2. Beginner's guide to anki: Hello again. In this introductory video, we will talk about the definition
of Anki, how it works. Why do we need to know about it, who uses it and when to use it? First of all, if you
have never heard about Anki application called spaced repetition guard
flashcard application. The principle is simple. This application use
database of cards where it gives you one chunk of information
related to another chunk. By showing us the
first information, we try and remember
the second one. Then we repeated
and repeated and repeated again until it
sticks into ultimately, it's really similar
to those cars you used when we were young. Were on one side, we would
have this app ID picture. And on the other side you would have the
name of the apple. We take this card,
will watch adapt, but we try to remember that
its name is Apple in English. We flip it, we check if it's correct or not, and then go on. This process used
to have a lot of physical gods which
can be mixed up. And it's not efficient. Anki decks this into the
digitalized world and mixed more efficient by making them portable with you every
day inside your phone. You can take twenty thousand, thirty thousand cards
inside your pocket. And the application
helps you by choosing which cause you to study
each day and organize them. For example, if you studied the apple picture
of the first day, then it shows it
after ten minutes, then after that by three days, then after that by one month. And this process of organizing the information you
need to remember is done by the
application itself. We don't need to spend any
time or effort doing this. Especially when all
these cards are inside your pocket,
not inside sandbox. These cards are used not
to study everything, but as a complimentary
way to study information that we already understand
what needs to remember. That's why you use it
to study big chunks of unrelated information or
loosely related information. For example, some people use
Anki to study languages. That's why it's really popular
among linguistic students. The second most popular group
of students that use it are medical students
who needed to study names of Oregon's
names of bones, names of drugs, or
associations between disease, prevention, treatment
and diagnosis. The third group is
engineering students who needed to remember the big equations that day
to study for the next day. Then we have all kinds of other students who use it
for the same principle, which is studying
the material first, then studying the
cards to memorize the information in an
efficient, working, non exhausting way, smooth, and within your day to maximize the memorising
aspect of your studies, which will make you
distinguish yourself from that 70th until the nineties
on your exams. Uses Anki we've
already discussed, then went to use Anki. Usually by my own experience. Anki is the third of
you used during breaks, during weights or during
that time of the day, for example, one
waiting the bus. While in the bus. When waiting in line, you just take off your phone, do a few cards,
and then continue. And that's how it works. Now till our next
video where we explain the scientific process that goes inside the studying
of Anki cards.
3. Spaced repetition: This video of this course, we will talk about the scientific principle
of Anki and how it works. First of all, way to the screen, distinguish Anki flashcards in general as being an
active recall method. Which makes it more efficient
than passive recall. Usually when studying flashcards and we tried to associate
to information. We are not just
reading passively and information and hope that our
random answers for members. We will be actively trying
to get this information from within or from information
that we've already studied during our passive study. In preparation for
anti, studying. This active aspect of
Anki makes it more efficient than other methods
of complimentary stopping, we say complimentary because Anki alone is not
a study method, is a complimentary
method which make us have more concrete
information for better use. How will this work? Is that our brains
usually remember stuff that are important
for our survival. For example, if we see
something one day, then we have a probability of 1 million for
one or two days, then forget about it. But if we keep seeing the same thing multiple
times or read things, Oh, this is something
important to remember. This thing. That's why our brain after repetitive exposure into
chunks of information, will think that
this is important, we need to remember it. And that's exactly how
spaced repetition to work. Thank you. Uses this principle or
hacking our brain by giving us chunks of information
in specific intervals. For example, the first day we studied the meaning of
the word apple in English, we take the picture
of the apple, the world of adults. And we see them
on the first day, then after ten minutes, then after two days, then after one week,
then after one month. All these settings
can be changed in Anki to suit your preferences,
your study needs. But in general,
that's how it works. Being seized at multiple
times and things. Oh, this is important. I need to remember this. And since we are actively
trying to remember it, our brain will be more trig by the
dopamine we are bringing in for this process into
actually remembering Util. This Spaced repetition is the base principle
on which Anki works. And this is the principle
that we will be using multiple times during our day or on one big chunk
every night to use it. The main principle
of how to start your own Anki is consistency, is actually taking
the space intervals to study them and not used
only one time per week. Or it will not work on how to exactly integrate your
studies inside Anki. We will explain. During this time, I will be explaining the anatomy of Anki, how it looks for
the pure beginners. If you already
know what is Anki, you can skip the next
video into the third one.
4. User interface: In this video, we will be
explaining the anatomy of Anki. To get the user to be
acquainted with the interface, how to study, how to
click where to go. Because first-time it
can be overwhelming. The application isn't static. But it's quite simple. Because for simplicity,
first of all, when you open Anki, we will
have our first picture. This one is our deck connection. That is a collection of cards usually organized
according to seeing them, according to day,
according to subject. And it can bother us
as much as we want. In each deck. We
can have subjects. For example, here
as you can see, having a specific subject
for abdominal muscles. Here we have three
specific subjects. For each type of card. During each leg, we can
have the brows and the app. We use the add for adding cards. Bros, to look into our cut. Starts for your own staff. And here we can see the
new cards that we need to study during the state and
the cars that needs revision. By clicking on the deck. We get this page
where we can study. According to the
algorithm given by Anki. All we can have a
custom study session. In custom study sessions, we can add as much
nucleus as we want. For now, we will just
study by using gunky. Here for example,
you have a question. To see the answer. We click on Show
Answer as a shortcut. We can use the space. And then it shows us dancer. If we knew it really
easily with us on easy, and it shows us after
first four days, then it can go until again in case we don't even
know the answer, shows us this question
after one minute. Then for example, we will
have this kind of cards. One type of the gods
have hidden parts. These parts will
be shown by view. This is a close type of code. When we pesto answer that shows us the hidden
part of the answer. We press it again. Then we have this Scott, which is imaged occlusion. In this type of gut, we have hidden parts. The red part is the part
that we need to study. We put short answer and it shows us we can dump in masks to
show us the other part. As we can see. This is a course type of card. Show. Shows us the answer. We put easy. Then you will see after 15 days, we'll have Image
Occlusion again. After finishing it all, we can come back to the
desk, index. Index. We can open the file. Import or export. Export is done when
we already made our own cards and put them out. Import is when we want to get shared cards from other
people, not by guards. We made ourselves.
This is in general, what do we need to know
about the main interface of Anki and about types of codes and how to integrate
them into our study. We will be talking
in our next video.
5. Integration: Now we've talked about the
integration of Anki into our studies as a
complimentary method. First of all, we start by
gathering the material, would take our books, our lectures, we write
them, we highlight them. By doing this, we're passively understanding
the information that we need to study and trying to form
connections between them. These connections
will make us better understand and understand
the full picture which Anki cannot do. By understanding
the full picture and taking these
chunks of information. We can add them into. One important thing
to know about Anki, that it works by a
principle of three. Each god cannot have more
than three basic information. For example, we can have when did someone do something
in history, for example. We can have one chunk
of information. We can put what he
did when and where. More than that would be
too much for one card. And it will be
counterproductive. That's why our main objective, after passively understanding
our information, is deconstructing them
into small chunks. For maximum effectiveness
of each card. After putting these
small chunks, we can put this information inside our cards and
make our own cards. This process can take
a little bit of time, but in the long run, it will be more productive. Because while doing our cards and organizing the information, we would have already studied
old material two times. First time while reading them, and second time while organizing them and
making the cards. Then we was Anki as a
third time of studying. To make our knowledge more
concrete and memorable, we will mobilize our
information while using Anki. We will be starting in a
fourth, fifth, aesthetics, and a seventh time
according to how much we will be able to studying them using
the application. This repeated
exposure and mix of passive construction
of full picture and active construction of small memorize the information is what distinguishes
the person watching this course right now from our stood our colleagues who only
use passive study methods. This active study
method can be sometimes complemented by getting
pre-made cards. Pre-made cards when available, can be a huge asset. Because the person
making these gods would have taken
already a lot of time, a lot of work that we
can save from ourself, remade gods are usually more
popular for medical students since the medical knowledge is almost universal
for all of them. For languages, we can
still find pre-made gods. But other than these
two fields and can be quite tricky to
find pre-made cards. Why integrating this? It can be done with
colleagues where each student takes part of the information
to make them into cards. And then a big deck can be exported for all the other students
to study them together. This is the best way to
integrate into our studies. Using Anki alone is
never productive. But using it as
complementary method makes are studying more efficient, faster, better,
and more durable. We will still be remembering
this information long time even after
we stop using Anki. And in our next video, will explain how to use pre-made cards or
how to make gods. And explained in general
the three types of cards that we can encounter
while using Anki.
6. Cards and decks: Video, we will be talking
about the kinds of decks and guard that we
encountered while using. First of all, there's
two types of decks. Here we can see the first
type, which is ready-made. It is already organized
with a lot of information. A lot of subjects are made by students who already use these
decks to study. This will save us a lot
of work and effort. And it will be better
directory since the students who already made
them, already studied them, have already tweaked them into the most high-yield,
usable and beneficial. Guards for our exams are studies that are made
by our colleagues. This way, it will be a lot
more efficient than making our own card according
to our own beliefs. But not always finding
them can be a minus. That's why using
our pre-made decks can be more beneficial
in specific situation, especially if you
are studying and not for a general exam
or general knowledge. But if we are studying for a specific subject that
needs specific test, this way we will encounter
a lot of types of cards. Since anki has been for awhile, lot of programmers
had added a lot of specific features,
specific gods. And they can be quite
tricky for the beginner and for maximum efficiency and speed while making
your own cards, the students should know
three types of main gods. First of all, we have
the basic count. The basic card is quite simple. You have a question or one chunk of information related
to another chunk. The front of the card
shows us the question. Then by showing the answer, shows us the back of the card. We can find it the
question and its answer. This is fast type of card. It can be done for less
than 20 seconds each guard. And it's beneficial for what we called one
chunk information. For example, wards and some specific languages for studying specific translations, for studying specific drugs. Medical studies. It's easy, effective, and
aesthetically more pleasing. The second type of
card is closed, like the closed type of card is when a part of
the current is hidden. This is better for multi
chunk information. When we have multi chunks, we can see that
information number one and inflammation number
23 are connected. So the question helps us
by hiding one of them. I joined the US. The second book, this
specific card of card, makes our connections
easier and faster. By using this way, we can make our study less mechanical and more
interconnected. By making this active recall, we connect these
multiple information. And it can be better for practical reasons for using
this information later, and not only for the exams. And our third type of card. Here we show the answer. The third type of card, which is one of my favorite
is Image Occlusion cards. The Image Occlusion
cards have the benefit of making them really fast. You can make ten or 12 pounds
for less than one minute. And by using only one picture. And this is the perfect type of cards for visual learners. Visual learners can use
this type of card to study big schemes like
clinical guidelines, like specific pictures
would annotations. This is used especially
for biomedical students, for treatment guidelines,
diagnostic guidelines, and for studying
anatomy or physiology. Here we can see a therapy guidelines where
we have one chunk hidden. We showed the answer, and then we can toggle the mask to see all
the other answers. This way we can study the first chunk and then
related to the other ones. And making these types of
codes can be really fast. And during this course, we will study together how
to make these cards fast, efficient, and easy to study. One, keeping them
related to our subjects. See you in the next videos.
7. Basic cards: Now we will be talking
about making the code. If you are not using
pre-made cards, then we need to
make our own cut. The first type of God
that we will talk about during this video is
the basic type of card. Whenever we think
about flashcards, this is the classical
type scarred. Like our gods that we use to
study in when we are young. Or the ones that
used to give us, They used to give us in schools. Really simple
physical card that is digitalized here in
Anki to have two parts. The first part, we'll have one information
That's like a hint. And the second part will have
more than just information. We'll have the answer
to this information. Collected information
to the first one, some kind of related information that we need to somehow
connect to the first part. First of all, we will have
to go into the ad bought. Before discussing how to
make the card itself, you'll have to discuss the
anatomy of the speech. First of all, that type
of car that he needs to use will determine the
fields that you have. These are fields. Then the deck. You will have the deck
called Skillshare. By putting these two
points two times, then typing the subject
we will be having. For example, this card will be added into the basic something. After that here we have fields, we can add more fields. For example, hint field to Question field were
two questions can have one answer or two back fields with one question can
have two answers. Or for example, we can
have word in English. Then you will have here the Japanese translation
of this world. Then we will have the phonetic
translation of this word, like how we say it. If we press on fields. Here we can see we
have front and back. We can add more,
delete the name, but these are specific skills that we will use
in our next video. Then, press Save,
and we check cards. Using this current font. We can see here the code that quantifies
for us the font God. If you write for example, the question in the front field, we will have our question here. Footprints on the Back template. We will have this where we have the front part of the
count and the back. We can, for example, delete the front and you
will just have that back. Then we go to styling. Styling. We have the code, they give us the
style of the text. These are more advanced things that will not change our
study method or efficiency. They can be more
aesthetic and make us less overwhelmed
by the information if we have too much information. But for a beginner, this all we need to know, for example, in the front
to ask the question. That question is the seventh, July 1997. We press, for example, if we want to add tags, which will help us
find Guard later, we can do it here
in this segment. Or if we want to make
a specific part of the underlined,
we press control. You will have underlined part. If we want a specific
part to be involved, we write control and
we haven't evolved. This stuff can be helpful later. For example, we can have
birthrate involved, then morph a month,
which is mean. We can take them Hamlet the equatable and
put the underlining. The underlining
here, for example, is set to help us make the
accent on exactly this spot. Then if we want to
make it colored, for example, we can
set the background. We can set symbols. We can attach any
kind of picture. We can just copy, paste
any picture if you want. The front or the back, both getting the picture, link, text, anything we
want them by pressing Control Enter or
pressing on the add. The card is added into our deck. Then we go out, go into basic study. Now, here we see
the old question. Then we see our gut, which is birth date of Muhammad. Professor Haidt is our answer. This is how we make
the basic type of God. As we see it. We
just need to copy, paste any information into
the respective fields. And we will have
this type of God. This type is perfect for using these cards
to study languages. Words, names, drugs
in pharmacology. For medical students, or small correlation
of information.
8. Cloze cards: The signal will be talking about close type of cotton clothes
type of card is used generally to
remember information that are apart of some
specific structure. They can be used as one-on-one, which means one
question, one answer. Or it can be used in
a multi-level facet. Where do we have one question that has three or four answers? Or three or four
correct answers, for example, or three or
four parts of dancer. And every card just heights
one part of the question. It can hide them all together, or it can hide each one of them. First of all, we start as
usual by going into the ad. Then we choose the type
which is close type. We choose it. Then we choose which we want. For example, sculpture,
close. We choose it. Then we add the text. For example, Muhammad was born on the seventh, July 1997. We take the first part, which is the first inflammation
we throw under the seventh. We hide it. We have C1. C1 means that this is
the card number one. July. The same thing, the
1997, we hide it. Then we can hide
Mohammed, for example. As we can see here, we
have four different cuts. Then in the back extra, we can have some explanation. For an example. Lucky. This type of text will be shown after
we answered the question. Likewise, we can do the same aesthetic stuff that we had in the previous card. We can make bold, we can change the color and
we can hyper link anything. But the thing I want to assess the most about close cards of types is that we can
have two answers. Convert differently. So the person knows
that he needs to answer for two parts
of the question. For example, the s2, we can put it C1, then we will have to change
the other ones as s2, S3. After changing all of that, we add the code. Then we will not
have only one card, will have multiple codon. We'll go back to a close
standing out. Old gods. As you can see. Here, we can see this card. We had two answers are hidden to hidden answers can be
shown in these blue spots. Sometimes in advanced codes. We can add inside of
these fields, not points, but hints, for example,
day and month. But we will not do this here as this is still
a beginner level. We press Space and we can see that the same we can
see for the year. And here we can see where
the question itself, they said that what
the answer is shown. This way. We don't have a question
and answer structure. We just have to information related that we need
to remember them. This kind of active and
then retroactive recall of the same information
mixed regularly, it easier and longer. And it takes out the mechanical part where
trust mechanically, repeating and studying material that our brain finds
understudy or boring. This way, it can be more tricky. It can be more fun, and it will last longer. This information will
last a lot longer than our brains by using
this type of God's. This is the most popular card. And as you can see, within 20 seconds, we
made, almost forgot. We can make as much as we can. But we should always remember
that when doing cards, we should have three
chunks of information, max plus main information
available to them. The three chunk conformation, we're interested in
the material before putting it inside
this type of guns. This type of course can be
more helpful in comprehension. So this way, we can
see a little bit of time in the process of
studying the material before. And put this time
more than the cost of making the cut and
studying them. These three techniques,
when combined together, will give us the best time of studying any kind
of information. Because it has active recall. Inverse active recall. It has multiple
information connections. It has the ability for us to predict how these
three can change. These cards can be customised
according to each one, but they are best used one
dot and premade decks. As we saw in the
previous videos.
9. Image occlusion cards: Our last video, we'll be talking about Image
Occlusion type of clouds. This type of cards is the ideal and favourite type
of card for visual learners. This is used scheme annotation. An illustration of a concept is used where we need to
remember specific parts of the concept to memorize this picture or concept
inside our minds. For using this, we
need to already have pictures which are and our
books we find on the Internet. Then we have to enhance it
into our application by using a mod specific to Anki called Image
Occlusion Enhanced. On how to use this mode. We will talk later
how to download it, but it's quite simple. During this video, it
will be all explained. This video will be done
on a Windows computer. That's why I will be using
the buttons on my computer. For the Mac type of computers, users should just
googled how to make screenshot of the video of the screen to know how to
include pictures inside. God's. First of all, we do as we
did an all other videos. We go inside the window, would choose the type
of card which will be Image Occlusion
Enhanced, which use it. Then we put them deck as sculpture image 1plus
about this is that we can make a lot of images using
just one adding of carton. We add one count, one image. Then the result we will have ten by four as much as you want. Then we just go to the Internet or refund
the specific picture. And on Windows we have to
press the Windows button, Shift and S. After
pressing them. We select the part between you and it will be
directly copied. We go back to Anki, press on the Add
Image Occlusion. By doing this, the picture
should add itself. By copying any image. The image will be
visible in here. During this specific window that was open for the
Image Occlusion mode, we have a lot of options. The options we need to
remember is this one. And this one just
differs in shape of the aspect that
will hide our info. And we just click on it. One. We can hold multiple ones, as we will do in
here, for example. We can hide one we didn't
before and doing now. After that, we have few options. We can add more, or we can make them in separate gods by doing
the same process. But again, you don't
have climbing one. I will decide to do
them all in one. God. That will be transformed into multiple other codes,
as we can see, will be having 3569101314 cut. We can hide one guess one way or the other ones will
be visible and you will only hire
one part of it. Or we can put hide
all, guess one. The hide all guess one
is the preferred one since we will be getting less hints and it will
be more challenging. But at the same time, after we know the answer or
after we showed the answer, we can press on toggle button where it will
show us the other ones. We press on it. As you can see, 14 clans has been added. We close the window, go inside our deck. Wherever we go outside our deck, we can see the other ones. Now, since we have a lot
of image occlusions, we can see from the
other ones where discard that I have made previously shows
us one red spot. This spot is the hidden
one, which means to guess. And the other hidden one
wouldn't not sure when we show the answer, we pass it. And we see that for
such type of patients, we give one of those options. If we need to know
the other ones. We can put connections
between all these answers. We just toggle the mask and we can see what do
we do for step 12345. We can see that we have an upward upward stream of adding more therapy on
more aggressive therapy. We remember don't
information and we remember the connection that
has to the other. The same question. Again. We'll have another time. We did the exact same thing, but with other photos. This is all we need to know. The Image Occlusion type, Frankie, at least
for the negatives.
10. Final words: Thank you for watching
all the videos about. In this video we will
try to wrap it up All few information that will be useful for
using language. As a reminder, this video has been for beginner users of Anki, users that have heard of it, or doesn't know
anything about it, or has been using
own pre-made decks, but wants to customize
it for its own good. I hope it has been hopeful
for everyone to watch these videos where we
explained what is Anki, how to use it, and
when do you use it? And we remind you again that should be used as
a complimentary method, not as the main method. Should be used
only after we have understood the material
you need to study. Then we can start
memorizing our material. This material, when added
into Anki, can be studied, but only when done
on a constant basis where the students study
is it almost every day? We go back from
university on the road, the bus before sleeping, when sitting in cafe, when waiting in lines during those boarding times Re to wait for something or this
dead time of the day. After that. If for example, we see that it's two stressing to
use during the day. We can start some
kind of tradition. When we study on kids every day for 20
minutes before sleep, every day after eating for
20 minutes while staying, ending down to digest our food. These are the best ways to integrate Anki into
our daily life. What it becomes a tool every student can use
to maximize his output, his knowledge, and
his marks on exams. As we can see, pre-made decks
faded since they are done, but customizing your deck may be more efficient
knowledge wise. Using premade decks can be
more efficient time-wise. Do we have the three types of
cards that we can use which was close basic image. Now, after watching these videos will understand which type
of information needs, which type of codes. It might not be present
in the beginning, but with time, it becomes a
lot faster, a lot easier. To give a small introduction about the aesthetic
part of icky, about the uses of small
aesthetic shortcuts. There is a lot more
options to make our cards more understandable, more beautiful, but they're
a little bit more advanced. Hopefully, these can be
covered also In other videos. At the end, we wish
everyone good studies. And thank you for watching
the video, the course. And hope that everyone
will be taking at least some part that I
found useful into his career. Thank you and goodbye.