1. Intro Video: Hi, My name's Josh Butts, and I'm a professional graphic designer. When doing a lot of work for various clients, efficiency becomes extremely important. And that's why, in this course, I will be teaching you about style is, um, which is an astute graphics plug in for Adobe Illustrator. I love this plug in because it helps me to quickly add blur, glow and other live transformation effects two shapes very quickly and visually. Most people working an illustrator are very visual. That's why I love the widgets, that the style is, um, plug and creates because they make it very easy to adjust effects an illustrator without having to type numbers into dialogue boxes. I hope you'll join me in this course so you can learn how to quickly and easily at live effects in Adobe Illustrator Let's get started
2. Blur: So if you've already seen some of my other videos on the issue graphics plug ins, you'll already know this. But if you haven't, then we'll start out going Teoh a browser window and going to a stoop graphics dot com, their website And then, for this plug in style ism to find that you'll go under shop and then go down here to style is, um, you click on that, and that shows the style is and plug in. And as you go down and I'll show you a couple of previous of what it can do this, what we're going to be going over. So to download a free trial, you can either purchase it or go under shop, and they go to trial all plug ins for free. And then once you get to this page, you can just type in your email address Laura, um at gmail dot com, and it's going to automatically take you through these different steps to download the free trial of the plug in. And so once you do that, we're going to go to Adobe Illustrator and I have already installed the plug in, and so you can go under window and style is, um and then open up. The style is, um, panel. And as you can see, I have it right here. And this is going to show you some of the really cool things that we can do using this panel. And so to start out, I'm just going to create a simple circle all use my circle, tool the lips or just hit l for the shortcut. And then I'm going to drag this over in the middle and then make sure that it's black on the inside. So I'm gonna drag the white over there and hit shift X, Make that black, and this is same like a and you can definitely use this panel in the seem like a But I think the color blending works better for me. An RGB. So I'm just gonna set RGB and brings in these colors up a little bit. And now I can go in and add some really cool, different effects for something like this. I'm going to use this as a shadow. Let's say a shadow right here. So I'm going to click on the Blur tool. And this is what's so awesome about how this plug in works is once I clicked on that, then automatically blurred the shape. And if you zoom in, you see this little widget right here, and this is showing you the radius of that blurt. And so if I increase that radius, then it's going to make it even more blurry. And if I increase it too much, you'll see this little warning shows up. And it says that the document raster effects settings they aren't high enough. And so it's going to cut off this shape. And so I'm just gonna hit, okay, and it automatically increased the rescue effects settings so that this is going to show up . Well, um, now I'll show you another example. If that's not working, I'll go to effect and document raster effects settings, and I'll drive that in here, and I'm going to set the resolution to 72 and this is going to show how much space we have around the object. If I had five points around the object and hit OK, you see how it cuts all that blur off, and so we want to make sure that we we increase that. So it's enough that you're not gonna have any of those problems. And so you're gonna hit, okay? And then it has that next blur around it, and I'm gonna add a few more colors around here. Now, to make this blend a little bit better, I'm going to add a background color to that shape. So I'm going to create a square by hitting em. Now you can see right here it's already blurred. And Scott, that's set to it now. The reason for that is because in my appearance panel, and if you don't have that, you can go to window and appearance. I have all my new artwork right here in new artwork has basic parents that's unchecked. And what that means is, all the new art work you create is going to have the current style that you have set. And so if I say new artwork has basic appearance like heavy and then delete that shape and then hit em and then click and drag this out, then it has no effect supplied to it. And so if I hit shift command and left bracket, that's going to send that to the back. And I'm going to make that, uh maybe a lighter brown color. And so now you can see that this shadow is starting to look a lot better. And now let's say I want to add some sort of a shape on top of that, Um, I'm going to hit PM tool again and then create this square and then hit a for the direct selection tool. And I'm going to just ran that these edges a little bit. So now we've got a little bit of a shape out there, and I'm going to darken that. I like to go in to my color panel and set that to hue saturation brightness, because I can have a little bit more control over my colors. I feel like when I do that. So I'm going to set to that color, and I'm going to grab the shape underneath and make that just world that over here and now you see, I have that to blur set to that shape on the bottom. But if I want to go change it later, I can go up to the stylus and panel and hit Um, if you hover over the effect it shows you shift, click to an additional coffee or control click to make it active and all an altar or option click to set default. And so I'm just gonna hit control. Click on that and then it brings it up. But it doesn't add another one, and so that I can go back and I can adjust that again. So I'm gonna hit me now and so that that looks a little bit better on the shadow for that. And then I'm going to click on this box and let's say I want to add a glow on the inside of it. You can see these two buttons, these air my glow options so I can add a inner glow. Or I can add an outer glow. And so I'm going to add an inner glow, and what I can do is I can set it to glow from the edges. Or I could do it from the center. And so I'm going to say, Start from the center. I consent my blend mode really easily. I said that to screen just like normal, and I'm gonna make this kind of a light brown color because everything's already brown, so maybe that's a lighter color and then Aiken blur that out a little bit more to make it glow or have us grading on the inside of it and then all decrease the opacity just a little bit. Now, if a hit movie, you can see that that's added that nice glow on the inside of it. So it looks a little bit more now, like there's an object with the shadow on it. Now, this example right here may not be the most practical for using some of these effects. And so what I'm gonna do is use them for some text effects. And so I'm going, Teoh, use my text tool and I'm gonna type in glow. And I'm going Teoh, make that a little bit bigger and use open Sands is a pretty good plan for most general examples. I'm gonna make that bold. And so in the next video, I'm going to show you how we're going to start adding some effects to this text
3. Inner and Outer Glow: And so I have this text set out right here and have the background, and I'm gonna changes background to black and decreased all these. And now I have this text right here, and I'm going to have an outer glow set to it so I can go up to the outer glow right here and then just click on that and I can see this outer cloak. This outer glow is set to that immediately and so I can pick a color. And I want this to have kind of a neon looking out of glo colors. I'm gonna hit that, and then I can use the switch it right here. I can blur that a little bit more, and maybe not not quite so much. And I can change the opacity. And one thing that's really cool about this is I can just keep on layering these effects. And so I want this this first effect to be just a barely visible glow around there, and then I can go up to here, and then I can shift and then click that and then adds another instance of that glow in so I can pick another color on and I'm gonna pick something fairly similar to that, uh, about right there and then I'm going. Teoh, change this. Uh, I'm gonna leave it scream, and then I'm going to blur that a little bit more. But then I'm going to set the opacity a little bit lower. And now you can see that with these two effects, you can still change these individually by going on under this current effect. And then it shows me these two outer glow effects. This is that 1st 1 that had only a small amount of blur to it. So I'm gonna make make that a little bit more blurry. And then I'm going to go down here and select that bottom one, and I'm going to make that a little bit less blurry, and I'm going to drop the opacity a lot more. And so you can really see how that starts to give you a lot more control over your objects . And the nice thing about this is this is applying current illustrator effects to this live text so I can go in and hit my text tool and I can change what the text says and it updates those live effects immediately. Now the nice thing about what this panel is doing, though, is these aren't effects just for a stew. Graphic Cesaire actually native illustrator effects with Snoop Graphics is using this plug in. The style isn't plugged in to give you much better control over them. And so to continue, uh, pushing this object right here, I'm going to add an inner glow. And so I'm going Teoh. Just click on that and you can see right here. It's adding the glow around this object, which is causing some problems. Now, if you don't have a lot of experience with live effects and Adobe Illustrator, there's a certain order of operations that these need to go in. And so this inner effect is applying to the object that has the outer glow effect already applied to that. So to fix that, I need to go to my appearance panel and make sure the inner glow needs to be up here on top of those outer glow objects and see once it applies at first. Then it's applying it only to the shape rather than the rendered shape, with the outer glow set to it. So I'm going Teoh go from screen. I'm going to leave that and I'm going to pick another color. And this is gonna be a little bit more of a green color, something like that number. Set that and go to the center because I wanted to set to the middle of that object. And then I'm going Teoh at a little bit of blur right there and a limo rapacity, and I'm going to blur it even a little bit less just like that. And so now if I click off of that, you can see this effect is a lot more interesting. And one way I can make this text look like it's actually glowing is by clicking on it and then adding a color to the text. That's a lot brighter, so it looks like it's glowing. So I'm going to add, Ah, like green kind of color text right here. Make it a little bit darker because we want to look like the inside is glowing. And then, if I click on the text and then control or command click on that effect, that makes it active again, and I'll make the color on the inside a little bit brighter, so almost like a white, and it's kind of hard to see it right here. So if I just increase the blur, it's going to add it to center a little bit more and I'm going to click on the pick color and make it almost white, actually, and if you mess around with the blurriness of that of that effect, then it will start to show up a little bit better. And so you can see I said it to this blur and now it's now it's showing up a little bit better and that's a little bit too much. So I want it. I want it a little bit smaller just so it's settled and then I'm going to drag the capacity down just so it's It's very subtle glow on the inside of that shape. Now, if they had V and then click off that, you can see that really has a cool effect and it looks like it's glowing and now we're going to zoom in and I'm going to show you another way. We can use these glow effects, as is illustrated on the website with some flames, so I'm gonna grab these two shapes right here and hit control or command to, and that's going to lock those. And I'm going to go over here and I'm going to I'm going to click on this tool, the inscribed tool. And this is pretty similar to the pen tool, and you can look at one of my other tutorials to see how to use it a little bit better. So I'm going to just click on the areas where I want some flames, and I'm going to drag up here and create a flame right there and then hit option. We're all and then click and drag right here and create this flame. And I'm going to your adoption and drag that down around here and there we go. Now I'm going to go back to this last point and click and drag and make sure that I've got that flame going right up here and l heavy and you can see I've got this flame set up looking pretty good now to make it look more like a flame. I need to add some different colors to it, so I need a base color, which I want this to be more of a red and so I'm going to go down here and add kind of some orange. I think in orange is gonna be a good effect for it now. When we added the effects to this glue text, it added them in the wrong order and I had to go rearrange them in my appearance panel now to avoid that, I'm going to just add these in the order I want them to. So I'm going to add my inner glow first and this I want to set in the centre. So it looks like it's a little bit brighter in the centre and I'm going to increase a blur and make that a little bit more of a yellow Tim and I'll still want it pretty bright. It's like that and I'll play around us a blur just a little bit and I like that and so now I can go back to this and hit shift click on that and adds another instance of that effect and I'm going to make this one look a little bit more like a dark red, so we'll hit. We'll go down to this kind of dark red and we'll click OK and then go from screen to normal because we want that to look like a little bit of a flame. Affect. Ready there. And I'm going to hit OK on that now hit V. Now you can see we've got this kind of a flame looking looking effect right here. But then, if we want to add a glow to it, I'll click on that shape again and I'll go to this outer glow and then we'll click on that and go to this widget right here, pick a color and drag it this we want, let's say kind of a red, maybe a. You're a yellowish color right there. And now I'll increase the blurriness of that and the opacity. And now, if I ve and I can zoom out, that looks like a pretty cool little flame. And I created very easily just using these live effects. And I can easily go in and change any of those by command clicking on any of these. And then I can go to this current effect setting, and I can click on whichever effect I want. So I'm gonna click on this outer glow and I'm gonna show you what this little graph tool does. This shows your drop off the effect. So if I click and drag this down, it's going to create a lot larger surface area on that blur and then drop up very quickly at the end because you can see this is where the blur is and then drops off a lot faster. If I drag it all the way down here, it's going to drag that out almost to the end and then drop up very quickly. I can also do that the other way, where I'm dragging this effect over here and dragging it down right there and then it makes it very subtle because there's not very much of that effect before it drops off to this point. And so to give you an idea of what this effect is showing is this point right here is 100% of the effect, and this is the closest point to your object. And so you can imagine that the object this is your this wall right here is your object, and this wall right here is where the effect ends, and this may be a little bit hard. Teoh understand why the zero point is up here, but this wall right here on the bottom is 100%. And then this down here is 0%. And so if I'm dragging this curve over here to this side, that's gonna make 0 100% of that effect at this closeness to the shape. And if I drag us down more, it's going to continue adding that now you can see the majority of the effect that you're seeing is probably going to show up in this area closer to the middle. And that's showing where most of the effect is visible. And so, by using this graph of that, you can really have a lot of control over what you're effects look like when they're showing up in your artwork. And so you can see how this flame looks like that, and I can go in and click on any of these shapes, and I can immediately go and edit anything very quickly without even having to mess with my appearance panel or any of those. And I can click on pick a color and I can even adjust that color at any point. And I cant v and zoom out. And so there you go
4. Live Transform Effect: send this video, I'm going to be showing you how to use some of the transform tools. And so with this example, I'm going to create an octopus leg. And so I'm going to create a background hitting him and create this, uh, kind of a dark blue background. I think that's what I want is on this. This is an Octopus is gonna look some kind of like the ocean, and I'll click on that hit control or command, too, to lock that shape. And then I'm going to use my ex credible, which, as I mentioned in previous videos, kind of like a pen tool. Um, I'm going to click right here, and then I'm going to drag around and create this kind of an octopus tentacle right here that curves around and at the end right there and drag it around even more and in and all stop it right there. And the nice thing about the ink scribed tools I can, uh, while I'm working, I can click on these anchor points and drag them around while I'm working and drag on the handles. And so I'm going to just click on this and then close that shape right there. And I'm going to make this a little bit of a darker blue, Make a look more like an octopus, and I'm going to drive it over here. Might have a dark blue. So now I've got this octopus tentacle and all use. Ah, we'll have a And I'm just going to use my direct section tool and fix this shape a little bit here and you can see that this isn't really matching up because this shape is a corner . And so I'm going, Teoh, go back to my inscribed tool and I can just drag this back here and it's automatically against snap that to a smooth one. We'll show this to a little bit more in a different course. Eso I'm going too heavy. And I like this right where it is. And now I'm going to create some of the suckers that are going to show up on the edge of it . And so the way I could do that is well hit. L I'm just going to create simple shapes right here and zoom in and all hit l again and create the inside of that and make that kind of Ah, white color And then this. I'm going Teoh, and with the shape I'm going to have an outline to it. So I'll click and drag color onto the stroke. And I think I'm gonna mess of that little bit more, so I'll make sure I activate the stroke layer. And I'm going to make that a little bit darker blue right here. And I'm also going to increase the stroke. Wait so all I'll bump that up a little bit. That looks like it's kind of like a sucker. And now add the base of it where it connects to the tentacle. And so I'm going Teoh at him and create just the spot shape right here. And I have that set to the same appearance as I have that previous shape. So I'm just going to click up that and then I'm going to be on. I'll bring these to the front, I think shift control or command and right record, and that's looking pretty good. And I'm going to use my and I'll use the past scribe tool, which is this right here. Pass scribe and I will also go over this in a different course to a son going to just click and drag these just right in there and make sure that this technical it looks like it's rounding off right here, where it's connecting heavy. And that's what can pretty good like. It's a sucker on a technical, so I'm going to make one more adjustment to this really quick. I'll select the top of this, and I'm going to just make the main color on the inside a little bit brighter. So it looks like it's a different part of the Octopus right there. Now I'll select this and hit control G or Command D, And then I'm going to scale this a little bit and drag it to right where I want it on The Octopus. And let's move that in here just a little bit. And that looks pretty good right there. And now one thing that I really love with using the style is, um, plug in as I can quickly multiply the shape, uh, and add it where I want it. So I'm going to click on that, and then I'll click on the Transform Live effect. And now I can add, Let's say we want seven copies of that now. I didn't do anything yet because I haven't I haven't transformed it anyone. But if I click on the shape and I drag it over here, you can see it drug over that many copies. Seven copies of that 1234567 copies of that too, right where I want them. And now if I rotate this, if you can see where I can rotate it, I can drag it right where you want it and quickly multiply these exactly where I need those to go, and now I can scale that just a little bit. I'm going to zoom out a little bit and I don't want quite seven. It's going a little bit too far, so I'm going to drive that to five, and then I can. Spacey's out a little bit right there, and so I really love that. I can do that with this Plug in is quickly multiply those shapes and then it be and zoom out, and you can see how quickly that added Those two, That section of the Octopus. But what's really nice about that? If I had control or command, why, then it's on, Lee showing up that shape. And so the work that this is making a processor do is a lot less than actually rendering out each of those shapes individually, And one nice thing that can also do is click. Use my direct selection tool, and I can click on the shape right here, and I can adjust the color a little bit, and it's going to update that color on all of those objects to. So I'm gonna click on this shape and control click on the Transform Tool, and then I can go in and adjust it a little bit more, too. So I'm going to click on my scale, and I'm going to drag it around a little bit until I feel like it's just right. And I think that works a lot better for what I'm going for. Now you can see this is looking really good, and I can continue doing this for the rest of the octopus leg, so I'm going to auction or all to click and drag us over here, and it continues, adding that transform effect, and I'm just going to click on this and turn it off. Now I can go drag this over here and add that effect again by scaling it to right where I want it to go. So I like that and I'll zoom in again and click on that. And now I can add the transform back onto it and I'll add five copies of that and drag it out and I can put exactly where I want. And now I'm just going to drag this around a little bit more until I get it right where I want it. I'll rotate it just a little bit and scale it down a little bit more to just so I can space that out. And then I'm going to drag it right there and heavy and zoom out. And now you can see it only took me two shapes to get the majority of this tentacle filled with these suckers. And I can just do that one or two more times by just clicking and dragging this out here and turning that off. Now I can rotate this where I want and scale it down. I'm going and all drag it over here right where I want it, and then add that back on and I can drag this over here, but I didn't add any other additional copies of that. So I need to go in and add a few more copies, and then I'll just rotate that and scale it down and you can see very quickly I was able to fill up this entire octopus tentacle with these suckers using If I command why, you can see, it's just using those three shapes and it filled it all the way up. And then I can easily go and drag these over and create another set of these right next to it. And this is behind that So hit shift, command right bracket, and then I can drag that over. And the nice thing is, I can always update these. Uh, I can always fix his life effects by controlled clicking on that effect. And then I can drag around and and I can keep updating it exactly. So it's where I want. And so if I think that's too many Aiken, drop that down one and then move this over here right there. No, As a matter, you can see that looks like a pretty nice little octopus tentacle. Just using a couple of different shapes and using the transform tool
5. Drop Shadow and Feather: All right, So in this video, I'm going to show you how to use a couple of these other effects that we haven't really gone over yet. So I'm going to zoom in here to this octopus tentacle that created and I'm going around that out just a little bit right there. So it's a lot better. Now. I'm going to create some type, and I'm just gonna say octopus, no ground that type, and I'll scale it up just a little bit. And I'm going to make that color. Same as the background. So hit my eye for my driver. Well, hit I for my eyedropper. I'll just like that background and then be and I'll go in to my color panel. And I'm just going to make that little bit brighter just so we can see it just right there . And now I'm going to add a drop shadow to that. And so I really like the drop shadow effect an illustrator because I have a lot of control over it. I can use this widget right here, and I congrats. The offset to wherever I want and easily change the angle of it too. So I want this as close as I can get it to right there. And then all. She was a color right here. And I'm gonna make that like a dark black and all change capacity. Drop it down a little bit and increased blur just a little bit. And then I could make that even closer. In fact, I can even change out set to zero eso. I'm gonna drop that down a little bit and decrease supporter just little bit. And then I'll have V and I can zoom out, and you can see how easy it is to add that drop drop shadow effect to, uh, this texture. And now what I can also do is add some other effects to this tentacle right here that I have by creating a shape. And I'll just use the regular pen tool for this really quick and I'll just create a shape right here. Add as kind of, ah glow effect or a highlight on this tenant technical. And I don't want to see this. Ah, Phil, while I'm creating it so hit shift X and I'm just going to make that white. And so now I can see where I'm working and I'll just click and drag down here. And I'm not too worried about being too accurate and I'll hit, alter or option, and then click on this last point in drag just right here. Now I can't shift X again, and this is a shape I just created that I want to use as a highlight on this tentacle. So I can either go to the Blur tool right here, and I can blur that a little bit. And that adds an explorer. Or I can turn that off and I can go to this feather tool and what that does. Instead of blurring the whole shape, it just feathers the interior side of it. Which means if I have B and I dragged us over here, you can see that it's making that transparent where it's feathering the inside of that shape. And so that could be really useful for certain situations where you need it to be feathered instead of blurred and similar to some of the other effects. I have that same graft where I can control the fall off of that feather and so that can also be really handed to use when using this tool. One thing that I haven't mentioned yet is you have these two options. This is the point option where you can edit the contour of the lion just by clicking. Or I can actually click on this little pen right here, and then I can go in and draw on this line exactly where I want that contour going up. And then it matches up right here on the effect that I have applied to it on DSO. That could be a little bit unusual for special effects England and add. Usually I'm just going to stick with the contour and make it fairly simple. Just drag all these little dots off and have a fairly simple line that I'm just going to edit the curve. But you can definitely use that pen option and the you have some presets right here where you can also add effects. And if there's a specific contour that you find yourself using fairly often say you're dragging it up a lot and using this kind of a fade, what I can do is use option or Ault on my keyboard, and then I can click right in these old boxes and these air presets. And so say I have ah, fall off that I need for this specific effect right here. I can Either you click on these presets right here. They're just straight lines. Or I can click on this one and automatically will add that contour I have set up previously . So I'm going to click off of that and show you a couple more things on this panel that we haven't looked at yet. Um, we went on before and went under effect and said Document raster effects settings and I showed the resolution that I'm rendering the set. Um, we went and showed the area around the object, but this resolution, this is showing the resolution that the effect is rendering. And so all I use this all use this shape, for example, and I'll go to effect document raster effects settings. Then I'll just hit something really low, like 50 p p. I. And it'll hit OK, and now you can see what that has been doing is it's rendering that at 50 pixels per inch and why does is it makes it really pixelated, but when you're working on it, it renders a lot faster and it doesn't slow down your computer as much. But then, once you have your effects set up and everything is the way you want it, you may want to get a more accurate visualization of how that looks. And so, instead of having to go to effect in the raster effects settings, this is really nice. It's got the shortcut where I can type in the exact, uh, pixels prints that I need rendering, and it will automatically add it so I can say 1 50 hit, enter and automatically update. So I didn't have to open up that panel. And the nice thing right here is you have these two buttons that are presets. So say I know that I'm always wanting to go to 72 for working on it, But then when I want to visualize that all just hit 300 it renders everything out really nicely. And if I want to change those, I can just set a new preset So 50 and then hold alter or option, and then I'll just click on that, and then this little thing pops up and then I can enter whatever resolution I want to be for that preset. So I'm gonna hit 50 on that and then hit. OK? And now 50 is a new preset for that resolution, and I can hit 300 again, and they will render that a lot better.
6. Additional Transform Effects: And so in this last video, I'm gonna show you a couple more things that we haven't gone over. And that should finish everything up with this course. So I'm going to select everything, and then I'll have to wait, and I'm going to create a just a simple circle, and we're going to mess around with the transform tool again and add some fun, fun effects. So I'm gonna have hue saturation, and I'll make that pretty bright had escaped. Um, And now I've got this circle and I want to add some unique effects to that with the transform tool. So I'm gonna click on that and then I'll zoom in and I'm going to go up to say 12 copies of that. Now I'm going to drag that. I'm going to make sure I dragged that around right here, and it creates all these copies of that. And then I'm going to rotate that. So I have this Ah, little bit of a spiral that's creating. And if I scale that, then it's going to start creating. This is a little bit of a spiral. Now I have that effect set up. And if I could command under control. Why it still showing that it's just that one shape that I've created and now what I can do is I can shift. Click that and add another instance of that effect onto this So it's layered onto that and I'll hit, Let's say, five copies and Allah's, um in and I'm going to drag that around and what it's done is it's combined that effect and created another instance of that effect that I can start going around and just layering this on adding some really fun. Ah, mirrored kind of effects everywhere, and I can increase the number of copies on that. And and then this is a really fun way that I can add some, uh, some cool radial effects very, very simply, and I can scale that. I can rotate that around right here. So it's about even. And let's say this this is pretty cool. I mean, dragged it down a bit, and now I can shift. Click that again, and then I can just go in and do that again with this effect. Oh, add a few more copies of that and go find the transform shape and all dragged that around little bit more. And let's say this on. I can scale and rotate that, too. And I'm gonna drag that even further and so you can see how quickly you can make some really pretty cool effects using this transform tool. And to make this easier to see, I will hit control or command and an option and to and that's going to unlike unlock that back later. And I'll just drag that over here and then scale that up so we can see all these and that's that's looking pretty cool. And if you hit Controller Command, why again? You can see there is just one circle that I created, this one right down here, and that circle created all these e make shapes, and I can just control click on this and it opens up each one of these instances and it opens up that light effect right here in the panel. And so I can go here and out a few more copies, and it just keeps on going, and I'll scale that a little bit larger just to show you how that looks. So is them over here. And so that's one way. The transform option can be really useful for creating some unique artwork. And now, additionally, these last couple effects that we haven't looked at yet are the transform the life transform effect. So I'm gonna, uh I'll just create some text with this on, Just call it transform, and I'm going Teoh, click on this transform effect. And now this is adding a live transform effect to that shape. Now, if I was to do this natively an illustrator, it would pull of this panel right here, the free distort panel, and you'd have to kind of mess around with it on hair and guess a little bit sometimes. And it's hard to be accurate with that. But all hate canceling that. And if I just go into the effect right here, I can actually drag it around exactly where it is on the art board and really have a lot more control over it while I'm working and see the live update. And so, if you're trying Teoh transform text onto some skewed our work or something like that, this is a really useful option for for transforming text. Then I sing that you can do with this is that has your vanishing point. And so I can drive this vanishing point around and it's going to transform that to set these lines exactly matching up to that that point right there and it's got to vanishing points. Uh, right here also, it's It's always gonna have these two vanishing points, one for the horizontal and one for the vertical. And now, lastly, we're going Teoh, go over here and I'm going to just create a simple circle and show you this last effect. This is the offset path. Live effect. And so I'll just click on that, and this is going to give me my offset amount. If I hit Shift X, that's going Teoh give you a little bit better idea of what this is looking like. So it's taking that first Pathan. It's it's offsetting it by 67 points about, um, and so this can be useful if you need to offset a path using live effect. But you don't want to expand that path and play heavy, and I can drag us back over here. You can see where that shape is coming from. It's this line right here, but it's offset that path over here and you can turn that on and off by clicking this effect or by going into your parents panel and turning that off set path on. Ah, and there you have it. So this is a style isn't panel from stew graphics, and it's really a useful panel I use all the time, especially for these outer glows and the drop shadow and the blur tool those air some of ones that use most in this, uh, from this panel. But I know that you can find a lot of things that you can apply this to, and I will make your artwork creation a lot, a lot faster and more intuitive.