1. Intro: Hey everyone, my name
is Adam is Shanna, a singer-songwriter
and vocal coach. And welcome to today's warm-up. So why should you be
watching this warm-up? Well, I'm a vocal coach
that started off with very, very little natural talent. I now have a YouTube
channel with over 450 thousand subscribers. And I got there by showing
my transformation of how I started from 0 talent to be
able to sing really well. And that process took a
lot of work and a lot of time where I had to
learn all of the nuances. And so I've been
through every step, no matter if you're a beginner and advanced,
intermediate singer, I've been exactly where you
are and I'm able to show you exactly what you
need to do to be able to take it to
that next level. So that's what I
think distinct make, makes me distinct from
other vocal coaches and distinguishes me from everyone else in that I really
worked through. And blood, sweat
and tears went into those times to be able to really improve my
voice from nothing. Now, this vocal
warm-up is essential in that I want you to make sure that you're doing
the project with us. So really set this up
because I want you to carve out the time to
really see the improvement. So what I wanted to do
right now is set up your smartphone over
here on the side as you are doing
these exercises. And I want you to record
yourself and record the process. What that's gonna do is it's going to allow you to things. You're gonna be able to view it again and see if
there are any mistakes. It will also allow
you to view progress over time as well. You're gonna be able to share
it with everybody else. So you're going to have to
upload this when you're done running through
these warm ups, I want you to upload this to
the project section that's going to share with
other people exactly your process of running
through the exercises. And you'll be able to get
feedback from other members. And there'll be able to get
their own idea of what to be doing and how to improve
through these exercises. Specifically made all of these exercises to be really
super fun and engaging. I didn't want any of
this to be boring and wrote all of it is us working together
through this process. So it's gonna be a lot of fun. If you're interested, please
check out my website, www dot am vocal to get
personal access with me. I have lots of live
sessions that I do. You could do private, you
can do group lessons by my courses that's all
over available there. Ww dot am vocal
Check that out. And we've got blog articles
over there That's all about singing, everything
singing related. So if you're interested, please check that out and if you want to jump straight in, let's get started with
today's exercises. Make sure that that
cameras rolling. Because here we go, we're going to be
running through the exercises right now.
2. Intro to Vowel Modifications: Alright, so today what we're
gonna be doing is going through some more intermediate
slash advanced stuff. So for those of you
that aren't falling in this category of
intermediate or advanced, feel free to jump over to any one of the other
Skillshare classes that I have where you'll get more of a basic understanding of
how to warm up your voice, how to improve your voice, and how to start getting
through your bridge. This is going to
be for people that are able to quietly go
through their bridge. So people that are able to go with no discernible
break, right? So if you're able to go if you're able to do that
with no discernible break, you're in the right place. So this is definitely more of an intermediate or
advanced warm-up. So we're going to be working
through all the vowels. We're gonna be going
through woo, O and E. I believe I got all of those. Forgive me if I didn't. But but yeah, we're
gonna be going through those vowels and we're going to be breaking them
down one by one. And exactly what the
modification is. Just right before we jump in. And I'm going to try to do as
little talking as possible once we actually get to
the exercises themselves. But I'm just going to try to explain the idea
of modifications. Modifications is really
just about changing what needs to be changed in order to keep the sound as
pure as possible. So a lot of people, as they try to keep
the vowel the same, what ends up happening is it
starts to go wide with it. So if we go, a lot of
people will start at the bottom and start to
widen as they go to the top, then it's definitely
not desirable. So what we're gonna
be doing here is we're going to
be trying to keep that much more stable as we
run through these scales. And the way that
we're gonna be doing that is by modifying the vowel.
3. AH Vowel: Alright, So Val
modification number one is almost always going
to be the vowel. It's the most standard
vowel that we use. And all is going to modify
towards the UH sound. So as we move towards
that bridge range, we're going to need to
modify towards that sound. So for men, the
modification is gonna be at E4 to F-sharp for
and for females, it's going to be around the A4 to about the
B-Flat for two, sorry, the C-Sharp,
the B-sharp four. So it's gonna be writing
that to the before. Mixing. C-sharp. G-sharp is C. So we're gonna be from the A4 to the before is for females. So we're going to
start with the males will move through the
females range as well. So let's start down here. Oh, over here, we're not going to have
much of a change happening. We're going to keep
things pretty stable. I'm going to actually
do a little bit of a longer scale for us today. And with this scale, what I wanted to do is
try to keep your mouth. Number one open, and number two, it needs to be static so we don't want to change
too much in the mouth. All the modification I
want you to think about making is going to happen
in the back of the throat. So between the soft
palate and the tongue. So let's do this. Oh, and you can hear how it's
slightly different. Oh, from the bottom to the top, there's a slight change
and it's very subtle. Let me do it a little bit
more exaggerated for you. Oh, I really
exaggerated it there, but you can hear I was
going for o on the top. Here. We want to
try to keep it a lot more natural sounding, but we just make that adjustment
enough for it to make sense. So it's very minor. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, just a
reminder to everybody. Don't forget about your support. So females were running
through your bridge right now? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Making sure your abs
are pressing inward. So if you haven't seen one of my other seeing warm up videos, this is supposing you
already have support. So gotta really tap into
that support as we do this. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. So that's the vowel.
4. OH Vowel: The next we're going to
cover is the o vowel. The o vowel modifies
towards the off. And so that's what
we're gonna do here. We're going to try to keep
the jaw relatively low. But this we're going to have a little bit more movement
of the ambitious. So the armature is the
opening of the mouth. We're going to have a
little bit more movement. Let's run through it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. So you notice they're opening up a little bit more
towards an on the top. Ever so slightly. Oh, oh, oh, oh, you ever females are
moving through your bridge here and back down. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. And that's the oval.
5. OO Vowel: Alright, so the next vowel we're going to cover as the Sioux and the vowel is going to modify towards the
O. So let's do that. Let's do that one again. Sorry, I messed up the piano. I'm saying a little
bit narrower. So I'm going to try to
open up a little bit more. Mixed the resonance
come out easier. Here's where we're going to move the jaw to make more space. And females were moving
through your bridge here. So I need a little bit
more modification there. Stays a little more stable. Now we're back down
below the male bridge.
6. EE Vowel: The next vowel we got to
cover is the e vowel. When we're working with the E, we're going to be
moving more towards an issue as we move
up to the top. And we're also going to round out the mouth a
little bit more from an e sound to an a
sound. So let's go. We're almost through
the female bridge here. Hey, there. Because it didn't modify
enough. It went ahead. No, again. So one more time. Yeah. So what you'll notice is
some points if you don't get enough in the sound,
it will start to flip. So the way to modify that
and the way to improve that is to add
more to the sound.
7. EH Vowel: Now the vowel is
going to modify, again, similar to the, sorry, similar to the, all, is going to modify
towards an, UH, So we're gonna be moving from
an F to an a on the top. And it's gonna be, again
moderate. So let's go. Just enough modification
to make it work. Females were coming through
the top of your bridge. Got a little fuzzy on the top. Let's try it again.
Held more clarity. There we go. And now we're back
down to the bottom. So that's how the vowel
modification is gonna go. If at any point you find
that it's wine to break, try to add a little more to it.
8. Outro: Thank you so much for joining me in today's warm-up video. I hope you enjoyed it. Does your voice feel
a little bit easier, a little bit smoother, a little bit relaxed. That's my goal, and test it out. Try a song that normally might be a little bit more
difficult to see if things don't get just a little bit easier as
you're seeing through it. If you want to get any
face-to-face time with me, I'm happy to do it. Check out my website, www dot am vocal There you can get
private lessons with me. You can get group
lessons with me. You can get courses
that I sell over there. I've got blog articles, I've got lots of resources. Go ahead, check it out. Www dot am vocal If you want to get for free. All my other warm-ups
on Skillshare, please check out my profile. I've got tons of
warm ups on here. So go check those
out and be able to get benefit from those
for absolutely free. And if you can't
find my profile, just searched, singing in the
search bar and scroll down. You'll eventually find my warm-up videos.
They're definitely there. So thank you so much for joining me and I'll see
you in the next one.