1. Introduction: Hello and welcome to this ketchup and we're masterclass. My name is Shimon Jove. I am skilled engineer, architectural visualizer, and an artist. I O blown experience of working on various architecture as far as civil engineering projects. I worked on landscape projects to the interior scared products. So I'll be your instructor for this course. Now y tilde ons catch up and VA. So if you are here, you already know the basic idea of scattered when 3D SketchUp is a widely used applications or the architectural profession, it doesn't end here. Also, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, game developers, product designers also prefer using SketchUp for modeling and designing. So this course is going to be beneficial for both beginners and intermediate users. This will help you enhance your skills and for the beginning of this course will help you to learn scattered from scratch to the advanced level. Additionally, what we'll be learning through this course. So taking a look at this, you will be learning about SketchUp modeling from basic to advance. You will also learn about some helpful extensions for the SketchUp material creation and seen it just meant and sketch up and coming to the way you will learn it from basic to advanced through all, covering all the latest features of freedom, which is material manipulation, creation, application through weary also some new features off reading. Additionally, we also have a small section where we will be covering some basic called post-production or architectural renders. So this will help you enhance your skills. So thank you for taking your interests and enrolling in this course. See you in class.
2. Downloading and installation of SketchUp: Welcome back. We will begin with installation of SketchUp and downloading it. So could only have the sketch up. You can either go to the official website or you can just Google the word SketchUp and phosphate site. You can see that SketchUp 3D design software. You just click on it. Once you open this website, you will have this type of layout on your screen. Now, as we all know that SketchUp is a paid version or paid program, you cannot get free access for lifetime to scatter. But similar to autopilot, that Autodesk products, you can get those SketchUp trial free for 30 days. Before we don't know the prior version, I would like to show you some other features of the plants and pricing for the same. So when I click on this plan and pricing and whatever professional, you can see that you can compare all the brands available borders. Now SketchUp offers two types of usage. One is only web, only an ominous, less stop and at bat. So when I go to the for personal use and you can see that there are three types of scheduled prisoner labor. 1 is 3, one is sharp, and one is pro. You can see that the current one is three. So as I click on Sign up, it will ask me to add even login with mosquito Macau. And once a login with my account, this will show me this layout. So many Glickman start modelling. This will create, or you can say this will open a scatter point in my Chrome browser itself. No matter which browser you're using, this will open the scatter point. Suppose that itself, this is very limited to specific use only. You can only have this limited amount of and those paths which will only be able to create some basic models. Suppose again create rectangles, and I can extrude the same. So this adds some basic commands that you can use through this version. But it does not provide any more to specifications or plugins or extension, use it in your lung. So what we can do is we will get back to the SketchUp website. Click on loop. Now, do download the trial, which includes public on these products. And you can go to this oil products and you go there, you will notice Dr. free for 30 days. Once you click on this, this will ask you some basic requirements of your workflow. So I will click on Start free trial. Furthermore, make sure that you have created your SketchUp account if not used as total quarters, right? Go Python available on the screen and you can create your sketchbook to your email. Now extinct. Before we get, before we move wide or download this file set up. Because asking us where I'm working industry. So when you click on this, you can choose according to your needs. Sorry, board with architecture and engineering here. Now click on Continue. So now we're going to use the specific workflow that we are going to utilize cutoff for. So your 3D modeling, visualization or even do one thing, even click on all of this because it doesn't matter. It is just for a site survey purpose. And click on Continue. And he can, that is still your because all here. So after doing this step, this will let you download a free trial setup for the schedule. So moving ahead, I already downloaded the sketch of coercion. So let's try to install it. Go here, and I run this ketchup. But this will show up under sketch up installer. And you can see on the screen that this is going to be installed on my comfort zone right now. You can choose your specific language requirement for the sketch up very well with English United States version. Click on Next. You can change the basic directory version or the destination folder for the scatter consideration, what I would suggest to let it be this before, and I click on Install. You can see that the Sketch apps icons hour or an hour to build my screen and they are installed. So once done, you just have to reconfigure. Thank you for watching.
3. Template and UI Walkthrough: Once you open this ghetto, you will have this kind of layout on your screen. If you see clearly, you will have the files module where we know that you will create new option. So when I click on create new model, ten items, so many templates that are available currently to us. When I click on More Templates, we will have a range of templates available in SketchUp. So you can read that there is a simple template or runs into format of units of inches. That is another one in meters, that is another one, architectural format with inches and so on. Also, what we'll be doing is we'll start with a template. And when the break it down to this scroll, you can see that it shows there isn't really open file in my project or computer. So I can switch between ListView and GridView from this option. And if I want to open any existing by that is not listed in this recent files version. I can do that by clicking on this Open File button. So while the starter, let's go with this in my template SVR, just getting started with SketchUp. So I will click on this simple meters, and this will open a simple meters template in SketchUp. Now, once you open this ketchup, let's have a look around the UI of the SketchUp. So on the top hand, left hand side we have this icons or twos. So when you open yours, you might not have the same two sets situated or arranged like this. I o customized my toolsets according to my workflow. But don't worry, we will get to that later. Now, if I want to arrange according to my needs, what I can do is I can just drag this down like this. I can drag all this parts, all this to search like this. When a click and drag it to unclick on some very left side, it will be automatically jointed to this. So if you notice that you do not have same tool set or some of them are missing in your sketch out. What you can do is you can go to this toolbar. If your arrow here and right-click on your mouse. Once you read it, you will, you can take an uncheck all the twos buzzer you require. So I'll click on this drawing. And the drawing toolbar is o is on screen. So I'll close it is. We already have this last toolbar which covers almost all of them. Now, if you notice that there was another option here that create toolbars and then click on this tool bars. It will open the complete toolbar manager or the same. Now I can check and uncheck all the toolbar that require I can reset it, I can create my new tool bizarre. I can change it according to my workflow. Now when you come to this next option, that is options, you can see that. So screen tips on Toolbars. So when I click on, so I will show you that after we close this, as this may not be accessible right now. Now another option is large icons. So when I click on large icons, this will turn all these twos icons to be large in size. So I will keep that off because that looks a little weird. Now I will close this. Now the orange ten post. After we are done with that, we saw that option that say that show that toolbar tapes on the bottom bar. So if I drag my mouse over any of those toolbar, you can see that there is some information placed over here, right? So we keep my mouse over this pencil command. You may notice that there is a, some information about this toolset that is written here in the bottom bar. So it says it draw edges from point-to-point. We'd like the claw my mouse around here. It will show me that rotate, stretch, copy, and edit selected entities about an excess. So this will help us win as a starter, this will be really helpful for you. On the right-hand side of this bottom bar we are with this measurements. So similar to your target and another AutoDesk product, you may notice that there is some sort of command line that displays the commands all units also in similarly we have in SketchUp that displays the measurement yet, but you can not enter measurements manually through this toolbar, UCA have to radically Enter. You can see that that is a dynamic input in AutoCad, you have to directly import your measurements in this workflow. Coming to the next thing that is, before. On the right-hand side, we'll just default color options. Now it has some entity enforced. So if I draw a rectangle here, and when I click on this rectangle, it will display me the information about this entity, this line. You can see this soon as currently edge of this rectangle. And I click on this plane of this rectangle, this will display it as a face. Now, next option here is materials components. We have various types of components. Materials, status, takes, shadows, scenes, instructor, and these are the default credit either way, but do not worry, we will run into them later in detail. So in this instructor tree, it may be really, we have fully few other starting with this. So it will display me if I click on this pencil command, this will display all the information and help I need to use the Line command or this pencil tool. If I click on rectangle, this will display me all the information regarding the rectangle. Similarly, if I use any of this tool, this will display me all the information to how to use that tool in SketchUp. And it also displays a little bit of animation to make it easy to understand. Now, Let's exit this commands and I, we did it this. So V0 now, literal, familiar with the UI. Now if you wish to change your units in this drawing and save it as a template. So next time you do not have to change old units and change the style and sizes. You can save it as a template as we do in AutoCad. Before that, let me show you one more thing. Now, when I click on the Styles option, you build it. You can see that we have some folders over here right? Now. We have this assorted styles, color sets, default styles, Baltimore think, scattered these straight lines and stabled component competition we knows. So similarly, if I click on this color set, this will display MSM colors I did week. I can change around in this module. So if I go with this, say black, one, blue, and orange, this will change all the colors that's on this modelling. Or you can say the drawing area. But I will let it be to default for the trees. So let's set it to default colors. Finally, we go to the window. We are this two options, motor information and preferences. I will click on this modal input first. Now you can see that we go to this unit option, that is the last option available in this mode of info. You can change your units of current going through this options. So I will click to click on this and change it to let it be two decimal. Say, now next option is land. So what I want the line to be measured in, so I will click it and change it to millimeters. Next is area. If I want to change the area to be measured in any other format, I can then it Tamir. I mean, only you can change the volume as well. And it is same with the angle units. Now, the next thing that makes a difference here that is enabled lengths mapping and enabled units format. So you can see that displayed precision is displayed over here. You can see this area is ozone is prettier and you can do that. Volume is also displayed here. Now enable lens snapping. So when I click Done off this, I am not able to change any measurement or units on this box. When I enable this, I'm able to alter this units or values in this box. So what are this box? So mostly I will take it and tended to say a 100 and press Enter. Now we change that value with a 100 millimeters. Let's go and check it again. So it will tend to a 100 millimeters that is almost ten centimeter. I will close this. Now if I try to move this modal of this lady, you can see that I will not be moving it like randomly. I will just slightly move my mouse. And on the right-hand side you can see this displays the measurement of this moment. So if I move it little bit, it will snap it automatically to the multi pixel multiplication of 100 only means I cannot place it at 250 and 350 or any order number other than that is multiple or divisible by a 100. So you can see that it is automatically snapping it to the distance of one from each point. So this is how you can alter the snapping off length. But I suggest you to let it be either on one or you let it be either on 0. So return it back to 0.1 and press Enter. Now we're back where we started. So if I require or if I need to save this as a template specific leaf. So next time I open, I can directly open this template created intending all this values and modifications again and again. We can do with this save as template command. So you have, all you have to do is go to the File option and you have this optional yeah, that say save as template. When I click on this service template, this would ask me to set a name for this. So I will give it to my custom template name. And you can provide some description here if you wish to. And you can also enter the filename, but it will be automatically set to the what you name set for the template. Now, you can see that Set as Default Template. So click this as off soil HDMI often the sketch up it does not open. It automatically means I can choose between the different templates. Now click on sale. Now, this template is saved for the scatter. So on extending open scatter, you can see that to my custom template is back on its place. I would click on this, my custom template. And this will open this custom template. This is how you can create a template in SketchUp. And this was the music go through, through the layout of SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
4. Basic Navigation: Welcome back. Previously, we learned about the layouts and templates in SketchUp. Now in this tutorial, we will go through pan, orbit and zoom tool that are used to navigating skies out. So to begin with, we will start with the orbit tool. The orbit tool is available in this website or it shall be available in open to set on your screen because as you are freshly installed, this ketchup, but no worries, we will find this type of icon for the orbit tool. Also, if you do not have this, what you can do is you can go to any size of any side of this toolbar. And you can right-click over your mouse and you can just tick marks a camera. And you open this camera to set, you will able to this icon that says orbit tool, pen tool and zoom tools. So I will close this SVO already in this two big large dataset. So I would suggest you to use this large toolset because it contains majority of all the tools that you will require in modelling. Now, let's begin with how content I will choose the orbit tool. Now what does orbit tool does it? If I click over here with orbit to run, move my mouse around, you can see that it is rotating into xis means that that point where we said as a locked point and under all the x's will be automated in a 3D directions. So when I click and drag my mouse around, you can see that I'm able to rotate with the, locking this inner straight x's. So to disown about orbital. Now, next tool is Pan tool. You can accurate the pen tool with this situated next, right next to this icon off orbit tool that is called pan too. Now you must be very familiar with this pen tool. You can drag and just more around with this pen tool in any one direction. I can either go up and down, left and right, or I can also go in any random direction as well. So this is about Bantu. Now, let's learn about the Zoom tool. When I click on the Zoom icon that is also available in right next to this Pen tool. You can see that the arrow of my cursor as tangent to a magnification glass. Now, if I want to zoom into this lady model, what I can do is I will just keep my mouth around here. I will click and drag it downside. It will zoom out. And if I hit Record incentive to zoom in. Now, to understand this better, I will just draw when the rectangle here. Now we wrote this plain rectangle, right? What I will do is activate the zoom tool and I will zoom in and zoom out. Now we're going to understand this better. How does this work? When I drag it up votes, it was OMIM and I get downwards it or zoom out. The next tool is Zoom window. So when I click on the Zoom window, deltas, subgroups that are available in Zoom. So if I draw a window here, it was zoom into that portion like this. So this is about Zoom window and the next tool is zoom extents. So when they click on Zoom extents, it will zoom out all the objects and it will bring all this objects in the screen without cropping them, means that if this lady is situated somewhere around here. And I will zoom in and again accurate those who makes ten from this corner. This will also zoom out. Again to that portion means no area of the object will be outside of our drawing area. Everything will be visible on screen when you use the Zoom extend tool. The next tool is Previous, so it will take you back to the previously Zoom data means when I click on this, this was the last data we zoomed in. Again, if I click on this, this was curious octet area that we used. So this was what about this navigation tools? Now, let's learn the shortcuts for the same. The orbit tool can be accessed with the middle mouse button. So when I click on middle mouse button, like this, it will act to it though. Orbit two means it is a shortcut for that because at each and every time I do not have to go to the school toolset and activate orbit to. I can just click on my middle mouse button and I hovered around here. The next tool that we studied was Pen tool. Now, when you click the middle mouse button, press the Shift key. You can see on this left side, bottom dead, it will show my keyboard. So when I click on middle mouse button and press the Shift key like this, this will, let me drag around with the help of Pan tool, select this with the help of shift and middle mouse button. I can drag around this with the pen tool. The next shortcut that is zoom to rent is very common in familiar in all the softwares I would say. So. I just have to x2, use my scroll we'll append down to zoom in and zoom out like this. I can use all of them together by pressing Shift. I can pan around. While I knew. If I leave those Shift key, it will orbit in directions. And when I use this wheel up and down, it will zoom in and zoom out. So this was all about navigation in SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
5. Modeling-1 : Fundamentals: Welcome back. In this tutorial, we are going to go through some basic fundamental modelling of SketchUp. So to get started with, we're going to go through, for example, say line tool. It is a lose napping. And some basic tools such as shortcuts and other, It is an existing selection methods. So to get started, we are going to look around quarter selection tool. Now, if you want to select some object or part, you just have to hold your mouse or with A-B Tech and you just have to left-click on your mouse button. So as soon as a left-click you'll see that this object of Lady has been selected. Now, I can delete this with dipole be the key that is available on keyboards. So I'll just delete it. So this is how you can select it. Now, we will go through other basic selection in coming portion of this tutorial. So let's see, I will activate the line tool or pencil tool that is available on this toolbox. When I click on this line, the line tool is activated. Now let's learn about exits and sniping. But before that, I will show you some other basic modelling. So when they get all my mouse over this x is 0. You can see that it is allowing me to snap it, or it is showing me that this is the origination point of this line. When I click on this, I can draw a line on this area. So you can see that currently I will be drawing some objective like this. And once I close the shape like this, this will create it into a single plane. Now, you can see that this has been converted into a blend from this lines. These are all the edges of this object. I can select Baseline big thing on it specifically. And it's electron, this plane only this plane will be selected except the lines. And when I want to select this whole area, i o to select this whole inner wind selection window like this. As you noticed, there are two types of selection windows year when I drag my mouse over here, like this, only the parts are all parts of the object is currently under this area will be selected. Means all of the objects that are completely under this selection window will be selected for sadist total edges like this. And if I drag and select this line, only, only this line will be selected because only that part of the optic was completely covered under this area. While this, you can see that all this part, other parts of this object are not currently covered under the selection window. And another metal of selection is dragging it from right to left. So from right side when unclear to window, you can see that the selection window has changed its appearance from snow continuous line to the dashed line. So when I select it like this, all the parts, all the areas that are currently covered in a, even if the small part of this object is covered in the selection window, the whole object will be selected. So this has some music of selection method in SketchUp. Now, as we drew this box, or you can say that this shape in this plane, you can see that it is currently on the 0 axis. When I walked me down with like this, you are, it is visible, right? So if I want to draw some objects, like 3D object, I have to draw it in the blue X's, WIX's is said x's and this, you can see that the green and red, the X and Y waters plane. Now when I go to this blue X's, I'm able to snap it. And I draw a line at 20 random distance. And I will connect this bullet points. And as I do so, you can see that the object is, another object has been created. Now I will snap it. To snap it is, it is really easy. Once I start my origination point from here, I will drag my mouse and bring it to this end point. And I do so I just have to drag it up. This will snap it for me. And I can draw on other objects like this. Once I close this shape, this will be converted into a 3D shape such as this. And I just start to draw another line here. So we created this 3D shape with the help of only the line tool. The line tool is very simple. Just double-click 1 and I will drag it into any direction that I want to grow. Now you might see that it is showing me a inclined. So let's learn about the head off snap that VB. This is because of the snapping available in SketchUp. Now if I want to draw a line that is perpendicular to this line, I can draw it. It's at both this pink line, the pink line when a, when you chose to being clenched. Also highlighting this AT off the object means this line is currently perpendicular to edge. You can see that it is also giving me the information when the yellow information box right next to the tool. So this is currently perpendicular to that. Now, one more thing about this is that if you want to, if you are currently in, you can see that the currently measurement of this template is in meters, like it is showing me the three meters. So if I draw five meters line here, press Enter. Right. Now, if I wanted to draw a ten-foot line from this point around this in green exists like this. So I can do that with same. I do not have to go and change the template or anything. I just have to enter the values in any format. Suppose I want to draw ten feet as we discussed. So I would type 1, 0, 10, which will be shown in the measurement box on the right-hand side. And every type 2 semicolon that is the expression for the stereotype threat and press enter. So this will be drawing the tangent line for us. Now if you want to measure all of this, you can do that with the help of depth good that is available in this toolbox over your bit icon of F measure tool, the shortcut key for type 2 should be T, but you can also return your shortcuts as per your convenience and work workflow. So I'm going to show you how you can do that further. But for now, let's measure this line. So I will make 1. And I drag it while the second, so it says 3.5 meter. So roughly we all know that the dendrites equals to three meters almost. So it is currently drone in feet, but it's showcasing it has been meter as a template is currently set into the meter. Now if you measure this fine line that we drew, we can see that this is showing the phi meter means redrew, 10 feet line, and it could quote, converted into meters. So similarly, you can enter any unit data that will be not be according to the template, but you can still draw it in any measurement units. The next thing we are going to London tutorial is about it as a tool. Suppose if I want to erase these lines, I can do with teleport the eraser tool to sort, but before that will be in your template, in your sketch up. But I've altered my sketch. It may not be sustained. I will just activate the invisible from the toolbox that is in pink icon over here. It sees it as or when I click on this, it has or two. There isn't a tool will pop up on the screen. Now to erase this, I just start to draw zooming. I just DO to keep my arrow over here. It is at all what this line and I just Republic once, when I click that, it will be highlighted into blue and deleted like this. When I click, it will be highlighted into blue, and then when I drop it, it will be deleted. Similarly, you can detect multiple lines at the same time. Suppose I want to it as displayed with the help of this edge, I will be deleting this edge. So hence the plan will be deleted. When I click on this edge, it will be dated as well. But when I click length is I, if I don't do Loom, I click and I just drag it over here. This both land and currently shown in blue means take both B will be deleted when I release the mouse, when it is disport lines will be deleted. And similarly inserting and deleting this object as well. Once you click, this will be deleted. And when I drag and click like this, the old lines will be deleted. Similarly, you can work out around with this either to now. Next thing we are going to learn about that is shortcuts. So in SketchUp, we'll shortcuts to activate your own shortcuts. You can go to the Window, go to Preferences. And once the preferences panel is open, you can go around this shortcut option and you can search for any two. Suppose I want to say it as two. Well currently, the 2s function that says it is or it is 2s. So currently there are no shortcut assigned for this. Current shortcut is a. So when I click on a, this will activate. It is in my sketch up. Again, we will go to the preferences. And I can assign multiple keys for that same. So in a clique, a year, or let's say it is. When I click on this, it is, I just start to type any shortcut that I wish to assign it. So I will say, and I will edit. When I do so, it will ask me that it is currently assigned to the another tool in SketchUp. If I wish to continue and reassign it to a desert or I wish to know. So I do not wish to currently as it is already assigned with them. So I can just close it. Now. We have two options here. Important export, if you are currently switching your device or if you wish to have some shortcuts in another, unload us off yours, you can do with help of this import. This will import all your SketchUp shortcuts settings and you can import it into other device or PC or wildly and stoning of SketchUp. So now let's learn about this in more detail. When I tried to draw a line, you can see that it is currently highlighted in green means we're growing into green X's. And you can see that the information box shows at that as well that on green exists. Now when a drawing or this side, it will be highlighted in red Xs and it will be done on the red exits as well. And when I get home, I'm always like this upside. It will return in the blue X's. But supposedly if I want to draw a line like this and it is currently not snap to the red exits like it. When I drag my mouse around here, we can see that I'm doing anyway randomly because these are not aligned when it, from this angle, this may look that this is currently fled, but it is not when I drag my mouse. And you can see that this is not currently in any form or shape and it is irregular lines to snap to a straight block or you can send to lock it to any exist you can do with help of the arrow keys. Now if I want to draw something that is currently flat on the base level, I can do that with the help of this arrow key. When I click the up arrow, it will be direct into this blue X's. So if I'm trying to draw something, it will be compulsory lead track on this blue Xs as well minced my current. No matter wherever I click or wherever I do this, this is currently locked into blue Xs. When I click the right arrow key, this will be interlocked into red Xs. And when I click with a left arrow key, this will be locked into green X's. So this helps when you are drawing some complicated shapes without losing the grief often exists you are working on. So if I want to draw arrow, suppose, say I have another line here. Now, I need to draw a line that is currently snap from this point. And currently it is able to snap. But whenever we did, R will be so many objects around you. You're like this. It will be difficult to snap it externally to this point C, you can see that it is currently taking this nephron, this point rather than taking a snap from this point. To do that, what I can do this, I can lock this line into red Xs like this, and I can click on her here. So this will accurately drag the distance from this point to this point with respect to elicit idea exist. So it will draw the line in the red axis itself. Now I can turn my shape and Troy. Now if I wish to create a 3D shape from this, I can do is draw 1 here and lock it into the blue Xs. When you lock it into any Xist, a little Texas will be highlighted in very strongly. So currently it is locked into blue X's and I will draw two meters. I will type 2M. You can see in the measurement box as well, I will type 2AM and press Enter. So we do a two-meter line and I will be joining us as well. Similarly, I will join you all here. Now we drew this triangle, the type of the x's. And you see that we lines we drew previously and currently eating either because they were not locked into any excess. So this is all about the basic fundamentals to get started with the SketchUp modeling. Thank you for watching.
6. Modeling-2 : Shapes: Welcome back. In previous tutorial, we learned about some basic modelling techniques and fundamentals. In this tutorial, we will go through some basic Edwin shape in scheduled that are used for Morty. So there are some common shape that is square, rectangle and circle and polygon that are used for, you can say that then are used for modelling in SketchUp. So to get started, you can have all the shapes aligned on your toolbox around here. And if you do not have, you can just go to this by right-clicking on this toolbar settings and you can turn on this, you can tick mark this drawing. Once you do that, you will have this drink toolbar. But as I previously so distribute to use this last tool set to which cause almost all the tools are that you require in modelling. So this will be better if you just drag and open this one. Now on the left-hand side, you have this rectangle. To get started with this, we will get growers small rectangle year. So draw a rectangle. What I can do this activity rectangle tool on this dataset. Or there is a shortcut for that is common. That is, when I press on, the Rectangle tool will be activated. So I just have to click around this corner, say my starting point. And you can see that when I'm drawing this rectangle, let's see from the top view, when I'm drawing this rectangle, you can see that there is a cross diagonal line that shows us that it is currently, okay. So see, you can see that it is currently visible. Now, that line suggests that the rectangle is equal from both the side means currently it is a square. So if I drag it on like this and I, if I press Shift key, it will be, you can say it will be locked into that squared dimensions or ratio. From doing a rectangle and press Shift key, you can see that it is not currently locked in any angle, but it will be locked into exist. Now when I press this with this little bit of this Daesh land that is in-between debt. So there's statistical square and press the Shift key and hold. Now this will be locked into the square, so I can determine the length and width of this rectangle by just holding my mouse and knew the length and width of the same rectangle or a square is visible on the right-hand side of this corner of the screen space dimension. So draw a rectangle like this. Now, another thing about rectangle is I can also draw by entering the menu values manually. If I click my starting point to be this, and I will type 2 comma pi orbital that is two meters and five meters of length and width for the rectangle and I press enter. So this will be drawing this into, to and fro the measurements of the rectangle. Now, let's think about rectangle is that if I draw a rectangle, you can see that it is originating from this corner point of a rectangle. My escape key presses Kripke to exit any tool set. So if I wish to, you can say that if I wish to draw a rectangle from the exit center point from this rectangle. How can I do that? To do that, I will for snap the middle point from this. And I was net the middle point from this. Now this will suggest me to exit middle point from the both the corners that meet at a single point. So it will be meeting around here. Now, I will first and start my rectangle command. So currently the rectangle command is activated, but I may lost my x's, so I will lock it into blue X's by pressing the up arrow, as we learned in previous tutorial. So press upon it and it will be locked in the blue axis when it will be only drone in this fled detection of light exits of this. Right. Now, you can see that the, I wanted to draw a rectangle that is originating from the center point. So when I press Control key, it will change the origination of this rectangular square from the center point like this. When I press control again, it will draw it from the corner point. So I'll press Control. And I will draw perfect square once it shows her highlights this blue dashed line for a shift and lock it. Now on pressing Shift, it is locked. Now, press and drag it and drawSquare. So we draw a square with this same. So this is all about rectangle. Now, another thing about rectangle is rotated rectangle over here, one of the option that grows the rec, rectangle and it allows us to rotate the rectangle in excess. So rotate, rotation rectangle or rotated rectangle is available right next to the normal rectangle tool and rotate. I'll click on activate the rotated rectangle. Now the common thing about this is we just have to first give a specific, you can say that we just have to view a specific X's that we are meant to rotate our rectangle in. So I will throw first. And if I wish to rotate my technical in this red X's, so glyco here, but there is my x's for the rectangle. Now we're to determine the length of the rectangle with this line. We are to determine the width. So I will say let the width be two meters and press Enter. So currently, this is not related in any detection, right? You can see that. So to rotate it, what we can do this, I will draw it again and I will determine the land to farm it up, press Enter. Now the width should be two meters, but I want to also rotate it into some degrees. So I will drag it over here. And I will type 2 meter, and I will type comma, and I would give it a 15 degrees and press Enter. So currently, this rectangle is drawn. A two-meter of it and it is at the 15 degree of angle from this point. That says from the green axis. So this is how you can draw a rotated rectangle. And it can be also done with the mouse button. You do not have to enter the values manually. Always. Suppose I will select this green, give it a land. This will be my weight, right? Thank this. And I can directly draw it in a, in a rotational angle as well. So this was all about rotated rectangle or did he told his ship and we will move on to the next shape. So next shape, oh yeah, we have is circle. When I click on the circle tool to circuit tool is activated. It is available right below this rectangle then rotated rectangle, draw circle. So origination point of the circle is always the center. So you can see that the currently, when you enroll, the bigger circle you are, edges are visible mints, this is currently not a perfect circle. It has the open edges to control the edges we can do is press Control and plus and minus key. And you use this plus and minus key. You can adjust the size of this circle when I press Plus, you can see that the sides of the circle that are visible on the screen right next to the my mouse button. When I clip. Pressing this, you can see that the edges are increasing like this. So now this looks better and I can draw a circle like this. Another thing about circle is that when I draw circle, and when I click on this, if I wish to, again the altar, the edges up to drawing the circle, I can do that with help of this entity information trade. When I click on this, it's currently showing me the information about this circular properties of this circle plane. When I click on the edge of the circle, this will display me the edges. Now if I change this segments to 40. So you can see that currently again, the edges are visible on the circle plane like this. When a zooming it is currently accurately visible to us that it is not a perfect circle. Again, I will click on this edge and we'll make it say 36 In the edges will be increased when they put this and change it to say 80 and press Enter. It is shown going to be like the perfect circle. So this isn't about circle tool. It does not have a more alteration because it is very simple to use. Or did it the spot. And we'll move on to the polygon tool. And we're going to activate the polygon tool. We first thing we have to do is enter the sites. So you can see that Tom measurement tool or dimension that displayed, that was displayed here. It is done in two sides. So first thing we need to do is define the sites for the polygon. So I will draw a rectangle for sorry, I will draw a triangle First Solar enter three and press Enter. Now, you can see that the mouse icon has also changed. It is displaying a rectangle here, triangle here. And I will draw a triangle like this. So we draw a triangle with the help of this polygon tool. I can also enter the manual value for the from the center point of this triangle and draw it like this. I will draw and enter. Three is my value for the center point and press Enter. So this was drawn the triangle. Now, if I want to draw another, you can say another polygon I were going to make to the polygon tool and 10 sites to file. So I will draw pentagon here, press enter. So let's drop in Taiwan. So you can see that currently it is circumscribed enzymes inside the circle. When I press control, it will be uncircumcised from the circle and repress control again, it will be circumscribed under the circle. Now two edges, the science menu or you can press Control and use plus and minus key to do the same. When I press Control plus minus key, it will be done. So minimum segment we need is three and maximum segment we can use this triple nine. So I press Control and press the plus key to increase the sites and I we lose the minus key to decrease the size. So this is currently Pentagon and I will give it a five meter to be the segment from the center point and press Enter. So we'll run the pentagon, which is five meter distance from the center point on each side. So this was all about basic modelling, or you can say the advanced modelling of shapes in SketchUp. Similarly, we will be able to do more modifications and ultra with this shapes and we're reforming basic shapes in the coming tutorial. Thank you for watching.
7. Modeling-3 : Advanced Modeling: Welcome back. In previous tutorials, we learned about some basic and fundamentals as well as some shapes in modelling of SketchUp. Now in this tutorial, we will go through some advanced features that will help us to structure our model in SketchUp. So to be started with that, we're going to use an example in this one. So I will draw a rectangle, suppose, say, from this point, and I will give it to measurement of eight by 10 meters, sorry, or type eight and 10 coma and press Enter. Now I drew this rectangle here. Now we are going to use the command deck is good press pull. So you can, you will find the press pool tool in this to sit with them walks. And it is like this. It is also called push-pull in previous version it was cold press pull. Now, what we can do is I will click on this rectangle and I can press it or I can just extrude it in any direction I want, likes up, upside, or downside. I can also enter the measurements manually. Suppose the basic height of wall is ten meters or related type and tenure. And I will praise and I will press enter. So to dissolve the press pool walks. Now, you can see that this is a perfect square on an angle. So to draw the wars, what we can do is either I can use some advanced feature that is available in Type Tool or I can use the offset tool to learn both. What we'll be doing is I will select this one and create a copy. We will learn about the copy and motilin coming for the lecture. So for now, let's say we created a copy. Now to create a wall, I will show you two examples. First is creating a reference with the type tool. Suppose I need to create more on all these edges at the length of say, 99. So I can do that with the help of this. So I will swap dot t2 and I will press around this midpoint and create a reference. You can see that there is a dashed line available on our screen, which is starting an originating point r infinity means it does not have a start point or end point. It will be in finite on this our scatter plane. So I will give nine inches and press Enter. Similarly, I will do it on this side, nine inches and press Enter, as well as Chris, nine inches and enter is what i same on this side. On doing so, we'll have this reference line that shows us off third of this rectangle from its edge. So we click on this reference point on this corner. I will draw a rectangle. Similarly around this or eight. Now, I will also create a floor with the reference of this line. So let's say the plinth off this floor should be around, say six inches. So type six and press Enter. Now what we'll be doing is already did this older reference lines that were used to create the world rabbit runs. So once we deleted this, we only have this flow reference lines which will be used by creating the reference for the floor. Sorry, press, push, pull. Or I have the shortcut key for that set into my keyboard as E. So I press E and the push-pull.
8. Move and Copy: Welcome back. In this tutorial, we learnt about basic modeling and catch up. Now let's put a new tool that is Konami going to discard in this tutorial is move and copy. So to get started, I will just draw basic rectangle here. The two-by-two matrix. Now the extruded and tired of two-meter to make it a cube. Sorry. Okay, this looks perfect and we did it this model. Now, let's get started by learning the mortal. So suppose, if I want to move this part or Moody's face a little bit ahead of this, or I want to extrude this part. I can do that with the move tool as well. Now, the model is available exactly on this banner around this tool sets. So it is situated right next to the push brutal. Now, when I click on Moodle, you can see that the cursor icon his chance to them. More icon. Now, when a o and my mom was over this phase, it will show me that it is on phase and it would highlight the face as well. If I wanted to move this edge of this cube is will always highlight that. So anyway, One, Two more, whatever object I wish to either start or Huawei models on that. Next thing here is, and I click on this face, I can move it in any detection as well, like this. I can also extrude it opposite of that direction as well. So this is how we'll use the Move tool. Now, I can deform it like this. I would undo that by suppressing the control set. Now next thing about this is if I was elected this face already, and if I activate the mortal with the shortcut key, that is M. So this phase is now selected mins manometer. Wherever I click, I will drag it. It will automatically selected face to be moved. So undo that. All right, I skipped key and exit. Now to exit any specific tool from the activation, you have to press space bar. So when I press space bar will be back to the normal selection. And when I press enter, it will have an activity on Moodle. Or I press Space-bar, it would have been exit the same. Now again, the next thing about Motorola's that if I wanted to select more this whole cube, what I can do is I can select this with a window, selection windows, and I press more. And now I have to pick a reference point from which I will be dragging this from. So I will move it from this corner point. Now, I can move it anywhere on the screen x's. I can also lock it in excess like this to be moved. As we learned previously, I can lock it into this blue X's red Xs Oberyn axis. And if I want to unlock, I have to press the same key again. So if I press the left arrow key that it was for the green X's, it will be unlocked. And I can bless it anyway, I desire. Now another thing about this, and we're going to discover in this lecture is selection method. Now, previously we learned about spew selection method using Control Shift as well as selecting with the selection window. The third method that we're going to learn here is selecting the faces. Now when I select this face onto the faces selected. So suppose if I double-click over here, older phase as well as the edge of this face will be selected. And if I wanted to select this whole object, do triple click anywhere on this object. So we need three public anywhere on this object, it will select the whole face or sorry, whole object. And when I double-click, it will only select them based off that object. So if I double-click on this side, this was like this face. If I double-click over here, this face will be selected. And when I click, this whole object will be selected. Now, as we learned this, that is another thing about the Moodle. When I select this, I will press M to accurate. Now removed from this reference point around here. So if I wanted to copy or if I wanted to create a copy of this module, sorry. So this box, I can press Control key when I press the Control key and this will create a copy of that box rather than just moving it or displacement, displacing it from that point. So I can press it, place it over here, and this will create a copy. Now, if you are using the previous version other than does get up grantee 21, you make not held this new thing that we are going to discuss. So if I click over in here, you can see that it is currently, again, creating a copy means that what we did previously is now currently simultaneously repeated. So when a press Control, again, this will not create a copy that or it will move the object. But if I want to create a copy, this will create a copy. So continuously it will be creating a copy until I turn it off. But in previous versions of SketchUp, disclose not available. You have to create click control every time unit to create a copy of the module. So this was what about more to now incorporate? This is okay, coming to the main thing. The copy tool and modal are currently submitted, but you can also copy objects, peppers, inventory PC, and pressing the control V button. And this will be kicked up from any reference point off it from a corner and it will, you can place it anywhere. So this was all about Moodle and copy to in SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
9. Grouping and Component: Welcome back. Previously we learned about moving and coping the optics in SketchUp. Now, in this tutorial, we learned about two main things or main concept in SketchUp debt is grouping objects and components. So first thing, let's start with a grouping. I have a few objects that we created in previous tutorial. Now when I select this whole object, I can move it after selecting it from all the edges. Now if I wish to move it from just one selection, I can not do that. So each time I heard triple-click contest and I have to move it. Now, another thing about this is if I force, suppose, if this is a group, to create a group, what do you hope to do is triple click or select hold object. Right-click on your mouse button, selecting that, and you will find all option here called Make group. When I click on this make group option, it will create a group of this object. Now, older adults and older faces of this cube is currently a group. Meaning that if I select this, the whole group of debt object will be selected and I can ungroup it with the same method. I have to click on this group selected. I click on my mouse and I will click on this Export button to ungroup it. As soon as I click Export, this will be in group. Now, I'll press Control G to group it again. So this is a group, right? And I will again create a one of the group from this box as red. Now this box are again a group. Now you can also create multiple groups means I can select this boat took box as well like this and create a group octet box. So this, both the boxes are now a group explored that for the moment because we need it for the, for the assessment in this tutorial. Now, these three boxes, you see they are not a group, right? What we're doing is L modest walks from this and L mesh it into here. Similarly, I'll move this box as well, metal mesh it into this box. Now, if I try to support this box, this both are separate groups, so it is really easy when I select this, I am not able to now, so practice box as well because when I tried to select this whole object or both, the boxes will be selected. Now this boat currently cannot be a sci fi. Select this box. Boxes like this. I will select all the edges from its sights of Berkeley, make clicking mouse or shifty. And I will try to move this box out of this. And now you can see that currently this fixated at this Barclays with the mashed components, I'm not able to move it out. When you are working on a complex object or complex model. Grouping objects is the main thing you should do because it will help you easily, you, when you are working on so many geometries that currently go inside each other or kindly mentioned to each other. So it was easy demonstrating that. So I hope you understand with this demonstration that I moved among this box inside and outside from each other after grouping them. But when they are empty or open groups, I'm not able to do that. So after learning what group can do, let's learn about though components. So I will select this box or cube, and I will triple-click on it and select this whole object. Now, that is an option available to create a component that says here, Make Component. Okay, make sure that you have or latest version of SketchUp 2021 in previous version, this is not our label. So if you don't have this option, you do not have to worry. You can right-click on your mouse and you have option near seismic component. So when I click on Make Component, it will open a new window like this. Now, in this window, we'll few other options so far, starting with a general. So I will give this box namesake cube or let's say my tube. Now, you can add the description, so I will add nothing to say anything. You can type anything over here. Now, next thing is alignment. So GLUT-2, none. Make sure you always keep it to none unless and until you are creating some specific object for any slope or horizontal plane. So here we'll few options. Any, if you keep any distMoved, be aligned to any object. Like you can see that I'm not able to move this currently, but you can see that it will be aligned to any object or any, say, any phase that is in any direction. Now, when I click on this horizontal, you can see that it is highlighted as well on the screen. When I click Vertical, you will only be able to place it on any vertical phase. And when I click on slop, it can only be placed on any slop face, so I will let it be to none. Now, next thing is set component xs. Now you can see that the grandly the axis or the origination point of this box is set to this. If I wish to create a, any Xist point O here, I will click this as my first. Now, provide the red Xs. As you can see that currently my mouse is sticking with the child exits. I will select this as red. Now, we will align it to blue. Green exists, sorry. So once done, this will be alignment isn't new axis. Once you do that, I can always click on this guy's face, the camera. So when I click on always face camera, it will be only facing no matter how I rotate, it will be only face to the camera. I will show you an example after this example. So I'm checked it for the moment. And you can, and also you can add Price, says and URL if you wish to. So once done, you can select this, replace the election with components. So this will be created as a component as well. And we'll click Create. Now, this has created as a component here. So this is component in this group. They both are similar to each other. But what is the difference between component integral? Now, if I create a copy of this, like this, we also create a copy of this group around you. If I make any changes to this box, say I will extrude this this one interfere in any of this part of this box means to another group or copy of that group isn't having any changes. So if I click on this, double-click on this and you can see that any changes I make will be also be reflected in the copy of that component. So suppose if I extrude this part, you can see that component that is copy of that box is also deforming. So if I make any type of changes or draw any lines on this component like this, you can see that they are also being detected on the copy of debt component. So this is the main difference between creating a component and creating a group. So whenever you are not going to use the same object, repeatedly know your model. You should create it as a group. And when you are going to use that same objective, particularly new model, you should use it as a component or this, you have this component tape on this deport tray. When I click on this, you can see that the microbe that we created is now currently as a component available in a component section. So I was talking about the face, always faces the game at option. So when I click on this lady that it goes the full model available, and I place it over here. Now you can see that it is always going to face the camera no matter in which, but I rotate the screen 2, this will be always facing the camera. This was the option that I was previously talking about. So this is all about creating groups and components in SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
10. Arc Rotate and Follow me: Welcome back. Previously, we learned about grouping and components in SketchUp. Now in this tutorial, we learn new 32, step out, rotate and follow Me too. To get started, let's start with the arc to the Arc tool set can be available in this drawing pen allows to set around this, around this rectangle and polygon icons, we have four types of arcs in AutoCad. Let's start with the first one that is to point out. So when I click on OK, you can see that a protractor is shown on the screen. Now, first things we need to do is we need to select our starting point of that. This would be my starting point and this will be my second. So I will be true and growing this infrared x's. So practice as my third, and we created a quarter. Ok. So if I wanted to complete this, Archives, select the serine, select this as my second and draw another archaea like this. You can go draw an arc in SketchUp. Now, another type of arc is 3 arc. It is nothing much. It is similar to the 2, but only we have this one step that is, we need to do more. So or it isn't my first, this to be my second and this will be my third. But as soon as I do that, you might be able to notice that the older segments are visible means all the line segments are busy, but it is not a smooth, ER, smooth arc, right? So that is a fact about SketchUp. In SketchUp, we do not have any type of smooth cause. All the goals that you see are currently married with the help of arcs, small segments. So I can click on this. I go to the entity Info and I increase the segments. So I increase segments to Saturday and press enter. This looks much smoother now compared to what it looked like previously closed entity Info. Now let's draw the, another type of AAC that is three-point arc. Meaning click over here. Like to me, this is my second. So like this, I can create the arc that is tangent to a point that we choose our toes to be our second is you notice that we are currently in an arc and there are so many segments visible on the screen. So no matter which table hockey you are drawing, you can always control the number of arcs or assert equal number of segments might pressing Control minus or a plus. It is also visible in this tutorial bar, or you can say bottom bar. So I'll press Control and press the plus key to increase the segments. You can see that there is also a confirmation popping up next to our cursor. Until it is perfect, I will be pressing plus. So once done, this is how it should look like and how repressed or year and grow smoother call. The next tool in RQ segment is pi. This is the last tool, so phi is nothing but it is used to create a quarter arcs. Let me select this as my starting point. Now, we need to provide a radius, or the first for the soil Floyd radius to be two meters and press Enter. Once I do that, I need to provide the degree for the angle. So I will provide a degree to be say 75 and press Enter. So when we do a quarter or buy off this length of two meter radius and the degree for the 75 degree. So from the starting point it is admitting, oh, here it is 75. So this was all about axin SketchUp. So now next thing is rotation. So I fall. I will delete all this up texts on screen. Now for to understand better, I was a stroller box here of say, 50 meter, five meter, and also push pull it with diet of meter as well. All right. So now if I want to rotate any of the object or I cannot order to space this face specifically. But if I need to rotate this whole object, I can go to select this clip and clicking on it. And their octet is available below this mode two. So go and click on this Rotate tool. And once the rotate tool is activated, you can see that we can move it in any direction we want. So suppose if I click my mouse over here, this will show me that into this phase means it is currently being rotated into green x's. When I give it o here, this can be loaded into red Xs. And when they keep it or the box, you can see it is it can be reading all the blue. So I will keep it in this corner point. Now, if I keep it in this corner point, it is only showing me that it is currently being able to be rotated into blue axis. But if I want to lock it into any specific exist from this point, I can get my mouse here and press the arrow keys. So my purchasing right, I can rotate in the red Xs and it is similar to what we do into previously. So if I press the left arrow key, we can rotate it into the green axis. Now, I will select this and rotate it like this. It is very simple. There is nothing complication in this. So two, Let's do that again and shift it back to its original basis. So keep my mouse arrow here. Select Left Arrow key to lock it into green X's. Select this as my base point. Now I will select the base of this rotation. So from this line, I will select this edge is my base earn. It is also suggesting me to snap that highlighting pink color is the edge that I will be selecting. So select this and I will rotate it in any degree I want or I can enter also manually from this angle. So I will stick it over here. So this is the rotation tool box. Now, another thing about it is loaded police that page, double-click on this box and create a Group. Now, this box is a group night. Now, like we studied what is glucagon previous tutorial. So if I click on this and a rope, the move tool, then they keep my mouse on this face and you can see that there are a few signs available on the screen, right? So this sense it is that it can be ordered it from this axis, from this middle point. So when I clip my mouse over here again, you can see that a protector is being visible on the center of this box, similar to this face. If a memos or we're under protector will be visible on that face as well. No matter whatever phase it is, Eigen rotate it. So if I click over here, I can rotate this box, but I can move it from this detection. So if I make leaning on this plus icon, I can rotate it from the center point on that face. Similarly, on this side as well, like this. So this was all about rotation. Now let's learn to another tool that is 3. Follow Me too. So I will exploit this same box. We're gonna be using same box for that reference. Now, follow me too, is very similar to what we studied earlier. In this case, I'm going to draw a spline here. So this is a tool that is called free hand. It is also called spline. So I can draw any free lines like this in SketchUp. So currently this line is continuous line. Now, I will draw any shape over here, say this box. Like this. I will lock it into say, red axis or rename this as well. So now this box is currently selected next to this path. So when I click on this, follow me to. The following is also available in this growing toolbox. To icon for this is like this, two spears. When I click on this, I will first need to select the face, so basilica space, click on this path, or I can just rotate it as much as I want make. Hovering my mouse over this path has spread. Well, let's see another practical example for the same o create a circle here. Now I will draw some shapes over here. Rocket into blue X's and create a triangle. Or did it this phase, as we do not require that. Now we have this part and we also have this shape. Sorry, this is not currently the regulars. You consider currently not employ proper shape services Troy, properly post. Okay, this is fine. Now delete this extra lines. So we have this shape that is currently going to be a profile for unfollow me too. So I was like this, follow me to select this as my profile. Now, I need to create a face perimeters. I will drag it over this but, and I would again Likud or here. So we created this shape. The next thing we're going to learn about some basic concept it out, I'm gonna be used for creating objects. So for example, then created shared here. First off and foremost, I will be selecting this and we're giving it say, then it ended measurement. We are doing currently not to scale. So we do not worry about the measurements as well. It's like more tool. And I will create a copy of this around, say, this area, sorry, like this, and create a copy around it is plot. Now I will select this both again and create a copy around this path. Now whatever we are doing is I will select the push pull and push pull it a title. This and I reject the reference from these other two pillars are other two sides and create the same. Now, I will select this older fourth columns and create a group for them because I don't need to read them anymore. Now, next thing is every creator sheet. So to create a Sikh, I will create a rectangle on the top face of this plot. Now again, I will lock the push, good Pull and give it a little bit of thickness. Now similarly, I will create a group of this box as well. Another tool we're going to use this rectangle over here again. Now this time I will select this part and create a rectangle. Now, I'll click on it again and I will push bullet around this time. Again. I will group this. Now, next thing we're gonna do is you're going to give it a little bit of smoothness to this path. To do that, what I can do here is I will select this one, double-clicking on this box, it will be editable. You can see that it is Ireland really highlighted about the rest of the objects available on my scatterplot currently fared it. So what we're doing is every creator little bit of reference over here, the type of this type tool. I'll select this point and he retired after M sub 0.05. Press Enter. Similarly heavier when you reference of 0.05 and press Enter. Now I'll be using this aktuell dopa to point arc tool and create a I'll call via text will be my first, and this will be my second. Sorry. This will be my first, and this will be my second. So once I create this app, I can delete this bottom reference line that we created. This plot, the reference line with nucleated with the type tool. Now I can extrude this like this. So we gave was smoothness to the side as well. Now it looks much better than what we'd look like. Christy. Similarly, again noted this rectangle, but before that I will measure it a little bit on this bottom side. Now, I can rotate it with the help of rotation. So rotation shortcut can be Q on your keyboard. So when you press Q, you can see that currently it is activated. Now, I was at at this point, lock it into the green axis, and that'll give it a rotational, say 30 degrees. Press Enter. Once I do that, this would be rotated into angle of 30 degree, but maybe more than what it should be practically used. So I will again creator rotation with the rocket in the green axis and drag it around so 15 degrees. This should look better now. So we created a table with Hale-Bopp, few tools that we learned in our tutorial previously. So this is the basic application and using those tools in SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
11. Scale: Welcome back. In this video tutorial, we're going to go through the scale tool in SketchUp. The scale tool, it allows us to stretch any object and squeeze any object in detection. And with regards to our practical or you can set of values also. So the scale is available in toolbox over here with the sign of this box demonstrating an arrow going out through it. When I click on Scale Tool, you can see that it will display a small box similar to this tool icon next to the cursor. Now, either you can select this object. So when I select this object is we'll display meter, the current vertex point on the different edges and faces of this object that is cube over here. Now, I will press Escape key and exit the command. I'll press space bar to exit the tool as well. Now, once you do that, you can see that the box does not have any more testing. Now, the scale tool can also be enabled from the two sets. When you go to under tools, you can see that there are various types of tools or whatever here, all the tools that we use in SketchUp are available in this two set. Now, when you go to this, you can find this that move rotate and scale. Scale is available here as a sixth option. Also, the shortcut key for each tool can be displayed over and the right side. I can click on Scale and activate the scale tool as well. Now, if I press the, sorry, if I select this cube and press S, This will also activate the skeletal on this cube. So I can stretch and your skill or faces. If I, personally, if I select any of these corner points, suppose this, this, this, and these are the four corner points on each faces. So if I drag this and scale it, it will be proportional in each direction, means the ratio will be maintained for the cube because it is stretching from two corners that are opposite as or diagonal to this step. So like this, I can stretch it into the corners with maintaining the proportional ratio. So if I scale it from the faces, you can see that the deformation of this cube has been visiting. So like this, if I do this, it will deform the shape of this cube. I will undo that. Now, next thing about this tool is that if I select this point and if I want to increase this skew, currently, let's measure the measurement of this cube. I will select the type tool and measure the height of this cube. So it is currently 6.24. Now if I want to double the, you can say double the size of this cube. I can do that with the help of Scheduled 2. So currently the height of this cube is six meter and doubling it will be roughly around 12.5 or something. So again, animal the scale tool by pressing guess, I'll select the corner point and I will provide the scale value on this right measurement tool box as to maybe pick two and press Enter. Now, we will test it with duct tape to tape to measure it. You can see that the measurement is displayed it around 12.48 debt-free, what we roughly estimated after the measuring it in the previous size. So this is how the skeletal walks. Now you can also scale with the help of snaps and other references. I will do that for the moment. Now. I will select the type tool and I will give you the measurement on this red Xs or reference on this red exits, must have a Rocket Internet access, and I will give the reference around four meters. So we have this distance of revenue as a reference or four meters from this box. Now I need to squeeze or I need to stretch this shape with reference to this point, or roughly around this point. I will select this cube, rest the scale tool, and I will select this face. And I will drag it around this and it will let me snap it with this reference line. You can see that it is currently snap to this reference length. Now once you do that, I can delete this line as well. Another thing I would like to show you is that when I click and drag again, I will take it a reference first. Say three meters from this point. Now, if I need to scale this, but I also need to maintain the whole ratio of this box. Because suppose if I'm scaling from this corner point, it is maintaining the whole ratio. But if I do not have access to this point in my complicated models for just assume that I can do that with the help of this face as well. But if I am stretching it from this phase to this reference, you can see that I'm not able to just a Eigen not skeleton with the proportional main maintaining proportional and when it is scaled or it is around this reference, you can see that the boxes highlighted in yellow means currently it says that it is scaled with the reference. So when I press Shift key, like this, if I'm doing this and I press and hold the Shift key, it is maintaining the whole ratio. You can see that there is a difference in the size. So on pressing Shift key, it will maintain the ratio. Once I press the Shift key, it will be maintaining the ratio means currently the walks ratio is turned on. You can see that whole box is sending its shape. When I turn off the Shift key, you can see that only this face is dressed. So I will press the Shift key and maintain the ratio on, repel it into all directions. So like this, it has been geared into all directions in SketchUp. Now let's understand scale tool with some practical example. So I have this bench over here. What a better understanding. Now, if I want to scale this or increase the length of this bands, I can do that with the help of scale tool. I'll select this bench, activate the scale tool. And I can also activate stretch this in the length like this. So like this, I can increase or decrease the length of this band than I do that you are able to see that all the material is also stress. We will discuss this in further portion of this SketchUp when we reach to the material, material XP application. So I can also scale it in any vertex or direction like this. Oppose like. It is easy to understand compared to the BU because it is a practical example or a practical object. So like this, you can use the scale command or scale tool in SketchUp. You can technically skeleton from anywhere, texts or any point, as you can see it here. So this was all about the scale tool, and we will wrap up this tutorial over here. Thank you for watching.
12. Back Edges, Hidden Geometry and Un/Hide objects: Welcome back guys. In this tutorial, we are going to understand another's concept of SketchUp, that is hidden geometries, hidden objects, and hiding entities. Let's, let's start with the heating geometries option was to fall. As we mentioned earlier, that each and every object, or whether it be circular CO, is formed by an single segment that is lined. When I tried to draw any column here. Suppose such as this. You can see that there are so many edges visible honors. And as we learned earlier how to control this. We can go to the entity information and we can toggle it from here segments. If I turn it to 50 and press Enter, you can see that it is much smoother now. But when a zoom-in UK will be still be able to see the edges. Now, I will deduct this as we do not require to demonstrate the hidden it is concept or explain you. I'm going to draw some object here with the help of follow me to lend calls. So first I will create a colleague. I will draw here. So it does not take any offense and rocket into red Xs and draw call here. Now you can see that there are so many visible segments on this one. I will draw another alphas copyright, that of mortal. And I will draw the 90 year. Now we're also joined it with the line. Now, I will draw a circle over here in the middle of it with telephone locking it into blue axis. And I will also draw a circle over here, locking it into a blue axis. Now, you saw that we drew two objects all year. Now let's convert this into an object with the help of follow metal or update. Click select this and convert it into an object like this. It may not be perfect, but this is just for the understanding, but for this, now, I will undo that last one. Do we let it be for the next part. So you can see that we convert this object into a 3D as option with the help of the Follow Me too. Now, I will go to the Styles. And when we go to the edit field, few options here for the moment I will turn off profile and dashes. We'll get to this options in for the coming lectures just for the moment. Pay attention on this part. Now, what we're gonna do is if you look around properly, when we go to the View option, we have this option says that he didn't geometry. When I click on he didn't geometry, it will display all the segments that have helped or that are used to form this call. So you can see that it currently it just playing all the geometries of this object, 3D object. And also, once you've done all the sudden dormitory, you can select it separately. Like suppose with the help of this option, I can select this all the parts. And I can also toggle between them with the help of this modulus. You can see that I can control them, deform them, or I can alter them as valid. Now, I can also push, pull or press pull them like this. So once the object one-stop tick is converted into any 3D model, it is going to have some geometries with typeof it in geometry option, you can turn it on the table feeding geometrics. You can turn that on. Now if I go to the view again and you can see that theta endometrium option is turned on and I will turn it off. Once you turn it off, you won't be able to adjust any hidden geometry of this shape. Read that you can only alter our work around with the basis of this object. Now, I will undo that for the momentum, and I will turn on the heat and geometries optionally, you can see that there are so many boxes of visible on this one. Now, you read will try to alter the segments in this 1 first, rather than 12 segments, I will make it say 24 and press Enter. So we doubled the number of segments that are formed by it is go. I'll turn this off and I will again create an object with terrible follow me to oil here. Now you can see the difference between this bot top tips a little bit closer. You can see that as we increase the number of segments in this code, the geometry is also increased for the shape compared to this one, the right side of the shape has more geometries. Now, pay attention here that whenever you increase the segments and number of geometries in object, it will slow down your workflow and it will, it will occupy more projects space means the file will be very large and it will be hard to deal with. So make sure that if you do not require more humor, prison and call or object, joke them as less as possible and lighter as possible. So this was about hidden geometries. Now next option we're going to learn about them is visible hidden geometry. So when I press K, you can see that they didn't. Geometries in the background off this object are visible. When I press K Again, this will annihilate into symmetries. This will help me to look back on this model. To further understand this, I will draw another object. So here I will delete this first. As we do not require now. I'm not drawing anything with the scale, so it's is just for information purposes. And I will create a group of this box. Now we've created a hollow box that is closed from one side and open from another. I will again create some objects inside this one. Now that push, pull them with that above this options as well, and create a group of them. Now, once I do that, you can see that we have turned on theta1 geometries option as well. So the cylindrical geometries are visible to us because as this box does not contain any other photometry is other than this corner edges. It won't display any geometries on them. While it is circle contains various segments that I have to form the circle. And the segments are also reflected as a form of hidden geometries around this one. Now, as soon as I press K, this will turn off to make edges of stop sharing. Now, the package is, is nothing but something that is visible from the faces. When I press K, it will down the back edges of this box and make sure you did not alter with the default shortcut for the back edges. And it should be same in your sketch up as well. If you're not, you can go to the shortcut and alter it as well. Now as soon as I turn the back edges it is displaying me all the edges that are covered with the face. Suppose if I'm viewing this box from this angle and I am not able to see what is behind this as soon as that Amanda make edges, I will be able to display this as well. So I can see that there are some trees that are hidden behind this option. And when I turn on date and geometry like this, it will display me the basic geometries of a shape. Now, I can also alter with them. Once I am done with this, I can select the Move tool and we tell, well, once I move my cursor over this, he didn't objects. I can also move them without going to the top view like this. I can also move them in various corners and also snap them to different objects like this. You can see that I'm currently working on this one. Also. I can also draw around with inside this phases. Suppose like this, I can turn this box from inside as well. Now this may not be visible currently from this basis because it is currently inside this both the face, the neck risky again, this will hide all the back edges of this box. Now, as we previously able to ungroup this first. Now if I had this face, you can see that currently we, that we drew inside this way walks was over here. So this is the major benefit of the Beckett is that you can work around with any objects that are hidden behind the geometry. So suppose you are working on a large project and there are some hidden objects that you need to see before you work further. So you can do that without hiding or opening or exploiting any other shapes. With regards to the project you are working on. The next concept we're going to learn about is hiding and animating objects. As we use. Just noticed that I hide this phase for the temporary time. I did that with the help of the heading tool available in SketchUp. So for this instance, I redid it is first, I'll create some objects here to understand this concept. Now we'll create a group of them. So I really do not have to walk around with this faces and other options. I will turn off. Okay, the hidden geometry is done off as well. Now recall period, dread and just around here. Now, you can see that all are, the oldest objects are independent of texts and they are independent group. So if I want to hide an object, the shortcut key for that is that i o customized as per my use it, but you must tell other options for that. So to hide any object, you just have to select it. Go to Edit and select, don't hide. Currently I was hurt my shortcut to be edge, so it is edge over here. So when I select this object and press edge, it will be hidden from this group or this project. Now, you may notice that it is not currently visible. But if I wanted to work around, around other objects like this, I am moving this box around the year and that object was around here. I will go to Edit again, what to unhide. And except of selecting last, I will select all this will unhide all the objects. Also, IO selected, the customized shortcut for that is Shift Edge in my workflow. So you may have different UI. You can also go to this Edit option, go to 100 and ticket around. Now, if I hide this object, hide this object. If I want to unhide the last object, I can do that with the ripoff j. As soon as I press a, it will ignite the last objects. So if I hide this object and press J, it will unhide. If I hide this two objects with the help of edge. And when I press Shift Edge, it will unhide all the objects in a project like this. So this is what the major benefit of IDs that if I want to work around this box on this side of this phase, suppose I wanted to work on this, on this space of this box without moving this other box number 2, I will undo that supposition is that I can hide this object over here, work on this face of the box and I can unhide it later. So this does not affect any of my workflow and I do not need to move most so many objects around us of walks. Now another, another concept of hiding is that if this is a group, right? So if I go double-click on this group and open it for editing, if I hide the face, top face of this object and I would select or I would click on outside of this group, means that the Arctic is currently hidden. If I press Shift Edge, this one on ICT, the face of this group, I have to double-click on this group to appoint, open it to eight again and I refresh cheap debt to adopt. It means that when you create a group and hide something inside or alter something inside that one, it won't be affected when you unhide it without editing the group, you should have a you must have to edit the group first like this, and you can then unhide objects that are hidden. Now to understand the hiding of this objects and everything properly, IO some project here that I worked previously. So I will move to that. Here we see this in depth. I will turn on the edges. So i o this project that obviously worked on. So you can see that there are fewer objects that are not as few. There are so many objects in this project. For the instance, if I wanted to walk on this window, this column must be blessed mistake displaced for this, for possess because it is currently on my way when I want to work on this window. So I don't not held to move it around and again place it to exit location. I can do is what I can do is I can click on this and I, when I click on edge, this will hide this object. Now I can easily move on, sorry, easily work on this window. Supposedly if I turn on the hidden objects. So currently we have written this column, so I will add some more objects to show you another option I would have discrete. Now all this green is from disparate parts are A1. So now when you go to the View option, you another option that is called hidden objects. If I don't know he didn't objects option. You can see that it will display me the geometries of the objects that are heated as we need in this column, you can see that photometry of this column is visible to us like this. And you can not only the seed, but you can also move it and alter with it. So this is helpful if you are currently confused at what optics you have hidden and if you are working on the part that has currently covered by some other objects. So you can see that the reals are also visible with A1 geometries of them. With the help of this Eden optics option, you can view what objects you have he didn't previously. Now another thing about this hidden objects option is that it is not available in the previous versions of SketchUp. This option was introduced in the 2021 version of the sketch up. So make sure you are working along with the latest version of the sketch up. Now to unhide all the objects, what I can do is I'll press Shift Edge. This will help me unite all the objects currently active in this project. So this was all about back edges, hidden objects, and Hayden geometries in SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
13. Solid Tools: Welcome back. In this tutorial, we're going to go through the solid tools available in SketchUp. If you do not find those or at those options in your walk toolbars, you can go to this anywhere on toolbar and click right-click on this. And animals sorted loose option when a tic disorder Close option, this will open this tool set off this order toes, I bless this sorted close over here. Now, as you can see that wheel six types of solid tumors. One is outer shell, under one is intersect a union, subtract, dream and split. We will go through them one by one. But before we go through them, we need to understand that what objects are able or what objects can be edited. Or alternatively type of the solid tools. I'm going to draw a box here. And I will create a group off this boxes. Now, I will get my group. As soon as I do that you can see that the older faces of this box are currently closed, means there are no penalties or open faces in this box. When I click on this, forced to let its outer shell, and I will click on this box. So it is saying that this is a solid group. But as soon as I explored this, this is currently not a group that is open facing awful mocks. Now if I go to the outer shell again and keep my mouth, Azaryah, this is saying that not a solid. You can see that that is all messages popped up next to the arrow. Now, to understand this, I will delete this face again, and I will create a group off this box again. Now, currently this box is a, a group, but it is worrying and face that is open, that is exposed to some hollow shape. Now when I go to the intersect or sorry, outer shell and click on this, this is a vein saying that it is not a solid means that if you want to use this audit to zoom, must have opportunities. Having a closed set on each edge that has no open boundaries are no fun edges in this box. So I'll go to this and that will close this shape with the rectangle. Now again, if I collect on this and go to this, it is saying that it is a solid group. Before we move ahead, I would like to tell you one more thing, a more disordered group. And we double-click on this unedited. Now we'll draw two lines over here. One is like this, and another one is like this. Now you can see that this two lines are currently on this face of the box. Means this is part of this group. And again, if I go to the assorted tooth, this is saying that one or more of the objects contained within the selected object is either not a solid origins clock. And outer shell operation cannot be performed on this section selection. So this means that this object, this is consider it as an open object means the cell is not a shape in this solid box. So I need to double-click on this. Now as soon as I close the shape like this, you can see that the lines don't filter bit thinner compared to the lines that we saw previously that when ticker then this, this means that this box is currently hearing the shapes that is closed off face that is closed. There are no open boundaries, no upon edges in this box. Now if I exit the editing group and I will go to the outer shell again. And if I click on this, this is again saying that this is a solid. And then we can alter with this options of this audit groups into this object. Now as you know that what objects adequate close faced and what objects can be altered with the help of the solid tools, we will move ahead in this tutorial. I will select this object for now and we'll draw other few objects. Do demonstrate the other options are distorted tool panel. I deselect this and I will create a box. Create a cylinder here. And I'll group this all again, separately. Now, I will move this part and mesh it inside this box. I will create few copies of this. Exactly. I will teach you how I created the multiple copies at funds in advance tools. Now, if you see this, data to save that are currently not an object, are not grouped into one another. So when I click on this outer shell option, and I will be asked to select the first shape, and I will select the second shape. Once you do that, you can click and even outside this top ticks. Now this, both the optics are going to be shaped into one. They are combined as a single object. If I tried to exploit this, you can see that I'm not able to walk on this both independently. If I delete this face or itis phase, you can see that the inner uptake of this cylinder is being cut down to this or trim down to this object as well. So this creates a hollow shape of this box on top texts. This was about this outer shell option. The next option here we have that is called intersect. And I click on this, then at two objects, right? So I will click on intersect, select my first object. And you can see night next to the arrow there. It's denoting to as a small number means I need to select my second optic. I will select this. And with regards to the phospho techno selected, it will only keep the part that is intersecting from what the objects means. The combination of this object or the cylinder and part of this box that was meshed into it and each other. We're only remain, the rest of the objects will be deleted. So and this will be converted into group as well. Coming to the next option that we have here is called union. The union and outer shell looks the same, but they have a slight difference. We will go through that in this tutorial further. For now, let's use the Union tool. When I click on Union, this will ask me to select my first top 10. So I will select this as my first object and select this as my second object. As soon as I do that, this boat objects will be turned into a 10 single object. So this both to objects or converted into one objects, as we saw in this outer shell option, but they both have some differences that will come other and learn about. Secondly, Let's learn about next to that just says subtract. Now you must be knowing from the name itself, what does this two layers. And I will again create a copy of this mirror around here. So let's learn about the first two of the Subtract. Now when I click on subtract and I click this as my phosphate uptake and click this as my second opposite. The foster object that you will be selected will be subtracted, including the intersection of this book titled texts. Now, if I come to a, come over here, I walked, subtract to it. This time I will be selecting this cylinder as post object and this box as my second objects. So you can see that the part that was intersecting any to each other has been deleted, including the first object. Whatever object you will select first will be deleted with including the part that intersected between both top texts. This was the about subtract 2. Now next two layer we have is dream too. So this is also working same and similar to the subtract 2. But let's see what the difference is. When I click on trim tool, I'll select this box is first object and select this as the second octet. And I will press enter. Now you can see that the trim tool does is that when I tried to subtract this or Moody's, this will delete all the inter the intersection part of this. Both top texts integrate this both as a different entities. If you do not understand this, we will try to demonstrate this again. And we say like this both. And then create a coffee. Now is becoming a UC that I can move this. And this is currently a part of this box that is currently just meshed into each other. They both are all separate entities. Then I use the trim tool. I will select this as dream. I will select this as my first object and select this as my second object and press enter and exit the trim tool. Now you can see that currently this box where meshed into each other, but the part that was being meshed into each other is currently deleted. So when I move this object away from this, the first object will remain as it is. Second object will have some cut down inside it. So the messy part will be remaining with the first object and say steam segment like this. So this was about dream. And the lastly via option here is called split. Now. Okay, I will just scale it to the side so we can understand this better. And I will put this centered around. Right. Now you can see that there are some parts that are currently mashed into each other. So when I use the split tool next, this will be my first and this will be my second. So what does the DD here is that it's separated the part that was currently meshed into each other or threat DOS currently intersected between these two objects. So if I move this object cylinder away from this, you can see that the part that intersected is still remaining goal here. I can separately move the intersection part of this both objects as well. So this will create the intersected part as a split object from this book though, objects that were combined into each other. So this was all about the Solid 2's. Now let's understand the difference between the outer shell and union. As we discussed earlier, what I'm doing is I will create some objects here. Suppose as this box. And I will trim it down around here. And it could lead a group of this. And I will draw another object right on the top of this. I will create a copy of this book, top tips around here. Now we have two groups over 1212. I've done on the hidden edges. You can see that that is empty hollow walks between these two objects. I will use the auto show to select this Poston, select this as my second, as soon as I do there to also all objects. Do it between debt where between this object are currently wiped off, means that debt is deleted, then I use the union two similarly on this two objects with that above this union tool, select this as my first instinct isn't my second object. You can see that the hollow shape that we created is still remaining between this. If I explored this both top texts and I will unhide this. So rehired this top face. You can see that it is a currently hollow box. Miss the, all the objects that were coexisting for previously between the optics have all been wiped off in the outer shell command. While in this union tool, that will be still be constant means this box is still remaining between this as a hollow shape. So this was the difference about outer shell and union in this sorted. We will wrap up this lecture over here. So this was all about the solid tools and sketch up. Make sure you practice through this before you learn further. Thank you for watching.
14. Paint Bucket Tool: Welcome back. In this tutorial, we're going to learn about other tools in SketchUp. Paint bucket tool materials to in SketchUp, many are looking any object you can wish to apply, any material. You can do this with dipole, the paint bucket tool currently then a white material or a white color we see on each object that we create in SketchUp, it is called before it. Material. That's quartered key for the material or Paint Bucket Tool is me. You can also activate the materials tab over here, and you can also click on any of these colors to activate the paint bucket tool. Now, when you click on this drop-down button, you will have various options and race categories of materials available by default in SketchUp. Then equal to ask file type below some asphalt and concrete objects are starting materials all here. And when I click on proofing, I will have some roofing materials and textures over year. Similarly, a radius type of textures and materials present in this on. Now, when ugly me, that is the shortcut key for the paint bucket tool. This will activate the paint bucket tool in my sketch up. Even now, we will go to the lesson on stone option. I'll click on any object such as this material that says get into my model. Now, I will click on this face and this will pull detect objects with the help of this paint bucket tool as in material on the surface. Now the surface hold, this box is covered with this material. I can put this same material on any phase of this object such as this and like this. So currently you are going to play this and it is not mandatory to play the same material. I can also play another material on this face like this, or whether top of tech. When you zoom in you can see that texture material MIT is means it is just any method is converted into a material for the scatter. Coming further. If you wish to go back to the default material, you can see that is a space that is half gray and half white box. It is said that the Ahmadiyya to the default. When I click on this again, this will be set to the default material of the SketchUp. So this was about the basic of this material. Now let's see another example. Here we have this box. I will triple-click on this converted into a group. Now once you convert this object into a group, as we previously applied material to each phase of this. When the optically is converted into a group, I will select some other material for this example, we recon patents, sorry not the patents will click on landscaping and fencing. I'll select this grass. Now is I will convert this box into an object sorted into a group. When I click on this, now, all the sites of this group will be colored with this material. Coming further. I heard there's another two boxes or three boxes. I look lazy some material to this face. I will apply the same material to each of these other phases. Now, if I wish to replace this material on this whole project, I will select this material for that it is light green glass. I have to click on each face to apply this material. But other than that, what I can do this and I click on this material and press the congruently by applying like this, you can see that each base that is connected to each other, having the same material will be converted into this material that isn't we ablate newly. Now, you may notice that the material on this surface is not despite of being the same. So undo that with pressing Control C. Now, after he knew, notice that this is not what you want if you need to change the material in whole project and each and every phase of the objects that are currently existing in my project. What I can do this, rather than pressing the Control key overs the Shift key while playing material. This time we will use another material for demonstration. This time I would be choosing this brick. Now, you can see that this both tomatoes on these three phases and this object are same. And once we press Control key, this will only tends to objects. For surfaces that are currently connected to each other. I will Control Z and undo that. Now, I'll press Shift key while applying, select the material for seed. Press the Shift key and press on this material. You can see that the material that was existing in my whole project has converted to this new phrase. Now, this does not end only you come back to this one. If I apply the brake material on this surfaces, what I can do is I can, when I click on this Edit option, I can edit the material of this brick. Now, I can adjust the opacity of this material texture like this. I can change the color for this breaks from this color wheel and mini click on this color wheel dropped down. I have another options to adjust the color, that is edges, SLS method, RGB method, and HSB methods. With this, you can have your specific values for the colored input and you intend likewise. Now there is another option there, and nuclear changes. When I click on this, this will be bringing back older before it materially of this one. Now coming below, I can also add just the texture. We will see this portion in the next video categories. So let it be for the moment. Now, I can also apply against the texture size like this. Again, suppose two meter here, and this will change the size of this texture. On that screen, you can see the tendons that are currently being reflected in the object. So I will let it be to default by clicking on this reset color. And our agendas to one. Now I can also adjust the opacity of this material and alter the transparency of this object in my screen. So this was all about the material and paint bucket tool in SketchUp. You may notice that we have not covered the texture part of this materials because this will be covered in the video portion of this tutorial. Thank you for watching.
15. Tags and Outliner: Welcome back. In this tutorial, we're going to discuss about some new feature of scattered, that is decks and Alena. So let's get started with the tags option. Supposedly knew if I create some groups or here. I'll create this as a little make group and create this as a group off the box. Now, on the right-hand side under the portray you will find option called outliner and txt. So first, let's learn about tax. I would expand the text from here. Now you can see that data, name of the texts and dashes are default for the same. Zoom in. Notice, when I click on this and go to the entity Info, it will display the information of this group as well. When I click on this, it will say it is a solid group 1 model. Now, the tech system, that concept of text is more delayed working on layers in AutoCad. You few out hemisphere with it. You may be noticing that. So I'll create a new tag here. Suppose click on this plus icon, create a tag off and Groups 1. And now as soon as I click on this, i can more into the little flood as a ugly condescended info. And from the tag option, I was elected as a group's fun. When I do that, I can unhide inherited this as a book to one. When I can create multiple groups, a group two. And I will create another some objects here. Toggle off them. And more regular tax option and group two. So I take this as a group to indicate this as a little one. Now I can hide and unhide this what options into existing projects. So this is most helpful when you're working on a large scale projects, supposedly as a integer projects that are so many components and features that you use an index to year based project and you can hide and group the trees with the tax option. So this would be helpful if you are looking on something. It's creating a loose Homewood lot on your software. Now, the date concept and outliner concepts are closely related to each other. Before we model that part, I will show you one more thing that whenever I create a copy of this, any object. So information of this as a group, being in a group two will be retained with her. So when I click on this and it will take the tape off this, this would be also tagged with a Group 2 as well. It does not mean that if I call period it will be retained to the untamed before it grew. So this is the default on Baghdad that is available in scattered. And again, not I unhide it or hide it because this movie I say it has a default on this scatter plot are making would edit unidentified this. But once. Now, let's move on to the outliner. Now, we ensured that we created three groups Oil monopoly on this. Each one is, we'll display the group individually. Means it is similar to tag, but it is not as deg theta, Google's main is one. And this both are in the group tool. So outliner displays to each and every group already Alina will project when a cleared some more other multiple objects for. Or here is for example, in creating more objects. Now to create for your corpus of damage bill. Now you can see that we have so many books available in our scatter. Now, each name contains the middle, right? So this may be very confusing when you're working on a project that because it will display me all the groups as a group's only while here that are not specific name attached to it. But if I click on this group one or group of this cube or a box, you can see that there is a name that is saved. That instance four-year or a can either provide a name for this one over here. What I can type it over here as well. So give it a name. Fostoria walks one. And you're going to get the name of this one, change all here. And I can name it as a cylinder to double-click on it, it into one. Sorry, I read about bleak or here, and then double-click on this and give it a name of a cylinder to. Similarly a will give it the name of box three. Box two. Box three. We can see that it is automatically arranging them as put alphabetical orders. So these are enough. I will delete this extra little swirl name. Now you're going to be a few groups reading our product. Now if a group, individual groups into one with the creative group option, and we'll just two into one group and ungroup this bought into one group. You're going to get this will display me in whether women as men and old existing groups and subgroups are available in them. To group one contains these two groups, and these two groups are individual groups in each one. So when I click on them to really split me desert as well. Like this, I can unhide in a tennis ball inside the group as well. So they can donate this box that is currently existing in this group minutes elected. This route is chlamydia blue entities and outlines for the body, but it may not display meter box that is currently existing in global because it is hidden from this outline at option. Now, coming further. If I hide this box with a high adoption, you ended up via written this as well. But I can also hide in unheated from our view. Now we learned in previous tutorials that if I go to this group and it group option, and I hide this object. And if I let her, if I exit the group editing and press Shift M, that is the shortcut coordinating all dark text. This will not unhide all the objects because it is currently inside the school able to go to this group. Rest has shifted button to unhide it. But said what they can do is come here that does outline that will help me identify the which boxes or which groups are hidden inside the subquery then groups, I don't know. How do you go to this group edited and then anhydride. I can either do it directly as we saw it earlier from over here. So this is our outline. It will help us to categorize our groups in a big projects. Be sure to see some of those examples when we are going to create our house in Florida coming lectures. So this was all about tax and our planar in SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
16. 3D Warehouse: Welcome back In sketch and we learned so far to create models, skew them materials and create a group or a component of 10. But when you are working on some projects, you're in various components from voice, windows, doors. Sure, you can say that the cars and everything. So you don't have to model each and everything in SketchUp. You can download few models from the SketchUp Warehouse. There is a facility available in SketchUp that is called 3D Warehouse. It comprises of all the components that you can think of. All the authors or users of SketchUp can also upload their own components and models in that. So the component option can be really been on this panel around your weed seeds that 3D Warehouse. Also you will not have that option. You can click on here and checkmark this warehouse option. This will display the same, this fall to set over here in this panel, you can switch them over here. And I will open the 3D warehouse from here. But I can also do it from this as well. When I click on this, it will open a new window within this catch up, you can see that all these models can be downloaded in your SketchUp model. So this is all about that. Now, I will just maximize this, so we can go through this better. Now all of these objects you are seeing, all these images. You're seeing objects that are designed by some users of SketchUp. And these all Alta, existing model. When you go in any one of this, you will see that there are various moral information available or thought or design out of debt model is available URL so you can contact them via e-mail. Now, in order to access to 3D Warehouse, you make to make sure that you are logged in with your SketchUp account. Also, you don't have to pay or anything, or you don't need any premium subscription for having an account of SketchUp. So it is free to access this ketchup with 3D Warehouse with the SketchUp account. Once you do that, you will have this window when you open the 3D warehouse. Suppose if I need some carbs to be in my model, I card over here, press Enter. It's gonna do that. I would have various models that are available on SketchUp. Now, now when you search some something on the SketchUp, you will have four options within here. That is product models, collection, and catalogs. So what is a product? A product is something that is already existing Min, suppose this cost that you are seeing on the screen are already existing in real world. This had a replicable model, often existing God that are modeled exactly same as the existing cars available on the market. When you click on this, you will find some options already, some information about this model. And this car does actually exist in a model. When I click on see more details, I can, this will expand and this will display me all the dimension for the same. I will go back. Now. There are models, option products and what does Alice same, but the products are the models that are actually existing in real world. The models are the mortars their time who was designed ended have no sir, 1080 of actual existence. So you can see that there are various models of cars. Now furthermore, the next option is collections. So if I'm a user of SketchUp, I can create my own connection of different components. Like it's like having your own SketchUp library online. I, if I'm surfing gear and if I like some car I can edit to my collection. I will create a special collection on the SketchUp. I have. For example, I would like to say that Instagram, when you're swiping through feeds, you, you can save your favorite posted at that, then it's digging a screenshot of them. Similarly, you can create your own collections. And if you've met the collection public, it will be visible and also in the search results, be helpful for others as well. On each collection you will see some number here. This displays the total number of models data currently existing in that collection. If I go to this collection, it will have a full models over here, that is 1, 2, 3, and 4. Now, collections have also heard similar connection within them. When I click on models, it does not have any models, but this collection has already existing. One collection inside of it. So this weaker collection contains 363 models. This car studio contains 71 models. And these are mediated immune state. You don't have to change any material or parameters for that when you are using that for video rendering, we will surely get to this and we're dissection. Now, we will get back. So these are all about the collection. Now, catalogs. If you are a business owner, you can upload your catalogs through this page and you can make them available to the general public. Suppose this will be helpful for you to display your models and designs or pure business. And also they are uploading them model. So we could use it in our projects and displayed to customers of how it should look like after the construction has been done. Now, getting back to the other things, when I go to Model or products USA, that fee, you have some other options over on the left side. Now, in this category section, I can minimize or maximize or each of these properties. So starting with the category, I can select any of this category if I need to go in deeper search. So when they go to all categorical and select building products, this will display me the cars that are originated or the author when uploading this models, who said them with the aligned with TMDL building products section. If I search here, say sitting on the seat. Now we design the building products. When I change the category of this from architecture, this will display me some more architectural sites that can be used for a mass. You can see that this Alto seats that are available. If I didn't the category again to say interior design, this will display with us it's that are more suitable for the integers. So like this, you can also cursory search category wise. Now it also as subcategories. In some of these options, you will find subcategories as well. So I can also switch between say, healthcare search. So this will display mental health care's type of certain banks go to commercial, this will display me some commercial seats area that are suitable for the receipt to be used. Now next thing is, I will attend this and we will write something else. You can literally search anything and this will be available in most cases. So as you can see that this is not displaying any Up result for now. So I will change the categories to all categories. Soon as I do that, I will have various options over here. On the right-hand side. You can sort them by up or down. Relevance. Popularity likes author title, date modified, and date added. So this is just basic sorting or you must be having idea about I can set it to popularity and I read soon as I click up arrow, this will display the most popular model or most, or least popular model on the SketchUp. Now, on the left-hand side we have other properties panel. I can add just the size of this object, it being displayed on this screen. When I click on this airplane water, you can see that the file size is set to two m b. Let's go and search for something. I will search castle here. So these are the displease me some caseloads their warehouse. So when I click on this one, the size of this is also two MB. So let's try to find something that has bigger size. This is also to MBS. Well, so you can see that when I'm surfing, I follow the example of the showing you our demonstration purpose. I'm searching for a larger model, but I can also be written out to where it says available for them. Also one more thing, if you notice that some of this model tactile, some location logo here, this means that they are already existing at a place and they have been modelled on the warehouse. So I will get to this portion and coming lecture about geo locating your models. Next thing is, we'll let's set some parameter for the results that are displaying on the screen. Now is set the size to be 25 to 40. And B's only will this will only display the models that are 40 and be around 20 MBA at the least. So let's say, we'll open this first one. And this, you can see that this is saying that Nevada city model, and it is around 32 MB's as well. The parameters we'll apply at OU. Now polygons. Now, as we learned earlier that each modal or each Cohen's kappa B is comprises obstinate various segments. So you're going to put in the circle. It is made up from various segments of lines. So you can have just the polygons over here. Now remember that as least two polygons you use or air as much as less you prefer the polygons, the model size and model will be easy to manage and sketch up. Otherwise, it will take a lot of soap Lord, on your computer or desktop. Now we also made one street area for that. I will just set it to reports. When I click on Add once we owe some other options or whatever you are. So next, we can turn on the light components, dynamic components, and geodata, geo-locate components. We earlier we saw that some of the models held that location mark over here that will say that it was geo-located. When I click on geo-located models, facilities gleaming older models that are existing it up less and that are aligned with that location on the map. So these are called geo-located models. Dynamic components will be covered in our next tutorials. We will not worry about that. If I am searching for a specific model edit, I know that a title or a designer octet model. I can search it through this various integration OU, and I can put the values for as per say, his name is her name or data. He created the modern and modified it as well. So this can display me all the retail beaches for that model. Now, let's see another thing about this. When I click on my profile and go to the my profile page, these are the models that I will upload it on SketchUp, right? These are my collection. I have not created any collection yet, so it doesn't play me any collection. Decide to like motors, motors data IO, like Dove, other authors. And I can also have like collection. So as I was talking about earlier, decided my liked collection as I don't create any specific collection for myself. But these heard of someone dying at libraries that I would like. So when I click on landscape, contain all the landscape models available and sketch up. So this is about my profile. Now, if you wish to upload your own models, you can click on this option. But we do not have any modal PhD now, SketchUp yet, so I will click on no, you can upload it through year. This will be displayed on your models and if you wish, you're going to make it available for public as well. Suppose this model that is put our state u, i, o, married last year and I made it public as well. You can see that there are 41000 downloads and 50 cave use of this model. This is available for all the SketchUp users across the globe. Now on the right-hand side, when whichever model you will open, you will have some moral information over here. This will display me the polygons as well as we discussed earlier. These are nothing but the segments of lines. This is the file size, date modified. How many layers this contains all tags or outline is edited, discussed in previous tutorial unit of measurement of this model and in various other things about it, bounds. Distance from origin means that the 0 axis. So we get back to the home. Now let's insert some modelling are SketchUp and let's walk around with them. So I search your car, will minimize it a bit, and I will insert a Kano model. Now. We can download. Now when you click on Download, you will have two options. Either you can load this motor directly into your sketch off, or if you click No, it will open a directory and you can save it on your computer before you import it into this model. So click on yes, as we did a clean it to vibrate in our model. And I can place it anywhere over here, surplus it around here, that sees the origin. Now discard is downloaded it from the warehouse. You can see that it's really perfectly modeled in SketchUp. I can also read this by double-clicking on this model. Once I double-click on this, you can see that I can edit each component. It is already said by the author of this model helps us his car that we downloaded from warehouse. Now, on the right-hand side, we'll this diploid tree and where we can find the component option as well. In this component option, we can see that there are various default models available in SketchUp. And we also referred car that is available in SketchUp. You just click on this once and when you drag your arrow, Hindus would workspace. It will automatically attached this model with you. So I can insert this different models. When I click on this Home icon, this will take me to the older existing model in this sketch up. Now, as we already downloaded this, you can see that the displayed in my components section. Also, if you do not wish to go to this warehouse, you can directly search through some models. Quick search on from this component section itself. So I will take three here and press Enter. And I do that. This will display me tree from the warehouse. You can see that it is displaying results one off, trail off about 29,281 results. I can click on this tree, this redownload it automatically and place it over here. Like this. I can download an indirect with different components from where I was directly without creating them. Now, when I click on this View Options, we have a different type of view option. I can click on larger thumbnails, I going to do on small thumbnails. They can also displayed at a list and I can click on desert and a disability claim them as a results will back to the home. I click on this and the IO, this option here say it as in model. When I click on components, this will display me the default available components in SketchUp. When you click on this components, this will take me to the components that we are being seen for previously. I'll click on this and right-click on my modus as I looked in with my sketch, buy a pound in this 3D Warehouse. This will display the models that I've uploaded previously. Negative on my collection that will display media collection EPO created. And I can also save my models as a favorites on this from warehouse and this will categorize the automatically through this options. I can also go to the recently opened panels over here. So this is how you interact with these various components from warehouse and you can upload and download whatever that is convenient to you if you are working on large-scale projects and you need some models directly to from the warehouse. You can easily do that. And this is going to save you a lot of time because there's ready-made models are far better than what we can create because it will take a lot of time to some thing, perfect eyesight as this car, you can see that all these details, optics models have been perfectly crafted in this model. So this was all about this lecture and component section of the SketchUp. Thank you for watching.
17. Scenes and Camera: Welcome back. In this tutorial, we are going to learn about some Edwin SketchUp camera tools and scenes in SketchUp. So basically when you open a view or drawing, you ever seen this as an editor mode. Now, if I want to create some renders or adjust the views off of my project, I can do that with the help of scene manager and camera. So scene is so ellipse scenes are available in the trained eye dropper. Click on this drop-down button, I would know this modification icons. Now, first of all, I will create some object layer. Let's just create a smaller room, which is not to scale, so it is fine. So we can have some idea about it. Okay, I created this model to give it some random windows, just bought understanding an adult. Okay. So I get a small room. Oh yeah. If I want to enter the scene, suppose this should meet. I would should be looking when I render, if I want to render it from this angle. And now if I go to edit some things or EDA rooftop Alia, That's fine because we do not help make it up to scale. Okay, I created this object. Now if I go back over here, I lost my angle that I previously said for the rendering. So to retain it for the next renders or after more editing, you can, what you can do is I will start my team and I, this should be the angle I want to render it from. So what I can do is I will go to the scene and I will click on this plus icon. When I do that, this will lead a scene or ear, and you can see that a new trail is opened on this top off toolbar that say C1. And I relayed another scene. You can see that I get not just easily. So what I will do, I will go to, go inside OU. Suppose saved from this angle, I will want another seem to be created. So it seemed to OU. Now we have two scenes are on our sketches that are currently active. If I hide this object and I create a top view from this as a spin three. You can see that that scene 3 is also created. Now I will go back to the scene one and you can see that we don't all texts that I hope check that were hidden. Currently, that is only hidden in this entry. So when I click on scene 3, the object will be heating, means that it drains the information of the currently active objects and hidden objects in an NTD project. So if I go back to the scene 1, this wouldn't take me back to that. And if I go to seem too, this will take me back to that where all the objects that we aid was only active in that third one. So like this, you're going to change your scene in your project. Now, for the sake, let, if I need to render something from this angle, I can easily add scenes or non-monetary 50 to 30 other side of the project and do some modifications. I can always get back to this exit angles that activists needed. I just need to double-click on this one. But again, click on this scene 2 as well. And we're going to right-click on this. I can update as well. So now further, suppose say that I also want to highlight this top in the scene too as well. So I will go to s2. Sorry, I will let says, Oh, sorry, go to the scene 1. And I also wanted to write this slope objects on C1 as well as behaved in scene 3. So what I will do here is click on this, and I will hide it with the shortcut key that we get it that is edge. And I will click on Try, right-click over here, and click on this update. When I do this, this will update the scene as the currently active that is in our drawing more. So when I go to Scene 3, this will be done as well. And I go to Singapore, this rooftop will be available. And when I go to Scene 1, it will be it in a bank again. So this was about the scenes. Now I can also play an animation in the scene, so it will move in sequence, that is 1, 2, 3, and 4. So I'll go to Scene 1. I will right-click on it, and I will click on Play Animation. So when I do that, this will automatically start playing the animation about its legislature to detect few seconds I'd eat seeds and more under the next scene like this. So next things we are going to lamina autism at once camera tours. If you do not have any advanced camera to is what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to Tools and you have this option here. Click it once camera tools. Now, I can go right-click on this toolbar as well and click on this Advanced Camera two, then check it. Once I do that, this ambulance come into those will certainly be available. Now it is basically, you can see that it is conceptually similar to them since here, but this time we can access the special cameras that we need. Now before we move on to that be awesome views option here, currently I'm moving this object from this angle. Now when I go to the camera and I face in a parallel projection, this will show me this from the minced up front view that we are seeing from a top view like this. Like this as well. If I go to the camera again and select the perspective you that are currently active in our drawing. This is 3 perspective view. I'm going to go to the camera and select two-point perspective you dismiss Electric has a 2 perspective. You and us being able to see here that it is written that 2 perspective you, but it can only be active on one Sinon. Do more of what we did on this will be gone. So I need to again click on here and directed 2 perspective. So you do not have to do this always because while rendering you must render it in a 2 perspective you, because that is what originally VC not existing Word. So you can always set a shortcut key in my workflow, a short set the shortcut key phloem has been a click on this button. Has this really accurate to 2 perspective? And I've included a written it off. You can then go to the, to the Windows, go to Preferences. And you're going to go to a shortcut. And you can type your perspective. And even today when I click onto what's bacteria wireless and this shortcut gain as this has this, you can do the same in your view. Now let's understand these tools in a better way from a project that I've created previously. But before you move on to that, I will show you about 2 perspective and three-point perspective. We know detailed form. So you can see that here we have. So here we'll view objects. You can see that it is currently one-point perspective. Only one viewpoint is that there are three vanishing points. Means that this box is being viewed from any such an angle that it has three vanishing points. This book, the lines meet at a single point O here, this water emitting all here, and this will be meeting over here. Similarly, this is two-point perspective. To sketch a workflow is currently active in this three-point perspective. Whenever you are working on, are you in a general growing more than you actually read the book points perspective. This is used for rendering. So this was what about 1.2-point and three-point perspective view in SketchUp. Now, let's see about this project that I wouldn't wrestling working on Donald shadows. Now I need to create new scenes for the renders. So I want then brain-dead from this angle, C at this front view angle. But you can see that these lines are not aligned to each other. Currently, this lends us littleBits land from year. And it didn't land Colombia as well because they are meeting at a three-point vanishing points. So what I would do is I record that we went to Romania, resuming number, and I will aid us in over here. So view our front view scene. You can also rename this. So I will click here and click on Rename. We'll press Enter. So we'll create our Napster and feel. Now I will go to this side. And then Gemara here. So let's understand more about this camera has no, So from this advanced to live electorate that being camera. Now, what I want you to be doing here is I will click on this camera. So similar to what we did with the front-wheel, accurate perspective view. So this is the angle I want for my camera. So I will click on this camera. We're going to name it as say sideview again. And press Okay, so we have this came about and reading. Now this is displaying the book called Lens royalty and other details about this camera. Now you can see that that is a plus icon. It shows that it is the center point of our camera. Right-click on this. Again, you update seen thumbnail as well. So when I click on this, this will activate this as a scene. Now, if I move my mouse from around here, you can see that three out of that camera view, when I double-click on this distillery, take us back to that camera view. Now you might be wondering what is different between seen and cameras. So you're going to get, when I click on this button, this is lock and unlock and does his show and hide older cameras? When I click on this show and hide all cameras like this, and I double-click on it. This will take me back to the previously activated camera. So when I go over here, accurate my new gamma d2, say to camera, and we click on this and as a camera to go to this camera one button. And this will be making a miracle. So co-creating cameras, what we can do is I would click on this button and now we can move and switch between two cameras. I will click on this and click Okay, this will take me 10. Now I will lock this camera. This Gemini is locked. I cannot change any details about it. And when you zoom out Dr. locking them, you can see that both the cameras are being visible. When you see that this one is displaying red and this one is displaying blue, means that I locked the skim, it arbitrarily pop this lock button when I click on this option will be highlighting that saying that it is locked. And I click on this this morning, I lock it as well. Like this. You can lock and unlock the cameras. Now, flutter along. I can show an unidentified to skip it as in this drawing as well. If the accurate the shadows that leucine coming lectures, you can see that these cameras will contain some shadows. So if I hate them, they want and if you lose them, they will be having some shared with us. I didn't want the shadow. Well, thanks thing about camera is via water to whose only one is showing that flux timelines. And second one will be showing us the plus lens. So I redid it one camera. Say, I would just bid or discipline to reject it. You just do a corner and press the Delete button. Now I will select this, will unlock it first. Now we know the timelines. You can see that these out of us come lines of this gambit I'm instances danger from delete. This camera is moving along. I will click on this flood plains and this would also display as the placenta implants or area that has been colored by the camera view. So this is about camera to the next thing is did it, the camera will clear the aspect ratio of the bars. When I click on this, this would display me the aspect ratio. Bad debt will be removed. So let's get onto that first. We double-click on this and go to this camera view. Now we'll few other options on this cameras. Okay. So we'll fewer that options in this demo. I'm going to press Control key and press right or left. I can adjust the angle of this. Game it out like this. If I press night and left, holding down Control key down, I can add just this. And I press plus then walk up and down arrow. It will adjust the focal lentil focus of this camera. And if I put the Shift key, I can move this camera up and down. Part auto. Like this. You can have just a game does with these as well, that is Control and Shift key and using the arrow keys. Next thing about this game that loses that when I'm active in a camera like this, whenever active in this camera is currently. So if I go to this dues, what do the airlines camera tools? And when I click on this select Camera type, I can adjust the Gemara types as well as the data available in the market, if you will. Once knowledge about photography, you can just joking with others by your requirements. So I can go to di