1. Intro: Whether you've been
trying to grow your social media following for years or this is the first time you're
actually taking it seriously, stick around because
this might just be the perfect class for you. I'm a brand strategist, Fortune 500 consultant, and public speaker, and none of these
things would have been possible without social media. We will not only go through social media marketing
as you know it, we will go through the vision that the social
media space has for the future and how you can leverage and adapt to
changing algorithms, changing platforms, and
changing audience behaviors. We will go through the
specifics of which type of audience you can expect
on which platforms, what platforms, and content
types are best for you, your business brand,
and personal brand. We will go through the dos
and don'ts of each platform, as well as analytics and ads. Don't worry, you
don't have to have any background in
data, analytics. We will go through
it step-by-step from the beginning. Hi,
my name is Sina. I'm a brand strategist and I've worked with some of
the biggest brands over the last decade on building their brand
exposure and reaching new audiences through social
media and brand marketing. I've also worked with numerous
entrepreneurs on startups on leveraging personal branding for your marketing growth. This class is really
designed around my knowledge in the world's
biggest brand strategies, as well as personal
brand strategies, and how you can combine the both to grow your social
media marketing. Whether you take this
course to establish or grow a social media presence for your business or for yourself, this course is going to give you a comprehensive understanding of all the strategies
that you can use for yourself and your brand,
so let's get into it.
2. Class Project: To make this class as
practical as possible for you, your project will
not be to fill out any worksheets but instead to actually create content
for social media. You're going to choose two
social media platforms, and you're going to create
at least five pieces of content for the platforms. I'm going to be joining you
on the journey so you'll see which platforms I choose
and what content I create. You're not going to be
alone on your journey. I would love to see you share that content on the project tab. Instead of just
sharing worksheets, you're going to share links to your social media profiles and the content you create
during the class. Let's get into the first lesson.
3. Personal vs Business Branding: In social media marketing, you either are marketing a personal brand or
a business brand. Either of those two are
important to choose from. This course, as I said, will go into both
and we will explore examples of both areas
that you can use, but you need to understand
that there's a big difference between personal branding and business branding
and how you can use it to your advantage. Let's talk about
personal branding. A lot of times people think
personal branding is about a person's personal
life. It is not. People do not care
what you post on social media around what
you have for lunch, unless you are a food blogger. You need to understand that everyone has a personal brand. The difference is some people nurture and grow it
and some people don't. Personal branding is how people introduce you when
you're not in the room. It's your reputation, it's
what you are known for. It is the representation of your personality
and your expertise. That is why we need to
find the balance between personal and professional
in your personal brand. We are looking at that
before we get into social media marketing
strategies because even if you are representing
a business or you want to market
a brand or business, personal branding is a
huge part of doing that. What you don't want
to do is only be known for the name of your
business or your brand. You want to find the personality behind it that people
can connect to. The world's biggest
brands are led by personal brands that represent what the business
values and visions are. That is how we connect
with the brand, and that is how an
audience understands, is this brand fit to me? Do they have the
same values as I? Can I identify with that
brand on a personal level? That is how you will have
success on social media. Finding the sweet spot between personal and
professional is crucial. If you want to learn more
about personal branding, check out my other
Skill-share class, my seven-day personal
branding challenge. This is where we build your personal brand from
ground up in seven days. If you want to learn
more about that, check that out on my profile. Social media
marketing is not only about showcasing
your personality, it's also about providing value. Your personal brand has to find the sweet spot between personal, your personal story,
identity and passion, and professional, your
professional experiences, qualifications, and
professional opinions. If you are too personal and
neglect the professional, people will only connect
with you on a human level. That means they will never be
able to buy from you or be able to consult you or
hire you as an expert. They will also not take you seriously because you never
talk about your expertise. If you are to professional, people will not be able
to become loyal to you because we all are you looking
for a human connection. Whether you are a personality, so a person who wants to
create social media marketing, or whether you are representing
a brand of a business, personal branding
is crucial for you to include in your marketing. The reason here is, of course, as a personal brand creating
social media presence, that is your core. That is the core of what
you're doing out here. But if you're
representing brand, it's still important to
understand that you need to show the personalities
behind the business. Whether you're representing
a small coffee shop whose owner has a very
unique character, or whether you are representing
a financial consulting, people want to know who
is behind the business. That's why, even if
you're right now saying personal branding is
not really something that I'm looking for
in social remarketing, please make sure
that you look at those tips and you
try to apply them, whether that is building
a personal brand of the owner of the business
you are marketing or of yourself as the
representative of the business or the
employees of the business. Because whether your
goal is to attract new audiences,
consumers, clients, or even employees, they want to know who is
behind the brand, who they can connect
with on a human level. Let's talk about
business branding. Most of businesses using social media marketing
are making this mistake. All the persons on social media are sales and discounts and new offers of what they are
offering in their business. What brands are neglecting is the creation
of relationships. The reason why so many
businesses struggle with social media
presence is because they put out content that's in their best interest and not in the audience's best interest. Audiences want
something from you. They want to know that their
time spent on your page or their following
your page is worth it. It can be worth it
by being educated, being entertained, getting
some value out of it. Create content that educates and entertains instead of
sales. Don't worry. We'll talk about the
difference between exposure content and money making content
because of course, social media marketing
is there to also sell whatever you have to offer, whether that's your
expertise or your business. But the most important
part of this is you give value to get attention. Why should a business
educate or entertain? The reason is because, number one, it shows character. Your business is competing with a million other businesses that are in the
same industry and probably offer the
same product with just various small differences
in product quality, but what other businesses
cannot compete with is character,
identity, personality. The second part is, even if you educate your audiences
and you say, well, why should I educate? That's exactly what I offer. Why should I give free financial
advice if I'm actually a financial consultant
who get money from the content that
I've put out for free? People wouldn't buy
from me if they get free content online anyways. Wrong. You educating
your consumers is actually giving them a
taste of what you offer, a taste of what your
business can give them, and it also shows
them that you are the expert without telling
them I'm the expert. You're proving them that
you are the best for them without making
it a sales pitch. For this part of the
project, you need to decide, do you want to use
social media to build your personal brand
or your business brand. It's easier if you
decide for one. For my project, I will focus
more on my business brand because I've used social media a lot to grow my personal brand, so I want to focus on a specific
product in my business. It's one of my favorite
product and its Brand Academy. Brand Academy is a women
only community membership, where women learn how
to build and monetize their personal brand so they can start making money
from their talents. What I will focus on in
this project is create social media content that
drives people to Brand Academy. When you've chosen
what you want to focus on your personal brand
or your business brand, let's get to the next lesson, exposure versus money
making content.
4. Exposure Vs Money Making: Welcome to the second part, Exposure Versus Money
Making Content. This is not where we
go into the depths of what content
you should create, but I just want
you to understand the two major
content archetypes. Exposure content is about
showing your personality, your purpose, your
vision, your character. Whether your personal brand or a business brand, we
covered this before, even a brand and a
business has a character. Here's all about
relationship building. It's about creating trust. It's about creating a
community with your audience. I know this sounds a bit,
but you need to understand that your audience is
not just a spectator, they are your community. They tell you what do they
want to see from you? What do they like about you? What questions do
they have for you? They tell you what
they love about you. They tell their
friends about you. Not because you're
selling and showing them discounts and any offers you
have and cool new products, it's because you have
a character that they can personally relate to. Exposure content is any type of content that creates a
relationship and a connection. Now, money making content
is all about making money. It's about conversion,
expertise, and showing that you are
the best option for them. Whether you are a
personal brand, showing your expertise, and why you're the
best consultant, or the best stylist, or the best skincare expert. Or whether you are a business, and showing them
that you are the best coffee shop in town, you are the best provider
of skincare products, whatever industry you're in, this is all about conversion. Again, it's not about just
this showing discounts, and sharing codes that people
can apply to your website. It's about showing cool new
products or innovations. It's about telling what secrets you have
in your products, and what makes them so special. Here it's all about
applying the 80-20 rule. In the beginning, 80 percent of your content should
be exposure content, because you want to
create a connection. You want to have an audience. You want to build
an audience first. That relationship has to be strong before you can sell them. Twenty percent is
money making content. A lot of people make the mistake
that they go 100 or 100. They either only go exposure, and only share exciting, funny relationship
building content, but they neglect money
making and conversion. Social media marketing is not social media marketing if
you're not marketing anything. Or the other point is they
go 100 percent conversion, and just talk about
the products, and why it's so cool, and why they should buy, and what menu they have, and what's new on the agenda, and they neglect
building relationships. This is like cold calling
someone to sell them something that they haven't
even heard your name before. It just doesn't work. Play the 80-20 rule, 80 percent in the beginning, 80 percent of your content
should be exposure content, 20 percent should be
money making content. Over the time and over the
course of your career, and your business, and
social media presence, you can shift it towards a more 70-30 or even
60-40 percentage. Still most of your
content should be exposure focus content, but even if you're looking
for money making content, it can still have
an exposure angle. We will go through
this later again, but even if you have a cool product campaign
that you're launching, it can still have character, it can still entertain,
it can be fun. That is where you will be using fun and exciting
platforms like TikTok, YouTube, podcasts, whatever platforms
you're looking for, you can take advantage of using that personality and
character building and relationship building aspect, to still sell things. But wherever content you're creating, always ask yourself, is this content
exposure content, or money making content? If it's neither nor, you probably shouldn't post it, and you probably
should not waste your time creating the content, because your content
is not for you, but it's for your audience. It's for either connecting, or converting your audience. By the way, if you're
building a personal brand and you want to market something with social
media and you're saying, I don't even have a product
to sell, it's fine. Whatever your money making is, or a conversion part of
your personal brand, could also be converting viewers into followers
or subscribers. It doesn't mean you have to sell a product to your audience, but it could be that you're making money in some other way. For instance, if you're using social media marketing to
advance your personal brand, your money making
content could be content that would attract people who want to hire you as a speaker, as a consultant, or
even a full-time job. Whatever that money
making content is, it has to do with conversion. Whatever content
you're thinking about, don't just think about random
content, always think, is this exposure relationship
building content, or is this money making
conversion content? In this part of the project, there is no reel to do. I just want you to
brainstorm some exposure and some money making content
that you could think of. Think about, what have you created so far on social media. For me, I've created a
lot of exposure content, and I've never really focused
on money making content. I'm going to figure out some ideas of money
making content that could work to drive
people to brand academy. That because I'm also
promoting a product, I don't want it
to be too salesy, so I'm going to
brainstorm some topics that are more focused on
exposure and engagement. When you're done with that,
let's go to the next lesson, the rules of social media.
5. Rules Of Social Media: Let's talk about the
rules of social media. There are three underlying rules that you need to
understand about social media before we get into the crux of platforms
and content creation. Number 1. It's all
about testing. There's a cycle of test, learn that you have to
go through overtime. I want to cover this now. Because looking at social
media marketing courses, people always tell you the ideal format of
creating content. Honestly, they are outdated
the second they are posted. Because social media algorithms and platforms change over time. Audience behaviors and
interests change as well, and you need to keep
testing and learning. But there are specific rules of testing and learning
that will stay with you, and these are the ones
that we will learn today. The test, learn phase is
all about your audience, the platform,
algorithms, and trends. We always hear about the
algorithms of social media and how they are ever changing
and ever adapting, and they are just not fair, and they don't
help new creators. Algorithms don't
have a personality. They don't want you
to fail or succeed, they just follow the numbers. It's important to keep
updated with algorithms, but also don't take
them too seriously, because social
media is all about, again, creating relationships. If you have a strong connection and relationship with your
community and audience, the algorithm is
not too important. Look at algorithms like
changing weather,. You need to adapt to the
weather that is outside. Whether you'd like to wear
a dress or a hoodie or not, you need to adapt
to what is there. That doesn't mean you
need to throw out your entire content strategy as soon as the algorithm
has a change, but you use to
understand where is the sweet spot
between understanding the technological aspects in the data and understanding what you can offer within that. We will talk about the identity of each platform today and how they attract audiences and for which audiences they were creating in
the first place. However, algorithms
will change over time and you will have
to adapt to those. People who tell you
seven-second videos are the best videos
for Instagram, are just behind the
trend because in a week that algorithm
aspect can change. It's all about
testing and learning. How you can look at it is, in monthly or by
monthly segments. Every month, you look at
the algorithm changes and see where can your
type of content fits in and how can you
take advantage of the change of the data
behind the platform. But the test, learn rule is also about understanding
your audience and what they want to see from you and from brands like you. Trends that we have seen in the past years and are going to keep rising are the following; authenticity and identity,
vision and purpose. With purpose, we both
talk about inclusivity, sustainability, and making
the world a better place, and community and
relationship building. The next rule is finding
your sweet spot. Many times social media
marketing consultants tell you, these are the formats and
these other rules you need to follow to make
your brand stand out. However, social media is incredibly individual
to who you are, what your character is, and what you want to achieve. That means your sweet spot
is not what people tell you, it is what is best for you; your character, your business or brand's vision and identity, and what you feel
comfortable creating. It is both personality-driven
and audience-guided. Your content has to do both
with your personality, what do you feel most
comfortable expressing and how do you feel most
comfortable expressing yourself? Audience guided. How do
they consume content? How do they connect with brands? What do they want to see? Understand your audience
and where they live. This is specifically
important before we go into the platforms
to understand, if you are in a specific
industry and your audience is in a specific industry or are interested in a
specific industry, they will live in the platform that best puts that
industry in the spotlight. When you look at
fashion and design, you will have platforms like
Pinterest and Instagram. If you look at education
and consulting, you'll have platforms
like podcasts, Google, YouTube, or even TikTok. If you're in the
entertainment space, of course, you have platforms
like TikTok, Instagram. The tech space is heavily concentrated in
platforms like Twitter. Even though you are not excited about Twitter but
you are in the tech space, you need to explore
Twitter as a platform, because that's just where
your audience lives. You can't neglect were
your consumers are. But you also shouldn't
be only driven by where consumers are and neglect what you feel most
comfortable creating. There's always a sweet spot
between what your audience wants and what fits to
you and your personality. Let's say you're not a writer, that your audience is
on Twitter or platforms like LinkedIn blogs
or your website blog, you can still create a
podcast or a video format, something that feels
a bit more natural to you and turn that
into an article. There are tools out
there that make it super easy and you don't have to compromise
your personality in order to fit
to your audience. But you should also
not neglect where your audience is for the sake of driving your
personality for it. The third rule is,
of course, SEO. Some of you might
already know what it is, some of you have heard of it, and it sounds super technical. Every easy way of
explaining SEO is, how do people find you? SEO stands for the term
search engine optimization, and a search engine as a
platform like Google or even YouTube where people
search for things. Just think about it as
a how-to character. Whatever you are looking for; how to make a chocolate pie
or how to make my own taxes. You will find answers on
platforms like Google, even TikTok, Instagram, all the social media
platforms, and YouTube. We will get into SEO when we talk about
Google and YouTube, a lot of people do not
understand that YouTube is the second biggest search
engine in the world. But as you might
know, YouTube is used as YouTube University. People don't really
google anymore, they YouTube it because
people want to see a video version of
how to do things. But the easy way of
understanding what SEO is and understanding the rules
of SEO is always think, how do people find me? Whether you are a local business and they will actually
need to find you on maps, or you are a consultant, or you are a personality, an influencer, a model. You need to know where
and how people find you. That stands from where and
how people search for you, for the people like you, for your expertise, for your
products, for your services. We will get into keywords
a little bit later on, but keywords are basically just small words that
people use when they search for things where you
want to use those keywords, so you come up when
people search for things. An easy example on a
platform like LinkedIn, I can see that the
keyword that I'm most searched for is brand
strategist and keynote speaker, because they have those
keywords in my profile. People who look for, I'm looking for a
keynote speaker, will see my profile. That is a big rule that
you need to understand around social media marketing. SEO is how people find
you out of nothing. Now the three
rules, test, learn, finding the sweet spot
between audience and personality, and
SEO optimization. We will learn these and apply these rules to
all the platforms now. But first, let's talk about all the platforms that
we're talking about today. For this part of your project, already think about
the platforms that you want to be on and think about how you have used keywords so far
to be discovered. Think about which platforms
are most likely to attract clients or followers to you because they're
already optimized. Those are the platforms you
might want to focus on. For me, that is Instagram
and LinkedIn because I know that if I want to drive
traffic to Brand Academy, I know that on
Instagram and LinkedIn, I will find my audience
quite quickly. But if you're unsure which
platforms to choose yet, let's get to the next lesson;
social media platforms.
6. Content: Welcome to part 5. Here is all about content,
content marketing. Content is any information
produced for your audience. Could be educational,
entertaining. We will talk about
all of this later, but it's specifically
can be produced in various forms and tools. It could be audio media, it could be visual, videos,
images, infographics, it could be written, but
the big question is, what content can you create? Whether you are looking
for a personal brand or your business brand, understanding your
content formats and content styles is
incredibly important. Here's my number
one tip for you. Pick your content themes. The biggest brands
out there know exactly what themes they
want to be known for. Content should not
only be a niche topic. Like everyone tells you, you should only talk
about one thing. No, you can have different
pillars and themes. Because your brand is
not one-dimensional and because you as a person
are not one-dimensional, pick the three themes
that people can know you for and relate to you that encompass the
identity you want to bring to them as a
business or as a person. Picking your themes is all about understanding what do you
want to be known for, what is the image
you want people to have stuck in their mind
when they think about you. Let's say you are a beauty
expert or a beauty business, both of those are relevant here, but the problem is you don't only want to talk about beauty, you want to talk
about the purpose behind why you created
your business, which was to empower
women to be themselves, and also to create
a beauty routine that doesn't harm
the environment. Your three themes
could be skincare, sustainability, and
women empowerment. Now, any type of content
that you create, whether that is an
infographic or you create a video about your
skin care routine, those should at least play
into one of these themes, either skincare, woman
empowerment, or sustainability. It can have an angle
of those themes. If your content does not have any angle of
those three themes, you should think twice
whether you should post that piece of content or even
created in the first place. The next step is to pick
your content style. You've probably heard of these. It could be educational, entertaining, inspirational,
and motivational. Understand what is
your content style and you don't have
to double down on one and only do that. You can have a mixture
of all of these. That's about each one and what it means to you
and your content. Educational. Educate your
audience in a way that it will be excited to hear more
and learn more from you. It could be frequently asked questions that your
clients always ask you or even your friends,
struggles, common mistakes. Educate your audience from
your level of expertise. While content that entertains relates to people's emotions, content that educates relates to their rationality and
their understanding that you are the best
in the industry, you are the person or the
business to listen to. Shareability is
key when it comes to creating content
that educates. If someone is listening or watching your content
and learns from it, they will have the urge to
share it with their friends, families, their own audience. Create content that educates
where people want to share their new found knowledge
with their own network. The next content style is
inspirational and motivational. Those are obviously
two different things, but they are very
closely related to it. I'm going to bring them all
into one bucket just so you can better understand
and relate to them. Inspiration doesn't have to necessarily be a
quote on a picture. Inspiration and motivation can come through understanding
your purpose and what positive effect
you want to have on people's lives or the
world in general. The best inspiration can
come from testimonials, people that have
worked with you, or even your own story
of failure or success, any struggles you've
been going through yourself and how you
came out at the end or any struggles your
industry has been going through and your business
was the solution to it. Don't fall into the
trap of only figuring out how to create a
motivational Monday post, but really understand what
daily inspiration and motivation you can bring to people through
your brand values. The next content style
is entertaining. Company that
entertains, it's funny, is super easily shareable, and it turns a company
that is cool into, oh, that company is full of
people that I can relate to. Content that you share on social media through your
marketing that is entertaining, doesn't necessarily mean
it makes you look weak, or it makes you look
normal or common. It makes you look relatable. People who relate to business
buy from a business. In your personal brand,
of course, entertaining, funny things that show
your character and your identity and your quirks
make people like you more. They make people want to
be more loyal to you. This aspect of relating to a business or brand and
thinking they are just like me turns random
visitors into true loyal followers and potential customers
because you're building trust by connecting to
them on a human level. Entertaining content could be everyday funny things
that happen in your business or in
your life and you just share those in a fun way on a video format
or a small snippet. Here are examples of
entertaining content that you can find on
TikTok, for instance. When you look for barista, you will find Morgan Eckroth. She creates a lot of
everyday scenarios of how her life is as a barista and she makes them into little skits. They're quite cute because their everyday
scenarios that you can also relate with and people are excited
to actually visit her in her coffee shop and find her in person and get
her coffee art personally. Another example is
actually a business brand. It's called Oilshore and it's managed by one
of their employees. She went viral because she
showed all the funny sign off emails of gen Z workers
who work at the company. Then of course, there
are also trends that you can be part of. Here's an example of a
small candle shop that has used a trending sound in order
to promote their products. As you can see, even if you are a business or an entrepreneur, it's quite easy to create entertaining content
around what you do. The next content format
you need to think about is content length. There are three different
content lengths that you can pick from. Long-form content, short-form
content, and micro-content. Long-form content,
you can see those on platforms like
podcasts and YouTube, as well as blogs on
Google or your website, where you create a content
format that is 10 to 30 to 40, even an hour long, or blogs that can be up
to 10,000 words long. Long-form content shows greater authority
because you're actually able to speak about an expert and niche topic for
a very long time. It drives traffic and improves SEO because the more you
ride or the more you speak, the more keywords you
will naturally use, and the more people will
find you through search. If you take the time to create
a piece of content that is 10 times longer than usual
people create content for, that will show authority
and it will drive customers to you because they understand you are an expert, you know what you're
talking about and you're the key figure to follow in
that niche and expertise. A long-form content doesn't only have to be expert content, it can also be content that you have opinions about and you go really deep into what
you've experienced in that field and how it makes you feel and how you came out of it. Long-form content and is one of the important pillars
of repurposing, we will talk about
that afterwards, because it helps you to cut down that long piece of content into smaller pieces and put them on different
social media platforms. Most social media platforms, long-form content in video
format or audio format is already more than
five minutes long. But as we talked about, it can also be up to one hour, one and a half hours,
whatever suits your goals and
your content step. The next format is
short-form content. Short-form content is one
minute to five minutes long. Usually, when we talk
about a written format, it's about 1,000
words, 1,200 words. Anything that is under a 1,000 words is already considered
short-form content, as well as a video audio format, anything under five minutes, so from one minutes
to five minutes. Blogs don't necessarily have
to be a long-form content, they can also be
short-form content. There's an example of
Seth Godin who's created a daily blog that is
100-500 words long only. Short-form content could
be Twitter threads, Instagram swipe throughs, Instagram videos, could
be a LinkedIn post, or even a video that is
up to five minutes long. Now we go to micro content. Micro content is any
short-form content that they can be quickly
consumed by audience. It's usually under
one minute long. It could be a tweet, it could be a quote, it could be a reel or TikTok. You also have micro content on YouTube where you have videos, short-form content that
is under a minute long, content that is
easily shareable, easily consumable in very
big amounts and very fast. Ideally, micro content is
under 30 seconds long, so it can really truly be
consumed in a super-fast way. The next part is to
understand your audience. We have different types of audience that you can group into different mindsets or
ways of seeing the world. Any type of content that
you create should at least cater to one part
of these audiences. Here it's all about personality. Who do you want to attract and who do you not want to attract? Let's get back to the example
of a skincare expert. Your three consumer
segments could be skincare starters,
beauty professionals, sustainability activists,
and of course, not every single person can
be categorized specifically, but they are part of one of
those consumer segments. Next is content feelings. Now, not that your
content has feelings, but the feelings
that your audience has when they see you
and see your content. What do you want people to feel when they
come to your page? This will have an effect in
how you pick your images, design, colors, expressions. In the example of a skincare
expert, that could be, you want them to feel
fresh, organic, accepted. Fresh could be represented
by lemons on a picture, or by ice, or by bright color that you
use in your content. Organic could be you use natural ingredients or you
give sustainability tips. Accepted could be you show women without their
makeup or you talk about body positivity
and skincare issues. Any self-love content will
make people feel accepted. Understand, if you
post a content, how does it make people feel? Does it make people feel
one of those feelings that I want them to feel
when they come to my page.
7. Repurposing: The next content strategy is
the repurposing strategy. This is one of the most
important strategies for content creators who want to
create long-form content, but they're struggling to create social media content on
the site, on top of it. A repurposing strategy
is basically visualized through a pyramid or even
a flower arrangement. It's basic when you
take one piece of long-form content and
you structure it out and split it up into a bunch of different short-form
content tools and push it to the platforms
where they will work. Well, let me explain. The piece of long-form
content that you start from could be one long-form
video or blog, conversation, audio show, could be a podcast from which
you will make the content. Let's say you have
a podcast episode that is 40 minutes long, or you have a Q&A show, a video interview, or a speaking engagement that you gave and you have the
audio recording from it. Let's say you take that podcast
40 minutes long and you repurpose it into short-form
and micro content. You take out the most exciting
and interesting parts of that podcast or show. You take those snippets out and see on which
platforms will they work. You can take a quote that you
took and put it on Twitter. You can take a 1, 2, 3 tips that you gave in the podcast and create
a short video from it. You can take a
controversial statement or a discussion piece and
create a TikTok from it. Create short form content
pieces from that one, long-form content and spread it out into different
tools and formats, articles, images,
quotes, mashups. You can even just take the audio file and
turn it into a blog. Last step is social
media distribution. You have the format with
the idea in mind on what platforms it will work
and then you will put it out, push it out to those platforms. You can either drive traffic to that original long-form
piece or you just use it as content that will sustain you overtime on these
social media platforms. One podcast can go on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook,
TikTok, Twitter, even Pinterest, can go
at Snapchat, emails, or website, wherever you
want to repurpose it to. The idea and the advantage of repurposing your content
is that you only create it once and you
take content from that to feed it to different
social media platforms. You don't have to come up with original content
every single time. Let's get to the next part,
designing your content. Here is all about
understanding your identity. What feelings do you want
to invoke in people? Here's a great example
of how you can do that. Content design
platforms that I will highly recommend you
exploring is of course, Canva for any visual content, Pinterest for really coming
up with ideas and creating an inspiration board
of your colors and themes and the type of
pictures you want to create, InShot for any video
footage that you quickly have on
your phone and just want to push out to
social media channel, Snapshot and Lightroom for image editing and color grading, Chloro for video color grading, and DaVinci Resolve for video
editing on your laptop. It's basically like Adobe or
Final Cut Pro, but for free. Now we're done with
content and we'll go to the branding
strategies that big brands use that you can use in your personal brand and your business brand as well. In this part of the project, it's all about
creating your content. Think about what
content, topics, and formats can you use
to engage your audience? For me, I will create
content around the mindset of the women who
are inside Brand Academy. Instead of just talking
about these are the exciting things that you learn inside of Brand Academy, I will prepare people to
be in the right mindset. That has to do with confidence, that has to do with
having a growth mindset, working on your career
and your personal brand. In order to engage with people, I will have a call to action
at the end of my videos, where I will ask
people to comment a word underneath so I can start a
conversation with them. I've come up with
10 micro videos. Videos that are under
one minute long. Most of them are under
20 seconds long. I kept them very simple, just straight up talking to the camera with
captions underneath. I posted them both on
Instagram and on LinkedIn. If you're done brainstorming
and creating your content, Let's go to the next lesson, social media strategies, the biggest brands
in the world use.
8. Platforms : Welcome to part 4 and here
it's all about platforms. Which platforms are the best
for you and what kind of platforms are the ones where you can check
the right audience, create the great content, and really expand your
marketing potential. I will talk about
a lot of platforms here and you can
choose which platforms are best for you given
the type of audience you can find there and the type of content you can create there. As I mentioned before, we
will start with Google, which both includes
Google and YouTube, mostly around search engine and search engine optimization
and how you can use those as long form
content platforms. Then we will go into Meta, which has both Instagram and
Facebook as well as TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Podcasts, and Pinterest.
9. Google + Youtube: Let's start with Google. As we mentioned before,
Google is a search engine, which means just think about content that is
all about how to, how to do this, how to find this, where to find this. Google is a perfect
platform for businesses, business who want to create
social media marketing because this is
where we find you. The type of audience that you
find on Google is everyone. Everyone is using Google
as a search engine. There's really not one type of audience that
you find on Google other than on
different platforms like TikTok or Instagram, where you have a specific
audience you could target. Google is really your
audience is everyone and the idea of it is
to be searchable, and as we know, its
search platform, which means you need to
be able to be found. We talked about the
difference between personal branding and
business branding before. Google is important for both. Just think about
a personal brand, the first thing we
do when we meet someone is to Google their name. What comes up when
I Google your name? What comes up when
a specific person, your audience, or a potential employer Googles your name? What will they find? For businesses,
it's specifically important for
businesses that are location-specific or have
products and services, because the Number
1 thing that we look for in businesses is do you have a professional website
and are you on Google Maps? This is specifically
for businesses that are location-dependent
like coffee shops, restaurants, or even
driving schools. Content that you should
specifically look out for when you want to be included into Google Maps if you are location-specific company
is Google reviews. The number 1 thing that we look for when we look for a business
is location-dependent, is what do people
think about it? What do people think
about your coffee shop, your driving school, your hotel? As we said before, here, SEO is crucial. The type of content
we're looking for on Google is specifically article related because the more written
content you have, the more you can
optimize it for SEO. The more keywords you
can put in there, the more phrases that people
actually look for so there's more likelihood that
people will actually stumble upon your
article or your website, or even your blog or a
conversation that you wrote out. The content that you look for on Google is
written content. The next platform is YouTube. What a lot of people
don't know is YouTube is the second biggest search
engine in the world. After Google, YouTube is the place where people
search for things. The type of audience
that you find on YouTube is very similar as the type of audience you find on Google because when you look for a question or you're
searching for something, the number 1 thing
that you will find on Google algorithm
is a YouTube video. YouTube, you also have a very expanded audience,
just think everyone, but also specifically
people who are looking for long-form content or
for how-to content, things that they can learn from. One of the things that needs
to stick in your mind, YouTube is YouTube University. A lot of people
learn a new skill or a new insight from YouTube. We don't go into
articles and blogs anymore or we don't
specifically buy courses, we go to YouTube first
to find out things. YouTube formats that you think about is specifically
long-form content. Now of course, YouTube has
short-form content, Shorts, that are very similar to
things that you know from TikTok or Reels on Instagram, but the most content that
is pushed on YouTube is long-form content
that is videos from 5-10 minutes or
even 10-40 minutes. From personal, how-to
formats, to interviews, to just conversations
you have with a friend or around you have
about a specific topic, YouTube is there
for you to create content in video
format that is longer. The sweet spot here on
YouTube is to share your personal opinions mixed
with your expert knowledge. Here's a really fun example
how you can do that. There's a channel on
YouTube called Dr. Lee, and it's basically
two dermatologists who talk about the latest trends on different platforms and their personal expert
knowledge as dermatologists. You can look for videos
like dermatologists reacts to TikTok trends around skincare and you find
crazy TikTok trends about skincare or using ice on
your face or any hacks that seem crazy and those two dermatologists
look at it and find a fun way to give
their personal opinion about that trend or
that skincare practice, but they also show
their expert knowledge. That helps them as a social media marketing tool to show that they are experts and they are also fun and they have character and personality and drives insane traffic
to their practice. That is, of course, a
business brand example. For your personal brand, it can go from giving you a personal expertise
around how-to. How to style modest
fashion in winter. How to style modest
fashion in summer, or if you are an
expert in finance, how to do your own finances, how to do your own taxes, things that people
usually search for. It can go to opinions and things that do you feel are
fun to talk about, like the latest Netflix series and what you
can learn about society and inclusion
from this new series. It's really about, again, connecting your
personal expertise and your personal interests and character into one and offering it as a format to your audience. Again, every time we
think about this, we need to know what is exposure content and what
is money-making content. What is content in your social media
marketing strategy that actually drives conversion, or what is the content that
simply creates a community? One of the things
that I've personally experienced with my
personal brand on YouTube is I've created a lot of how-to and expert
knowledge content, but people are super
excited to see me live my life so
I started a blog, and that blog is much
more successful than I thought it would be because
it merges my personal life, the behind the scenes of
how I create my courses, how I consult, how I live life, how I create content in
places like Malaysia, and it merges it with
my personal life, my character, my identity. You can really have
a lot of fun finding different content formats
on those two platforms, and specifically
YouTube, of course, is a video platform.
10. Instagram + Facebook: Let's get to the next
platform and that is meta, and we have both
Facebook and Instagram. What audience can you
find on Facebook? The majority of
Facebook audiences are Gen X and millennials. Here's a platform that
favors longer-form content, as well as community
content in Facebook groups. Facebook, although it is
gaining less and less important in new audience lists
like Gen Z and Gen Alpha, facebook is still important for businesses because it's one of the places that also come up, aside from Google reviews
and Google Maps in a business format where people see how many employees
do you have? Where's your location,
what is your phone number? What is your menu? For businesses a
Facebook profile is almost a must because
it also gives you a platform to have reviews and have people engage
with your business on a more professional basis
other than just comments under your Instagram
videos or TikTok videos, the profile rules here
on Facebook is really about explaining what a value you can bring to your audience. Your location, website, and other business information like your telephone number
or your email address, and of course, SEO
main keywords, the things that you want
to be searched for. The content times that are
working well on Facebook are mid to long-form content. Content that engages a conversation because
Facebook is still a place where you can have a lot of conversations
in the comments, as well as sharable
content that is easily shared on another
person's platform. Let's get to Instagram. Instagram really started out
as a picture-sharing app and morphed more into an app
that tries to do it all. But we still have to
figure out how to use Instagram in the right way. Instagram audiences are mostly millennials as well as Gen Z. But you see much more
Gen Z going over to TikTok and millennials taking over the platform off Instagram. Instagram has
really morphed from a very aesthetic platform to anesthetic, entertaining
quick platform. It is much more pushing
short-form content and moved away from trying to be like YouTube to trying
to be like TikTok. However, Instagram has still its own personality and
type and it's mostly used by people who are sharing their content in
terms of design content, arr content, and visual
content in general, that merges both design
personality and expertise. Instagram as a platform, is highly optimized for conversion. If you are a business there
or even a personal brand who wants to tag your products
or sell products, this is the platform to be. It has also moved much more into an SEO-optimized platform where can use keywords to be easily found by your
ideal audience. Profile rules on Instagram is specifically understand
the value that you bring and explain that in a short bio instead of explaining
your personality like, I'm a mother, I'm an artist, understand what you
bring to people so give a bit more context. If you are professional artist, what kind of art do you create, and for whom do you create it? Put that into your bio. Also makes sure that
you insert a link, whether it's to your website or a platform that integrates different links or
different resources that you want people to
find in your profile. If your business,
it's important to include your location either in your content or in
your profile so people know where you are located
and how they can find you. Content formats here are
images swipe throughs, reels, which are short-form videos, as well as long-form
videos and stories.
11. TikTok: Let's continue with TikTok. TikTok is one of these
platforms where people are just super nervous to get on because they're not sure if
the audience that they are searching is actually there and how to truly
express themselves. But I want you to
remember TikTok is a platform for
authenticity and one of the very original analogies that I've heard that will
stick in your mind and really help you figure out what content to create
on the platform is that TikTok is the video
format of Twitter. It's all about opinions, is all about being yourself. It's all about not caring what
people might think of you. The type of audience
that you find on TikTok is of course
Gen Z, Gen Alpha. It's all about opinions, jumping on trends and
music and sounds, and just being
there to have fun, entertain yourself
and your audience. Some of the rules
is test, have fun, post multiple times a day so you understand where's your
audience and they can get to know you and you can
still take advantage of that organic flow
that you find in the recent and first
use of TikTok, and work with creators. TikTok is all about working with influencers and creators
on the platform, whether they are micro, macro, or mega influencers,
just work with creators that you find or work with your brand,
with your business. If your personal brand collaborate with other
creators on TikTok, if you are a business fan
creators in your niche that have you as a type
of audience or that fit to your lifestyle, mindset, and values
that you want to portray with your business
and work with them. One of the quick wins
of always keeping up with trends on TikTok is to find your niche and to search in the search
buffer for your niche, click "Most recent,"
the last three months, and then click on
"Most liked videos." This way you can see what
videos in your niche or in your industry are most engaged in the most
recent weeks and months. You can see what kind of
trends people are interested in and what movement
happened in your industry. You don't want to look
at too much bag because trends are all about right now, and you want to look at more slides so you can
see the engagement and videos that have a high resonance with the audience that
you're looking for.
12. Podcast: Let's jump to the next platform. Podcasting. What
kind of audience can you find on a platform
like podcast? Podcasts are really there
to engage with high-income, high-value audiences and people that want to spend
time with you. This time span with a
brand or a person on a podcast way exceeds the time that people spend with your brand on any other
social media platform. When you look at attention
spans in other platforms, you can see people's
attention spans from 10-20 seconds,
sometimes 30. Of course, you can
see some platforms where you have a
higher attention span, up to 10 minutes and people are much more likely to
watch YouTube videos, for instance, for 10 minutes, but podcasts extremely
exceed that attention span. People are much more
likely to spend 40 minutes to an hour with you
listening to your podcast. Studies show that the more
we spend time with a person whether it is watching
them or listening to them, the more we become loyal because we are
more familiar with them and we trust them more. This is an opportunity for you to not only engage
an audience but to create loyal followers and to create a community
and potential clients because clients need
to have a pipeline of trust established with
you and in a podcast, that trust is established much faster than on any
social media platform. Podcasts are especially
important for people and businesses that want to become
an expert in their field. An industry and thought leader. It's also a great
way to collaborate because you can easily
interview someone, have a conversation, record it, and put it on your podcast.
13. Linkedin: Let's get to the next
platform, LinkedIn. LinkedIn formerly was known as the platform where you
just upload your CV, but it has really emerged into the most important professional
networking platform. The type of audience
you find there are of course professionals, industry experts,
and also businesses. You will find
potential employees, colleagues,
collaborators, peers, but also potential employers, clients, people who want to hire you for speaking
engagements. LinkedIn is a platform that is relatively slower
than other platforms. If you see a trend
on TikTok emerge, you will see it happen 2-3
months afterwards on LinkedIn. It's a really great platform to look at trends that
happened and that blew up on other platforms and
figure out a way how you can merge it into the
LinkedIn platform and blow up yourself there. LinkedIn is there for
long form content, text-based content, really talking about your
personal experience, your personal identity,
your personal stories, and merging that with your professional
expertise and experiences. I have an entire YouTube series on how to optimize LinkedIn from creating your
profile picture to understanding what
content works there. Make sure you check that out, Era of how you use
LinkedIn right.
14. Twitter: Let's come to Twitter,
the next platform. Type of audience that
you find on Twitter are niche audiences and experts,
opinions and conversations. The most exciting
content that works and helps people establish
a social media presence on Twitter are
Twitter threads for more in-depth conversations
and knowledge and education. Links to articles or any link that go out
of the platform. Twitter is one of the
platforms that does not restrict you too much if
you use external links. As well as engagement
and retweet. Really creating a
community online and engaging in conversations
and discussions.
15. Pinterest: The next platform, Pinterest. Pinterest has always been
just the more modern form of Tumblr but Pinterest is
really a platform to convert. This is a serious conversion
platform for your products, your business and brand, and articles and blogs. It's a great platform to push people to other
social media platforms, to your website, and
actually convert people. Because a high
percentage of people are going to the platform with
the intention to buy. This is something you will see on no other platform out there. Some of the things that you
need to look out for are trending topics,
specifically seasonality. Seasonality is many things
like Christmas, summer. You will see summer hairstyles, skin care products for winter. You will see International
Women's posts. Anything related to
a trend in time, a trend in seasonality. One of the major points
of Pinterest again, we talk about SEO are keywords. Keywords is how people
find you on Pinterest. Because again, Pinterest
is a search engine, but it's a search
engine specifically for images and visual aspects; images, videos, swipe-throughs.
16. Platform To-Do: This part of the project, choose your two platforms that you want to focus
on creating content on for this week and already think about how
can you optimize your bio. How can you use better keywords
to make people who come to your profile quickly understand who you
are and what you do? In this part of the project, I will focus on making
sure that I have my links for Brand Academy
in my LinkedIn profile and in my Instagram
profile so people can directly click and find out more about the
women community. When you're done optimizing
your two platform bios, let's get into the
next lesson, content.
17. Proven Brand Strategies: Welcome to Social Media
Marketing Strategy is a big brands use. You should also use, I work with some of
the biggest brands in the industry and here's some of the unknown big strategies
that they use in social media marketing
that you can use as well for your personal brand and
for your business brand. Number one,
Innovative Campaigns. In a campaign, you invest in extraordinary amount of money, time, energy to get
extraordinary results. Extraordinary doesn't
mean you have to spend 1,000 bucks
on your campaign. It just means you invest
more than you usually do, which is organic, zero, and innovative campaign. You can spend up
to like five bucks and still get results. An innovative campaign
doesn't have to necessarily be related to money. It just has some mean you invest an extraordinary amount of
energy, creativity time, into a piece of
content that will gain you extraordinary results and that could be new audiences, a bigger amount of audience, a wider reach to your audience results in terms of conversion, people following you,
people buying from you, more sales, bigger audience, reach a wider market. Those are all the intentions of creating an innovative campaign but the number one attention is to build your
brand and to become known for something that
you want to be known for. The biggest brands in the
industry do not invest most of their money
into product campaigns. Like many people think. Or I have a new product, I have a new skincare line, or I have a new gadgets. It's about brand campaigns and brand campaigns opposites
of product campaigns have nothing to do with the usability or the innovation
behind your product. It has everything to do
with your brand purpose, vision and mindset and how would connect to your
audience's purpose, vision and mindsets but
let's go back a little and talk about different
campaigns you can run. In a campaign, you
use a specific period of time to double down on a topic that you
want to be known for and different campaigns
can look like this. Content campaigns, Brand
campaigns, Product campaigns. Let's start with
content campaigns. A content campaign is serious of content around a specific theme. That piece of content
could be a video series, it could be a podcast
or conversation series. I could be an image series. Examples here could be a seasonal campaign
for Valentine's Day, International Women's Day and any content you want
a crude behind that, for instance, an interview
series with inspiring woman in the industry around
the seasonal moment of International Women's Day. You run that campaign
for a week or two. Every day or every second day, you post another video, another interview with a woman that talks about
women empowerment, that talks about any type of content that has to
do with your brand. Let's go back to the example
of a skincare expert. It could be a series of a woman with different
skin types and skin conditions and how skincare empowers them to
be more of themselves. You run a six part series that
you post on your YouTube, TikTok and Instagram
and that is a campaign that you run and get them to engage with you in
that special moment, we will talk about
ads and investing money behind your campaigns
in the next section. Here we just want to talk about the concept of running
innovative campaigns. The next campaign type
is a product campaign. and here it's all about showing the value of a new
product or service, the value that
people get from it. What makes it special? What can people learn from it? How can people
benefited from it? How was the creation process of it and the technicalities and
the innovation behind it, and why do people need it? Product campaigns
are highly driven by social proof so not only talking about the exciting
aspect of your product, but also using influences, creators or clients and customers to show how they
benefited from that product. Now we come to brand campaigns. The most important part
of innovative campaigns. He is all about the purpose, vision mindset that connects
your brand to your audience, or in your personal
brand that connects you to your audience. Think of the huge
campaigns like, Think Big, Just Do It,
Impossible is Nothing. Those were all brand campaigns. They did not talk about the innovative and
technicality and the crazy usability
of the iPhone or the Jordan, or the Superstar. They talked about the vision and purpose behind the
brand and how it connects to a group of consumers that the brand
wanted to attract. The second social
media strategy that the big brands use that
you should definitely take on is to be controversial
and spark a discussion. Now, controversy can look different for different
brands or people, but it's specifically
is focused on trying to attract one consumer
and target audience without the fear of driving another target
audience away because that auditoriums is not
really your target audience. Being controversial
can look like having a very different opinion
than the rest of the world. It can be speaking out about social or environmental
or industry topics that people usually
back up from. It a could be talking about taboo topics and shedding
light on that but it specifically makes you the
leader in the industry, but being different to the
mass in your industry. Here's some examples. Two innovative and very
controversial campaigns that I'm sure you've heard
about is number one, Nike dream crazy, and number two, always
run like a girl. Those campaigns have both
reached a wide audience, but also sparked a lot of
controversial discussions. Here's how you can use
that in your industry. What is a popular opinion
that everyone seems to have in your industry that you
highly disagree with? What is an opinion
that you have, other people might
disagree with, that you can push a bit more to the controversial side
and spark a discussion? The idea behind this is
not to create a conflict or find ways to get hate comments just
for the sake of it. The idea is to spark
discussions and attract an audience that
highly connects to you. Just because you
share your opinion, just because you are bold
enough to go against the grain, just because you
decided to go full on your purpose without the fear of losing followers or
losing credibility. It's about showing that your
vision and values are more important than what are the industry or the
audience expects from you. That type of authenticity
is the key to becoming a leader on social media because
even if people disagree, social media is not
a nuance place, you don't need to
be harsher or you don't need to start a
conflict or discussion, you just create the piece and let people discuss
with the comments, hate comments, also
conscious engagement and most importantly, if you stand up for something
your audience beliefs in, they stand up for you
because they believe in you. For this part of the project, I want you to focus
on brainstorming and creating an
innovative campaign. It might sound very difficult, but it's quite straightforward. Every innovative campaign
has to do with storytelling. Your story needs the
beginning, middle, and end. Here's what I'm trying to
do with brand academy. I'm going to look at
all the big brands that I enjoy and I
like and I admire, and I'm going to
see what parts of their content can I use
for my own campaign? One of the things that
I want to use is I want to show a transformation. I created a video that shows
the transformation from a stagnant mindset
to a growth mindset. Someone who just lives their
life and let's just things happen versus someone who
actually acts upon her dreams. The innovative campaign
frames brand academy as a way to help them go from
the stagnation to the growth. Instead of having to
do it all by yourself, you can do it through a
community of supportive women. I just shot the video in my living room and in
my studio and then I tried to cut it down in DaVinci Resolve and add
some captions as well. Don't overthink this.
Most of the time, innovative campaigns come when
you're in a creative state instead of trying to
overthink how it should look, try to just go with the flow. Remember, done is better
than perfect and when you have outlined and created
your innovative campaign, let's go to the next
lesson, Analytics and Ads.
18. Analytics & Ads: Welcome to analytics and ads. This is the part of the course, but we'll go into the depths of reaching a wider
audience by using data analytics and insights to understand what works best for them and where
can you reach them? How can you reach them best? How can you optimize
your impact? For many years, the idea of organic traffic
and organic growth has become a way of saying anything that is not
organic is fake. Analytics and ads
have nothing to do with faking it or
buying followers. They have everything
to do with you believing in the potential
of your brand and investing in widening go reach because you know your
audience is out there. They just have to find you. You can grow organically and you can take the next 10-20 years to build a brand from scratch and just not engage in any ads. But why would you do
that if you know that your brand and you believe
in your brand's potential? Why would you not help other audiences and your
consumers to find you? Has really help you to understand
where is your audience? Where can you invest more time
and energy and focus into? Then how can you reach that
audience in a meaningful way? We will go through
ads and analytics on different platforms and I we'll walk you
through the basics. However, this is not a
masterclass on analytics and ads. I will walk you through
everything that is basic and try to give you the best resources that
I have used myself as a non data analytical
person that has helped me tremendously to optimize the world's
biggest brands campaigns. Let's get into it. Welcome to the beginner's guide
to ads and analytics. First, let's talk
about analytics. Analytics is the process
of gathering and analyzing your data to
make better decisions. For social media, you want to gather data on your followers, including demographics,
engagement rates, and reach. You will find things
like location, cities, what type of day they're
mostly active on, and what content they
engage with most. To do this, you'll
need to set up analytics tool, like
Google Analytics, or go to your social
media platform like Instagram and go
into your insights. Once you have the data,
you can use it to optimize your content and make
more informed decisions. For instance, a lot of my
content on social media and a lot of my products
like brand academy are geared to women because 96% of my followers on
Instagram are women. However, on a platform
like LinkedIn, it's much more diverse. People from all
over the world and a lot of men also are
following my content. This helps me to
analyze what content could resonate on
which platform. Now, let's move on to ads. Social media ads
are a great way to increase and reach
an engagement. Here's how to run ads on the three main social
media platforms. On Google, to run ads on Google, you'll need to create
Google Ads account. From there you can
choose your ad types, set your target audience
and post the ad creative. Ads that are run on Google are mostly connected
to people that are actually searching on Google for what I want them to find. For instance, I'm a keynote
speaker and a lot of my clients come through word of mouth or through
a Google search. While I use social media like LinkedIn to also attract
speaking engagements, a Google ad can also
be very helpful. What I focus on our keywords
that people search, the location that I want to be seen as as a keynote speaker. As I'm currently
living in Germany, I want to do keynote speaking in Germany or around Germany. Then I put keywords in that can help me stand out
from my competition, such as female keynote speaker or purpose-driven
keynote speaker, or other keywords that
people are searching for. Facebook. To run
ads on Facebook, you'll need to create a
Facebook ads manager account. From there you can choose
your ad objective, set your target audience, and create your ad creative. Next, Instagram. To run ads on Instagram, you'll need to connect
your Instagram account to your Facebook
manager account. Once connected, you can choose
your ad objectives that your target audience and
create your ad creative. On Instagram and Facebook, my biggest advice would
be go to a piece of content that already works
very well organically, so that has high
performance organically, that has high engagement, or has attracted a
lot of followers, at least more than the
average amount of followers, and then click on boost post
and start creating a new ad. Choose the objective of
awareness and the beginning so more people can see
your content before you actually get
into ad objectives like conversion or
website clicks. Choose the target audience
and location that you already know works
well for these posts, and create a target
group that you can use over and over again for
common interests posts. For me, for instance, here you can see a day in a life where I worked with
a brand like Adidas, and it shows me as a consultant
and keynote speaker. My channel, for example, I saw a video that I posted, is a day in a life flock of me working with Adidas as
a brand consultant. I could easily run an
ad behind this because it already worked very
well organically. I know that if I choose
the right audience, it could also blow
up with an ad. The same video also blew up
organically on LinkedIn, it had over a
million impressions. I know that if I put a little
bit of money behind it, it can already have a big
result and I can attract more people and engagement and traffic to my social
media platform. Remember, Instagram and
Facebook is all about creative content that
you know already works well for your
target audience, and Google is all about keywords which are performing
and which aren't. What words do they use
for searching you, use those also in your ad. Here's a big note. It's not about a big budget
and a small period of time, it's about a small budget
over a long period of time. Even if you only use $1 a day on Instagram over two
weeks or one month, that can help you
get better results than throwing out your
budget all at one. This way, you can get to
know your audience and adjust your ad as you
go along and learn, test and learn is the key. Don't be afraid to experiment
with different ad formats, targeting options and messaging. Start small, check
the results and make adjustment based
on what you learn. With patients and
persistence and really a willingness to
get to know your audience, you can create ads that
drive results and help you achieve your personal brand
or your business goals. In this part of the project, I want you to run an ad behind a very well-performing post on your channel or behind
your innovative campaign. I chose my innovative campaign
because I think it can resonate with a wider audience other than just my followers. What you want to do
is you want to start boosting a post or
running the ad. You want to choose
your audience to understanding where they
live, how old they are, what interests they have, and the type of
audience that I believe will be attracted
to the content. Then I want you to
run a small amount of money as an ad behind it
for one or two weeks. You also want to make sure
that you organically share this content on
your own channels so that when people
interact with the ad, they can already find
organic engagement on there. Of course, when the
engagement comes in, make sure you interact
with your new followers, interact with your
new commentaries. Don't be afraid to test
and try if you don't see anyone coming in
after four days, you can change your audience and maybe change the location or add a bit more interests and
you can adjust from there. When you're done with that, we'll get to the next lesson;
social media planning.
19. Calendar: Welcome to the last part
of this masterclass, and here it's all
about optimization and automation with our
social media planning. Let's talk about content
batching and planning. Content batching is
when you group type of task together so
you can get into the flow of the task and
produce content in order to use that later on and plan that within your week,
your month, or your year. Batching content
helps you to get into the flow of the task of creating content and it
helps you save time. Time that you would usually use setting up your equipment, filming your story
or your content, then taking away the
equipment, editing. That all for one
piece of content, better group all of
these tasks together, set it up once,
create your content, create 10 pieces of content, 20 pieces of content, and then edit them
all in one row, and you have your
content planned out for the entire
month or even quarter. Batching and planning
also helps you to plan the year ahead in terms of taking the best out of
trends and seasonalities. Personal brands, it's
a great platform to also plan out your
collaborations, and for business brands, it's a great way to understanding what moments
do you want to work with, what influencers and creators. Here's how you can batch an entire month of
content in three days. I have a full video on how to batch content and how to create one month of social
media content in three days on my
YouTube channel. Make sure that you go
there and check that out and then you can
come back to the class. Now let's get back into
the mindset of planning. Whatever content you create, a lot of times we create
content on the go and you feel like you need that as a social
media platform just because you need
content for today. The important part is that you always look at your checklist. We talked about this before, is it money-making content? Is it explorer or content? Does it work with my themes? Does it work with my
audience, with my style? Here's the checklist
you need to look at. Does it contribute
to my objective? Is it exposure content
or money-making content? What is the impact that
it will contribute? Does it make a big difference in the product or the expertise
that I want to be known for? If those two are no,
you shouldn't post. Let's talk about automations. Automations is a way to plan your social media
and your engagement with your consumers without having to be on your phone 24/7. Automations and auto replies. Platforms like
Instagram, Facebook, all have the version of
auto replies where you can send someone a message
as soon as they follow or as soon as
they ask you a question, and you basically tell
them a specific wording, whether that is,
welcome to the page. This is what you
can expect from us. Whether that is,
if you're looking for the FAQs, here they are. Or whether that is, we have a week off because
we are on holiday, so you will hear from
us back next week. Whatever auto replies there is, you should definitely use them whether you have a business
or personal brand. The next is FAQs. Platforms like
Instagram also have FAQs where people ask
questions or they can pick from a row of
questions and you have a pre-edited and pre-created
answer for them. That helps really well in terms of, where
is their product? How much does it cost? How can I become
a client to you? Do you offer speaking
engagements? When is that product
back in stock? All those FAQs, you
can automate them, so you don't have to answer everyone's question every time. The next are review automations. This is specifically important for businesses and
local businesses. Let's say you are
a gym and you want people to review
your gym on Google. Every time they
come to your gym, they get a free water in
return for a Google review. That is an automation
you can set up with your in store
employees and they can automate any content
and traffic that will then come over Google to
your page, to your business. For this part of the project, I want you to create
a content calendar for at least the next month. You can use that calendar whether you put that
on your email address, or your laptop, or you can write it down
on a piece of paper. For me, what I and my team use, we use Notion to
plan out content. I like a platform like
Notion because it gives you the possibility to
move around things, to put in international
days like International Women's
Day or Earth Day, so I know exactly what comes up, and I can plan my content ahead. I can already put that content
inside the calendars on the day that I post
I just have to copy paste and put it out. Of course, if you want
to go one step further, you can schedule your content. That's what I do with apps
like Buffer, or Hootsuite, or now you can
actually also schedule your content inside
apps like Facebook, or Instagram, or YouTube. If you want to go
the extra mile, also start to batch creating your content so you
have content for the next month setup
and you don't have to think about it
every single day. When you're done with that, you're done with your project. Make sure that you share
it on the project tab inside the Skillshare class so other people can follow your social media channels
and engage with your content. Then we're already at
the end of this class. I'm so proud of you. But I have one
more thing to say.
20. Conclusion: Now, we came to the end
of our masterclass. I'm so proud of you for going
all the way with me and learning all those things and applying it into
your class project. I'm excited to see your class projects
in the links below. Make sure that you post them, that you share it with
others so people can engage, they can also already
start following. If you have any questions,
please make sure that you send me a message, you DM me, follow
me on social media, ask questions in the comments. This is a way for me to find out what else do
you want to learn, how do you want me to
update this course? You will always have access to the newest and
freshest information. If you like this course and you learn from it and you
got value from it, please review it
and share it with someone that you think might
benefit from it as well.