SUCCEED IN YOUR ENGLISH- Learn how to create an English self study action plan | Gaia Massara | Skillshare

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SUCCEED IN YOUR ENGLISH- Learn how to create an English self study action plan

teacher avatar Gaia Massara, English Teacher | Cambridge | TEFL

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Why do you need goals


    • 3.

      How to choose goals


    • 4.

      What are Macro and Micro goals


    • 5.

      Step one macro goal


    • 6.

      Step two micro goals


    • 7.

      Examples of goals


    • 8.

      Step three asking questions


    • 9.

      Step four create task


    • 10.

      Why do you need an English Routine


    • 11.

      How to create an English routine


    • 12.

      How to find time


    • 13.

      Step Five Write your routine


    • 14.

      Step Six Implement Routine


    • 15.

      Step Seven Be Accountable


    • 16.

      Step Eight Track Progress


    • 17.

      Step Nine 30 day review


    • 18.

      Step 10 Acknowledge success


    • 19.

      What do to if you loose motivation


    • 20.

      What to do if you don't reach the goal


    • 21.



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About This Class

I'm so excited about sharing this class with you all because it has been one of my MOST requested classes by everyone i teach. 

Here i am going to teach you my SECRET procedure that i actually use in my private coaching sessions in order to construct a personalised English action plan for my students. 

The 10 steps that we are going to work our way through in this class will teach you how to: 

  • Identify your unique English goals
  • Construct specific DOABLE daily tasks for each goal 
  • Build an enjoable effective English routine that you will actually WANT to do 
  • Evaluate your English Progress and understand if you are making progress or not
  • Stay motivated even if you feel lazy

Within this class not only will you be receiving off course complete video lessons and a pdf copy of all the lesson notes BUT you will also get the English action plan for success templates, which include 

  • Daily English planner 
  • Progress tracker 
  • Goal and routine planner 

Honestly if you follow my instructions in this class, what i am going to teach you will completely transform your learning experience and you will achieve your goals not only in a shorter amount of time but without confusion, frustration and struggle. 

I'm so happy to be teaching this to you all and i know you will love it! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Gaia Massara

English Teacher | Cambridge | TEFL



Hello I'm Gaia,

I'm an English teacher from Australia but now i live in Italy with my beautiful daughter and husband. My journey with English began with my learning Italian, where i discovered that speaking a new language is one of the most personal eye opening experiences one could encounter. 

My husband and i opened an English Language school in 2015 however with the birth of our baby girl i moved all my teaching directly online, which now brings me close to 7 years teaching English.

As well as being passionate about teaching i love writing, studying personal development and behavioural phycology as well as practicing meditation. 

I incorporate my expertise and qualifications (Cambridge certified, TEFL certified) with my ... See full profile

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1. Introduction: Hello. How are you? Welcome to this class. I am teaching you 10 incredible action steps you can take in order to have success with your English. What does that mean? It means you're going to be learning how to create a gold plan and root ain to implement in order to have success with your English. Now, everything that I am teaching here in this class is my own personal approach. This is a system that I use every time I get a new student. I need to create eight, of course, create a personalized plan or even create a course. So it is absolutely fantastic. It is divided in two sections. The first section is you're going to be learning all about how to plan goals, create goals and implement gold in order to obtained success from your English. Ah, lot of the time. What happens is when you start learning English, you just think, Oh, I want to learn English. I want to be fluent, let's or if another book and see what happens. And at the beginning, it could be great. But like any task, after some time, you do lose motivation. It's very normal and if you don't have a set list of goals and a direction when that little friend Doganer I'm feeling unmotivated comes knocking on your door, you're most likely going to give up. So the first section of the course is understanding how to create, goes, have, think of goals and how to implement them. And the second section off this glass is then looking at routine on. We're gonna be talking all about how to create a healthy and productive English routine in order to put those goals into action. Now having a routine is something that I believe is fundamental in all areas off life. I am a person off retain, however, particularly in regards to your English, because it just ensures that you are moving ahead. You're making progress, you're sticking to your goes and you get to the finish line, meaning you don't have to spend your whole life learning English. Hopefully implementing everything that I am teaching in this class, you'll be able to get to the day when you say Yes, I did. I reached my goal. Now I can concentrate on learning Japanese instead of having to continue battling against your English. So that's what we're going to be talking about in this class and very excited to share this with you. It's something that I use all of my lessons. It is a system that I created to help students, and it works fantastically. So I'm very happy to share it with you before we do. Go ahead and get started In our first lecture. I just wanted to remind you this is a very interactive video course, and it is also accompanied by all off the pdf files in the attached resource section. You could have looked down below this video. Now, in this cause, you're getting a little bit extra material. Obviously have a pdf version off all of the lesson notes meaning everything you hear me say here you will be able to access and read it in pdf files, which is fantastic in order to help you fully absorb what it is that I'm saying. However, I've also included something really fun that I had a great time creating are some templates in regards to a daily planner, a progress track up a gold tracker. These are very fun and interesting template that you can use and that are in actually your project section office class in order to help you implement everything that I am going to be teaching you here. So they're absolutely fantastic. And you can go ahead again and access them over in the extra resource is, Sir, I've told you everything I need to tell you. We can go ahead and get started with our very first lecture. 2. Why do you need goals: Okay, sir. Why do you even need English goals? Why are we here talking about English girls? Well, like anything you will do in your life if you don't have some form off direction, some form of understanding about why you're doing what it is that you're doing and what it will give you. After some time, when the excitement and the inspiration of doing something new wears off, you will start to lose motivation. And when you start moving motivation. If you don't have a dream that makes you think Wow. But, you know, if I do, go ahead and do this. Obi, I would achieve this incredible thing. If you don't have that in your mind day after day, you slowly stop working towards whatever it is you're doing. That's why goals are the foundation. I believe the absolute foundation to doing anything in life on. And that's why they're so important for English. Because, yes, English is a language. So it's very beautiful to learn if you love to learn languages. However, if English is something you have to do because of work, because you're going to leave overseas because your boss told you you needed to get your i L certificate. It's not so inspiring. It's kind of like an infra date. Task that again. You have to do so without a clear and specific goal in mind. The process is very long and it's very frustrating. So that's why in this class, the very first thing we're going to be speaking about is the importance off goals and how to implement goals. Goals are like you're stepping blocks. They allow you to move forward with your English and give you an idea off where you are going. So the moment that you lose your motivation, you stop with that. I don't want to do it anymore. So boring. Okay, But let's look behind me. Look at how many things I achieved so far so far. I achieved gold 12 and 30 that feels pretty satisfying. It feels nice to have achieved something. Now let me look ahead. Oh, I have go 45 and six. Hey, those air really useful. Achieving those goals are going to make me feel really great, you know that That's gonna be a really amazing feeling. Maybe I'll go ahead to the next goal. That's how it works. it gives you the strength and the motivation to keep going. You see a finish line, it stops you having that feeling off life. Oh my God, this is going on forever and ever will learning English ever finished? I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's never ending. With goes. There is a lot to the end of the tunnel. There is even an end to the tunnel because it ends where Ariel a last goal is so. It's extremely important, even from a psychological point of view, because you begin doing something already understanding that there isn't ending. The ending is when this happened on this date, so it makes the process a lot easier. So if you were convinced about why you need to have English girls hope this short video did help you. And now you're starting to understand the importance of goals and even thinking about what some of your English girls can be 3. How to choose goals: So now you've started thinking about your English goals, and you're probably going Oh, my God, guys, how how do I choose? What is my goal? I don't know her, like so many things pop into my mind or nothing comes to mind. So that's what we're going to be talking about now. Sorry. Choosing goes for May, for example, is extremely difficult. I am either completely blank. And I think Oh, my God. What? What is a goal? What? So I stopped from Oh, I have way too many and it gives me so much anxiety. And I think I want to do this and I want to do this. And then I want to do this as well. Oh, my God, I don't have enough time. So the first thing that you want to do when you are beginning to brainstorm your goals is take away all expectations, all judgment, all rules. Get a pen and paper and just write everything that comes to your mind, no matter how stupidities, Even if it's a goal, like to be able to watch a Netflix TV, Siri's without feeling confused. That is totally fine as the idea of come just write them down and you will see once you get all those like weird goals out of the way, they will naturally stop to become a little bit more specific and a little bit more inclined to what you truly are wanting toe achieve now. Once that happens, you want to start asking yourself some questions. Now, this is something that we're going to go into more detail in a few lectures from now, when we talk about our macro and micro goals. But these are some examples of questions you can start asking yourself in order to ensure that you are brainstorming and choosing the right goals. So you want to ask yourself, Well, why am I learning English? What's the reason for me learning English? How do I use English in my everyday life? Or how am I planning to use English in my everyday life? What to do? I need to improve with my English, said he felt thinking about evaluating your English. You know, I'm really good at this, but I'm not so good at this. I really feel like I need to improve this And then the last question that I love, that I always asking if I could speak English fluently. What would that be like if I called Speak English fluently? What would that mean? Meaning, Does that mean that I will be able to speak for five minutes without stopping? Doesn't mean that every five minutes I use the new medium. How do you identify English fluency and through asking yourself face questions, you will begin to come up with very targeted and specific goals, and you will be able to choose the right goals for you because you're choosing goals in regards to how you're losing English. So, as I said, we will touch on this point a little bit more detail later on when we are talking about macro and micro goals. But just as an introduction to stop thinking about how to choose your goal, these are the main things that you need to stop the week 4. What are Macro and Micro goals: all right. So let's talk about macro and micro goals and firstly understand the difference. So as you're going to hear threat the rest of this class, I am going to be constantly referring to macro and micro goals. And this is how I like to break down goals for English. Now macro goes, Are your be goals. They are your dreams, those or overall goals that you say You know what? By the end off my English journey, I want to have achieved this now common trait off macro goals. Is there no very specific? They're quite generalized. For example, I want to be fluent with my English. I want to feel confident with my English. I want have a native pronunciation with my English. These are all macro goals. OK, they are your dream goals. Now when we're looking at micro goes, as you can start to understand from the word micro smaller, so micro goals are your mini goals. These are broken down very specific goals. That one plus one plus one will mean that you'll be able to obtain your macro. Go so you can look as in You have your math, Rygel, which is your dream go and then you have your micro goals, which are the little mini steps that you need to take in order to slowly climb up the ladder and get your macro goal. Now one off The main traits off the micro goals is they are culture specific. For example, it could be learn five Fraser verbs a week, or it could be a speak to yourself in English. It could be learned how to pronounce the O You sound in English. Okay, so these are very, very specific goals that you have that are going to help you achieve your macro goes. 5. Step one macro goal: Okay, so let's start having a look at our action steps now. Action Step number one is identify your macro goals in order to do this. Like what I mentioned previously when we were talking about choosing your goals. You want to begin toe? Ask yourself some key questions. So the first question you want to ask yourself is, Why am I learning English? Why am I learning English? Are you learning English for work? Are you learning English for pleasure? You learning English in order to make friends? Is it because you want to travel overseas? You are living abroad because every time you go to the supermarket, you can't ask in order what you want. Start making a list off reasons why you are learning English. It's fine to have mawr than one reason, so just start thinking about them and jotting them down on Penton paper. The next question it that you want to ask yourself is, How will I use English in my life? Or how am I using English in my life? It is quite similar to the first question, however, now in this question, instead of thinking about the future of the reason why you're learning English. We're thinking more about the present. And right now, today, in this moment, how am I using English? Or if you're not using English, how well I use English and you just want to write down some points may be thinking about situations you find yourself in where you are using English or where you think you will using English Just to understand what role does English play in your life? So are you using English? Just a work just when you're speaking to your colleagues every Saturday when you go to the farmers market, start brainstorming along these lines. It's the next question you want to ask yourself is, Well, what do I need to improve with my English? This is the point where you want us that evaluating your English so I think about what your strength sides Okay, you know, I think that I'm pretty good. You know, when I need to write in English or my spelling is quite great in English, however, I really feel like I need to improve. My spoken English and then spoken English is quite broad to try to narrow it down a little bit. Borns okay, because and need to improve my past tenses and need to improve the way that I call on you gave verbs and need to improve the way I try to use coal local language in my speech and start to go through English, beat by beat and see if you can pinpoint some exact and specific areas off where improvements need to be made. Now, this whole process that I am teaching you in this class as well as this particular step we're going through now works best if you are a specific as possible. So whatever first comes to your mind, take it and then sit. Okay. How could I make that more specific? How could I never that down even more because the more specific you are with your answers, the more defined your goal will be. And the easier it will be for you to achieve it, because you're gonna know equally. I'm gonna teach you exactly what you need to do in order to go ahead and do that. And the last question is, if I could speak English fluently, what would that mean? Now? This question is extremely important because the majority of students I teach have the goal off being fluent. And for those of you who follow me and are in my community and have seen my YouTube would know, I did a video on this talking about fluency and fluency. He's one of those goals that I am extremely hesitant about because it is extremely subjective. It isn't a goal in the sense it doesn't end. Fluency evolves. I could even be more fluent with my English. So when somebody says I want to be fluent or you have big generalized goals, which are your macro goals, this is a fantastic question to ask yourself if I if I was fluid, what would that mean? So what does fluency mean to you? Or if I was confident, What would that mean on this is a great question that starts to make you think, Oh, how do I define fluency? Okay, so if I was fluent, it would mean that every time I spoke English, I wouldn't stop. It would mean that I I'm able to use freeze all verbs without getting stuck about the propositions. It has a different label to every student, so it is extremely subjective. You could do the same thing with confidence. If I were confident, what would that mean, though that would mean that I want to go red in my face. When I spoke English, it would mean that I said yes to going out with my friends. If they were speaking in English instead of staying at home, it would mean that I would offer to lead my company meeting instead of, you know, stepping aside and letting my colleagues do it. So these are the sorts of things you want to start brainstorming because this helps you identify what your goal eased, the specific details about your goal. 6. Step two micro goals: moving on to step two. Now we're going toe. Identify your micro goals. OK, so previous to this we have learned about our macro goals, and after having done that brainstorm, you can choose as many macro goals as you like. Later on, When we get into the implementation off the routine and tasks, you will be able to never that down a little bit, mawr on truth, or only certain ones that you'll be able to handle in your daily rooty. For now, you're free to choose all of them or five of them. However it is that you like. So you have your list of macro goes your dream goals and now I want to look at out micro goals. So what you want to do in order to do this is to take one macro goal and ask yourself, Okay, what do I need to do to achieve this? So let's take the macro goal off being fluent in English because it's the most common, even though I don't like it. So take it as an example, say OK, my macro goal is I want to be fluent when I speak English. What do I have to do to achieve that. Oh, okay. And now it identifying your micro goals So you can say, OK, I need to watch a TV Siri's and be ableto I didn't understand everything. Okay, that's a micro go. Now I have a new goal. My new goal is to be able to watch English TV. Siri's without difficulty. Okay, what is another micro goal in order to obtain fluency? Oh, wow. I know that I need to be able to use a phrase Alvar Herbs in my conversation because at the moment I'm not using them at all. And I think Fraser verbs is something that makes you sound fluent. Okay, that is another micro goal learning Fraser verbs. What is something else I need to do in order to obtain fluency? Need to be able to speak without saying on stopping. So I need to be able to speak smoothly. That is another micro goal. So we have a macro goal fluent in English, and now we have out my crew goes, How many goals? Watching TV. Siri's without difficulty being able to use Fraser verbs and conversation on being able to speak in English with that mumbling, mumbling, meaning going up, up, up and sounding like it more of a musical instrument than a person speaking English. So now we've identified three mini goals on What your understanding here is that OK, Sorry if I am able to speak without stopping use phrase of herbs in conversation on Watch TV, Siri's and understand everything. I have become fluent in English by achieving based three micro goals I am achieving, my one macro goes, and this is the system that we want to stop putting in effect. So that's something you can go ahead and start thinking about. Now. This is probably a great time in the class to be accessing the lesson night in the extra resource section and beginning to jot down and brainstorm with me. What are your macro goes and what are your micro ghost? 7. Examples of goals: now, before we do, go ahead to the next step, which is Step three. I want to take some time to give you some examples off a brain stormy macro and micro goals , because from my experience, this is can be a little bit complicated and tricky just because you're not used to this process. So before we go ahead and get started, just want to remind you that the mercy the hottest part off this is understanding how specific you need to be. Now remember that your macro go is a general goal. But the key to a fantastic micro go, he's to be ultra specific. Okay, so you want to think off key key tasks and things that you can do now in your life that you can actually do in your life every day that can help you achieve this goal. I want you to try to be as realistic as possible. Your macro go doesn't have to be to really stick because you know it is your dream. Goal. Eat is a generalized goal. But when we're looking at micro goals, we want to lower our expectations just a little bit in order to be Azriel is possible because if in your micro goals, your creating goals are you, like, that would be fantastic to achieve. But I'll never do that. Well, I don't have the time to do that. And you don't see yourself doing these things. You don't think that their possible when we get to the point off having to create tasks for these goals and implemented into your routine, it's not going to fit. Maybe you don't have the time. Maybe your lifestyle isn't adapted to being able to do this, and you're going tohave waste a lot of time. So when you're looking at your micro goes, think ultra specific and realistic something you could do now, like put paws on the video and you can do this straight away can. This is the approach you need to have. So let's jump in without examples and have a look at some examples off a macro goal and how to divide that into micro goes. Okay, so the first macro go we're going to look at is, of course, being fluent in English, So this is your generalized dream goal. Now these are some possible micro goals. You could have, for example, to be able to use linking words when speaking and writing in English, linking words meaning work that linked concepts and sentences like, however, although even if etcetera, the next micro goal could be to be able to use coal local idioms in spoken English next one to be able to use a common phrase will verbs without difficulty. Lastly, to be able to use the verb get in all different occasions without confusion. Okay, so here is the list off some micro goes for being fluent in English. Next macro goal we're going to look at is to be confident in English, another one that I hear all the time. It is a absolute dream goal to be able to feel confident with English. Now let's have a look at some of the micro goal, so the 1st 1 you can have is to speak without stopping. Now, for those of you who are paying lots of attention, you'll notice that I did give these micro goal as an example for the macro goal off. Being fluent in English, they're very interchangeable. You can use this to be fluent in English or to be confident in English. Don't pay too much attention to Oh, but this is a map. Micro, go for this macro goal. I can't use it for something else. They're very interchangeable again. Out goes a very subjective based on your feelings based on the individual case. So this is totally fine. You can double up your micro goals for two macro goals, and it's absolutely not a problem. OK, so the first micro goal we have here is to speak without stopping. Next up is to speak without mumbling without saying on using lots of Phyllis. This is another example. Next micro goal is to speak and look at people in the eyes are not too shy away and to dart your eyes around the room, but to look at people directly in the eyes. Fixed example of a micro goal is to stop translating in your head. Maybe your don't have a lot of confidence when you're speaking English, so you're constantly planning out your sentences and translating back from your native language. So this could be another example. And lastly, to understand what the other person is saying to feel confident in your listening skills and follow a conversation so they are some examples off micro goals for the macro goal or feeling confident with your English on the last macro ago, we will look at easier to have a great pronunciation in English. Okay, to hear some of your micro goals that you could use for the skull, for example, the 1st 1 to be able to pronounce the T H sound in English to be able to pronounce the R sound in English or to be able to pronounce the A sound in English. Another example of a micro goal could be to have a native English intonation, meaning the way that you are increasing and drop in your voice, the rhythm off your voice to have that as native as possible and lastly, to lower the pitch off your voice. Of course, for those of you who have taken my other classes, particularly in regards to business English meetings and presentation, you'll see them here on skill share. If you are interested, you will know that we speak a lot about the pitch off the voice in English. We do tend to have a lower pitch compared to some European languages, so this is a great micro goto have in order to obtain your Mac ergul off great pronunciation here we've gone through some examples that if you are feeling a little bit stuck at the state, these are some of the key generalized goals that my students have and this will help you just start understanding what your micro goals could be and how to make them as specific as possible. 8. Step three asking questions: So now we're moving into Step three off out action plan. We have understood so far our micro and macro goals, and you should have quite a good list off macro and micro goes. And now we want to stop moving into creating some specific tasks in order to implement these new goals in your daily routine. So before we jump into identifying key tasks, we need to start to ask ourselves some questions. We need to start understanding what he's out. Timeframe. Um, what is our deadline on and what type off task is going to fit well with us and how everyday routine. So the best way you could do this is to start a new brainstorming process as that asking yourself these questions and answering these questions. Now all of this brain stalling process again you will be able to do you can do now independent paper. And I do recommend that as I'm speaking to you, however, later on at the end of the course, if you wish, you can go ahead and access the template. I have a specific template called goal planning template, and here and there you have a list of all of these questions in order to very neatly brainstorm this process. It is all organized for you, and it makes it just a little bit easier to have everything set out on one piece off paper , certain days or some of the questions that I want to you to start asking yourself in order to prepare to create your tasks. So the first question is, OK, what do I need to do to achieve this goal? Now you want to take one micro goal and started looking at it and think, OK, that's a great goal. What do I need to do in order to achieve this goal? What are some of the steps? What a some EC activities that I need to do to achieve this skull and jot down whatever it is coming into your mind. Next thing you want to do is ask yourself, How am I going to feel when I achieve this goal? Now? This is a question that it's not that it helps to create a task, but it helps you connect to that task and create an emotional connection. So you start to understand. Wow, I really want to achieve that. Well, that's very important because it's going to make me feel this way. Next question is Well, how much time do I have? Do I have one week? Do I have two months? This is important because it could be that you may just have one week, and then you look at that micro goal. Anything for that's going to take a very long time. Got a scratch that it's not going to work well with me. So now when you start asking yourself questions about time, it's where you can start eliminating maybe some micro goals that you feel like I'm not going to fit with your for you with your routine. So, first thing, how much time do I have? And the last question? Well, what is my deadline? How much time am I going to give myself, or how much time can I per meat to give myself to obtain each goal? Okay, this could depend. Obviously, on your daily routine on your circumstances. If you're you know, you have a deadline for your eyelids exam. Obviously, you're gonna have a shorter amount of time. Or if English is maybe to move overseas in regards to a visa, you're gonna have a little bit more time. So start thinking about those questions there 9. Step four create task: moving on to step For now, we're going to start the process off, creating tasks in order to implement into your routine. So what you want to do is take one micro, go and start brainstorming some very specific tasks. You conduce you every single day in order to achieve that goal. Now, because we're still in the planning brainstorming process, you can come up with more than one task in orderto achieve that Matt Micro goal. However, later, Ron, you're probably going to want to cross out some of those task because buried mind, it could be that you have five micro goes in orderto achieve one macro go and then for every single one off those micro goals, you're gonna have a different tasks that you need to do every day. So if you have more than one task, your day is going to get quite full. I know the majority of us are super busy, so it could be a little bit difficult. Keep on top of all of those tops. Remember, the key here is quality over quantity. So could I know that, like now, watching this class, you're probably getting super excited like, Yeah, I've got my TEM light. I'm gonna like, kill it in English. I'm gonna achieve all my goals. That's all I'm gonna do. Every day is just English tasks. And at the start, that's great. Good. You're feeling super inspired. But after some time, that's going to get to too much because that energy and that inspiration is going to start to wear off. So what you want to do is just to keep it again realistic, even if you're only doing one task per micro goal. But you're doing it consistently every single day. That is so much better than doing five tasks per micro goal but early, being able to do that for one week and then crashing out and saying, Oh my God, it's too hard. Guy's idea is just truthful on English is too difficult. I'm going to give up. I don't have time. So it start off small and thin once you see after you know your 1st 30 days that you're really able to maintain it if you want ad in another task for that micro goal. But for now, keep it simple. So as I was saying, we're just in the planning process so If you do have more than one tusk per micro goal, that's totally fine. Later on, you can start eliminating them. So let me go through an example to make you understand what a tusk looks like. Aunt, how specific it needs to be. So we're gonna take the micro goal example off being able to use linking words in English. Okay, whether you are speaking in English, all writing in English, this is our example. And here it's impossible tasks that you could be doing every day in order to implement that goal. So the 1st 1 is every single week. Learn to new linking words. Kate, your first task every week. Learn to new linking Woods. Another task could be every single day, right? At least five sentences in English practicing the new linking words or another task could be speak in English every day for 10 minutes, trying to use linking words case or speak to yourself. Speech one of a person. Speak to your husband. Speak to your cat as long as you are hearing words come out of your mouth and using linking words to do so, that task is going to work perfectly so here, you can see that we have some examples off some very specific tasks as you conceit tasks meaning things that you could do not ideas, not gold, not concepts, specific things that you conduce every day in order to implement that micro goal again. Think about things you can start doing right now. If you press pause, you could do that activity because they need to be as realistic as possible. Because already the whole process off implementing a new routine can be a little bit of daunting for some people can feel a little bit too much. So, like what I was saying in regards to your micro goals, if the task, your brain storming of things that you think, well, I can never do that. You know, I've written a task to speaking English on the train, but I don't even catch the train to work. Oh, English is so difficult. Now I need to start catching the train to work and I have to start speaking English. This is too hard. You don't want this toe happen. So you want to think off ultra specific tasks that are tailored to do to you that you can actually do right now if you press pause on the video, okay? 10. Why do you need an English Routine: all right, so we have understood the importance of Gold's. You've brainstormed your goals. You have your tasks. Now it's time to start talking about routine. It's the second section of this class talking about retained and understanding. Firstly, well, why do you need of rotate? Well, routine is fundamental in everything, and I've mentioned it about a 1,000,000 times already in this class, but specifically for your English because it helped to create a habit around doing something. Why do you want to create a habit? Because what you're doing becomes second nature. Second, nature isn't medium that I'll throw in here that we use in order to explain doing something that you don't need to think about. It just comes naturally to you. So I could say it's second nature to brush my teeth. It's second nature to cook dinner. These are all actions that way. Do every day that we don't need to think about, and they come very naturally to us. Made me it's easy. It's effortless. It does no occupy a lot of stress and time, and we want English to go into the same category. You want English to feel effortless and easy and second nature, and having a routine helps you do this because it is through the process of repetition day after day, four more or less 30 days that any action will become a habit and will become like second nature. And that is the easiest way you are going to learn English and be able to achieve your goals. It's like you're tricking your mind. You want to trick your mind to categorise English and English tasks as easy as brushing your teeth or cooking dinner. So having a very specific and simple routine will enable you to do that. It's also going to help, obviously, with your motivation and with your inspiration to keep learning English because you're going to see everything you've done in the past and think, Wow, I've done all of this. This routine is fantastic. It's really working. I want to keep going. So having a routine, it is crucial for year to be able to implement this process on to get the Merced out off everything that I am teaching here in this class 11. How to create an English routine: So how can you create your English routine? Well, that's what we're gonna talk about here. First thing I want you to know is there is no right or wrong way to create an English routine. It is extremely subjective and must be open to changes. You need to be flexible. It could happen that here with me, you're going to plan out of fantastic routine making. Wow, this is great. It's exactly how you know guy taught me. It's very specific. And then when you go to implement it and you're doing it, you're gonna find that it's not working for you. Totally fine. Don't give up. We will talk about this point later on in the class. But it's fine. Okay? So be flexible and nor that whatever you plan now could change. Okay, Happens to me all the time and there is no right or wrong answer, meaning that what I think in English routine should look like is going to be different to what you think, which will be different toe another student because we had different people, because having your English routine depends on how you are throughout your day, when you are humors productive when you feel tired when you have more time when you have less time eat changes. So this part of our class is very open to different suggestions. So when you are creating your routine, the first thing you want to do is ask yourself these questions that I'm gonna go through now. The first thing you want to do it ask yourself or what do I do every day? Not in regards to English. What issue? What is what your days look like? What is your routine throughout your day? What are the main tasks that you drew? Next question you want to ask is Well, how much of what I do is productive, OK, Productive. Mahaney, how much of all these tests that I do do I need to be doing? Where am I wasting my time? Okay, so this is where you want to have a look at how much time you spend on your phone on social media, watching Netflix staring at a wall, not doing anything. This is where you want to understand. OK, well, these are my productive tasks that I have to do. These are my task that I kind of get lost in and I don't need to be doing next question, which is something that I learned and I didn't really know about is when do I have the most brain power? Now, this is where you really want to go inside yourself and understand. When do I feel the most awake? What times a day does my brain sweet shops. So I get super tired after lunch. Um, I sewed hide in the morning a my super active in the evening. You need to understand this because this is like your biological clock, and it allows you to understand what times of day you are the most productive. Because there is nothing worse than saying Okay, well, guy always talks about waking up at five o'clock in the morning and doing so much stuff. So I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna create my whole English routine around five o'clock in the morning, and then you realize all but I'm not a morning person, and I don't wake up in the morning. And you know what? I feel more productive in the evening, But guy has said that she wakes up five o'clock, so I'm going to copy her. That's not something you want to do. You want to listen to your body so you want to understand for you personally. When do you feel the Merced awake? When do you have the most energy to learn and to study? Because we have different types off energy we have, you know, the time of day where we are great at doing physical tasks. So maybe it's cleaning your house, maybe going for a walk, maybe exercising, but mentally you're quite dead, and it's quite difficult for you to process information. Likewise, we have other times of day where physically, you know, you're a little bit tired and stiff. However, mentally you're quite awake and you're very creative and you're inspired. And you have lots of ideas, sir, for your English routine, you want to be concentrating on the time of day where your mind feels fresh or been awake, inspired and creative, because that is your little pocket to learning and understanding new information. And you'll realize that if you implement your English routine in that specific time, even if it's only 30 minutes or an hour, whatever you learn, you actually learn, remember and absorb, and it's gonna feel so much easier than choosing nine oclock at night, where the only thing you can think off is going to better falling asleep. So that's a question you need to ask yourself. Next question is, how long can I study before I get bored, tired or distracted again? When I am doing this process with my students, I see so many times people tell me Yes, that's it. I'm going to do these for three hours a day. Wow, that's fantastic. But is it realistic? So, here, be honest with yourself. I mean, I have quite a short attention span and my routine is blocked out. It maybe 30 to 40 minute tasks, because after that, I start to get very fidgety and board, and I need to do something else. So you need to again go back within yourself, reflect within yourself and understand. OK, how long and I am I able to do one thing before I start to lose attention? And that's how you block out your time. And that's how you understand how much time you will dedicate to each task. So like understanding which time of day or the most productive this one goes hand in hand in important it absolutely fundamental. Next to questions are how do I like to study and where do I like to study? This is something again. I've spoken that in my YouTube videos because it is something that is extremely overlooked . But it really helps you when you are implementing of routine. So how you like to study can really help you when you need to create your tasks. Because if you are a very visual person and you like to study with visuals, Okay, you know that your tasks you, Taylor, for this, maybe have flash cards. Maybe you will have diet grands. Maybe you do something in regards to color and pictures, okay. And also, where do I like to study is going to help you make the process off your English routine a lot more enjoyable. If you are a person that likes to study in an open space. However, you are not aware of this and you decide to study in a very small place that is very cluttered. As soon as you enter this place, you're going to start to feel uncomfortable and your brain will start to sweet shop, meaning you are decreasing your productivity. You are making learning English even harder for yourself. So understand and really outline. How do I like to study and tail your tasks for this? And where do I like to study? And this is very important. Have spoken about it so many times because creating of routine around your English is like creating a ritual. So you want to have a place that you feel grating, that you love, that you feel inspired in order to implement your routine. Now it doesn't have to be like a Pinterest perfect place. A lot of times people misunderstand this. I misunderstood. This is the very beginning. I thought, Oh, no, Now I need to, like, designed the perfect office with flowers and plants etcetera doesn't need to be like this Just needs to be any place where you feel comfortable and yeah, where you feel comfortable to be able to study and implement your routine. So there's a the next two questions you want to ask yourself when we were starting to create this routine and create act tasks 12. How to find time: So while we are on the topic off understanding, routine and time, I want to talk to about what you can do if you don't have time for your English. If you're in the position where you are super busy, you have lots of projects. Anything. OK, guys, this is all great information, but I honestly cannot find time to do this. I have linked a fantastic had talked to the less inert again that you can access in. The extra resource is down below Ted talk, explaining in detail what it is I'm going to talk about and at the advice I'm going to give you. But it's great because it gives you a fantastic perspective in understanding time. So do you recommend you to have a look at that? Not just for the purpose off Understanding routine is also great for your English so you can go ahead and do that. But the first thing I want to tell you that everybody is busy and everybody has times. I learned this the hard way, coming from the experience where I was convinced I had no time working child family projects all in one day was a lot and I learned, and I was astonished to understand how much time I have and how much time I confined every single day in order to do everything that I want. And it came Former True thinks experimenting okay and understanding urgency. Now if, for example, today you have no time to learn five Fraser verbs because you've got back to back meetings on do you know you have to call this person and go here. So five Fraser verbs in English seems impossible. However, if an emergency happens and, for example, like what the video says that you're going to watch your house gets flooded with water, anything? Oh my God, this is an emergency. I need to call the plumber. I need to go home. All of a sudden, you find time to be able to address this issue because it's become your priority. It has become an urgent task, and as soon as something becomes your priority and generates a sense of urgency, your attention goes there, and we're able to create time for this event for this particular action we need to do. And the same thing applies for your English. If your English is not a priority and it's not urgent for you. It will always come second place. It could come second place to a very good reason. Second place to an interview with your boss, second place to a conference call like it could come second place to watching a movie second place to scrolling through social media. So until you have made the decision the internal decision, the conscious decision that English is your priority, learning English and sticking to your routine is urgent for you. You won't ever have time for it because you will never find time because you can't see the time you see time for your priorities. Don't see time for the things you think it's OK. I can do it tomorrow. Okay, that's the first thing you need to do now. Once you have made this decision in English has become your priority. Now you want to start to understand where the majority of your time is going and where that time needs to keep going, but where you can steal time from. So this is like what we were talking about in the previous video. Ours stopped having a look at your daily routine and said, ER K Well, I spend you know, five minutes doing this. I do 10 minutes meditation. I have a one hour phone call every day. These are all essential tasks for me. But you know what? I realized that I spent five minutes every morning scrolling through Facebook for no reason . And then I spend another 15 minutes going on instagram. And then, you know, I have this habit off just like at the evening, flicking through the TV to try to find a movie, And it takes me another 15 minutes. Then I never even find a movie, and I just go to bed so thes last three examples are starting to look like things that you probably don't need Tohave, they don't really sound like a priority. And you know, English. Coming second place to these three actions doesn't really make too much sense. So you could say our capes, I because I've made the decision to make English my priority, agree to steal the time I am using on these three tasks, and we've discovered it's more or less 30 minutes, okay, And use that for English because it's more important because I've decided it's my priority and you have found 30 minutes now. 30 minutes. It's a lot off time. Ah, lot of people have the impression that learning English every day needs to be hours upon hours of learning English. And no, for some, that could be great. You might be able to do that generally. You know, when you are younger and, you know, maybe you're living at home. You're still studying your even in high school university. You do have a little bit more time. Obviously, though, as you get older kids, family, work, life, etcetera, your time becomes extremely narrow. 30 minutes, these precious it is golden time. And it is ah, lot like more than enough to dedicate to your English every day in your routine. So don't think that I will. It's only 30 minutes. What am I gonna do in 30 minutes? You have a plan, you have a goal and you have a routine. You can move mountains in 30 minutes and I will prove it to you in this class. Or you can come across and have a look at YouTube and you will see what I could do in 30 minutes and understand that it is a lot off time. Okay, so it is totally fine. The main thing I want you to understand is when you are telling yourself you don't have time for something said OK, but let me look and analyze my day. What's my priority? What's not my priority? What tasks on my doing? That taking up too much time, and how much time can I start to steal in order to put towards my English? Take one minute from here. Two minutes from there, five minutes from there added up together and he could get even 15 minutes. It's still fantastic, so we're all busy. But if English is your priority and you have decided to create a sense of urgency around that, you do have time to be able to implement this routine and study. 13. Step Five Write your routine: so moving on without steps. Now we're up to step five on and it's the exciting part. We are implementing the English routine now. In order to do this, I want you to go ahead and access the template, the daily routine template, and you can begin filling it out. So when you were needing to implement your routine, this easel where you want to start thinking about where and when you are going to be doing the tasks you have chosen Now the way that I have divided it, that I think it is the easiest but off course routines, a very personal delivery, subjective certain you can go ahead and change it as you like, but I've divided into morning, evening and night. Okay. So depending on how many micro goes you have chosen and how many tasks you've chosen for, micro goal, your routine is going to look a little bit different. However, dividing it between morning, evening and night, I find that it is very beneficial in understanding when you are the most productive. So what I like to do in my retain is I have specific tasks that I just do in the morning because they are very intellectual tasks and require a lot of thinking. And in the morning I am super productive and creative with my mind. Then in the afternoon, I have very manual tasks, tasks the door require any thinking that I could just do and zone out. This is probably where I do all of my editing, where I am just maybe having to check off e mails or do lots of Adam in stuff. I will do this in the afternoon. Then, for example, in the evening, I am very tired and I can't manage to do pretty much anything. So the early tasks I do is just prepare myself for the next day, for example, organized my office. Make sure my space is clean. Make sure I have my to do list and that is eat. So having a daily planner divided between morning, afternoon and evening helps you identify which tasks you want to do at what times off the day. Depending on your energy levels. I really recommend you to do it in the same way because you are creating a routine that is tailored for for youth, how you feel okay, of course, whatever you're gonna plan out here with me, It could change. I mean, you could have a good idea all what tasks you want to do and when. But when you find yourself doing those tasks, they don't really work. So 100% in needs to be flexible. It could be after the knees. 30 days are going to go back and change it. I am still to this day changing my routine every single month in order to optimize it in order to make it as beneficial to make this possible. So you want to be doing the same thing for your English again. You can go ahead and access the template down below in the extra resource is and go ahead and stop filling it out. 14. Step Six Implement Routine: So you have your fantastic routine or written out your feeling super inspired. It's time to move on to Step six, which is Do your routine actually do it now. There's not much I can say here in terms off technique and strategy. But the main thing that I want to tell you is don't wait for Monday. Don't wait for the beginning off the month. Daren't wait until you have organized yourself better with your kids. Do it now straight away. So if you are watching this video and it's the morning and you have already planned out your whole routine and you've written down in the afternoon and the evenings, you want to do these particular things, do it to day. The sooner you start just doing it, the sooner you will pick up the rhythm of it, and it will become I've routine. You don't need to wait for the perfect time. I know that I have this. It feels uncomfortable like, for example, if it's the morning and you've written down for the afternoon to do one particular task and you think but I don't want to do it now because I didn't do the morning task and let me just spend today organizing everything and like really soaking up that feeling of organization and inspiration, and I'll start it tomorrow. It's not the best thing because you fall into that sense of procrastination and it could be tomorrow. You won't wake up with the same energy you have right now that you're getting from this class that you're getting from having created your routine. So just start straight away and it could be, You know, the first three or four days it's gonna be awkward, and you're going to be fumbling around and you're not going to feel totally amazing when you're doing your routine mints so important you probably weren't feel great. Keep doing it and see after a week, it's gonna start to feel normal, and you get into that rhythm of it and you think all while this is fantastic, like I'm starting to benefit from it. It's coming quite easy. I don't even need to look at my tusks sheet anymore. I already understand what I need to be doing in the afternoon evening and not so just throw yourself into it. Don't wait for the perfect moment and do it straight away just to get the ball going, just to start getting into the rhythm all of your routine, because the quicker you do it, the quicker you're going to achieve your goals and the quick and you're going to start to feel positive and confident in regards to your English. 15. Step Seven Be Accountable: Okay, so moving on to step seven, we want to talk about accountability. And I want to talk to you about being accountable for your routine. Now, being accountable for your team means being responsible. And having a routine is extremely personal, meaning. It is something that goes on within yourself that very often people don't know about. And what happens here is your routine becomes your secret. Which means whether you do or whether you don't do it. You're the only person that knows about it. And this is not a good thing. Because it means that day that you wake up lazy and unmotivated and not wanting to recite your sentences. To really easy for you not to do it because it's a little secret you have with yourself. Nobody knows about it. Nobody standing there saying, hey, use age or during a routine, Why are you doing it? Or you don't have anybody thinking, Oh, well, that's strange. She said she's got to retain and like she sort of lazy as if she's not doing it. And then judging you, sorry, you want to create this environment of accountability. The best way that I have found that you could do that is to share your routine when other people tell other people what you're doing, whether it's with your husband, your teacher, your friends, your family, on social media, however way you like to do it, the more people who know that you have decided to stick to this English routine and achieved these goals the better. Because then the day you feel like not doing it. You are not just secretly telling yourself. You're also having thoughts of all I told my husband I would, and then if he sees me in the morning not doing it, he's going to ask me questions. I don't know. I feel like I'm a little bit of a loser because now people are going to judge me and think that all I said that I was going to stick to something, I'm not gonna do it. And you have all these other thought of feeling not that great if you don't do your routine. And this is a great technique to push you into doing your routine. To push you to stick to your routine because you become accountable for it. You become accountable and responsible for your actions. Sorry, this is something that is fantastic. You can do it in many different ways. I mean, I do it with my husband. We try to like work at our accountability together and push each other to keep our routines. You have an English teacher, you can go ahead and do it with your English teacher, with your friends. If you are on social media, you can do a whole thing of stories. So every, every morning you do a story of you doing your routine and that something that you have to maintain because obviously you have followers that are watching UK that are consuming your content. So it depends how you want to do. But the main idea here is Dart. Keep your English routineness secret because it means that it is so easy for you to do one day, yes. And one day, nor the more people that know about it, the more accountable you are for your actions, means you will have debts when you think you don't want to do it and you are going to be pushed and motivated to continue it. Even when you lose motivation. 16. Step Eight Track Progress: moving on to step eight. We're talking about tracking your process. Now, this is something that I have created for you guys because it works so well and I use it all the time. If you go down again in the extra resource section, you will see a template for a progress trucker that you can use to track your progress. Now, why is this important? Because, as you were going ahead, completing your tasks, what can happen is you can get it stuck in this fog where you start to feel like I'm not doing anything. I'm not seeing any results. Am I? Even doing my routine is my routine, even working, and you start again to lose motivation. And there is no better way to give you an instant injection off energy and motivation by opening up a book or getting your piece of paper and looking back on a little past weeks and seeing, take, take take and saying every Monday you completed five tasks, it reduced their you completed 10 tasks. Anything? Wow, I've done so much. Hey, you know, before even implementing this retain, I didn't do anything after work. I just kind of cook dinner went to bed, and now look at everything I am doing. This is so great. It's a beneficial. It makes me feel like I'm actually, you know, living my life and being productive. These sorts of feelings are what you want to be generating when you start to get stuck in that fog, because it gives you energy and inspiration to keep going. It's not an unknown thing that obviously when you see how far you've come along and how many things you've done automatically and naturally start to feel excited and motivated about doing it and about continuing it. So this is what the Progress Tracker is all about. It's about keeping on track with everything that you're doing, so that when you lose motivation, you can go back and read over it. It's also absolutely fantastic again to hold yourself accountable. So if you're getting in the habit of doing one day yes, routine one day nor but in that moment you like Oh, it's okay because, you know, last week I did my routine every day. So today I can slack off. What happened is it could be that you're tricking yourself and you actually slacking off more than you think. So when you go back and look at your progress, track anything? Oh, my God. I thought I was doing really well, but I couldn't see. I've got this terrible habit Every single Monday, I'm skipping my morning routine. I didn't know that. I thought I was doing it. And it gives you a wake up call And you think, Oh, that's not good. Nor now I need to be mawr, you know, disciplined with myself and understand. I really need to stick to my routine on Monday morning because I'm slacking off. So having a progress struck at east fundamentally increases your motivation. It helps. You want to send where your act, what tasks you are doing, what tasks you're not doing and how to continue doing those so you can go ahead and access that template again down below. In the extra resource file, it will be great to print it off, maybe stick it on a wall next to you, stick it in your agenda wherever it is easy for you to access. And you know, every time you finish the task, go ahead and put a big teak and understand Yes, it's done fantastic. I couldn't move onto the next one 17. Step Nine 30 day review: Okay, So nearing the end off your action plan process, We are at step nine, and we are talking about reviewing your routine and your goals after 30 days. Now, why have I chosen the Rendon number of 30 days? Well, because it takes more or less 30 days to get in the habit off a routine to make something a habit to make something second nature. So if you are reviewing after one week or after two weeks, it is really not advisable because you're still in the process of getting used to what you're doing. So it's normal that you're gonna be feeling that great. You're gonna be feeling like, Oh, it's not the best thing to do. And maybe it's that time where you kind of want to give up. So the reviewing process is an excuse to think Oh, well, it doesn't work. Doesn't matter, won't do it. So do stick it out for 30 days, even though you're not feeling that great. And then after 30 days, we want to have our review process. And this is where your modifications coming. It's where that sense of flexibility really comes into play. Remember? I was talking about this at the beginning. Off the class A routine needs to be flexible, and it is all an experiment that is constantly evolving. So you want to be constantly changing, modifying in order to benefit as much as you can from a rooty. Remember, ever thine and your goals is something that enriches your life. It should make your life that that is, the golden gives you something it should be giving you. Energy should be giving you positivity should be making you feel great if that's not happening. If you're feeling like you're tired, he it's uncomfortable. You have mixed emotions about it. That's where you want to start modifying and changing it. So after 30 days is your review process. And in order to review your routine and your goals, you can go ahead and ask yourself these questions. So the first question is, Did I achieve my goals this month? So in one month, I don't think that you will be having a macro goal that you want to achieve in one month. This is more when we are looking at micro goals, but girth ones. Okay, Did I achieve my goals? This month was able to do this. This and this, depending on what your goals were. Next question is, Well, how did I feel doing the routine? Now you want to be mature and intelligent, Obviously, if you know the first week, it's expected that of routines not going to feel the best. So if for the first week you felt quite crappy, But the rest of the time it started to get better up. Look at it in perspective. And don't concentrate on that first wake and think, Well, I found horrible. I'm not going to do it anymore again. Be mature, See the overall. So if it started off, not so great. But it ended quite great. Understand her case or that was the initial process and it does get better. But when you were looking at how you felt in your routine again concentrate. You know, the different times of daisy hay found in the morning during those specific tasks in the evening and in the afternoon, it could be that maybe, you know, you have one task off, you know, learning new vocabulary in the afternoon, and you found it very difficult to concentrate very difficult to remember the words and think our care that's not working Well, maybe I want to move that task to the morning because in the morning I have a lot more energy and my I'm a lot more clear in my mind. It's easier for me to remember stuff. So this is the sort of things that you want to stop thinking about in regards to this question. Next question is, well, does this routine work for me and my schedule? This is where you want to take in consideration everything else. You have to do all of your other responsibilities and areas in your life that require your energy and think. OK, you know, I did this great routine with my English, and yet it actually fit in quite well because I was able to still spend time with my Children, get my work stuff done, do family stuff. It works well. Or maybe it didn t think, you know what? I think I overloaded myself and I have too many micro goals. I need to drop that down to just one and one English task a day because I realized I was neglecting timeto other areas in my life that really do require my time. So that's something you want to start looking at in this question. Next thing you want to ask yourself is OK, so other. Any improvements? I can make the case after you've asked yourself all these questions you evaluated. You're routine quite well. And you want to ask yourself Well, what can I fix? What can I do to make it better? And here is where you want to start making your modifications, changing certain tasks. Maybe you want to change certain goals. Maybe in doing your routine, you realized some goals that you had set up. What, that important to you? Maybe there is another goal that has come up because of work reasons. That is important. And you want to change and modify this. So remember, your review comes after 30 days. Do take a good half a Knauer. Really To reflect upon this, don't skip this step. I mean, I do review every single month and still to this day, and I have been having my routine almost for two years now in every month I change it. I tried to make a better So it's something that you will do consistently, not just now because it's the beginning. It's something you do all the time just to ensure that your routine is benefiting you and you are feeling good when you are doing it. 18. Step 10 Acknowledge success: we are up to step 10 the last step in this class. Now we are talking about acknowledging all your success. This is so, so important. I know that you have a fantastic macro dream goal. Okay, that is fantastic. But you also have little micro goals, little things every day that you are doing. And if you are no able to acknowledge the little success is that you are happy each day, even if it is just the simple success off sticking to your routine of being able to do the tasks every day. If you cannot acknowledge these little goals and these little success is, how will you acknowledge yourself reaching your macro goal you want. So you need to get in the habit off acknowledging and recognizing when you achieve something, no matter how small it is, whether it is learning one word or learning how to pronounce one letter in English, that is a step that is one step closer to achieving your dream goal. This is important not just in then being able to recognize obviously when you achieve your dream goal. But it's important for your motivation, because if if you're just learning and being like, Oh my God, I'm still not fluent. I'm still not forward. I'm still not fluent and every single day during fantastic exercises and tasks that you're learning this and you're running that and you're able to do something new, but you don't acknowledge it. He's just gonna, like, really decrease your confidence and decrease your motivation. And this whole process will not be enjoyable at Oh, it's just gonna constantly feel like you are missing out on something because you still haven't achieved your dream goal. So every day, something that I really like to do is at the end of my day, I have a look at, like my progress trucker. Have a look at the things that I've done. And I think what did I achieve today? And I think, Oh, wow, you know, this is great. Today I was able to film the whole course, or today I did a great post on Instagram and, you know, the girls really liked it, and everybody was commenting. You want to have a look, a little achievements that you have done throughout your day and think about it and say, I'm happy I did that good on you. That's a great thing that you achieved and acknowledge this success. Feel the success because acknowledging isn't just about saying I did that. Stop. No, you want to, you know, tell yourself that you achieve something and then feel the benefit. Feel proud of yourself. Feel excited about it. Feel grateful that you were able to achieve that because that's gonna give you energy. That's going to give you the feeling of accomplishment that you need for tomorrow morning when you have to wake up and you have to do your routine again. So you want to make sure that your constantly feeding yourself with this feeling of motivation and inspiration, and one way you can get it is by acknowledging your small successes with English. 19. What do to if you loose motivation: so it now have gone through the 10 steps I want to talk a little bit about in the next two videos. What happens when you lose motivation or you don't achieve a goal, So losing motivation? Even if you did, absolutely everything that I have told you in this class still can happen. It's a natural process. I like to think off losing motivation as a given anything that you do. You have ups and downs and expecting this for me makes it a little bit easier because sometimes in the past, if I feel unmotivated, it's very surprising. And then I automatically think, Oh my God, So something's wrong. Oh my God. So I need to stop what I'm doing because it's not good for me anymore and that is not true . So take it as something that you been there is you know, the stage rifle. Fantastic. There is the stage where I lose motivation and completely normal when you start to lose your motivation. The first thing, the very first thing that you don't want to do is stop. Do not give up and do not stop. Modify, but don't stop. If you're feeling lazy, you're losing motivation. If you just like that, said, I'm just giving up on English all together. Don't stop, but maybe decrease your routine a little bit. Still, try to stick to it as best you can. But if you have 10 tasks to do and you manage to only do one, it's still you not giving up. You're still doing something. You want to make sure that when you're borderline giving up with your English, just do something off purity every single day until you get back into the rhythm like this is sore, so important. Choose the easiest thing, the least time consuming the thing that requires the least energy to do. And stick with that because it's like you're holding onto a rope and you're like, OK, like I'm not gonna completely let go, but I'll just hold on a little bit and we'll see if I regained my energy again and you will , because in the routine you have ups and downs and it's completely fine. Darts stop. The next thing that you want to do is when you're starting to lose motivation is ask yourself some questions. Okay, some questions that can get you thinking about so far what you have achieved, what you've learned and you want to start kind of visualizing on feelings that you will feel when you achieve your goals. And this is why it's really important to have goals. Because if it this time, you don't have any goals. Well, then, well, there's no purpose of you ending English. So it doesn't matter whether you give up or you keep going. Your goals here work as your blocks off stability in order to help you continue. So these are the questions that you want to ask yourself. The first thing is, Well, okay, so far in my routine, what little things have I achieved? What are some small things that I have nurtured? Okay. And we want to start acknowledging out small successes. The next thing is here. You can go ahead and use your progress trucker, and you want to say OK, have I done my routine every day and look over until wow, I did so well up into now. Look what I did. You know, I read my English book every single nine I didn't skip. But once I look so smart, I was so productive and that makes you feel good. That's the opposite feeling to feeling like, Oh, it's too hard. I want to give up. So go with that feeling, because it really does help on. The next question is, you want to start reflecting on How can you imagine feeling when you achieve your goal? So you look back onto your macro goals. This is not when you're looking at your micro goals. You want to get your dream goals and you see your macro goal of obtaining a eight band scoring aisles and you say, You know, maybe first off when you say you're like Oh, yeah, right, I have no motivation, It's way too hard. But then take a deep breath and be open to the process that okay, regardless of all this negative thinking if I achieved in eight Ban scoring, I else what? What do I see? What do I feel? And maybe you start to you start to imagine. Wow, like I can imagine myself getting the email and feeling butterflies in my stomach and getting my husband to open it for me cause I'm too scared. And then he opened it and wow, I got an eight band score. I feel shocked, I feeling, you know, amazing. I I I don't know what to do. I'm so happy and stab going through that least of immersion. And the more you think about the emotions attached to that goal, the more real it's going to feel. It's going to feel like you're actually you've actually got a eight band score now and that is going to fuel and give you energy. And it's going to remind you why you're doing what you're doing again. This is why having your goals are so important. It gives meaning and purpose because when you start to lose motivation because you lost sight off the reason that you're doing everything you've forgotten about your goals you've forgotten about. Hey, I decided to do this because when I get my aisles, you know, Bend eight, I'm going to move to Australia because I you know, I found a fantastic company that I'm gonna work for it. I'm gonna change my life, etcetera. You forget about this because you get stuck in the every day here and now, which is oh, every day. I need to recite five Fraser verbs and then I need to read a book in English, and it's getting really boring. So when that happens, go back and reflect on those macro goals and stop experimenting with the feelings. And it's like you are taking dinner. A sip often energy drink that is going toe wake you up and be like Oh, yeah, I remember why I'm doing it. That's it. I want so much to get my I'll score. So yet I'm gonna get back to my retain because I feel inspired to do it now. There is no limit to how many times you should be doing this. I do this every day, Every single day I sit. I reflect, I imagine, and I visualize how I'm going to feel when I achieve certain goals. Eighties. I don't know the magic behind. Being able to do anything in life depends, you know. Obviously it is subjective, but for those who do he think, Oh, I can only do this once a month, you know, in my review process, or I can only do it when I lose my motivation. It's not true. You could do it every day, like you could do it once a week. Once a month or just when you are losing motivation. But it is incredible, and it is what is going to help you get back in the game and find that motivation when you feel like Oh my God, it is impossible. 20. What to do if you don't reach the goal: The last thing I want to talk about is what happens if you don't reach your goal. Okay. Doesn't mean that everything I told you failed. And he just, you know, has absolutely no sense. No, it can happen. It can happen that maybe you estimated a certain amount of time for your goal. And you haven't achieved it yet. That is one word that you want to replace when talking about this topic. I haven't achieved my go yet. Not I haven't achieved my goal. Which means I will never achieve my goal. Because this failed for me, achieving a goal is something that takes time. If you didn't achieve it today, you might achieve it tomorrow. Like you might achieve it after one month. Okay, so if you set up this whole routing to achieve a macro goal in six months and your six months comes around and you realize Oh, my God, I haven't achieved it. I wasted six months off my life. What am I going to do now, Nora? Re plan first thing. You tell yourself if that's okay. I didn't achieve it yet, but I will still achieve it. What do I need to do? Did I make the mistake deed? I maybe not do enough tasks per day. Do I need to change my routine? That's when you want to go back to you over train and see if you can re plan. If you could tweak it, maybe you need to change your micro goals. Maybe you need to change. Some of your tasks may be very simply you just estimated a shorter amount of time and you need a little bit mawr time. Now, obviously, when you've realized that you haven't achieved a goal that you plan to achieve, you're gonna start to feel a little bit discouraged. So in doing this, make sure you do review all of the small successes and go over all of the little micro goals that you did achieve just to understand exactly where your act in regards to your progress. So okay, you know, I didn't get my I'll score on this particular date, so I need to give myself a little bit more time. However, in this process, you know I did I was able to learn this and I achieved fiscal and that goal and this girl Oh, I realized I missed out on achieving based to my crew goals. That's why I didn't get my You know, I'll score and achieve my Mac. Frugal. Okay, I am going to re plan my routine and give myself another two months. It is totally fine I have planned. I will rephrase that. Every single goal that I plan to fool myself. It didn't achieve by the time that I had planned it. Every single one has required mawr time. Okay. However, if I stopped right there and I said Okay, well, I haven't achieved this goal. By the time that I said I would I'm going to give up. I would never be where I am today. So it just might take a little bit more time and you understanding that you haven't achieved it yet. But you will achieve it and go about two planning process. Go back through this course, go back for your templates and see what modifications you need to make in order to get you to where you want to go. Okay. Don't give up. Absolutely. Don't give up at this stage. Just understand, okay? It's a work in progress. 21. Conclusion: Alright, guys. So congratulations. You have made it to the end of this class. You all did a fantastic job in a park that you enjoyed it before I go. Just a few things I wanted to let you know. So do you remember I told you so many times throughout this class? But do you remember to access? The extra resource is you have all of the lesson. It's in a pdf as well as the templates that I refer to in the class in order to go ahead and do the exercises that I've told you. The next thing that I want to let to know is if there are any women here watching, I want to let you know that I have a online community for all of the women that I teach English over on Facebook, YouTube and instagram. So I have linked the link below. It's a free community. Four women learning English and you are more than welcome ladies to go ahead and access. There is links again. They provided for you in the pdf files off the lesson notes in this class, we were talking a lot about goals and planning. I do encourage you to go ahead and have a look at my other school shared courses. If you are interested in this type of content, you will really benefit from the class. Speak better English before mindsets where we talk about how to get into the right mindset to learning English, overcoming speaking blocks, increasing confidence. It is one off the classes that really does go hand in hand with this one. And it just completes a process for you which will really be able to put you on the right track to learning English and implementing the goals and the routine we spoke about here. So you're did a fantastic job. Hope you enjoy the class and I will see you next time. But I