20 Min Complete Vocal Warm-up: Follow Along | Singing Coach Adam Mishan | Skillshare

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20 Min Complete Vocal Warm-up: Follow Along

teacher avatar Singing Coach Adam Mishan, ANYONE can learn to sing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Falsetto Exercise


    • 3.

      Self Massage


    • 4.

      Song Application


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Warm Down


    • 7.



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  • Intermediate level
  • Advanced level
  • All levels

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About This Class


In this practical singing course you will learn how to find your own unique singing style whilst maintaining a healthy voice. We will look at

  • Head voice

  • Chest Voice
  • Range 

  • Voice qualities (the vocal techniques needed for singing particular styles of music)

  • The break in the passagio

  • Avoiding constriction

  • Projection

  • Mixed Voice

The course is very practical with follow along exercises all the way through. It is designed to be a complete warmup in one day, but you can keep going back to the exercises which are most useful to you. You can also ask questions and send mp3s for individual feedback on your singing.

The exercises will help you avoid common singing problems like constriction (a feeling of tightness and not being able to get medium high notes out), bridging the break in the passagio (when the higher part of your voice sounds different to the lower part), running out of breath or lack of stamina. I have worked with multiplatinum musicians right the way through to young children. There are no barriers to finding your voice. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Singing Coach Adam Mishan

ANYONE can learn to sing

Level: All Levels

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1. Intro: Hey everyone, I'm Michelle here, singer-songwriter and vocal coach. And today I'm gonna be doing a vocal warm-up. Welcome everyone. So why should you be listening to me? There's tons of voices out there. Why should you be listening to this vocal coach? Well, I have 450 thousand subscribers on YouTube. And I got there by showing people how I went from 0 talent, sounding really bad to being able to sing very well. And I did that through years. In the middle where I learned all of the techniques there are out there and I picked and chose what worked really well. So I can relate to every beginner singer, intermediate singer and advanced singer because I really worked through all of those stages and all of those steps. So I can show you exactly what you need to do to be able to start improving and making that difference for your voice. I've also had selected the exercises that work. So we're not just gonna be doing random stuff that's not going to actually make any improvements. Everything that we're doing here is well thought out and tailored to be able to make the improvements that are promised in the title of this warm-up. Also, they're meant to be fun. They're meant to be engaging. So that's why I didn't just throw on some piano scales on, up on Skillshare and just let it run. I wanted to actually run through it with you. So this is all follow along where you really get to enjoy and have fun through the process. A big part of this is that I really want you to record the process as well. This is going to be, this course is project. So what am I to do is set up your smartphone right here in the corner. And I wanted to hit the record button before you start even the first exercise, I want you to do two things while you're doing this. Number one, it's going to show you if you're making any mistakes so you can review it after and you can see if there's any mistakes as you're going through it. You compare it to what I'm doing versus what you're doing. Is there any mistake going on? But then also what is going to give you is the ability to track progress over time, which is absolutely essential to really see big improvements. Now, also we're going to have to, after you're done recording that, I wanted to upload it to the project section here that's going to share with the community. You're gonna get feedback from other members of the community and they're gonna be able to see exactly how you're doing it so that they can also make adjustments and improvements to their way of doing the vocal exercises. If you're interested of getting face-time with me, please check out my website, www dot m vocal studios.com. Over there. You can book private lessons with me. You can book group lessons with me. You can book courses with me. And all that stuff is available there. We've got blog articles, lots of details, lots of resources with regards to singing. But without further ado, let's jump straight in to today's vocal warm-up. 2. Falsetto Exercise: Okay, so now we'll move into our falsetto exercise. Really want a personal lips forward as we do this. I'll see how high can bring this in each day. Kinda mark and track. What's the high note that I'm hitting? Someone's getting a little bit tighter, so I'll try it again. Right there. It's getting stuck. Anymore airflow. There we go. Keep that air flowing. 3. Self Massage: Another thing that I'll do is I will find any tension spots in my jaw just by running my thumbs down the sides of my jaw with medium pressure, pressing in for any tight spots like right there. And it'll hurt when you hit a spot. Let's go a lot of tension. This muscle, they're strongest muscle in the body pound for pound. And it can be it can wreak havoc on the voice. So if not taking care of and not relaxed, you can make it very hard to sing. Try to find those tensions spots where you find the attention spot. Try to hold it for 15 seconds. 9101112131415. Jaw definitely feels looser. Now the thing that can really help the personal massage or so this is one I personally use. It's called Magic fly. It has two different settings on it. Low and high. Low, I'll generally use for the muscles of the front of the neck. So what I'll do is like this, almost like I'm shaving. I'll just run it down the front of my neck, just going around my larynx so we don't want to go over the top of the larynx, we just want to go over the sides. So that's where a lot of the muscles sit. You can even go down into the collarbone. Just get that vibration to loosen up the muscles once and down the collarbone. I'll jump it up to the next setting. So high setting. That helps to loosen up the muscle even more. Then I'll go back to the low setting. Just hum. So now that I've shown you, just bring my chin back to normal and then I'll just go on either side of the larynx. Now. Now I'll use it sometimes in the front of my face just to bring my resonance for it. Use it up here on the sinuses as well. Now I'll turn it up to the high setting and I'll get in here on the back muscle, the back of the neck muscles. And I'll just home as well. These are called the suboccipital muscles. Now, they can often get tight, especially if we're sitting forward head posture a lot. So we'll just have it running down those suboccipital muscles. Now some of you might find this to be a little bit too much. And that's okay. You can stop right there. It's starting to make me a little bit dizzy. So stop. We could just do a little bit more in the front of the neck to just again, going slowly down the sides of the neck. You can just press in under the chin as well. For this one, you can go on the higher setting. Okay? That's another thing you can do. 4. Song Application: Then what I would do is start to incorporate some songs into what I'm doing. So I would do songs like, it's bad without you, my friend, about it. When I see you, again, just try to use as much airflow as possible. If camera, phone where we began. So there it's starting to get a little stifled. So I'll try to do it again through this draw. Try it again. Alright, So then I'll try to do it. Hello. I'm getting a little bit more released there, but it's still not where I would want it to be. It's still not exactly the most release, the most free is where I want it to be. So then I would try something that's a little bit lower down, like blood in loves them but is very bad if falls in love Zoom. But something in your kit is just told me. My sum is now very buddy. Find some buddies, some Lei is, there's no telling where love me. But something in my heart keeps say, Hey, my eyes. Play is, is he here? I added my pow would arrange for every girl to avid Shaw. Then every minute, every hour, heavy boy would find what I found. Very buddy, find some bodies. There's no telling where love may appear. But something you might keep. Say. My simply is, is he here? If I added my pow, how would it change for every girl do average, heavy, heavy boy would find what I've found. They knew everybody loves buddies. And although my dream was overdue, well, he married the way de que. Alright, so that lower song is working, higher songs now working as much. So what I would do is try to warm myself up into those louder, higher parts of my range. 5. MUM: Alright, so now we're back. Let's try a mum here. Let's go. My mom, my mom, mom, mom, mom, my mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, my mom, my mom, mom, mom, mom, my mom, my mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, my mom, mom, mom, mom, my mom. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Mm, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm, mm, mm mm, mm mm mm mm, mm, mm, mm, mm mm, mm, mm, mm mm. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, my mom, mom, mom, mom. Now we're up to the high C. So the key here is what I'm doing is I'm keeping my larynx low, so I'm not going my mom, my mom. We don't want that. That's the larynx rising more, Mom, mom. We don't want that. We want to keep the learning slow, keep the vowel pure. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Sorry for hitting the microphone. Again. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Keep that pure vowel through. You'll be able to take it through your entire range. If you start to change it in any way. Mama, mom? No good. Mm, mm, mm, not good either. Try to keep it the same. Whatever you started with, mm, mm should be where you end with the same sound bottom to top. So now my voice sounding pretty good, pretty balanced. And I would take it to some more songs. Now. I'm just trying to think. Alright, So just trying to find some non copyrighted songs. So we could do O, say, can you see that u is off pitch? Try it again. Oh, say, can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly, we hailed at the twilight last gleaming, whose broad stripes and bright stars through the peer. Find, oh, the pods we watched were so gallantly streaming. And the bombs bursting. You gave proof through the night that flag was still there. Oh, say does that It's dogs bang gold. No way. Hey. Oh, no, no, oh, oh, alright. So still my voice is feeling not quite a 100%. It could be the day that it's off a little bit and it just doesn't want to cooperate. Some days you'll get that. But overall, it's feeling much better than when I started. Also something that could help. And obviously I'm not going to do this live, but doing just a quick steam. So about ten minutes of steaming your vocal cords can help to loosen them up, get them vibrating a little bit more efficiently, which they're not doing right now. 6. Warm Down: Now what I'm gonna do is take you through a warm down. So this is something that I would do to just kinda get my vocal cords back to homeostasis. Now they've done an intense warm-up, really gotten them vibrating to their maximum. I want to get them relaxing to the maximum. So what I would do is through a straw just starting from the top of my range and sliding down. We want to try to think, not so much pressure and not so much force, just kinda letting it be. If it wants to crack, wants a break, let it do that. Again. This is not where we want it to sound pretty where we want it to sound perfect. This is part of our warm-up or warm down. This doesn't have to sound gorgeous. And just kinda hanging out on your chest voice range can help to warm down that area. Then I would also do some on slides like this where you try to get as accurate of a yawn as possible. Just really read it, let it relax. Very good. Even though we're yawning, try not to get your tongue to retract. So the yawn naturally gets the tongue to retract. You want to try to keep it forward. You can kick-start some real yawns that's going to help to loosen up the jaw, loosen up the, all the muscles around the larynx. That is just a little bit of phlegm. So that kinda takes you through all of my favorite exercises. At the moment. I mean, there's tons and tons of exercises out there. But at the moment, this is what I would do to warm up, get my voice up to speed. And then what I would do to warm down, that warm-down has been pretty consistent, so that doesn't change that much. But the warm-up, again, I adjust based on where the circumstances of my voice are that day. But for today, that's kind of what is helping. 7. Outro: Thank you so much for joining me in today's vocal warm-up. How does your voice feel? Does it feel just a little bit looser, a little bit easier, the muscles less tense. Test it out. Go sing a song that normally would be challenging for you. And see if it comes out a little bit smoother. You're able to hit those high notes with a little bit more ease. I guarantee there's going to be some improvement. This has to be done daily. So please keep up with it as you're working through it and you'll see that progress will happen over time if you stay committed to the process. And as always, if you want to get a little bit of face-to-face time with me. I'm happy to do it. Check it out at my website, www dot am vocal studios.com. Over there you can book private lessons with me, group lessons with me. You can get my courses, all the resources that I have over there are available to you. And if you want to get for free, all the rest of my warm-ups on Skillshare, please check out my profile here on Skillshare, I've got a list of tons of different warm-ups that you can go through. And if you can't find it over there, then go to the search bar, type in singing, and you'll find my warm-ups in the search bar. Just got to scroll down. They're all there. So thank you so much for joining me and I'll see you in the next one.