Sketch Anything in 10 Minutes (or less) | Margarita Bourkova | Skillshare

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Sketch Anything in 10 Minutes (or less)

teacher avatar Margarita Bourkova, artist | dreamer | infp

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Shapes & Proportions


    • 3.

      Portrait Sketch


    • 4.

      Landscape Sketch


    • 5.

      Still Life Sketch


    • 6.

      Class Project & Final Words


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About This Class

Welcome to my class! I hope you're ready to sketch :) 

Sketching is a big part of my life as an artist. It's the one thing i would recommend to anyone willing to improve their drawing skills : practice sketching various subjects, as often as you can! You can create sketches in preparation for complex and detailed artworks, or simply to have fun. Whether you create digital or traditional drawings, if you want to improve your skills this class is for you!

Level : Beginner

Supplies : your usual sketching materials, digital or traditional

What you'll learn : 

  • my trick to easily draw better proportions
  • how to create sketches in around 10 minutes
  • my personal sketching process, with live drawing examples for a portrait, an animal, a landscape and a still life object

Remember : sketching isn't about creating a "perfect" drawing!! In fact, the less time you spend on each sketch, the better! It's about training your eyes to see the proportions, and training your hand to recreate them :) 

Happy Sketching! 

Music :

Wings by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators

Meet Your Teacher

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Margarita Bourkova

artist | dreamer | infp


I'm margaw, a freelance artist based in rainy Belgium. I'm self-taught, and i really believe anyone can draw if they really want to! I created this channel to share my drawing techniques, my personal tips and tricks, and to support others on their creative journey. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there's a particular technique you'd like me to teach -- i'm always interested in your feedback!

Ballpoint pens are one of my all time favorite art supplies, i really enjoy using them for almost anything : rough sketches, stylized drawings or even photorealistic illustrations. They are easy to find, cheap and, once you've got the hang of it, really fun to use. Sadly, most people aren't familiar with them... that's why i teach several... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: Hello and welcome to my class about creating sketches in 10 minutes or less. Are you spending hours on your sketches? But never feel satisfied? Do you have trouble getting the proportions right? I'm show you how I sketched a face on animal a landscape and still life object, and it only took me 10 minutes or less for which one of them. After you watch this class, you'll be able to sketch with confidence and without wasting precious time, so let's begin. 2. Shapes & Proportions: hi, everyone, and welcome to my class about creating sketches in 10 minutes or less. What exactly is a sketch? A simple, quickly made drawing that does not have many details. You can create sketches in preparation for your drawings and paintings, or you can create sketches just for fun. Important thing is that you don't overdo it, so don't waste too much time on your sketches. A sketch doesn't need to be perfect. It doesn't need to be too detailed. But if you want to capture the subjects likeness, you need to know how to get the proportions right. And now I'll show you how I do this for my sketches. It's easier for me to show you how I do it in Adobe Photo Shop, because I can put my sketch on the reference picture side by side. But of course, you can use this technique were sketches and paper as well. At first, I'll be sketching on top of the reference pictures to show you my process. But after your practice for some time, you'll be able to sketch directly on the blank canvas. What I've learned is that it's easier for the eyes and the brain to see simple shapes, geometrical shapes. Even so, instead of trying to sketch a very complex subject this dog, for example, I'll break it down into smaller and simpler shape. This now becomes a rectangle in something that looks like an inverted heart. The top of the head is a semi circle, etcetera. Now that I've broken down the dog into a bunch of geometrical shapes, I'll just draw these, which is way easier. This is the most important stage of the sketching process, because I'm trying to draw the right proportions. But what are the proportions? Harmonious relation off parts to each other or to the whole? Capturing the likeness of the subject you're drawing simply means drawing the right proportions. It's a skill, and, just like with any other skill, practice makes perfect. The more you use this technique and break down your subject into simple shapes, the easier the sketching process will get. - Now that I have an idea off the right proportions for this dog, I'll finally start drawing my sketch. I used the geometrical shapes as a grid reference, for example, remember the rectangle I drew around us. Now I see that the nose goes beyond the outline of direct angle, then with the left and the right side of the mouth. So in my sketch I would try to draw the nose and the mouth at the same place compared to direct angle again. The more your duties, the easier it gets to see the proportions in the face or between different objects. In a still life, for example, I do the same for the eyes, the ears and the rest of the dog's body, without paying too much attention to the details. After all, this is just a sketch. - After I'm done, I get rid of the geometrical shapes. That way I can have a good look at the drawing and at some final strokes. I also see that this now is a little out of proportion. So I was scale it just a little bit, and I'm done 3. Portrait Sketch: and now I'll show you that the same can be done with a portrait. Something important that you need to remember is that there are no rules. I see a bunch of triangles in this person's face, but you might be thing circles or squares, and that's okay. The shapes themselves are not really important. Important thing is that the shapes are simple enough so we can sketch them while keeping the same proportions as in the reference you're using. At first, I recommend you use for the references. That way you can draw the shapes on top of the photo if you need to. But with time you'll be able to see the shapes immediately and to directly draw them in the sketchbook. That way, you can draw outdoors if you want. All the further references I used for this class are available in the cloud description, and I encourage you to use them to practice this technique. If you're a digital artist, you can practice exactly as I showed you, and if your traditional artists you can print the references and draw the shapes on them before copying the shapes in a sketchbook, I found this further references on a website called back cells dot com, where you can find many stuck photos to practice your sketching skills. As I said before, this is Justin exercise to help you see the shapes in the human face in the landscape or still life. After a while, you'll be able to skip the first steps and to draw the geometrical shapes directly on the drawing. 4. Landscape Sketch: for the next two examples. I'll skip the first part because I already explained it at length for the animal and the face sketches. I simply draw the shapes. I see a few trying goes for the mountains on an oval shape for the lake. As you can see, my shapes are rather lose and quickly sketched. I don't care too much about the accuracy simply because it's the landscape. So I don't have to be as precise as I was for the human face. For example, I didn't start sketching the landscape itself, and the shapes help me give the right proportions. 5. Still Life Sketch: and finally I'll show you how I sketched this pair of glasses again. I started by drawing simple shapes, something like a deformed rectangle and two lines, which are the shapes I see in the reference picture. And then I simply add the details as I see them compared to the geometrical shapes. 6. Class Project & Final Words: I've showed you how to sketch any type of subject. And now the fun part begins. You can start sketching faces, animals or landscapes using life or for the references. Just remember, don't spend too much time on each sketch around 10 minutes is more than enough. A sketch doesn't need to be too detailed. Use simple shapes. Simplified a subject as much as possible. This technique works for any art medium and this subject or any art style, whether your traditional or a digital artist, your drawing skills will improve tremendously if you practice sketching on a regular basis . And, of course, have fun is the four for the references I showed you in this class? All look for stock photos online and practice catching different types of subjects. I'd love to see your sketches, so don't hesitate to post them in the class project section. Ask for feedback or liver common if you have any questions. Happy sketching