are really crowded now, TikTok is one of the best chances you have, if you are trying to grow your creative brand in 2020! 

I hope to see you in the course.

Take care

- Janosch

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Janosch Herrmann

Tools for digital business


Hey, I'm Janosch,  a computer science student  & tech enthusiast based in Berlin, Germany. I help individuals & small business to organize & automate their work using modern tech tools!

Check out my classes below :)

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1. Introduction: Welcome to this course on tick tock for artists. My name is Ganesh, and in this course I want to show you how you can use thick talk to promote your credit work and career. I'm a student web designer and marketer from Germany with a strong tied to social media. Over the last 12 months, I've worked with several tick tock influences and helped them reach hundreds of thousands of followers. While doing this, I also helped my girlfriend Anna, to build her her own following in the creative bullet journaling, upcycling and DIY space, to the point where she now has about 125 thousand followers on tick tock. She also has more than 8 thousand subscribers on YouTube or more than 500 thousand monthly views on Pinterest and a steadily increasing income from her creative career. In this course, I want to share the lessons that we learned along the way and I want to show you how you can build a following on tech talk around your creative work as well, will cover things like what content works best on take talk, how you can quickly get set up with the minimum amount of equipment to start filming videos today, how you can leverage collaboration to kick start your growth, how to think of algorithm works and much more, will also talk about how you can expand social media platforms and are how you can later monetized the reach that you've gained and make a career out of your creative work. And this is going to be the theme as well. So we'll take a look at this from the creative angle, from someone who is trying to have a creative career using social media. This is what we want you to have, and this is what we're trying to achieve in this course. So if you've ever thought about publishing credit content on social media or making a career out of your hobby that supports your lifestyle and your creative work. And this is the right course for you. So without further ado, let's jump right into the course. 2. Platform overview: Welcome to the short class on tick tock marketing for artists. In the next videos, I want to show you how powerful ticks or can be for you as an artist and how already successful artists and take talk have managed to get into the position that they are in today. Let's get started right away. So you probably already know how tiktaalik works, but we'll still take a quick look at the platform so you see how it looks like and what it does. And then we'll make comparisons to platforms like Instagram. Alright, so now I'm in the tick tock app and this is the profile page. This looks really familiar if you've been using Instagram and pretty much the whole app is. So take talk and Instagram, very much alike as you'll find out soon. So next we have the inbox. This is pretty much people who liked your videos. People who commented on your videos, who followed you. All. That is what you see here. And also on tick talk. This is in the top right up here, where you will have your private messages. And the middle, this is right down here, is where you can create new videos, where you can upload content. Again, same as it's for Instagram. Then you have the Discover Feed and the search box. So you can search for craters, for example, just like an Instagram search for hashtags and all that. And then you have the whole screen, which has the full page on it. So this is the feed that take talk has, which is pretty much yeah, it shows all the content that ticked off displays. It generates content based on your interests and then determines what content fits your interests best. And so it kinda curates this endless list of content you consume for you. But there's one difference between the tick tock for you page feed and the Instagram feed for example, which is that Instagram is based on people that you follow and accounts that you follow, companies that you follow, operands. So you have a feed with all of those which you also have on tick tock, but it's just the secondary field, if you will. The primary feed for you page is not based on people that you already know, but it's based on your interests. So you can see videos from pretty much any creator all over the world if their content fits your interests. And this way you just cover way more new people to follow interesting accounts and so on. Instagram basically doesn't encourage you to find new people, which makes it even harder for people to gain followers if they are trying to gain follows on the platform. One I'm tick tock. The algorithm actively encourages you to find out new craters that you are interested in. And that's what makes it so appealing to grow your brand Caribbean as an artist on tick tock, this concept is so good that Instagram now features their Instagram reals, right where the search bar used to be. So they know how greatest concept works. They like this endless scrolling and discovering new accounts feature, which is why they pretty much just copied what ticked out already did. Now, to use the potential that take thought has to your advantage. You need to know something about the culture on tick tock as you have been consuming Tech Talk content regularly already, then you probably already have some insight into that. But I'll just quickly sum up some of the biggest or most important facts for you so you know what you're getting yourself into. Now take talk is solely video-based, so you can only upload videos and they can be only up to one minute long. Usually they're even much shorter than this because the attention span on tick tock, tick tock users isn't that long. So usually the best videos are between ten to 30 seconds long. When we look at some of the stats for our accounts, usually the average watch time is somewhere between ten to 20 seconds. What you also need to know is that take talk creators and also users are usually pretty young. So It's with any social media platform basically, usually the young people start to use it and then the age kind of goes up as these young people age as well and as new users joined platform. So since take talk was once musically the lip sinking app, and many of the old users that were like ten to 14 maybe have stayed on the platform and made this a really, really young platform from the beginning. But within the last year, I'd say that there have been many more people who are 40 into 30 years old who've joined the platform as well. So you're looking at a pretty young audience, but it's not just teenagers anymore. Now, the content on tech Talk is usually based on trends or much of the continuity is, and this is what tech talk again came from originally. So they have these like sound trends. You can use sounds for your videos. And these are unlike short clips of audio that people like you performances to the lip sync to these audios. And they use them in their videos and around the sounds. There have been many challenges that have to come trends on tech talk. And this is at the core of the platform. So pretty much every couple of days there's a new big trend that everybody does. And using these trends to your advantage, maybe incorporating them into your creative work is a great way to gain reach on tick tock. Alright, that's it for some quick facts. The best tip that I can give you to learn this kind of tick tock culture and how it works in a pretty fast manner is by actually using tick tock yourself. So if you're not already using tech talk in your free time and recommend you at least spend like 15 to 30 minutes per day on the platform, at least in the next couple of weeks, to really grasp the concept by the platform and to learn how it works. This will give you much, much inside and will help you make more of the contents in this course. That's it for this video. So see you in the next one and yeah, take care. 3. Creating an appealing TikTok profile: Before we can get into how you can create great content for tech talk, let's have a look at your profile first. This might seem obvious, but a great profile can really determine whether somebody will follow your account or not. That's why we want to make sure that your profile accurately represents you and the creative work that you do on tick talk and elsewhere. All right, so let's go through the profile and take a look at all things that you can optimize. I'll use analog profile as an example. If you don't know Anna as my girlfriend and she has a pretty popular Tiktaalik counts. We managed to grow it to about 125 thousand followers in about nine months. So, yeah, I'll use her account. Alright, so first we'll take a look at the profile picture. The proper picture is one of the more important aspects because it appears in different places. And if it looks bad, then you will just not get recognized. Many people on Tech Talk liked the esthetically pleasing pictures and aesthetics are generally speaking, suffering, that's the frilly higher value on ticked up. So if we take a look at Anna's picture is a picture of yourself. And this makes much sense because she is a personal brand, pretty much so she has her own brand. She is the pace of our brand. And so she should be in the foreground of all things that she does. If you have more of a company, this might be a logo or if you're doing some kind of artwork and you don't want to show your face in the beginning, which is fine, then maybe present your artwork. You can also use a quick jeff video for this. So you could like display how you're doing your art and so on. So there's many ways to do this. It just has to look appealing to your audience and that's something that you probably know best how to do. Next, you want to summarize what you do in a couple of words. So this should be really quick. Somebody who goes to your profile should immediately see what your account is about. Because this is what determines whether he or she will follow your account or not. People usually want to follow accounts where they know that the content interests them. So like all of the content, usually people don't subscribe or follow a and an account if there's just like one or two posts. Once you think about that account that interests them, or on the other hand, if they don't enjoy some of the content, then they will probably unfollow you later. So if you don't State correctly what you do in your work, what you do if you like music or you do art, you do, maybe you do paintings, you do knitting or something like this. You should always try to say that upfront. This, it should be the first thing in your profile that people who enjoy this type content follow you infinitely. And also the people that don't enjoy this content don't fall you so you don't get people that like subscribe for a couple of days and then they leave their account later. Again. Also, if you have a business email address, add that to your profile description as well, because this is where you will usually get all of the inquiries from brands, from other people who want to collaborate with you. So it's best to just have that interior in your profile so that people can directly contact you once they see your ticked up profile, you also want to add the links or socials. So you can add Instagram and YouTube. This is unknown buttons, so these will show up as Instagram and YouTube. And you should also include them, even if you don't post to regularly on these platforms, because this just helps you gain more traction on other platforms as well. And if you ever decide to pursue your YouTube career as well, then you will thank yourself. Later that you've already added that link to your tick tock profile. The last thing that you will want to do is to add thumbnails to your video. So this is not something that's directly related to your profile, but this is something that people will see. It's pretty much like the feed instagram, you scroll on here, you see you can choose what will be shown up in this profile. And this is important because this makes her account look good and appealing or otherwise, it wouldn't if you don't choose the right frame for these thumbnails. So this is something you want to take into consideration when creating and publishing your videos. Now your profile or set and urine start posting. So that's what we'll do in the next videos. So stay tuned for that and I'll see you in the next one. 4. Uncovering the TikTok algorithm: Alright, so one more thing we need to do is to understand the tick tock algorithm. It takes, an algorithm is what makes take talks so successful. And they have been counters rumors about the algorithm, how it works. But recently takes out will actually released a statement showing and showcasing what several aspects of the algorithm are and what the algorithm takes into account. So we'll take a look at that and we'll check out how we can use this to kind of optimize or content to fit what tick tock likes so that we have a higher chance of reaching a bigger audience. Alright, so some of the basic things that the algorithm takes into account your actions. So if you interact with a video on your, for your page in a certain way, take top measures that, and then based on that, determines whether or not you like the video or not. So if you watch a video for a long time, then that shows take talk that you liked the video. If you liked the video, shows that take dot-dot. You liked the video. If you commented on the video, if you share the video, all of those are things that take talk takes into consideration. And based on that, privileged calculates a score stating how much on a scale of one to 100, we don't know what's Keller used, but for, as an example, we'll just use that scale. How much you actually like that video. And then they compare that to other videos. And then based on that, create new recommendations and showed new videos to you. But there are also other things that take tuck takes into consideration. For example, there's metadata, so meta information like the caption of your video that she posted or the hashtags that you used or the sound that you used in the video. All of those things that take talk also takes into consideration. And lastly, also your account settings. So whether or not you have, you're from the US, for example, or from Germany, from the UK, from Australia. These are things that tick tock nos and that determined what you see on your page and also what other people will see on that for you pages. So this is what makes it pretty much impossible for people from smaller countries where tick tock things, alright, they speak the local language to reach a global audience. So for example, in Germany, many people have a hard time trying to shop on the for you pages of American people. While the American people have a pretty easy time of showing up on offer you pages because ticks and knows English is the spoken language and beep secondary language in most of the countries around the world. So they know that Germans no English. But they often can't really determined that the Gemini was also an English. Alright, so what does this mean for you? So if you're from a small country or country where tick tock determines that English is probably not the primary language, meaning that you probably won't show up on the free pages in the US, in Canada, and so on. This to me means that you should try to first beloved local audience. So build up an audience in your home country. If you're from the US or any other primarily English-speaking states or nations, then this doesn't have to worry you because you will still show up on other people's pages. Okay, so now back to the factors that the tick tock algorithm takes into consideration as a conclusion, we know that these are the things that take Talk values, that you take the algorithm values. And so these are things that if we optimize them and if our videos performed better based on those metrics, then we will have a bigger reach. Now, of course, this doesn't really sound all that autistic and ternary. I don't want to be this guy just about the numbers and so on. But it's just something that you should keep in the back of your mind when you're creating content for taste. Ok, now I quickly, once you go over some of these metrics and show you how you might go about optimizing for those metrics. The first one being the watch time. And watch time is one of the most important metrics to take talk. Because take talk, as you probably know, once you'd stay on their platforms for as long as possible. And if somebody watches your video for a long time, this means to take talk that they're staying on that platform for longer. And this is good for them. So they might recommend your videos to more users. And so if you want to optimize for this metric, you have to take into consideration that it's also relevant how much of your video Busby viewed. So if you have a one-minute video, but the person only watched like ten seconds of it. That's not as good as having a 20-second video. What's for nine seconds? So take that into consideration. And what you might do for this is really short and compelling and interesting videos. So make them short and appoint and turned, put too much fluff in there because this makes, gives you a higher chance of them not succeeding and becoming not that popular on tectonic. Next factor is interaction. And interaction might be something like sharing your video, might be commenting, might be liking. So what you do for this is tried to encourage this interactions. So ask questions in your caption. Tell your users to share the content if they liked to tell him to, to like it, if they like that. Things like this. I wouldn't go too overboard with this because many people don't like being forced to do things, but asking like subtle questions in your captions usually helps you generate some comments which are seen as interaction and so help you become more relevant on the platform. Now another thing that's not based on one single factor, but that's pretty much the single most important thing for your videos. Is the more impressive and the more unique your videos are, the higher is the likelihood that they will actually become viral hits. So uses on tech talk, like they're these massive, giant, crazy things that they've not seen before. And this is something that usually has a high potential of going viral. So as an artist, what this might be is quite a stunning piece of art that you show your skills, make something really stunning that really speaks to your audience or people who are interested in the type of art that you do. Because this has a mass of chance of going viral. Usually or often with you become more familiar with the platform. You can actually see when the video has the potential to become a big viral hit. And you'll see when it doesn't pick based on the kind of virality and on the uniqueness of the video. Also something that works really well and take talk is content formats. So having recurring themes on your account, like weekly formats that you do because this helps people to recall that saw you before. So first of all, if something works really well, if you have a ticked off that does really good on the platform, then you can do this as well. So you can like make a series out of that. And also, if you just have a certain type of format that you use, people will recognize you if they see you on there for you page for a second time, increasing the likelihood of them becoming interested in your content. And also encourage you to start niche down with your content. Meaning, don't try to be like, I'm an artist, I do art at you all kinds of art in the first place. This might work, but it might not. This is what we did with Anna's account. So we just started out with bullet journaling. She just shut out weekly spreads. You showed doodles that she credit for her Bullet Journal. And then later on, once she got some traction, she started to expand into other fields to India. Why doing upcycling and all those things. Because she had low reach and then to gain an additional reach. And because she is interested in not just bullet journaling, but in other aspects of creativity as well. This is why we, Denzin started to expand her account. Also, there's this trend on Tech Talk where people become the so-called CEO of something. So this is usually when some creator gets famous with one or two videos. He has like 12 viral hits or he does one specific thing. And then this is what he's known for. And often what they do is they make that thing into their, their brand. So they, they built off of that thing. And they make many, many videos where a kind of implement what it become known for. And this is also something that proved the concept of selling niche down so that people know you for one thing and then you can expand from that. Lastly, something that you shouldn't do is trying to recycle content from other platforms. Now, one thing you can do now with Instagram reals is to post things on both take talk and insulin reals. But you should definitely not just post and clips from YouTube video or an Instagram video and you edited for HDTV onto Instagram because people notice when the content isn't really native and doesn't fit the tick tock 50mm. And then they will become uninterested and the videos will not gain the traction and the attention that you want them to have. Alright, so now let me show you a video that Anna posted and that implements some of these things really well. That was a creative video and that got massive amounts of reach here in Germany and also in some other countries. But yeah, let's jump right in. So this is the video right here. It's the one you see right here on the screen. And pretty much it's just the video of her creating a a2 rule, a design in her Bullet Journal. And the thing you'll notice is that it's just really satisfying. So it's just like a nice, small creative thing that she, she did. And for people that do bullet journals, this is something that they really enjoy. And this is why videos like this can go that virus. So if you go back in here, you'll see the video scott, 1.3 million views, which is massive. It's one of her most, most famous and most popular videos. And that's because she implemented some of these strategies in here. And because it looks appealing to people in her niche. Now, there's always some kind of randomness in viral hits on Tech Talk as well. So there's no guarantee for video going viral. You might have a video where you think, oh, this is going by or for sure, but it doesn't. And then you have just a usual video and all of a sudden it goes viral. Can never foresee that, but there's still some things that you can do to make it have a bigger chance of going viral. Now, next, I want to take a look at talent shop right here. I don't know if she can see correctly, but this is a really famous artists on tech talk. He's got 4.4 million followers and he pretty much invented a new type of art. So let me show you quickly what he does in his videos and you'll see what I mean. So this is one of his videos right here. He does this kind of spinning table, modern drawings, modern paintings. And he pretty much was the person to invent this. And when people first saw this, his videos went super viral because nobody's ever seen this before. This is lump-sum Cairo's new art and looks impressive. And this is why some of these videos, if you take a look at them, have millions, tens of millions of views. But just because this is so impressive to people who've never seen this before. And this is how he got popular on the AP. Alright, so now with all these factors in mind, you earned your best way to create your first viral hit on Tech Talk. Of course, don't try to stuff all these factors into your videos. These are just meant as kind of a small hints and things to take into consideration. But you shouldn't base all of the videos on this kind of recipe says makes viral hits. Just keeping this in the back of your mind is enough. And then, as I said, on your best way to create your first trial Hit also just keep in mind that ticked off views come in waves sometimes. So you might create a viral hit, as I said. And then you post a new video where you think this might be your next viral hit. And then again, then again, nothing happens. But that's just the way it is on tech talk. You have to keep trying and to keep pushing our new content. But then I'll be sure that you land your first priority, but in no time. Alright, that's it for this video, I'll see you next one, buyer. 5. How to film & edit your videos: When you're starting to film your first videos for take talk, you will have to think about how you will actually film and then later edit these videos. Now, there are obviously many, many ways you could go about doing this. And I want you to say right from the start that you don't need any fancy equipment, you don't any professional equipment. You can actually do most of the editing and filming with tools that you already have or additional free tools. And if you then gain traction on tech talk, if you become somewhat successful on tech talk, then you might think about some, somewhat investing in your ticked off growth and purchasing additional materials and equipment. Alright, let's talk about the absolute basics that you will need for your videos. First of all, you will want to have nice natural lighting. So you, once you have a nice sunny place that gets good gliding, Sarah, your videos actually look at because video quality and how your videos look pretty much determines how successful you can be. Because as I said earlier as well, the younger generation, my generation and people in this age generally look more for aesthetic and nice-looking videos and turn like when videos look like trash, so good natural lighting if you don't or if you're like, if you have to record in the evenings at nighttime and then I'd recommend you get like a nice little ring light. Or as I have some soft boxes that just add to your lighting in that you can use to film whenever you want. Also, you obviously need a good camera or a decent camera desk can be your phone. So your phone should usually be enough for you to think toward purpose. But if you want to use a DSLR camera, for example, and you could always do that as well. It's just much more work to do. So I usually recommend you just use your phone. So if that if that's got eighties and quality, and then that's more than enough. Now, The same goes for audio. So in the beginning, just use your phone if that's got like a decent quality. If you want to be more professional from the beginning, get yourself a microphone that you can plug into your phone, or just confined to your PC, your laptop, or sit on top of your camera, and then use that to film videos. Lastly, something that will come in really, really handy quite often, trust me, it's to have this small little tripod. You can get them for like ten bucks on Amazon. So that's not that big of an investment, but it just helps you out so much if you want to position your phone somewhere to act as a camera, this is just something that you we'll probably need as well. So just purchase like, as I said, the standalone version, that's more than enough for a beginning, and then you're good to go. Now when you're filming your videos, you can go multiple ways as well. So first of all, you can use TED Talk itself to filming videos. This is the quickest and easiest way, but it's also something that you might not want to use if you have more of a complex video and for some use cases, it's not the best tool. Still takes off, offers some quite, quite nice to use and easy to use tools to do some really basic editing, to add voiceovers, to add text effects and so on. So this is something that you can definitely do intake talk. And otherwise, I recommend going in the other route, which would be to just film with your phone camera and then later editing in some external tool or in ticked off as well. But having the files and the actual footage outside of tick tock, This is something that you probably need to test to find out what works best for you. So just try it out. Try using the tick tock tools, try using something else. We'll go into some alternatives as well. So just pick and choose and test what works for you when it comes to that besides from the tiktaalik out there's two, I'd say two big competitors to bake tools that you might want to use that well suited for this purpose. First of all, there's, in short, this is just a really popular phone up which you can use to edit the videos. There's a free and a pro version. The free version works just fine to edit your videos. If you want some additional capabilities, you can, of course, upgrade to the pro version. And then there's also Adobe rush. And Adobe rush is pretty much what Premiere Pro is. It's like a Premier Pro version for smartphone videos, for quick and easy videos, not for these long and really complicated films and so on. So it's whalers complex than these huge editing tools like as I said, Premier or Final Cut. But it has all the features that you need to edit content for social media. It is, however, part of the prayer of clouds, so you will need to pay a monthly fee to use it. I think it's free for like the first three videos. I don't know about that, but I think you can test it out and then if you like it, you can purchase it as part of the Creative Cloud or is a single server, so you pay less. But either way, this is something that you might want to try as well. And of course, if you want to have really high-quality and really advanced Tiktaalik videos. You might also use tools like Premiere Pro, like she resolve, like Final Cut and so on to edit your videos, I set out with overkill for this purpose. But if you're used to them, this might be the perfect tool for you. So now let me show you how Anna actually does this for her tics like accounts. So how she films her videos so that you get the other quick look at how someone who has been doing take talk professionally for quite a while now does there with their videos. So first of all, she obviously uses her camera to film footage. She just uses the camera roll so she doesn't use tick tock directly. And then the clips are imported into her editing software, which is in this case Adobe rush. Now, after she edits or video, sheep, then re-import it into tick tock to add voiceovers and also to add a tick tock sound. Because if you use music from outside of tech talk, it will not be recognized as a tick tock sound, which makes it less appealing. So I'd always recommend adding in the music when you're actually in tock. Now, one way to enhance this process is if you're trying to film for both Tech Talk and Instagram reels, which is something that many people do right now. Then you might actually want to add in the voice over in your editing program and not in ticked off because then you would have to like redo the voiceover or you'd have to import the video into Instagram with this kind of branding in the corner. So rather do it in your editing software and dendrites export it to publish on both platform. That's it for this video. I hope this was helpful and I'll see you in the next one. By. 6. Kickstarting your TikTok growth: Now it's time to think about how you can grow your following on tech talk and besides from posting great content, obviously, there are several strategies and tips that you can use to accelerate that growth. And I want to show you some of these strategies in this video. The first and most obvious way to grow your following on tech Talk is by collaborating with other creators on the platform. This might sound obvious, but it really is the most efficient way to grow by leverage each other's reach. You can gain even more followers. And one of the most popular examples of this is probably the high powers, which if you don't know, is a collective of really, really successful tick tock inferences. Live in a house together and they pretty much promote each other. They make take talks together. And that's how they become even more popular. And this can be applied to pretty much any type of curve aberration or tick tock, if you're in some of the same niche and the other person that you are doing a couple of aberration. Where does things that your audience is interested in, as well as they do something that you're interested in, then you have a recipe that is set up for success. So this is one of the most obvious ways you could do something like challenges together. So you could both cred your own challenge and then kind of compete who does it better? You can do this together with your community as well. Or you can just post a video where you both contribute a part to it. So if you are an, maybe an artist, so you will have, you publish music, you've read music, you both might put a piece of music together is to cut a song together. This might be a type of collaboration that you can do. Also, you could do a giveaway. This is also something that works really well. Just collaborate with ours on a giveaway. And you just make it one of the conditions for the giveaway that each of the participants follows both you and the person that you doing the collaboration with. Now, how do you actually come in contact with such people if you don't already have the contacts. Now, the easiest way is to contact them straight forward. So just write them an email if they have a email address in there, bio, This is probably the best way to reach them. And you usually shouldn't aim for people who are much bigger or much smaller than you. So if you have like ten K followers on the platform, you shouldn't try to collaborate with people that have more than 50 thousand followers and also less than one hundred, ten hundred followers because the people that have much more follow is just not likely to collaborate with you because they have not that much benefit from it or they don't gain much benefit from it. And also, the same goes for the smaller traders because Ben, you don't gain as much benefits. So keep that in mind, but otherwise, just try to come in contact with them through email, follow them, comment on their posts and so on. And this is how he didn't mind. Upstart make starting a conversation and then also maybe collaborating in the future. Now, the second method, our giveaways on their own. And as I said, you can bundle them as well with the collaboration so you can do these together. But also giveaways on their own are still a really effective way to grow. You could do them with a company, for example, or you just purchased some items that you think your audience really likes and then you do a giveaway on your own. This usually would just include you giving something away to the people that like follow you or you have like one price, they have to follow you. They actually like a certain video. They have to share it with a couple of their friends. And then they the chance of winning this prize. Just a couple of things that you need to take into consideration. Their tried to have rules for your giveaway to be on the safe side legally as well. So you might have in depending on which country you live in, there might be some regulations on during the subsequent ways. So keep that in mind. Look for some guidance on this in your country and trade some rules that are suited for these, for these types of regulations. And also make it the price that you can win, really appealing to your audience. So if you have something generic that nobody really wants, then you won't gain as much value from the giveaway. So you need something that people really, really, really want to have for most of the general purpose, bake inferences. That's usually something like an iPhone. But if you have a smaller niche, you might also find other things that are really interesting to your audience, for example, and I won't give away where she gave away a brand new bullet journal with some pens and Worksheet like sign the inside of the burger Journal and credit the first page for the winner. And this something that cost like $20, but it still had a huge impact and was really well received. She had lots of followers and engagement because of that. And that's because her audience really valued that giveaway prize. So that's something that you want to make sure you have in your giveaway as well. And lastly, you don't want to make the timespan of the giveaway too long. So usually I'd say like one week is a good time. Appeals. If it's too long, then people would just lose interest. And if it's to show up, maybe not everybody will see it and some people will not have the chance to participate. The third tip is leveraging your analytics. And this is something that not many people do, but it has great value in it. I suggest that you do it. So when you have a tick tock account, you can convert that into a so-called Pro account. And a Pro account allows you to see statistics on your account. So you see how many people like your pulse, you see how many people saw your pulse, See how many subscribers you gained in the last week or month. And these kind of status really can help you to figure out things about your audience, to really get to know your audience, and to then create content that suits them best. You can find out when your followers are the most active, you can find out what videos your audience interacts with the mouse. So to create more of that type of content, also, you can see what sounds and other creators your audience are interested in as well. So you see what their favorite Traders Are, you see what their favourite sounds are. And based on that, you can also then adapt the content to make it more appealing. The last thing I want to touch on is perhaps the most important part of our tech talk, or pretty much any other social media platform. And that's consistency. So no matter how good your content is, If you don't pose consistently, you will not get better and you will not get the reach that you want it. So this is the number one most important thing. Try to stay consistent even if it's like once per week. But you shouldn't post less than that. And yeah, if you actually want to become somewhat successful on tech talks, this is something that's absolutely key and that you need to take into consideration. I'll take Anna as an example, illness as well. So she started take talk in January 2020. So like pretty much 9.5, like ten months now. And she has posted 219 videos to this day. So she's posted every couple of days, like three to five to maybe it's sometimes even seven posts per week. And this is something that really shows that if you stay consistent and if you produce lots of content, that's actually good, then you will see the results and that, and that's pretty much the best tip I can give you on how you can become successful and tick tock, alright, that's it for this video, ready? I'll see you in next one. Take care and have a great day. Bye. 7. Expanding to new platforms: Once you've gotten a bit of traction on take talk, it's time to think about expansion as well. Because when it comes to social media, you never want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Usually creditors always have one platform. That's their main platform where I've published most of the content and why they became successful as well. But it's really nice to have different other platforms where you publish content and build audiences well. So if you've gotten your first like ten K followers on tick tock, you might also think about publishing on other platforms as well. Now, there's several ways to go about this. Several platforms that can be relevant. We'll go over all of the benefits and disadvantages of the different platforms. And I also show you what our experience was with Anna's account and how we grew her brand across different other social media channels. So yeah, without further ado, let's jump right into this video. The thing with take time as well is that if you have a tick tock audience already, it's much easier to grow other channels. So, for example, if you wanted to start a YouTube channel today, I might recommend you choose done on tick tock first because tick tock just grows much faster than YouTube does. And so you much quicker grow your YouTube channel by first posting on tick tock. Then kind of shifting your audience over to YouTube as well. And this is exactly what we did with Anna's account. So she, first of all, she started posting on Instagram quite quickly after she posted on tick tock. Because we thought, well, Instagram is a very visual platform as well. She posts about bullet journaling, about lecturing, about creative stuff. And this is something that in Scrum uses usually love. So she quickly started to post on Instagram as well. After that, we also published our first posts on Pinterest and on YouTube. And to this day, the accounts have grown to a quite sizable amount respectively. So on YouTube she has about 8,400 subscribers. Now on Instagram, she has about 4,100 subscribers. And on Pinterest she has about 1000 plus subscribers with about 300 thousand monthly views. Now, all of this growth actually just came from Tiktaalik. So she never had any other social media presence besides from her tick tock profile. And all of the growth came through the followers that she got from tech talk. And this is what I want to show you in this video. So let's dive in on how we actually did this. I've been in the social media space for some time now. I knew retinal star that would be a good idea to expand in the future. So we very quickly thought about what would be the next channel to publish content on, to diversify the brand? Pretty much so any beginning, YouTube was too much of an effort. So it was too much effort for too many users. It would just take lots and lots of time and effort to grow on YouTube. So we decided it would be the best idea for her to focus on tech talk and then create a video for tech talk and post the final result on Instagram. So we quickly decided to sell it on Instagram. And so pretty much like ten days to two weeks after she posted her first tick tock video. She also started posting on Instagram. Also. She started posting on Pinterest sometimes because this was no additional effort as well. So we can just use a tech talk first and then take a photo of it and post that on Instagram and Pinterest. And then we have content for free platform. Now this is the easiest way to go about this growth because you don't need to put massive amounts of work into all those platforms. You could still focus on one platform as your primary one, and then just passively buildup followers on all the other platforms. This is what we actually decided to do and it worked really well. So she started getting followers on all these platforms. But then as she really gain traction on tech talk, we realized that probably Instagram and Pinterest were the perfect platforms for her content. And that's why we decided to then introduce YouTube as well. Because we realize that the cross-promotion effect from Tech Talk to Instagram and Pinterest was relatively small. So Instagram is often based on photos, while Tiktaalik based on videos. So a kind of more natural way to connect several platforms together would have been to publish short-form videos on tech talk, and then create a longer version of the post for YouTube. And that's what we then decided to do. And this was a really good decision because YouTube really took off. So we grew the channel on YouTube much quicker than we were able to grow the Instagram account before that. So she started doing YouTube about four months ago. And now she's got like more than double the amount of subscribers than she has followers on Instagram. Another advantage of YouTube is that this can be a great way to build up a small little site income because you can earn money from YouTube ads. Of course, you need some clicks through that. So again, this is something you might want to consider when you actually have some reached already on the platform. But this is just a great way if you can get the reach to build up some fight income. And now that's pretty much where we are today. So we learned that the conversion from Tiktaalik to YouTube is among the best between these different social media platforms. So if you want a social media platform that converts the eutectic follows into other photos as well, then probably YouTube is your platform of choice. Now, you might be wondering how you can actually convert followers from one platform to another. So how can you get followers on YouTube or subscribers on YouTube? And when you have followers on tick tock only. And there are different strategies that you can use. The first of all, really obvious, it's again, the giveaway strategy. So it's where you say, you have ticked up audience and then you do a giveaway and say, if you want to participate, you have to also follow my youtube channel. This is the easiest one to do. Then there's also the organic routes. So just having the YouTube channel in your bio on tech talk helps already. And then you get some followers here and there. I'm mentioning new videos that you posted in your Video descriptions on tech talk as well, and posting about the content in your new videos isn't strategy. And also, the third one is content-based or content angles, and these are different concepts to me, content-based is something that many tick tock users hate. But it's a really effective, it's why you do something in a video that has a big ending, a big kind of happening at the end, but you cut out that ending and then you only show up on YouTube. So for example, you create a piece of art and you only show how you're creating it, but you don't ever show the final result. You show how you compose a piece of music. But the final result is only on YouTube. This is something that you should use rarely because people really don't like it. It works but people don't like it. So, yeah, you might want to use this. It's your choice. Pretty much a better way of doing this is what I call content angles, which pretty much means you have a certain piece of content and you just use different platforms to shine different lights on it. So for example, and you create a piece of art and on Tiktaalik, which is have a short 30-second clip that shows how you create the piece of art. But then you have a YouTube content piece actually shows in detail how this is created, what techniques you use, what pens you use, what colors you use, how you do this way, get the inspiration from all of this. And then you actually mentioned that on tech talk. And so people who are interested in this type of topic then will automatically also want to watch your YouTube video. Alright, so what should you take away from this? My tip to you is to start expanding early. You never know how long social media platforms, our round, we see this when it comes to platforms like buying that just had to shut down. Or for example, the whole topic about the tech talk banned in the US. You never really actually know how long a certain social media platform will say around. So you'll have to make the best of it and then tried to Don't put your eggs in one basket and expand to other platforms as well. Also, don't fear to publish content that talks about the same topic or that shows the same piece of art on different platforms. Because as long as you have different angles to it, it will still be interesting to your audience. Also, it's a way for you to efficiently create more content for different platforms without having to invest much more time. So if you have a limited amount of time, you can dedicate to social media, then this is a great way of content for different platform. But you should also take away from this is that YouTube is in my opinion, the best platform to expand to its, the easiest in a way that the conversion from take talked YouTube is the best, but it's also the most work intensive. But there's also other advantages like having the ability to earn money from it. And also having a great way to actually connecting with your audience. That's something that many people on tech talk or many craters on take talk can't really reached a country built up this intimate connection to the audience, how other YouTube creators can, and this is why I recommend you try using YouTube. Instagram is also a great option for many people. We just saw in our case that the conversion wasn't too great. So it was hard to actually gain traction on Instagram and to gain organic reach. So for us, YouTube just worked much better. But yeah, this is up to you. I guess. Also when you're expanding, tried to use the promotional strategies to gain traction quickly on other platforms. Because if you don't, then you're at risk of losing motivation for our platform. It's much more motivating to create content for two platforms. Now, if you're already getting traction on the second platform as well, because otherwise you might just end up going back to the tech talk and then you as the risk of tick tock being banned or going bankrupt. So, yeah, to do these strategies in order to gain traction fast. And then you'll be able to spread your audience over different platforms. So you will be more diversified and you will not lose all of your business just because one social media platform went bankrupt. That's it for this video. I'll see you the next one. Take care. Bye. 8. Monetizing your passion (+strategies we used): The last thing I want to cover is how you can actually monetize the audience that you've built up for yourself. And we've just recently started venturing into this with another count and with another brand. And there's obviously many, many different ways you could go about doing this. You can monetize on different platforms. You can monetize through different strategies. So there's no right or wrong. There's too many ways to do is so this really depends on your specific audience, on your specific goals. But I just want to share with you how we went about doing this. So let's dive right in. Oh, one more thing in the beginning is don't try to monetize too early because that can really hurt your growth on the platform. It's just like with other things like software tools, there's usually a free version and then usually they only start charging later on. And the same goes for training content and doing ads and so on. It's always better to have a ad-free and sponsorship free account. So if you can sustain your lifestyle and your life without earlier monetizing your audience than I would wait until you have 80 synthesize to start this process. For Anna, we didn't like try to do shoutouts for brands for $10 when she had like ten to 20 K on tech talk because that just put wouldn't have not been worth it. Instead, we decided to wait a bit longer. And as you know, she started in January, so we waited until like couple of months ago. So like the first six months, she actually didn't earn a single taller with her audience on ticked off, and she already had about a 100 K follows by them. So this is how long we waited until we started about this monetization process. Now let's talk about the different ways to monetize. Now. The first one is affiliate marketing, and this is something that we started using as well, especially the Amazon partner program. It's where you can like use Amazon links or sent out Amazon links. And if somebody purchases a product through this link, you get a small commission on the purchasing price. And we are doing this actively right now, but this obviously is a way to earn just a little bit of income and you need really huge audiences to make a living from this because the commissions are getting smaller and smaller. Amazon is paying out less and less for a sale. So this is something you have to take into consideration for Anna. This is about ten to $20 a month that she's learning with this. So it's really not that much, but it's just a additional side income without any additional broke. So it's still something that you might be interested in ten. And maybe if you have a product or if you are in a niche that has higher purchasing power, or why you sell and promote higher paying products, then you might actually earn more with this still there for us, this almost wasn't worth the effort because. The amount of money that you can make with this is just pretty tiny compared to other ways of monetizing. Now, next we have the ad revenue pretty much or what I would consider to fall into the category of Android you. And this is both the tick tock, create a fund that has been recently launched, which gives credit to the ability to earn money for their posts. So you get money based on how well your posts perform. This again, is a pretty small amount of money. So you again need really huge accounts with millions and millions of views to make an actual living from this, but it can still help. And the other form of ad revenue would be YouTube ads. So this is not monetizing your tech talk, but this is instead doing this expansive pensions strategy that we followed for Anna's brand and then making money from YouTube as well. And this is something that worked quite well for her as she, we decided that it would be her secondary platform. And she now makes between in Goodman is like a $200 to $50. So in this range at the moment from YouTube ads. And yeah, this is just a nice side income which helps support the effort that we put into these YouTube videos. You obviously need a decent sized YouTube channel to do this. So in the beginning you need to qualify for the program first, which you need about a thousand followers, 44 thousand watch hours on YouTube. So people need to watch your content for 4 thousand hours before you can even make a single dollar. So this is something you need to take into consideration. You need decent amount of use as well. So most of the revenue that Arab God was from one video that went viral on YouTube. So again, something to take into consideration, but it works. And if you have content in, if you, if you have fun creating content for work or for YouTube, this might be something for you. The next way to monetize is probably the most obvious one and it's the route that many craters on pretty much all the platforms, CO2. And it's creating sponsored posts for brands. So it's promoting a certain brand products on your social media presence and getting money for or that the benefit of this is that you don't need a certain amount of views and that if you are in a small niche, even like 20 to 50 thousand followers can be more than enough to get a decent amount of money from these shadows and pay promotions. So generally speaking, the broader your niche is, the higher the amount of followers you need to have to become relevant for potential sponsors. But if you've ever sat in a small niche, and if you're starting out in a small niche, than you might only need like 25-50 K followers to start getting a decent side income from your sponsors. Now the way this will probably go for you is that in the beginning, people will offer to send you stuff for free. This is how it was for Anna as well. And then as you grow, you will get more confidence on one hand, but also more requests for collaborations. Involve money in the first place. So the atrophy patient, you won't get an offer to do a sponsored posts for like ten k On the first day that you're doing, you're trying to do this with 20 K followers on tech talk. You have to be patient and then over time, you will get some sponsors. For right now it's about like two to three sponsors a month, depending on the month. And so she doesn't have a full time income from this, but she does get a nice sign income that she can use to pile stuff or to reinvest into her brand. One thing that's important in this scenario is how you price your attention. So how you price the page posts that you do on your account. And the strategy that I would use is try starting lower and then raising your prices as you gain confidence, because oftentimes, you will not be confident enough to ask for the price that you are worth in the beginning. But then if you do this kind of step-by-step, so for each sponsorship that you do, increasing the prices that will make you gain more confidence that you're actually not charging too, too little for, for your work that you do. But also keep in mind that companies usually try to get the maximum value for their money. So usually you can charge higher than they ask you in the initial kind of bidding. So sometimes they will come at you and they will tell you, they will offer you a sponsored post for like $200. But then you can always say you want like more than that. And usually they are fine with that. If they aren't, they won't say, who don't want to work with you anymore. They just say, look, that's our budget and then you can still work with that. But in other cases you can get even more than that. Now, one strategy that's not quite so known and cannot fight. So practice often is creating content for other brands. So instead of doing paid promotions on your channel, it will be something like creating content for a brand on bare take talk channel, on the YouTube channel. And this way, you can make money doing this without like not directly using your reach. But Iran is that you can actually earn quite a lot of money at a pretty early stage. And also, you don't pollute your own account with ads, but you do this on someone else that translates it and pull it someone else's account with ads. But I think you get what I'm saying. This is probably the most viable option for you in the beginning. You're trying to just make money from your passion, just maybe reach out to other brands in your area, in your niche. So for Anna would be like a bullet journal brand for you. For you it might be a pain producer or something. So this really depends on your niche. But reach out to them and ask them if they need help and their content team if they want help or if they want contract credit by you. And then you can charge somebody for that. Some other strategies that you can use to monetize and I won't talk about them too much because that opens up a whole new basket of things that you can talk about would be, first of all, to sell online courses concerning your topic, your niche. There's many ways to do this, address as well. And there's other ways to do this. So you can take sick, have a self hosted way. You can do something like Udemy and skill share. You also can sell other products through your websites like merchandise or your own art. For example, Collins Sharp, who I showed earlier as well. He sells his art through his website and I think makes quite a lot of money doing this. So this might be a option for you as well. And then there's even more options in different areas. As I said, there's, there's so many ways to monetize. I can't even list them all. So this is pretty much something that you have to look at yourself and you have to figure out for yourself what works best for you. Just try to be open to new things, try things out and see how they work for you, and then go from there so quickly to sum up again, don't start too early with the ads on your account. It just hurts you and in the end, you can still do ads later on. They never run away. So yeah, don't wait to leave. Also, be on a lookout for new things, trying new ways of monetizing because you will probably not get the best way of quantizing in your specific situation in the first try. Also when it comes to these monetization strategies that involve these big numbers like YouTube ads, tick tock, crater fund and so on. Don't get discouraged. You will get the eventually. And as a content creator, usually the amount of money you can earn and the popularity your videos have, its only going out. So usually, if you keep going at it, you can even reach these higher numbers. And in the meantime, there are so many other different ways of monetizing that I'm sure you'll find something that you could use to earn a little bit of money doing what you love. Alright, that was it. That's it for this video. I hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next one. Pi. 9. Outro: That's it. You're at the end of this course. Thank you so much for watching through this whole course and seeking til the end. I really appreciate that. And if you forge to this point, you're on your best way to becoming successful on tick tock. Just remember it takes time and consistent effort to get to where you want to, but I'm sure that you will be able to do this. So yeah, just stay strong and keep posting and your new best way there. Also, if you feel uncertain about anything in this course, be sure to leave me a message or email me or so on. And I'll be glad to help you out with any of your questions. Also, if you enjoyed this course and what a more deeper look into anything about tech talk. I also have the tick tock marketing 101 class on both Udemy and skill share. So check that out as well. If you want a more broad look into everything there is to know about take time. So if you enjoyed this course, feel free to leave a review because that really helps me out. And that really encourages me and pushes me to trade more great content for use. So yeah, that's it. And I hope to see you in the next course. Take care and bye.