SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH: Learn to speak English fluently by changing your mindset | Gaia Massara | Skillshare

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SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH: Learn to speak English fluently by changing your mindset

teacher avatar Gaia Massara, English Teacher | Cambridge | TEFL

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      English Mindset 1 - AWARENESS


    • 3.

      English Mindset 2 - GOALS


    • 4.

      English Mindset 3 - ENGLISH IS A TOOL


    • 5.

      English Mindset 4 - TIME


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About This Class

This class is an exclusive class i have decided to share with you from the content i provide in my online community Women in English

It is a class for all English student’s that will teach you how to learn four basic mindsets that will support your English success.

The majority of student’s think their ability to speak English completely depends on what they study and how much they study and they fail to take into consideration the way they feel and think when they speak English as well as their results. 

That’s why in this class you will learn the following mindsets and more importantly how to implement their practices in your everyday life to radically change the way you speak and think about English. 

These are the mindsets and what you will learn in each one: 

  • Awareness- Learn how to recognise your blocks and become aware that how your feeling and thinking determines how you speak English
  • Goals- Learn practical techniques about how to manage fear and overcome it when you are Speaking English. 
  • English is a tool- Understand the true reason you are learning English and how to change your perspective so that the pressure and stress is taken away
  • Time- Learn how to change your mindset about time and finally find the right time to dedicate to your English

I am so happy to be able to share this class with you all because i know how much it has helped my past students improve their confidence and speaking in English. 

For extra English help i welcome the women here to join my Women in English community in order to build your confidence and practice English everyday with other women!

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Meet Your Teacher

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Gaia Massara

English Teacher | Cambridge | TEFL



Hello I'm Gaia,

I'm an English teacher from Australia but now i live in Italy with my beautiful daughter and husband. My journey with English began with my learning Italian, where i discovered that speaking a new language is one of the most personal eye opening experiences one could encounter. 

My husband and i opened an English Language school in 2015 however with the birth of our baby girl i moved all my teaching directly online, which now brings me close to 7 years teaching English.

As well as being passionate about teaching i love writing, studying personal development and behavioural phycology as well as practicing meditation. 

I incorporate my expertise and qualifications (Cambridge certified, TEFL certified) with my ... See full profile

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1. Intro - THE 4 ENGLISH MINDSETS: I really believe that every single person has the potential to excel in English. But I feel like sometimes the way we think about English or the beliefs we have about English and study are quite limiting. And for as much information I can give you if you are a fool with your earned the Leafs around English or anything else, it's very difficult for me to make an impact and help you truly understand what it is I want to teach. You have a wall. We're going to be having a look at a Siri's off mindset videos. We're looking at full, different mindset ideas and take makes that are designed to help you identify how you feel about English, what your blocks up and how to get rid of those blocks so you can start increasing your confidence when speaking at the end off watching the rules forbid ears, you will see that you will have a PDS now. It's a very simple, easy exercise. It's just you got about 10 questions that you need to answer in regards to what you've watched in the mindset videos. Now the questions are designed to start getting you to Fiqh about, You know, the mindset techniques I've spoken to about reflecting on yourself, your feelings, your goals. So you can really maximize this experience. Go ahead and read that. And best of luck, guys enjoy and get started now with your mindset videos by. 2. English Mindset 1 - AWARENESS: Hey, ladies. So here we are talking about the awareness mindset, and you may be thinking, guy. Ah, what does awareness have anything to do with learning English? Very good question. It actually has a lot to do with learning English. And that's why this is the very first video that I am showing you and that we're going to be going through now. A lot of the time when we start something new. In this case, when we start English, we just think up, okay? I'm learning something new. I just need to study the material and that he And if my results aren't what I want, it just means I didn't study hard enough. I'm here to break that belief. I want to seek right now in this moment about how you feel when you're speaking English. Do you feel confident? Do you feel positive or do you feel scared? Do you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel overwhelmed? Then think about the voices you have in your head. What are the things that you're telling yourself? You know, our yourself doubting. Are you shaming yourself? Are you telling yourself you're not good enough? You'll never be able to do it. It's too hard from case. What conversation is going on in your head now? The reason why I am asking you to think about this and self reflect about this is because how you feel and how you think is what shaping your results in terms of your English. Imagine this. Imagine that you have to take a test and you feel horrible. You like Oh my God. It's a test. You feel nervous, You feel scared. You want to throw up, and at the same time, when you are taking the test and you're writing, you're just telling yourself horrible, negative things. You're terrible. You can't do it, you know good enough. She's better than you. You're gonna fail. Think how that makes you feel. Do you think that you're going to do well in your test? Do you think that you're gonna have a positive outcome? Absolutely not. I'm here talking to you about awareness, because if you do not become aware off how you feel when you speak or study English and what you think about what you tell yourself when you speak and study English, you were going to be very disconnected from your results, meaning If you're thinking and feeling something that you don't want, you're going to achieve a result that you don't want. You want to be aligned with your thinking and your feeling in order to get the results that you want, and we're all here because we want to have a very positive results, meaning we need to have positive thoughts on positive feelings. So this is the first thing I wanted to introduce you to in the sense off being aware English doesn't start from opening up a camera and book or thinking this is the list of Fraser verbs I need to learn. That's no way or journey starts. Your journey starts with understanding how you feel and how you think about English and correcting that. Okay, so if you're sitting here saying, Wow, I feel horrible when I speak English I think I'm terrible. What do you think I'm going to tell you that you need to start doing? You need to stop obviously telling yourself positive things when you're speaking English and instead of manifesting the negative feelings that manifesting the feelings of you having one you having achieved your goes and work on this image in order to begin learning English. Now the next thing I want to speak to that is and awareness about where you are and what it means to speak a new language again. A lot of the time we have the misconception that speaking a language is just a insignificant action, like putting my hand up. And we failed to see the connection or speaking a language with, you know, our emotions or our image of ourselves. And I want to talk to you about this because I found that women who have a problem with confidence and fear and self doubt when I present this new perspective to them, they say, Wow, that's what the problem is And they do a 360 degree turn around and it's always like in two lessons. They sat speaking English confidently, and they tell me guy up, I feel so much better. Thank you. So I don't say this just because you know I want to sound cool or I want to sound like a great teacher. I tell you, with the utmost love, because I'm honestly here to help you in. This has helped so many women before you. So I really want to share it with you. So I want to talk to a bat, being aware off what it means to speak a new language. Okay. A language for us is a form off identification. It's how we formulate out image to the exterior world. Think about the courts. You put on the way you do your hair, even your make up. You get dressed in a certain way because you want to convey a message. You want to show the world This is May. This is my style. This is how I express myself. Voice language is the exact same thing. The way you speak, the words you use. The feeling you have about yourself when you speak a language is the image you convey to your exterior world. Now imagine Think about when you're speaking your native language. You feel like you. I know I speak English in I'm like, Oh, yes, English. Um Dia. I know Guyana has this turn of voice guy. I uses thes words. Guyana, you know, makes jokes in this way. Now I think when you have to speak English and you have that feeling like your two year old girl that you can express yourself before we did. You feel like I know the words in my native language, but if I have to say it in English, I don't know what to say. This all comes down to you not knowing how to be you. When you speak English, you don't know. You don't know how to express yourself. No, because off vocabulary not because of Grandma, because there's and there's something that's not connected. You don't have a relationship between you and the English language, and this is what you all have to take a minute to really breathe in and become aware off. Right now, you're blocked because of your English because you haven't formed a relationship between yourself and your new language. We just simply darner how to be you when you speak English. It's like if you have toe wear something that's completely different to your style. I always wear black. Imagine I was in a big pink dress. I would feel extremely uncomfortable standing here speaking to all of you women because no me, how can I be wearing a pink dress? I don't know how to. I'm embarrassed. I look weird people judging me. That's exactly what goes through your head when you have to start speaking English. You have a disguise on Sorry. If you want Teoh, feel good when you speak English and feel empowered and positive and successful. That comes from forming a relationship with the language and being aware that that's where your blocks coming from. Because if you recognize that you're scared and you recognize that you have difficulty speaking English, this is fantastic. But if the reason behind these you give because you're not good enough or the reason you think it's because you don't know enough vocabulary, then you're yourself sabotaging yourself. You're not giving yourself the opportunity to really, really grow and improve in the English language. You need to understand that this is just because he just started her how to be you yet in English. That's it. But I'm going to teach you how, yes, some actually very happy that I can teach you how because ah, lot of the times we hear these big motivating talks and then with Erica. But how do I do it? It's very simple, and it's exactly why the master classes here for you. You just have to practice, but not like practice. Randomly speaking English, you need to practice talking about your feelings in English. You need to practice talking about your really strong opinions like Imagine your political beliefs or your religious beliefs or your beliefs about. I don't know how you lifestyle should be things that really touch you, where you like, nor but that's not right. It has to be like this. That is what use needs to start practicing in English. You go having a bad day and you feel sad and you just want to cry. You go to learn and practice you that in English. If you're really angry, you need to learn to express that anger in English. If you're embarrassed the same thing in English, when you feel a very big feeling inside, we feel overwhelmed and you feel like I need to use my words to express myself. That is when you have to push yourself to do it in English, not toe learn English, although it will help uber in English. But to help you begin to former relationship between you and English. Okay, because then once you do that, you feel an emotional connection to the words. You'll feel an emotional connection to the sound off the language to the Gramma structures , to the sentences to the expressions even. And that's when you get to the point where you feel like Okay, I I'm starting to feel like myself when I speak English because I know how to express myself. I know how to make people see me for who I am because I can see me for who I am when I speak in English. Okay, this is an amazing, amazing thing to learn. And I'm very, very happy that I could be here sharing it with you because this simple act off being aware can and will completely change your experience of learning English and truly enable you to enjoy the journey on and enjoy the language. Very, very happy. I actually forgot. There is one more thing that I wanted to go through, and it was being aware off when you are successful in English, goes hand in hand with what I was just saying before a lot of the time were very, very hard on ourselves in terms off, you know, making progress with English. And we just think all like No, I I spoke so badly today. I made a mistake. God forbid I didn't reach any of my goals. You have a big goal with your English. And then are all of you do I want to ask you How do you expect to realize when you reach that goal? And how do you expect to appreciate your success if you can't appreciate the small success you're making along the way? Maybe that you know, a five minute conversation you had. We didn't make a mistake. That's a success. Or the conversation you had, where for one minute you felt like, Wow, it's possible I can speak English. That's another success. Success doesn't mean something in a enormous and like shocking success is even small. It could be a slightest feeling or just because you used a new word. But if you're not aware off those small successes, you're gonna lose your motivation and your anything. Oh, my God. It takes so long to reach this goal. When am I going to get there? And then when you reach that goal, you wouldn't even realize it. Okay, so you need to start getting aware off all the little things you're doing along your journey to reaching your goal and appreciating them and being aware off the small successes in order to realize when you know you've done it and you can speak English and you can really benefit and enjoy that apartment. So that is everything that I wanted to talk to about awareness and the awareness mindset heart. You enjoyed it on and get started watching the other video. Now see you. 3. English Mindset 2 - GOALS: ladies, let's talk about goals and fears in this mindset video. I am going to teach you how two or become your fears in order to reach your goals. Very simple. Everybody speaks about this when we're having to learn something new, especially when we're learning English. But I am not just going to teach you about the importance off understanding, fear and goals. I'm going to teach you how to actually do it, because I've found along the way learning English and learning everything else. Everybody tells you to be confident and everybody tells you just don't think of the negative stuff and think positive. And it's great to a certain point because you get all like, yeah, fantastic. I'm just gonna be positive. I don't have any fears. Everything's fine. But then, when the fears do come and what do you do, like it's not enough to tell yourself to be positive. It's not enough to tell yourself not to have a fear. So in the moment that it counts in the critical moment when you're speaking in English or you're doing a presentation in English, generally you'll feel winds and generally you get stuff and then you just stopped the whole process again. And this happens because of the common misconception that I believe it is that you just like everything and everyone tells you to know, have fear. So you think that beer, in the way that you're going to achieve your goal with and feel confident, is Teoh, You know, for your fear not to exist anymore. But I want to tell you that that's not going to happen. And that's not the right way to think of it and thinking that you can only achieve your goals once your FIA is completely gone, you're not going to get there the way you want. And you probably going to have a lot of difficulty so scrapped that idea. And I want to present to you a new idea and let's see if it can help you because it definitely helped me. And it also helped a lot of the women that I've taught, so I'm quite sure it's going to help you Now. I want you to think of your over situation. OK, when you felt really uncomfortable speaking English. OK, think maybe I don't know. You had a conversation where you're like, Oh, it's so difficult or you're in a board meeting or you're giving a presentation at a medical congress, for example. And you know you're up there and you're getting ready to speak English and you start freaking out. And what happens? Your fear increases. Ho, my God, I'm so scared. I can't do it. I'm going to make a mistake. Everyone's judging me and you've got a big fee. A monster here that's having a party. Okay, he's loving you freaking out. And what's more, natural reaction. Whatever you have been taught to do up until now, just people city. I don't think Offiah I shouldn't be scared. I can do it. I'm not scared. Come on, you're stronger, You're stronger. That does that make you feel better? Because when I do that and I didn't do it, it makes me feel anxious. It makes me feel more scared because if I tell myself, don't be scared. I hear the words scared and all I can think of is scared, scared, scared and my moments tickets bigger and bigger and bigger And that fear of anxiety. I have anxiety off thinking I have to be positive, but I'm no and I have to be confident, but I'm not. That feeds the fear of being scared, and it feeds this big monster, and it just doesn't work. Okay, But instead I want to give you another option. Same scenario, big moment. CEO freaking out and you say, or K and you release the resistance and you say, You know what? I'm scared. I have a scary monster here and is freaking out. I can't do anything about it. Take your energy away from here and move it to the other side. Except that your monsters there he can stay there is having fun. Shift your focus to something else. Start thinking off how amazing you will feel once you achieve your goal. Once the conversation is over. Once you finished giving your speech and everybody is clapping and applauding you think of how incredible you will feel when you see the other person speaking to you and there truly engaged and interested by what you're saying. How proud will you feel? You feel like you've accomplished something, Horchow. I sick of that feeling. Think of ago. You have in terms of your English think of a fear that you had and twist the perspective and start thinking. Imagine that it wasn't a fear. Imagine it went completely perfectly. And the small talk wasn't awkward. The small talk with interesting, for example and everybody in the board meeting stood up and they applauded you when they congratulated you for your English. They complimented you for your English. Let those thoughts roll around in your mind and now become aware of how you feel. Do you feel comma? Do you feel a bit more excited? You feel like Oh my God, I can't wait for this to happen. You feel powerful and strong and like I don't even need guys English class. I've got it. I'm confident that is a big difference from telling yourself to not be scared, right? Anxiety, Strength. Okay, Fiat Power. It's a very big difference. What you've done is you've let go off the fear by letting go of the resistance by saying, OK, I'm scared. It's fine. It can stay there, and you've shifted your focus to something better to an idea that makes you feel good. And all of a sudden there's feelings of anxiety out there anymore. So when you're in the Mormon off feeling sore, scared. I'm blocked on. Whatever negative thing about your English, just accept the feeling and they're OK. I can't do anything about it and shift your focus to imagining that situation wasn't the way you think it is. And it was successful, sat manifesting There's feelings and then give energy to those feelings. Make those feelings bigger. Feel them throughout your whole body even though the reality might not match it yet because what's that I happen is a shift. Okay, you're gonna say this big fee are slowly, slowly get weaker and weaker. And these good, amazing, powerful feeling is going to get higher and higher. Whatever you give your energy to billboard If you give your energy to dark, be scared. Be confident you have to be better. Oh, my God, I'm freaking out. Those feelings will grow if you give your energy to I'm successful. I feel amazing. I'm so confident. I can't believe that you know this goal I reached that feeling is going to get better. And these very simple technique is how you, in moments of difficulty, are going to make your goals bigger than your fears. Remember I didn't say eliminate your fears Okay. Make your goals speaker than your fears. Because by making goes bigger fears are smaller. I would know little controlled by them. Okay. I can't tell you that you will never have a fear again about speaking English. OK? It will be great. It'd help me sell of a master class that I had a perfect little magic pill. This at all. You'll never have a fear again. What I can tell me, what I can teach you is how to minimize those fears for their no local control You so you can start reaching your goals and feeling great about learning English and speaking English . So that is exactly what I wanted to go through with you today. In this mind set off making your goes bigger than your fears. Do you reflect on it? Maybe. What's this view? A few times because there's a lot of information there and heart that it's beneficial. I'll see you next time 4. English Mindset 3 - ENGLISH IS A TOOL: next mindset, ladies, We're going to be speaking about these how English is a tool, and to start thinking about English as an instrument, a software, a technique or thing that allows you to do bigger and better things like a computer like the Internet, like sending emails. This is how I want you to start thinking about your English because right now, English is a big, scary monster that wants to destroy your life. No, actually, but I know that it is not the most positive thing right now in your mind. And I want to change that idea. Now I want to introduce you to a concept that is going to really help you when you're having to communicate in English particularly, You know, when you're at work, when you're having English conversations when you're face to face with English and you need to use it, I want you to think again. He was in the mindset of awareness off when you you know, when you're speaking English, what are you thinking about? Okay, now, if you haven't done the awareness, you know, mindset, video, you're probably still thinking of your negative thoughts. But once you put your negative thoughts out of the way I think about what you're thinking about in English. Are you thinking about, you know, having to connect with the person you're speaking to? Are you thinking off ways you could make them more engaged in the conversation ways that you could form a connection, empathy and understanding comprehension? Or are you thinking off your English? Are you thinking off the vocabulary? You use the gramma, uh, showing the person that you're fantastic speaking English. See, ah, lot of the time. Most of the time when you're learning English, you think everyone do a teacher because while you learn English generally at school and that's your first contact with the language a person like myself that says, Let me hear you speak English on That's right. That's wrong. Not so good. So what happens is when you go off in real life and you speak to native speakers, you just have the image that it's my teacher. They're judging me. They're testing May. They're analyzing. How good is my English? And what result do you think you produce from that? What? How do you act in that situation while you're the perfect student, you try to use fantastic complex sentences idioms, phrases, verbs, advanced vocabulary And what does that normally, you know, due to the quality of your language, when we mix it with the fear off speaking English, you've got the expectation to use complex everything, plus the fear. Oh my God, I'm not good enough to speak English. What you produce and what comes out of your mouth can be a little bit of a disaster. I can't. It's gonna be quite confusing or long or strange sentences. And it's happened so many times. If you go, you know, when I taught your authority who have taught in the lessons and you say to me like you try to express an idea and I'll correct you think, Oh, that's so simple. Why didn't I think of that? It's just three words, but I told you three sentences to express that. I do, and I say, Yeah, I know or and they say, Oh, but it's because your teacher, your native, you know how to speak English. Yeah, of course, that helps, but it's just because of what I'm thinking and what you'll thinking. More importantly, when you're speaking in English, you want to impress people. So you're entering all of your English communication and conversations with this idea that you have to impress the person you're speaking to and you're being selfish. I know it doesn't feel like you're being selfish because you don't feel good, but you're being selfish in the sense that your just thinking about what you're doing and a conversation is no about that. Our conversations of that connection with another person, it's about forming relationships, on coming up with new ideas, experiences. This is a conversation. It's not about proving how good your English is. And unfortunately, because of the way you know, a lot of you have learned English. You say everybody as a teacher and you see English as this big thing that you have to, you know, sure, people that you're so good at this really interrupts the way that you speak English. Another thing that still inner in terms of, you know, understanding English as a tool. And no, as this scary monster that we need to use to impress people is the status you've given to English English today, Like right now in this minute is literally a status symbol, and I tell you as an English teacher, you know I love English. I want to teach English. But it has become a trend and status simple where people have begun and especially in the business world, measuring ability based on English. A lot of the times when you're having to do something in English, maybe your work maybe I don't know. You're you're having to speak to your friend. You measure your ability in doing that task based on how good you are in English. This is so counterproductive. Imagine Europe work and you are a special specialist. You know, programmer. And you, you know you've gone to the best university. Um, you know all of the latest software you've been awarded for your abilities. Now you have to work in an English speaking environment. What happens so many times is this amazing person that is so super super qualified starts to doubt their ability professionally because they English isn't good enough. Your English isn't a measurement off your corporal abilities. If you make mistakes in English, if you're not perfect in English, it doesn't be that you're not good at all of the other things that you're doing. English is a tool. And so many times I teach students who tell me that they're English has to be 100% perfect in order to then continue their life. And they make English their goal instead, off the job they want, they make English their go. Instead of moving to an English speaking country, they make English their goal instead off Making your friends English isn't your goal. English is the software you need to learn how to use in order to reach your goal. Okay, When you're speaking English, if you don't understand this, you put so much importance, expectation and pressure on your English which limits you from being able to go off and actually reach your goals. You need to start seeing English as a tool, not the definite goal of your life. And until you do that, that you're gonna feel that I'm never good enough and you're going to have those uncomfortable, awkward conversations. Well, you feel like you give these big, long, strange sentences without just getting straight to the point and make any other person understand you. You say a lot of students asked me about fluency and they asked me about being a C one level held guy. You know how many words do I need to know to be fluent? And how many words do an engineer to be, you know, in in bad C two level, I think. Okay, that's great. They really good goals. But fluency and being advanced in English isn't about what you check off on paper, according to Cam Bridge or according to the Isles test. It's about how effective you communicate, how well you engage in conversation and transmit messages and information because at the end of the day, that's why we're using English. That's why everybody now has to learn English for work because we need to spread information. We need to move ahead. We need to invent new ideas. We need to collaborate. We need to work on new projects. English is the tool that unifies everyone in order to do that. English isn't the goal. What type? So I really want you to stop thinking about this because it's something that is going to reshape the way you're speaking English. Think of think of your conversations. Think who do I think about? So I think of me, or do I think of the person. I'm speaking to my trying to impress them. Um, I more concerned about my pronunciation. Then if the person's understood, where's my head at? Okay, you need to read. Evaluate this because you can have the best pronunciation, the best grandma. But if you can't transmit a message if you can't make me understand how you feel, then you failed because the point of communication is understanding, and you're really going to transmit that understanding if you start approaching your you know, connection and your experience with the English language the same way you do your native language. Think off the other person. Don't think of yourself. It's not an English test. Okay, remember, keep this in your mind. English is just a tool. It's something you need to learn in order to do bigger and better things in your life. It is not your end goal and your final result. You want to do many amazing things and English ships, you do them. Okay, it's not the final thing. Now I hope that you enjoyed this mindset. This again was quite complicated. So you probably want to watch the video a few more times, but I hope that you setting some light bulbs going off, and it's really starting to help you find a new perspective when you're having to inner, study and speak English, so enjoy. 5. English Mindset 4 - TIME: Okay, ladies, Now it's time to talk about the time mindset. Time is an important thing because I guess it's time that decides when and what you can do , and especially in regards to English. Time isn't always so kind. So our English finally is one of the most crucial things for all of us, right? It's so urgent. But at the same time, it seemed as a luxury as a hobby, as something you do in your free time with, which is quite interesting because something that has so much urgency, theoretically in practice, is, you know, given the same importance as, I don't know, maybe going for a walk or doing that exercise that you really should do. But you just can't find the time. So that's why I want to talk to that time because I want to make sure that you've got your head screwed on the right way when you're thinking about how you're going to manage your studies and divide your time in the masterclass program for your English. Now I know that we're all really busy. I mean, I'm a mother myself. I have a little girl. I work family. It gets crazy and it's really easy and I don't all the time myself, but it's really easy to find the excuse that all. I really want to do it. But I don't have time. I personally really want to do yoga, but I don't have time. I really want to start running, but all I just don't have time. And I was OK with this excuse. I was okay with this. Excuse 18 forced some of my students for a while until I realized that that's actually not the case. And I watched this incredible Ted video, and I shared it on the Facebook group and also, I think, on the Facebook page. So if you are interested, go through and have a look. If you can't find it, I'll tag you with it. And this video opened my eyes in regards to the concept of time. And it's a very simple, simple idea that this woman expresses and it's the fact off. It's nothing. You don't have time. It's just that what you want to do is not your priority. And this made a light go off, and I thought, Wow, pry already and look at the startle. E had a difficulty being open to this new mindset because I was proud and I said, Nor But you know, I do everything that I can do, and it's not that it's not a priority, just I don't have time. I have a two year old. I'm busy. I work. Once my eager went away and I was able to truly reflect. I thought, This is incredible and this is going to help my ladies learn English because English is one of those things. We don't have time full, but it's not because they don't have time. It's just because we haven't made a price already. Now this Ted video gives a very interesting example, and she speaks of that one of her friends who had a very busy schedule and she wanted to join a pottery class. But she quoted Big Wish didn't have enough time and your men in one hour a week. But wherever she looked, she couldn't find the time to do it. Finally, what happened to her was had a problem with her plumbing, and what was supposed to be a minor problem turned into a week long problem where she had to find seven extra hours in her week in order to state harm and supervised the plumber while he fixed her water system. Now, let me remind you, the same woman before was trying to find one hour wait for pottery class. But she did it. But she was able to find seven hours for a leaking pipe. Why? Because simple. The pipe was an emergency. Her house was flooded. You can't stay with water in your house. So what happens in our list of things to do? But that becomes number one, and magically we find the time priority. Her pottery class wasn't her priority. The leaking pipe obviously not actually was a priority. Now, I'm not telling you that English has to be your number one priority over every single thing that you're doing in your family. But it does have to be a priority. And I want you to stop to reflect and think about you know your daily routine. Think about where your time is spent. And I did this exercise with my students and one of my students lie Ease took the sore Siri's and also proud of, and she really analyzed. And she found some shocking results and she used face to maximize and really start understanding how to use the time efficiently. It's something that is very, very powerful because we have the idea that we're busy. Could we're always moving. But when you break down your day, don't look at the hours. Look at the minutes and the seconds that you spend doing particular tasks and ask yourself how many minutes a day do I spend scrolling through instagram? What do I do? When I first opened my eyes in the morning, do I reach out my phone and scroll through Facebook Any of your minds a year? But you know, you might say, Oh, it's nothing. It's only a few minutes like you arrive is if I'm gonna find time to do English, then no, but you find two minutes plus one minute plus five minutes, maybe plus half a Knauer. All of this time ends up. That's all free time that you were probably wasting or not using productively that once English becomes a priority, you use that time for your English. Think about what you're doing in the car in the morning. I mean, we were leaving beginner busy cities. You sit in the car in traffic and generally when we're sitting in the car in the middle of traffic, were complaining about traffic 10 minutes half an hour, sometimes even an ally. Fury verb complaining about traffic. But change your perspective. It's an opportunity. It's time that you convey using for something that is your priority. Sorry, is it your priority to complain about the traffic, or is it your priority to practice your English? See when something becomes a priority, you see it everywhere. It's like when you buy a new car, you buy a red car and all of a sudden your soul hair off the red car. You see it everywhere because it's all you think about happens to me all the time. When I buy a pair of shoes or a piece of clothing, I get all happy and I'm like, Yeah, I really like this new pace of Claritin. And then I say, everybody else wearing it. The same is about your priority if your mind he switched into an English priority. Whenever you have free time, you automatically link it to your English and free time. I can learn English. That is how you are going to find the time to learn English. It's not about having Teoh sacrifice the whole day and think, Oh, no, I have to study English for two hours and read a book. How boring. That's not how you're going to study English. You need to learn smart. Okay, organize your priorities and ask yourself, Is English my priority? What am I spending all my time on? And just make the decision to make English or priority, and the two will connect your time and your English, and you will find that you will have too much time to be able to study over the English that you want. OK, it's very, very powerful, and I know that this will make a difference. And I tell you this because the master class program, it's very straightforward. It's being designed to make English as accessible as possible for all types of women, from students to mothers to young adults. But sometimes the things that require the least off your attention, or that seen them are straightforward, get bumped to the end of the leased because, having all it's easy, I'll find time for that. What happened make the choice to make English or priority in order to get the Merced off this master class and your whole experience with English. All right, guys, hard to enjoy this video. This takes you to the very end off. You know, the Siri's off off the syriza off videos in the starter kit. Um, I would recommend you re watching all of them, if you can, just to really absorb the information. And when you're ready, you can go ahead and complete the questions in the pdf that just help your reflect back on everything we've gone through in these videos. To really start understanding in our where you gonna place your intention, your goes, understanding your time and really understanding how to build with your relationship with the English language. All right, guys, I hope you enjoy it. And I will see you in the English lessons. See you later.